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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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As you all know, yesterday Governor Gruesome Newsom has issued an order to start tearing down all the homeless encampments. They are to either 1) Go to the shelters 2) Get drug counseling 3) Face going to prison. Today the city I live in (on this map) has started to kick out homeless from the encampments with a heavy police presence. They are starting to be very visible on all sidewalks and streets as a result. A significantly noticeable amount of homeless all over downtown in my city pushing carts and trying find somewhere to go. The city is telling them to either go use the shelters or face jail. Everyone at work is excited that these bottom feeders are having their party ended. They are given a few days to disperse and get the fuck out or they will be arrested and all their belongings will be thrown away. Enough is enough, this is 14 years in the making. Oregon, Nevada and Arizona, just warning you, you're about to get these failures of society headed your way
Oh good. Gonna rope.
T. Live in portland
Also I'd like to add that everyday the homeless are getting hit early in the morning by cars on their way to work. The city has been getting pressured heavily at city council meetings to do something about this, and finally it appears they were ready to roll as soon as this executive order came down. Benefits of living in a conservative city
What is the real motive behind this on Newsom’s part? It can’t just be because a few homeless lost their lives due to car accident. Enlighten me cali-bro

Newsome is still hopeful that he can be the Democratic nominee. He is "moving center" just in case he gets the chance

Los Angeles 323 here. Havent seen any movement around these parts yet. Will keep u posted.
He promised for like 12 fucking years to fix the homeless issues in California. But of course when you hire people to do a job that will remove their job the only response you will get is "Need mo money fo dem programs." while the problem gets worse. Newsome wants to be president in the nearish future, and needs to have something to show for it. Retards have a short memory so if the bums disappear to Nebraska/Florida he will have that small victory.
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He wants to burn the homeless.
>moving center
Does that really matter for a California voter? He would surely win the state regardless, and a move like that has little meaning to 49 other states. Just seems odd, but I guess if he was to look more centered, they will always reference back to this move.
He's trying to make himself look presidential. He's trying to look like some savior but in reality all of us here know he's the one responsible for the homeless problem. They should be building Bukele style jails for these fucks. Let them withdraw cold turkey off the drugs. If they die, they die. We're so fed up with these trash losers that nobody cares if they die. They're literally subhuman feral menaces
He needs to clean up his state for the upcoming sports events. Nice trips btw.
>Does that really matter for a California voter? He would surely win the state
He's wildly unpopular in California because he's the one who destroyed our state. He might win the coastal vote, but everyone hates his guts in most areas. Nobody wants to admit they voted for him
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>government creates problem
>people mad
>government attempts to half-ass solve the problem it created
>people happy and like the government
it's so motherfucking tiring anons
>We're so fed up with these trash losers that nobody cares if they die
Is this sentiment shared toward the center, and anywhere to the left?
last year nusom shut down 90% of the fire camps in california. this year they are training hobos to be fire fighters. this shit is insane, it looks like they emptied all the prisons of nigs and spics just so they could shuffle white hobos into them.
or is positioning himself for 2028
I know we have homeless in Arizona but it's 115* today in the city and dusty as fuck, UV gets up to 10 in peak hours and slowly drops off. Californian homeless are going to burnish if they come here. send them to Oregon so they can be fed to the local wildlife
He's probably going to do what Jewliani did in NYC. Give them all one way bus tickets out of state. Probably Florida.
All they due is promise them some crack money if they force them on a bus to another town. Then they get to pat themselves on the back. My uncle is a police officer near the beach. We have money here so sending them somewhere else is easy. But I’m worried for whoever gets flooded by them
He has to create a plan with the cities first retard did you not listen? That will not happen. Nothing is actually greenlit but an empty promise.
This is the sentiment shared by EVERYONE except the hippie types. We're all so fed up of dealing with this shit. Saw a homeless guy show his dick to a parent with his kids at a gas station. Who the fuck thinks that's how a society should operate?
If you think the homeless aren't immune to the heat, I have bad news for you. All over the Central Valley where it is 110+ all of July they are living their lives like it's a day at the beach. Drugs make your body resistant to biological stressors
>We're so fed up with these job replaced white trash losers that nobody cares if they die
Does absolute 180. Yeah, he's running for pres.
Honestly this is a good idea. Spread them out over larger areas rather than have them concentrated in a handful of cities.
If I had to lay out demographics on these drug addicts:
50% white
30% hispanic/mixed with white
18% black
2% other (rarely will see a drug addict Asian, Indian, Arab, etc.)

The white trash who are prone to being drug addicts on the streets in California are the ones who come from the Oklahoma migration to California during the Great Depression. They all have that red neck look to them
>create problem
>engineer solution
>sell solution
>collect accolades

except he forgot that you're not supposed to let the retards catch on that you caused the problem
>He wants to burn the homeless.
Not a bad idea. And throw their filthy belongings in with them. He should relocate them to camps in the forest areas know for the worst forest fires.
Retard if you actually know what you're talking about, he told the cities to handle it first and the state will come in to clean up the rest. My city has been itching to get these degenerates off our streets forever but the state would not prosecute. Now the party is over. My city is notorious for excessive police force, our cops are badass
the ferals in florida will eat them. bums fear the state.
Nevadan here. Holy fucking shit please NO.
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Ah fuck, they're all going to come to Portland now
How is Oregon apart from Portland? Super liberal or is it comfy
they should just use 2 acres of land out of sight for the homeless to camp on
Just in time for new economic migrants!

