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AlertPSA: Uber Drivers have been getting more sexually aggressive towards female riders self.toronto

submitted 19:26:43 UTC Fri Jul 26, 2024 by FloorGeneral2029
Got what you voted for, ladies.
Canadian women are anti-immigration, Sukdeep.
You can't gaslight me on this, fuckface.
They have consistently been voting for the leftist parties, especially the LPC.
yeah. now.
Too fucking late.
I guess they'll just have to accept the position of concealed carry pistols being permissible to have some measure of safety, now.
Oh well. Told you so, cunts.
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>They have consistently been voting for the leftist parties, especially the LPC.
Damn maybe they shouldn’t be poor. Get a car and never have to deal with that bullshit again.
Canadian cities intentionally made it very difficult for car users, if you go to work or live downtown, there are way more units per condo building then parking, ditto for office buildings. Even condos being built in suburbs like South Etobicoke, they intentionally don't approve for enough parking space even if there is no subway station nearby, many times the parking buildings are super expensive and still refuse to take responsibility if someone smash up your car.

The problem with Canada is that we are a resource rich country, lumber, oil, minerals -- the extraction of which negativity impacts the locals, and the elites don't need Canadians, so their best bet to make the most money is to make sure Canadians are as powerless as possible so we can't protest how they are extracting the resources without giving anything back to Canadians or minding long term consequence. It's nto like America which before China, was once the factory of the world -- Canada never had an economy where the people striking can actually threaten the government, the natural resources have always worth more than the citizen's labour, that's the grim truth.
>Uh, if you're against the people who have been bringing in millions of desi into the country that must mean you're desi yourself
Women have NEVER liked Indians, the same kind of women who want more blacks or arabs get the instant ICK when they look at or smell the Indians,.
RCMP consider right wing women a growing threat...
I cannot express in words how dangerous it is for white women to not like you to this extent, because it automatically directs all the men in their lives to do their bidding (violence).
Poojeets gangraping white kids in Canada when?
When a man is your enemy, you have to watch out for that man, when a woman is your enemy, you have to watch out for all her men, the ones she already have and the ones she'll have. Indians are done. Even single men on the prowl are mad at Indians for disappearing all the women.
Rape exists in all countries. I don’t know how you liars can pretend it’s an exclusive indian thing
Feels like canadians exaggerate a lot of the stuff here.
If stuff like this is true, then there'd be a quiet wait for a trigger before there's riots.
That's how it works here. And literally everywhere else. But canada seems to be uniquely ineffectual.
I feel bad if the situation really is that bad. I will be visiting your land soon and will see for myself.
Canadian women are anyways whores, dressing in skimpy clothes which says “please have sex with me”
It's only rape if you're a ugly fuck and you shitskins are the ugliest fucks in existent

>But canada seems to be uniquely ineffectual.
We have more guns per capita than Switzerland and we made the government declare martial law by honking too loud.
Our food banks are whores too, as Indians can't resist robbing them.
How the fuck did they not see this shit coming? It was painfully obvious that mass importing a people who hold a rape culture will bring that rape culture over
It depends on which area you visit, and the weather, when it's hot and humid the street is more Indians then Canadians, as whites and asians can't stand the heat, africans and arabs can't stand the humidity. On cool days there are more Canadians vs Indians.
Wait what really kek i didnt know that. Yeah i think its gonna kick off at some point. One violent crime where a village jeet fucks up
Why are you pretending not to know of your nations extensive rape culture? Women can technically report rape, but they are under threat of reprocussion, and the courts saying “you know how busy the courts are these days”. We know that rape is a common phonomenon, but a culture of rape with impunity is entirely foreign to the west
Kek, no one wants to have sex with an Indian.
I will be in Ontario and Toronto
> sees scantily clad women
> thinks to himself “shiiiiiiiiiiit what if I just get myself some of that p*
> forces himself on her
> judge shortens his sentence so this case does not effect his ability to gain pr
>official thread theme

I’m surprised that the New Brunswick groping wasn’t that trigger. I shit you not reporting of that incident was shut down on the basis that it was racist to point out his Indian nationality
...do you WANT to actually be India? Pick a hot and humid afternoon, Nathan Philip Square or College Park. Generally there are more of them around Tim Hortons and various fast food, eg. Popeyes, Pizzalolo. Gas Stations and 24/7 stores like Circle K and Mac's. Every store that sells cellphones, so they took over Pacific Mall. Farm Boy grocery stores for some reason (near the following subway stations: College Park, St Clair, below Eglinton at Soudan)...Farm Boy is supposed to be high end but the staff is almost all Indians while Sobeys is still more diverse and Longo is still mostly Flips. They also took over that Farm market Fresh something store near Dupont station. McDonalds is still diverse. Pizza Pizza is still mostly Muslim Arabs, as is Pizza Hut.
Any audio for this clip?
NDP is currently cumming to this clip
Just not you
Stay the fuck out of Toronto for the love of god. Every other city in Ontario is over flowing with pajeets but they aren't half as fucked as Toronto is
No audio, I got that webm here.

