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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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/pol/ vc here https://meet.jit.si/OPLNight

last time on OPL >>474038672

>Where the fuck is LIVE PD?
>Hurr Durr it's not actually live
>Why is this on /pol/?
>What Channel?

/pol/ (Akariposter)approved VC

/pol/ (Sneed)approved chat

FAQ https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/414760709/#414762633
>Replace _ with . and don't post links. MGM has a bot that sends DMCA takedowns automatically.
> Use https://10minutemail.com/ to make an account

Other streams
^ These streams will have a full replay afterwards ^

Want to run your own stream for anons? https://pastebin.com/Wkgi73eZ (embed)

ON PATROL: LIVE BINGO: https://mfbc.us/m/kwu74qj
Dan is such a faggot
>Capt Rizzo, when we saw this earlier, I said what a fucking negroid, right?
What the fuck Dan?!
on patrol live is shit, live on patrol is better
I wonder if he got to meet Yahoo this week?
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
sup Five Eyes. ready for a fun show tonight?
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here the line up dan have last minute chages https://x.com/danabrams/status/1816993460416610426/photo/1
Dude just punched that guy in the back of the head lmao.
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Thanks OP.
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I was waiting for your thread OP. Evening anons.
How's the weather tonight? Been a little cooler the past few days where I'm at. Will the niggers be restless?
Is this one a rerun?
>I just love licking boots the thread!
Sad seeing this here still. Go worship niggers somewhere else.
Go worship criminals somewhere else
This is just first shift. Updates from last week and replays of old shit. New show begins in a few minutes.
>Is this one a rerun?
The real show, starting in 7 minutes, will be new
This is the First Shift, where they do a 5-minute live segment at 8:00 Eastern to make sure their transmissions are up and running
During the rest of the hour they show old content
Gawnman on the tv
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This better be good.

understood thanks, apologies for being retarded
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You don't understand. It's gawn!
Wonderful! it's that time again!
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No worries - there's always at least one person who doesn't know about the schedule
Enjoy the show!
Welcome aboard First Shift!
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Should we book an event, anons?
So where is Jano's lesbian partner?
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Hey /opl/! I haven't watched OPL in a few weeks because the last few episodes I've watched have been so boring. Hope tonight is better.
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>prior to air a cop was driving
Just always remember niggers aren't people and should be treated accordingly
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Heya fella whose ready for another night of traffic stops and shitty cops
>On a drive around the block live
How is this a prior to air segment?
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And we're live
Everybody have a fat doobie to smoke along with this steaming mess?
I'm burning Silver Haze tonight.
I wonder if that guy casually walking away down the sidewalk was the target
cool story junkie
No i drink alcohol because im a man.
That's a Ford Fiesta, you dipshits
I see the bot won't be the only one I filter tonight
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ghost train haze and strong beers here
What happened in the first 5 minutes?
The people with the baby were being retarded.
People get side swiped every fucking day.
You add rain and Mexicans to the mix it's highly dangerous.
Do stoners really memorize dozens of weed names to know what other stoners are smoking? I'm drinking some Palanea Aquifer water at a precise 40 degrees. An early spring tapping.

