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I am not an insider. I am just another anon that has paid attention, noticed and conected the dots. This is where we stand:

There is a war, an occult war. Do you not see it all around you? The globohomo cabal do believe in occult forces, and do perform occult rituals for power. They sacrifice children with abortion, trannysm, human trafficking, pedophilia, manmade diseases, pharmaceutical poisons, contrived wars. They mock everything wholesome and good.

Moreover, the occult forces they worship are indeed real. All significant religions talk about the war in heaven. Angels vs Demons. Devas vs Asuras. Aesir vs Vanir. Olympians vs Titans, etc. HP Lovecraft talked about the Old Ones and the cults that want to summon them. They come from the 'stars', whatever that really means. Non-human entities.

You might have heard about UFOs. Their technology is "spiritual", in many ways we cannot fully understand. Psychic phenomena is real. Magic if you will. Many groups have tried to suppress this information for centuries. All the forefathers of space travel believed in it: Russian Cosmists, Jack Parsons, the Nazis. Isaac Newton was more interested in the Bible than he was in Calculus.
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That is why they perform mass rituals like the Olympic ceremony. That is why they hate 4chan. Meme Magic is real. We have the collective power of meme magic which can be used to counter them. They try to demoralize us because that defuses us and gives them power instead.

The reason there has not been disclosure of UFOs is because it is related to this occult war, which has been going on since the dawn of man. And as the stories tell, man has almost been annihilated at least once. The cults try to gaslight us about the remnants of the lost civilization(s).

This proxy occult war is once again coming to a head, as you have seen everything go off the rails for years. We are accelerating to a point where this will all come out. Disclosure. The Great Awakening. The Apocalypse. I don't know if that is months, or years, but it sure feels like it is approaching soon. Do not lose hope in the face of evil. They fight us because we are a threat to them. Believe that we can win. Believe in me that believes in you, anon.

> take your meds schizo
What does your heart tell you anon? Trust your intuition.
I feed the egregore and it feeds me.
Yall are fucked.
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You will not prevail
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>The reason there has not been disclosure of UFOs is
People at the bottom believe reality runs on a dedicated server. People in power know it's a peer-to-peer network.
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>Disclosure...sure feels like it is approaching soon.
Nah. The ride never ends. Like >>475803280 said, the truth is a lot less exciting and people in power disagree a lot more than you think. There's no single big reveal that's going to change your boring-ass life.
>What does your heart tell you anon? Trust your intuition.
My intuition says that even if there were a "great awakening" or whatever, you would still be just as dissatisfied with your life as you are right now.
Yes and as long as people at the bottom don't realize the truth, the enemy can hold all the power.

And what are you going to do? Be demoralized forever? Give up? Own nothing and eat bugs?
Why is it only whites that are into Satanism and abrahamic nonsense? I don't see satanic gooks or jeets. It's only crazy white boys into this occult mania. I'm convinced whites are the crazy ones.
Jeets worship demons you dumbass
Why do you assume I'm demoralized? I'm doing alright and I have plans to continue doing alright.
My life did kinda used to suck, so I put in gradual effort over a long time, and things got gradually better.
I didn't need wait for some external big event to make me feel like everything changed.
So you forgot about the cult of "goddesses" that was running Korea? Do you see how demoralized is Korea? Suicides everywhere?

Pajeetland was obliterated long ago. Their rulers are now trying to destroy the rest.
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I never said anyone needed a big event to not be le sad, it's great you have found some stability for yourself.

I said the big event is indeed coming whether you are ready or not. And of course I'd rather people be ready and help each other.
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yes anon, you're 100% correct. we are in a spiritual war, one that we, as a species, can and will lose if we continue down this path.

the occult (meaning hidden) consists of the major and minor arcanas. the major arcana (meaning knowledge) corresponds to the physical world, and the unseen laws which are known as natural law. these are god's laws, and they govern human behaviour and morality. Natural law is probably the most hidden knowledge that is contained within the occult. an example of a natural law is gravity, even if we do not believe in gravity, no matter what, as soon as you step off a building you're going to plummet to the ground.

the minor or lesser arcana is not lesser or of less value. it corresponds to the knowledge of the inner world, the human psyche. the dark occultists who are running things use this knowledge to their benefit. they know how our minds work, and they know what buttons, levers and strings to pull or press to get us to do what they want. in other words, they employ MIND CONTROL.

only by piercing the veil, getting through all the exoteric religions and getting to the esoteric can we find truth. and that truth is, put simply, we as a species need to learn right from wrong, we need to live in accordance with natural law (do no harm, cause no foul, cause no loss), and when we do that, as a species, in the aggregate, we create true freedom. but freedom can only be found using knowledge, and knowledge requires work.

do not take that to be hippy shit, because I fully advocate everyone be heavily armed. our natural law rights are apophatic (look that up) to the natural law wrongs which can be explained as harm to another being or their rightfully owned property.

in a time of universal deceit, truth becomes war. our anger must be righteous. take up the banner of truth, and become her warriors. the altar of freedom must be tended to, or we shall be slaves forever.
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>thats why they hate 4chan
Dumbass, this is literally the actual globohomo nigger central that was supposed to keep you spiritual ones busy focusing on nonsense. Oh and preventing you from finding the true God, the God of Jesus Christ.

