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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Be a brown spic
>Born in shithole spic country
>Want better life
>Cross border illegally into America
>Murder & rape 12 year old girl
>Heh, nothing personal
>>Murder & rape 12 year old girl
Are you sure a jew didn't blame it on him?
Most of these cases are jews blaming innocent minorities.
Aren't beaners supposed to be christian too?
The members of our government should be charged as accessories on every single charge these fuckers rack up.
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You mutts WON'T DO SHIT about it anyway even with muh guns lol.
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say "thank you kamala" for protecting the border

There is a reason we just hung these people on sight.
Why even give him the comfort of jail. Just hang the fucker.

Sounds good.
fuck off mohamed
fuck u beaner go back to picking my tomatoes. why r u blaming kikes for this shit u beaners did ?
He looks like a villain in an anime, like a prankster clown.
>the girls white family simps for you and says your race has better food
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no hablo
Race of victim?
>Want better life
No, they saw an ad on IG and took a plane flight. This shit is all legal at the highest levels
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Good, send them all North... the scum up there wanted this.
>type in 12 year old raped by mexican
>there's too many stories
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>Want better life
They're just searching for a better life fo dey familia=3
Yep, back in the day the local men would just hang people who caused trouble. I wonder why we stopped policing our own communities?
getting real tired of all the shitskin apologists on this board as of late
Yeah well who brought them in?
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Hello inbred gypsy kike
4chan just got real quiet cause of all the beaners behind american flags
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shalom rabbi
they brought themselves in
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What a kiked thing to say.
Guess muslims also "brought themselves" into Europe.
Yes goy, nothing to see here.
She wasn't murdered. The girl was found because she messaged her dad asking the family to let her go. She didn't want to go back home and she was talking to this guy online and met him willingly. She was definitely groomed and manipulated but not murdered.

The real piece of shit who crossed illegally and went on a rape and murder spree is Victor Martinez Hernandez who raped and killed Rachel Morin and raped a 9 year old girl and her mom during a home invasion in LA.
Men of all races do this. When will men reflect on themselves?
> Waaaaaaah YoU mUst bE JeWisH iF YoU DoN't GivE A sHiT abOuT mUh HeKkiN pOOr ShiTskiNs

Boo hoo mudslime.

You mutts really WON'T DO SHIT! Stop coping lol.
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You still mad Hamas didn’t rape your troon looking women?
>Have the entire thing swept under the rug and nation forget about it and continue letting dirty brown cockroaches scurry en masse, millions and millions, into your country.

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> NO!!! You must be jewish if you hate or mock muttmericans

Wrong yet again mutt boy lol.
white men aspire to go to the stars and cure dieases
Niggers, spics, Indians, Asians and other browns aspire to rape white women

Confirmed jew
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Lmao you’re a kike, you’re the definition and original mutts.
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You sure about that?
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> no u!!!

More likely it's both of you who's has jewish and mutt genes you assmad latinx mutt boys lol.
> latinx muttoid is also a typical anti-White swine

LOL cope harder paco.

The mexican menace

The White crime rate is much lower

How The Federal Government Inflates Crime Statistics For Whites

‘Stay Home’: Feds Tell San Francisco Workers To Telecommute Due To Crime Wave

In New York City in 2021, 96% of those arrested for homicide were non-White, and 93% of those arrested for rape were non-White.





Islam is right about the west
What's happening in that video?
>nothing personal
brown hands typed this
you want help with this shit, let israel go.
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> yet another retarded muttoid shilling for yet another semitic/abrahamic desert death cult

Lmao even!

This islamic scholar site comes with a search bar... have fun with it.

Then he said, 'Where is the little one? Call the little one to me.' Hasan came running and jumped into his lap. Then he put his hand in his beard. Then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, opened his mouth and put his mouth in his mouth. Then he said, O Allah, I love him, so love him and the one who loves him!'"

Here the prophets love of french kissing little boys is described... and the ride is just getting started.

"The Messenger of Allah saw me urinating while standing, and he said: 'O 'Umar, do not urinate standing up.' So I never urinated whilst standing after that."

Feminists want men to pee like a girl... so did muhammed.

"I used to scrape the Janabah." On another occasion she said: "The semen from the garment of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)."

I asked Sulaiman b. Yasar whether the semen that gets on to the garment of a person should be washed or not. He replied: A'isha told me: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) washed the semen, and then went out for prayer in that very garment and I saw the mark of washing on it.

