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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>uses gambling psychology on children while getting them to buy merchandise
>shills them cp in private discords

wow this guy really is satan

this is political because hes absorbed allegedly one billion dollars worth of liquidity from random families by using actual mk ultra-tier tactics to get children to buy merch, while molding their imaginations demonically with cp

this is the kind of shit that you read about israel doing to palestine, but hes doing it to americans

post opinions
I don't even know who this is you need more information on your post
i know hes a DoD asset so maybe im saying too much but yo this guy is fucked up. the giveaways are fake. this is literal war-tier destabilization tactics hes been getting away with

yall got me, this shit has me fucked up.
He's a creepy glowniglet that's for sure.
i might spend a day analyzing after i figure out whether or not the media frenzy about him is organized or natural. i cant tell yet. i see through the psyop though. he was the one white male allowed to be popular. now it turns out he was a fucking pedo faking everything. this is a long-con coming into fruition.
Does he do Merch buy lottery giveaways?
I HATE that shit an automatically think lower of anyone who partakes in it.
less subs that pewdiepie but more relevant than him
evidently he has profited BILLIONS from this, mostly american liquidity. basically, hes scamming american children for a living
fuck this im self bumping

mossad agent orange fsb yakuza triads trump biden harris apt north korea
(((they))) used his tranny friend to sabotage his whole business, huh?

It's not surprising, jews and leftists always infiltrate people to destroy you for inside.
The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.
it looks like he didnt give a fuck and still doesnt, there are no more jews to blame
I was thinking of using his gambling tactics to spread the JQ on Odyssey and Rumble but I'm afraid of going to Hell. Since gambling is a sin I think. I will just have to spread JQ facts some other way. I was going to take donations from super chats on Odysee and then give it all away to one of the donating participants.
Or multiple participants, depending on how much people donate. Maybe some atheist or Neo-pagan will do it. I'm not going to endanger my soul though.
>wow this guy really is satan
More like the Antichrist but close enough
The MR.* beast
Not a single person has stated who the fuck this person is
Some youtuber
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A YouTuber who got famous by making money on YouTube and then keeps giving all his money away. People and kids want free money and worship mammon so they participate in his gambling games and giveaways ect. Good way to grow your channel, pretty ingenious if you ask me. But it treads a thin moral line between gifting/charity and gambling.
yeah he does. absolute scumbag.

Is murder

Making them watch an ad and pretend they talk to someone in their heads will drive them insane and ultimately kill them

Is not only that but cucking too

What they did with inbreed
Do you live under a rock?
>>uses gambling psychology on children while getting them to buy merchandise
you aren't mentioning the more insidious aspect of this
he trains them from an incredibly young age to follow this pipeline which will be supported through predatory gaming practices in their younger and teen years followed by other forms of real gambling in adulthood
he may not be in on it all, but the script he was given is designed for the above outcome
this is the reality of selling your soul
His soul will have to endure countless sufferings of addicts born of his work
he’s probably older than 23
We all do next dumbfuck question
the more concerning part is that he is now recruiting people for 150 usd a day to compete in rigged events where they undergo situations that sound comparable to bootcamp, on top of everything else.
This vid is great. There’s a part 2 coming up if the poster doesn’t lose his nerves or get sued.
my analysis:

it says hes departed from night media. i think its plausible he saw through the early blackmail efforts done to his friend, and has been preparing to go rogue while stockpiling money. this guy ended up being savagely intelligent about how to use his time. it is unfortunate he has to target children. i dont care if he is mk ultrad, this shit is just fucked up. i think thats part of the psyop. its just ugly all over.
there was no question
it seems you are the dumbfuck here
that's just part of puffing his brand
money money money money!
this man has all the red flags of a darkened heart including the puffed up "charity" and blah blah blah
the concern for me lies in who is behind him, other than Night. I want to know which MIC dickbags are behind it.
Stfu schizo
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>He's a creepy glowniglet that's for sure.
Would you raise this baby niglet for $100K?
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who the fuck projects themselves as some kind of benevolent sharer of wealth, a beacon of hope, a light among the people

while naming themselves
>mr beast

why did a group of three kikes from new york call their gay rap group
>the beastie boys


it means they're kikes or kike adjacent
the beastie boys kinda go hard tho
I know is not dumbass

Face it I can't keep reminding people they are under psychological attack them not me, they tried to fuck me over and went to shit so they went for people with any influence on me

The cowards way
t. retarded wigger whose mom took away his best porno mag
This is pretty good I'm kinda jealous
He's an Honorary Jew
it says a lot that people are too scared to say anything about obvious nonces like this guy and biden and saville etc.
Kamala Harris is the leader America deserves. Not dinosaur Donald who is creepy and old. Like a perverted old man he wants to take reproductive rights away! We won't let him.
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no hes an actual jew, otherwise his channel would not have been allowed to become so popular
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whether he's honorary or actual isn't really important

he represents the jew; either directly or indirectly

thus his chosen name
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>omfg my tranny partner is grroming children for sexual activity?
>how could this happen
>i am disgusted!
We are less than 5 years from the whiplash about this from the normalfaggots, right?
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>what is a shabbos goy
he's doing a mitzvah
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>wow this guy really is satan

