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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why? They're dying out too.
Apologize for the Holocaust first.
honestly their rule about no depictions or iconography is exactly why you do not and never will see shit like this about islam.
the more i see the decadence of the modern age and collapse of the church's of the christ, the more i see the necessity of the fortress of islam, and that the most high indeed sent another prophet after the christ.
Kikes have a higher replacement coefficient than chinks
god will not be mocked
why dont they ever make parodies of islam or muslims?
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muslims are jews
Because they're heckin' wholesome browns.
Population sure, not religion though. It's already been documented the number of practicing Muslims has fallen off a cliff in the last decade because the younger generations are unsurprisingly tired of living like 8th century savages.
>god will not be mocked
Allah will not be mocked your god was just mocked on international TV and you won't do shit about it other than complaining online
see >>475792910
there's no iconography for them to make the target of their mockery.
They'll be dead
> Allah will not be mocked

He's mocked every time some arab blows him/herself up and with every video of radicals stabbing and shooting each other. Islam is it's own worst enemy and is not going to survive the next decade.
Tranny grooming gayop
Chuds we have a lot in common.
They are oppressed by the jew. So are we.
We want to throw fag's off a roof. They do.
I propose we give them Ukraine as a token of goodwill.
No. Fuck Islam, you rudderless, prideless cuck.
They want to scare the borrows against making fun of Islam. Also demons only make fun of the truth, they only mock the Mass and the Eucharist.
I meant ‘scare the normies’. I’m on mobile
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Fuck Islam. No, that doesn’t make me a kike you disgusting shitskins.
Genetic kikes are one of the least fertile groups on the planet you retards.

Not only will fifty percent of kikes have no children, and the remaining fifty percent usually only have one, but 70% of the children they did have in the last 10 years were mixed race.
They're also the group most likely to be gay, and most likely to have kids with blacks.
a better question is why don't they ever make parodies of moses or key figures in judaism
and now you know how to parody them back. Except that there's this christcuck element that will golem up and rush to the defense of the OT that you're trying to parody. It's quite interesting how all of this is set up.
It's also more complicated than that because islam and judaism claim all the same prophets, so you can't directly insult Moses or Noah, for example, without pissing off both groups.
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exactly, there's a chain of abrahamic golems, and then their offshoot sects, and then the noahide wannabe-jews, who will all come to crush you if you dared to mock the OG prophets. It's like layers of moats protecting the central castle, you can only insult forwards but never backwards against the origin. You can do the Charlie Hebdo thing and mock islam, or the olympics and mock christianity, but you can never mock judaism because all three groups will come to crush you. Quite interesting, almost as if it was set up to be like this.
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There are like 6 threads on this. This is the most supreme ragebait ever.

Think about all the other shit that globohomo is up to right now. How much money did they just steal from you to send to Ukraine or Israel? How much more they planning to steal right now? What other oppressive laws and regulations did they just pass? How's the plan to rig the elections again going?

But this is what's important to get all enraged about. A bunch of fools dressing up in clothes you don't like them wearing.

Fuck kikes and fuck mudslimes
Muslims also claim Jesus as a prophet (ISA), so many of them would take offense to Jews insulting the prophethood of Jesus (but not his divine birth, since they think he's a man)

Strategically, however, it might make sense for Christians and Muslims to unite against jews as "People who love Jesus" vs "People who hate Jesus"
>christcuck simping for sandniggers
>honestly their rule about no depictions or iconography is exactly why you do not and never will see shit like this about islam.
it's more because they actively kill people who offend them with no fucks given. and they get away with that because of the people behind the op pic.
DnC anti-christian thread
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you're from America and this is a bit alien to you, so let me explain how Islam actually works like. Islam is not about the religion. Christians differ in that that they're totally invested into the meaning and implication of the gospels and there's this more philosophical side about the way that you structure your life and what to do and not to do, whereas Islam works through the ummah. It is a concept that all islamic states *must* be unified under a common brown mutt superstate caliphate and that the religion should be used to achieve this unification as a form of a cargocult of that superstate. It seems that there are commandments and fasts and so on, and yes they're followed, but it's not about them. It's about the brotherhood in a way.

So, what is that mutt superstate supposed to do then? Conquest. Slaughter everyone not-muslim. A form of a death cult in a way until everything is muslim. But that's not even the purpose of Islam and the reason why so many subscribe to it. It's the promise that under the conquest, the proponents of the religion will be given new wives and farmland and be installed as the higher caste above the conquered. This has been the single theme that has worked to mobilize all of these illiterate retards who don't even know what their religion is about for more than a millennia - the concept of spreading the ummah like a plague. No one wants to be brown and islamic conquests are a vehicle to breed yourself into superior genepools. It's all about the sex and genetic drive. This is why every one of these that come to Europe is a caricatured sex-starved incel that obsesses with rape and having sex, because that IS the purpose of his religion. There are no higher philosophies there, it's literally just that. He wouldn't come to Europe for anything else.

And here you are talking about strategies and alliances. No buddy, they're an opportunistic golem that's doing it for the white pussy and for his shitskin ummah's expansion.
Not once.
No, islam is still a shit religion that only formed shitholes and should be completely broken like all abrahamic cults
Wow, you are just as completely fucking braindead as your ancestors where.
I'm not the one cutting my dick or praising some iteration of a sandnigger's (((god)))
Ok live in sin when it was just accepting jesus and monogamy as your saviour
Because they kill and attack anyone who does. Remember that art studio that had some portrayals of Mohammed? It got attacked really quick
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Never see Islam mocked again after Charlie Hebdo

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