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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why hasn't /pol/ accepted Lord Bacchus, Dionysus as their savior?
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because he's just another degenerate trapped in the cycle of birth and death.
the buddha way is unsurpassed.
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Dumb kike
Buddhism, and by extension Eastern philosophy is extremely absolutist in its view that the entire world is suffering. Why not just not care about the suffering and enjoy life?
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Buddhists are lazy, nihilistic faggots that have never accomplished anything in human history. You like them because Buddhism allows pedophilia which you faggots are all about.
Why are people acting like this is a new thing? The fucking Olympics even in its more modern incarnation has had all kinds of pagan shit going on.
My guide is Orcus. Also, why would any actual politheist worship only one god? Save your messianism to your desert cult.
If you want to "save your soul"(from rebirths in this mortal world), you can ask Hermes for an answer, but He already delivered it to Pitagoras.
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You are so desperate to be European, you follow a religion that was defeated and declared degenerate by European natives. You are a homosexual, drug addict, the perfect fodder for Jewish paganism.
>Why not just not care about the suffering and enjoy life?
Buddhism teaches how to do it right. Pretending that things aren't bothering you will only put you into more pain an suffering as you seek peace outside yourself.
How can you say that yourself truly is glad when you can't even being alone with no entertainment around without getting bored?
Find joy in yourself is a hard task.
When I rejected simping and started concentrating on self-improvement, I moved from the cult of aphrodite to the cult of hephaestus.
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This thread is shit, but for those actually interested in learning about Dionysus, the above video is pretty good.
Buddhists are the ultimate cuck losers, they have not accomplished a single thing in history, I can see why a Brazilian would like them, fucking scum.
He obviously surpassed that. Right Handy
Let's make one thing clear. Until 1700, peasants were not allowed to decides by themselves what they would like to worship

Rome only became christian because they had become numerous and, in order to preserve power, Constantine "officialized" Christianity, but it's well known that crypto-paganism was happening among powerful figures of ancient days.

Rome converted people to Christianity, because the later emperors were too lazy and incompetent to manage different people under the same empire. Then they chose Christianity is the universal(=catholicism) to make their plans of globalization easier.

Pagan civilizations fought ROMAN soldiers that had their Martial(Mars god) knowledge and philosophy that came from a pagan god.

Then you had a globalist empire spreading an universalist stoicism covered with a then new semitic philosophy to conquer as many civilizations you could spending the less possible.

Vikings, celts, Gauls, goths, visigoths, they all fought the Roman empire that pushed Christian for conquered people but still worshiped pagan gods behind the curtains.

Unless your ancestor were an actual emperor, your ancestors had decided nothing. Then we had atavism. Peasant cowards Europeans, afraid to die, converted to Christianity by (ROMAN) martial force. Then, within 3 generations, Europeans began to think that Christianity was something theirs.

Tl;dr: Europeans hadn't chosen nothing; lazy crypto-pagan emperors had.

Now that euros are (questionably) free, they're avoiding Christianity.
They would even seek their ancestral gods if non-pozzed paganistic doctrines weren't called extremism.
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Real Europeans view pagans as subhumans, your a double subhuman considering your a favela monkey and all.

Paganism is astroturfed by Jews here, it's one of their countless avenues to corrupt people.
Free Tibet
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Why are you WeWuzing? Without protestantism, humanism and Renaissance, christians would be still in technological in dark ages.

You needed the free interpretation pushed by Luther so you could partially think by yourselves without the Church vigilance.
What would had your people achieved without Anglican church to allow them to ALSO make researches instead leaving it to roman Christian priests (that never admitted they were deists or pantheistic in public) do?

Higher men, upper-class men, noble men, who were allowed to think outside original Christianity and lived in christian kingdoms, achieved things. But christians? It was for peasants. Since ancient Rome, Christianity was the cult of masses.

Many scientists were pantheistic. They believed in god, but not in christian god.

Also, If I were a scientist under Church ruled world, I would pretend I was Christian just to get Access to the stolen pagan knowledge that are kept under 7 keys in Rome

I really don't care about what europeasants have chosen.
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>implying any of those people are bad
which way is up? unironic practiconers of the eastern path celebrate their own death. you are so brainwashed that statement actually makes sense to you. everyone on this board is making the decision right now whether they want to live in their selfhood as a creation ofgod or die in looking inward to the kundalini. some of you are too brainwashed to see death is actually just that, death. choose life and Jesus, the Son of God, True God and True man.
Read it.

>Real Europeans view pagans as subhumans, your a double subhuman considering your a favela monkey and all.
The modern average European means nothing, since they're the most cucked civilization nowadays.

>that picrel
Kek. Dude, I can also cherrypick a lot of pics of pozzed churches.
Today is almost impossible to anything to be anti establishment without being called an extremist organization.
Cherry picking is easy. Why don't you tell me about the NSBM?
There isn't any "pagan" oficial institution. What faggots do means nothing. There's no "paganistic" brotherhood either. I'm not supposed to be friend with faggots just because they say they're also pagan
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Did you know that Christianity is originally ascetic? If your religion is so based, why are taking from it only what you want?
What kind of spiritual self-service is that?

It's easy to be Christian when you follow reformed Christianity. Even catholic church have done internal reformulations

The only actual christians are the Amish. Why are you in the internet right now?
By the way, are you catholic or protestant?
He's blue and fat, as shown in the Olympics today. I don't want it
I'm not sure why you're talking about "reformed" or "Catholic" Christianity when there is only one truth given to man by the Holy Trinity.
No man can look on God and live, he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the God of the living.
Jesus is the LIFE, to be a god in your own selfhood, and not in relational selfhood given by the Holy Trinity is DEATH.
A saint is NOT God, never being in union with his essence.
>Why hasn't /pol/ accepted Lord Bacchus, Dionysus as their savior?

My mother was an alcoholic.
Because his deputy is Grand Duke Humongous Hangoverkis.
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Because Bacchus is for the drunkards and hedonist buttfuckers as a form of distraction to rule over Plebs.

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