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Israel shot Trump
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Yeah I'm thinking his election isn't my problem, the 2% of Americans who are jewish can vote for him instead
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Free Palestine
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Trump said Kamala is totally against Israel and the jewish people.
Trump shot first
According to Trump, she's against Israel. You do believe your God Emperor, right?
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zognonald does it again, big surprise big slurping of bibis cock once again.
Zionist cuck puppet
don't care voting trump
I'm sorry /pol/ I fucking hate Jews. I am voting Kamala as she is the lesser of two evils. She may be married to a Jew, but Trump's whole fucking clan are Jews now.
hes just pretending trust the plan
Lmao. From maga to miga in just a second. Pathetic golem
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Trump said the jew Kamala married is disloyal to Israel.
MOSSAD just lost my white.
Why are so many people sick of Israel and their begging-behavior, yet both candidates either are already sending bombs to be used on Palestinians, or promise even more bombs?
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>Trump said the jew Kamala married is disloyal to Israel.
he's not the only one.
Exactly, meanwhile his son in law is King Jew;
>Why are so many people sick of Israel and their begging-behavior, yet both candidates either are already sending bombs to be used on Palestinians, or promise even more bombs?
there's a lot of jewish money
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Israel, you mean the alphabet agencies?
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>Israel shot Trump
Zion Don up for election at the Knesset everyone.
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>trust the plan
This is a fucking nightmare, without end.
>O'Nigga : "Change...Change.."
>Trump:"Stop the Protests!"
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>Israel, you mean the alphabet agencies?
so much this
how can you deport US citizens? what's the constitution say about stripping someone of their citizenship and further where do they get deported to?
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everything will be good
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>how can you deport US citizens? what's the constitution say about stripping someone of their citizenship and further where do they get deported to?
and you pay us for it
Trump's quite the negotiator
That's why they're doubling down on woke shit right before the pendulum swing. Migamorons will willingly step in the boats to go to Iran if based trump promise them to make troon surgery illegal.
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Time for the IRS to arrest and imprison this fraud
Why is his ear completely unscarred?
I swear (((they))) are saging these threads.
lol! faggot got shot and won't even win because of stupid shit like that. Kamala being openly anti-israel is enough for me to vote. I'd vote for Bidet if he stayed in the race.
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>That's why they're doubling down on woke shit right before the pendulum swing. Migamorons will willingly step in the boats to go to Iran if based trump promise them to make troon surgery illegal.
btfo'd by digits. again
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>Why is his ear completely unscarred?
because he wasn't shot.
welcome to the party
its going to get worse for you
Trump wants to deport Muslim terrorists? I never knew about that. Thanks for the news pol.
what if i don't care about the semite war and only care about our economy?
how should i vote then, xir?
I was born there. I sure want to die and escape the shitmulation.
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>Deport Anybody Against It
Deport non-citizens again it*
sure, just like mexico paid for the wall
>Kamala being openly anti-israel is enough for me to vote.
>costa rica
Trump really wants to lose this election. He's doing everything he can to get people to NOT vote for him.
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>I was born there. I sure want to die and escape the shitmulation.
ya love the see it
easy to wipe off the fake blood from a packet
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>sure, just like mexico paid for the wall
lip service
most people aren't tryhard faggots obsessed with sand nigger countries like you are though.
By the time this thread will hit zenith, (((they))) will rush the thread to bump limit with an artificial argument and/or use a schizo spammer.
Birthright citizenship isn't a law passed by Congress. The supreme court can retroactively enforce the 14th amendment and deport ~160 million illegals.
Sorry pal, 'merica collapsing is part of the script and then it's the exodus for Jews to get to Ukraine which will serve as the next base of operation. The war was a big show to hide in the eye of the tornado, only whites are dying while Jews are comfy in Moscow and Tel Aviv and New York.
look at the metrics, Biden improved the economy bigly
you couldn't include a link to the stream?
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>Jews pushing this
>deport pro-palestine protestors
good, that's the blackbloc/antifa/BLM crowd
he cant even deport fucking mexcrement beaners. good luck, fuck stick. TKD.
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Unbelievable levels of ZOGbottery.
nice fan fic
It's an interesting dilemma. Option one further ingrains the cause of all problems in the world. Option two carries out the will of those who've caused all the problems in the world, but to a higher degree.
/pol/tards are desperate to talk about this and yet threads with many posts keep sinking.
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She couldnt be hired as dog catcher if that were true.
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But they're here legally Donnie.
Imagine voting for a man who has his tongue so far up Israel's ass he can taste the stomach acid. If he loves Israel so much, he should live there. We need to stop funding foreign wars, including Ukraine.
>looks at this thread
yeah. /pol/tards seem to be really "desperate" to talk about this.
Have you considered that maybe that’s the whole idea?
Whoa whoa whoa
I was gonna vote for him, no need to convince me further
it's in our national interest to work with israel to stop muslim terror.
we live in an age of nuclear weapons.
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Election day is going to be fun when he loses by about 3-5 point as Kamala and Hillary are president and VP for the next 4 years. Maybe stop sucking Zionist cock of Bibi and maybe you would stop losing to a niggress woman who will do better than her dotard other half.
He just said people should vote this time because in 4 years they won't have to do it anymore. Dictator much?
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>zionism is why he lost
>it wasn't stolen or anything
and, there you have it folks. the glownigger cope.
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Absolutely based.
Mudslimes and their liberal enablers GONE
>israel shot trump
>israel did 911

