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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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French boomer passing the torch to the new owners of France. At least they don't speak German.
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>At least they don't speak German.
They probably don't speak French either.
Once the white flag is deemed racist, France will become unstoppable.
They’re both Olympic champions. Try achieving something, you’ll be less bitter.
Sports aren't achievements.
Hitler was truly a monster for trying to save the French. They never wanted to live.
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they voted for it.
the jews are so awful that they can make the west worst than china/india by mandatory child rape and mandatory constant huminlation.
you barely can call monkey mumble as speech
I'd say not being a nigger is already an achievement. One incel from /pol/ is innately more aristocratic and more deserving of life than two sweaty orangutans usurping a culture they have nothing to do with.
>man from the 1940s is racist
they didn't but France has some faggot style of voting
Fortunately, the rest of society disagrees with you.
>At least they don't speak German.
Dude if you didn’t want people to fight to the death over this you should have had the Spanish or Italians invade us

"I talk to men in French, to God in Spanish, and to horses in G*rman"
Charles V, emperor of all the Germans
I knew you frogs were tootsie pops but this is some UBER fucking wild crazy gay shit. I stopped watching hours ago. Here I think Gorija comes out and Marie Antoinette cool, then BAM 4 trannys bug chasing in an alley. Are you guys sure heads aren't going to roll again after this? Do you not realize Afganistan is there?
>you're racist unless you let everyone move in and perform extreme genetic drift effectively removing everyone that lives there from the gene pool
lol lmao
>Are you guys sure heads aren't going to roll again after this?

Average french person is a hillbillies who listens to rap music
All they care about is random drama between celebs
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I think you misunderstand that quote, it isnt meant in a derogatory fashion.

French is the language of culture so it is used to speak to men, Spanish is the closest to Latin so it used to speak to God and German sounds stern so it used to speak and direct the horse.

If Charles V was a true Catholic monarch I cant imagine him denigrating his people. I hope the Holy Roman Empire will soon be restored and the peoples of Europe learn to love God and each other, letting go of petty historical grudges.
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What are those nigger monkeys?

Uhuh. Did they poison or kill all the better white athletes first?

Funny, before niggertopia came around, during Soviet times the Olympics were nothing but the best and most juiced white people competing against each other.
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Really?! Seems like a bunch of nigger lovers won WW2 if you ask me. If not for Soviet Union and Russia and how WW2 became their cultural identity, USA would be more than happy telling the whole world that WW2 was American niggers fighting terrifying reptilian looking white German Nazis to free the imprisoned Jewish victims. Good thing Russia and Putin would never stand for that shit.

You know it’s true.
German being associated with sternness and discipline wasn’t a thing before bradenburg-Prussia/ the second reich

He ruled the Holy Roman Empire aka the first reich, there was no asssociation between Germans and sternness back then, I remember old American authors considering that German was too effeminate of a language, 20th century Germany, but more so 20th and 21sr century Hollywood movies about 20th century Germany skewed your vision of what Germany is/was back in those days

(Back then Germany was famous for being a weird impossible to rule land of freedom loving communes and weird religious sects)

Militarism came many centuries after the death of Charles V, probably during frederik I’s reign over bradenburg
Want far right frogs?
This is how you get far right frogs.
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well when you put it like that who cares fuck the human species and the gay bullshit people care about anyway.

let the darkies inherit oblivion
I am not very well read in terms of history, but I do speak German and like it. But I definitely understand why so many people dislike it saying it sounds harsh.
However someone saying it sounds effeminate is crazy, I mean I guess as with all languages it greatly depends on the speaker.

And again not knowing much of history, but I cant imagine the entire German character being a recent invention. Are you saying the humorless clock-work German didnt exist before the Prussian system. I imagine it was always present to an extent at least in northern Germany.

And havent Germans always been considered a warlike people I have studied a bit of their mythology and learned a bit about the Germanic tribes who frequently waged war not for the sake of profit or land but for the sake of war itself. They even burned all the spoils of war as an offering to the gods. And they werent just chilling for a thousand years until second reich.


Again I dont much about history so I cant argue with you, but I hope your resentment of the German people will subside one day.
Every society has its heyday. France peaked in the late 19th century under the Third Republic. Things grow and expand, plateau for a while, and then decline and decay. France, and Western Europe as a whole, is in its stage of decay. Not to say this is good or bad, it is just a fact of history. Prepare for the death of the West as you would prepare for your own death or the death of a loved one.
>100 years old
There was a black french invader girl that switched from gymnastics to figure skating so she was good at flipping but terrible at skating. But every time she lost her and her weird ass adoptive mother would claim racism so they had to give her undeserved medals. Then people twisted it to say she didn't win gold because of racism and not because she fucking sucked and whined for medals anyway and did a backflip in competition when this isn't gymnastics and it isn't allowed in competition. Besides her there have been like two other black skaters, Debbie Thomas I think her name and aje was actually a good skater, won and never bitched and complained about her scores. And some other woman who was also shit and never placed well but still never bitched and whined and moaned about her scores.

So what I'm saying is I'm firstly glad there are few blscks in this sport bevause you can cry and whine and moan and get rewarded fucking medals and you don't deserve it. Only Debbie did, the rest of you stick to easy fix sports.
Prussia beating them in the franco prussian war was considered as much of a shock as if russia beat the United states today. France was considered the bigges military yet spent years chasing arabs in the desert leading up to the proper fight. Familiar sounding enough
De Gaulle wasn't racist, he actually had great respect for other cultures. He understood the importance of ethnic solidarity.
You didn't fight to the death, you pompous cunt. You surrendered quite easily and you didn't win either, Russians and Americans did that for you.
This man understands
>I talk to men in French
So he's gay? French is a language for women
>he doesn't think there's dei in choosing sports "stars"
they'll choose a sub-optimal nigger over an asian or euro.
>flag: unknown
what did they mean by this
how do you know the answer to that?

you'd need to ask every single human to know.
The "French" revolution was not French.

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