Thats how you sound.
does Tom Rizzo even have a fucking job or does he just get his teeth whitened and host this show?
His brother is Frank Rizzo they made a lot of money in the 90s
This segment sucks. Bring out the nigger clown show hordes.
Is Rizzo following in the same footsteps as Sticks? Cop turned into Hollywood star?
Nothing of note. Cops were looking for some car.
Exactly nothing, Finbro. Started with prior to air cops racing through traffic and we never see the car they're looking for for 6 minutes, then jump cut to the car found in a sketchy motel parking lot and now they're all kinda just fartin around. Horrible show open.
Tbf, his guest duties is more work than cops who do "over time".
When ever I see those containers I want to fulton them like in MGSV
>This segment sucks.
a nigger getting dog bit could turn this right around though
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Some Wookie in the tent...
I think that means something is going to happen later that they wanted to show
>Enters the strip club
Are they related to the Philadelphia politician/mafia family?
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Run from the cops, go to a strip club
It's another nothing happens for the first 15 minutes and Dan might go back to it multiple times night
We going to duh strip club, homies
A titty bar next to a McDonalds
I like this neighborhood
It's getting hot in here
So take off all your clothes
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They can't take his head on hollowed ground
>Witness: That's the guy
>But his shirt is different
>stand there and let him walk alway
They just gonna watch him slowly walk away?
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>memorize dozens of weed names
Nah...it's like wine, there are different kinds.
Silver Haze is known for being uplifting as opposed to 'stoned'.
I have 'that kind' too...
what the fuck is going on
Florida strip malls are like someone put all the zoning laws in a deck of cards and shuffled them
So they don't know if he guy is white, black, or anything?
At this point give up.
That looks good. I used to grow my own. But I stopped because weed makes me too lethargic and antisocial.
Frank Rizzo, you got that sizzlechest?
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>this is an illegal search, by the way
Shoplifting in a california target? Ya don't say!
>Dis is illegal by da wey
Everyone is a street lawyer.
if it's illegal shut the fuck up and call lawyer who gets a hard on when they hear about cops not doing their due diligence or taking your rights away.
This is why many stores are considering getting rid of self checkout.
dude ran from the cops in his blue car
ditched the car at an empty hotel
ran off on foot
cops will now harrass innocent people until they arrest an otherwise innocent person who has a joint or a bench warrant for unpaid child support
Aren't beaners allowed to shoplift in CA, or is it just niggers?
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I was just at Target. $41 dollars for
6 Blue Moons
4 Hamburger patties
8 buns
1 Sour cream
6 italian ice cups
2 paper towels
5 potato skins
Bidenomics, not even once.
>Stealing from Target
Extremely bad move
Target has it's own crime lab and a massive facial recognition software development effort just to catch retail thieves
For all we know, he reached his shoplifting limit.
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Let these beaners go or Kamala is gonna have your ass
There is a limit to the monetary amount and Cali makes it a slap on the wrist to a point.
It's like that everywhere but Cali takes a lighter approach which is why so many people are repeat offenders.
Target only calls police for felony shoplifting, they keep meticulous records on repeat offenders and bust them once they pass felony amount totals
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Why are they shoplifting as a group?
>Target has it's own crime lab and a massive facial recognition software development effort just to catch retail thieves
That sounds racist anon.
I've been paying so much for food that what you listed doesn't sound so bad for $41.
That's North Fontana. That's where the whites live. South Fontana is like 100% wetback.

This is actually correct. They will wait until you break a certain threshold because it's an immediate felony charge and much easier to get a conviction on.
gangs. it's a lucrative business stealing shit and reselling it on the streets
there's huge open air markets in Cali where they sell the shoplifted merch
Right. These people don't stop at one time theft they get bold and it turns into an operation.
What they don't know is Target, Walmart, and a few others will build a case on you to the point they keep a total of the theft until it's a charge you're going away for.
It's fucking stupid and they all try to play like they're stealing milk and baby formula.
But it's high ticket shit like electronics, clothing, even TVs and lawn equipment.
Bruh if a nigger or spic has wheels or public transit they're coming to whatever area you consider white or "safe".
holy fuck a car commercial? not AIDS medication or stink vag cream?
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I'm just not gonna damp-rid
Those ads come later
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Zoomers ain't gonna get the reference.
I had damp rid and a commercial with the Tongue Tied music
It's a group effort to get entire carts of shit out of the store and get away.
I watched one video where they were pulling a "my friend has my card" scam and the friend would come in with a bad card and they do a round robin until they're all out of the store with the goods.
the night is still young ...
whatever he said
True. Nowhere in the inland empire is safe. There's just way too many brown people.
Fuck shrimp
>blond wig
More boring car chases
How can they make a car chase so fucking bland.
Lets do another 12 minutes of cops racing through town like maniacs then losing the suspect or showing up when all the action is done.
Because the car with the camera in it is rarely the lead car.
Come on Richland, save us from the Daytona hell
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This asshole runs red lights. Arrest this man!
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Sounds like Bowser is driving
They actual had a guy who can use the sticks
let's see
They don't even have their lights and sirens on. What the hell is this?
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Nice one handed toss dog cop

Sometimes it's so they don't give away their position.
Holy shit that nigger just went through someone's yard!
On your face nigger!
I swear a lot of these "criminals" on this show are just homeless bums they hire as actors
whatever, I'm entertained
Why’s this nigger have a black trash bag on his head ?
His hair threw him off balance
Only the lead and following units do that
The others are zeroing in on the perp so they want to get the jump on him
Anyone notice those Hazen Arkansas coppers are always on the freeway?
Go to Google Maps and enter Hazen Arkansas, the town is 5 miles south of the freeway...look at the 'city limits on google.
Those fuckers work that 8 miles of freeway for BIG BUCKS. A fucking speed trap....those dirtbags.
Go look!
hes got drugs on his balls in his underwear.
If these situations were fake they would be better
this nigga has one dreadlock
You know that nappy head jiggaboo stank like shit
jamaican drug dealer
My favorite big booty latina
imagine the smell
Why does this nog have a giant elephant shit attached to his head
How can you shove something up in your nuts?
Have you never been to the South before?
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Welcome back bros! Peanut butter bacon dogs on deck tonight!
I'm sure the people of Hazen would rather they stop them than some troopers.
Fucking Troopers are faggots.
But yeah some places have their sheriffs work highways and state roads
would. shamefully.
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>I don't got nuttin shoved in mah butt
They should shave all the niggers heads that they catch
probably just like it looks; a giant turd
officer reddit always finds the camera
Scalp them
>man threatening a woman with a knife
Maybe she needs to be stabbed.
Oh no it's a Florida Goomba
i'd try that at least once
lol, he is probably so butthurt
>places have their sheriffs work highways
Google the map...it's insane.
Those cops are highway robbers.
If everyone who went to jail got their head shaved you would see significant behavior changes from a lot of these niggers
wtf they arresting him
Fucking Sweaty wop
Between them and Jews from New York....Ugh
Fucking go back!!
this dude is all greasy and cut up, nipples protruding
very disrespectful!
Literally no reason to put him in cuffs

