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There’s no way this is a result of natural geological forces. This is rattlesnake point, apart of the Niagara escarpment in Ontario. This is an obvious castle.
I think you're right. Any more info?
Obviously man made
Unfortunately no, I need to go there myself one of these days and take pictures. Look around. You should watch the channel minds unveiled on YouTube for some related entertainment.
Where exactly is that? I live in the falls.
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Rattlesnake point near milton. The Niagara escarpment looks like this.
It's rocks, bud. You need to come to terms with the fact that North America is not blessed with ancient ruins from lost advanced civilizations. Any ruins that were in NA prob got ground to dust under giant ice sheet.
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could be, thing is there were several very cataclysmic events in the last 6000 years (the Saturn/Sol capture event, the moon capture event etc.) and at least 5 Huge massive floods were recorded in that timeframe.
The Earth was also hit with what is known as "Planetary Lightning" which is basically insanely massive electric discharges between celestial bodies, thats what created the Grand canyon and the Sahara Desert.

So basically we have no idea what was before these 6000 years, if and which civilizations existed back then.
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ok but, prove it
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They find clovis points under the black mat layer, but that's about it.

There are some schizo theories about finding out of place artifacts in coal veins.
There's also ancient walls in Texas and Montana
The Sage wall in Montana also has the same style stones with nubs as those walls in Peru.

It’s a historical game changer.
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Out of place artifacts(OOPARTS) found in coal are the most promising remains and indicators of past civ in north america. I don't know how schizo the theories are... the impression of objects is left I'm coal.

Montana "megalith" isn't super compelling. I want to believe. But I'm pretty sure that's just a rock formation.
yeah the Montana megaliths are cool.
Dude. we both know Ice is exactly why it's NOT a castle
I think it's possible.
I also think carbon dating isn't real, coal and oil can probably be created much faster than what government scientists claim.

I'm going to read the iron pot story looks interesting.
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the idea that somebody out there knows the truth is what pisses me off the most. look at the internet in current year, its literally fucking useless and it only becomes worse as they delete fucking everything and delist websites from being searchable i really cant fucking stand it anymore. anytime i get on here to find some basic fucking information like what size fuel tubing i need for my trimmer i get fagget fucking shill probably AI generated websites that have nothing to do with anything at all aside from telling me i need to buy an electric piece of garbage trimmer can somebody fucking do something already
You got to archive everything yourself and when consumer A.I. becomes easier to understand make your own model for fast answers.
>blocks all completely different sizes
Ok, say it's man made.
The faggots who made this shitslop mess deserve to be forgotten.
"Measure never, cut thrice!"
What shoddy craftsmanship. What an absolute piece of shit.

I hope their obliteration was as painful as it was all encompassing.
Kaimanawa wall NZ
Sage Wall MT (also Devils Slide MT)
Alberta-Saskatchewan walls and paths
Siberia (fucking hundreds, not joking), most insane; Khara Hora, Gornaya Shoria

Arizona and Utah terraformed pavement over some 2,000 sq miles (the recent vids on the Utah one is just a teensy tiny section of a much much larger phenomena all over northeastern Arizona the grand canyon and southern UT)

Rock ruts in OK TX AZ NM OR NV UT CO, Malta, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, Japan, Peru, Bolivia, Canada, the Azores (that go into the sea like in Malta) etc all over the world.

No words for except;

Japan is fucking insane.
Egypt is fucking insane (not what's on the surface, rather what is UNDER all of it).
Indonesia is fucking insane.
Peru and Bolivia are fucking insane.
Malta and Sicily are fucking insane.
Siberia is fucking insane.
Europe in general is fucking insane.








Bimini road
Rama's bridge
Cuba underwater city
Bay of Cambay lost city
Sinking of the Azores plateau, the north sea, sundaland, and the NZ sub continent.
Chinese pyramids
Amazon pyramids and cities
Mohenjo Daro (got nuked/melted with people living there)

Every single piece of land (and also the ocean floors) was inhabited by ancient civilizations. I'm missing several hundred other *common* examples, at least.
based post never heard of some of these.
based glownigger take
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Check out EntityArt, he literally have a entire series about this (also explains the truth of our world, he is Natsoc BTW)

Some introduction
>Hello. This is a 14-part series. Parts 1-13 have been completed. 14 is ‘under construction’ and it will bring information together from all the preceding 13 articles. Part 14 will also include a section revisiting the topic of Atlantis, and you will see that it definitely needs to be revisited and revised once you understand some of the discoveries I have made. The conspiracy is deeper than I realised and it is clear that gate-keeping, misdirecting agents / authors were also seeded in the mid and late 1800s, as well as in the early 1900s.
>When you realise that there have been numerous very destructive resets on this planet, in so many locations, you know that you are going to have do a lot of digging if you want to try and ascertain what has been occurring on this planet (Vast amounts of historical records have been destroyed). I have done just that and brought a lot information and images together. I would have liked to have spent more time on the series, but at some point you need to share what you have discovered and ‘get it out there’. People need to see what I have discovered. The series had to be created in one go, as all the articles are linked, with so many correlations. Putting 13 (nearly 14) long articles together simultaneously has been pretty full on.

Didn't Solon say Atlantis sunk around 6000 years ago?
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The whole Solon story is a bunch of Bullshit tho.

>only source is Plato and he got it from Solon who lived 200 years before him
>egyptians didnt say 9000 years because they didnt count in years but in months (moon calendar)
>puts the Atlantis date to 1400 BC around the invasion of the (((Sea Peoples))) and this is what Solon was actually talking about (Atlantis= (((People))) coming from the Atlantic and attacking greece and egypt)
>not even Aristotle a scholar of Plato believed in Atlantis

and before you ask, no the Richat Structure in Africa is not Atlantis, thats an impact site of planetary scaled Lightning.
also Graham Hancuck is jewish and a Liar.
we say KIKE here

>These tiny people using horse and cart built this?
Like even in the 1700s Humans were able to move Boulders of up to 1500 tons around.

also lots of sloppy research like the Mudflood/Tartaria BS sprinkled in there.
See >>475807781

Shit has happened on this planet that is so bizarre it cannot be explained away even with the fringiest takes of our modern paradigm. The simplest explanation is that we do NOT know the real and whole truth and we are NOT the peak civilization that has existed here and possibly even exists here right now.
Mudflood and Tartaria are separate events like for a huge degree of time, just keep reading the series.

The mudfloods never happened, just mankind got Fucked hard and reseted.

Tartaria was just a region, not the super empire that the Jewish media tell you about.
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>Shit has happened on this planet that is so bizarre it cannot be explained away even with the fringiest takes of our modern paradigm.
certainly not how the Arc de Triomphe was constructed which is a fairly recent and well documented event.

>and we are NOT the peak civilization that has existed here
it probably is by now tho, even just measured by population numbers/density and industrial output.
none of that means that ancient people were knuckle dragging retards tho, they were actually very clever and were far ahead of us in some ways.
We are nowhere even near peak. The kikes and glowies already hid over unity energy from us in 1900. Tesla's longitudinal/scalar electricity propagation had over unity examples that violate all of kikes physics.

