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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Yeah, that's just Western Turkey. Like we give a shit.
fake and gay
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Greeks never mingled with Turks, thats why Greece has 1,000 islands built up with villages on mountains. Turk was a term Greeks used for muslims including Greek converts, they were all deported in multiple pogroms/Wars/etc. Modern day Greeks are the Christian Byzantine Greeks that kept together during the tough times.

You Germans worship Turks, mingle and mix with them, your entire nation worships Turks.
Nope. Russia knows NATO is depleted, and the US won’t nuke in Europe no matter what. Big brains at the RAND Corporation already decided that ages ago.

Europe can’t fight a conventional war. And won’t dare nuke.
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oh really cos it looks like the unsauced pic has had whole 5 mins spent on it on gimp but hey if some faggot on here says its real it must be true
It is true. All the NATO leaders admit they’re depleted. Nothing much left to send. You know it too. Soon they will press a rifle into your brown hands and tell you that you’re volunteering in Khazaria. And you’ll go, fag.
Notice how they can’t cross the maginot line and people make fun of us for building it....
They're going to start campfires in Dusseldorf and Dortmund?
>your entire nation worships Turks.
absolute bullshit
but they are here because of americans, or whatever the fuck you are
>Greeks never mingled with Turks
you obviously never been in either Turkey or Greece. There's literally zero difference
>Inb4 "muh cuckstianity" or "muh civilization".
Half of the people in Turkey didn't speak proper Turkish after WW1 was over. The only difference between "Turks" and "Greeks" before Ataturk's reforms was that "Turks" from Balkans were Muslim, but spoke Greek, and they never learned Turkish after the population exchange, but their kids did. They are one and the same people brainwashed by totalitarian propaganda.
if Russia had any functional nukes they would've used it already. They had at least three very good reasons to do it in Ukraine but they didn't. Obviously they shat their pants or they agreed to follow the rules the CIA boss agreed with them in November 2021. Russia is following the rules of engagement outlined with the US more religiously than its own nuclear doctrine. It's pathetic.
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Liberating east germany once again so it wont be flooded with by shitskins.
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Your nation is only known for producing porn, your woman are the whores of Europe, bunch of anti-Christ's sodomites, fucking fags.
That would take them 200 years at this rate.
after the olympics display i hope so
The current rate is slow because Russia doesn’t want to genocide The Ukraine. They won’t take such care with people west of there.
>bombs children's hospital
Johnny wants a woman
Johnny wants to think of a joke
>put soldiers and AA in children’s hospital
>cry when Chad Russia blows it to pieces
You sound like a Hamas member.
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I'm ok with this.

Just don't forget to level Berlin to the fucking ground.

(Thanks in advance.)
what's the plan on finland?
They're there because of Merkel. She destroyed the EU. Best thing that happened because of her is the UK got out.
With all the industry in the region it won't be spared, I befürchte
Bomb the two big towns. They’ll surrender. Many Soviet spies are still in government there even now.
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Sounds plausible.

I don't think they would attack southern Germany in their first advance, the terrain is too difficult. It is easier to move through the flatland in the north and occupy Benelux and the Po valley to the south. That would land lock most of central Europe and deprive them of external resources.
>Nope. Russia knows NATO is depleted
Are you retarded?
They attacked Ukraine in the muddy season. Ivan isn’t exactly competent with basic strategy. I doubt their top generals could pass an entry level west point classes.
NATO itself has admitted as much. It’s been all over the news. Soon you’ll have a rifle pressed into your hands and be told to go to Khazaria. Have you fired one since boot camp?
They attacked and gained massive territory, which they withdrew from for the peace talks. Which turned out to be fake.