He didn’t do nothin
Dan ought to just move his HQ to Florida
Many such cases
They always arrest -- excuse me "detain" the male to prevent him from raging or getting his hands on a weapon.
But most cops always assume the male is the aggressor.
>Have you never been to the South before?
I'm white and civil, never had a problem.
>Sweaty wop
i could drink a beer with this guy
How do you view the bible anon?
he's the only one with cuts lol. Automatic arresting and suspicion of men in domestic issues. End result:
Never call the police with domestic abuse if you are guy, they won't help you and most likely will end up arresting you.
no, shaved heads would just be stylish in the hood
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I can just hear him saying "Fookin niggaz!" in his accent
Unless, you know, they find the woman lying dead in a pool of her own blood inside the house and then the guy they had "LITERALLY no reason" to cuff has already escaped.

I mean, that might be a reason.
You Floridians love wops. They bring culture to your state.
What’s the huwhite stuff?
>me in the back
obviously mayo. who eats hot dogs without mayo applied? that would be weird
women can make up any story the cops will believe them.
Fuck you they're a Northern scourge.
If it's not the Cuban, Ricans, and othe island niggers and spics from the gulf it's Jewtalians coming down here being cunts and comparing everything to their rat infested metropolitan.
Cock suckers.
>hotdog with mayo
Uh anon I…
I eat my franks with yellow mustard and sweet cole slaw
you can call them slaw dogs if you like
Coleslaw cream
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you're retarded if you don't appreciate mayo on a dog
it's a perfect condiment sandwich pairing
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hahahaha that wig looks so natural
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Nikki Minaj yall
>who eats hot dogs
Niggers, hot dogs are mystery meat.
When we were kids our dog would not eat a hot dog, any hotdog.
Left an impression.
angis list recommends nigger contractors,, lol
this bitch is the one that got pushed out of dredlock nigger's car
there are all beef ones that are pretty legit
She wasn't pushed out of the door. She opened the door to wave for help and he turned left. Go sit in your car during the next commercial break and image trying to push another person out of the door. You can't reach the handle and have no leverage to push 150lbs out.
Obviously a dog won't eat one, they aren't cannibals
Hear me out:
I swear not all niggers are this incomprehensible
ah lmao
Is she a hooker?
try kosher franks. it's a game changer :^)
you ever talked to a black chick?
you would push them out of the car too
Hahahaha they're so annoying. "Where can I get a good bagel around here?!" How about go back to Jew York you faggot!
Do I have water in my ear or is this dudes voice at like 20hz?
>Officer Witness Protection Voice
I had two glizzies this evening with chili, onions, jalapenos and dijon mustard.
The proper choice is a nice sausage.
Some farm made pork sausage, grilled, white bread, little bit of yellow mustard. Down the hatch.
Checked and Jew pilled
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That'll buff out, no need to get insurance involved
>all beef ones
When you're 7YO and your dog eats cat shit, but refuses any hot dog it's something you remember.
Rip based Acura TL

>has insurance

anon, i...
somebody get the furrstingoosher
Too many cerveza
when seconds count, the fire department is minutes away.
>This doesn't cost dat much is New York!
>This taste better in New York!
>You can buy a hovel for a few hundred in New York
They compare everything FUCKING thing to New York.
All my life I had to listen to loud mouth New Yorkers bitch and complain about how shit isn't like back in New York.
I hate them with a deep burning passion.
Bet the driver that ran was drunk or high or both

that generation of TL was great. styling was quite attractive, good power, reliable. kinda sad that i see fewer and fewer of them on the roads.
2 cars collide hard, and both drivers ran off? And a crackhead is the only witness?
Hebrew National. MMMmmmm
So you ended up trying the cat shit to see what all the fuss was about?
>high bond
This cop knows that nigger will be out within 24 hours
cats eat fishsticks and hate dogs dumbass. your parents raised you wrong or something