The rest of Oregon, outside of the Willamette Valley, fucking hates Portland and is pretty libertarian.
he needs that one Star Trek episode to happen IRL and its only like 7 weeks away
They wont do shit unless they want to get filmed and charged. The media will turn right back around on them like they did before and they know it
Oregon is under rated. I wish Portland was better at keeping all trash out with its antics, then it would serve a purpose.
The rest of the state is most beautiful area in US.
70% live in willamette valley so most the state is barren.
we do everything california does just slower so they will eventually be washed out when convenient. area had thousands of acres burned due to a homeless camp fire recently. we recently repealed the personal possession of any drug law too.
Based mass grave enthusiast
Californians are a locust cancer to the rest of the USA. Everything that comes out of that shit hole is trash including the non-homeless.
He could've done this whenever he wanted to, he chose not to.
He's made a complete fucking mess of California during and after Covid, and now he wants to pretend to be the guys who saved California. Hoping people will forget Covid Newsome. He needs to start arresting shoplifters so shops don't go bankrupt, except it may be too late, too many shops have closed down and many towns are half ghost towns with fentanyl and homeless zombies shuffling around.
>send them to Oregon
Fuck off, we already have a bum epidemic.
How about you stop sending us your homeless and hippies? Your anger directed at my state is actually directed at the transplants who come here to shit up our state. The areas with the most native Californians vote red
Every single time I've been to Rite Aid and Walgreens the past 4 years (I go regularly), there has been a shoplifter. It's comical at this point to think that shop lifting is ok. Anybody caught shop lifting red handed needs to get their hand cut off. Cut off a few hands and the message will be sent loud and clear
Based Newsom. Kicking the poor when they’re down.
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The solution over here was to make a super low speed limit in the zombie area, and paint things all over the street. Pic is from the official city website.
Far too many states and cities keep making homeless someone else's problem. Roust the camps, let them scatter like cockroaches.

Don't even think of coming to New England. People here will make you disappear into the wilderness without a trace.
The media is controlled by the intelligence agencies.
If the CIA and FBI want it cleaned up so newson can be president one day the media won't report shit.
Just like they quit saying "BLM."
Or have you not noticed that?
This…many of us who have lived it know we were better leaders than Newsome who hid the first two weeks of COVID after saying schools would shut down. I will never forget I we were better leaders.
>Oregon, Nevada and Arizona, just warning you, you're about to get these failures of society headed your way
Every one of these states should build a border wall.
They just re-deployed the "BLM" lumpenproletariat it seems. Some old bat in Chicago got shot by a cop and they're using it to stir up riots again.
Yeah and the 47 other states keep sending them to California. I talk to the homeless and rarely do you meet one who actually grew up in California. They're sent here from all over. Mike the tweaker behind the Wells Fargo is from Denver. Miguel the crackhead running in front of cars is from Mexico. Sheila the meth head who tried to drop off her drugs in the Rite Aid bathroom when the cops came in looking for her had a Montana license plate on her car
I support it. You people need to stop moving here. There are 49 other states, pick another one
it's election season nigger, how old are you? every politician acts out of character and pretends to fix things whenever it's t-minus 3 months to november every other year
Send them to Arizona. Apparently the pavement is so hot there this time of year, it broils fent zombies.
That is probably organic and not an intelligence agency operation.
It won't go anywhere if the CIA and FBI are not backing it.
Who was paying for the $1000 plane tickets to fly antifa and BLM to hot spots to riot?
Most of those people were out of state, and flying anywhere without buying a ticket in advance can cost $1000.
Those riots cost a lot money shuttling antifa nd blm around to the hot spots.
>They all have that red neck look to them
Your state was founded by the people who lost the civil war.
No give them all a one way ticket to Hawaii and wall it off
Perhaps we can pick a state to herd them all into, then build a wall around it. 95% of Nevada is owned by the Fed goons, so Nevada wouldn't miss any of that land. A huge concentration camp for fent zombies in the desert.
presidency ammo for later
>They are to either 1) Go to the shelters 2) Get drug counseling 3) Face going to prison.
why not just shoot them? I fucking hate the homeless
I've been saying to do this for years. Air drop all the drugs they could ever need. Let them have drugs 24/7, overdose, we don't give a fuck. There is no hope with those feral animals
Hes shitting his pants. He basically dared anyone with money to leave the state. They called his bluff and now he is seeing the entire state is running out of money and people who pay the taxes are flooding to other states. Ca cant be supported by kikebook and jewgle. What he fails to understand is those people are NEVER coming back after experiencing freedom maybe for the first time.
Too many coincidences here. It's an election year. It's nearly the SAME TIME of year the 2020 shit started (that was June). They've already tried to wind us up with a couple sputtering pandemics (bird flu I think?), so here come the destructive "vote Democrat" riots again.

