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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Press S to spit on this degenerate couchfucker's dead political career.
If JD Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary.
If he was he wouldn't be there...
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personally not a fan of his, but this spam is very telling

he's from the midwest, he's very young- much younger than Kamalafornia, and he's a good debater/well-spoken

pretty sure he'll carry the midwest and Pennsylvania for Trump and that's why shills are trashing him so hard

also couch-fucking just highlights his youth

it's better than willie brown-fuckin or montel-fucking
He may survive this week whic is impressive, not gonna make switch to trump but may save trump's life and future

It was a goid choice
Anyone running for office is not a threat to powerful interests and it's over. Best to get MAID and give up. China won. Right?
Sooo disturbing!

Still voting Trump!
Can some good anon share a QRD on the couch fucker meme?
The nigga literally said the US “needs to hit Iran HARD”
No wonder Zion Don likes him
You really gonna pretend this guy is some “man of the people”
how did he get elected to congress in the first place?
what are the rules about changing a vp pick after chosen?
will he drop out of his own accord or be fired?
can trump have him assassinated?
literally who?
trump and vance are just two kikey bois looking to show how good of goyim they are. they are the best goyim.
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lmfao pretty funny but im still voting Trump
Voted for him for the senate and will be voting for him as VP.
Gargle on my hairy balls, commie vermin.

He's the commie and you're white trash like him.
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- he wants to deport messicans and towelheads and boost the white birth rate by advocating nativist and natalist positions
- he was right about the ukraine war
- his wife is more attractive than michelle obama and barbara bush and rashida t'aliban
- he's not an obnoxious christcuck who will blow an election by taking an absolutist position on abortion or an unusually harsh anti-marijuana policy
- has based and mysterious techno-monarchy quasi-libertarian financial backers who dislike woke nigworship and communism
- he dislikes woke nigworship and communism
- nice healthy moderate positions where needed and robust extreme positions where needed
- his children have down syndrome which is considered adorable by modern standards
- he was editor in chief of the yale law review which means he's got mensa tier IQ and understands the system that needs to be changed at a very deep level
- he bleachmaxxed and married some aryan indian lady he met from a call center
- he only associates with based jews, not the bad ones
- he believes in based protectionist and populist policies that will boost the economy and create high paying manufacturing jobs and energy sector jobs
- he will create a robot computer that will replace all meaningless woman jobs like HR and "project coordinator" that add nothing substantive to the economy
- he has blue eyes, a cool beard, and isn't afraid of being called gay for wearing eyeliner
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Cum in a sock like a normal person.
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Damn right, what’s with all these frickin commies and brown people who don’t support Israel? Dont they know their are greatest ally. Trump and Vance are very strong and the best for Israel, the dems are antisemitic and don’t love Israel enough. Trump is right we have got to support Israel harder.
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I can’t stress enough how much of a fucking pedo-vibe this cunt gives off. I can almost guarantee there’s pictures of this bloke in a dress doing some extremely gay shit.
If you're a one issue voter and don't understand that kikes vote Marxist 80% anyway, just keep crying more.
It's always a shitfest and you pick the slightly less degenerate choice. Grow the fuck up or shove this psyop crap up your ass.
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Wait if they don’t even vote for you then why pander to them harder than anyone else ? Isn’t that pathetic to bow down to people who don’t even vote for you
Look at your post
>either tell yourself trump and everything he does is based no matter what
>or suicide
How do you get to this point? Do you really believe there's no other alternative? Or is it just an ego thing?
That's a hot couch
What is this whole couch thing about?
not a fan either
But who hasn't humped a couch when they were going through puberty? If you weren't horny the there was something wrong with you not us.
No one cares about this.
why the fuck would you talk about the fucked up way you jerked off when you were a 13 year old as an adult? Especially if you're a politician on the national stage?
that's like talking about how you fucked a watermelon when you were a horny teenager during a job interview. Like why the fuck would you even think about talking about it?
Found the couch fucker
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at first i thought this was the left mocking Vance but now i see it the right trying to divert attention away from Vance's abhorrent statements and beliefs to something that's just embarrassing but isn't condemnable
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I love how this meme has literally flipped sides since about 2014 but libs are too braindead to notice.
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He is the male Sarah Palin. What were they thinking?
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Why did you have to write about fucking couches in your memoir JD?? Why couldn't you keep it to yourself like your average couch fucker would???
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fuck right off, you don't speak for me or anyone else.
He's a sycophant fake that converted catholic for power
Is the Bilderberg Group based now?
If he was really a threat he would have been assassinated
It's scary. People willing to fight for a worldview that has 0 logical consistency.
>has based and mysterious techno-monarchy quasi-libertarian financial backers who dislike woke nigworship and communism
They're zionist jews, and a sodomite who is on time steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.
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you just know
the real spam is that same bot post as first post in every thread about vance
hes certainly not a threat to israels interests...
>Especially if you're a politician on the national stage?
i'm not fully invested in this but from the little i know it was from a autobiography, you know those things people write about their life.
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Yeah, about that anon, politicians lie. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but almost everything they say is untrue. Here’s proof.
>calling out degenerate behavior...