Putin won’t fall for the old fake peace talk truck again LOL.
They got stuck in massive armor convoys because it was the fucking muddy season. There are morons that can foresee that as an outcome. Putin might have been competent at one point, but he is obviously not anymore.
don't care
Russia should win
They didn’t get stuck. They were ready to roll Keev and withdrew because the Ukrainians and NATO lied.
You want territory for peace talks it gives you leverage. They lost the Kiev front due to incompetence of the highest order. Basic maintenance, basic understanding of the territory, and a massive misconception of the Ukrainian will to fight. Putin could win a game of risk if his opponent had a rail spike through his skull, and everything the RF has done since this started proves they have drunk themselves retarded. What do you expect from a country where fetal alcohol syndrome is the norm?
They didn’t lose Keev, they withdrew as a show of faith before the peace talks. Putin won’t make this mistake again lol.
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>the USA sent 31 tanks to Ukraine
>6k in total, 4k in storage
>3,700 in sierra alone, 500 in ft hood
>around 1k in forward operating bases around the world
>the UK alone has factories that can out-produce Russia's artillery production when comparing apples to apples i.e. analogous to 155mm versus including mortars in the number
>they have to beg north korea for shells from WW2 because they can't make them anymore for their *-K guns which is the only ones they have left in mass
>can only produce 20 barrels a month for new artillery
>we sent 36 howitzers
>we have 2k M198, 3k M777's, there's 1,250 deployed globally on just our bases
this is just two examples, basically you're a retarded shitskinned subhuman
90% of those tanks are rusty hulks, which need to be gone over by competent white mechanics, who no longer join the military.

>can out-produce
Your counter to reality is Putin is such a fucking retard he believes anything anyone tells him to the point he would sacrifice any entire front to a rumor or lie.
Nah he showed good faith, which was rebuffed. It means he can do whatever and it’s justified. Just surprise bombard some faggot butthurt belt countries, nuke London. Whatever. It’s justified.
yeah, no one's running multiple shifts, plus there's other customers, plus backfilling operational stocks
that's the way it works, shitskin
>they're not all M1A2 SEPv3 so they're rusty hulls
yeah, again, you're a retarded shitskinned subhuman
Ah, poor little Ivan isn’t being treated fairly. Do you want a fucking tissue bitch? Good faith? There is a big difference between good faith and being Forrest Gump level gullible.
no, the german is right. we americans forced germany to take one bazillion turks after the war.
merkel was just following our orders and imported more niggers too.
without america there would be no turks and niggers in germany.
>merkel was just following our orders
why did Merkel and Sarkozy prevent Ukraine from joining NATO in 2008 then?
You can see the rust from Jewgle Earth, airman.

Ivan won’t fall for the fake peace talk trick twice. It was a one time trick. And it won’t work on China when they decide to take Taiwan either now.

Basically NATO had one use of that trick. Then it’s tired and worn out.
show me the rust, reddit spacing shitskinned subhuman
They want everybody there dead so it can be colonized by Edomite Khazars.
Just look on Jewgle earth, Hernandez.

BTW, Joseph Smith rode the same demon that Muhammed did.
you didn't answer the question
if Merkel and Sarkozy were following our orders, why did they prevent Ukraine from joining NATO in 2008?
show me the rust, reddit spacing shitskinned subhuman
I don’t have to answer your questions, Hernandez,

I’m just here to let you know you’re not any good at cybersecurity, which is a funny way to say shilling. And Mormons aren’t Christian, your whole family is doomed to hell.
it's even funnier though
if sierra is filled with rustbuckets despite being a gloriously temperate climate, we're supposed to believe that Russia has 14k operational tanks ready to just roll out of storage
shitskinned schizos can never win this argument, they can only seethe and dilate
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>French dissidents attack a globohomo event

>"I assure you it was Russia because we all get along with the refugees here."
lol. Your delusions are almost worse than the reality, but they save you from the crushing truth that your bald middle managements loser is incompetent.
Tanks are obsolete. Try to keep up. Your doctrine is sorely out of date, ‘50s era nonsense.

Also you’re no good at cyber, you should be in motor pool or catering.
>tanks are obsolete
>the one thing that Russia was proud of and wouldn't shut the fuck up before this war
lmao, even
guess they lost the numbers game then, huh
I’m just saying, the fake peace deal trick works precisely once. Also it will make it impossible for NATO and it’s puppet states to ever reach any peace deals ever again, even if it’s like totally for reals this time.

