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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Stop using ZOG operating systems like Windows/Mac that monitor you and collect data about you. Install Linux to free yourself from ZOG surveillance.
>inb4 I got nothing to hide
Just say you are a slave to ZOG and want to live in the 1984 dystopia instead.
There's binary blobs in the kernel courtesy of Linus: the tranny lover.
Bad is a better non zog option
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Meanwhile, the linuxcucks:


Fucking lmao.
Install KDE Manjaro
He doesn't know lmao
i use arch btw
Linux is for trannies. Everything sucks. Every search engine sucks too. Something new is needed
You type like an indian
xz got compromised a while ago and nobody found out until it was too late
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Your tears are so yummy. Mmmmmm. So predictable.
bsd got blobs too
I'm shitposting with Linux Mint with Vivaldi browser right now.
The ssh daemon was comped. It is not recommended to run ssh unless you use it, in which case you should be monitoring the system.
It was found in less than 2 weeks and the kernel dev team is already implementing new levels of trust. Compare that to all the wintard zero day CVEs
literally install any mainstream distro of Linux you want instead of asking faggots online in the 10 billionth "what distro should i use?" reddit thread. pick the name that sounds the best to you, and look at some screenshots of a a GUI-based DE to which looks coolest to you.
after you get used to how linux works, you can actually decide on what is best for you, and experiment with tiling WMs, etc., or just stay using a vanilla distro for the rest of your life, it doesn't matter. faggots who suggest their favorite distros to newbies need to be executed.
Even his ID is brown, kek.
Nice brown ID.
Mine is too because I live in Candia.
> durrr sure you'll have to let big tech use a dozen closed source blobs to make your computer usable, but at least I can read the source code for ls and rm
use openbsd you bigtech cuck faggots
Good morning, sir.
Install Linux Mint.
Kek, niggers!
use windows at that point
What is this glow nigger shit, like imagine that the people who believe that bill gates raped a shitload of children would like to give money to him and all his pajeets on affirmative action jobs.

If you don't like the jeets, jews or pedophiles don't use a Microsoft product ever again. Stop behaving like a woman and build you own shit. It's that simple.

Free BSD is also and option
Some FSF-approved projects strive to provide a free operating system and will remove all binary blobs when no documentation for hardware or source code for device drivers and all applicable firmware is available; such projects include Linux-libre kernel packaging from FSFLA, Parabola, Devuan, Trisquel, and LibreCMC.[10] However, the vast majority of open-source projects make a distinction between binary-only device drivers (blobs) and binary-only firmware (not considered blobs[11]:...), allowing for certain proprietary firmware to be freely distributed as part of their kernels, and, to the disagreement of some core contributors, also support the use of proprietary device drivers that are distributed externally, providing internal compatibility interfaces for such proprietary drivers and userspace components to work with their system.[12][13] Projects following this policy include the Linux kernel itself, NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD, and most Linux distributions.[14] Some of these projects do provide options for building the system without proprietary firmware, thus excluding sourceless microcode on demand.[15]
Why don't you guys do a thing? Third time's the charm, right? Hurry the fuck up, nobody will fight you this time.
Look how angry the FVEY shills get at these threads.
so bsd and mainstream linux distros just changed their definition of blobs so they dont lose users
Nah, I'll just keep using my $5,000 MacBook Pro with a OS that isn't made for running on servers. Say what you want about any of their other products, I don't have any of them, but their laptops are rock solid.
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what about debian
Why should we do anything if the planet is already fucked up anyway?
Somewhat based
All you have to do is expell the BIPOC hoard and defend your borders, surely you can do that.
OP is speaking the truth and anybody who disagrees is just coping.

Although I don't really know the difference between linux and Unix besides unix is older and nobody knows what unix is even though they're basically the same. Some guy named Linus stole Unix and renamed it Linux and I don't even know what he changed or improved.

Either way Linux is the white man's operating system. Fuck windows and iOS.
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Not memey enough
And there is still the issue of almost all CPUs having a backdoor installed.
Fuck off tranny.
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That's all fine and dandy until you install a web browser, a game, any software from the Internet, etc. Linux only offers privacy if you don't actually use it.
Arch is God tier
systemd infested
Yes, but the smartest thing to do is shut the fuck up; the right people will find their way. Advertising to the masses constantly is how you attract normalfags and NPCs. Stop it. I never mention *inux on this board and fucked if I'm gonna name the distros I'm booting.