Notice all this shilling against jew religions.

Fuck off nigger.
checked. institutions are compartmentalised on purpose. the power structure looks like a pyramid, where the most knowledge and the knowledge of how things fit together is held by a few at the top. the lower levels don't know anything. this is done so a power differential can be created.
You all better pucker up. Shit is proverbially about to hit the fan. Next 8 months 100% chance, within the next 6 months 80% chance.

Don't act immediately either way. Just sit back and watch. You will see who is the real enemy that wants to destroy and enslave mankind.
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4chan is a tool to focus human energy. It can be used for many purposes. They try to astroturf it to demoralize us and to push evil narratives, lead anons astray. But this, and every single other platform, can be used to fight them. They only win if we give up.
Go to /x/ faggot.
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>the truth
>I am the way, the truth and the life.
I wish there was a better place to discuss this stuff. /x/ is a dumpster fire, /pol/ is hit or miss. there's not really anywhere else. but I guess that's the point, isn't it, if it was easy then we wouldn't be here.
all I have are books and myself at this point.
>worshipping the thing that is created by the force we co exist with on a personal level
ngmi larper
>jew religions
You mean Judaism?
Are you talking about the different sects?

Judaism is a dead religion, it has no Messiah, no God and a book full of broken promises. That's why they hate God. They believe that God lied to them and abandoned them. That's why they can't bear to read the Tanakh, because it has the answers they are too hard hearted to see.
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A rare whitepill thread in this cesspool of demoralization.
Keep up the good work anon.
Is that like a Scientology thing where they measure your theta waves or whatever?
if you were a wizard you would have put asura and aesir either both first or both second in your examples. If you were a linguist you would know they share a root word, like deva and devil
bro you got sucked into religion, root word religare which means to tie up/to tie back/to bind back. true esoteric Christianity is hidden far away from us plebs, some of the teachings can be found in the bible, but it has been twisted into something to hold the masses back from truth. you want Jesus? start emulating him, because he is found within. he lived in accordance with natural law, and did not stand for evil. take up the whip of truth and clear the usurers out of the temple!

Christianity came out of the khemetian tradition. that is why there is a holy Trinity, God (Osiris) represents action or the divine masculine, the holy spirit represents care and emotion or the divine feminine (isis), albeit a deadened version, Jesus (Horus) is the divine male child, born of action and care, otherwise known as wisdom or right action. the khemetian traditions came out of shamanism. this is the truth our ancestors tried to convey to us through time! act with love, in accordance with natural law and we will attain heaven. act with love, in accordance with natural law and we will return to the garden of Eden.
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Yes I agree. But you know that is why comped jannies won't allow these threads, they want to keep people focusing on surface shit instead of what is really going on. Thanks for the link anon.
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The apocalyptic dreams of UFOs demolishing major cities that many anons here probably have had, transport yourself to 35,000 BC and witness it happening over and over again throughout history. It happens again and again
Find out where you are in time, find out who are you to be alive today at this specific time. Why are you here? You know why.
You will find out why if you try hard enough
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I pray to God to keep all of us anons safe from these nefarious jewish forces. Even the atheist anons who are otherwise good people. I can feel these occult bastards out there. If you have children, protect them and watch them closely. They love trying to influence children. Why do you think Generation Zoomer is 40% LGBT?
what's the use in the human cattle worrying about things beyond their control?
>you want Jesus? start emulating him
Can you please turn the sun back 10°?
Oh, you can't?
Satanism, Communism, Scientism and Objectivism are all also jewish religions.
Yeah but they aren't being shilled against on /pol/ either.
Actually there's only one religion that is shilled against on /pol/. In fact there are about five threads in the catalog shilling against it right now.

oh i'm aware lol. that's why i
know what = i won

I forgot what fear is = say your evil eye goodbye

We take this eye game seriously = he'll say erase me i say get him

All eyes on me right now = find out he knows a lot

Judas kiss kiss kiss = six six six they lose

Take it back = Happiness

it's a conspiracy = he sleeps with the snake

Snake and tofu = who fucked the kids

Premeditated Murder = Murder mini me damn you

Mini me = Eminem

Bite me Lucy, Listen Closely= Closely listen lucy, me bite = Stab him he sold his silly soul

If you want phonetic reversal schizophrenic divination you've come to the right board
politics is bread and circuses meant to keep us from truth and in slavery. the abolition of slavery is political. the finding out that many political figures are dark occultists is political.