checked and true
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but what if we don't care about the sand nigger wars?
burning the American flag is objectively more patriotic than arresting/deporting those who burn the American flag
>Zionism is good
Do you really think Trump is any different from Kamala?

You mean the jews and sauds
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wow, that's a real hot take.
where did i type out that shit you implied, xir?
oh yeah. i didn't. lmao
Calling yourself a man after voting for a literal female? Jesus Christ you have no spine faggot. Just fucking rope at that point..voting for a lesser species lmao even
somehow Glormpf wants to bring in Soviet style antisemitism laws
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Imagine if for just once he said he would support White people no matter what.

Okay jew, what ARE you saying then?
Just don't vote. Voting is for vaxcattle and kamala will do war with Iran for the jews, anyways.
i'm saying that there's bigger issues than sand nigger wars in this election, mohammad.
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>what? not MAN enough to vote for a jew?
>telling Trump what he's going to do in advance or his AIPAC guy won't miss next time
>Trump said he was gonna lock up Hillary during the 2016 campaign. He's full of shit.
>Trump is totally, seriously gonna deport people against Israel, he said so while campaigning.
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Deport is Trumpspeak for koncentration kamps.
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believe it or not, it was made as anti-Trump propaganda.
No, I'm aware of that. Voting doesn't fucking matter anyway.
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>It's an interesting dilemma. Option one further ingrains the cause of all problems in the world. Option two carries out the will of those who've caused all the problems in the world, but to a higher degree.
They're talking your tax dollars and want your men to die for Israel and you talk about "bigger" issues? Kill youself.
Only kikes trying to poison the well like yourself would shill for a brown female to be their president. Oct 7th isn't over faggot nigger, kys.
No matter how hard you try, you will never be a woman and no one will see you as one lmao. If anything some faggots fantasy at best. That's all you'll amount to nigger tranny.
Im against Israels war effort. Norway sounds nice
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Can’t believe he said that
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>his AIPAC guy
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>Only kikes trying to poison the well like yourself
only shills use the phrase in this manner
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When and how did jews take control of the US? Anyone know a certain event or was it multiple events during a longer period of time?
>want your men to die for israel
yeah, trump was such a warmonger.
i'm loling at your silly inbred ass, mohammad.
This basically. Every big zionist influencer is obsessed with trannies and talks about it more than any other issue. It's at the point where you can probabilistically determine if someone is a zionist depending on how frequently they talk about trannies
Ok rabbi.
you just did that you dumb jew
4d chess yet again.
He is going incredibly hard on defending Israel to avoid getting shot again but will drag his feet su pporting them when push comes to shove when in office
This is why you're an incel who will always be contained to this board. No even remotely intelligent like minded person with a spine would even listen to your retarded faggot ass for even suggesting a brown female, let alone any female, to be your president. Genuinely, kys faggot gorilla nigger.
Trump is so funny that way. He wants to win the Olympics of who can waste the most money on a country thousands of miles away.
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>accuses me of being semitic
tell me about it, mohammad.
What, exactly?
You might, *might* get deportations, but then the doors will be flung open to infinity pajeets trying to get in on student visas
The war against Russia which has already been lost will just get wrapped up faster under Trump, and then a new front will open up with an emboldened Israel attacking Lebanon, Syria or even Iran itself
The best part of the Biden/Kamala presidency is they were trapped between Jewish control on one side and their own younger voter base on the other, and this is causing a huge amount of ((noticing)) for zoomers on the left
With Trump as president it will just be Bush 2.0 business as usual, his base will rabidly support any bombing campaign or war on behalf of Israel as long as its Trump doing the declaration
Women are voting Kamala though, it's actually a roadblock to getting laid to support trump. You have to actually be good looking for women to sleep with you if you're a trump voter
I thought it was a white guy
>comparing trump to bush out of nowhere
bunkertroon, pls.
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Full control assumed in 1913.
We just book a flight on a blue state a week before the election and they let us vote. Lo siento hermano
Photo was from before the assassination attempt.
Kamala will just say she loves Jews more
If it was stolen (it really was), then what makes you think they won't rig it again?
Of course they are comparable, Trump is a rabid Zionist just like Bush Jr was, and they are both heavily backed by retarded Evangelical shabbos goyim that worship Jews as gods
Pick your AIPAC guy year never changes
She could, but she hasn't. And she won't. Dems know that kowtowing to kikes doesn't help them anymore.
they probably will.
that's why it's important to establish the will of the people.
never let evil take root.
>expects me to play this gay game
here's your response, xir.
Almost everything Trump says he will do would be instantly blocked by a leftist judge. Every single thing.
All these forced memes since Biden stepped down have been low quality
Israel can't do shit. What a dismal performance in Gaza. Hamas is still in charge there and Israelis are fleeing to better pastures overseas somewhere. All the hype of the Merkava, Iron Dome, first rate soldiers was utter bullshit. The border observers themselves were dragged from their bases and became hostages. Pathetic showing.
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Is he seriously giving me a reason to vote for Harris?
I think Kamala is growing on me
>that's why it's important to establish the will of the people.
>Never let evil take root