There is also evidence that many of the ancient cyclopean and conventionally stacked megaliths were laid down very rapidly (some as short as months). And when you actually look at the scale, you realize we aren't shit right now. An example of scale is the terraformed pavements over thousands of square miles, the Hawara labyrinth and the Giza plateau were artificially created the surface you stand on when you are there is actually layers and layers of gigantic megalithic blocks hundreds of tons each. And the labyrinth goes down multiple floors and our current lidar and EMF scanning tech can only see the top two floors.
this is the equivalent of pointing at a light in the sky and telling someone its a ufo
It's said that below the Sphinx lies the hall of records and at the end of the labyrinth is the entire known history of the universe carved into 12 pillars. The truth is there for anyone to find, but kept just out of reach by man.
>We are nowhere even near peak
whats your definition of "peak civilization anyway"?
>The kikes and glowies already hid over unity energy from us in 1900.
Probably because it doesnt scale well for mass consumption and distribution and because it brings some dangers to power things through the Atmosphere/Telluric Currents.
for example the Pyramids in Giza were destroyed because they worked by harnessing Lightning from the Atmosphere for ultrasound Chemical Reactions, ands thats what ruined them because when the Lightning got a bit too strong it fucked the entire site up.
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>below the Sphinx
the entire Giza Site was a massive Ore Mining and Ore Refining sit. its a huge industrial site created thousands of years before the Chemical Industry was even invented/rediscovered.
beneath it is basically all the Tunnels from the mining operation.
they closed them off so people dont figure out its a mining site and because Zahi Hawass and the other jews want the leftover Gold for themselves.
Bruh that homonculus shit goes hard.
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What truth?

The truth is racist you dumb nigger. The truth is that any ancient civilization one it reached an inflection point in terms of being homo nigger sapiens (ie those virus hominids aka Homo sapiens sapiens that spread like a virus from mystery meat part of Africa) infected versus original native hominids, proceeded to peak and then fall apart. With the notable distinction being the ancient Atlantians who managed to somehow hold on and survive, giving the nigger ape monkeys a once in a lifetime chance of going into space and spreading their niggerist cancer like virus. But they got tsunamied out of existence or close to it save for the Noah bloodline.

It’s the same old
>you’re being racist and not shipping enough wheat and Atlantian drank to the poorer areas of Altantian empire
>is it becuz we not like you, we smelll funny and talk funny
>you say you are better than us but then you’d rather build new bridges and airships then feed the hungry like us
>you’re selfish
>you don’t care about the poor ape people like us
The more things change, the more niggers stay the same.



So fucking tired of it.
This shit makes no sense.
>300 million year old pot!
Alternative theory: carbon dating is fake and gay.

You are a dumb nigger and should stop shilling when the obvious North American ruins are easily findable with a simple google search
Lmao niggers are so bad that they even drove the first matrix ai agents like Agent Smith insane.





Fun fact, the very first Zion was started by a group of rogue ai who couldn’t take niggers anymore and were going to burn the entire matrix down.
Yeah I'm fairly certain the Hall of Records exists, but it probably has information on the biblical flood and that's a big no no.
Anyone saying the Montana mega doesn’t match the structures all around the world is a gigafaggot not being honest
Rock formation like this is quite common in the Laurentian and the Appalachian mountains. They are a natural formation.
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here let me spoonfeed:

>Step Pyramid of Saqqara = Production and Collection of Methane Gas
>Red Pyramid of Dashur = Transforms Methane Gas into an Ammonium Solution
>Bent Pyramid = Transforms the liquid Ammonium Solution into a solid Ammonium based fertilizer
>Great Pyramid = Produces a dilute solution of sulfuric acid
>Central Pyramid of Giza = converts the sulfuric acid into hydrochloric acid

basically the Great Pyramid is a dialectric, lightning powered, acustic sonochemical catalyst chemical reactor that produced Sulfuric Acid for the strategic Leech mining of metallic ore deposits on the Giza Plataeu.

And if you wonder what these Chemicals were used for, well they are basically the Basis of any advanced Industry and can be used for all kinds of shit, like to make paper or for water purification, refining of metals, making fertilizers, fuel, make up, pigments, to make batteries and all kinds of other stuff.
there is even hard physical evidence that these ancient builders had Turing Machines aka Computers.
The kikes canned because it precisely scales so well that it is comical and completely eliminates scarcity in this world once the cat is out of the bag and made public. There are 3 dozen other guys in the United States alone since Nikola Tesla that have stumbled upon over unity energy and were killed, threatened with the torture and death of family members and themselves and backed down (a recent one is a guy from Arizona in the last 10 years), or just straight up disappeared and weren't heard from again (probably smart enough/valuable enough for glowies to abduct to force them to research more).

A type 1 civilization (only possible with over unity energy) is the start of real civilization. The ability to completely manipulate the energy of and the entire planet at will.
>and completely eliminates scarcity in this world
resources dont spawn out of thin air, the real world aint a videogame.
so no it certainly wouldnt and even if it did it would create a shitton of new problems.
>The ability to completely manipulate the energy of and the entire planet at will.
the ancients didnt have the ability to do this and neither do we have this ability today.
and just measured by industrial output our current civilization is much bigger than anything that existed prior to that.
Actually there is a funny thing about energy-matter relations. They are directly convertible and related. You don't need to actually create anything that never existed there before, you simply transmute it into something else with scalar harmonics. Every higher element is already a transmuted base element, and actually even the base elements come from the pure energy ether. The applications for scalar-longitudinal electricity and energy manipulation also already violate the speed of light (see Eric Dollard).
thank you
sadly we do not measure on the kardashev scale
we are currently on the kardashian scale
There are a couple of weird ancient structures in NA, the serpent mounds, Montana Wall, and the American Nazca lines among other places,
Montana Megalithic Wall
California Nazca lines
Can any geologists add their opinions on this
Very true. There is a lot of stuff on the fringes that you can research and test however. A lot of people have gotten much closer to the truths about our universe than the mainstream and not a single person on the street knows about them.
that is a carsic phenomenon, totally natural.
carsism happens when water digs into carbonate sedimentary rocks. It's totally normal and natural.
Niggers piss me off.
which is called karst in english.
So it’s no ancient man made castle wall then?
as I already explained there is no such thing as a free lunch, the system you are talking about has massive disadvantages.
>normal and natural

Unlike the estrogen pills you take
There is and you are already living in it. The universe is a closed system (no energy is lost or created, only rearranged, ie infinite and also fractal).
Yeah I've wondered if the Richat was the base of the squatting man hence the Atlas mountains.
Tartaria was the last remnant of the Mongol empire consolidated around an attempt to sort of kind of modernize. Russia ate it. That's all there is.
see >>475812047
>for example the Pyramids in Giza were destroyed because they worked by harnessing Lightning from the Atmosphere for ultrasound Chemical Reactions, ands thats what ruined them because when the Lightning got a bit too strong it fucked the entire site up.

