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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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> https://x.com/Cobratate/status/1816794463756267582
Thats ok Burger, you remain ignorant and LOSE.
Lol, pathetic.
Sure give me 25k and I'll listen to what you have to say for 10 minutes.
Baldie with girl shoes? No.
i will admit he sometimes says wise things sometimes,if only he wasn't a materialistic degenerate "muslim" maybe people would listen to him
Hi Ranjesh no I don't give a shit about what someone from another country has to say.
No, and stop shilling this pedo nigger without paying the ad fee you e-celeb worshiping fuck.
Did you pay this conman, or were you paid?
Men dont care how other men style their hair, or shoes they wear.
Tits of GTFO faggot.
While you whine about trannies, tate is slaying prime tranny bussy. When are you incels gonna get it together?
Kys nigger
Keep your AI characters kikes.
You are not selling me a story jude.
I cannot be psyopped by the nefarious evil of this hell, for I know that only my God Jesus Christ loves me.
The fake Israel, the synagogue of hell, will be defeated and in its stead the true Israel will stand.
In the true Israel, the Kingdom Come of my God Jesus Christ I will be united there only with my God Jesus Christ and there are no women, men or beasts who hurt my body or mind.
He may have a point, but he has no chin so I'm just not going to even read it
his cigar isn't even lit LMAO this is the shit im talking about
You don't get GIVEN shit.
But i can tell youre a lazy failure, because 5 minutes is even too much for you, even when its YOUR FUTURE that is at stake.
America is lost.

>arrogance, ignorance, and lazy af
like it said.
America is Lost.
Loafers and Moccasins are comfy. Fuck off.
Why is his head so small.
fuck this racist cracker
My time is worth more than this losers or yours, again 25k and I'll listen to you for 5 minutes you've already ate up half my allotted time.
Yeah, he's right. Not much to debate about his message
>makes up accusation
into the oven jew.

X is still free.

Sometimes, its your ENEMIES you must listen to even more closely.
But /pol/ is full of dimwits.
Why do you need speakers to speak for you? Seems kinda faggy.
i can tell youre a loser who lives with mother and is just swallowing tate slop because you think you'll become a #hustler. lmao. you faggot cuck.

here's a real tip. gay little catch phrases wont change your life. get a skill. hit the gym. simple.
Andrew Taint is an effeminate faggot grifter with low IQ... Trump fags are more respectable than you Taste groupies
Does he? Never heard a single wise thing from him, just bragging.
hey bro, how vaxxed are you #Hustler? how boosted? they broke your spirit and i know it.
>he doesn't wear boots so that he's ready to extra efficiently curbstomp niggers

give your boyfriend a kiss for me, faggot
cant say he has low IQ he would talk circles around you. just look at your sentence, filled with slurs. you went to public school and have an actual low iq.
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My spirit ain't broken, but my faith in Humanity can't go any lower and I can't hate my fellow man anymore than I already do. If you can hate, your spirit is just fine.
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>chinlet nerd
Isn't this dude gay? Wasn't he trying to convince men to date trannies or something?
yo'ure the one thinking about gay intimacy
You're a huge faggot
>why dont you just have your own platform with millions of followers
>herp derp

You see JEWS, like YOU, want everyone to remain individualistic, to not unite and amplify our messages among each other. Your tricks wont work here kike.
Bottom Gay
>imagine listening to that dysgenic NIGGERFAGGOT
Im a business owning chad.
My concern is nationalism and the lack of response to the threats we are facing, just like Tate.

But youre a soi boi cuck who hides behind a meme flag, so based messages arent intended for you.
Yes independent thought is the enemy.
How dare you think for yourself!
>Andrew Taint is an effeminate faggot grifter with low IQ
Then i guess you have a high IQ rebuttal to his point? Lets hear it?
Buy an ad.
Well as long as someone else taller than me said it then I should listen
No, I won't listen to a retarded mudslime rapist and pedophile.
They broke most of society (as evident by the weak cucks in this thread).
Im a warrior, unbroken, and unvaxxed.
I doubt the same can be said for you.
The point is, how to we get our fellow man out of their buck brokenness.
Clearly most in this thread will fight to remain buck broken bitches.
tate is entertaining but he has low IQ takes. not all but the majority is low iQ. no different to the /pol/ shitposter.
>independent thought
its precicely what you are afraid of.
Because if people listen, and think upon it, they will start to change their thinking, and actions, and turn on this jewish system.

I dunno i dont wanna die.

Nothing he says has any thought in it besides what gets him attention and money, he is a nigger grifter and distracting young men from christianity and morals
you're a filthy nigger faggot
I dunno it is a lot of whataboutism.
I personally dont have anything against providing some whores with some proper shit, like they just got on cam and do whatever, and you provide the services so they can do that. I have nothing against that.
Ok you need daddy to tell you what's okay to think. Its okay little guy. It happens alot. You arent the only one.
i watched the entire vid. in this case his take is solid, can't argue anything he said isnt true.
Just no exploitating of them, like be a "scaling pimp" with actual service to keep the buiness running and smooth just like those shiny head.
he's making commentary, aside from whatever his motivation is. he doesnt need to provide solution. nothing he said was false.
It isnt about what he said i mean he is right, personally i think he is a really smart guy. But exploitation of women or generally of underlings isnt liked to be seen. He actually can make that smooth.
Who needs a spirit when you're moved through the momentum of your historical weight.
So is it commentary or data?
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Always on point and never misses. Only incels hate him.
Taking away all rights that Women were given is a good first step.
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i dont know what you mean. he is making commentary on a situation. those comments stand independently from his motivations. if i had said the words instead of him, my motivation would be different but it wouldnt make what is said untrue.
data and commentary are equivalent
Who is this nigger faggot and why is he not picking cotton right now...?!
the only thing broken is my dick, off in your mouth, and it's uncut
I will not listen to a pretend Muslim grift white men. He’s literally pumped white women to get wealthy. You’re a shitbag degen for following him.
I don't take advice from homosexuals
One is facts the other is opinion. It's okay tho I'm sure english isnt your native language.
historical 'inheritance' is but an aspect of spirit. there is nothing more important than spirit and nothing besides it.
not listening to con man
His voice is higher pitched than an average man's.
Why? Is it because of his tiny jaw?

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