Problem is you guys let that happen 4 years ago. What makes you think this time will be different?
Her husband is a jew. Cope bruh.
trying so hard to fit in and failing miserably.
Uh, where are they going to be sent to?
I actually strongly suspect that if Trump wins this election, the money Jews will abandon the Democrats altogether and shift heavily over to the Republicans under the Jew friendly, raceblind meritocracy NRX crowd, then using "antisemitism on the radical left" as an excuse to purge anyone on the right who is critical of Jewish power by accusing them of being leftists and shutting them down
Pretty certain jews own literally both sides…
>let that happen
we didn't riot at the capital or anything when it happened.
we just quietly accepted it. you're right.
>zionist shill brings up the tranny menace out of nowhere
Every time. Zionists promote obsession with trannies
So if I protest a sand nigger civil war I get a free one way ticket to Tahiti? Ok, from the river to the see kikebros.
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why are commies such trannies though?
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>Israel is more important than the 1st amendment
Liberia. It is America's colony in Africa. The Capitol is even named after a US president.
This is why I'm not voting for trump. If they want my vote they have to be america first. Miga cucks can fuck off
why do kikes push it on to everyone?
Will he deport me to say, lebanon? I could use a free ride.
i dunno? what are the ties between jews and communism again?
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Meanwhile I have countless examples of mentally ill TRUMP trannies. KEK. Newfags like you never learn. They don't pay you enough
where do you think those extra votes come from at 3am? Benefits of being democrat is that you can vote from anywhere in the world. they give us the address and SSN and prefilled voting form.
He lost fair and square in 2020. Maybe if he didn't suck off bibi too much even then he would have won. But he lost like a bitch and will lose to a bigger bitch in November.
Honestly I love trump. I like the majority of his policies, I like him personally. But the jewish COCKsucking has me ao annoyed I probably wont vote for him, and vance is a total tool to boot, that did not help. Hes gonna 100% say something stupid and probably lose the whole damn election.

If trump could get off israels nuts for 2 seconds he could have all the support he could ever want.