Thanks for making me picture Jagmeet's gooner face, ICK!
I cry when I visit Toronto. Knowing what it once was..

just given away to foreigners in the span of 20 years..

what was even the point?
I honestly avoid it wherever I can. If I have to go east of Toronto on the 401 for whatever reason, I'll intentionally go up to Barrie and cut east on some country roads before I go through the GTA
I heard it's actually worse in the small town, they got overran more easily by curry zombies as the existing small human population was quicker to be outnumbered, that in Barrie the Indians are roaming in packs and following the women. Waterloo is also bad, like it's the other Brampton.
Depends what city you are talking about. Basically if it has a college or university in it then you have jeets all over the place. Once you get to a place where there's no post secondary school it evens out quite a bit. At least for now anyways
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Reporting the truth about pajeets and other dirty foreigners is forbidden.
they fucked up Waterloo too? I remember U Waterloo doing pretty dang well in CS, such that I got myself a Waterloo Maple licence. Sad to see that place go
Waterloo is an University town, I remember a major math nerd, maybe even the top of our year, going to the University of Waterloo, unfortunately there are also diploma mills that pop up around any college town -- they got Guelph too. Normally in university towns, like Hamilton for example it's normal for a home owner to rent out his house to a bunch of college students who share it together, but per bedroom, like if the house came with 5 bedrooms and 2 baths, he'll rent it to 5 college students with a contract that any one of them are responsible for the rents of all 5 of them in case somebody drops out...what Indians are doing though, are further subdividing existing bedrooms, basement, to the point where:

25 international students found living in a single Brampton basement
Jan 31, 2024 Just a few days ago in Brampton, I got a report from by-law where they found 25 students living in a single basement apartment." Canada considering cap on international students amid housing ...

I don't think even the rooming houses in Industrial London got that crowded.
Oh phew. Is it still safe to be out at night in that town (as in do the diploma mill students also commit violent crime)? I want to visit U Waterloo at some point
The needful comment has been deleted and the user probably banned. At first the mod team note on deleted comment show how they got downvoted for being powermods, but now they commies running r Toronto is hiding their score too! Toronto is a huge city but over time, r Toronto's posts and comment counts got really low and quiet because I think there are more banned users than existing users!
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People need to remember that the students and the temp workers are NOT GOING TO LEAVE.

Population change since midnight is now 4,155 and it's going up EVERY DAY.

There's 3 hours left of the day!



The government keeps saying they are only letting 500,000 people in. They are hiding the real numbers from the public.
I haven't been to waterloo, only read the news about the sexual harassment, etc. I think in the smaller town it's worse because not only are the locals outnumbered, more of the Indians have cars, rather than working for big corps, their own scam companies, and they are starting to have turf wars, so far I think it's south asian home owners and south asian businesses (movie theatre) being threatened, but a stray bullet can kill anyone. There was a gunbattle in Scarborough around 2am on Wednesday, pretty sure it's Indians, the local people CP24 interviewed are Indians, that area used to be Chinese but is now Indians...though I they tend to be be from the south India and south asian (tamils, sri lankan) -- Nathur Caters in Bridlewood Mall is south indian, tamil, and Sri Lankan) as oppose to from the North (punjab)
>way more units per condo building then parking
California has gay nimby restrictions like this as well. They pile apartments onto blocks, but only allocate a fixed number of spots (eg 1-2) per unit. This does nothing for the 8 mexicans sharing an apartment, all with cars, and forces blocks to spill over onto others or you never being able to find a spot. God forbid you have a friend over to visit and have to find street parking so they have your reserved spot inside your complex. Nobody advocating for apartments above business type structures has ever had to deal with actual parking scenarios either.
They all need to be packed on a boat and sent back to the subhuman continent
This is just based though
White people need to be pushed to their boiling point
And when all that happens I'll be safe in argentina
More niggers in the west... just not near me
Thx for the info anon
There's actually nothing wrong with putting your feet in water there's just something wrong with how much brown is in this picture
Honestly I worry for my young female relatives now that rapey pajeets are getting more common place. I think this might start a race war.
who knew the day of the rake involves flushing leaves down the toilet (aka buried in the beach sand)
>just drive drunk home from wherever you are
kys retard. you’re too poor to go out
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>saaaaar we are just doing the needful
This is when you train your daughter to say the poo-skinned man touched her on the ass.
Show up and immediately accuse him of doing it until he starts fleeing. Follow him to his poojeet hive and call the police.
The redeemings will continue until morale improves
Any platform that you have to preface each statement with, "I'm not this BUT" or "I know this isn't socially accepted", should be exterminated off the internet and banned from this forum.
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>but only allocate a fixed number of spots (eg 1-2) per unit. This does nothing for the 8 mexicans sharing an apartment, all with cars