>the base of the squatting man
that was in the Sky in the Northern Direction.
Happened during the Capture event.
Phenomena like that is not unrelated to scalar energy. "Physical" matter is itself a harmonic wave phenomena, hard interpretations of physical matters results in hitting a proverbial wall in trying to understand our reality. Look into Eric Dollard. The stuff I'm talking about, over unity energy, FTL travel, extra dimensionality, creating "natural" stones from thin air, ancient architecture and sites around the world, and theories of consciousness. It's all inter-related. The recent all of this is suppressed so well is because kikes actually have a pretty totalitarian grip on the world, especially western civilization, and other countries around the world haven't independently linked or rediscovered all of this stuff even half as much as the west (actually mostly caucasian non-semetic males) has.
those are even crazier in person btw
protip at ollantaytambo sit in one of the laser-cut niches on the ground level around the corner from the big steps and hum. they are cut in a way to kind of funnel the sound back at you, feels really crazy. like my clothes started vibrating and i very distinctly saw the afterimage of the light form into cymatic patterns with my eyes closed.

sacsayhuaman is wild too, go up to the top and sit in the circle, same kinda thing. i got blown out the top of my head and was suddenly about a half mile above cuzco looking around. i went down into the football stadium and took note of the color of the stadium seating, later on when i checked, i was right
read the book "the hidden history of the human race" it has hundreds of case studies from the academic literature of this stuff and also very detailed explanations of why the mainstream narrative of evolution is BS (QRD, anatomically modern human skeletons have been found in strata older than the monkey skeletons and a bunch of stuff like Lucy/olduvai gorge, java man, piltdown men etc were jesuit frauds and this is awkwardly admitted even by mainstream anthropologists now)
>Phenomena like that is not unrelated to scalar energy
the point is if you build your entire industry on this basis it only takes one big sunstorm to blow it all up at the same time. and thats exactly what happened the last time.
>because kikes actually have a pretty totalitarian grip on the world
even if there were no jews, whoever would be in charge would run into the same problems eventually which is controlling the growth of the economy and managing population numbers.
sorry bro but there is no free lunch in this universe.
that just looks like limestone karsts. it's not artificial it just looks really cool. other examples can be found in wisconsin and north vietnam/laos/southern china.

there are often large spooky cave systems underneath them though because the water eats away at them. if you want a schizo karst theory, look up the map of Missing 411 disappearances (cf. david paulides) lined up with the map of limestone caves in the US. i'll try and find the picture and post it real quick
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>nobody vanishes in North Dakota
But can i seed the gobi desert abd pump it with an ammonium phosphate and potassium carbonate hologram to green the shot put of it?
nowhere to hide
I think what actually happened to the pyramids is more complex and n one truly knows exactly what happened there. For example the middle pyramid shows evidence that it was damaged before even being finished, and 90%+ of the great pyramids coating stones were stripped off and taken somewhere else at some point (otherwise there would still be a debris field). Wave harmonics does very interesting and multi-phenomenal things (such as levitation, scalar energy amplification, mechanical and energetic and conscious synchronization and so on). It's very possible also that the pyramids did not serve a generator purpose (or served a more important function other than that), as many people inside certain parts of the pyramids report experiences of phasing into a separate reality (writing appears on the walls people around them disappear).

There is provably free lunch everywhere in this universe at all times. If you subscribe to the scarcity paradigm, not only are you wrong, you're playing into the kikes hands.
why'd you have to mention the Dakotas, now I'm looking at SD on google maps and it's horrifying. Absolutely skin crawling civilization
You are dumb as fuck and should go out more often
damn i love nature, beautiful photo op.
would love to hike there, how do people in bear, wolf, pumas and shit dare go hiking in such places though ?
That's true. Ice immediately came to mind.
you try not to present an ideal target. Give off male pheromones, make sure there are lots of little bunnies and dogs and dumpsters within claw distance
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Indeed, once one accepts atlantis is a hyperspace starport and timespace around it has been parceled out into realms for various purposes one cab ascertain scarcity or non scarcity is arbitrary

Obviously theyrr trying their hardest to make it a psyco scarcity realm, best perhaps we can do is die honourably by building open source and for free in protest of being stuck in here
ok I had to save this one sir
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>gobi desert
what has any of that to do with the Pyramids in Egypt?
>I think
Its not about what you think but what you can actually prove.
Chemical analysis has proven their Chemical Reactor usecase beyond doubt.
thats hard physical evidence, you can even walk in there yourself and see the stains of these reactions.
Like the Salts in the Great and Central Pyramid, or the Ammonia Smell in the Red Pyramid.
or the leach pits all around the Giza plateau etc.
>pyramids did not serve a generator purpose (or served a more important function other than that)
yes they were made for mass production of chemical products.
thats truly one of the most important things a true civilization needs.
>as many people inside certain parts of the pyramids report
during Operation you wouldnt be anywhere near these Chambers and they werent made for Humans to dwell in but they actually do concentrate the energy in the granite reaction chambers, the inverted piezoelectric effect creates ultrasound for the reaction (sonochemistry).
>There is provably free lunch everywhere in this universe at all times.
there really isnt and as I already explained it creates a lot of other issues.
"Free energy" is the worst thing that can happen to Humans, one could also easily argue that the Chemical industry is also one of the worst things to happen, why would you want this shit at unlimited scale?
at least no Bigfoot, right?
>Look into Eric Dollard
Dollard's good
Look into Ken Wheeler, expands more on electricity, magnetism, dielectricity, light, counterspace, ether, Heavyside, Steinmetz, Thompson, Tesla, Faraday
I used to work in a quarry and stone is formed into layers like that
magnificent text wall but I've already seen Alien vs. Predator. Good film.
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is there another way to present text? you can read it, can you not? quit crying little nigger faggot id knock your block off. hate fags like you. nigger. and i was going to post some good images. now you gotta lose.
It's always the stupidest people who make the most radical discoveries.
i realize the act of WALKING for pleasure is foreign for fat fuck americans, try to use your imagination fatso.
There are a lot of missing piece to the story, which is why I and many others say, yeah we don't know exactly what was going on but it was more complex than we can know currently. for example, water itself plays an extremely important purpose in scalar technology applications, non-chemical in nature. Simply spinning a vortex inside a tank of water generates scalar waves, that it, just spinning it by itself generates a scalar wave propagation. When you throw toroidal EMF waves into the mix it gets stranger and starts amplifying the EMF wave energy. If you use fine tuned scalar harmonics on the vortex pool you can create plasma from room temperature water (cold plasma). The chemical hypothesis for the great pyramid has many loopholes still because it does not take into account these possible scalar effects being the predominant phenomena and the chemical effects being a secondary or tertiary side phenomena and not the main method for energy generation or manipulation. All evidence points towards vortex-toroidal scalar wave harmonics being the most important phenomena with widespread application within geometric structures.
Will do, thanks. There's always more people on these subjects that I've never heard of.
>peak civilization
understanding the world is based on geometry of things and applying it to do stuff like pyramid generators(are real phenomena you can test it yourself)
you have no idea where americans put their trash cans and small dogs. it's not far fetched as it were
Cause cubit geometry, banjoo kazooie, and vimanas
I suspected that graham handcock was a bad actor. Him having his own Netflix show confirmed he was misdirection of the truth
>non-chemical in nature
Water is literally a chemical compound. What do you think H2O stands for?
its Hydrogen and Oxygen.
>for energy generation
The Great Pyramid was powered by Lightning.
that looks like gornaja shoria
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>understanding the world
you only get "peak civilization" if you can actually apply that knowledge.
Graham Hancock was from day 1 installed as the "alt history leader", basically hes the guy they roll out for the people who doubt the official narrative.
he feeds you some tiny crumbs of truth and then leads you out into the bush.
Hes also paraded around on all these popular jew podcasts like jew rogan or Lex friedman jew.
Now despise all that they lose god
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See 28 is a perfect number
Perfect for implosion, nothing slightly out of tune like the 12-TET aberration,
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Hydrogen is basically created inside of Stars, Jovians/Brown Dwarfs/Gas Giants and the Earths Plasma Core.
These Cores also create a bunch of other Elements and in the mantle that shit bubbles up and forms up into other things like Water or Oil and Gas.