Im not fighting iran, I wont support a president who will.
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/ptg/ doesnt pay them enough. Very low energy of them.
K bro I'll take that deal to be able to afford food again, family to feed and all that shit
you call Jan6 a riot? lol! BLM/ANTIFA did a riot by burning down PD and buildings. what you did was faggy demonstration
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>mfw /pol/ schizos get deported
>deport pro-Palestinian protestors
Deport US citizens?
And yet Biden still got away with it.
Don't know, why are capitalists countries full of them and even went as far as creating international days for trannys or an entire month for faggotry?
I seriously hope someone kills Trump and rest of the trump family

Ukraine needs to send some of those heat seeking rpgs to someone near marilogo or wherever They keep their planes
Straight to Rwanda like our government was gonna do

I don't like pro-palestine protesters but they are the one thing standing between us and the jews / greater israel having complete control. Trump has sold his soul to Satan.
Shalom rabbi
Trump is unashamedly pro-Jew, pro-Israel and pro-Zionist. But the Democrats are the same, they just pretend to hate Israel, but they will fully fund any horror show Israel unleashes on the middle east. No one worth voting for.
Could be a good thing ultimately, because that means the Jews have abandoned their victimhood narrative that they weaponized on the left
Remember that the NatSocs grew most of their support on the anti-capitalist left, because the rich Jews were heavily in bed with the conservatives while the poor Jews were radical communists
Zion Don strikes again with yet another MIGA moment.
Holy kek is Garisson actually based now?
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> AIPAC Guy...
>if you don't support pissrael you're a heckin muslim terrorist!
He didn't specify non-citizens, and doesn't he claim he's going to deport all illegals regardless? Will he introduce laws like Germany and give them exceptions if they pledge their allegiance to Isn'trael?

We need to add to the list
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> AIPAC Guy....
bot post
Yeah. The Iran thing alone was over the line. I liked him in 2016 because Hillary was a warmonger and he wasn't. This changes that. And now this is just inexcusable. I can't ignore it, I can't vote for someone who wants to deport White Americans for opposing Israel. It's like something flipped after the assassination attempt, I'm guessing that his Jew friends successfully convinced him that Iran was behind it?

I'm extremely disappointed because Kamala is probably the most dislikable person on the planet but voting for someone who wants to deport me is just not something I want to do. Hopefully he walks it back, maybe they'll ask him about it during the debates and he'll have a chance to be more reasonable.
all presidents since truman have believed this

Are these Jews or Democrats or Jew Democrats who are lying? Both groups lie so often.

Well, the guy in charge of Homeland Security, which is in charge of the Secret Service, Mayorkas, is a Jew, and was impeached for doing a shitty job on the border.
>and the jewish people.

Despite having a Jew Husband.
the one thing he'll for sure never do
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How can anyone vote for Trump after hearing this?
We vote left, we demand an end to Israeli apartheid, and further push democrats into being an anti-israel party. Rich jews in charge of the republican party will NEVER stop immigration, they will just shift to jeets who worship Israel
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Go back to plebbit and dilate, ivan
Kill yourself MIGA anti-racist. Kamala is more antisemitic than you'll ever be.
why would they shoot their strongest supporter?
mazel tobby, goy
he is really playing to the maga crowd now isn't he
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>This is why you're an incel who will always be contained to this board.
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better do it quick
Why not vote RFK then?
Don't care. Still voting Trump. Even if he publicly declared that Jews are the master race, I would still vote for him.
No amount of shilling will work here.
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prove he was shot at all
Burning the flag is protected by the constitution
Arresting/deporting those who burn the flag is not protected by the constitution
Sorry, zionist.

Kamala has the higher Jew index, more Jew = Kamala.

don't get me wrong, this is a complete shit country, and I'm never voting again, but Kamala is more Jew. Both are unacceptably Jew cock suckers.

Trump sucking too much Jew cock (true) is not a reason to vote D. Kamala and all the Ds suck the most Jew cock. Approx 3/4s or more of the Jews in the US vote Democrat.

Jews hate Christians and have been relentlessly trying to destroy Christianity. All the new awful shit is Jews + Democrats. Fags, Trannies, important Illegal Alien non Christians, etc etc. All Jew + Democrat.

Somehow a new faction of Christianity has formed in the last 100 years ago, and they read a version of the Bible that was commissioned by Rothschild, and that version of the Bible somehow has todays Jews as some kind of hero, not the people guilty of killing Jesus. Those voters, non denominational Christians, evangelicals, fundamentalists, typically vote GOP. So Trump and the GOP are trying to make them happy by supporting Israel. They're also being bribed by AIPAC, who just killed Massie's wife after Massie talked about AIPAC.