The prophets jizz is serious business

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Didn’t read kike
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The Prophet (ﷺ) took a child in his lap for Tahnik (i.e. he chewed a date in his mouth and put its juice in the mouth of the child). The child urinated on him, so he asked for water and poured it over the place of the urine.

Totally normal behaviour

"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came out to us with a small leather shield in his hand. He put it down, then he sat behind it and urinated toward it. Some of the people said: 'Look, he is urinating like a woman.'

Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her.

Not a very moralistic person is he? He is like a dog in heat

He then said to her, "Do not hurt me regarding Aisha, as the Divine Inspirations do not come to me on any of the beds except that of Aisha."

Note beds is a false translation, it actually means clothing

the sentence in arabic clearly say “women garments”
( ثَوْبِ امْرَأَة --> Woman’s dress )

So he was also a cross-dresser

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Take your meds kike
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jewish origins of islam

The Descent of Islam

Trannies are legal under Islam
>Iran's state subsidizes gender reassignment surgery

Homoerotic poetry in Islam: Reeling with desire

Muslim Preacher Says the Quran Allows Pedophilia

The myth of anti-semitic Islam:

Islam denounces all forms of anti-Semitism and racism. The Prophet Muhammad taught his companions to respect people of all faith backgrounds and to care for everyone. He said, “Donate in charity to people of all faiths” (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah 3/177)
and he personally used to donate money regularly to sponsor a Jewish family in his community.
When the Prophet ﷺ saw the funeral procession of a Jew passing by, he stood up out of respect for human life and death.

"Following this example, throughout Islamic history the Jews flourished under Muslim rule in parts of North Africa, Jerusalem, Persia, and Spain."

Forging Islamic science

> can't refute
> deliberately ignored all of the information and evidence provided

Typical latinx lol.
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Jew calling anyone a child fucker is priceless.
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>deliberately ignored all of the information and evidence provided

You mean your kike pseudo hysterical boomer bait articles? Yea no I’m good.
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> didn't read

Not surprising latinx lmao!

> NO!!! Don't you dare point out the natural child molesting/rape tendencies of my latinx muttoids or you're JEWISH!!!

Cope harder paco :)

> pisslam is BaSeD I swear!!!

Pathetic lol
That thing is not a sentient human. Just a mindless rape subspecies
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Womp Womp
He looks a little goofy. I think he was trolling, let him go
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>Be a kosher joo
>>Born out of shithole jew bussy
>>Want better life
>>doubleCross goyim illegally into bad contracts
>>Murder & rape 12 year old girl
>>Heh, nothing personal
If cheatle is responsible for the Trump shooter then who is responsible for these rapes and murders
Bro lookin a bit mischieveous
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> assmad latinx mutts can't comprehend that not everyone is into semitic/abrahamic fairytales nor is jewish when criticising them

More news at 11 lol.
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Guy on the bottom is literally a gay manlet onlyfans creator
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Sure he is kike.
>I wonder why we stopped policing our own communities?
Because it made the political class very nervous, so they hired their own thugs to do it instead.
>be turbobeaner
>kill and rape 12 year old girl
>get caught
>come into the jail
>interrogator tears you a new asshole
>gets in your face
>"WHY'D YOU DO IT ASSHOLE, WHY'D YOU DO IT!!" he screams, specs of saliva landing on your face
>Unflinched, you stare him dead in the eye, not blinking, and say to him : "No ingles. Yo quero el gibs?"
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I’m sure half of them are Puerto Rican/cuban kikes.
I’d be happy to work on a 100% bipartisan list. I’m just pissed Reagan isn’t still alive to get him, too.
Well poisoning kike
It’s just our culture, ese
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Tacos for cobs
Genuinely surprised the one on the right is still alive
es normal...
You voted for it. Amazing how not voter I've ever met even seems to know what their cape shit empty suit even stands for nor any of their polices at all. They really need to very steeply curtail voting rights far beyond just repealing the 19th Amendment.
They didn't buy tickets to a soccer game so they're sneaking in through the vent opening n
oh I knew something was off, you're the same pajeet that made that chink thread last night
your jeetcord should be more subtle, this is too obvious
Yes fellow az bro. Fuck those yankee cock suckers. I live on the border in Cochise. Send them all up north if they want the spics here so bad. Let those faggots see the crime rate go up, the kidnapping go up, the drunk driving go up, prices of everything go up, hospitals backed up because a spic goes to the emergency room for the sniffles, watch your neighborhood turn to shit. Fuck you these northern faggots who don’t ducking undestand.
Van Nuys confirmed

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