Do you even know what board you are posting on? Kek.
so who the fuck is wentworth? was this a slip or just confusion
He rocked that couch’s world. Shagged it rotten.
He’s planning to fuck America harder than that sofa.
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You mean you’re voting for whites and degeneracy. At least be honest.
877CASHNOW nigga
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I get that you have no morals or values that you stand on. Some of us actually do. You underestimate how disgusted we were with the RNC and the Vance pick. We’re not shills. If it makes you feel better to think this is all astroturfing, enjoy.
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wtf is this timeline
it's been debooonked
MIGA yards could rationalize anything. If Trump shot a dog while raping a child they would tell you based it is. Fucking pathetic.
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theres no other position to rest on to be fair. myswell be that in this context. its not like vp will change. theres an election, we got two groups or not voting, youre trying to change that.
Nigger we haven’t trusted the deboonk sites for almost a decade. Are you new here? Does safe and effective ring a bell?
He's a threat to Trump's chances of winning not "special interests"
this whole thread is based off of literal fake news about the guy.
thats because he's so inconsequential and has done nothing of note to show for it for american people that he's a literal red herring. nobody knows what the fuck he does except take peter thiel cock and suck zion don cock
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>Open politics board
>Why are people talking about someone who's running to be Vice President?
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he certainly is a threat to jewkrainian interests

probably the biggest threat out of all the candidates
let me guess, that retard complains about the money being sent to ukraine as if its hard actual dollars but doesn't realize its itemized as money but is actually just old as fuck vietnam shit that was going to hit expiration anyway
pajeet lover
At this point you guys are more annoying than the leftist shills.
>weaponry expires
Theres no fuckin way he really wrote that. Honestly that makes me want to vote for him. Thats some funny shit.
That was 15 reasons, Einstein.
He's a lolcow retard.
counter-spam is not spam.
He's Donald Trumps pick for vice president. A lolcow is someone with no power. Its also obvious that I was joking...
Nope I remember specifically that he looks past the money to our raw manufacturing capabilities
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>Mata what did pitaaji do to chairry
He’s going to be ass rapping you for the next 4 years , then 4 more as president.
Enjoy the stretch faggot.
>fucking a couch
we really need to fix society. it shouldnt be that hard or uncommon to just get a quality sex doll in the form of your choosing
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I cum in a vagina
If Snopes is playing defense for Vance then you know the allegations are true. Not looking good, Trumpsisters...
You’re obviously Jewish. Evoking Einstein as an authority even in jest. What’s wrong Pal? All out of gefilte fish and manischewitz? Decide to come meddle in white man’s affairs? In fire kike.
Where did this retarded meme even come from?
It's so much worse than I thought
Vancebros...I think we got too cocky...
Even leftoids are tired of this inane shillspam. I'm gonna laugh when you kill yourself.
so stuff biden already is helping with the infrastructure bill got it
All couch related threads will be reported as spam https://www.infowars.com/posts/ap-deletes-fact-check-article-about-jd-vance-having-sex-with-couch/
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this is actually JD posting this isnt it?
Was the couch asking for it with the way it was dressed? All covered in plastic, acting like it was too good for him?
>pretty sure he'll carry the midwest and Pennsylvania for Trump and that's why shills are trashing him so hard
Uh no he won't. I was just in the Midwest the other day and I saw nothing but "DUMP VANCE" signs
>why are we sending all of these perfectly good weapons to ukraine when we can be sending it to our greatest ally Israel instead?
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Not voting for Zion Don
I feel worse for his wife, she had to give up her job at a top shelf law firm when he became the VP nominee.
Why is this message being spammed?
Democrats are afraid of him so they're trying to make him seem silly
Its a good point its about results the ukrainians had 100 billion and totally lost it all and whinged. Kikes took 100 billion and genocided Gaza.
He raped a couch, then wrote about it.
There's an endgame in Ukraine joining the European Union and NATO. There's no end to the Neo Con's Middle East Wars.
The more wars in the Middle East, the more Muslims refugees are pushed into Europe.
this pasta is growing on me desu
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His wife is Indian and he wears fucning eye liner. The fuck a schilll need to say that this dumb fuck hasn’t already said and not said hahahhahaha absolute trash pick. I’m still voting trump ofc but yah they killed trump and put his clone in or something. Plus his wife is Indian??? USA about to be come fuckin Canada and we about to have a war in Mexico and Iran lmaooooo
What are those powerful interests then? The Israel lobby? The IT lobby? The PayPal mafia? Venture Capitalists? The Hindu lobby? The MIC?
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This pasta is coming out good
JD Vance isn't even his real name. He had to change it three times to sound like he's in a boy band.
Yes to all those except MIC, they probably wanted a different candidate.
i miss the indian coed i dated briefly. her pussy got very wet.
>ass rapping
a hip hop a hippy dippy butt bop
Trump will swap him out when Kamala picks hers
Europe is a better ally than Israel. JD Vance disagrees, but Israel never fought with America after 9/11, and the Neo Con wars were based on lies they fabricated.
JD Vance makes religious arguments, but he's also changed his religion several times and is open to Hinduism. So what does he really believe?
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Was it.......DEMENTIA?????????????????
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If JD Vancey-pants wasn't a threat to sofas and couches, the chairs standing guard would be unnecessary.
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that was diarrhea
Dammit nigger, you got me.
Okey I'm gritating to the states just to vote trump x vanced
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lol who the fuck censors fuck. Its a four letter word fucking cunt
another good goy who will lead wiggers to kill more innocent children and women
wigger christfag kikecocksuckers can only kill defenseless women and children btw
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its a bot. Way too sophisticated for mr mountain dew over there. But sounds perfect for fellow couch fuckers like glavset niggers and pajeets which certainly can set up a cheap script
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
Why would you fuck a couch? Lmao. Just hire a hooker, or better yet. Watch porn and jackoff in the shower. I do that eveytime I watch 'BBC on little white slut' porn.
This spam again? How much do they pay you?
wtf is your deal and why do you format like a faggot?

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