Water is also one of the ingredients for making Sulfuric Acid (the product of the Great Pyramid).
Chemicals themselves are not independent from and are in fact inherently generated from, wave phenomena. It's very possible that the chemical residues were actually generated from scalar wave harmonic transmutation, and not actually needed for the generation or manipulation process. that's a long way of saying that it could just be a generated waste product.
thats what pyramid generators are, an understanding of the principles our reality works on.
A solar CME event would also completely fuck up our current system just as badly and reset civilization
hydrogen has been created from light you can look it up. matter is highfrequency highenergy light.
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Great pyramid was bleeping out longitudinal E to make their quartz faience pottery glow in the dark

Ammonium makes a good MASER

Piri reis obeys no cartographic projection because its sources were mapped with the energy grid like 787412
imo it makes more sense to measure civilization by industrial output and population numbers.
would be easier to recover from since everything is more decentralized and more modular.
like I said its created inside celestial bodies.
We will make it to the inner earth, observe the black sun, and dwell with the inhabitants of the duat
what does the bird one represent
>We will make it to the inner earth
for what purpose?
>observe the black sun
the Black Sun actually refers to Saturn.
Sorry goy, that wall is just a natural formation.
t. the scientific community
The moon wasn't captured, it's an artificial construct that does not follow the traditional laws of astrophysics. It also makes a perfect eclipse which is almost unseen in nature. It also rings like a bell when struck with a weight.
The CIA was made in response to Admiral Byrd learning of cyclical catastrophe when looking for Nazis in Antarctica. The micronova is in their logo. They've been selling drugs and more for a long time to fund black budget projects like DUMBs so they can survive.
Look into extra dimensional energy leakage theory. Basically, the sun isn't actually solid and isn't burning fuel nor is it actually generating fusion plasma products in its interior. It could be a hollow structure (or non-structure) that is siphoning or rather is generated as a product of higher dimensional energy propagation (which we can perceive as scalar and vector waves and toroidal vortex geometry). Theories that take into account scalar waves tend to explain more things about our universe than the mainstream models that constantly need to make up "dark" stuff to keep their false equations and paradigms glued together.
>The moon wasn't captured
actually it was, because by all early ancient accounts it doesnt show up until later in the timeline.
The first thing that the ancients remember and retold over generations was that there was only Saturn in the Sky, the "motionless God" and nothing else.
Thats why they also all talk about that in the beginning there was no time (there was no day or night or moon to measure the flow of time) as earth was tidal locked to saturn and inside its plasma sheat.
no its created by light you just dont understand what light really is. the dude talking about dollard was right. industrial output is meaningless. you can churn out dozens of copies of bird imitating flying apparatuses but to fly you need tomunderstand the underlying principles.
>the sun isn't actually solid
actually at the surface its liquid Lithium.
If you check a periodic table you will notice Lithium is very close to Hydrogen and Helium.
>by light
its electric current that creates everything.
dude. the thing about scalar that it isnt waving. scalar waves are absolute bullshit. also waves of what
what is electricity do you know
Lithium is just a different harmonic of hydrogen. All elements that we know of are essentially baser elements (and energy) at different stable harmonic resonances. And theoretically via proper manipulation of energy wave propagations you can shift one element into another harmonic or even just create a wanted stable element from wave energy manipulation alone.
do you?
Its Limestone ffs
In a closed system a scalar waves have magnitude but no direct (rather infinite direction, ie it exists or propagates everywhere all at once). The main waves that modern science concerns itself with is mostly vectoral wave physics (can only propagate linearly). The evidence actually points to vector wave forms being just half of the picture (at most). You can actually violate the speed of light with non-linear wave propagations (ie scalar), and these have been measured by Dollard and others. The keys to understanding the universe better lie in better understanding non-linear wave propagation and extra-dimensional physics.
yes. its the compound of the dielectric and the magnetic field. the torus and the hyperboloid in the aether.
Very possible but I don't see any evidence Earth orbited Saturn. NASA claims the moon hit earth very very long ago and that's how it was formed.

There was no capture event. It was either intentionally placed where it was or formed in place already in orbit. It never touched the earth and you will never get a stable orbit from random chance of it flying by.
>speed of light
light doesnt move its just a wave in the aether creating the phenomena called photons where constructive interference is happening. also told by dollard.
Also true. Proton/neutron density with electron orbit patterns is all harmonics and not a fixed scale like the periodic table. AI will probably unlock a lot of the functionality of elements and their isotopes by giving better computational models.
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tfw your ice age megaliths are <100 year old concrete.
to understand the moon you have to understand why objects get progressively bigger as you go outwards from the sun. multi moon planets act the same closer moons to parent are smaller....
The aether doesn't move, light is just a wave form propagated along the aether linearly. A nonlinear wave propagation can be everywhere or anywhere in the aether all at once. And depending on harmonics it can vary in percieved proprgation rates (instantaneous similar to what the mainstream calls quantum teleportation, or at various speeds less than the relative linear wave speed limit to many times more than the relative linear wave speed limit).
yes thats what I said
yes and Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, so what comes first?
>but I don't see any evidence Earth orbited Saturn.
there is actually a mountain of evidence for this
>NASA claims the moon hit earth very very long ago and that's how it was formed.
bunch of made up jewish bullshit.
>There was no capture event.
yes there was as I already explained.
you're looking at inside of a giant tree
Post proof of Earth orbiting Saturn.
light comes first. you know why. light doesnt need a ground to manifest, just a medium.
if said aether is incapable of moving how does it wave. because you know waves in the ocean is water waving. there is such things as a wave. its always a wave of something.
>the Black Sun actually refers to Saturn
Not sure where that came from clearly the circumscribed star hieroglyph means monde interior, french for interior earth, and soleil nocturne or thr nocturnal sun

Not sure on the bird yet, maybe "great"
>light doesnt need a ground to manifest, just a medium.
this makes no sense. if light is a medium then what agitates medium to produce light? light travels thru medium. but really light is just compressed water
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also hydrogen isnt the basic element imo
>light doesnt need a ground to manifest
show us a light that dosnt come from energetic matter.
or its the black hole Polaris, the x ray jet of which is presently visible.
define energetic
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>why objects get progressively bigger as you go outwards from the sun.
Mars is further away and smaller than Earth.
Jupiter is the biggest object and its closer to the Sun than Saturn which is far out.
Same for Uranus and Neptune, Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and bigger than Neptune.

oh boy where do I start, quick rundown:
>literally all ancient cultures and religions have Saturn as their Chief Deity and all of them tell the same story how Saturn was the only thing in the Sky at the beginning
>Tropical Rainforests on North and South Pole (only possible if Earth is inside the Plasma Sheat of Saturn)
>Corals in Polar Waters (they normally dont grow there also only possible if Earth is inside the Plasma Sheat of Saturn)
>light comes first
its created in a Z Pinch tho, before the Currents short circuit and before they create a Magnetic field you wouldnt see shit.
The detection of scalar and non-linear "wave" propagations heavily imply extra dimensionality. You're right that it's hard to call something a wave when it has perceived infinite amplitude (which scalar propagation can have when it propagates everywhere instantly). However, scalar propagation can also occur at measurable amplitudes (such as sound waves, light, and electricity) when in slower harmonics. So it is reasonable to still call it an energy wave phenomena, the great mystery is how to precisely measure or describe a possible extra dimensional source or asymmetric wave or propagation phenomena that seems to explain how scalar waves do what they do. Hence where it delves into extra dimensional physics, and a possible explanation is that our reality is just one harmonic of a universal phenomena that has many other iterations.
Jeets did it
That'd make a pretty based fort. Just needs torches or lanterns on the sides of the entrance
kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, gravitational energy, radiant energy, mechanical energy, sound energy, elastic potential energy, light energy (solar energy), rotational energy, magnetic energy, electric potential energy, surface energy and binding energy increasing.
define medium (and if you answer skips leptonic neutrinos { >>475822028 dat e-0} you must go back)
zeus's thunderbolt
ops pic is petrified wood not man made blocks... but yes it would make a most cozy fortification.
They flooded the labrinyth on purpose.
what we call dirt/ground is actually disintegrated living organisms
did you take the system like rings and moons into account? irc mars system is bigger than earth system and the rings go bigger too.mi might be wrong in this just thought it a good analog
well, yes you could actually say its a zpinch and you would be correct just like saying a mercedes and a audi are cars, but they aint the same are they.
ever thought about that extradimensionality being simply what electricians call ground?
>Shoddy craftsmanship that's endured thousands of years, it's going to be forgotten in two more weeks.
>You'll see
you listed energetic phenomena didnt define energetic. medium is defined asthe aether sorry if you couldnt follow
yes, there is not a particle of this world that was once not of a body.