No, he's not him but he made a deal with him for fame and fortune.
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this tho

he's not enough of an
>(((ugly white person)))
to be jewish
pewdiepie died as far as relevance goes as soon as the Christchurch falseflag faggot said to sub to him.
>visits israel
>suddenly goes on a shooting spree in a country not his own with no death penalty while vomiting the best of 4chan memes list all over the video
Fucking hell.
You sound like a TI. Sorry man that sucks I hope it gets better. Fuck glowniggers and their slimy tactics.
Not political. KYS tranny and stop flooding /pol/ with this >>>/lgbt/ trash.
dude youre talking about some youtube guy
get your head out of your ass
he doesnt matter
Mr Beast candy bars are in every gas station in the USA. He has an ongoing collaboration with Taco Bell featuring his goyslop. Ads for it are on every single platform on Earth.
if you decide to watch even 1 video on youtube using your playstation or phone, you will see this faggots face.
>corporations using public faces to intentionally influence the broad opinions of the youth of a nation is not political
Fun fact, this board is 'Politically Incorrect', not 'Politics'.
Is literally the imbred ad

Quite literally indeed looks exactly like a guy I know so much he could sue uf he wasn't a guilty moron

The ad is made so the people who know me thinks this posts are made by him or that he reads what we say here somehow it fucks with their brains a lot, makes them distance themselves from me

I could sue but as I said poor bastard is to dumb to do anything that helps me out
Mommy's 'lil manchurian candidate
>he doesnt matter
if he had no influence

he wouldn't be on the cover of TIME magazine

and we all know TIME magazine doesn't just put nobodies of the cover
>TIME magazine doesn't just put nobodies of the cover
I still remember the year I was on the cover of Time.
>this is literal war-tier destabilization tactics hes been getting away with
Tl dr on gambling "recruiting kids" and endoctrinas ting them and wtf is that about destabilisation tactics

Like what the fuck are any of you even talking about
Inverted hermeneutic of mr. rogers neighborhood.
I have eaten all their adspace

Greed bad guys you had a chance to make it you choose wrong
First time? The rabbit hole goes a million times deeper than you think. You should question anyone that’s been famous in the last 100 years
all of my posts in this thread were generated by language learning models
>Blue eyes
The mark of the devil, the sign of the pedophile, the signature of the subhuman
They just found an old stream of him saying "nigger" 10 times in a row because someone paid him $69 for each time he said it on stream. I'm not joking.

if you did not shill that retard here, like all others, nobody would know about him
you sure everyone is running to youtubes and other shit sites these days?
just kidding. seriously though >>475800134
theres a youtube video of some guy going through everything. shit is weird as fuck. i dont know the complexiteis of the world i guess, but this shit is fucking sickening to watch unfold. my heart sinks. i sort of liked this guys content. i fell for it as an adult. im actually worried for the younger gen now.
You will always be a faggot for killing the text boards moot. Fuck you, they were my comfy place.
His videos are aimed at children and he has a line of candy bars called Feastables with QR codes on them that enter you into raffles to win exotic sports cars and the like.
This poster is right…mom is mili intelligence
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>You should question anyone that’s been famous in the last 100 years
im pretty sure its public domain knowledge, i saw it mentioned in the archives multple times before making this thread. i just want to say what i think is on alot of /pol/s mind. its disgusting. i am demoralized by this i wont even lie
I wish schizos were banned:/
they use psychology to manipulate children to become addicted to their videos which promote gambling. the kids grow up to be gambling addicts. this serves two purposes, one it keeps them poor throughout life and funnels money to the top, and two it creates weak, degenerate people. if you want to destabilize or indoctrinate a nation, you target the children, because they are impressionable and they are the future.
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moot was never on the cover, he just attended that on party where he was named in the top 100 most influential people, where this gem comes from.
2007 or something had an issue where the person of the year issue was a computer screen with a reflective foil screen that said the basic internet user was person of the year.

Once anon figures out why the ads are there

Literally because of me they may notice how insane they are

The ridiculous amount of money to stomp a guy doing it for free
i should remake the thread about creating proper legislature to guide and determine and attempt to deflect stuff like this, particularly the illegal lotteries, but that wouldn't get (you)s. thats fucking whack tho.
>Sam Hyde is a "right wing" influencer/grifter recruiting for the CIA and Freemasons while being funded by the CIA (Peter Thiel)
>Keeps giving his money away
Except he doesn't. Under 1% his revenue from the main channel goes towards his charity one. He lies constantly about giveaways and runs illegal lotteries. He owns many many things wealthy people do but claims it's "owned by the business" so he can say "I live minimalistically."
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reminder that all of this is bc night media or whoever owns night media is mad that they dont get to decide how slippin jimmy uses his clappies
>sloppy job mossad
I wish they didn't ran the government
there's a reason they use bee symbolism. they are all the queen and we are the worker slaves. extracting our life force for centuries at this point while distracting us from the fact
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If you look like this guy, you should probably look into becoming a professional sperm donor as well.