That's an occupancy enforcement issue, which we also have, but when it comes to transportation we have FUBAR at the planning level because our urban planning is done by elites living in giant mansions traveling in SUV convoy while expecting the rest f us t live in skycells and travel by public transport, without doing the math on capacity of public transport and travel time vs work hours vs sleep -- never mind anything else. I'm seeing planning proposals for something like 300 units with only 100-something parking spots! From the start they want most people in the building to be dependent on public transport -- and some of these condo towers / skycells have already been built, causing neighbourhood traffic chaos. Toronto's subways are nothing like New York's. Our trains are much lower capacity and less frequent.

//TTC Toronto Rocket Car: 64-68 seated; 180 maximum (1,080 for a 6-car train)//

So just four building around a subway station with say, 200 people each which could have no car, and 800 people are almost the entire trains, but along Yonge street, there are multiple other stations too and they want more condos around every station and near. I don't think 200 people can fit on the subway platform at once either. They are cramming tons of people into an area without accounting for what happens when a majority of them have to leave home and come home around the same time, and the amount of groceries each house hold needs. They definitely don't give a damn about 'vertical traffic', people have to wait 20 minutes for the elevator. What will happen if an elevator breaks down, or the electricity or just air con goes out, what if one building burns down, where will we put all the people?
Traditionally Canadians live in the suburbs where land is cheap, and they drive to megastores where land is cheap, and they have options of driving to different megastores in different direction which creates competition to keep cost of living down. With the city, there is a captive audience with no cars so the grocery can be awful and there will always be buyers, and they have little competition because retail rent is high. With Toronto, we have a super density of residential towers without any thought of necessary service, grocery, hospital, schools, parks. Stanealone megastores downtown or near are being torn down for condos -- usually with a grocery store on the first floor that is smaller than before even though there are suddenly more mouths -- and they count on just in time delivery, but there is traffic jam zone throughut the city most times of the day.
The meat prices in Toronto are absolute insane.
They were hoping the migrants would have been tall dark african and middle eastern men, not millions of dysgenic 5'6 stinky indians. It's not what they voted for.
Indians, I absolutely loathe how Indians are turning Canada, a shithole, they are scammers and rapists wherever they go, even to each other back home, HOWEVER -- worms only eats a house when it rots -- the Indians are here because Canada is dysfunctional, we slept while elites ran the country, that's why Indians are a greater problem to Canada than say, USA or Australia. If all the Indians were to catch the plague tomorrow and drop dead, our quality of life will vastly improv even if we have a lot of smelly clean-up -- however, we won't be good, the elites, the traitors, we still got to deal with them, the source of the problems.
Is Brampton bad? My buddy said it was a cool place to visit.
Our population increase, the resources we depend on did not, I bet the price of water will probably go up too, and apartments will start installing individual water meter. Grocery stores are also greedy and rather throw out tons of meat than to price them less -- and I'm noticing more frankemeat held together with meat glue, and bone-in-meat is no longer safe. I've eaten real beef shank, the meat is hard to tear away from the bone, and there is tendon around the bone, but what Farm Boy has done after hiring a bunch of cheap Indians is to cut out all the meat around the bone in beef shanks, tried to sell the soupbones, and then end up meat gluing small pieces of meat around the bones -- it taste awful, and it's obvious because the bone is no longer at the center but the side, and the tendon is no longer between the meat and bone, which comes apart easily. When they first start doing it, the would tie the piece of rope that's usually around roast around the beef shank, but they got better at it so that people who never had real beef shank before are fooled. I wonder if they are actually stripping all the good meat to restaurants.
Why aren't they going to leave? If there's not enough jobs then surely it means they will leave right?
Honestly i dont think you guys need to be so blackpilled if theyre all on temp visas. Yeah its bad but the whole global economy is trash right now
I mean if brown people are your thing then yeah I guess it's cool
We're surrounded on 3 sides by oceans with one neighbour they can walk to.
That's the thing, even though things are bad here it's worse there. The jeets on student and temp work visas are already trying to get permanent residency and are organizing for protests. They think that just because they are here means that they can stay and our shitty government is all too happy to let them stay
No non-desis refer to you as desis, poopinder
>our shitty government is all too happy to let them stay

They are allowing it, because in the minds of some of your politicians those jeets are all potential voters that they could mobilize in the future.
Of all the reasons they are doing this, that is towards the bottom of the list imo
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I don't want people to think I'm talking about Aboriginals.