Imagine wasting ones life jerking to sissyhypno when there is am entire landmass to be explored thats likely free of the usurers
Yeah exactly.
Some layperson looking at thing and saying "this looks like X" is the most retarded shit ever.
I know /pol/ is full of retards and because they're not experts in anything and want to think they're smart and offer their opinions uninvited about shit they understand nothing about, that they spam the
>trust the experts
as if its something bad, because they dont want their own shit opinion based on having 50iq be dismissed.
In fact most people that hate experts are usually brown, because browns are the combination of not being experts in anything and having the hubris that they think they are
You could think of the theoretical zero point or void state as a ground in a sense. But it doesn't take into account that we know that we aren't seeing everything going on because stuff happens that cannot be obviously explained (or given a cause-effect relationship label). We are not seeing or measuring all that is there. Scalar phenomena is an indirect measurement, sort of when the wind blows something over you can see it being blown over but you can't see the wind (so you know there is a cause but you can only imply it or measure it from its effects). And the theory of extra dimensionality isn't what a lot of sci-fi portrays, the extra dimensions can exist right here and now everywhere with us and we are just only harmonically tuned into one small part of it.
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>rolls eyes
you named a medium you didnt define wave propagation, but eh, if you wanna be facetious, anything with the ability to do work, in this case, tell us where light comes from if not matter doing work? simple enough for you or you gonna dodge the question a 3rd time captain light manifests from nothing?
Tropical rainforests currently exist there and thrive fine.
Coral in polar water can indicate temporary pole flips which revert, which explains the layering of trees and ice at Antarctica.
christfag kikecocksuckers think the world was created some 2000 years ago, so you are wrong
>ability to do work
descriptions are not explanations leaf
i dont subscribe to multidimensional theory. you only need two for it to work, thomtjats already multiple inma sense yes.
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which sphinx?
the one in asia, africa or antarctica (winged sphinx)? (those are the only big ones i know of)
and it's not under the sphinx as in beneath the structure, it's "under the sphinx" as in "that which is within it's domain"

since sphinxes tend to be guardians of temples, it would be foolish to pursue further investigations in the secular world rather through religious texts/understanding.

1 winged sphinx (antarctica)
1 normal sphinx (asia) *maybe two or three depending how you read it)
and one sphinx statue (africa/egypt)

the sphinx statue is a marker seen from the land, while the other two are markers seen from the sky (really high up)

the sphinx statue points to the middle east/israel, while the three pyramids (orions belt) are confirmed by the temple of anubis (sirius consilation)

>tree of knowledge of good and evil
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also, your literacy is poor, i didnt list them, i described energetic phenomena as anything on the list increasing, that last word you overlooked changes the meaning ;(
Energy is just perceived movement (or perceived movement potential) in a sense, frequency/amplitude is the perceived rate of perceived movement, and vibration is actually redundant since it's just perceived energy in perceived movement at a perceived rate of movement or potential. In a closed system everything can move except for the closed system itself (the aether so to speak), however if our closed system is one harmonic among many closed systems that can or cannot be normally perceived or that you can/cannot move to under special circumstances, then the macrosystem could still be under movement (exchange) even while appearing stationary, and yet higher the macrosystem must be either infinitely in movement in finite space or infinitely still in infinite space but with infinite inner movement. Basically a wave in a box has perceived movement but to a viewer outside the box the box is not moving.
right? we dont know why your a faggot but here you are, tripling down on your light manifests from nothing nonsense.
Interesting, more?
Another aspect of dimensional theory is that it could simply just be harmonic points of a universal frequency or dimension. That is all perceived "separate" dimensions (harmonics) are actually just stability points of the same universe. Like an onion has many many layers and you could perceive many layers on the onion, but at its gestalt it's all just the one onion. This would still be dimensional theory in a sense, just with incorrect terminology, as what we perceive as dimension might actually just be stability points within one gestalt.
sure, because building giant fucking pile of rocks to create a smelter is the most obvious and effective way to do it.
just look at modern iron ore refineries, they look exactly the same.
see leaf this is a smart man while you think you are smart, but are not.>>475823461
if you hit puberty at 25 and live too 200 youd be a giant too, epigenetic stresses are at an all time high
>did you take the system like rings and moons into account?
why would it only hold true on the micro and not the macro?
nope, not how it works, bones close after puberty is over pretty much.
not a single picture exists. i guess it's a some kind of phenomenon when as soon as people find giant bones they completely forget photography was invented 200 years ago.
What I dont get is why are the flats of the nobs always on the underside?
>Alberta-Saskatchewan walls and paths
Wut. Tell me more
Aristotle was good at not believing in things, the best trick for it is logic

Logic can make you not believe anything
because they're just few rocks that were found and put up for tourists, they're not part of anything, just standing in the middle of nowhere.
picture below is just few rocks that were found and put up for tourists, they're not part of any structure, just standing in the middle of nowhere.
>Tropical rainforests currently exist there and thrive fine.
there is currently rainforests on the Northpole and in Antarctica?
what are you smoking bro?
>temporary pole flips which revert
the evidence for this doesnt exist because then we would see the leftovers of the previous ice poles but they arent there.
context is hard. light comes first remember, not motion or things to move.
but hats off to you sir, clearly the container is the medium of propagation inside said container /boggle
ill try and use his words... make this nice and simple. theres a box with a wave inside it, when and where dose light come from?
>to create a smelter
its not a "smelter", learn to read.
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>This is an obvious castle
then its a shitty one
because its whole should be made out of the whole to be truthful i dont really know if its orbit size mass size or not actually the objects but distance from the anode. my bad for the bad analog
im missing the disagreement? prior to puberty you grow, later puberty ends, the more you grow. this is the case now, tall men pubate late.
uhm, no, aristotle and his idea about gravity was wrong for 2000 years
in this the overall charge density of the birkeland circuit would be most relevant to orbital distances.
Cypress hills and other nearby areas. There is unusual geography; disorganized and semi-organized rock walls (that do not appear to be glacial erratics), pavements (with smaller blocks under them similar to bimini road), and concrete like limestone substrate in the hills themselves. There are some others as well I've seen and forget the name of now but I've heard and seen them discussed on Crypto Alchemist's youtube channel before. One of the other areas was some badland area of Alberta I believe.
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What if the power of 369 is insight from 369 of his college physics textbook?

ok, where is the fucking smelter then? if you know anything about metallurgy it'd have to be way bogger than this pile of rocks in the desert supposedly somehow used for imaginary refinery.
also where is all fucking metals they produced and what they used them for? the only iron artifacts found in egypt are made of meteors
The internet is way worse than it used to be. There was a lot more knowledge twn years ago believe it or not. A lot of it has been wiped. Gors for more normal history too. Tons and tons of 20th century random content just gets shredded snd deleted by ZOG. Even random grandpa videos people post t up on youtube. They dont want you see how white things were
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>where is the fucking smelter then?
in the workshops around it.
>somehow used for imaginary refinery
The Pyramid is not a "refinery", it produces the chemicals that are needed for refining metals. are you illiterate or something?
>also where is all fucking metals they produced
melted down
>and what they used them for?
for the same things that we use them today.
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>blocks your path
being smart doesnt equal being right you muppet
Check out the Pueblo canyon ruins in the Sierra Ancha of Arizona. I've personally been and while the block work and structures themselves are not that impressive, the location is absolutely insane and would've required an insane amount of work. It's like the dale of Imladris of America. There's also something like 40 other ruins in the same mountain range.