Here is your new mentor:
Bhad Babie was only put on dr phil to be jailbait then onlyfans fodder for boomers to buy.
I can’t stand his face. He denied Christ as well, he used to be a follower. Now he will fall.
yeah at this point i dont even care. i didnt know how bad it was with this guy, i dont care who started it. i dont want to know. i just wish theyd pick someone else to astroturf for a while. just being honest
He is the antichrist
>used satanics to make money from children and to sodomise children
He is called literally mr.Beast, which is biblical name of Satan, duh.
Who cares, you retarded mutts still give him yours taxmoney.
>I want to know which MIC dickbags are behind it.
the same ones that have been behind it since before the end of ww2 the oss nay clowns in america
the problem is nobody who is actually in a position to lobby for change cares. the parents who let their kids sit in front of an ipad all day are not aware of who Mr Beast is, and they certainly don't give a fuck about what a bunch of internet schizos are saying about their kids. you have to make parents care and get involved with their kids, because they're the ones who can actually pressure the government to regulate this stuff.
rare flag
>be bad people
>start media company called Night Media that controls all of the popular influencers online
>tell them what to do
>they are all weirdos who are compromised, or will be compromised via association
>they have no choice
>they step out of line - this is what happens
pr much bruh. This site is unusable. I just like to derail here and there with the truth
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>they have no choice
>they step out of line - this is what happens

this nigga bernays has pubes 4 hair
hey retard. want to know a secret? most people can't even put this shit together but remember 'elsagate?' if you don't look it up. everything, everything they fucking learned with that was applied into 'creating Mr. Beast' everything
You are just lucky this guy decided to make stupid videos on Youtube. Imagine if this motherfucker got into politics instead.
Glowniggers gonna glow
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>Imagine if this motherfucker got into politics
he will. he'll pivot in like a decade or so.
people that the next generation are watching. AMP, OTK, 10s of millions probably 100s of millions of impressions on whatever they (dont) want
they even own moonpay like lmao how much can you glow
im wondering if thats why hes getting hit on the mainstream media right now. the thing is, hes way richer than everyone realized, his company is. im jealous i wont even lie, hes done incrredibly well financially, or his possee. but exposing it after/blowing it up in real time is surreal. im not even sure if its smart to fud the guy, for all i know hes just an AI. but whatever psyop by whoever came up with this and it got to this point, holy shit. you got me, this shit is weird and bizzare. i dont like posting on this website much lately. but this is surreal to wach unfold. this guy makes SBF look light-weight.
The literal Caesar of the American republic.
Good lord

He is green as a potato eye

In a thousand years maybe, he is lucky we do all the actusl work

Go back to the airbrush I avoid you being killed
you need to kill yourself ASAP
>im jealous i wont even lie, hes done incrredibly well financially
specifically about the money. im jewish enough i didnt care about this shit until i heard about that much money hes made within the last few days. the "fake giveaway" shit is fucking a really good scam. that is absurd. i never even noticed he was doing this, that guy is printing lmao
its a woman on hrt
Only reason I know who this phytoestrogen faced cuck is is secondhand by thread on here. Thank God I was born in the 80s and never came across this faggot by algorithmic programming that pushes this degeneracy on children.
Pretty hard not to be the most watched when you’re simultaneously the most pushed. Not really a fucking achievement.

Mr Beast lived with fucking Chris at the time and not only let that be hung up in his damn living room but did vlogs with it clearly there in the background. Don’t let that fucking creepy satanic freak get away with this, he’s 100% a nonce as well as is Karl who owned the damn discord server the grooming went on

The “MrBeast” brand is unironically a child sex ring
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I sure he has keys to the sex dungeon under Comet Ping Pong Pizza
The Shadman art was in Mr Beasts living room. He’s a pred as well
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>some kike OR kike adjacent shabbos goy
>(((mr beast)))
>current net worth
>$700 million
where did all this wealth come from?

>The “MrBeast” brand is unironically a child sex rings
what is it with the jewish concept of a
where children are ALWAYS associated
with being abused or murdered

and this KIKE
or KIKE adjacent Shabbos goy

suddenly fulfills this role

im sure they got eyes already. i dont know who they are but with what limited freedom of speech i have as an american i will comment on the nature of this and say i am appalled. i really wanted to believe in that motherfucker. the image crafting was perfect, the marketing was perfect. i am genuinely just upset he is not a good dude after all. i feel like an idiot, i was watching some of his newer videos out of intrigue.
Why would you join a management company when you’re number one? Even more so for the influencers who just sit at home?

You’re being blackmailed that’s why
>Mr. Beast
>Human trafficker
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He has the same kind of creepy look, the dead eyes, fake smile as Ilya (((Lichtenstein))). Who was dumb enough to try to launder stolen bitcoins by pretending his wife had this successful rap career and they were getting donations. It had to be the dumbest, least credible thing to come up with, but it took a while before authorities caught them.

Oh and it's well known that Mr Beast used "engagement farming" to get his videos into trending and recommended by using bots to leave thousands of comments and like the video and the comments, so the YouTube algorithm would promote it.

So it doesn't surprise me that the giveaways are fake and he was so low to prey on children. I hope justice is served for this creepy pedo scamartist fuck. If it isn't, normies should just go Leo Frank on him. I'm so tried of having to listen to these pedophiles that want to steal our money and rape our children. They deserve death.
whats worse is hes been poisoning the Entrepreneural creativity think tank by... well... being a fraud! he's limiting what people will become open to financially by just being a fucking gypsy nigger about every business deal. hes worse than a jew, this is gypsy nigger shit. pretending to give away cars, this guy would steal my fucking chicken if i left it out
Mr beast

dumbass we are here to expose Mr beast. Spread awareness not "hurr during u don't know him haha"
Absolutely. Don’t let this freak get away with this and push it all on his tranny pal when he had this shit in his damn living room And Karl owned the server the kids were being groomed on.

They’re a literal peadophile ring for fucks sake
You guys are straight schizos. All those streamers are doing way worse for getting kids into gambling playing with their fake money from Stake on twitch, kick, YouTube etc
any top performer in any entertainment medium should be avoided.
They are

How is this to complex for pol to discuss?