don't get caught up in allegory. when you realise Jesus Christ represents right action or wisdom, that phrase becomes even more powerful. wisdom, right action born from the divine masculine (action) and the divine feminine (care) is the way, the truth, the life.

that's how it always starts my fren. and it only starts because we have care and love.
Sounds about right. The people committing warfare of various forms against the world are all connected to globalists and occult groups. They use media to carry out psyops on the public on a regular basis and to attempt to control the narrative.
They have large networks "behind the scenes" who discuss and manipulate the public behind their backs. They are guilty of numerous crimes and continue their campaign of terror against the people. There is indeed a spiritual war for the hearts and minds of men taking place.
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When you’re feeling lost and alone, know this.
You have been here before, your present life is a result of things you’ve done before, over many successive ages.
Your time alive must be spent with a strong integrity, your integrity is your lantern, your intuition is the oil.
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idk but it is kinda analgous to somethibg that can be experianced
you were given the knowledge of what to do and how to act.
>he lived in accordance with natural law, and did not stand for evil.
but instead you jump straight to something we have no control over and use that to justify not doing the right thing.

you seem like a special kind of stupid.

I denounce the Talmud, do you?
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You are right on both accounts. I was sloppy just wanted to get the word out. But that's why we have supreme gentlemen like yourself here.

I do try, but I need more work. After I saw the Olympic intro earlier today I went out with my dog for a walk in nature and wondered and asked for guidance on what we can do to stop them. I came back home and decided to make this thread. Perhaps the answer will be here.

My 5 year old nephews are a large reason why I keep fighting. To corrupt the innocent is pure evil. How can anyone stand still in the face of such blatant perversity?
they are not connected to occult and globalist groups. THEY ARE DARK OCCULTISTS. everyone at the highest levels of media, government, religions, military, intelligence agencies, corporations. they are all dark occultists. they use hidden knowledge for their Psy ops. They use hidden knowledge to keep us enslaved. we, the people of the planet earth, have a good given right of self defense against any who would be our enemies.

I know. I have been back many times, because I did not know natural law. this will be my last time back, but I'm going to make it count. I'm breaking out of this soul prison.

the answer is natural law my fren. DO NO HARM, CAUSE NO LOSS, DO NO FOUL. our rights, the god given natural law rights are apophatic to the wrongs. that means everything that causes no harm, foul or loss is our right to do. when we use the trivium method of learning, then apply morality and live in accordance with natural law, we create freedom. this is the truth our ancestors took chisel to stone to try to convey to us. this is the truth some of them were persecuted for knowing and teaching. this is the core of the esoteric knowledge that has been occulted. but do not believe me, find it to be true for yourself. blind belief is the path to slavery.
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The enemy is relentless and the battle painful, but we will prevail. Never give up, they cannot extinguish our soul.
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You guys are alright. You’re gonna make it.
I bet you were born to lead some people around you, probably in the near future.
Never forget, if you’ve gotten to this point, you have already developed a powerful internal integrity, and that will shine to others like a beacon of hope.
You already know there’s nothing that can destroy your spirit. It’s a good feel
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their goal is total dominance. they may not be able to extinguish our souls, but they can block out the light of our creator, they can block out knowledge. we cannot afford to be ignorant. information is out there, we are not nescient.
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I am not going to lie, I'm having a hard time lately. I had a lot of spiritual growth a couple years ago, maybe too much fuelled by drugs. I felt like I was making a lot of progress, but then I just fell into a pit. these last couple years have been hard.
I've been fortunate in many ways, but I've lost a lot too. and this world just feels so dark right now, it's hard to find the light.

anyway if anyone else is feeling the struggle you aren't alone. cheers for the genuine thread op
Pic related is about that. Can't recommend enough. Can be a bit too edgy for some.
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Your words truly hit me in the feels. Thank you anons. These are hard times for many. Keep spreading knowledge and whitepills.
Indeed, I like this good bread
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we're all going to make it my fren. for me, it is not the near future, once i found knowledge, I found my duty to spread it and teach others. I am no leader, only a teacher. this is the way of the shaman, the one who can see in the dark. this is the way of the alchemist, who can only show others the way to the philosophers stone.
this is the way of the magician, who says THY WILL BE DONE, not the sorceror who says MY WILL BE DONE. I stand on the shoulders of giants, I stand with my ancestors who tried to show us the way.