>CIA and FBI
Probably the Democrat Party itself is big behind this, or their NGO goons like the Clinton and Soros foundations.
A riot during a democrat administration just remind me they have no clue why they happen and how to prevent them
A couple kilos of fentanyl, well and evenly distributed - or a few grams of that "carfentanyl" variant - would really go a long way toward the zombies solving their own problems.
>It's an election year.
This assumes the average voter has brains and a memory longer than a fly's dick. We do. They don't.
I'm just picturing the druggie colony turning into some Escape from New York shit. If you've never seen the movie, NYC was turned into a federal penal colony and gangs quickly formed to govern the penal colony. Great movie btw
The Pacific Northwest as a whole is very individualistic, borderline libertarian. You get a nice mix of 60’s hippies that just want the government to leave them alone and gun nut libertarians that just want to be left alone.
I'm not moving anywhere near the left coast. I'm up in northern New England watching the rest of this shitpile collapse.
Oh, great. So now they are coming for your homes. And this Newscum asshat will take credit for cleaning everything up just in time for his presidential bid in 2028. God I hate liberals. Still voting Kamaltoe though just for the lolz
It's the same here. They come up from the south because MA, ME, NH have better welfare programs. In MA, the suburbs all send them to Boston because it has the best shelters. I've heard Manchester NH has to deal with the same shit from all the other towns there. ME, everything is concentrated in a few coastal cities. Perhaps they could build camps for them up in their endless north woods.
Why? Because we don't live in a civilized society in which criminals are killed.
I just went downtown today on the 5
the shacks are still there past dodger stadium
its a fucking joke, they will be right back where they were
they are not going to prison
> The areas with the most native Californians vote red
No, fuck you. Red or not these subhumans sell their 2 bedroom for a million dollars, then come to my state to shit up the real estate market. I can’t wait until it’s legal to skin these fuckers alive
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Arizona is still a conservative red state.

There aren't that many Californians in Phoenix or Tucson.
Man, this is gonna be Christmas for serial killers. It's gonna be an all you can kill buffet!
Say he cleaned up California when he tries usurping the dnc nomination. That or some Jew will visit from Israel
Yeah, and LA in the other movie. But it looks like Newsom doesn't want one of his shitholes used for such an experiment.

Would be interesting to watch what develops. Wall off half a million druggies with absolutely no outside support and see what kind of civilization/government emerges from the fentanyl and piss-soaked ashes say 20 years later.
You would not really see too many homeless people in the 90's in norcal. Socal is a little different but even then was nowhere near as bad.
This. Bombarding California with wetback spics. Also contributing to the economy the homeless as well.
Buddy, how many times do we need to tell you these "Californians" are the transplants who couldn't make it here. Modern day gypsies. I hate to break it to you, but unless you guys help California fix the homeless and crime issue, you're going to continue to get people moving in mass to your states
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>All over the Central Valley where it is 110+ all of July they are living their lives like it's a day at the beach.

Yeah, I was going to say, our transients are resilient. From Stockton to Modesto to Fresno and back up to Tracy and Mantweaka, these mahfks are living life like they're on vacation. A meth-filled vacation. Not like those pussy Bay Area hobos that get a nice breeze from time to time.

Parking across from my house...
Pissing me off...
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In the Phoenix suburbs, the Californian migrants are leaving and getting replaced by based young conservative families from Texas and Florida.
They don't want homeless around when they arson and DEW the cities.
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Arizona is a red state.

Yavapai county is as conservative as Ronald Reagan's living room.
Court's orders. He has to do it whether or not he wants to. It does advantage him politically by making him seem like presidential material. His mook is already the VP.
>Wall off half a million druggies with absolutely no outside support
I say give them drugs all day everyday. Let them die already

The homeless industrial complex is huge in California, Newsom has friends who have a stake in this industry. People living on the street have no value as a product. Grants pass vs Johnson has given him a green light to both solve a visible blight on the state and make his friends richer.
It has nothing to do with the homeless. As long as kikes keep raising taxes and hiring poos to put whites out of a job, the exodus will continue
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Pic related is the reddest and most conservative state in America.
its less about him being the nominee and more about clearing up at least some of the bad optics of California so it cannot be used against them up the election. Not that it will do them much good, Cali has far more bad optics to deal with. They will go soft on them again after the election is over.
Call your city Code Enforcement and tell them there's an abandoned trailer across the street. That shit will be towed in less than 4 days. People out in the Central Valley don't put up with this shit
It's already getting pretty uncivilized.
The government that's supposed to defend this "civilization" seems to be getting pretty bad at it.
People are getting sick of "civilization" where it means upstanding people suffer unemployment, crime, hordes of fent zombies, and all this other shit.
Vigilante actions and lynch mobs are going to be coming soon.
Nothing to my newly went in neighbour. Was so really quiet.
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Phoenix is the most based city in America.

There's Trump supporters and redpilled republicans everywhere in the valley.
Lancaster here, I'm not (yet) homeless but if I do end up as such my plan is to bug out to wilderness. Live off the land or die in the attempt because I believe I have CJD from spike proteins shed into my body by the vaxxies. I'm a dead man walking, might as well try to live life in a way that I can cherish it.
Many times I've been driving to work early in the morning on an empty road and I change lanes to avoid hitting a homeless fuck lollygagging his way across the road and the fucker sees me and steps backwards several paces to defy me to stop for him even though the road it totally empty except for us. The homeless not only do not want to work, they don't want anybody else to work either. I had to swerve over to the empty curb lane to avoid hitting him but I didn'te even bother touching the brakes. They're insanely entitled assholes that need a powerful reset to their shitty attitude. Having said that fuck NEETs. No you don't have a god given right to pussy. Mother nature says all creatures have to struggle and fight for the right to procreate.

Oh that's right you don't associate fornication with procreation. Just go take a big gorilla load of fent why dontcha?
Sounds like someone wanted to be a hood ornament when he grew up. Grant his wish.
They already get culled here to harvest as many salvageable organs as possible. They will simply be culled in the homeless shelters of other states as well.
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There aren't many Californian, Oregonian, or Washingtonian transplants in the Phoenix valley.
Get as far out of into the wilderness as you can, so no one even knows you're "homeless." That's what I'd do.
As long as you're not a druggie, there are plenty of resources to get you back on your feet. If you need somewhere to sleep, use rest stops and Love's gas stations (assuming you have a car). If you have no car, do yourself a favor and just go straight to Oregon where you have better wilderness to live off of. The Sierra Nevadas are patrolled regularly by DEA agents looking to bust illegal grow ops
Unless you're trying to OD the organ donor recipient, this does not sound like a useful use of them.
Gov. Gruesome needs to harvest any salvageable organs he can in order to be a benefactor to the Chinese and the Israelis. He wants power and he needs to have the powerful indebted to him.
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Phoenix is superior
The homeless issue on the west coast is out of control. Dems have been pretending for 20 years that hobos are normal people who are temporarily disadvantaged when we all know they’re 99% schizos and drug addicts unfit for society
Is this slow?
The bad thing is when they are actually nice guys.
I really hate noise.
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Phoenix is way less cucked than Las Vegas.