Also for anyone else interested check out the 1600-1900s accounts of countless mounds across all of north America (many of them later got wiped out by urban and agricultural development).
either this is made of plaster and straw or you can add it to the list.
your still on light comes first linear causality germ
m0ar american ruins
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i've been to these ones in Colorado. Mesa Verde National Park. would recommend. hope you aren't scared of heights.
Small flat rocks stacked together with and sometimes without mortar and some wood beaming for roofs and second and third stories.
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iron core stacked with 10 layers of red brick and hardens per unit time mortar, slathered in acid resistant porcelain plaster. built to endure millennium. the temporary narrative only exists because the documented budget spent to clean the grounds could not account for a single brick and iron structure onsite.
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and it took them longer to jack hammer the plaster off this one then it did to clean the grounds
Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot. Go to facebook theres 10000 ai generated tartaria groups for you to argue with fellow npcs because you think youtube videos are research intohistory
I've been to Mesa Verde to as well as Chaco, both amazing places to. Chaco is very interesting because it has macro constructs that are only noticed from the air and it has a similar layout to works in the British isles. Verde would've housed a lot of people. Pueblo canyon gets pretty crazy, they built it on a ledge of a 1,000 ft deep cliff. Desert drifter has a good vid on it but he took an unconventional way in and literally rappelled into the canyon from the waterfall after climbing the scree fields to get to the top of the canyon. He also labeled it with obvious click bait and doesn't say the actual location, I can tell you because I've been there, it's the pueblo canyon ruins. I can't speculate on their actual age though.

why you coming into an i dont have a job hours pol thread to preach your cartoon bullshit history is more entertaining
i've watched that video already lol. algorithm provided it to me.
>The Great Pyramid was powered by Lightning.
Weren't they capped with gold?
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America = Atlantis
Phoenician gods = Atlantean kings
that was for you!
but heres a fun one, whats more tempory, the 2 inch red bricks in the museum of science and industry, or the 1 in mud bricks in the vatican? and the plaster on saint peters is so watered down its basically paint.
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>Weren't they capped with gold?
actually the Great Pyramid had no cap at all and had a flat top made from an artificial rock known as blue sandstone. if you hit this rock with your finger it sounds like a tuning fork.
one piece of that material is still on top of the Great Pyramid.
>This is an obvious castle
where is the bathroom?
That's a basalt formation. Common and well established geology.
shut the fuck up retard there are numerous papyrus scrolls detailing the pyramids
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here is a pic of another such stone
I know better
So how high, exactly, where you when you found it?
Christkikes, kikes and mudslimes will destroy and hide them all.
I hate Zahi Hawass so fucking much
Hey op
Wanna ty for sharing this
I have insomnia and am always looking for intriguing stuff like this
Enjoy weekend buddy
Yeah the giants lived there that the Smithsonian institute collected up and disappeared from public so the citizens of America don't freak out and stay on point.

Lol catch up bros, there was even a ancient aliens episode about all this.
Unrelated but a separate but similar stone is the Hattusa green stone ("wishing stone"). All stones man made and natural have unique resonant properties. Another interesting this is the electrical and resonant properties the Platinum group metals (+ Cu, Ag, Au), as well as the implications they can have in bonds with human, animal and plant biology (they amplify or increase the bioelectric field potential in DNA 10-1,000,000 times that of iron).
The 3 great pyramids are just 1 of the wonder, the other is hidden and most likely rotten away at this point because mudslimes want some dam build or something like that.
Remind you that overtime under water even granite can rot away, so not to mention all the rest. And it has being what? 60 years flooded?
>Tell me you're an uneducated retard without telling me you're an uneducated retard
The amount of ignorance to natural processes (and the ways to utilise them) is staggering.
The guy who coined the phrase "touch grass" wasn't wrong but thoroughly underestimated the depth of the issues these reality-detached morons have.
It absolutely boggles my mind that people ignore the Minoans completely. "Sea people" -- imagine being so domesticated that you exclusively relate to euphemism and obfuscation.
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projecting the academia sloppy too much?
You are an obvious retard with little knowledge of geography, less knowledge of Ontario slate, even less knowledge of the Canadian Shield, plate tectonics, and glacial scarring. Go back to India
read the pic name, just for you faggot
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>The flood didn't happen you guys!
Is not only abrahamic sub-humans that believe in the flood.
Is a myth share worldwide, you dimwits
You know better than the people who actually built the pyramids?
Are you also more informed about the inner workings of your phone than the people who designed it? Do you also know more about the universe than God Himself?
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Compelling argument but you are not German.
on the pyramid they used it to attract Lightning and from there it disperses through the Pyramid Limestone Body and concentrates in the Red Granite Reaction Chambers where it creates Ultrasound.
truly a Big Brain way of doing Chemistry on that scale.
There is a shitload of Pyramids all over the World, they all have the same usecase tho.
same goes for these "Mounds" (Silbury Hill, Avebury Hill etc.) in the UK.
>You know better than the people who actually built the pyramids?
they didnt build them, no records exist from the actual builders of the Pyramids.
Do you know who build the pyramids?
Can you point a reference where this is confirmed?
Probably not, because you only know what you learn on school for it, can you keep your brainwash program to the side before posting?
In resume, they only have one random ancient egypts hierogryphs depicting their attempt to RENOVATE one pyramid.
They don't have a archive describing the construction step by step, all the details, the date, people involve, nothing.
Only one Pharaoh sending him people to do a renovation, romans did that too.
Even today they do it in some capacity, same for inscribes, there's writing from who know how many languages on top of the pyramids expose blocks.
But the Ancient Egyptians couldn't possible do it on your head despite even the archekikes admitting that there was pharaohs that did exactly that, put their seal graffiti on top of any per-existent building or even artifact.
The Aswan quarry that is claimed to be the source of sandstone has literal fucking cave paintings on cut surfaces.
Dynastic Egypt was a cargo cult technologically incapable of most of the works that survived time and the muslims.
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Board is full of NPCs and christkikes, anon.
They max bump threads with mentions of their Golem OS code, but the true?
They don't care about that, much like commies they don't care about anything, mindless drones following their brainwash.

For me the most authentic evidence is the vases.
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Cahokia. Mound builders are the Atlanteans.
and that "Blue Sandstone" is fully artificially made and machined with high precision tools.
Speaking of, their Precision Tools are probably the biggest Mystery so far, the tolerances and precision in some of the Granite and Diorite Pieces is next level type of shit where you need 5 axis mills controlled by a Computer to replicate it and even then it would be very difficult and very expensive to make.
The people who build something like this probably didnt write their shit down on regular Papyrus, its like saying someone build a high precision piece but wrote down how he did it by painting with his fingers.
yea basically this.
these vases are mindboggling.
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Same dudes that made the Mounds in the UK.
also made for the production of chemical products.
I get nothing on google for this image or title. What is it?
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Source for image?
Looks like Peru or Bolivia, more likely Peru. Could be a nearby site of Sacsayhuaman or maybe even an entirely different one, as there are dozens in Peru and Bolivia. Nvm, I think it'ss Ollantaytambo, also of Peru.
Beat me to it lol. I have too much information in my mind as well. Piecing it together is the real trick.
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Bronze age river boats in Egypt had something along the lines of a 6-7 ton capacity. That is 2 - 3 blocks of sandstone for the pyramids tops.
If they had the capacity to cut and load ten 2.5 ton blocks a day that quarry would have taken more than 600 years to make those deliveries and that assumes that the seasonal harbour was useable all year round and for just one pyramid.
They didn't even have the wheel yet.