Women are reactionary retards anon.
Its a cognitive bias women have, they assume that the refugees they were importing would act the same way they themselves would act if they were refugees
You see this also with women voting to reduce punishments for crimes, their theory of mind is female centric and they can't conceive of a psychopathic career criminal that just needs to be shot or hung
Sorry Mahmood, that doesn't fly either
Rapefugees are almost as unwanted as pajeets, though pajeets are the absolute bottom of the barrel
They are claiming to be refugees, flooding the system so it'll be years before they'll get a deportation order, which may not be enforced, and in the meantime they could have anchor babies.
God, I hope so.
The day of the flush approaches.
Around 15 years ago when all those waterfront condos below union station went up, they didn't account for the additional stress on the sewage pipes so it flooded the subway! Super gross, similar problems is going to happen with all the developments Midtown, Church and Wellsely, as well as Parklawn and Queensway where around 30 towers is expected to go up! In addition stress on sewage pipes, sewage treatment, there will also be a greater need for water, we aren't building or expanding water reservoirs to accommodate the increased population. I think part of the reason the elites push for condos instead of rental apartments is because condos have individual water meters. They are already pushing for ridiculous things like only shower ever other day, only 7 hours of sleep instead of 8...then surprise pikachu that productivity is down and there is a brain drain.
>women still use uber in canada
>people use uber period

Are normies okay? Are they completely blind to what is happening around them?
Not my problem. They voted for it. If you continue to white knight them out of their self-inflicted problems, they will continue to vote for it. It needs to be made clear to holes that the only way to fix these issues is to vote against it. I’m done.
just buy Dr Oetker...he's white.

Delivery workers loiter on the sidewalks of Toronto all day like this. This is the economy Trudeau and the Liberals keep bragging about creating. (v.redd.it)
submitted 26 Jul 2024 by itsme25390905714
[–]urielangeloffire 32 points 3 hours ago*
I work for a place that delivers those insulated delivery bags from Uber eats … we’ve must’ve gotten over 5,000 last week. Every name on them, without exception was Indian.
that guys feet in the stagnant pond water.
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I'm seriously beginning to hate them
And this is unusual because I'm not an emotional person at all, but whenever I see a potbellied, smelly, quaffed hair pajeet roaming around in my city I have to suppress an urge to deck him out
Indian women especially don't like Indians. They know how insane they are. When was the last time you saw an indian girl out and about alone or even in a group, its so rare, indian men however..
Uber sexual harassment is literally a global phenomenon. Why the fuck do poltards insist on making every fucking little thing about Indians all the time. What a retard board.
This just dropped today
Everytime I go out, they are literally in my way. The norm is that if you see another person coming up to you on the sidewalk, you move to your right and they move to THEIR right but Indians don't get that. There was also a balding pot belly Indian man who was just shambling through the grocery store like a zombie, in the middle of the aisles, waddling with his arms hanging at his side. Fucking NPCs closing our pools.
>company doesn't take police reports
Why would a company do this and why would you report it to a company?

In cases where police ignore you you can file criminal prosecution yourself at the courthouse, same as civil suits.
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Attention everybody, please be aware that Catalonia is actually a memeflag, and these losers get paid per (You).

fuking hate rufugees and immigrants
They've already committed sex crimes against Canadian children, it's just groping so far, but somebody could get seriously hurt, especially when they gang up.
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Good evening sir
We need to push and push on the overton window, Cons will probably stop the flood of "students" but its dubious that they'll send any of them back out of fear of losing the pajeet vote
We should either be voting PPC or pushing hard on the CPC to shift them rightwards, inevitably we are going to end up as a multiracial shithole where politics no longer matters but the longer we can delay the inevitable the more time we have to organize collectively
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Ridiculing jeets is a global phenomenon, why are you this retarded pajeet?
>he thinks jeets wont vote RW
Jeets who settled there will vote right wing. That's how they are here. And not just regular right wing im talking hard right
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>when majority of your parlament comes from glaus swabs ''WEF young leaders'' program
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Jeets will vote against their enemies, and in my country you are our enemies and competitors for resources and political power
Tories have the street shitter vote because you are cream of the crop brahmins who fled your shithole and now sit in the middle and upper middle classes in London
Our shitters are the dregs of all of India, but Punjab in particular
And even if they supported the "far right", I don't care how much they are able to imitate my mannerisms or culture, I simply don't want them in my country and I certainly don't want them mutting their cursed pajeet DNA into my race
Would the conservative parties not bring rapejeets? I’m confused..
>Street-shitters are rapists
>stop the kike owned presses
I don't take uber and I've told you guys for years how unsafe those vehicles. It tracks that the uber drivers are unsafe as well
You just wait for the next election.
Hinduism promotes rape and many of the Hindu gods are literally rapists so of course Hindu men will also be rapists
Your buddy is wrong.
! ! ! !