Plus, the suburbs of Phoenix are getting redder over time.
That's 20mph roughly
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It's tempting but that's a luxury I can't afford. My 20 year old Toyota Echo is worth more than all the filthy bearded bicycle bums towing their junk filled bike trailers with their accompanying German shepherd. Every single one of them is an angry bitter Marxist Leninist that longs for a bloody revolution where they murder us, live in our homes and then rape the women and children to their heart's content.
maybe I can finally move back to Oceanside
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Sick Quads of Tres

Oh I've been calling, emailing, and messaging the county systems. I've become that disgruntled dad calling the non-emergency number. "Yeah, the police call me with questions if they like."

I'm cleaning up these streets!
I just have to chill when I'm drinking and tweakers block my driveway. Wooooo
im on the map as well and super excited for this. the pieces of shit were crawling all over my city. garbage, needles, feces everywhere. zombies stumbling around smelling like piss and yelling at nothing. good fucking riddance.
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Move to the Maricopan valley instead

PHX is sort of like Los Angeles but better and actually conservative
Yeah okay my car is worth more to me too than whacking a fent zombie. Good point.
Pendleton used to burn down the San Luis Obpispo homeless camp once every 3 years
left la because it had turned into absolute shit. if this is true i'll give newsom a rare W
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Paradise Valley and Catalina Foothills are based.
compare the lows
It is a majority of whites. Whites escape the rest of the nation and head for the coast, but if the economy was not in this state most of those people would be factory workers. Mexicans and Blacks help their own, whites like me just genocide ourselves. Real sad. Glad i'm breeding
trump is going to be president during the summer olympics the usa is hosting, in california… and he’s going to be pissed if it’s full of homeless faggots
And libtards will say, "Oh no, all of their possessions are gone!"

Have these people ever looked at these 'prized possessions' ? Straight garbage and dirt and plastic bags in stolen shopping carts. They failed the test.

Based Pendleton
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The vast majority of the Californians who have moved to Arizona are conservative Californians
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Phoenix is way more based than your neck of the woods.
never thought i'd leave california. he did a terrible job. but it's also helpful that the supreme court finally over turned that retarded ruling saying homeless have the right to be anywhere
You know you're living in a wild timeline when south park is becoming a indicator for what reality is looking like
I wonder if this has anything to do with Murray Rothbard's advocacy of literally combatting homelessness.
If enough homeless people are claiming their own people are going missing after checking in at the same homeless shelters enough times, I'm just gonna assume there is foul play on part of the authorities and some kind trafficking of humans/organs is taking place. I'm a paranoid person. Not superstitious though I would be regarded as such if I talked about supernatural stuff or cryptids or whatever.
That is my basic plan. Just be as far away as possible from vaccinated people because they make me suffer neuropathic and pulmonary symptoms. I suspect I might have reduced skin barrier, ergo I feel spike proteins from touching/being touched by vaxxies or touching the things that they touch.
I'm >no car, no funs . I didn't think of trying other states though. Basically I'll just get a greyhound ticket if I remain unsuccessful at getting a job out here. Can't even get job training through America's Job Center either.
I can bide some time while trying to hoard a piddly $85/mo. through general relief, but once I obtain sufficient supplies and knowledge I don't see why I should remain here. Might start looking into other states' job sourcing/training resources. My growing discomfort around vaxxies, no matter how familiar the persons are to me, are what fuels my desire to bug out. I'm too much of a walking contradiction of a neurodivergent for the military to draft as fodder unless they lower their standards immensely, so the draft is of no concern, which is shouldn't be if I'm going to inevitably manifest the symptoms of spongiform encephalopathy.
Send them to the Chico fire to be euthanized.

That could be slower, but my point was their response to people staggering around in the road. Having written this, I guess it's not such an egregious infringement on me as a driver and is reasonable. As a whole the city's take on the drug problem has been out to lunch though, hence my hair trigger.
This. You little dirtbags on here wanting to be governed harder and still paying off your mortgage buckle up.
3 strikes rule for ED/EMS wrt/ODs would save us so much trouble.
they're not poor they are out of state junkies taking advantage of our insanely lax laws. i hope they get genocided like the jews 'allegedly' were
It's the warm weather. Junkies hate the cold crave heat.
i did this. granted i moved to new york so it's still expensive but it's light years nicer here. would be happy to see my hometown get cleaned up though but i'm not holding my breath. they mayor is a homless simp
karen bass is too pro bums. unless newsom over rides her i can see her and the city council not do shit.
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Based Newsom. He should be president after Kamala.
>If enough homeless people are claiming their own people are going missing

Could be all sorts of things. They're getting moved to drug rehab assistance where they're made to cut off all contact with previous acquaintances (who are likely fellow druggies, dealers, or enablers). Or someone in CA is giving them the "one-way ticket to the other side of the country" form of assistance, so they disappear. Or there's a serial killer murdering them. Or they're being ground up into fertilizer and the oranges and walnuts you're eating are made out of dead fent zombies.