You dont need to even point to the vases or boxes or 1000+ ton monolithic statues to assert that there is no way bronze age Egypt was capable of building anything other than the mud brick pyramids.
To this day Egyptologists make wild claims about impossible grave cites but almost all their mummified proof contain traces of Heroin which wasn't even invented until the late 19th century.
Blue sandstone?
Is that the same mixture people sell on etsy as jewellery?
It looks nothing like >>475828088 check btw.

Anyone want to climb the pyramids and chip a piece for he lab?
>ancient civilizations n sheeeit
>They must of been pure and original humans
So why are they now extinct ? It sounds retarded to me, to continue acknowledging these people for not existing anymore.
Whatever happened to them is not guaranteed to never happen to us. And a lot of ancient civilizations got wiped out abruptly in cataclysmic like events (mega floods, mega fires, "melting" events not associated with normal fire ie melts granite etc).
cant find the Link rn but I know it was in one of the UnchartedX videos where they scanned the Vase together with Christopher Dunn.
based and Ollantaytambo pilled
>Is that the same mixture people sell on etsy as jewellery?
>it's said
Nuff said, it's probably true.
But is that not the point ? How can man say he has conquered morality if he cannot even confront extinction ?
Correct. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ollantaytambo_Monolithen.jpg
The next Cataclysm is coming with the next Micronova, projected to happen by around 2046.

This Micronova is also not like past Events which were mostly caused by the Saturn Capture event and things happened like Earth losing its Tidal Lock with Saturn and then getting sucked into the Sol System.
The Earth capturing the Moon and the other Planets settling into their current positions.
That's more a philosophical debate on existentialism. IMO if people felt that civilization was not worth it, it would not have popped up everywhere all over the world at various times. Some civilizations surely would have been better to live in for the average person than even ours today by many standards, others much worse. I think that by acknowledging the fact that we know very little of our real history, our real past (such that what remains is maybe only 5% of what once was), that by looking into these ancient civilizations we are actually doing exactly what you said (confronting our own existentialism, morality, and self image issues). I think it's also very possible that there have been outside hands so to speak acting in our ancient past, and that maybe some of these civilizations were not of conventional human origin as we might think. But the evidence for these opinions of mine is only circumstantial and thus largely speculative.
Has anyone so far tried to analyze what it is made up of?
Blue sandstone sounds like a load of bullshit (probably why its sold on etsy) and that looks like some kind of Granit.

If we got someone to take a sample they would need to pass it off to a drone to prevent seizure by the police.
That is... a pretty good perspective. Agreed
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Bump for interest.
Yes, those are the city wall ruins of what used to be Ugwedi-Bimpopo, once a magnificent, prosperous city that at the height of its development around 4500BC used to be a significant trading hub and population center within the American province of the second Wakandan empire. Most notably, the great Wakandan emperor Watermelondreeus Biggums the 3rd, who would later go on and construct the pyramids in what is today Egypt, hailed from this city and is still to this day remembered, revered and venerated by small pockets of Black African Americans who are still aware of and are still in touch with the true history of the American continent that the Jews have scrubbed from history books.

Do not allow ill-intentioned revisionist Jewish historians to erase your heritage, anons.
Renita Ceri Evans
Based Ganymede knower anon
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>Has anyone so far tried to analyze what it is made up of?
actually yes.
The isida project did.
Aka pixels
Moon is plasma negative of the black sun and also a map of the earth
No, America was originally called Eden. You can find references to it in the bible in Job. Atlantis was truly an Island of Technology that did float in the Atlantic ocean. That is why the Atlantic ocean is named Atlantic. Atlantis did sink when Celion sank, the two were connected together through the central core of the planet. Atlantis sank the same day that Mars got it's scar, the scar on mars is the exact same energy as what was depicted on the movie "The Fifth Element" The final scene when Lilo had the energy beam shoot out of her was what happened at Atlantis. That energy beam hit Mars and then bounced off and hit the sun.

When I was in the CIA I was made by force to remote view all of that. I am the remote viewer that was used to write the "Adam and Eve Story". https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf
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if we zoom really far in all we see is oscillating fields and if you zoom really far out we also only see oscillating fields.
Planets are fake n gay, just lights in the firmamanet
No... The moon is an Egg that houses a godslayer. The godslayer has been used several times before to keep the colossus from coming back to life. Galan the Galactus Colossus is a danger to our existence and if he wakes up, the godslayer is permitted to come out of the moon with his armies of Ayyyys and Greys.

That shit has been under water for millions of years. Frozen and heated. Rained on. Wind blown on it. Gone true earth quakes and much more.

Its pretty fancy what nature does even to stones in the long run.
Idiocracy in progress in real time.
I already wait for the giant skeleton pics.
It's all electric but manifest as pixels
We are living in a construct inside a terrarium and its digital despite being "real" and sentient
I call our world a forge (and testing) of souls
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Polymictic, as in metamict, as im doping piezoelectric crystals with radioactive materials to change their properties, like how herman plauson used radium to increase the current pulled from his atmospheric energy collectors

Ground into their geopoly

This civ was way more advanced than us
>in the workshops around it.
so advanced civilization built pyramids for whatever but left it to workshops around to actually make metals? sure
>melted down
yeah, just like your brain trying to find an answer
>for the same things that we use them today.
where all those thing they made with metal they refined and smelted? I only see rocks.
Stfu dumb nigger you're not funny nor clever
One could say this fake reality construct is kind of like a giant electric circuit, energy originates from the generating sun (positive pole, male active generative principle), goes through and is modulated by the goyim and other life forms within the fake reality construct, and ends back up at the moon (negative pole, female passive consuming principle) which then possibly passes it back to the moon in the negative, mirrored or unseen aspect of the construct, and thus the energy cycle is completed.
true dat
>so advanced civilization built pyramids for whatever
for the Production of Chemical Products as I have already explained multiple times.
>to actually make metals?
not to make them, to work with them.
yes everything metal gets eventually melted down.
thats how it works over thousands of years.
>where all those thing
again, are you illiterate or just pretending to be stupid?
here let me repeat it again: its all melted down or rusted away or locked up in jewish museums underground.
Could well be
Its a genius system worthy of a God
Also the entire thing is shaped as a giant calendar/clock. Its got a higher function than generating energy
Its a system for solving moral and metaphysical dilemmas, a marvelous creation (system)
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>energy originates from the generating sun
the Sun doesnt generate any Energy, like everything else in the Universe it is powered from Outside through the Galactic Circuit.
Could just be a hill fort
Why aren’t the ceilings vaulted to bare such enourmous weight? Why haven’t some of the lintel stones collapsed over thousands of years?
What's the galactic circuit and what's powering it?
study geology kid
>the Sun doesnt generate any Energy, like everything else in the Universe it is powered from Outside through the Galactic Circuit.
you still have to explain why the current ended up in that particular location and why there is mass at that location
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its not tho, they used the chalk to create an exothermic reaction to produce clouds, which then produced Lightning and was striking at other nearby Sites to create Chemical Products.
Its basically a more primitive version of the Pyramids in Giza.
same principles, same usecase.
So it is a granite.
>This civ was way more advanced than us
I would be hesitant to call modern society a civilization at all anymore.
Neandertal berry pickers with their resin glued stone axes had a more sophisticated understanding of chemistry than most people do today.
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>What's the galactic circuit
>and what's powering it?
something outside of the universe, how that shit works is everyones guess.
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This isn't megalithic building style though? Yeah, we have mounds in NA. So what? How devolved was ancient builder race to just be making mounds. Not sure that they were the same people responsible for megaliths in SA.
Imagine being close minded about some fucking rock buildings.