This shit is just as annoying as the "move out of the city" threads... what kind of rural person would ever encourage people to do that? Stay away, leave us the fuck alone. I praise the city to normalfags constantly in the hopes they stay there.
No, mein Neger.
At this point a nuclear hellfire will be a pleasure.
Rolling for Big Ivan.
so are the others
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op is a cia nigger
lol absolutely seething
>one post by this id
>deflection included
>does not list one of the main kernel guys is merchant
>does not list hundreds of other "it is someone else it is not me" concerns
how strange, how unexpected
This. It's fundamentally impossible to remain anonymous on the internet anymore. The best thing to do is simply not use it.
You must be ESL.
I'm joking. Linux is just good in general. Debian is ok. I do really like Arch best though. The idea that it's a "hard" distro is kind of a meme these days. I have way more trouble on my work computer because we have to use Ubuntu.
It's a virus
You are seething the someone made a thread about linux
Arch has systemD. Gotta go with Arco if you want Arch without it. I actually don't mind systemD much. I don't think its big or intrusive enough to be considered bloat and I find myself using random pieces of it every now and then.
HolyC is a legit cool language.
>have to
Too hard for the middle-aged managers to build a package, yeah?
Firmware can be read and analyzed.
the best thing to do is to destroy it.
i switch to mint last year and it's been nothing but a struggle.
vmware: unsably laggy, no gpu support.
virtualbox: no gpu support.
qemu/kvm: stupidly complex setup, embarrassingly complex configuration to get virtual gpu working, still can't get audio pass-though working.
constant issues with the dwm/isplay layouts, windows opening offscreen etc.
still have yet to find a suitable replacement for paint.exe
linux has nothing going for it in terms of usability.
>Debian is ok. I do really like Arch best though.
explain why.
Can I play elden ring and league of keks?
Honestly, it's best to consider the trolls of nu/pol to be automated conversation starters. Obviously avoid the bbc and tranny posts, but anything that could spark even remotely interesting conversation isn't so bad.
but it has already been loaded by the time you can do something about it
>you are seething
You are new to *inux and it shows. Welcome, newfag.
It's nice and all but like, ... nobody writes programs for it. So like, is there even a web browser.
Yup. Linux desktop is a hobbyists OS. It's not stable enough to get real work done. But if you don't know how to manage your own linux servers you're a waste of space.
The city is amazing... everything's within walking distance and you can get a Big Mac whenever you want. Even drunk because you don't have to drive anywhere. The city is awesome. Also, I love Windows 11.
It doesn't come preinstalled with anything, very lightweight. Except for systemd. But I'm ok with systemd. The BEST thing about it is the Pacman package manager. Very easy to use, and the AUR (arch user repository) is SS+ tier amazing. Gentoo has all that too, but it comes with a bunch of extra stuff unless you get a super light version, but then you're just using Arch and calling it Gentoo.
you know you can just pirate windows right and then you wont need to do 2 hours of programming in order to play a video game
Anyone can push code for the Linux kernel, Gnome, KDE, etc. Don't assume it's not fubar.
It's waaaaaay better for software engineering. I think so anyway. Never had a problem with my Ubuntu work computer that wasn't user error.
No they didn’t.
It's foolish to think that Linux isn't compromised too.
This. Also apartments are way better than houses with lots of land... no mowing or shoveling, you are surrounded by friendly people. Nothing beats walking down the hall and smelling all the different food from the many wonderful cultures our countries have to offer. Yep, Windows is the best. Best enjoyed from a nice cozy apartment in the city.
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>Gentoo has all that too, but it comes with a bunch of extra stuff unless you get a super light version, but then you're just using Arch and calling it Gentoo.
I didn't mention gentoo, I asked why arch is better than debian. But that's ok, this sentence confirms that you're larping.
Funny thing, it is absolutely fubar. The hard truth is that a good portion of the software that is "windows only" is waaaaay better than the linux stuff. MSOffice, for instance, is 100x better than LibreOffice. But the file system on Linux is way better, and it's way easier to get a clean system for programming. Windows has made it basically impossible to have a clean directory tree.
Fuck Arch. I'm trolling you faggots on Gentoo.
No, they can't the kernel dev team is about 150 people. Anyone with the power to push code has to be vetted irl by the team and government is documented.
It's all fake and gay. Russia is jews. Ukraine is jews. NATO is jews. It's all jews. Germany especially is jews, but you have a history of dealing with that. Please hurry for round 3.
Also freedesktop.org has a similar system
I'm not larping at all. If you use Linux, I highly HIGHLY recommend giving Arch a shot. Even if you don't end up liking it, you'll learn a lot about how Linux works by putting all of your stuff together. And seriously, it isn't that hard. It's a good learning experience and then you have a solid, lightweight system.
>pozzed router firmware
>pozzed CPU (intel ME & AMD PSP)
>pozzed software