Yeah campaign shills
>pedophila rings are bad but loot crates are worse guys!
Fucking kill yourself faggot.
Fact is stranger than fiction

>Chris Tyson groomed boys online - fact
>MrBeast had a framed picture of a Shadman piece in his own living room - fact
>MrBeast has already vocally confirmed he finds little girls attractive - fact
>Karl owned and allowed grooming of underaged boys to happen in his discord server - fact
>Karl met up with little boys he knew were being groomed on his discord channel - fact

Tip of the iceberg indeed
yeah. the solution probably is literally just to outlaw it. im not in charge, i dont care what happens. but if specifically the type of illegal lotteries he was doing dont get banned, id be surprised.
So arrogant in your own ignorance. Boggles the mind
The dead eyes, thank you
I think people are intentionally ignoring the facts when it comes to people they like ala Michael Jackson. Matter of the fact is, there is sufficient evidence already in sight of the public for the entire MrBeast crew to be investigated for operating a child abuse ring
easy they pay out the ass for counter shilling. they are perverts and right now this is just a turf war between the jews that mr beast cut loose trying to warn him and get him back on the program signing them as management or they will really destroy him. you even sign with the jews you lose
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I had to do it
Anyone have the pic that explains his relations of the talent agency hes assigned to?

I need it
it was night media and back barely two months ago mr beast fired night media to strike out on his own. this whole thing is probably just night who owned him since 2018 just selective leaking more and more until he's back on the plantation or destroyed
Look for Night Media
its in the archives. heres the thing tho, i think he quit. now that he quit, MSM is coveirng this. but only part of it. im a bit skeptical to even make a thread about it, these are very intelligent people. but memetically i think they should try harder. this is ugly, art should be pure and wonderful. and they were allegedly artists this entire time. ive been scammed artistically, im mad about it. i bet they use subliminal messages and shiet.
Asmongold getting real quiet right about now
>The Lord of Gifts
>The “MrBeast” brand is unironically a child sex ring
Seems legit, his whole brand is gambling psychology and bragging about having money, so the whore single moms are pretty likely to pimp their kids out for money or fame.
People liking drawings is one thing but it's super suspicious for anyone heavily involved with kids to be a vocal enjoyer of it.
>seriously though >>475800134 #
>theres a youtube video of some guy going through everything. shit is weird as fuck. i dont know the complexiteis of the world i guess, but this shit is fucking sickening to watch unfold.
Ok so basically the YouTube algorithm spammed a video that most people here saw and the same people here have so few remaining neurons that aren’t fried that they just assumed everyone had watched the same video as them great

>His videos are aimed at children and he has a line of candy bars called Feastables with QR codes on them that enter you into raffles to win exotic sports cars and the like.
Ok and, I remember being a kid and every single kid food or toy brand in bars or shops did that

Do you not remember the fucking morning cereals where you could scratch a code to "win" 0.03€ plastic toys made in China?

At that point it’s a skill issue I might have been 4 years old but I was never stupid enough to not understand how the scam worked, the kids that get hooked on that are unironically getting IQ checked by life itself

>they use psychology to manipulate children to become addicted to their videos
Wow wow wow there, do you want some sugar flakes on your scoop?
Breaking news! someone working in the media uses psychology to obtain views/sales!
some anon the other day posted an early mr beast thing with chris where they joked heavily about 'cp' and then pretend cp was club penguin and then imitated their dick going soft when it was club penguin. they have been perverts the entire time
He's rich as fuck, hundreds of millions of subscribers. Tons of young people know who he is. I'm 31.
>Why would you join a management company when you’re number one?
Well if the name is accurate it could be he was just looking to try offloading the handling of Human Resources to professionals

I’ve seen one behind the scenes video and basically mr beast is a complete workaholic who just tries to force everyone to get on his own insane schedule and fires everyone who can’t handle the workload resulting in more or less the entire team being replaced every few weeks or months as mr beast is constantly unsatisfied with these people who don’t want to work 22 hours a day to make him money

So maybe he was hoping this management company would help him make those filthy sbires work 22 hours a day 7 days a week and clearly that failed so he cuts off the deal
>Breaking news! someone working in the media uses psychology to obtain views/sales!
you are the one who asked for an explanation cause apparently you were too retarded to put two and two together. you're right, it's pretty basic advertising tactics, what makes it noteworthy is the sheer scale of it. he's not just some crook rigging games at the county fair, he's making billions of dollars.
he's literally fake. every contestant or those who 'win' are his friends, family or friends friends and family or other popular youtubers or e celebs who can boost his market share. literally nothing about him is real
Stan of what?
I would say the reason why he's gotten away with breaking the law so much is because the scam isn't an outright "you gave money and you got nothing" type scam. Instead he gives them something for the money like a t-shirt or a chocolate bar. And when little Bobby complains that he didn't get $500 or get invited on the show his mother assumes there was probably some "small print" or it was something that wasn't likely to happen and doesn't assume it was a scam.

For the FTC to actually do something, people need to write letters and email them in droves.

