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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Like him or not, Dickie Spencer is right about this:


All the energy and momentum right now is with the Democrats. Trump/Vance are not recruiting new supporters; they are just trying to cling to the supporters that they already have. And that's a losing formula for November.
Oh OK now I see where the jd vance concern trolling is coming from. It's king fed himself.
I sure hope so
>meemow I think I mights be gay for the couch
jeet wife!
Not to mention the nazi frogs that supported trump are disillusioned with him in the first place
he forgot the hollywood mafia and the obama couping Biden with a faked signature
he also forgot the hundreds of billion that were poured overnight in astroturfed publicities
also conveniently ignoring the whole publicity turn 100% exclusively around the fact she's a woman and supposedly black
the lowest fucking form of intellect in the world
Hey I was just reading through a reddit thread with a bunch of leftists going on about exactly these two talking points. Nice to see you guys on 4chan, too!
The king of /pol/ has spoken
He successfully called the last 6 elections its over
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yeah but the anti-Spencer people are also shitting on Vance. How come?

In fact who exactly is supporting Vance anyway? Which ideology is supporting him exactly? All I see is a bunch of spammy post on /pol/ shilling for him, but out of them - no one.
the most artificial talking points are being spouted by the most artificial talking head on the internet. the only thing more pathetic than spencer and the people spreading his message is the hypothetical person who would be dumb enough to fall for it
I don't really care that much about Vance one way or another. It seems like a lot of the criticisms of him are indirect or insulting without a lot of substance. The real criticism is that he is part of that whole creepy 'Silicon Valley' crowd. 'Techies' are some of the most perverse fags out there. Just look at the Sam Bankman-Fried allegations. That whole 'scene' is full of weird sociopathic druggies and deviants and perverts. Giving them political power seems like a mistake.
fuck no that retarded Spencer wasted his time again all that to say
>I understestimated the power for the words "black and woman" put together in any context
because actually it's all that dumbfuck have going for her and everyone know it
OP overestimated how much I give a fuck.
Cant you understand that you loud mouth faggots pushed to far and now the silent majority is literally going after the right wing
>Hey I was just reading a reddit thread complaining about race mixing
I somehow very much doubt that
Do they grow you fucking shareblue faggots in a vat?
Like it or not, I'm gonna string you up by your balls and fucking beat you till they rip off
>he called her a brat you guys
>that’s the code word
>all the young people will vote for her now!
These people seem to be confusing college voters with elementary school children.
>even anti Spencer people are against vance!
>shows 2nd feddiest fed in America parroting the same thing as king fed
>slightly and temporarily improving your shitty numbers
>still being behind.
nice pilpul
There was a vibe shift but this is around the 3rd or 4th time he’s changed his opinion this year because he knows he doesn’t have a proper grasp on things. This isn’t 2020 where Biden had a 9 point lead in July, everything is fucked this year. We do need a course correction from Trump though, Vance needs to be reigned in, attacks on Kamala’s failed policies need to be priority, needs more energy. That said, Kamala is not “meme-able”, he thinks this because the brat thing appeals to gay men and women, and Richard is a bit zesty considering his lisp.
>>I understestimated the power of* the words "black and woman" put together in any context
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Threadly reminder that this dude is a fed and a snitch and you should believe and do the exact opposite of anything that comes out of his little bitch mouth.
Trump started self sabotaging again and everyone can see it. The only question left for me is if trump will try again in 2028
Ding ding ding. It's just Spencer getting asshurt that some hick nine years younger than him gets a serious chance at becoming the VP while Little Dickie Spencer is permanently stuck in his mother's basement at the young age of 47 years old, having never worked any real job in his entire life.
The cat lady thing is the only thing he's done that I've heard about that I liked. Fuentes wouldn't understand this because he is non-white and also literally, verifiably, certifiably homosexual.
K lol. Whatever you say. JD motherfucking Vance is what turned the normies against the right, because of race mixing and yeah... Lololol.
You guys don't even try to have your narratives make sense anymore.
Dems are spending millions to astroturf. A candidate that was polling less than 1% in democrat primary in 2020.
Part of this is due to media hype, but media hype is always part of the equation, kind of like how 'government spending' is part of the GDP. You can call it cheating, but it still affects the final vote.