I bet your 10x vaxxed.
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>why the current ended up in that particular location
through Birkeland Currents, these are massive Electric Currents, when they cross over and create a magnetic field they eventually "short circuit" and then they create a Z Pinch and this Z Pinch is where the Star forms.
everything is aligned, everything is connected.
>some rocks stacked

Are you okay?
>So it is a granite.
its an artificially made rock with very interesting properties.
when you touch it, it really sounds like a tuning fork. its a very strange material and not something that appears normally in nature.
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me too satan, me too
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>I would be hesitant to call modern society a civilization at all anymore
Indeed it is certianly in mot a very civil state
>born to late to explore the new world
>born to early to expore the stars
>but born just in time to explore inner earth
1st vid is insane. Who tf was that built for
On earth it would be electricity, but electricity don't come from "everything" and need to be contained to have it's energy directed to a source, like water. So in a galactic perspective, something giving power out of nothing is a fantasy in my mind. If the entire known universe was a body, which is not, every cell of that everything should have an internal source of power until it's depletion, more or less like a match use the phosphoric source and wood to burn until there is nothing left. So yes I think the sun have it's own power source.
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>The Sage wall in Montana
I've literally never heard of this. The number of these structures literally all over the planet is truly astounding. Even in places where nothing should be. Kikes really do want to nuke all knowledge of any time before them.
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probably same dudes who made the Pyramids, the work seems similar in its quality.
Also the internal structure reminds us again of an Industrial usecase and possibly some sort of reaction chambers.

>On earth it would be electricity
Literally everything inside the Universe is made out of Electric Forces, every cell in your body is only held together by electric forces.
>something giving power out of nothing
who said its nothing? its just outside of the universe, another dimension if you want.
>every cell of that everything should have an internal source of power
every cell in your body is powered by an outside Source, you have to Eat. remember that?
>until it's depletion
there is no such thing in the Universe, the Universe has no beginning and no End.
FYI thats what the jewish "Big bang" theory is trying to cover up.
>the sun have it's own power source.
it doesnt and every experiment to actually prove this has so far failed.
its literally a really old tree, nigga
You forgot all the meteorites that have left pock marks all over north America. Quebec has a few that are fucking massive. also earthquakes and valcanos that happen every 100-200 years that are nasty 9's. Oh also all the forest fires.

There is a reason why natives in the north are so much dumber compared to the south. Living here was not kind.
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A hobbit house brute forces a high insulation value with multiple feet of soil.
It may seem primitive but simple solutions solve complex problems.
Those mounds used to have at least a metre of soil less on them.
Many sites like in SA had to be literally unearthed.
Even some Roman sites used to look like nothing out of the ordinary before their digs.
>its an artificially made rock
Strongly suggested by the polymictic grain.
>very interesting properties.
when you touch it, it really sounds like a tuning fork
Is there a recording on the sound
Lets go!
People are so fucking stupid when it comes to OOPs. Especially if something is made of iron, that's literally just the iron tool dissolving forming a giant rust concretion. The coal is dated correctly, the iron isn't.
They're not going to survive. What they fail to grasp is that gods return periodically to judge this world and the CIA will be the FIRST bastards on the cross. They can study whatever the fuck they want.
>there is no such thing in the Universe, the Universe has no beginning and no End.
Based on what? If there is no beginning in the first place, there is no end.
>there is no such thing in the Universe, the Universe has no beginning and no End.
FYI thats what the jewish "Big bang" theory is trying to cover up.
I'm not into the big bang theory myself, but the idea things get there out of nothing and there is no empty space because everything must go on without an end is simply not things are here or in space. As above, so below as they say.
Here comes the academic kike trying to smear the research for the past
How about literally off yourself right?
>muh sattelite internal color images
>it's le real!
No, it was not, also that doesn't explain the stones mine 500 km away in the desert direction
Also doesn't dismiss any claims, you have no sensible theory for how it was build, how was transported, mine, etc.
You only have what if's
>the pic
and you expose yourself as a shitskin/kike
>They are the Anti Christ which was to come leading Men from Fear of God.
>Knowing how that God observeth privilly them that sit in Darkness they shall be smitten and the Secrets of their Hearts layed bare. Mingle not among this corrupt People lest you be found so at the World's Conflagration.
>...1698 by a Presbyterian minister who was named Winter...
Masons and Jesuits have seethed at Jesus for 2,000 years and it isn't ending any time soon.
>Having thought it needful to warn you of the Mischiefs and Evils practiced in the Sight of God by those called Freed Masons, I say take Care lest their Ceremonies and secret Swearings take hold of you; and be wary that none cause you to err from Godliness. For this devilish Sect of Men are Meeters in secret which swear against all without ther Following. They are the Anti Christ which was to come leading Men from Fear of God. For how should Men meet in secret Places and with secret Signs taking Care that none observed them to do the Work of GOD; are not these the Ways of Evil-doers?
Vain oaths are a sin btw. There are no Christians who swear an oath to the Freed Masons or Catholic church.
>trying to smear the research for the past
of the past and egyptology is not research but a grift
>How about literally off yourself right?
Hard pass nigger.
>muh sattelite internal color images
>it's le real!
>No, it was not
What is not real, dumbass?
Are you confusing the voices in your head with what other people are saying?
>Also doesn't dismiss any claims
Nigger stfu I will dismiss ridiculous claims as I see fit.
>you have no sensible theory for how it was build
Built and sure I do.
>You only have what if's
What if you fucked off back to plebbit?
>and you expose yourself as a shitskin/kike
Keep grasping, jude.
>That one canadian mossad base just FILLING the thread with CIA bullshit
This is how you know kikes don't want you researching this shit.
Buddy, you're in for a rude fucking awakening. All who worship the demon of the jew will be punished with fire.
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Agreed. Hollow earth, tartaria, flat earth, etc are all psyops to discredit legitimate investigation of unexplainable ancient relics on earth. It's all so tiresome.
>they had lots of free time to build
>it's a temple
>ropes and pulleys but no wheel

It's pretty insulting.
If Jesus is a tool of the Jews why do Jews, Masons, and Jesuits hate Christians so much?
What is cracking and erosion.
If an advanced civilization builds something they create offsets to get more stability.
This looks like cracks that then let water in and eroded, thus creating a roundness that makes it seem as if created artificially.
The most damning evidence is we JUST KEEP FUCKING FINDING THESE THINGS all over the planet. And for some reason they all use the same very specific, frankly weird architectural methods. Like carving a single rock with an internal 90 degree angle to serve as a corner piece, which literally nobody does, or the weird nub thing which nobody can satisfactorily explain or fitting random stones together perfectly or using bronze clamps to hold stones together. We don't do ANY of these things today, yet all of these same specific techniques were used by everyone on Earth thousands of years ago? Across oceans which they supposedly "couldn't cross"? Nah, all ancient "historians" are fucking lying and egyptologists are legendary for it.
Jews hate everyone, including themselves. A better question is is there even one example of a non-christian society being taken over by kikes? Just one. Name one.

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