you're compromised on hardware & firmware level
your super special linux distro is not gonna save you

unless you do it right, you're as fucked as the fuckwits using chrome on his windows 11 walmart dell pc

go libreboot some t420 on openwrt network before masturbating about your super hackerman os
openwrt is my access point OpnSense is my router. Gentoo is my OS.
Why is Arch better than Debian? Pacman is better than Apt. Among the reasons I previously stated.
I'm literally a linux engineer. I have daily driven arch in the past. You are larping and have no idea why you said arch is better than debian. You don't really know what they are. It's fine, you're taking an interest, keep doing that, but please stop trying to speak with authority on the matter. It's embarrassing.
The day Linux adopted a Code of Conduct is the day Linux died.
Also, I said Gentoo and meant Manjaro.
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For those of us who don't have 5 hours to research distros: what distro is convenient to use, secure, and good for privacy? I don't game, so that's not a concern. Just do the normal shit like surfing the web, watching rumble, do office stuff like word / spreadsheets, etc
Devuan or OpenBSD. (I'm not holy enough for Temple).
I write production automation and systems tests for aircraft transponders, so I may not know as much as you but I know a lot. Like I said, I said "Gentoo" but meant "Manjaro". I understand Gentoo is way different than Arch. Manjaro is basically newby Arch.
I use Arch BTW
Mint of Ubuntu probably.
Why use a debian spinoff when you can just use the real thing?
They may not be able to submit an obvious backdoor but they may be able to push code with a venerability that could lead to a potential backdoor.
In my experience Mint and Ubuntu are the easiest distros to learn with the most resources online. Yes, Debian isn't that hard. Yes, Debian has endless sources online. I just think for beginners Mint or Ubuntu is the way to go. Unless you want to go hardcore then start off with trying the old Arch command line install.
I switched to mint too last year and I can't ever see myself using windows ever again. But then I don't use virtual machines. Idk, it just seems like baby bird syndrome when people complain like this. When you get to know how to use something properly then you can judge on if it's better or not. I'm still learning, but to me it's fun
Also, hardware backdoors exist. Even if the Linux code was flawless, and it's not, your system is still vulnerable.
>he thinks anyone pays for windows