It was a typical Jew move. Very appropriate for ZOG.
They won the numbers game. I mean there’s an Abraham’s tank in Red Square, roasted by a $500 drone.
Based and modified Schlieffen, pilled.
>Russia's videos have to navigate into the fourth dimension and always cut vast swathes of time until we see the "destruction" of an abandoned, unarmored export version of abrams
of course, shitskin, of course
how goes the chicken coop armor
That's just the export version of the Abraham, bro not the one with the real armour'n shiieett
Kek, where have i heard that one before?
Why is that you sound like you regularly post at /chip/?
*Verification not required.
The largest leverage you have in peace talks is held territory. Your braindead take is that not only did Putin fall for a lie. He gave up vast swaths of territory before peace talks when said territory would have been most advantageous to him. That makes no logical sense at all. The reality is the Kiev front fell apart because Putin is too stupid to realize his military is selling off parts wholesale to make extra cash, and has been reading bullshit FSB reports designed to tell him what he wants to hear.
The magic armor isn’t any good, this was proved in the sand pit.

Drones beat tanks, and do it for cheap. We don’t have any working drones like Russia does, and if we did Raytheon would charge as much as a tank for one of them LOL.

I don’t play in your shill threads. I often make new ones to force you to split your attention and waste resources.
You’re coping, but the fake peace deal truck will be seen as a bone headed move even if it has delayed Russia’s inevitable victory. It was stupid. And it will cost a lot.

Just wait and see, Putin always does some huge bold attack right after the Olympics. This time will be no different.
The firemen woke me up so I came here to see if it's begun.
It hasn't.
>the magic armor isn't any good
>tanks were the only thing Russia has going for them before the war
bit self-deprecating tonight, aren't we shitskin
I'm sure the drones will stop the overwhelming tomahawk spam + SNEADing wild weasel squads when it comes to the USA
you will now cope and seethe and fall back to "MUH NOOK" despite the fact that Russia just admitted today that they can't maintain their own nuclear bombing fleet and a plane that Putin himself rode in at the beginning of this year had crashed to the ground months ago
where's this from?
I will give you a (you), there is a reason why these things were put on a desert, hint, it has to do with humidity:


You better hope Putin is going to accept whatever Trump may offer him to swallow because otherwise you all are going to be in a world of hurt by 2025.
it's some shit from 2015 before people realized that the Russian army can't take on the poorest country in europe when they get armed with RPGs, NLAWs and javelins
Bro, you're in Peru. You're like 3 continents away from Russia, stop watching western media amigo.
Of course you will give me a (You), it’s your job.

Putin will take all of The Ukraine. Remember, Trump was impeached by Ukrainians. He will have his revenge. You missed.
It’s one of our Hispanics at Eglin AFB, flags were always fake and gay.
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Western media (and I am including Japan there) is quite nice, the only stuff I enjoy from Russia is NFKRZ Roman and Maidcore, and soviet military, although truth be told it's getting more and more difficult to feel a degree of realism when playing WRD as RedFor. Well, Metro was great, but didn't buy Exodus.

Anyway here is some maidcore:


The truth of most "national" media worlwide is that it's all the same stupid shit, same talkshows, soap operas and goyslop music, that's why a lot people end up consooming western media, because their systems grew to the point where you can find some truly unique things, even anti-western societies do so. Look at /chug/ OP images, over 90 percent of them are what you may call goyslop (weaboo shit).
I thought Poland and the Baltics were able to beat Russia on their own without NATO support.
And I suppose if that happens Europe will roll with him, and he will be greatly respected and obeyed because...? Let me guess... because some trons were hired to perform at Olympics so the West has fallen, right? I mean they got this other show, pic related, and it didn't look like the tanks required to be towed.
It's like with Zelensky, you post those videos where he is crossdressing as part of some comedy sketch yet he and his people are somehow still around, FSB has failed to assassinate him, all while satellites show there is not much left of the soviet stock and Russia has literally lost hundreds of kilometers of taken terrain after the 2022 invasion.
Building nukes isn't that hard, considering even pakistanis can pull it, even just building and deploying dirty bombs and chemical WMDs and they all have the industry to do so, and then again, Russia ONLY took over a non-nuclear state, for obvious reasons. I would like to see them try against an state with nuclear deterrence.
Look at you go, lol. You will just wait and see and react, because GAYTO fags lost the initiative years ago. DEI has hollowed out and crippled you.

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