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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I’ve always hated kids my age teens I never fit in with them I don’t smoke I don’t drink I don’t have sex even if I wanted to no girl would want me for I am nothing and no one my life holds no value I never did anything special in my life nothing of significance never went out partying never hung out never traveled out of the country only been to 3 states I’ve lived a boring recluse miserable life drowning in my own despair sulking in my own misery every time I try to connect with other kids I’m left out singled out or just out right insulted for not living an eventful life I can’t drive one kid I met in a hospital had recounted a memory in which he had flown a plane I don’t like mainstream media I don’t follow trends and I don’t follow the lives of celebrities I am a black sheep in a heard of white goats there is no possible way for me to fit in to todays society of children I don’t listen to rap I am of mixed race and am overweight I am so far from the norm that even if I tried truly made it my life goal to fit in with my peers I will never succeed this is the harsh truth I don’t have a choice of who I want to be were I want to end up I am a kite I go where ever the wind directs me I have no say in anything I have no mouth but I must scream i am in hell looking at heaven I am Isolated all kids my age are having sex smoking pot drinking alcohol and partying meanwhile I sit in my room staring at the wall whenever I talk to or hear from kids my age they are in relationships kissing and having lots of sex my old st Gerald’s friends bragged about having sex the person I met in the hospital daemon had sex in her room with another girl the night I saw them doing that I was so traumatized and filled with despair at the thought that I would never experience that in the hallway I got into the fetal position and began crying at the end of the hall
Nice copypasta
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
Made it to the party about not smoking out and starting at the wall.

Smoke pot, anon.
Also, you aren't nearly as unique as you imagine.
10% of every single graduating class is exactly like you.
I thought many of the same things you said.

And etc.

>one kid I met in a hospital

And uh what exactly were you in this 'hospital' for?

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