Lots of possibilities here.
I assume this is to push them into tax funded programs like sheds bought at home depot for $3K but charge $50K to "build" and call housing for the homeless. Taxpayer fucked in the ass I'm sure, read the fine print.
"Homeless-industrial complex." This grift is alive and well where I live (northern New England) too.
He's never going to run for president because its a shitty position he doesn't want from now on and BLM doesn't have anything to do with California and its unique social landscape.
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You live in fresno don't you
I miss the Governator. Him and Jerry Brown had California in a golden period after the calamity that Grey Davis was.

But listen, this is what you tell them. You say "there's an abandoned RV across the street from my house with expired registration and clearly been in a bunch of accidents. Car looks like a total wreck. It has been there for weeks and the homeless are using it as an encampment". That's all you gotta say. Worked for me
Nah more north
He won't ever be president again.
>California spreading the problems it creates to other states like a bad case of HIV.
Checks out. See you in a year when the homeless problem doesn't go away because you cumdrinking niggers made poverty illegal, stacy.
Im sure he already knows he wont win and just wants to stay in to dispute the results again with another angry mob.
you are fucking stupid all that is happening is the cities kicked the can and made the state pay the clean up bills for homeless on state land, and now the state said fuck you cities you deal with ur homeless problem I am cleaning state land no more free rides.
They arn't going anywhere faggot, why would they go to worst weather places you are a retard.
I suppose I'm overly-cynical.
I think he will get assassinated in a false flag event to drive us into war with Iran. Then the 47th can make good on the H1Bs being given out to Indians that are college graduates.
found the beta cuckold simp
A real american would send them all to mexico with all the beaners. Total beaner death
Indeed. Contracts awarded by those on committees the contractirs make huge bank and cycle it back to PACs as payback for awarding. Same as NY and cards. Southwest Key huge money cycle.
Checked, since no one else did
what would that do to cause total beaner death, you don't make sense kike flag.
Yep everyone is aware of the corruption going on at the state level. Lots of investigative journalism covering the homeless issue in CA the past decade has shown that these are all nepotism contracts awarded. If you solve the problem suddenly you're out of a job, so they have no incentive but to continue to collect the $40 billion this state has spent (that we know of) on combating the homeless drug addict epidemic
how by playing musical chairs.
The only slightly informed posts it

The dystopian future is now
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I want more prisons. But retards in SF and Sacramento voted to close the prisons. We need Bukele style El Savadorean prisons. Throw those animals in there far away from civilized society. Who would have ever thought locking up all the criminals would make your country the safest on earth??? Tough on crime works, it always has worked and always will work
Last time I saw Phoenix PD dealing with a homeless meth zombie, night sticks were involved and they were beating that rat into a fine film.
I figure Phoenix PD and the MCSO will sort the wheat from the chaff. Whatever they miss the residents will deal with.
ArizonaChad please help us, we're all one country. We need everyone's help combating this plague of our country. Beat the living shit out of all of them as soon as they enter your state
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Stealing organs from the homeless for use in transplants? Dumb as fuck, those organs are tainted.
Stealing cadavers to resell for medical purposes, or to make into Jewish snacks? Sounds plausible
Whatever works. Plenty of homeless are bound to be unvaxxed, but how many are both unvaxxed and drug-free?
I don't live there anymore. However-
I doubt the people I know there are going to tolerate the kind of chicanery pulled by these cretins in California.
Are people finally getting less and less cucked about shit like this? Time to deal with the homeless because the worthless government won't?
Funny how the leftists never stop bitching about how we have the highest rate of incarceration in the world when the reality is we don't even have close to enough prisons to take all the dangerous criminals off the streets. When America openly proclaims itself to be the human garbage dump of the world by having open borders and unlimited welfare for illegals, this is exactly what you get: a country where a good 10-20% of the population deserves to be in prison.
Yeah, when they started attacking white moms and killing them, suddenly Newsom started to care. Everyone has been saying forever to get the homeless the fuck out, and the Supreme Court finally got their heads out of their asses. In less than a week, we've seen the state considered the homeless capital of the world become tough on the homeless. Everyone is fed up with this shit
i havent seen a single homeless since the mcrib came back
Time to have your McDonald's meat tested for fentanyl.
I wish we could just execute capital offenders that we know are guilty beyond any doubt. Appeals process/court expenses are why capital punishment is unviable in our society, despite its moral necessity.
>the reality is we don't even have close to enough prisons to take all the dangerous criminals off the streets.