I saw an old TL last week where the driver had glued a Honda H over the Acura emblem. Kinda threw me for a loop.
That hipster boomer lookin fly as fuck with his shorts up around his belly button.
One of the funniest memories I have is when I went to Ft Myers Beach on vacation, saw some jew driving a convertible Benz and he looked like a caricature. Giant fucking jew nose and a bald head. He drives by and I see he has New York license plates with a metal bracket that says ISRAEL on it. He was so stereotypical that I wouldn't be surprised if his name was Shlomo.
>have you ever seen a car on fire?
>have you ever seen a grown man naked?
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>have you ever seen a car on fire?
>kinda cool huh?
LMAO OPL launched a best of our advertisements website just for us to browse
>Do you like gladiator movies?
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>I've seen a couple burned cars during my lifetime kiddo

I saw a vanity Florida plate that read "OY VEY" and had a glittered frame.
I've been to the graveyard they towed all of those cars/trucks/tanks to after they cleared the highway
I dont know if it is still there today

should i do it, anons?
some SJW in Austin will reject you
Yeah good point, probably no insurance on anybody in that wreck

>Too many cerveza
Yeah it's looking like that
jeez, all the bitch had to do was say some words and he is arrested.
Blacks shouldn’t be allowed to travel by air
4:30 in the morning at the airport and this dumb nigger inconveniences thousands of people because of muh knife
I gotta go to Jerusalem

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>Blacks shouldn’t be allowed to travel
What is he going to do in Jerusalem?
Always fly Spirit Airlines for the best in flight entertainment
Can't fly to Jerusalem however unfortunately
He said he has to go WHERE?
Why did he want to go to Jerusalem?
Just schizo kike stuff.
How are tasers even real just wear a jacket
actually, they just need to be contained on a single airline, like Spirit

white people should be able to fly Southwest unimpeded by black travelers
Didnt somebody just buy Spirit airlines?
Spirit Airlines! Anyone get a screenshot of the guy with the Spirit background.
So many Jerusalems
>welcome to cleveland
>there are numerous jerusalems in the united states

of course dan would know this
wonder what he wants to do in jerusalem?
oy vey this is just like the holocaust
A fucking sand nigger
Dan's been waiting to pull that one out since his Bar Mitzvah
Wizz airlines is the jewish airline to Israel.
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>i need to go to jerusalem
visit the wailing wall like Trump
Couldn't tell if kike or raghead.
And there are two Palestines in Ohio alone
WHY do sheboons wear shower caps all the time? Is it so they don’t need to bathe often ?
White dirt?
>samir faraj
raghead confirmed
What's the difference?
busted for whey protein powder
>preworkout and creatine in a random baggie
>you can taste it
yeah, no bro
they all wear wigs regularly but when not they hide they bald ass heads with something
don't be racist
i wonder if it's OG formula Jack3d
>creatine and preworkout
That's what niggers cut cocaine with
>taste this mystery powder
Yeah, i usually put my creatine in a baggy then stuff it in my center console too.

there is no way niggers rolling with a bag of cocaine that large, lol
Because their hair is shit so they shave it off and wear wigs
something to do with their nappy-ass hair
preworkout with cocaine mixed in sounds like a killer combo ngl
they set their hair and are trying to keep their hair nice
she probably has somewhere to be tomorrow and doesnt want to fuck up her hair tonight
black women do not wash their hair as often as white women
they use oils in their hair that help set it
right? I believe him it was creatine
santos bonacci in the back?
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Don’t sheboon splain to us, De’Kwan
I was trying to give you a real answer
These niggers kill me
Haven't seen their kids in forever but claim they want to see "Dey Keeds" when in trouble
the cop is going to mix the real cocaine with the big bag.

I’ve flown spirit a few times and only had one issue that was more the fault of the control tower than the airline. I’ve had more bad experiences on SW and Delta
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if that's cocaine, that's a lot of cocaine

JetBlue and Spirit were going to merge but I think a court blocked it
I wonder what substances give false positives on that test
that's like $20k if it were cocaine, there's no way these broke-ass joggers have that kind of product
A semite is a semite
They just have different magic systems

very few, those test kits have been perfected over the years. the specificity is over 99%.
>officer brian setzer
And his Orchestra?
It may not actually be coke but were they trying to sell it as such?
gangstalking technology
I bet these stupid little niggers are selling people fake coke
And when they fool the wrong people they'll get what they deserve.
it was probably some other drug.
I cant believe Dan is allowed the airing of multiple black tonight
tomorrow night will be nothing but white shenanigans
I wonder how often the drivers they follow like this get away because they aren't close enough to catch them when they stop
If anything they are selling it to naive rich kids.
Guy looks like the sandman from spider man 3
>can i please have my vape

shoot this faggot
>something is poking me in the ass
>it's the taser probe bro

Where does that QR take you?
>this faggot
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>you jerked in my ass
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>you jerked in my ass
new bread >>475800321
>you jerked in my ass
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Thank you baker
All drugs are legal in Canada and in every anarcho commune enforced by true police/paramilitary.

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