There is too much Jew influence everywhere. I'm never voting in this shit country again. But the Jews have more control and more alignment with the Democrats. Jews, Communists, Democrats, Faggotry, Trannydom, Cuntiness. It's all a group. There are also some Christians on the GOP side who got taught Christianity wrong.

I don't really give a fuck about Israel under conditions like "we're not giving them a dime". But it's typically just a firehose of money coming from our pockets to theirs.
Get deported to Argentina where Mossad leaves you in an ice bath with a Joker grin scalloped on your face, unironically
It was Iran, you clueless retard. Trump and Bibi already said that if they attempt it again and kill him Iran should be wiped from the map, but the democrats are bought by the Iranian communist regime, so they won't do anything. Trump is the only thing getting in the way. If Iran defeats Israel, then they will come after us and the democrats will give them the keys.
Which is why your hasbara unit is kvetching so much
israel shot him with ketchup
trump should make israel the 51st state and rearrange the stars in the flag into the shape of the star of david
I thought Trump was supposed to be anti-war? Well so much for that
and relocate the nation’s capital to israel
Where would I be deported to? Theoretically speaking.
That zionist cocksucker is going to lose, bigly.

it was Britain
keep the shabbos goy in line
it was more of a threat
To which country do you deport US citizens?
Are you retards still trying to pretend American elections haven't just been both sides arguing about which one loves jews the most for like 100yrs?
Most people in America recognize that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. If Israel falls, so will America. Israel is the guard at the doors of the west protecting us from Islam and comminism.
The government cannot strip someone of their citizenship except in a very, very narrow set of circumstances. There was actually a Supreme Court case about this in the 1940s.
, if the Jews stop killing our unborn children and let me own a house I don't give a shit what they do to brown retards.

Hell, I'll proudly declare my allegiance to Israel if they'll just stop committing cultural suicide and taking us down with them.

Praise the Jews. Glory to the learned elders of zion. Just let me pay my fucking rent
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What a shock, a plebbit tranny that lies to farm (you)'s & push kamala
I would say to go kill yourself, but we all know that's a given, seeing as how you're a 42 percenter
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Kikes and mudslimes alike can all eat infinite dicks and fuck off to Hell for all I care.
Trump has raised so much cash from his supporters and golf course deals that he hopes he doesn't win again so that he can retire in Israel and play even more golf on a course named after him
Trump is popular
Camelahh is supported only by jew riggers & their pedo’s/poo’s.
are you against deporting sand niggers OP?
Congratulations, President Harris!
bruh trump's whole family is married to jews. At least Kamala got married to the Jew and didn't have any children, while Trump sold them all to the six sided star tribe

but is loyal to the secular Jew religion of Gay Tranny Communism and everything thing else that makes the Jews in the US vote Democrat 75% of the time.

Jew doesn't exactly equal Israel.

Jews were fucking awful before Israel and since Israel.

Rothschild owns Central Banks over the world and has for longer than Israel has been around.

Palestine was given to Rothschild for a Jew homeland in the Balfour Declaration. 1919.

Same Rothschild or family of Rothschilds, who have been owning a lot of banks for a long time.

The bad Rothschilds. The bad Rothschilds fund both sides. Rothschild gave Soros his first big money in the 1960s. Soros does the bidding of Rothschild. And Israel is Rothschild's country.

All the Jew whining about Palestine is just a bunch of leftist Jews whining about a more right wing government in Israel. They want some other Israeli Jew in charge, not the guy that's there now.

But they're all always giving Israel all the money they want. That never stops.

Lynn de Rothschild works with G Maxwell and Epstein to blackmail US politicians. she knows the politicians, G Maxwell and Epstein don't, or at least not as much.

The wikileaks emails between Hillary Clinton and Lynn deR clearly showed that Hillary was not the higher up one, Hillary was almost groveling.
Watch the 8th episode of The Boys. They are soft disclosing part of what they want to play out in the US in order to start the next war.

tl:dr: They gas light everyone into being patriotic golems (slaves with jobs) and steering the world to an apocalyptic nightmare with an even deeper 6d chess agenda (Sage's agenda that homelander doesn't even fully know, homelander is Trump) towards a one world (super abled) government gestapo.

At some point, off world entities are going to come into play, (the real ones not the alphabet soup knockoffs).

