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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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admit it

You miss him
i miss it when conspiracy theories were reserved for well educated white men, i miss it when the establishment put effort into their lies, i miss it when the economy hadnt been completely skull fucked yet

this half jew half nigger won the election because john mccain thought it would be a good idea to have a karen sidekick who thinks dinosaurs are made by the devil to mislead us

and then in 8 years he managed to start 3 wars, ruin the economy, give epstein house arrest for raping little girls and whatever else he did
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No, but I miss being clueless and naive enough to consider voting for him. I actually supported Mike Gravel and Jill Stein, because I didn't think ol' Barry Soetero was left wing ENOUGH! Imagine that.
What I miss is the excitement of hanging out with other Something Awful goons on IRC and watching Barack rape McCain in his corrupt Arizonan asshole. And then Mittens, in his magic Mormon underpants. Remember this moment?
I miss being clueless and naive enough to think left-wing swings, feminism, and LGBT were good things. I don't like knowing how fucking horrifying those things really are behind the curtain.

Now Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka is fucking dead and his website is overrun with and controlled by detestable, unfunny Marxist retards. They don't even mourn him, they don't even miss him, they act like he never even existed. My old friends banned me from their stupid chat room just because I mentioned Biden's crack pipe goodie bags.

I miss seeing Biden as loveable comic relief and a respectable legacy American, instead of as the demented piece of shit race traitor puppet that I now see him as.

I miss the FUN of being left-wing leaning. How I still had a thriving social life, optimism and positivity in my heart. I miss all the virgin teenage girls that were throwing themselves at me. Now that I'm old, there's nothing for me out there but fat slags with mixed race kids. And *I* am the one that has to be grateful if *they* give me a chance. WTF? I don't want to be a fucking passport bro, that's a form of cowardice. I'm not some boomer who goes to Thailand and Phillipines to take advantage of poor people.

I miss being able to befriend brown and black people. I miss going on wild adventures like being the only White guy in a black club, getting shoutouts from the DJ.

That's what I miss.
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And what else I miss is not being fucking banned and censored everywhere on the internet except this shithole. I miss being able to head to the doctor's office or CVS and getting a jabby jab in my arm, having no reason to mistrust it.

I miss seeing the FBI/CIA as these cool guys who go around stopping serial killers and evil people with the magic of forensic analysis. Instead of as the modern NKVD/Cheka traitors that they really are. I hate that I have to go sleep every night knowing those jackbooted gestapo Stasi fucks are probably monitoring my ass and debating whether I'm worth the effort to murder.

I miss thinking our WW2 fighting men fought for a good cause, for freedom and democracy and peace. I hate understanding that if the Axis won, humanity probably would've been terraforming the moon already. Building sky-cities in the gas giants. Creating beautiful artwork, architecture, and music instead of the retarded garbage we have now.

That's what I fucking miss.
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yes smith mundt act based. you faggot clowns just miss him because you were all in middle school or some faggot busy with an MMO
Can't miss somebody who won't even fuck off. We're really in his 3rd term by the way.
Obama was the worst president ever until Biden took office.

All Obama did was set up the foundation for the gay/trans revolution that has been happening since 2014

Between 2008 and 2016 Obama worked day and night to make that happen.
Why would anyone miss him? He never shuts up.

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