>was the deportation of 2 million Mexicans from the United States. Sixty percent of those deported were citizens and overwhelmingly children.
>Occurred because Mexicans were primarily responsible for the economic conditions that brought about the Great Depression

! ! ! !
So we should root for Kamala to be the President that will Flush the Poos?
...in this beach webm, who was phone? Like someone was facing that woman, and therefore that Indian guy, and e still walked up buck naked to wank?
Perhaps. Its the try-hard immigrants and POCs who despise the freeloaders the hardest
>import third worlders who barely know 25% of English and 5% concept of social standards
>get beach shitters and rapists
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seethe jeets will not be able to resist directing creepy rape threats at Kamala for marrying A White Guy, it will redpill the normies even more.
Indians should just become Muslim or follow what their religious books actually say. Maybe Islam because it's much easier for retards to follow.
Think about how it works:
>Be grotesque literal shit eating freak
>Women uninterested
>Only those who reproduce survive
>Solution: (Gang) Rape
What happens now?
>The women is impregnated with the sperm of the most aggressive gang-rapist
In effect, the offspring of these creatures, if male, is likely to be even more successful at rape.
WAY TOO MANY news stories of gang-rape victims there for any alternative explanation.
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Can confirm
Jeets will spam rape videos whenever a jeeta criticizes them on social media
My guess is her and her friend saw this jeet jacking it in the background and her friend pulled her phone out to record him being a degenerate
We're not dealing with rocket scientists here, probably 85 IQ tops
No it's not you retarded aussie faggot kike. It's real ethnically european humans who BELONG in this fucking country. Even if the oldstock immigrants hate the newer ones and justifiably so, they all have to go back so what they think doesn't fucking matter. Shut your nigger mouth.
>Like someone was facing that woman, and therefore that Indian guy, and e still walked up buck naked to wank?

I don't think he was attempting to be discrete in the first place.
No they are not. If you support democracy then by definition you support demographic replacement. There can be no one without another, aince demographic replacement is the logical end point of ALL democracies.
>urbanites getting harassed by 3rd worlders
IDK it's hard to not enjoy it a little bit at least.
why do indian men seethe so much when they see an indian girl with a white guy?
White people wanted this.
>but saaar we are the best minority we WUZ white and shitz

Would you ask yourself what a cockroach thinks about anything? Who the fuck cares.
Hindus literally worship poop
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Lmao, white incel losers not crying challenge,,,,,,unpossible
Whites visit India to buy gourmet vegetarian indian shit....lmao whites eat indian shit and pay top$
you literally worship poop
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Good point, white incel losers are the lowest caste,,,,,irrelevant

Chadjeet is the one who people listen too
checked, but why do they fuck with trains so much?
>Thousands of tons of steel hurtling across the land at high speed.
>Lets goof off right next to it.
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Crazy seeing camp of the saints come to fruition in real time
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As was covered in codex pajeet, the train is their #1 predator at home because they lack the ability to associate train tracks with trains
Its hilarious that you consider a mediocre white girl to be the pinnacle of a pajeet's life achievements when that's just the default standard for us
The reverse makes no sense because pajeetas are not a challenge for white guys at all
Reminder that the paki's during the rotherham rape decade long scandal were often tax drivers and at one point raped a victim who got into a tax to escape a previous gang-rape-kidnapping.
why do you want to have sex with white (mleccha) women? You will lose your caste and become a mleccha too, my fellow poopjeet Hindu rape ape
NOW they are when its already to late and the damage is already done. Fucking idiot women who cant see longer than their noses and then constantly gets surprised about the consequences of their own actions and blames everyone else but themselves!
this is why i say, white women deserve to be gang-raped and murdered by indian men. White women destroyed the West
True, if chadjeet flushes away his genes on a white cow his son might be a white incel loser.....yuck.....lmao
Jesus fucking christ. The population of a small European country's worth of jeets.
I nutted to that video a few weeks ago
but white women deserve to be raped and murdered by indian men. White women destroyed the West

Please rapejeet, kill our white women!
That's why they have to resort to kamikaze assraping other shitjeets mid defecation. That's exactly what doing the needful means
Well they sure are getting just what they screamed for... Not that they understand this. But we men tried to tell them - They called us bigots, nazis, racists and misogynist ...
Whats your actual flag? You obviously arent white.
>kamikaze assraping
Didn't happen + you get what you pay for
if you guys really want to troll indians, then make a few short 2 or 3 minute youtube videos where you criticize their Hindu religion, and make this using your own real face, speaking directly into the camera. Then post the youtube video link here on 4chan in the india threads, and post it on india/bharat chan too.