Jews bribe US politicians and US politicians send our money to Jews.
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false about trumps whole family.

Are those the Jew guys kids in the family pictures? What happened to his wife?
Fuck Israel, and fuck Islam. I hope you all die painfully
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>prove he was shot at all
why do you think that helps you?
all the shit they getting rid of is what they consider shit. think of it like the shit that been sitting in your garage for years and now you doing yard sale because you don't need it, you don't want it and it's just taking up space

Good. Next we will deport anybody who is against Israel too because antisemitism is unacceptable in the west. I want the nazis deported to Canada where they can fucking neck themselves
I am going enforce the greatest immigration laws this country ever seen, i will every migrant pledge allegiance to the flag of Israel our greatest ally, and if they don't I will rapidly and vigorously deport them back to they anti-semetic homeland.
Only 70 posts to go until bumplimit. Hang in there you can do it MIGA internet defense force.
Any excuse to deport is a good excuse
can't even afford shills with VPNs
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>MIGA internet defense force.
you know we're normal people completely uncoordinated.
shilling what exactly? when you have trillion dollars that purple buzgati has no real value like it does to you. it just a car and after driving it 2 times it becomes boring and basically useless
same goes for all the artwork and statues and every other shit that faggot was complaining about. If I were that rich I'd buy davinci monalisa and set it on fire for tiktok views
How cucked is this fat faggot?
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That is not Israel, it is an illegal occupation invented by atheists. They genocide Christians, oppress the poor, kill children. Both parties are zionist, they blackmail politicians, both send billions to occupied Palestine for this genocide.
>all the shit they getting rid of is what they consider shit. think of it like the shit that been sitting in your garage for years and now you doing yard sale because you don't need it, you don't want it and it's just taking up space
I wish it did not have to be this way, I wish we were given the peaceful option. The zionist government is directly involved the genocide, they sponsor it and push aggression. The IDF and Mossad are directly supported by the US military, it is why Aaron Bushnell self-immolated.
you're the one posted that retarded picture
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he's going down
Kek predicted it
So they could tell him Iran did it.
Evidently it worked.
All our politicians know how to do is slup kike cock. Fuck america.
I need help frens. Are any of the organizations being donated towards here explicitly pro-Israel/pro-Jew?
Kamala has been way more critical of Israel than Trump
Anon, you know both parties are equally kiked, nobody reaches the Whitehouse without the backing of Israeli PACs/shabbos consortiums/billionaire bankers.
I think the play is typical Trump calculation. He needs to pander to the pro-Israel, anti-Iran crowd and donors. He needs to pander to the pro-Palestine crowd to some degree and push a peace plan for the Gaza war. He wants to slag off Bibi for personal, competitive reasons, which include having been Jewed by Bibi for various things during his last administration.
They are both pro Jew. But trump’s voice is a bit less annoying.
All of the yemeni fuckers in Dearborn got to go home. So do the Somalis in Minneapolis.
I predict (short of something really um serious) that someday there will be a small Muslim state in the upper Midwest.
There is not a single goy on the planet that knows what your talking about when you say “ Oct 7th”.
>you're the one posted that retarded picture
not quite totally verbal huh?
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She LOVES jews more than she loves Indians and that's more than she loves blacks
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>There is not a single goy on the planet that knows what your talking about when you say “ Oct 7th”.
how about J13 when you tried to kill trump
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Trump should go fight Hamas and die for Israel himself
I'm completely fine with this.
Trump is an Israel first cryptokike.
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>Trump should go fight Hamas and die for Israel himself
he's gonna take out their funder.
I'm so black pilled right now. Jew have won and I think after this post imma just stay off anything politics
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By Trump sucking Netanyahu's dick to death?
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He did specify Palestine though. I support neither and if he doesn't like it, well that's just a cryin' shame ain't it? Still not supporting kikes. Here's your daily reminder to shoot your draft officer in the face when they come but hopefully you took notes on who supports a draft before the net goes down.
So much winning, I'm tired bros, plz stop winning Mr. Trump



Why do you keep trusting this kike grifter
Anon what's wrong with Israel unleashing a horror show on shitskins in the middle east? Why do you care as a White man 12k miles away? You are a White man right?
All of your criticisms of Israel is directly related to them killing shitskins, so it sure seems like you're a Hamas supporting faggot.
>Our greatest ally said it was Iran, therefore it was Iran, there is absolutely no need to verify these claims because they come from our greatest ally
I thought only leafs made retarded posts.
Quite the gambit from Trump, relying on 2% of the population to carry him to victory. We'll see if it pans out.