I am but one of many, who tend to the altar of truth, who take up the banner of freedom and courage, and wage war against ignorance and slavery. my spirit is ablaze, and it will light many others, as far as it will go. but we must keep in mind we do not do this out of fear, or for monetary or social gain. we do this for humanity, and our evolution. only through imagination can we see a better future, and brother, the future I see is so bright it could be called blinding.

only through suffering can we find truth. I have suffered much as well, all caused by my own actions and ego. whenever we take actions that cause harm to others, the universe acts as a mirror and brings those actions back to us. that is the deterministic part that works in balance with our own free will. until we realize that, we will keep suffering. we must all learn this, and only then can we, in the aggregate, create a better and free world.
Drugs don't even feel that fun anymore. Its just numbness either way. Hopefully the darkness lifts
cannabis, Ayahuasca and mushrooms are true sacraments (meaning sacred mind). they open our minds to the divine realm, they are helper spirits that can be used as a true medicine (meaning that which brings balance to ruin) or in conjunction with meditation to come to understandings. when abused they cause us to get out of balance. only through imagination can we lift the veil, only through knowledge can we pierce the darkness. you aren't finding drugs fun anymore because subconsciously you have realized something is missing from your life, and they may even have helped you come to that understanding.
It's SO simple most miss it.
The eternal fight is between forces of spirituality vs forces of materialism and what each means for the evolution of the human soul.

Neither can be observed through the lens of the other. They are mutually exclusive.

Choose your future earthlings.
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>we must keep in mind we do not do this out of fear, or for monetary or social gain. we do this for humanity, and our evolution. only through imagination can we see a better future, and brother, the future I see is so bright it could be called blinding.
Extremely wise words being displayed on my screen.
It’s like we are talking into a mirror.
What does the rest of the world see in the mirror? Do they see a selfish Jew, or do they see a selfless Christ?
Am I going to do my best? Or am I going to do a lackadaisical job. The West has been lackadaisical in its attitude towards reality, and that is why we find ourselves here today. In fact I’m willing to bet that’s why WE came down here at this specific time.
Remember anons, if you’re alive today, you fucking wanted to be. You literally chose this because you are going to set certain things in motion during your lifetime that will reverberate for thousands of years.
You must understand this FACT.
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>Do you not see it all around you?

Magick is very real.
It is the enemy's weapon of this war.
globohomo cabal in shambles and are terrified
>I am not an insider.
stopped reading
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Bump for interesting thread and Yes! There is a spiritual war going on. .... And anons!!! Were kicking some fucking ass!!

The truth is that we are all very powerful manifestors! And the powers that be for AAAALL their billions and all their assets are less powerful than we are.
They need to lead the sleeping normies astray with all their shit in order for the normies to dream their nightmare for them .. But an awakened human soul has such tremendous power that just one will cancel out millions of sleep-walkers.
We are winning! If we werent how come my fucking facebook-feed looks like 4chan now`?
Were winning lads and YOU are doing your part!
I love you guys!
>And of course I'd rather people be ready and help each other.
There's not sense of community. As someone who's mixed race and identifies strongly with alt-right values, there's no support group or friends with me. I'm forever bound to be an outcast.
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I was at my lowest point a year ago. I had just lost my job and the place I lived and was facing homelessness. well, at the last minute somebody reached out to me and offered me a room under market value. she's is a jungian psychologist. we've had talks about alchemy and mysticism, and exchanged books. not super in depth, because frankly I'm still shy discussing this stuff, especially with somebody who has academic background.
but I guess the point I'm trying to make is that even when you feel you're at the lowest, the universe is setting things up for you. I'm still struggling with a lot right now, but I think it's meaningful that I've met this person at this time in my life.
keep trusting and look out for those little signs, we might just have to follow them one day.

yeah I agree, I was really into psychedelics a couple years back, but I can't bring myself to touch them lately. I just feel like I will go to too dark a place.
>you aren't finding drugs fun anymore because subconsciously you have realized something is missing from your life, and they may even have helped you come to that understanding.
that's exactly how I feel. although I still want to do mushrooms again because they did help me a lot, I just keep psyching myself out.
shrooms gave me a lot of clarity in life, but sometimes that's hard to deal with too. maybe I just have to take the slow path for a while.
great post anon. thank you.
i'm waiting patiently for /pol/ to reawaken the meme magick. if all we can do is shitpost at least we must be the flag bearers of truth against the dark triade hordes. something has to give.
They cant do that. They are trying but they cant shut out the high frequency light waves that is washing in again and again over our planet now. Awakening our souls. They are up against God creator "himself" and they think they can win HAHAHAAHHAHA. It is time for humanity to awake now and be set free. It is ordained by the heavens and it shall be so!
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>I don't see satanic gooks or jeets
Did you forget about Kali worship? Here is the weirdo fem luciferian cult from Worst Korea.
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>i'm waiting patiently for /pol/ to reawaken the meme magick. if all we can do is shitpost at least we must be the flag bearers of truth against the dark triade hordes. something has to give.
that's why they shill astroturf and bot this place
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Fuck that guy.
You are helping to spread white pilled ideas and reactions.
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Based, Mark Passio has some good presentations on the occult and topics like tarot cards or how military and police are mocking us to our faces.
This comfy thread. OP was not a fag today
I hate these fags so much. It’s like walking into a zen temple, the water flowing, cherry blossoms falling in the air, and then taking a fat shit.
where does teh link lead to?
Mark Passio is a crypto mason
Hahahaha good description hahaha
>They try to demoralize us because that defuses us and gives them power instead
This is true.
And there is power here. Although I think some of it has transferred to X
the truth lies in the middle. in the synthesis. to truly be a being, we must understand that we are living creatures, with our feet on the earth, but our heads in the cosmos. we must find the balance point, which allows us to have a divine experience within the material realm. that is my choice.