You will easily go viral and get at least a million views. It helps the lighter your skin is, too. Seeing a white man criticize their Hindu religion will make indians absolutely go insane and seethe like crazy
Fuck anon, that fucking white muslim who looks like an abortion and constantly spams about murdering all alcohol-drinkers is going to read this and go "hmm heres my chance" ..and proceed to make us all look bad!!!
The vast majority of these women are college educated and they confuse that with being worldly. When people told them that everyone is alike, they believed it because they had mostly only ever met people who were just like them.
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none of us are safe....
Bro women want to get raped. Don't think for a second a woman doesn't want it.
Yeah but it is still baffling to the point of pure rage that they were this retarded. A huge portion of the male population could figure this shit out at first glance. The fucking women have been raped in the ditches for 10 fucking years and are still STRUGGLING with figuring it out!!!
The Talibans were fucking right!!!!
I think that might actually be illegal and get you tossed in jail here. Hatespeech or hatespeak or newspeak or some shit like that.
Canadian women have been racewoke on the Muslim question for a decade or more by now. My dad is a huge boomer but even he told my sisters he wouldn't accept a Muslim man into the family, and that was in 2015 before the Indians shifted the Overton window a mile to the right.
I wonder, does one have to be Indian to drive a train in India? Hey they can make it a tourism attraction, pay a small fee to drive a train through Indians in India...they need to make up for the tourism they lost due to gang rape.
I'm at a loss for words. Why can't they just get their western education and proceed to make India not a shit show?
I know this sounds like a crypto-feminist cop out, but I blame the men (including myself) for failing to seize control of public life. The zoomers will finish what we could not.
No I mean your absolutely right. Our sin is that we thought the women were actual adult human beings who could use reason and would be responsible like a normal human adult if we gave them power.

We were wrong.
I have no words either, so here's another webm of Indians causing a literal collapse
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It would be a great means of thinning out the excess males, someone should get in touch with Modi ji
I thought this was mostly a meme, but just a couple weeks ago I had a huge revelation.

I've been ordering on the local doordash equivalent for years and 99% of delivery guys are dark skinned foreigners, mostly africans but some middle-eastern/asian. I always explicitly order the delivery to be left at the door, but almost half the time, they won't leave and they force me to open the door and take the delivery from them directly, I've had guys wait for 15 minutes because I couldn't go to the door immediately even though they were suppose to just leave it there.
I've been wondering why and got my answer recently when the delivery guy glitched out and couldn't come to the right door so I had to talk to him on the phone. He said my name is very beautiful before I could even speak. Apparently to (who I assume to be) Pakistani my name sounds like a woman's name so all this time they were just trying to sexually harass me by keeping my groceries hostage. It's not a big city so I know some of these guys are the same people delivering to my house multiple times, but it still happens.
wait what? So you are saying these brown men are all gay and want to have sex with white males?
India could legitimately secure high QOL for its citizenry if the government had the balls to issue top-down changes to its system. Right now, it seems to scare away foreign investment with respect to low-skill manual labour because the corruption (and the specific flavor of corruption common in the country) are not conducive to any kind of FDI. MRU made a good video covering the effect of corruption on QOL, and tl;dr it prevents any buildup of wealth because it leads to short-term living.

The indian populace quite literally gobbles up this Hindu nationalist rhetoric that the government feeds them so that they don't question the corruption and the causes of their absolutely shit situation. Quite literally the same shit in Pakistan, except it's Islamic nationalist rhetoric rather than Hindi Nationalist.

The most dangerous part of them just flooding into your country is the nepotism culture they bring with them. Rule of law is very strongly correlated to success of economy and quality of life, and if the Indians manage to infiltrate your court systems with their nepotism, don't be surprised if capital begins flying out. It's not the end of the world if you import very, very, very small numbers and integrate them thoroughly, but your country seems to be doing the complete opposite of that.
We need to reform immigration to have quota by country like the USA does, AND mandate that male immigrants from a country may not exceed female immigrants. We don't want to import people who have killed off their women. If you must continue to get delivery, give them 1 star review every time and explain why, that they can't follow instructions.
Nurgle descends upon Canada
>Apparently to (who I assume to be) Pakistani my name sounds like a woman's name

It's a rare older but definitely male name so many people aren't familiar with it. To (again, I just assume) Pakistani, it reads as a 100% a woman's name, apparently a beautiful one at that.
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4 years ago every woman I knew was liberal and pro immigration. Now those same women are openly racist and hate immigrants.