In fact, this whole episode is exposing the ongoing failure of the American right to build up an alternative media apparatus that can actually challenge the 'mainstream.' Fox News is gay neocon shit for Boomers, Daily Wire is Jewish nonsense, etc. Where is the right-wing equivalent of the ABC/CBS/NBC triad? Relatively serious reporting that normies find 'respectable'? It just isn't there.
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>always believes what his television says
Their voters are drones and will vote blue no matter who, progressives got cucked out of relevance, they will vote for literally anyone because everyone they’re running against is Hitler

Nick has been pro-Spencer for a long time, also this is a correct assessment that Democrats are now running on culture war
>Relatively serious reporting that normies find 'respectable'?
Who determines respectability? There's your answer. The New York Times is seen as respectable... that jewish rag.
Part of Spencer's larger point is that all of these things are true, but it doesn't matter, because they are working IRL. Sitting back and whining that Kamala is 'fake' is not a winning electoral strategy.
GOPs are spending millions to astroturf. A candidate that Lost the election in 2020
>because they are working IRL
How the fuck do you know? Polls are fake. That's the problem with living in a post-truth media landscape. Everybody is bluffing and lying their asses off.
>they’re running against is Hitler
"Hitler" is very upset about the Democrats being mean to gods chosen
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>spending millions to astroturf
>Oh no, a sudden predictable rise in normie excitement when switching from and obvious loss to literally anything else has completely destroyed my confidence.

Die in a fire, loser.
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10s of millions dollars actually and just from Miriam Adelson alone
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>chump change
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>but media hype is always part of the equation
fuck no there was no campaign of that size since the covid
the exact same propaganda machine who started to sing about Covid in unison started overnight to sell an idea using repetition
who cares if she's popular or not if they repeat 12 hour a day she is
in fact this whole episode expose the hyper coordination of the worlds medias to manipulate the populations
someone hated can become very much loved if you have enough money
>It just isn't there.
Yeah yeah a total monopoly on information is a bad thing now you know why.
They use to call it the 5th pillar of power
>the media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion, influencing politics, and reporting events that shape our world. In fact, it has been widely referred to as the "fifth estate," or the fifth pillar of power, with the other four being the legislative, executive, judicial, and bureaucratic powers.
Pic very much related.
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Well that totally makes me want to vote for Zion Don!
but so is vance
We are getting fucked either way. Stop falling for politics, you dopes.
Richard Spencer is consistently wrong about everything. Maybe because he is a giant faggot
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>non sequitur
He flip flopped which time is he wrong?
He's wrong about Ukraine.
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When he was mean to Zion Don
Believing a literal fed.
Woah whatdamean?? The original closeted homosexual pretending to be straight leader of the rightwing cultural movements (not nick fuentes) is a fed?
>says chud unironically
Into the trash lil amigo goes
Does anyone realize what this will mean when kamala wins?
About the time he claimed that Biden was the most successful American statesman of the last 100 years despite it being clear for everyone who isn't an inbred fucking retard that Biden is a senile old coot.
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Jews being very worried?
He claimed Kanye’s manic episode was a great awakening moment for Christianity in the Judeo-Christian paradigm lmao
>ctrl+f trans
Is nobody seriously going to comment on the TRANS 4 LIFE pfp?
it's the same in both case
the US stop existing after that election
something new will be born out of it
as it is the population was too polarized and there is no compromise to be found
the rhetoric used for the election is creating a divide, creating the justification needed for violence
be it Kamala or Trump social unrest are planed and the active phase of ww3 will ensue
buy an ad faggot. stop trying to stay relevant by posting your faggotry here
There is literally no proof that Spencer is a fed.
he was pictured with the Bush family of course he's not a glowie
he's a wannabe glowie who couldn even make it in the freemason because he's lazy
he's also lazy intellectually
Interesting how only whites get accused of being Feds and never jews. I wonder who could possibly be behind these posts.
Yes, a vote for Kamala and the party that is openly hostile to whites and their interests is actually a vote for the white race lmfao. I can’t believe people still take this faggot takes seriously.
He is an intellectual failure. Dumbfuck took over ten years getting a theatre degree of all things, he knows jack fucking shit about politics or history.
>I was wrong about everything
>So here's why Carmella is going to win
Nick and Spencer kissed and made up a long time ago and appear on podcasts together agreeing about everything.
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Most Jews are white.
Vance needs to get knifed ASAP, the sooner the quicker people will forget by the election and Trump can pick someone with real energy. Why the fuck did he pick Vance, because his doofus sons told him to? Peter THiel and musk paid him billions to? NEVER listen to doofus don jr and the other guy I can't even remember the name of, they are literally dumb and dumber / the two stooges
The (((erev rav))) are mixed race mongrels and that’s who pisses everyone off in general not the white Jews I am well aware
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>trans 4 life

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