>they have been perverts the entire time
People should always be suspicious of those who want access to and to have influence over children. Especially if the guy looks creepy and has no children of his own. A lot of parents just assume places like YouTube are safe for children when anything that has a large audience of children and some anonymity is going to be prime target for pedos.
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night media is a buncha groomers they are astroturfing ar 4chanz
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look, look, they are doing narrative control. Look how cute the glowies are. Slippin Jimmy was working too hard haha prolly nothing to do with his media company
Jokes on you I just used my dad's porn stash
yeah they have the bot spam, but it looks like the frequency of it has slowed down. i see less of it. im not 100% sure if its a feint retreat, or a total exit and the mr beast company is left on its own yet. i dont care, but i cant tell. either way, this shit weirded me out, thanks for reading my blog kvetching about this fucking weirdo
yeah they need this one to die so they can make a fresh one without all the attention on NIGHT MEDIA aka CIA backchannel groomers controlling pop culture
In reality, plebs are sherp & they are parasites.
looked for this video earlier and youtube wouldnt show it to me
typed in the exact title and everything

The original cast surrounding Mr. Beast are all moving away from the channel. Two of them are sexual deviants and the other is a devout christian having bible studies on social media.

Is Mr. Beast actually the anti christ to have this effect on those around him? Either they destroy themselves in perverse acts or abandon everything to turn to God.
>Why would you join a management company when you’re number one?
it was the management company that artificially got him there to begin with
>he's literally fake. every contestant or those who 'win' are his friends, family or friends friends and family or other popular youtubers or e celebs who can boost his market share.
Again that just sounds like he wants to pretend he is giving money away while in practice he just moves it around in his close entourage

That sounds like what someone who wants to keep the money he made from ads and selling merch would do not someone who got infinite money from some mystery patron

It’s like the guy who gets elected mayor and then he he mayors office pays for renovation of "town infrastructure" which include a palace for a woman who just so happens to be the mayors wife qnd where the mayor just so happens to live

What a funny coincidence
> A Youtuber that paid chink bot farms to pretend he was famous and came out of nowhere and even the generation that Youtube was pushed on considered him a literal, as represented by his low audience participation.
this shit is so retarded, you're worse than 90's soccer moms at this point if you genuinely believe this about "look what happens when I plant 1 million tree" videos
>he was the one white male allowed to be popula
he was saying he would run for president.
maybe this is a warning not to get ideas above his station.
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that''s a lot of kvetching and whining

but i see you don't have shit to prove that poster is wrong

Billionaires are all shitheads

Wake UP
how am I supposed to disprove retarded schizo babbling? fact is MrBeast has done more for charity than you faggots have done to affect anything in your insular rage chamber, the idea that he will be taken down by something his friend did he had nothing to do with is also laughable
not all of them. theres levels to this shit, at least i fucking pray. im sure a few could capitalize either way this unfolds, and sin less at the same time . business at that scale is too complex for a moron such as myself. but people are guided by belief, there are certainly very powerful./rich people who are not this evil
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what part of what you read qualifies in that regard?

how come you can't explain in a simple manner why YOUR argument should be believed, that by the way, you ADMIT isn't capable of countering the argument you responded to?

i thought jews were smart
Your faggot bf mr. bitch is finished and cancel culture mob with pitchforks are at the gate and he will be a homeless bum giving BJ's for a five spot soon enough.
60 grams of his shitty chocolate sells for $4 in Australia. That's more expensive than premium stuff like Lindt.

He's fleecing the shit out of his zoomer base
when we analyze his giveaway arrangments, it looks like none of them were even at close to a loss.
hes "giving away" shit, but guising it as a lottery. its not charity, its fraud when hes making billions
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I don't want to advocate for violence or anything, but I think I'd be happier if his weird face was cut off and fed to the hogs
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Mr. Beast IRL
it's just more dumb JOOOOOOS posting from you dumb as shit faggots, even though MrBeast isn't jewish, same shit you blubbering morons have posted here since you came from stormfront, comeup with a better shtick, I'm not even in the age bracket to like this guy, and the second hand cringe from how mad you are at someone else's success is fucking embarassing
>they destroy themselves in perverse acts or abandon everything to turn to God
They haven't genuinely found God. They are using Christianity to say they've "reformed" and that they were under the influence of the devil and now they found Jesus and it's all good. It keeps them out of jail. A pedophile will have no problem pretending to be Christian, they were already pretending not to be a sexual deviant and pedo, so this is just a new larp to escape punishment. And people buy it.

Some of the things suggested, like carefully picking who can be on the show and doing lots of editing, adding things in post, this is all very common in the TV/radio industry. It's always someone affiliated with the station.

The real issue is the grooming and pedo shit, they should be in jail for that. They should also be hit with fines for the scamming/fraud as well, but that can be some civil cases that the FTC can handle.

>fact is MrBeast has done more for charity
Doesn't have anything to do with the fact he diddles kids. If anything the charity (and appearance of it) makes for a good beard to hide the fact he touches children. You are like that south park guy who says: "so what if Michael Jackson touched children, it's Michael Jackson!". How could he make such great music and touch children!
he's literally jewish and works for jewish interests
I doubt is his, that's the point we all know this rings operate next to us because they post minors next to us to incriminate us, then our local rapists and pimps do the rest

I believe in him being smarter than that
His "success" is being chosen as a glowie tool and asset, like Epstein's "success".
>hes "giving away" shit, but guising it as a lottery. its not charity, its fraud when hes making billions
Yeah, sure thing, you jealous homo. I'm sure the feds will shut down his charity videos any day now.