All it took was a million shitjeets flooding the country.
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Damn bro that shits fucked to read
You guys are fuckedy fucked
Not like we aren’t either, but the small dense size of your population centers is going to make it all happen way faster than here.
Kinda excited to see what resistance even looks like. What could possibly even be done?
I know the feds are watching but it’s fun to speculate
white women voted for this. White women deserve to be raped and killed by indian men
Good further watching, by C.G.P grey

>the internet happened in the 90s and 00s
>say the great race war happens in the 30s and 40s
>2040 genocides
>uh oh spaghetti'os this time this holocaust is all over the Internet
Really activates your almonds
Makes ya think
>request jewber
>cancel trips until I get a white driver

Takes a fucking while. Realistically these "gig work" apps are an affront to labor protection laws and you should use them at all. They're eventually going to use the misclassified private contractor model to strip you of your job protections too. A new gilded age is coming.
you will die alone without ever feeling the warmth of a women, let alone the world because everybody hates jeets like you lol seethe harder
>Kinda excited to see what resistance even looks like.
It's Guerilla warfare, always Guerilla warfare. Especially as they invade into the Boral Forests where it's mostly uphill terrain, they didn't kill the natives up here because of the difficult terrain and the fact half of our country gets blanked in a frozen hell. It makes for terrible mobilization even with modern roads, the mines up north in Ontario's region is like TNT blasted roads into mountains, and sometimes half the road is washed away one bad rainy season
Everything is bigger in America. Euros have no concept of what life is like here on a continent.
Imagine taking a train from Paris to Moscow and every stop is filled with niggers spics and pajeets.
Welcome to North America
I might do this. I might start an Indian hate channel to see if I can get ad money
Schizo sluts should already know to have a friend on the phone while they ride and just act like they're talking on the phone the whole time. Really women shouldn't be out without a male escort at all.

There's also an app called Livewire and others where someone else can listen through your phone without them knowing, basically like wearing a wire that also tracks your location. Very good for sluttery.
I'm a history geek and an urban planning geek. It used to be that city centres are citadels of culture and knowledge, cities weren't the norm but they provide a place where specialists could be trained to service the countryside that provided the city with food as well as people. What elites in Canada is doing is turning cities into cages -- 15 minute cities, they don't want people to have the means to leave the city, they will use physical means to deny people their natural legal rights, as per The Charter of the Forest. Our elites are evil parasites, greedy AND stupid, one of those days they will die screaming in a fire because of the competency crisis they created. Jets, yachts, even their mansions, require competent people to run. Competent people that don't resent, competent people that have empathy and ethics that prevent them from selling any of them to kidnappers that will torture them for their bear bonds, etc.
The concept of shitskins being capable of achieving the same level of civilization as whites which was foolishly believed by our predecessors is completely and utterly untrue.
Shitskins can not, will not, and are simply not capable of acting “white” which is just a modern term for acting civilized. The internet age has exposed every shitskin for what they truly are. Subhumans to the Aryans.
sorry I don’t make the rules. It’s just objectively true
Only white incel losers would watch and they have no money,,,,,lmao do an India love video and millions of white women would watch
Please. This is false testimony from a know racist. You can't automatically beleive everything you read on the internet. This is clearly slander and we should not beckon Kala, the goddess of the time of day and our lives. Merely a display of childhood antics invoking krishnu.
This is a racist article and uncultured
>Everything is bigger in America.

Lmao, so true
based pajeets making roasties uncomfortable
Your name is Chelsea ain’t it
they probably ran out of budget for Amazon S3 lol
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>based pajeets making roasties uncomfortable
They're so good at it femoids are writing songs now
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There were once masters of destiny and renowned healers. Chiron remembers.
Yep. Turns out genociding whites is going to be a LOT harder than they thought.
It only looks like it’s working now because of the demoralization, but as soon whites start to realize they have no good future left, good luck with your DEI and AI foot soldiers.
The White Man’s Imagination is the most powerful force known on planet earth.
they’ll never take our imagination away
Try that in my small town. I got my girl a 45-70 derringer for Christmas. Stay sharp whites, fuck these niggers.
It is nice to see these stupid foids turn around on immigration. Too late, but I appreciate that they know deep down that this wouldn't be happening if they hadn't supported it. Not that they'll ever acknowledge that feeling
It has nothing to do with the foids, but everything to do with how organically repulsive pajeets are to white people.
I myself had no idea that I was so repulsed by them until I had to interact with them over and over.
There’s something uniquely repulsive about jeets that even the least racist leftist has to admit in the pits of their MK ULTRA’d soul that these creatures are not like them.
They not like us
They not like us
Type shit
a single poo benchod can't singlehandedly enact a sexual emergency on a western hot baabhabhiat.

poo males have less grip strength than the average western women lmao

saar needs to be in a pack of poojeets to successfully do the needful and redeem the bloody vegana

anyway I give my phul sapport to the poo chads shitting up the west, they are karma manifest.
>A new gilded age is coming.
Bro, it's already here.
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A shithole like Morocco is the last flag that should be invoking karma
Only mistake we made was not wiping you out when we had the chance
Describe your definition "gilded age".
that pic is wrong and bullshit

we actually dindu nuffin, it was dutch and other white dudes who sold white bussy in tripoli for kara boga sultans to sample

our people actually tried to suppress piracy :

During the American Revolutionary War, the pirates attacked American ships.