Penal colonies on wretched arctic islands and a "Dead or Dead" bounty on criminal niggers is my solution.
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>14 years
You had those bastards for 14 years and you did not monetize them in the the best way imaginable?
When are the corporations going to start accepting lower class white male workers the way they did 20 years ago? People used to get DUIs and still have a delivery job.
>we don't even have close to enough prisons to take all the dangerous criminals off the streets
This is facts. We have too many criminals who should be locked up for life. Bring back 3 strikes for all felons. 3 strikes and you'rrrrrreeeee OUT!
Just dump them in Mexico or Montreal.
Is that why there's so many fucking homeless in Elk Grove? We got stopped going to target because two homeless were lounging in the middle of the fucking single lane entrance (there was a divider for the exit lane so you were caught).
After they finished fighting, we watched four of them walk through a gap in the fence and go under the underpass where the entrance was.
Kyle I don't know what you see in this
Bless them.
Homeless and crackheads deserve to be thrown into internment camps. Luckily, every city on this map already has them.
Thank fucking god
Put em in camps I don't give a shit anymore
you wanna see something funny, just go to any super left leaning city subreddit and watch how the (((whites))) are crying about this. a few good ones to start
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i will tons of salt to mine since yesterday o7
It's like they were downvoted to hell but finally came back when everyone had to go back to work and school.
This is tacit admission that all of their "Modern" polices of "Tolerance" have failed miserably. The real question is what happens when things actually start to improve and the Lefties have to admit they were wrong all the while.
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I'm telling every homeless guy I know to move to Portland. Hell, I may even buy them bus tickets to get them up there
Napa or Sac
Round about the time you see major CEO's being executed on public TV for "unabashed Kikery"
Shut up. Nobody even buys cupcakes for the office on someone's birthday anymore. It's a society of pure greed.
Hey you where in my hood
it's your own neighbors being greedy Jews trying to sell their properties for exorbitant sums in the first place
God don't tell me eureka or redding. Those don't even count as california
There are no other conservative cities north of fresno on your map
Redding and Eureka are terrible examples of how much tax doesn't flow back into the community.
Imagine living in Siskiyou where you have to drive all the way to Eureka to do jury duty
keep guessing pussy
I've ran out of guesses following these stipulations:
>On your posted map
>Conservative city
>North of Fresno
>Heavy handed police force
>Large homeless population
No other city meets these requirements. Maybe Tahoe? I used to live in the east Bay for 13 years btw
The homeless problem they are encouraging looks bad.

>God don't tell me eureka
>conservative city

i know all the 'tribal elders' laundering millions of dollars like to pretend they arent white but how on earth could you ever pretend the city of eureka was some kind of conservative holdout.
Look at eureka's courthouse lmao
Poorest county in the whole state, making people drive hundreds of miles to it, looks like a multi million dollar building straight out of saudi arabia
property about to moon
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>tribal elders
That's south of fresno asshole
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As an Oregonian, I beg you to. I might be able to survive it but I know my neighbors won't. You win some, you lose some. It's all the same to me.

No song captures the dynamic better than Holiday in Cambodia:
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I hate Portland with all of my being for reasons beyond understanding. It is a city that deserves every bad thing that happens to it. YOU WILL GET ALL THE HOMELESS HAHAHA
inb4 he's south of the Antelope Valley. Why can't sapient cryptids look like pic related? Why does it have to be spookiness?
Chairman Xi is coming to dinner again
Keep laughing, if you live in Bakersfield the place is already a shithole
election year
acceleration is usually the answer
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
Good. Fuck those drug-addled pieces of shit. Jail or euthanasia either is fine by me.
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Based and accurate-pilled. The nigs, women, and browns get free housing thrown at them, only White men end up homeless starving on the street in a society their ancestors built. GOD BLESS SHARTMERICA!
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>I miss the Governator
Based and Governator-pilled. He'll prob be the last R governor we ever have, since the libtards changed the CaliWali rules to make cheating easier and easier. They even flipped a lot of the OC blue, when it had been red for so many decades, right after they added a new "ballot harvesting" law making it easier for illegals to vote.
>the OC
We just say OC
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>I used to live in the east Bay for 13 years btw
Buddy you lived in a literal jungle and calling other cities shit holes?
he's preparing to run in 2028 if Trump wins
Hopefully a lot of them will got back to the red states they came from. WTF took so long. I remember Santa Ana in 2005 had zero homeless on the river trail.
>you're about to get these failures of society headed your way
So Gavin Newsom is coming to Oregon, Nevada and Arizona?
For decades red states bragged about giving bus tickets for their drug addicted kin to move to California.
why are there so many of them now? they weren't there 10, 20, 30 years ago, right? so instead of dehumanizing them maybe you can take a minute to think about why there are so many homeless people all of the sudden. you think maybe it has to do with worthless useless garbage like Gavin Newsom and the other bureaucrats that are robbing the state blind and engaging in all sorts of criminal fraud, laundering and trafficking while the public falls into despair and drug addiction?

Fuck Newsom and the entire government of California. I hope people wake up to those worthless plastic-faced piece of shit lying frauds and stand up to them and give them exactly what they deserve. and they deserve literally the worst. Gavin Newsom is a complete and utter piece of shit. Just as bad as Trump and Biden. Total political scum. A lying sack of fraudulent shit. a thief and deceiver and criminal MURDERER.
Buddy you're crying about hobos, you live in a shit hole. Stop being so poor and move out of bum town
yeah right it has nothing to do with rent being like 2500 a month for a one bedroom apartment.
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>just treat 'migrants' as vagrants
I think its directly related to the cost of housing. Homeless slowly increased in the early 2000s then after 2008 it really took off. Lots of people I went to high school with simply moved out of state because they can't afford housing anymore. If you count people that couch surf as homeless the the problem is really bad.
>What is the real motive behind this on Newsom

Hobo migrant camoflauge for Red China, Russia, Iran et. al. terrorists doing Giga Gaza bullshit.
if we keep talking this way the problem is only gonna get worse.
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Yeah, I lived there for many years and the locals do say "The OC" you nigger faggot.
No we don't
t.Native of HB
Op is a paid shill, troll and options all hobo threads
>The 5 hours of impotent beta cuck rage because he's scared of hobos continues
Just look at this conceited fucking LA looking tooth whitened coked up narcissistic fucking asshole. How the fuck can anyone vote for this douchebag?
Go riot over a hockey game cuck
There could be hobos here, he thought. Hobos could be anywhere. His hands trembled as he squeezes out another low effort retort. A hobo walks past his window and OP shits himself in fear.
Great, thanks Gavin. I'm still not voting for you though. Now you alienate your hardcore lib base, what's the goal here? What was the actual motivation behind this? For the longest time the government just pretended our homelessness issue was not an issue and calling it one was insensitivity on the part of the unwoke. What fucking changed, you gay cock sucking flip flopping dumb bitch?