>Your faggot bf mr. bitch is finished and cancel culture mob with pitchforks are at the gate and he will be a homeless bum giving BJ's for a five spot soon enough.
Literally nothing is going to happen to him becuase most people aren't retarded like you and can conceptualize the basice of idea that there isn't guilt by association. His next video will probably make a 100 million more views than the last one. If you think YouTube is going to pull the plug on him due to his fired friend being exposed as like shadman by pathetic retards at Kiwi Farms, you are fucking insane. You may as well as Disney to cancel Mickey Mouse at this point.
>His "success" is being chosen as a glowie tool and asset, like Epstein's "success".
The funniest thing is you have wasted half your life with this kind of brainrot fanfiction which you could have focused on building a career and starting a white family, but no this is your life now and it's too late to go back.
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Whats cp? chocolate products?
>you jealous
hes done exceptionally well financially. im simply expressing my freedom of speech.
> If you think YouTube is going to pull the plug on him due to his fired friend being exposed as like shadman by pathetic retards at Kiwi Farms, you are fucking insane. You may as well as Disney to cancel Mickey Mouse at this point.
i do not, but i made the thread anyway. i know whoever runs it will read this. im asking them to please pick a different character as a main player type nigger. i dont know. this is fucked though. im expressing my discontent in one thread. mostly because the production quality was very good, im sort of pissed off it was rigged.
bro i wanted to beleive this motherfucker survived on a raft. i wanted to. its fake, fuck you. push something positive for a change, nigger
>hes done exceptionally well financially. im simply expressing my freedom of speech.
The only reason you're going on a tirade about him is because of his success. His content is clean cut as fuck.
He recently flipped the script from being a mr beast defender to putting him under criticism. zach is just a paid talking head anymore and likely doesn't give a shit. He's amply demonstrated over the years that he has no principles or ethics whatsoever.
>Mr Beast is never going to be cancelled guys
>he's totally not a pedo
>he's just friends with some pedos
>buys pedo art from pedos, and works with pedos
>Ukraine doing well against Russia
>I took the covid vaccine and booster
You're so naive it's funny. Good luck with that.
Globalist child predator
People always complain about his charity work. Would he ever do all this wild charity shit if he didn’t film it and post it on YouTube for the ad revenue/sponsorships? I highly doubt it. He’s obviously making more money in return and using the whole thing for content, but in the end hes changing peoples lives with the charitable work even if it is for content. Tons of people do this shit on YouTube, not to the extent he does but I personally think he genuinely cares about helping the less fortunate to an extent. It’s a win/win. He’s also not some narcissist, he’s some beta small town guy from the Midwest. Probably even right wing.
>wow this guy really is satan
I mean, he is called Beast for a reason
Probably several hundred years old, desu
>schizo can't even stay on topic, because this is a fucking nothing burger controversy that was already ended by the troon being fired
hes successful financially, ive admitted this. im pretty sure ive played pokemon showdown with that motherfucker way back in the day. but not all of us oldfags get blackmailed and pimped out, so im making a thread about it. i dont give a fuck if hes some mk ultra nigger. i wanted to believe this nigger survived on a raft bro. i wanted to beleive he was gonna send shit to the moon. it was all bullshit. im mildly irritated enough to kvetch, and for some reason this guy has an IDF
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>He’s also not some narcissist, he’s some beta small town guy from the Midwest. Probably even right wing.
/pol/ is so retarded they think anyone who has money must be a jew, it's fucking tiresome, about as tiresome as them chimping out over Christians due to non-ending jew autism, the stormfront exodus was the worst thing to ever happen to 4chan
>nobody would know about him
You could've just said yes to his question that you live under a rock, stupid motherfucker.
fraud is whatever. predation on minors is fucked up. im jealous of the fraud, everyone is literally its a billion dollars. but why did he have to prey on fucking kids, its just fucking weird. the whole "not having a dad" thing is starting to make sense.

he didnt have a dad to tell him not to talk to fucking crazy assholes on the internet. i feel bad for this guy. but its too far, hes fcking evil at this point and i never noticed. someone groomed the fuck out of him.
have you ever considered the fact this is projection and you're the mentally ill one?
i bet his story is half legit. i bet he actually is some fucking oldfag /b/-tard from way back in the day with zero friends, and i bet he got groomed. and i feel bad. because he might not even be sentient. i dont know what the fuck theyve done to him. but he is fucking horrifying now, im unironically scared to fud him even post cancellaion. no one guided this guy towards having a normal healthy life. he got fucked. he needs to find God if hes even awake
Reminder that the western world banned chink loot crates in games long before the east did. Eastern societies thrive on gambling.
hes smart enough he could do anything he wants to, and he chose the most evl fucking shit for a quick billion. he manfested it probably conciously from occult niggers guidance. he didnt have to pick the most evil fucking shit ever.

you are right. im allowed to kvetch though, officer. ill rest my case after this post. i have freedom of speech as much as the next guy, and occasionally i will leverage that right to speak freely on whats bothering me.
His ex-employee's video went into plenty of detail about his illegal lotteries. Law enforcement exists to write tickets. China at least executes people who steal tens of millions.
Kids should probably be banned from the internet as an assumption with very limited spaces to socialize with other kids and no adults. Just like all porn needs to be locked behind an account signup barrier.
>the other is a devout christian having bible studies on social media.
are you literally retarded? good people dont go around fucking associating with logan paul and trannies,
His content is basically poverty tourism and advertising his quasi lottery YouTube channel where children have a chance to earn lots of cash if they subscribe, apply, etc etc etc.
He's just mkultra probably. Basically Alester Crowley developed modern Satanism/manipulation tactics. Colonel Michael Acquino of the US Army (his Wikipedia page was deleted, WEIRD!), founder of the Temple of Set, took the torch of Satanism from Crowley. He also ran the mkultra program, which was focused on inducing DID in children for use as spies (and was apparently successful.)