the fuck?
you never have "nothing to hide" they're always looking for new ways to tax you into poverty.
I was never able to do the arch command lline install but was able to for gentoo so archinstall script or gentoo is good for beginners
>but I know a lot.
You don't, but that's fine, just please stop attempting to speak with some kind of authority on something you know nothing about.
>Like I said, I said "Gentoo" but meant "Manjaro".
Well that makes your response even more retarded, because I was asking why you said arch is better than debian.
Kek, pretty good leaf... pretty good. You get raked last.
What about openSUSE? Or is that distro nothing special now days?
yeah.. but unironically
They = chinks + kikes
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Waiting for august 8th
break into other peoples houses and use their computer to shitpost while they are sleeping.
Bro, chill. I don’t know how much you know, anyone can claim to be a “Linux engineer”. Manjaro is basically just Newby arch, everyone knows that. I can speak with the authority of a seasoned Linux user who uses it professionally.
The setup I use is
>openwrt for access point
>opnsense for router
>redundant syncing RPI running PIhole
your choice of OS. pretty much add free currently 32% of quires blocked. Thats a shitton of garbage. With librewolf and ublock the add jew is non existent.
>Manjaro is basically just Newby arch, everyone knows that.
No shit. It still has nothing to do with my question. Are you ESL or just a bit retarded?
Also, Arch is bettter than Debian because Pacman is better than Apt. among other reasons.
Answered it like ten times, dude.
>among other reasons
Such as?
Arch kinda sucks balls. Spent more time fixing arch in the few months I used it. Pain in the ass
A MacBook and an iPhone with a single Apple account is all I’ll ever need. Goolag and m$ are vomit at this point.
Such as for the latest versions of Debian you get Wayland installed automatically and xorg is better. Such as if I want to I can go completely headless very easily. Such as my pc has almost nothing on it that I don’t use frequently and you have to fiddle with Debian to make it that way longer than you have to fiddle with Arch to set it up.
Skill issue
Gentoo works very fine for me. But I'll keep that in mind.
Gentoo is cool too, but I don’t like the whole “compile everything from source thing.” I guess that’s pretty cool, I’m just not in to it.
>Such as for the latest versions of Debian you get Wayland installed automatically and xorg is better.
>Such as if I want to I can go completely headless very easily.
Literally no different to debian.
>uch as my pc has almost nothing on it that I don’t use frequently and you have to fiddle with Debian to make it that way longer than you have to fiddle with Arch to set it up.
Completely untrue, and you will never be able to explain why you think that.
Portage is a very good package manager. I don't mind the compiling from source thing because use flags are awesome.
Xorg is easier to use, and it’s not as laggy. Also, when I tried out wayland it kept crashing. I don’t know, maybe there are headless Debians around, never looked for it since arch is so easy to set up. It just straight takes longer to find and remove everything than it takes to simple get what you want at install. Especially now that Arch has the install script, it takes like 5 minutes to get the perfect system.
That being said, if there is a super stripped down Debian version that you can choose all the software at install then I’m sure it’s just as good EXCEPT you don’t have Pacman and you don’t have the AUR.
>Xorg is easier to use
What do you mean by this?
Actually you know what, I'm done. You're a retard and I wish you would have some humility about it, instead of spewing nonsense about linux so you can feel like an expert in front of the plebs. I'm glad you're taking an interest, but I wish people like you wouldn't speak up and give advice when your advice is worthless.
X.org is better because FVEY isn’t shilling for it like you do with gayland. If you FVEY shits are in favor of a technology, it means it’s bad.
I'm not shilling for wayland. I haven't expressed an opnion. I'm just getting another larper to expose himself.
Linux is only interesting for IT technicians and for people who can afford hiring their own household IT technician. For normal people, Linux doesn't even exist.

Linux can't even automate the most basic tasks, like OS installation or hardware recognition or installing video games. You have to tell it everything manually, in a cryptic language that's completely useless for anything that's not Linux.
This. Now who wants McDonald's? It's just down the road.
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I'm okay with this as a Linux tech.
I’m sorry I offended you.
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Correct. Ubuntu and Mint are the ideal working mans OS. Easy and fool proof to install. They just work. Much better than Windows. You will not go back.
Nah you’re shilling, you fags shill for Rust and sneed oils too. Anything gay basically. Because you’re gay.
work pc = windows
personal pc = linux
personal decoy pc = windows
Good for privacy is relative. Any distro is better than using literal malware like win/mac.
If you want privacy privacy people will recommend shit like Tails, but no distro is automatic good opsec. There's no master condom that will make you invulnerable to everything if you keep downloading and running linkinp4rk-1nth3end.mp2.exe, barring an immutable reed only boot. But that kind of thing would be a major annoyance for the regular use you'd want out of it.

Don't worry about the autistic splitting of hairs. Arch, gentoo and those are for "power users", which is neat if you wanna learn stuff but will be frustrating if you're simply not interested.

What you want is a baby tier "just werks" distro that's as close to windows as possible but uncucked. Any option is a massive upgrade so go for functionality.
As mentioned before ITT, Mint, Ubuntu or Fedora are good solid options.
Mint even has a release packaged with a GUI similar to windows (forget its name). I'd go for that if I was you, transition will be relatively painless.
>explain why you like Arch over Debian
>"ok!" I am more comfortable with xorg and it's more minimal at install which is what I like and I prefer pacman
You fucking contrary cunt
Lol no. Both Windows users are crying because Windows 10 is shit, and so is 11. People are always complaining about Windows 10 and above.
linux was made by a tranny, remember the 'programming socks' post?
Arch isn’t bad at all. The wiki is pretty damn good and holds your hand the entire way.
He can't explain but I can. Arch advantage is minimalism and AUR.