Oh that's right, the homeless destroyed your cities (like everyone told you) now people are surprisingly literally not moving in and threatening to crash local economies. Chickens came home to roost there didn't it.

Well I sincerely hope it gets worse. I well and truly want to see more bums when I go to downtown. I hope the bums of the north American continent take your motion as a declaration of war, so they all fucking come to Californian cities. What will your cops do? They don't bend the knee to you if shit gets worse. They'll just drive by staring at a problem that isn't theirs. You don't have enough jails for all those bums anyways.

You fucked up big time son. Those bums got nothing to lose, they'll claw your DEI cops with their shit filled fingernails, they'll set fire to squad cars. I hope the bums eat your career alive my brother! You did fuck all, don't try to take credit for anything now!
I havent seen shit here in Oakland

some actually got cleared out years ago but they came right back with all their trash and some fucking sheds
Not a bad idea . . .
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don't ever come back to LA, just go to SF. same problem but you get paid more up there.
Post your funko pop collection in your cuck shed, you've been in there for the last six hours
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This explains the sudden increase in arson fires. Hobos are gonna torch CA, OR, and WA.
they homeless will just start throwing themselves under between your wheels you are not dealing with rational actors. pigeons have greater survival instinct.
Is that the funko pop displayed in your shed?
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It certainly seems that way in a local wilderness area full of homeless. For some reason they start fires on the hottest days of the year too. No reason to have a camp fire.
they're trying to cook the steaks they stole from the Walmart. In Lancaster there is an area above Ave G the LA Sherrif's let's them use as a homeless encampment
Nobody cares shill, fuck off. You've been crying about hobos for the last six hours on a friday night. Log off.
imagine how californians felt in 1849
They are have EBT and bus passes here.

You run into those fucking bums occasionally at wal marts. It's a really terrible chance encounter.

I never go to Walmart. Fucking no.
Nice trips but kill yourself leaf, or come down here to the inland empire and get raped by tweakers in broad daylight. Rape your mom next week okay boo?
You stupid evil fucker. He is only doing this because Joe stepped down and Kamala got picked. Timing Much?

I want them off the street too but they have to have a place to go to and you can't jail someone for being Poor.
It's friday night in California, the hobos are hanging out with their friends, getting high and getting laid. Op is sitting in his cuck shed rage posting. I'm thinking hobos are based.
Homeless advocates can never tell me if the shelters are full.
U mad
0/10 apply yourself
I'm out playing with my telescope. I can see Uranus from here fatass
He's an Attorney who didn't do shit about panhandling when he was Mayor of San Francisco until he took his son into the Haight over a decade or so back. his son was frightened by an aggressive panhandler and so he made it a law that aggressive panhandling would be punishable with a massive fine and you don't pay the fine you go to Jail. this cunt decided to do this because Joe stepped down and Kamala is up, and its an election year. same thing Mayor Breed did when her re-election came up. Same shit when the President of China came to visit San Francisco. they swept them off the street and returned them when he left. its so fucking obvious. Go ahead and vote for these evil degenerate Godless fuckers
Cope. Seethe.
Wait til the Olympics come to LA. Skid Row will look like Beverly Hills for two months
Sitting at home trolling on a Friday night. Kek what a loser
Its what China would do. We need more unilateral action from our one party state.
He's doing it because SCOTUS just gave him the green light to do it you utter retard.
Honestly? I agree with you, there should be a better solution. Homeless deserve care. But I like the idea of using Gavins voter greed to let cops go buck wild on the bums.

Reason being is we are too kind to the bums. They are not kind to themselves, they destroy their bodies and addle their minds, why do they "deserve" anything? You give them a hotel room they'll fuck that up just like they fucked up their lives. So was the intention to get a fucked up hotel in return, after spending millions to convert it to emergency housing? TPOASIWID. We can't stand around acting surprised that nothing works.

Our cops are quite aggressive, they hate bums, I think giving them the AllClear to enact western prejudice on bums at their own discretion is the right move, it's a page from the militarys book. Give the captains total authority to do war crimes and shit gets done.

Then, we get rid of Gavin after the homeless are culled, that's a real route right there.
>6 hours and 44 posts later
>Reason being is we are too kind to the bums. They are not kind to themselves
Great points, mentally they're a lost cause. Reagan fucked this country up in a lot of ways, but I still think closing the mental hospitals was his biggest mistake
What will they be arrested for? Being poor isn't a crime
>Homeless deserve care.
No they don't.
You're both ass mad shills and everybody knows it.
>What will they be arrested for?
Refusing to go to the shelters and getting drug addiction treatment. The homeless everyone hates isn't the down on his luck Average Joe, the homeless everyone hates are the street shitters high as fuck 24/7 meth'd out zombies who attack women in public
You still on my dick?
>closing the mental hospitals was his biggest mistake
Did he do that as governor or president though? I heard the state mental hospitals were already empty in Jerry Brown's father's time because of civil rights lawyers.
Loitering, literally doing drugs in the street, possession, littering. Don't kid yourself, homeless people violate lots of crimes.
Low effort.
If you don't want to live around bums then move. If you can't afford to then you're only marginally better than a bum.
Your response?
>Riches state in the lower 48
>kicks all the homeless out to go to other states that can't financially support them
I hate california so fucking much it's unreal
This is what happens when you import a bunch of spics and prioritize them for social services.
You're too dumb to even shill effectively
Supreme Court criminalized sleeping outside. You can't set up shop on the roadside. Now you have a fire under your ass to either fix your life or go to Mexico or Canada.
One month prior to the election, President Carter had signed the Mental Health Systems Act, which had proposed to continue the federal community mental health centers program, although with some additional state involvement. Consistent with the report of the Carter Commission, the act also included a provision for federal grants “for projects for the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of positive mental health,” an indication of how little learning had taken place among the Carter Commission members and professionals at NIMH. With President Reagan and the Republicans taking over, the Mental Health Systems Act was discarded before the ink had dried and the CMHC funds were simply block granted to the states. The CMHC program had not only died but been buried as well. An autopsy could have listed the cause of death as naiveté complicated by grandiosity.