Captcha: xgy WAR
fuck off
abu mazen aka abbas is a known kike collaborator
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I'm with it.
Why would there be a draft? Israel has assraped every neighboring country in every war in its short history. Arabs and Persians are too fucking retarded to fight. They best they can do is suicide bombings that kill 50 of their own countrymen to kill one or two yids.
A super majority of Americans support Israel, especially the boomers that vote. Kikes don't vote Republican, so that narrative was retarded to start with.
Of course, because you're a shitskin. White people don't care about dead shitskins.
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>muh shitskins
Answer the question, do you believe the father of Barron Trump (your RACIAL OBLIGATION to have your daughter become his breeding slut).
Deport them Muslims in US streets and they get sent home to either man up against Israel or shut up and cry that they are in the middle east or Africa. I see this as a minor win even though its a MIGA policy. Who knows maybe it will cause more Jew infighting on wither to import Muslims into the west or not.
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it okay to cope and seethe yahudi
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>b-b-but kikes are white
Were one false flag away from going full "Iran attacked the USA and has weapons of mass destruction", just like we did with Afghanistan and Iraq. The problem is there's zero support for it so a false flag like 9/11 is needed for the draft.
The problem with your people is the lack of WRITING. You are gonna need A LOT of "historical" evidence, because JEWS are gonna blame you for the whole middle east crap. JEWS ARE ALREADY DOING THAT.

No one is saying to write illegal things or use your real name, but more people need to write that ZOG and the US population are different.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me 100 times, I'm a Trump supporter.
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((( >>475803785 )))
Why are there Jews in Chile?
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Low iq take, trump shot himself
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((( >>475809384 )))
>my fellow whites allow Israel everything, and my fellow whites will take the blame for all the kike-led genocides next generation
And what about the people who were born here? You gonna deport me to fucking England? Or am I gonna go to some glownigger offshore prison
To be fair most of these comments come from kikes on a proxy
Don’t deport them, retard. That puts them closer to home, where they can pick up a gun and fight the Jews.

Fuck, this guy can’t get anything right.
Trump kept all the wars going. You fucking retards love to say "Trump didn't start any wars" but you always seem to leave out the part about keeping all the wars going.
Daily reminder Israel stole 4 nukes during Obama's term inside the US while they were being transported.
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Shoo, bot.
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daily reminder that jews rape kids
I miss the Q threads
Still voting Trump.
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I'm fluent in deep state political lingo.

the jihadist sympathizers and the american hating radicals.

The jihadist sympathizers Are the the ones propping up al qaeda and ISIS(ISIS is back) within the security sate.

The american hating radicals are the ones that tried to launch America into a civil war by attempting to murder him.

Basically he is going to deport the CIA/FBI/Security STATE goons to the middle east to do the fighting instead of us.

Friendly reminder to release ALL THE JFK files.

That's ideal speak.

But if he actually means deporting americans for exercising their right of free speech.
He is utterly fucking lost in the sauce.

As for the people defacing our monuments, it is all a psyop paid spooks to distract.
I can fathom anyone being so fucking stupid as to think that sort of behaviour is helping their cause.
bring the law on them for destroying public property.

As for supporting israel finish off the Palestinians.
that is just inhumane.
Clips like that should be spread more often
which one of us a the shill, bud?
>Full control assumed in 1913

The jews then rapidly moved to use this new source of materiel and expendable bodies to launch the biggest war the world had even seen: WW1 - The Great War.
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This. Kamala is even more pro-jew than trump. Trump simply says his shit for votes, and this time around he despises yahoo, kushner, and ivanka
>daily reminder that jews rape kids
Why does it surprise anyone that jews rape kids?

The patriarch of all judaism is a psychopath who was perfectly willing to murder his own son.
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>Why is his ear completely unscarred

Because of the top medical care he received at some unknown hospital in Pennsyltucky.
People should go to civil war against the Q faggots.
Nobody shot at Trump
>what if i don't care about the semite war and only care about our economy

Ron Paul. You can actually vote for whoever you want for president. The government is going to win the election regardless of who you vote for.

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