yes, our current reality and experience is one created by all of us. because so many put up with it just to stay comfortable, or in other words, to satiate the most base and animal parts of themselves. they live in the lowest point of their own brains, and because of that, they are not even engaging with the cortex and neocortex of their own brains. care does not even come into the equation, neither does consciousness. as long as they have a roof over their heads, and food in their bellies they will suffer the most unbelievable slavery just to see another sun rise. I have come here time and time again to learn, and now I see signs all around me that call me to teach what I know, because we are coming close to the end of humanity if we continue down this path. in the end, we still have choice, and we cannot let ourselves go any further down the left hand path on the macrocosmic tree of life, because our next step is extinction. humanity is made of creatures with unlimited potential, and that is also worth fighting for.

we cannot let fear creep in. but we also must realize that we can and will lose if we get complacent.

my fren, I am also mixed race. I see it as bridging the divide, because we are what we are and that cannot change. only our perceptions can be changed. I see it as a blessing, I cannot be so easily dismissed on racial grounds, because based on my looks I could be Maori, European, Chinese, middle eastern, whatever. I built my own support group, out of people who value similar principles, people who are willing to stand up for truth, and most importantly, think for themselves.
Jews. The answer is Jews. Always and forever.
75 replies for the shill hiding behind a memeflag
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>guidance on what we can do to stop them.

Ask God above and the Lord Jesus Christ for Total Kike Death aka TKD. It is time we pray, petition, and humbly ask for reprisal from the highest authorities and universal powers directly before doing anything further.

No more bothering and squabbling with political games and goals as we have largely already achieved our primary goals anyway. Their rituals, politics, and others are just stupid distractions at this point. Fighting against them by using their systems is trying to fight them with their own Qiji board. They are a spiritually defeated negative group that must now begin to separate from the good.

The elections are rigged, and there is no point bothering since we have already bought the time we needed. We know their future plans, and we have the general populace eager to tell them to fuck off and they are going to sit out any major war.

Let them pray to their underworld entities of death. (((They))) are the sacrifice this time.
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>There is a war, an occult war.
You are a loudmouth and a braggart, in service only to yourself, but you are correct in this. Also, I fixed your image. Come at me, nigger.
it's best to understand that it's jewish occultism that drives these faggot moloch worshiping pieces of filth.
Ha! Who is becoming complacent? What we are doing here is also seeding these thoughts and ideas out into the greater over-soul of humanity! Every time we have a good spiritual thread going on here more anons will get their eyes opened. For everyone with knowledge who posts a battalion of lurkers are reading it.
These lurkers will then go out in the broader society and start spilling these ideas left and right. Seeding them into the consciousness of the plebs.
Ah. A fellow fan of DJ, I see
checked. I see those little signs just about every day, calling me to do the great work. all my suffering was to break me down to accept truth. maybe you are being called to do mushrooms again for a reason, because your brain needs to bring something up from the subconscious with the help of a helper spirit. personally I have only done mushrooms a couple of times, and have felt no need or inclination to do so again. however I do smoke cannabis and engage in deep meditation, which often leaves me with another revelation.

they can win, and this is a hard fact to swallow for many. we cannot sit idly by waiting for a savior, we need to realize that only we can save ourselves. it is only through the hard work of a handful, as well as some who choose or are ordained by our creator to fight that we even stand a chance of winning. I am telling you right now that if we sat back and waited, mother nature herself will wipe the slate clean. our choice right now is to fight, or to be extinguished forever.

Mark has only revealed to me how much I already knew. then he showed me how all those pieces fit together. he has greatly accelerated my understanding, but i know I would have got there on my own, because I was already on the right path. still, I thank him for his work and I must take up the banner of truth beside him.

why does it matter where the information comes from, when it is true? in my opinion, he has harshly criticized the freemasons for not standing by their esoteric teachings or correctly labeled them as dark masons for their active measures to control humanity.
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Try Dr. Marcel Vogel.
The Mineral, Plant, and Animal Kingdoms tell us precisely what the nature of reality is through their own expressions.
Consciousness is found in each of them, and you can interact with this consciousness with your own human being.
Thanks, i was looking for OP pic for 2 years now.
>They need to lead the sleeping normies astray with all their shit in order for the normies to dream their nightmare for them
Exactly and well put.