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism. Two months after taking office, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, a young man with untreated schizophrenia. Two years later, Reagan called Dr. Roger Peele, then director of St. Elizabeths Hospital, where Hinckley was being treated, and tried to arrange to meet with Hinckley, so that Reagan could forgive him. Peele tactfully told the president that this was not a good idea. Reagan was also exposed to the consequences of untreated mental illness through the two sons of Roy Miller, his personal tax advisor. Both sons developed schizophrenia; one committed suicide in 1981, and the other killed his mother in 1983. Despite such personal exposure, Reagan never exhibited any interest in the need for research or better treatment for serious mental illness.

California imported millions of spics and prioritizes spics and niggers for social services.

You sound like a kike spewing white h8 propaganda.
Fuck off nigger. All our bums came from the rest of the country because of our weather and gibs and hippie culture holdover. I haven't met a single bum that was a California native. They're all dregs of the rest of the country. Take em back.
Skibidi toilet? Stomp a hobos brains into the sewer system dop dop dop yes yes yes
Same person
If you don't want to live around bums then move. If you can't afford to then you're only marginally better than a bum. You either can move and don't or can't move.
Your response?
>SPics and niggers help their own
They don't, they are just first in line for social services. Whites literally are end of the line because the kikes set everything up to benifit the spics and niggers before it benifits whites.

Go to the low income housing--it's all niggers and spics.
Yeah, that's why you don't let a rich movie star become a fuckin politician
Seems like a good way to sneak in a police state under the guise of removing the homeless all at once.
You wanna see Uranus in my telescope? I got a nice shot
>Your response?
Skibidi sigma
The rich elite got an actor to play the part for them. My grandpa used to say why the fuck did we elect a dancer as president
California is a marxist orchestrated tale of two cities.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
You have a mental disorder

>I haven't met a single bum that is native
We both know you don't talk to the bums. Also--go look at your low income housing it's full of illegal spics spewing goblin.

Thats the problem--you fuck faced retards import and spend all your money on poor spics and the leftover whites are all you see.

You californians are narcissistic pieces of garbage.
No response because you're a shill
Well OP thoroughly BTFO my job is done here
Every day I pray for the 9+ that will drop most of california into the ocean.
They got a visit from their glorious ccp leader and now he has been selected by them to be the next foreign implant working for the ccp. After so many years of shilling for kikes he wanted a change of pace.
Shut the fuck up with your whining babble, go take it out on our mayors. Whatever a flyover says anything about this shit, we roll our eyes. We fucking know, we live in the shit, we actually remember when it was good too. Then we have a bitch whining in our ear about how we are 'narcissists.' Yeah maybe i should get therapy so i stop triggering you -_-;
It was a good bout my friend. I enjoyed teaching you the art of trolling
>sends California his trash
>California exports trash back
Suck my dick nigger. Most based fucking state there is. Voted against faggots until the 2000s til kikes overturned that vote. Voted against weedlmao in the 2000s until kikes kiked it. Voted against immigration in the 2000s until kikes kiked that. Hell we were the first fucking state to declare NO SANCTUARY CITIES while the rest of the faggot ass pussies in the country kept declaring their cities as "SANCTUARIES" then when the fed was coming down on California for letting Trumps ICE teams deport shitskins, our head sherrifs in Southern California told them to go fuck themselves, and when Southern Californians shot and killed shitskins defending their homes, the fed came back and said to prosecute them, and the sherrifs again told the kike feds to GO FUCK THEMSELVES. Hell we even had that nigger running to replace Gavin Newsome and he WON THE VOTE TO OVERTHROW NEWSOME but then that went to fucking kikeville Sacramento and got overturned by guess who, best ally dual citizens.
My family came over from Europe before the fucking Mayflower and i got the receipts for that shit still handed down through my ancestry, and my family paved the way out here to California and California is going to stay White American clay until my line ends, the Alamo can take fuckin notes.
Not the same. Like >>475804728 says. I'm used to the heat I've lived here all my life. The last few years it's gotten hotter in the city because of the sprawl. Not during the day, that's always been brutal with 114 and the sun fucking burns you, but that's not the real problem. The problem is the night, when it's supposed to cool off. Normally in the desert you have a 30+ degree swing from day to night. It's less now because of the heat Island effect. Night time is a cool 90. It is not tolerable long term in any shape or form. We've had record deaths from heat for the past few years since COVID brought a lot of California niggers in the first place and sure enough most of the dead are homeless. The amount of times I see a zombie nigger baking in full 114 sun is ridiculous. You don't just get sunburnt. We're also getting a lot harder against them. People don't want them near anywhere. Phoenix has sprawl similar to la the difference being that there's nothing outside central Phoenix for them to get paid and leech of off. They have to go to the shit areas of town where people won't report them because they blend in with the garbage and the only way for them to survive is government gibs and theft
>If they die, they die.

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