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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So I'm supposed to believe that /pol/ supports for president a: half jamaican nigger/half pajeet, socialist, feminist, childless woman who is married to a jew?
And I'm also supposed to believe that:
>Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice
when the catalog is flooded with ActBlue spam?
Is this the low quality gaslighting that the mods are willing to throw away their last bit of credibility over?
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Awwwww does it make you mad that I'm voting for Kamala?
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If Kamala wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary.
Get fucked loser, 2024 Trump and couch fucking JD Vance suck dick. Kamala is in.
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This is MAGA country
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/pol/ holla 4 kamala
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Welcome to /pol/ tourists. You will become one of us, everyone does.
You are here for life!
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how dint you know /pol/ is the most hilarious
place on the internet cuh?
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>kamala is a threat to powerful interests
shills beyond desperate
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Go back to your containment thread.
Your fear is showing
Lol dude, nobody in the world is voting for kamala because they believe she is a threat to powerful interests. Give it a rest buddy.
>Is this the low quality gaslighting that the mods are willing to throw away their last bit of credibility over?
Mods have credibility?
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I believe I speak for all of /pol/ when I say that we will vote for no candidate that does not sign off all speeches by saying "fuck niggers, fuck kikes, and fuck jannies".
And Zion Don with kike lover Vance is much better? Atleast with the pajeet nigger you won't get war with Iran. Same cannot be said for Trump
side note: a funny parody ad that Facebook (among others) won't let you post:

>Atleast with the pajeet nigger you won't get war with Iran. Same cannot be said for Trump
t. stuck in 2004 and still believes the democrats are genuinely anti war
This. When have the tranny jannies and mods ever had credibility?
And you think Trump is? He's openly calling for war in the ME with Iran, hezbollah and yemen on behalf of israel. Please stfu you are clearly retarded
They will rig the election for her.
they gave Asian moot $$$ to allow the Share Blue/ Act Blue spam. They have killed this board, that has been the jew's main objective for 20 years now. It's over. A new chan needs to take it's place.
Fuck Kikes
Fuck Gook Moot for taking the $$
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>Bravo Six, going dark
Still voting Trump
Hapa needs to be put down
Kamala is the anti- Silicon Valley/Peter Thiel option. If you're red pilled, you're gonna vote blue this time. As a bonus, you'll never have to read a take by Curtis Yarvin and his monkeys again.
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Don't forget she is also a giant slut whomst sucked her way to the top.
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/leftypol/ isn't /pol/ you actblue shills.
Leftyfags always shill this board when they're scared.
She's the best choice, absolutely.
You aren't even a real person
im real and voting big K. You Trump boys better get your shit together and start convincing people you know to vote for him or else Special K is going to win with only running for 2 months.

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