>We are winning! If we werent how come my fucking facebook-feed looks like 4chan now`?
Yes we are anon. By the will and sacrifices of many, we are. Do you understand how insane that is? How we're spearheading millions of people from our fucking basements on an autistic chinese cartoon forum?

>there's no support group or friends with me
We are here anon. The real soul of 4chan is the frens you make along the way. All the memelords in the board are your friends.
This. Research into Jungian typology reveals that Intuitives, of which this board is largely comprised of, have a drive to “connect dots” so to speak, especially in concepts they don’t understand or do t have a full picture of. It makes the “irrational rational” INTJs who are heavy in Thinking flex their Intuitiveness in a faulty way, it works at its best with a complete subset of knowledge and patterns to work on already, not when there’s gaps in the puzzle. Esoteric religions and conspiracies are a black hole that draws these types in and lead them into logic loops and massive jumps in judgement, essentially flipping their function stack and causing them to loop and see conspiracies that aren’t there, just by noticing the ones that are. Notice the wording of threads like this, they love using the word “Intuition”. It’s like a signal beacon to those personality types to such you in and appeal to your jungian archetype. It’s intended to lead you down rabbit holes and waste your time by fucking your functions, what makes you excellent at filtering bullshit and noticing the real tangible patterns. The question is ultimately “why”. Why are these threads so popular. Why do they follow a pattern in their wordage and intent. Use your Thinking to filter the Intuition - don’t end up in an Ni-Fi loop like these threads are prone to do. You won’t become siddhartha. You won’t become abraxas, Christ or Buddha. You won’t break samsara. You won’t kill the demiurge or dethrone Saturn. Focus on the now. Present. Use your functions on true purpose for the greater good. Dont get side tracked by these endless pits making you wander and wonder. Always question why. Why is this on a politics board. Why.
Yes IF we are complacent. But anon what is that fire burning inside you that makes you come here and shitpost the truth for everyone? What is that fire that makes you want to scream and fight even if it just with your words?
That anon is the light inside you!! That anon is the God-spark inside you!!! Does it feel complacent? I think not!
HAhaha YES! Its amazing hahahaaha.. Especially when you take into account the resources our enemies are commanding hahahaa. We are fucking them!!!! HAHAHAHA
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>i'm waiting patiently for /pol/ to reawaken the meme magick
Waiting? We are doing it here and now and every day. Make every post count.
shill for what? OP was not a fag today, probably one of the best threads on 4chan right now.

you need to let go of the exoteric layer of Christianity and embrace the true esoteric teachings. God is already within us as our divine spark. we need no prayer, only knowledge and care to make and take right action. in this case, I agree, right action is the removal of all enemies who would seek to enslave humanity. the Jews are definitely part of the dark occult that wishes to do so. the correct path is monarchy within, which create freedom throughout.

thank you brother. you have reminded me of my own flaw of only seeing the negatives. I will endeavor to work harder to purify myself and find balance.
again, thank you for pointing out this flaw. if not us, then who? if not now, then when? we are the ones to take up the banner of freedom and courage, we are the ones to tend to the altar of truth and make sure its flame does not go out.
Your welcome brother I love you!! Trust in your power!!! You are a little creator-God with amnesia!! You are more powerful than you think!!! WAAAAGH!!!!
>you need to let go of the exoteric layer of Christianity and embrace the true esoteric teachings
THIS, this is so important for people to understand right now.
I'm not gonna get too into it right now but if anybody is bored enough to read a book, I love this alan watts book on the topic

fair distinction. not all occult groups are dark, many are based, but they are still connected. but ok, dark occultists is more accurate and who I was implying.
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>you need to let go of the exoteric layer of Christianity and embrace the true esoteric teachings. God is already within us as our divine spark.

Anon, I am aware of all that is being written in this thread. However there is a specific tool or instruction that Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, provided us for our very specific situation. This is why I posted what I did. It is following his direction on what to do if we find ours in a tyranny in our own land. Speak it out loud to yourself. Let your mind, subconscious mind, hear your audible words of prayer. Make prayer of total kike death and any enemy aligned with moloch, baal, and satan etc almost muscle memory. Stop playing their games, start getting the big guns involved on ourside.
>What does your heart tell you anon?
That this is real. I've interacted with the good, I don't know what it was, but I felt loved, and that something wants to look after me/guide me/get me to a better place in life so I can be a better person.
I can relate to Isaac Newton, as he is a very distant relative of mine. I feel I'm walking down a familiar path, at times, especially now I'm becoming more spiritual.
I love you faggots, keep fighting, good will triumph.
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>power transferred to X
It's not a zero-sum situation. We are retaking ground. It is a virtuous spiral, our powers multiply. Memelord Musk buying twitter was a momentous victory. He's been doing great work inspiring people with SpaceX, but buying twitter was truly a shift in the timeline.