If you want Debian to be stable you cannot change much. You have to use the wizards. The moment you change a configuration or install a different desktop environment is when the whole thing crashes and you have to reinstall. Debian is not as stable as people make out to be. I have never reinstalled Arch.

Arch has latest packages in the official repo, and if it doesn't exist in the official repos you use AIR. You don't need to resort to Flatpak.
Completely wrong but okay. You probably never tried Linux. You don't need to configure anything with distros like PopOS. You can game by just installing steam. The installation process is just a wizard.
I'm not larping, you use Arch, I highly reccomend giving HRT a shot. Even if you don't end up liking it, you'll learn a lot about your feminine side, from rigorous anal dildo masturbation. And seriously, it isn't that hard. It's a good learning experience and then you have a solid, lightweight system.
>I'm shitposting with Linux Mint with Vivaldi browser right now.
The thing about using shit like that is that it looks like an effort to seem unique. It's eerily similar to people who hate popular music and only like obscure bands no one has heard of. I was considering Linux but after various frustrations with browsers like Vivaldi and Brave, I cucked and went back to Chrome and decided it's just more convenient, therefore wouldn't the same be the case for Linux? Like am I really going to spend a precious weekend figuring out how the fuck Linux works only to decide it's more trouble than it's worth?
I think the people who are into stuff like Linux don't care about convenience, they care about using obscure tech. Which is fine, nothing wrong with being a nerd, but it's really not for everyone.

No need to get too puritan. But libre distributions without blobs is a thing
Get a cpu with a backdoor different that what you are talking about.

>Talk about ZOG
Chinese cpu
>Talk about BRIKS
Get taiwanese cpu

Simple as
Its really as simple as this

>want windows?
>want macOS

Anything else is not for normies, I myself fall into the normies so I don't use the other stuff.
This is the way, when I replace my laptop I am going mint.

My current laptop is slowly degrading so its not worth saving to me.
Windows is falling apart.

11 is garbage that barely works, 10 is ending support, all else is outdated.

Windows isn't worth it if you have a new computer.
I use mint with Brave primarily because I know how to use Brave, it has a great inbuilt ad blocker and I actually never used Chrome before. Don't want to either. I used Windows 10 for nearly 4 years and got sick of it and installed mint last year and I learned more about IT in the space of 9 months than my whole life and I can use it better than I could ever use Windows

I said this before in this thread, but what you are talking about is baby bird syndrome. You don't like learning new things and judge things on how easy it is to use based on what you are already familiar with. I get it, you just want to use shit and have it work, and you don't want to have to relearn everything. I'm the same with windows I suppose. But I actually think Linux is better objectively, and not just because I know how to use it

Brave is buggy now however when using Youtube. It usually doesn't remember my browsing history and it isn't any settings I have on it. It's kinda annoying so I just use Firefox with Ublock. I don't think Ublock is as good but it is good enough. Firefox is slower however. I use brave or everything else
>systemd infested
Devuan exists
it's not that bad anymore but i still think you are a pretentious fag if you use linux unless you are doing programming or hacking
I’m forced to use Windows 11 because my CPU has “e-cores” which can only be utilised in Windows 11, not even 10.
Isn’t that Malware that mines your computer for shitcoins?
>Brave primarily because

Librewolf has an even better adblocker.
you just have to disable the internal search function and replace most software as well as the firewall and some of the services with third party providers and it works ok.
>Isn’t that Malware that mines your computer for shitcoins?
Is it? Idk, you tell me

I was looking into Librewolf. It looks good. I was thinking about installing it
It doesn't stop at linux. You should do virtually anything and everything by yourself unless you're using a trusted private service. ZOG doesn't want you to be self sufficient.
I am a huge MX fan now, I liked Nomad BSD but never could get audio to work on my outdated hardware.
Been using librewolf for years. Really like it.
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Mint is run by a Jew and shilled by Jews. If you're gonna use baby's first Linux that actually works, use Ubuntu MATE.