This knowledge was applied with the CIA which is why in the late 1960s there were tons of serial killers, the CIA using these tactics to get people to do things for them. Pretty much all mass shooters today are victims of this type of government sponsored gangstalking, harassment, and manipulation. They always seem to have parents in the intelligence agencies and are on SSRIs or other mental drugs.
Advertising gambling to kids, poor parents with no morals love mr beast because money, then grooming eventually happens.
Money IS of the Devil. As it says in the Bible about it being easier for camel to fit through the head of a needle than a rich man get into Heaven. Mr. bitch promotes materialism and lotteries to children and is evil.
He does these things called loot boxes which is like gambling for kids.
Basically they offer a willy wonka golden ticket so kids buy more stuff for a chance to visit his studio and compete for cash prizes.
Very good description. Everyone has agreed loot boxes are gambling and bad. His ex employee alleged he isn't running them legally either.
absolutely good digits of truth lad
fuck of jewish rat, back to Langley with you
He looks like a SÖY Faced, slack-jawed faggot that Trump needs to imprison for life in Gitmo when re elected.
Even the old conservative type raised his mug in approval
Any more background on his mom?
>Mr Beast is never going to be cancelled guys
>he's totally not a pedo
>he's just friends with some pedos
>buys pedo art from pedos, and works with pedos
>Ukraine doing well against Russia
>I took the covid vaccine and booster
You're so naive it's funny. Good luck with that faggot.
ESL posters lmao.
>Mr Beast is never going to be cancelled guys
>he's totally not a pedo
>he's just friends with some pedos
>buys pedo art from pedos, and works with pedos
>Ukraine doing well against Russia
>I took the covid vaccine and booster
You're so naive it's funny. Good luck with that faggot.
We get what we deserve
That's it
Everything about the guy is fake. Fake sub counts, fake giveaways, fake personality. Manufactured consent, made into a person.
There's no real reason to plant trees, everyone that does that shit is merely grifting for money. Algae in the ocean is the main reason why we have oxygen, not trees.
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From the moment I saw this bloody benchod bastard's face a few years ago, I knew there was something fucking off about him. I think that he's actually a clinical psychopath, which is why he keeps doing it and getting away with ever more clever methods to scam people out of money.

The thing about psychopaths is they can (usually) mimic real human emotions and mannerisms, but there's always at least one tell with them that gives them away if you pay attention. For me, it was his fake smile. And a lot of other anons picked up on it too. It's just an inhuman smile. He's pretending to be human, but he just can't because he is fundamentally inhuman. That's a psychopath. He doesn't understand what it means to feel genuine emotion.

And so he just keeps doing this shit without remorse and tricks even his most loyal sycophants along with it.

How he hasn't been investigated by the FTC or other authorities yet is beyond me. Only viable answer is he has permission to do this. A psychopath with full and express permission by the PTB to do psychopath things. What a fucking nightmare.
Are we sure mr beast isn’t at east half Jewish? I was watching the vid about his gambling techniques and was like, he has to be at least half.
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>For me, it was his fake smile.
100% connected to feds or some kind of shadow government agency.
He was always a fucking pedo weirdo, his fucking sidekick is a tranny. Are you literally a fucking retard? This guy is some kind of subverting freak from the start and if you couldn’t see it in his videos telling kids to worship money then you’re dumber than a farm animal.
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>his fucking sidekick is a tranny. Are you literally a fucking retard? This guy is some kind of subverting freak

you give him too much credit and notoriety, fren

his is nothing more than TWO simple things
>a kike
>a shabbos goyim

there is no explanation or reality beyond this
rolling for mr beast getting stabed on August 12th
Who is this guy? The picture just says “nigger” but literally half of my saved pictures say that, mostly because I saved them myself.
desu, these are the people the glow niggers need to disappear but our boomer gubment is in coldwar mode hunting down 60 year old KKK members in southern alabama. I wouldn't fault him. we all need to be more aware of the evil around us
>Night Media

its always the colour of darkness. void of light. the black cube. black hand.

The real question is who is protecting him at Youtube? The Female CEO is quick to attach left wing wikipedia articles on every single J6 video, CDC gene therapy propaganda on every Covid video, but illegal gambling promoted to children is A.O.K.
lol you think they give a shit about morality? its about money and power.
Why does he always look so off? When he “grins”, it looks fake and forced. When he looks serious his lips look thin and pursed. He just looks uncomfortable in his own skin, it’s creepy. It’s a wonder he’s a popular internet personality. I’ve never watched one of his videos and I have no intention to do so.
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Uh oh.
Remember all those 3rd world charity vids they've done over the years? Guess who was there? That's right .. Jared from Subway aka Chris from Beast Burger.

I bet you guys a pile of memecoins we find out Chris was buggering 3rd world kids the whole time setting up meets with them on his groomer discord before landing in the country. This shit is going to get ugly with tons of lawsuits because he enabled the Jerry Sandusky of youtube
He pays niggers to breed

Sorry but if your entire town lacks plumbing maybe building free plumbing will just make them dumber not smarter.

Not to mention he turned 1000 copngenitally blind people into breeders for the medical industry, statistically this will make thousands more blind kids. Subscription medics LOVE breeding diseased people.
And the money is mostly fake anyways. They can own a 300 million dollar yacht and will be enraged that a poor person isn't starving.
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It was unironically only a matter of time
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I told you niggers something wasn't right as soon as I saw this image. But y'all just called me silly.
not art. it is mesmerism. left hand magic. black magic. its the same magic C.Manson was good at
what giveaways are fake? i won a shirt from him before.
LMAO post shirt

Calisthenic pyrotechnics.
hi jimmy
What lol post it let's see the shirt anon
What's surprising is how quiet the rest of the Internet has been over this.
Coward Punch?