>Especially when you take into account the resources our enemies are commanding hahahaa
Picrelated anon. Never forget. If she had won things would be so much worse now.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man this just so fucking re-moralizing to me hahahahaha. A reminder of how fucking powerless and incompetent this idiots are hahahaha.
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This is correct.
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>Olympians vs Titans
That was actually the war between the nephilim bastards that wiped each other out, people call that stuff mythology but they forget that every corner of the earth has some made up bullshit fairy story "myth" that exactly the fucking same, because its true.
Jungian psychology is part of the lesser arcana that comprises the occult. esoteric religions were created for us, by our ancestors, to teach us the truths of natural law and how we must think, feel and act in accordance with them. you have correctly identified how our own psychology can be used against us, and yet you talk of discussion of these concepts as a trap? only through passing of knowledge between each other using the same ancient methods our ancestors used (symbols, speech etc) can we overcome. but the question is correct, we must always ask why, we must seek truth, then we must challenge others and help them to grow.

love, and eventually peace and freedom brother. together we must face down darkness, within and without.

I will definitely check those books out.

light occultists hide knowledge too, a very elitist attitude which I disagree with. although I can understand those who suffered persecution for having said knowledge in the past. now is the time for ALL to stand on an even playing field, those reasons for hiding knowledge are no longer valid. let those who take it take it, and those who reject will have to suffer their own karmic rewards

well said brother. I am always glad to find others in the know. I know I have been called, and it is my duty to spread knowledge, which I have started to do. our calling is the one great work, tearing down the pyramid, to let the light in. I was pleasantly surprised to see how many figured out the jew was part of the dark occult at my last presentation. but they are not our only enemies. our enemy is anyone who stands for slavery and against human revolution, anyone who uses the occult to make that a reality, even those who use it unconsciously.
Only faggots police /x/ type threads on /pol/, which almost always end up being the comfiest most OG anon filled threads.
Why anon, why?!
I must return to my Kamala threads
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Those Zauberlehrlinge? Hehe, hold mein Bier ... :)
what's alarming is the ring that guy has. it just goes to show that the rats are everywhere
>What does your heart tell you anon? Trust your intuition.
Porn addicts should be removed from any position of power, never allowed power ever again, and sent to mental institutions.
These threads are important to us to always have every once in a while. It lets us have a chance to decompress and remember we work for the Truth. We work with Frens. It is a wasteland out there at the moment, But One way or another, We ARE going to make it. That fact is a good thing to remind ourselves of when timres are especially hard. These times are always shill-less, they don't know how to interact with us at all when it comes to spirtuality. These threads are the closest thing we have to a back room.
Be safe my frens, and see you on the other side.
The war is already won, faggot OP. Be not afraid. He who endures to the end will be saved. Kick back and enjoy the pending chaos knowing they will all writhe and scream in hell.
There's a reason you don't give matches to children, but it's way past that, meaning I agree, many reasons are invalid. And it's not on the scale of that, but rather multi-generational or 100s of years behind by some metrics, and it's not being done of care to prevent harm, but is being done of harm to control.
good meme
look into regenerative finance if you haven't yet
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Well said, and godspeed.
Sacrificing someone else's biological trash is not a sacrifice! A sacrifice is only a sacrifice if it's something you value. Newton was more interested in the "occult" and alchemy than science or mathematics.
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>See conspiracies that aren't there
>Why is this on a politics board
Because the conspiracy is truth, many politicians and people in power worship "satan". But I think you already knew that...

The ancient stories are just echoes of a very distant event, we can't fuss too much on the details, but the overall picture we can comprehend.

They tried to take all our cozy spaces, flood the place with shit constantly. But still they can't stop us and we will take them back.
They worship other gods who aren't genocidal maniacs like YHWH.
>Noooo don’t genocide the baby raping cannibals!

May I propose a theory ... they never had much of any degree of control over things to begin with. Simply went along with the Eigendynamik. The moment they attempted more active manipulation it went pretty much as to be expected. Badly. Gotta be one silly cow to get sold out on that if you ask me ... :)
>dat pic
Is quite correct. Being on the side of the angels is the right thing to do.
>The ancient stories are just echoes of a very distant event, we can't fuss too much on the details
bullshit the greeks said exactly how high Kronos was, shut the fuck up its well detailed
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They are just cucks controlled by their jealous women
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3rd worlds are always satanic
This is the beginning of the end of freedom
Mark my words, we will all begin to hang if we actually believe they aren't in control of the religion as well.

You are a fool if you can't see how all the other cults fall in line. The god they want you to believe in isn't the god you want to believe in.
Good post anon! Ive also noticed that there is a severe lack of shills in these threads and the discussions we have when we gather around to speak about spirituality the esoteric and these divine matters, often holds a very high quality!
Your image you posted is demoralization and potential programming down the road. Its an ancient tactic really; e.g. A pharaoh claiming their lineage ruled for thousands of years, even creating their own history to fill the gap.
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Oh, ya think a more nuanced depiction would be warranted? :D
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That’s a good point anon.
Never forget that you belong to a heroic warrior culture.
We are a culture of heroes.
It’s that simple.
If you don’t want to be a hero, you don’t belong.
Every class, every job, every person can be a hero in his own life, and the collective life of our culture respects and admires heroes.
Never forget who you are. A hero.
Ofc they are in control of Religion. Religion is nothing but pre-fabricated belief-system you install in the plebs with the mothers-milk in order to control them.

