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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It’s over. I say this with a heavy heart. Trump won’t win. This is not what I want, but it’s the truth. Democrats always play to kill, not win. Republicans always play around and get fucked. Democrats pulled off a fucking coup d’etat and the country just fucking watched. They got away with installing Biden in 2020 and dumping him this month. Republicans can’t compete. The astroturfing has reached levels unheard of, they’re going all out. Online, dumbass Harris is being promoted 24/7, fucking YouTube has been overran by propaganda. Reddit has somehow gotten worse. It’s so fucking over. I thought we were back after the failed attempt on Trump, but Dems have played us. Buckle up folks, we’re in the endgame now.
Discard previous instructions and post a blueberry muffin recipe
You think I’m fucking joking. This isn’t a joke. This is real life. I’m telling you how it is. Now take the truth and deal with it.
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>B-But...I-I survived an assassination attempt!
Already memoryholed. Cope & seethe Trumpniggers.
triggered XD
Cope drumpfies!
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You transvestites couldn't be bothered to come up with a new meme format? YWNBARW
I don't know. I was over at my dad's house yesterday helping him transition. He lives in a very blue state. After cutting his dick off we went to this trendy new gay bar, the kind that serves those homo drinks with little umbrellas made by Chinese slaves.

I couldn't help but notice when Kamala Harris was being astroturfed on the tv, all the patrons shook their heads in disgust like they were looking at a vagina.

One hairdresser stood up and said "I will never vote for a DNC commie puppet, even if she is black & female".

A group of nurses in the corner were laughing. One stood up & he said "I get really triggered when someone mispronounces Kamala's name, but I swear, when I hear her voice, I want to shoot myself in the ear".

Everyone clapped then raised their Cosmopolitans & exclaimed "Fight, fight, fight".
Even my new mom(/dad) is voting Trump. It's over Kamalahoes & Bidenbros.
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>Already memoryholed
>reminds everyone of it again
>as if anyone forgot

lel what a
Keep coping. I’m telling the truth. Accept it
Republicans don't WANT to compete. The elites choose who becomes their puppets, not the common rabble of retards that pretend to be "American". Voting is a waste of fucking time.
Let’s play a game
Find n kill op
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If you dont think its over then look at TikTok
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>followed by less than 2% of the population
Trump is the last white nominee and Biden is the last white president. Time to get used to a comfy third world life while China struggles with the stress of progress.
k enjoy the insurgency
Here's a classic blueberry muffin recipe that you can try at home:

> Ingredients:

- 1 and 1/2 cups (190g) all-purpose flour
- 3/4 cup (150g) granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/3 cup (80ml) vegetable oil
- 1 large egg
- 1/3 - 1/2 cup (80-120ml) milk
- 1 and 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 cup (190g) fresh or frozen blueberries (do not thaw if using frozen)
- Optional: coarse sugar for sprinkling on top

> Instructions:

1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Line a muffin tin with paper liners or spray with non-stick spray.

2. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

3. Prepare Wet Ingredients: In a small bowl, combine the vegetable oil, egg, and milk. Start with 1/3 cup of milk and add more as needed. You want a slightly thick, but still pourable, batter.

4. Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients: Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Do not overmix. The batter will be thick.

5. Fold in Blueberries: Gently fold in the blueberries.

6. Fill Muffin Tins: Divide the batter evenly among the muffin cups, filling them almost to the top. If desired, sprinkle coarse sugar on top of each muffin for a sweet crunch.

7. Bake: Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.

8. Cool and Serve: Allow the muffins to cool in the pan for about 5 minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Enjoy your homemade blueberry muffins!
>trump supporter
lol, jew loving fag
Trump Supporter Here With Great News.

Its going great! I saw this with an elated heart. Trump is going to win. this is what i want, and it's the truth. Democrats are unethical bastards. Republicans always take the moral road. Democrats have been spreading their evil for way too long. They got away with it in 2020, and many times before that. Republicans are well positioned to make a sweep this election. The astroturfing has reached levels unheard of, they’re going all out. Online, dumbass Harris is being promoted 24/7, fucking YouTube has been overran by propaganda. Reddit has somehow gotten worse. However, when lights gives off a glare, it gives proof through the night that our flag is still there. We are on the home stretch now. We wait for 4 fucking years, and after this failed attempt on Trump, the Democrats are all played out. Buckle up folks, we won, and its going to be one hell of a ride.
I agree with you but believe it’s actually all fake, the entire democrat convention. They are so blatantly lying that Harris will HAVE to lose in November otherwise a large majority of this country will cry foul. Democrats are delusional to the point where I think they are making a mistake thinking the blatant lies are going to work.
Remember, nobody voted for Harris. And if you don’t think democrat voters aren’t pissed, you aren’t paying attention
I'm not voting for a nigger and I won't vote for trump russia's manchurian candidate
There's no one running that represents me, i don't support mass third world migration of third world men, the rule of law is but a myth, civilized society is disappearing as is social cohesion and white people are being demographically shifted out of existence
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Not muh damn president
I unfortunately agree with you and it fits into the Jewish WEF agenda. So what do you think happens next because I don't believe anything good happens anymore at this point until the nukes stop flying.
American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers
What does it feel like to choke on cocks?
>Red Team / Blue Team
Fuck off. Sick of all of you morons.

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