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I mean it's got THREE wolves on it, damn
That's Sigmund Freudstein's nephew

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>he's jewish
>or related to a jew

precisely my point
>wow this guy really is satan
Why do you think he calls himself Mr. Beast?
All of the youtubers and most streamers use psychology to manipulate children. This is why most of them take great care to keep their personal info/where they live private because they know they are dirty fuckers getting rich by exploiting youth.
If only parents didn't enable this by being worthless fuckers themselves. If I had a kid they will never be allowed to touch youtube unless it's purely educational.
US Carriers dont just let anyone on their ships. He is a 3 letter glownigger asset yes. Most major ecelebs are in some way, shape, or form. I just want to know why the DoD is hellbent on fucking this country up and doing massive damage to the young generation
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Yeah, he gives me the willies and always has. Once you've been the target of a person with a malignant personality, you can develop a heightened sense of them.

Most psychopaths are retards, and they act like retards. They go around hurting people but they don't do too well in general. The few who are intelligent greedily hoard money and power.
This place has gotten fucking creepy
There's absolutely no evidence that he was involved with cp.
It’s Muhammad Ali’s grandson
Yes there is.
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No I'm just not chronically online.
>the willies

you know what a Wili is right? It's what happens when an engaged virgin woman dies before her wedding night and becomes an evil waterbender ghost.

Look it up.
I learned something new today, thank you anon.
Prove it.
>he's making billions of dollars.
lol nah
I could post cp here and he is here

>yall got me, this shit has me fucked up.
why are niggers allowed on this site?
Fr fr on god no cap on sight

Who dat?
Interested in sources for the second allegation. I can find that his co-hosting tranny cohort groomed kids by googling "mr beast controversy".
But I can't find anything about him shilling discord himself.
For me right now, it just looks like you want a white guy to take the fall for a tranny.
Jimmy's fall is his own for using gambling advertising strategies on kids, running illegal lotteries, and false advertising by not fulfilling giveaways. He runs his charity but less than 1% the main company's income goes to it.

He's probably the one grooming them if 2 cohosts become degenerate and one a devout Christian lol. >>475806736
He's just autistic
It's such bullshit that cons like this can operate as long as they toss a handful of shekels at the plebs so the normie NPC cattle can idolize mr bitch et al for being such great people.
>Colonel Michael Acquino of the US Army (his Wikipedia page was deleted, WEIRD!)
Damn, not even going on Oprah to talk about how Anton Lavey brainwashed you into committing ritual murder makes you important enough for a wikipedia page anymore.
headsup: he probably ("jimmy") has some pull with jannies. i personally dont give a fuck though. if we're all playing a game with peoples attention, i'd like to remind this puppeted asshole he only wins when no one understands its just a game. the moment other players become conscious, its all uphill. i dont give a fuck if i get gangstalked over this thread.
You can't even link to evidence. You have nothing. LOL

Seethe. Mr. Beast just has a smart business model. Now you're seething at a celebrity, typical.
No, Jews have loyal Masonic families they prop up. Not everybody famous is Jewish otherwise people would most definitely notice them
That's evidence dumbass we all on this shitty ride with every pedo despot and saturated attention hotel room service
Your schizophrenia is a not a substitute for evidence.
Your lack of capacity of simply leaving this place and going to any other adult board here is astounding
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As long as Jimmy pays taxes he won't be prosecuted for running illegal lotteries. Unless people complain too much then suddenly the law needs to be enforced!
Why should I leave? Because you can't handle someone asking for evidence? LOL

This nigger is the next loony they put up after Onision failed
Is not leaving

Open new tab click on any of the letters on top and come back with results
>yall got me, this shit has me fucked up.
I fucking hate zoomers like you wouldn't believe holy fuck
Pls kys
It was his eyes for me. Same feeling though
Do you have evidence? Does anyone here have evidence that Mr. Beast has any involvement with cp?
You're a shitskin 3rd worlder lmao
His worst crime is that with all that money and all those resources he's never made an entertaining video
>anon hates white guy with way more money than him
Wow. What a surprise.
Jimmy Saville did a massive amount for children’s charities. So I guess that makes it ok that he raped young children.

Mr Beast will be outed as the disgusting abuser that he is soon enough,
>subhuman parasite defending another one
They are ok but yeah tycho has all the personality

But hey he ain't 400 pounds

Cough women directing choices
>this is the kind of shit that you read about israel doing to palestine, but hes doing it to americans
Uhh based? Death to America.
Mr Beast is the Lord of Gifts
The Lord of Gifts is Sauron
Mr Beast has the same personalty traits as Sauron
I hate seeing Jimmy Boy's shitty goyslop food items for sale in Walmart, where they unironically belong for the Goy NPC to consoooom like his retarded shows.
Do you have evidence?
they only give 1 reward out of the hundreds of awards they promise to give.
fuck it, new bread
she looks like an abusive bitch to me. like if he didnt smile she would holler at him. reminds me of that kind of woman
>mr the beast
>actually a fake saviour
There are sevel YT channels dedicated to MK ultra Child Porn type shit....like this one

Is this the guy that used to post videos of strange happenings/spooky stories?

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