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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The root of all evil.
That's just a piece of paper. Who owns the banks?
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Indeed. Hitler was right.
Socialism and communism are fucking stupid
human nature is the root of all evil. we're greedy, selfish pigs that want to acquire all of the resources we can. that's what money is, the key to more resources. we're just like ants.
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Found the jew
No it isn't.
This is also false. 90% of the banking cartels back then, were not kikes.
is a quotation out of context, the "love of money" is the root of all evil, therefore jews are evil.
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>human nature is the root of all evil. we're greedy, selfish pigs that want to acquire all of the resources we can.
how do we curb human nature
EXACTLY THIS!!! I was holding back haha FPBP
It’s a tool. The tool itself is not evil, however obsessing about the tool, worshiping the tool, bending your life to the tool, that is evil.
so then evil is negative?
whoever came up with that idea is a fucking retard
>It’s a tool. The tool itself is not evil
100% accurate!
>obsessing about the tool, worshiping the tool, bending your life to the tool, that is evil.
Uh wait. You were doing so well. Wtf happened?
No it is just a piece of paper with a jewish created fictional character on it. The obsession and absolute love of it is the root of all women....Uh? I mean evil.
The root of my cock slamming against your mothers buttocks.
But that's not a pussy
Not this one
the tool is useless if not for evil purposes
George Washington, the destroyer of monarchy?
Nah. Entitlement is the root of all evil
Consider any other tool, if your obsession with that tool makes your life worse, if it makes your family’s like worse, that is evil. The point of a tool is to make life better. The evil then is not in the tool, but in the obsession with the tool to the point of destruction.
Hardly. If you have a chicken and I have a couple of tomatoes it’s a nice way to represent the value difference between a chicken and a couple of tomatoes.
Especially handy if you don’t have (or I don’t want) a chicken today and you would like the tomatoes that I do have today.
>if your obsession with that tool makes your life worse
Money makes your life better. Clearly your bullshit doesn't apply. Therefore, not evil.
>The point of a tool is to make life better.
Yes and money can make your life better and create possible problems for you due to others wanting to take your money from you.
>The evil then is not in the tool, but in the obsession
No, evil lies within human nature and the system in which money is the dynamism. Even the person who is after my money due to obsession will not experience this "destruction" you're erroneously referring to and making up.
Money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE OF money is the root of all evil.
>The LOVE OF money is the root of all evil.
This, too, is false.
I live on AutismBux so I have rid myself of worldly attachment and this evil. Money is imaginary and made up by the Fed. I have a CS degree because it was academically interesting and watching the losers on the CS career reddits scramble for shekels thrown on the ground by Shlomo, their boss, is hilarious.
Physical gold and silver are the only true money.
washington was jewish?
i work for this shit nigga
thats not a female
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>You are now aware that Lydian jews were the first people to create coinage
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>Blood drained from a nation is just a tool, it's not evil. If you use the blood that rothschild bankers drained from the goyim to buy a chicken, then it was worth it.
So tiresome.
How so? The world is fucked beyond measure because some people loved money more than anything else, more than your health, more than nature, more than your children. It's why we have poisoned food to keep you sick and medicines to prevent you from dying. So many diseases are man-made, either through bad food or scientific development. Money itself is not the problem.
No wonder i love it so much

>The world is fucked beyond measure because some people loved money more than anything else
This is false and I will expound in a bit with reference to this post >>475788910 made earlier. Literally your ENTIRE post is incorrect
If you remove all fiat currency, how are the Jews going to control nations? They can't. You either kill the money or kill the jews, they cannot co-exist together. I rather kill the jews.
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The creation of the federal reserve was opposed by John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus. They all died on the Titanic. What a coincidence!
Not money, but the love of money.
Its humanity's true God.
France, England, Italy, and Spain.
And who prints it? Who owns the fed?
Both are absolutely necessary for the function of the United States and most countries for that matter. If you think we aren't socialist you are lying to yourself.
The only two posts illustrating they actually understand how this all works, besides mine. I'll add a third
Like, Warburg?
Correction, USA isn't socialist, nor communist, neither Capitalist. What we have here in this insane place is SERFDOM
Jewish currency like what OP shows is always dogshit.
backed by thin air
>in rubbish they thrust
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. The person that loves money is willing to do anything to obtain it.
They were all owned outright by the Rothschilds and still are.
This is something that I would wholeheartedly support. However, there's little to no evidence to support it.
>make single-part plastic item
>put plastic part in plastic part tray
>stick plastic part and tray in laminated cardboard labeled box
>wrap box with heat shrink wrap
>repeat hundreds of times
>build a fort with your boxed goods
>win consumerism by not playing
>backed by thin air
Correction. It is backed by "druzd" As in "druzd being zgreen" and "druzd dee eggzberdz".
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Not the last, but the first of the new many
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>They were all owned outright by the Rothschilds and still are.
the belief is all they/them own and that's given willingly by sheeple
the love ofmoney is the root of all evil
or really, the root of all evil can be boiled down to coveting
Checked. Based, and clarified.
No, that's lust.
The problem has always been PEOPLE. All problems each and every one of us on the planet encounter, with the exceptions of natural disasters and anything related, are because of PEOPLE and nothing else.

There are only a few drives humans possess, of which only a few are known and understand. The commonly known drives are food, shelter and sex. We can sum these three up as SURVIVAL, being the main drive that humans possess. Still, there's another that escapes most and that is THE NEED TO DOMINATE AND CONTROL OTHERS. Again, this, I believe, is a perversion of a drive that exists under the main drive SURVIVAL. It is no different to our need for food, sex, shelter and clothing. Still, there is another drive that is similar to those that is often ignored and that is THE BELIEF IN A HIGHER POWER. I'm not even sure I should call these drives but instincts that are inveterate to humans. The need for food, shelter, clothing, sex, to dominate others, and the belief in a higher power.

From these, the system of money, bartering, currency, and so on, was constructed.
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Indeed. He ruined it for everyone. Tax dodging Satanist bastard. He denied the divine right of kings. Hell awaits you all.
>Verification not required.
i think it's more about your flag than a piece of paper with dead presidents on it. tbqh

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