But like others said, Linux is also zogged at this point. Too many Jew trannies letting in too many Chinks and now it's a free for all bug-insertion contest.

Linus got blackmailed by Jewish trannies so he's pretty much a lame duck looking the other way at Jewish bug-insertion.

>B-but Linux has open source so there's more people checking the code for vulnerabilities!
>Linux is also zogged
Damn why do I get a ywnbaw for using artix?
> Mint even has a release packaged with a GUI similar to windows (forget its name)
> people who are into stuff like Linux don't care about convenience

Using a terminal is infinitely more convenient once you know how to use it. You fucking normies spend your whole life looking at a computer and have no idea how it works. That is a choice you made.
EndeavourOS is a pretty good distro I've found. Also if you're still on Windows just for games there's absolutely zero reason to stay there anymore, with proton virtually everything just works. Project Zomboid, Project Wingman in VR, Elden Ring, HOI IV, Helldivers, you name it. It all runs quite well. Requires a little bit of tinkering but being familiar with your machine is only a good thing.
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I don't give a shit. They can come for me if they want. Gas the motherfucking kikes, race war right the fuck now.
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I recommend Debian with KDE
KDE is literally Jeetware and Debian has systemd cancer.
>stop using windows/macOS
>keeps using smartphones, bank accounts, social media accounts, gaming subscriptions, netflix subscriptions, CPUs with backdoors

The lengths you have to go to have true privacy is retarded, and not using an operating system is the least of your problems.
All you have to do is use Linux or BSD to have massively enhanced privacy. It’s that easy. Also it’s really suspicious when you faggots shill against it so hard. You have zero opsec.
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I'm flattered that you consider me an IT technician because I could figure out how to use the automated installation script and how to yaoart.
>You fucking normies spend your whole life looking at a computer and have no idea how it works. That is a choice you made.
First part is true, but no it's not really a choice. We're born with an inherent nature. The world is filled with people well versed in their area of expertise. If I were you I would keep the pride but drop the arrogance.

>what you are talking about is baby bird syndrome. You don't like learning new things and judge things on how easy it is to use based on what you are already familiar with
Very true. If I were younger I would spend time looking into this. I use Windows but I absolutely despise the constant updates. But I'm too dedicated to my schedule as it is.
> I use arch without systems
> I use graphene os which is degoogled
> the only social media I have is behind sandboxed environments which do not have access to any permissions on my phone.
> I do not use banking apps
> I have no subscription services

Just because u are a bitch doesn't mean we all are
>All you have to do is use Linux or BSD to have massively enhanced privacy

No, it's not. If someone install Linux and then uses Chrome for example, using Linux is completely useless. If I use a PC with all forms of safety and then use a phone also. I have already negated all the benefits of having a PC with enhanced privacy
Your phone SIM card can be used by the government and bad actors to find out exactly where you are at all times
> The world is filled with people well versed in their area of expertise

I am not calling for people to become software developers or sys admins, I am saying that it is a choice to be willfully ignorant of the devices that rule the world. Learning terminal commands is not rocket science, trying to be better at something is not unobtainable (if you have 100+ IQ I guess). I am probably arrogant, but I find the lack of motivation and willful ignorance more abhorrent.

It is like driving a car but not understanding how to do simple maintenance like change a tire, do windshield wipers, change a battery, replace a light. I am not asking people to become mechanics, but a simple basic knowledge should be a reasonable expectation.
Yeah, and there are probably systems beyond our comprehension tracking us, that does not mean it is not valuable to strive to be as private as possible.
Chrome can be put into Firejail, and thereby can’t see anything outside it’s own dotdir.

You’re not well informed because you’re a wintarded babby duck.
Or you can just not use Chrome for that matter and use something else instead. My point is that using Linux is sold as a an easy way to protect our privacy, but the truth is that there are many more others steps that we have to take that are not so easy. Richard Stallman goes as far as using open source CPU or whatever on shitty notebooks, he never pays anything online, etc.
So just don’t use Chrome? You don’t appear to be able to hold a train of thought from one post to the next. It’s typical of your Talmudic ways. If something doesn’t work, you pretend not to have made an idiot of yourself and just try again.

It’s all tired and played out by now.
I just used Chrome as a simple example of someone switching to Linux and not taking any other precautions

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