On December 20, 1777, Morocco's sultan Mohammed III declared that merchant ships of the new American nation would be under the protection of the sultanate and could thus enjoy safe passage into the Mediterranean and along the coast.

The Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship stands as America's oldest unbroken friendship treaty with a foreign power.

In 1787, Morocco became the first nations to recognize the United States of America.
That's bullshit, the barbary corsairs were in existence for 1000 years before the Dutch were even a thing
The invasion of Spain by the Ummayyads started off as a slaver raid and was later legitimized by the Ummayyad caliph as a conquest
>On December 20, 1777, Morocco's sultan Mohammed III declared that merchant ships of the new American nation would be under the protection of the sultanate
Yeah, because the Americans were about to blow you to pieces
Though its a moot point because by that time you were a colony of Spain and France
Article says most of the repatriations were voluntary largely thanks to the Mexican government offering free land.
Won't get the same deal in today's overpopulated world.
who cares, each country has its ups and downs.

what matter is that you guys rightfully deserve the poo you get.

next time maybe don't try to cheap out on labor costs and hire from your own people while paying them correct wages.

if not for the western brain drain maybe India wouldn't be in the state its in.
>Uber, not all of our drivers are rapists.
Seriously they have used this in advertising in London
No, it's a local name native to my non-english language. It's rare enough that I can't even say it without soft-doxxing self. Based on some googling, I can't figure out exactly why, but to them it reads as a clearly feminine name given the search results.
They're literally harassing me just based on the name I have on the delivery app, the guys who keep coming back probably just think they got unlucky that time and the boyfriend of the beautiful woman happened to open the door so they'll have to try again at a later date. This is a new level of horny.
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>”here is a special drink”
>it’s special because it’s poisoned
>also he works here so is guaranteed to get caught
I saw that thread (I read the r/Toronto because they always post subway closures and transit delays) and I knew KNEW it wouldn’t last for long. Mods of that subreddit are fucking insane. One is some chink cunt who hates white people and the rest are on the liberal party payroll. The thing is nobody ever mentioned the ethnicities of these Uber drivers, the thread was just “be careful, these people are fucked up”. The mods go scorched earth whenever you mention pajeets or their Chinese mayor, sometimes they let the black hate slide for some reason though.
I know 2 guys called Nikita lol they both have problems like this.
it doesn't matter at this point, conversation about this is so widespread some subreddit can't really do shit about it
They just assume you are a submissive homosexual due to ordering food.
They even died on beaches for it.
Have you looked at trudman’s cabinet? I haven’t seen this much brown since my toilet backed up. They’re not going anywhere. My advice is to wait until all of the pajeets desert India and then for white people to move there, clean it up and claim it. All it really needs is a couple of coats of paint and a shitload of Pine-Sol, we can build three factories since the jeets never cared about pollution so we use that to our advantage by manufacturing insane concentrations of Pine-Sol to douse the country with. I mean they have some cool statues and like rivers and shit, some people like going camping and nature and stuff so they’ll like that, and once we fish all the corpses out of the Ganges and flush it a couple of times through a charcoal filter it could be used for something else.
blessed "international students" are doing the raking for us
wtf I love pajeets now?!
>Indian Rideshare rapejeets molesting fares in Toronto, Canada
Imagine when we get a critical mass of RapeJeets into key positions in the police, justice system, medical system, and the government.
Either India or Israel, as usual.
They didn't mention the sex of the victim in the article.
>wtf I love pajeets now?!
Especially when they Yeet fellow Jeets.

Taking over Canada with crime:
>On Thursday, EPS and RCMP officers executed search warrants at six locations in southeast Edmonton. They arrested and charged five males and one female believed to be involved in the extortion scheme targeting South Asian business owners in the Edmonton area.

The arrested individuals include:
Jashandeep Kaur, 19
Gurkaran Singh, 19
Manav Heer, 19
Parminder Singh, 21
Divnoor Asht, 19
A 17-year-old male

>These suspects face a total of 54 charges
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Let's check in on the white incel loser

Lmao,,,,,believe all women....simping in overdrive....bros, she's not gonna fuck you,,,,lmao she would if you made an effort
It will be fascinating. Hundreds of years of progress in women’s rights in the west flushed in an instant.
>Worst American Rape Headline:
Woman raped on train and nobody intervenes
>Worst Indian Rape Headline:
12 giving birth to gang rape baby gang raped by doctors after giving delivery. (Was later gang raped in the parking lot and gang raped again by the cab drivers on the way home)

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