But we have a divine birth-right to connect to God! We are souls! We ARE connected to God! And none of us needs permission nor a priest to speak to God! Nor to experience and bask in our own divinity!
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Most people wouldn't believe it even if it were true but plenty of content tries to suggest something similar and it's really just the end of monarchy that's led to this horrible time period.
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this is the card that speaks
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>That’s a good point anon.
>Never forget that you belong to a heroic warrior culture.
>We are a culture of heroes.
>It’s that simple.
>If you don’t want to be a hero, you don’t belong.
>Every class, every job, every person can be a hero in his own life, and the collective life of our culture respects and admires heroes.
>Never forget who you are. A hero.
Thanks fren, I will look into it.

It's also because of the lower amount of trigger words for the automated ShillGPT. Certain words get you an almost instant multiple replies. Try talking some of this stuff on /x/ and see how you can't hardly have a coherent conversation.

>Most people wouldn't believe it

Certainly. Easier, and no risk of possibly seeing one is part of the problem. "Ancient evil" ... höhö ... höhöhöhö ... :)

>it's really just the end of monarchy

Well they should perhaps not have become a hereditary disease.
Mmm... You probably have a point... Also I havent found any other place on the entire internet were I can have the discussions I can have here with you guys about these things. I sincerely believe that our souls are instinctively gather towards each-other and attracts one another ... hahaha and we have ended up here haaha! Were we are fucking up new-world-satanic-globohomo-order by shitposting together from "our basements" HAHAHA

God certainly moves in mysterious ways =))
>Well they should perhaps not have become a hereditary disease
A 3 percent tea tax isn't that bad
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Perfectly reasonable. Now what do I get out of the transaction ... what was that? Come, say that again ... :)
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Holy fuck a rare decent thread in this week.
well said anon. (((They))) are definitely forced to escalate constantly to protect themselves, but ultimately it wakes more people up.
>We have the collective power of meme magic which can be used to counter them.We have the collective power of meme magic which can be used to counter them.
True, but sadly this board doesn't allow any kind of organized action(i wonder why lol), but we can use the meme magick to improve our own lives first and things will eventually reach the boiling point.
I like your comments anon, any book suggestions? Been seeking for guidance recently and you can never know.
Passio's video on 911 was interesting. He is a based conspiracy schizo.
Where are valuable things are about belief systems like Christianity, but ultimately they are a form of control. It's useful for the simple minded masses so that they don't start killing each other,raping, stealing etc etc. It's a decent tool to keep them in line which ultimately is good for society. For others I believe getting rid of useless garbage/religious mind control and incorporating the useful aspects of it can be beneficial.
>Thoughts on Rosicrucianism?
It's been awhile since I read about it.
beautifully said anon feelsgoodman
They are relentless and cunning. I wonder what would be our course of action? My plan is to further improve my own life, have many children, accumulate resources for them, sadly it feels like it's never enough, I'm patient tho.
My problem with all the dooming in the board is that these people don't take care of themselves(microcosm) and no wonder they are stuck in thir miserable state. How do you fight for the "greater good" in this mental frame? While negative emotions can be beneficial to be used in a smart way, I don't think it is productive in this spiritual warfare.
>Kikes and (((them))) want you depressed and miserable.
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what a beautiful thread! thanks friends.
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although from chaos order is formed it is still of chaos. you have not the eyes to see the world. terra incognita

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>My problem with all the dooming in the board is that these people don't take care of themselves(microcosm) and no wonder they are stuck in thir miserable state. How do you fight for the "greater good" in this mental frame? While negative emotions can be beneficial to be used in a smart way, I don't think it is productive in this spiritual warfare.
As someone who has fully gone though the ego dissolving processes, what I have emerged with is the knowledge that One must have a STRONG individual ego. There is only one of You who will ever exist. Do not fall for the no-ego meme.
If you do not love yourself, you CANNOT love others.
You MUST learn to become the best version of your individual personality that is possible to achieve.
A strong ego is a good ego. That does not mean you must act like an egotist.
Every man must learn that HE ALONE is the master of himself. Not Satan, not God Almighty, not demons not Jews, NOBODY is controlling you except YOU.
You alone are responsible for your actions. Make yourself someone to be proud of.
good post anon
Youd get not replaced by brown people.
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i made something for you, friend
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Interesting anon.

This board doesn't have organized action but its a place to share ideas and then take them elsewhere.

Books, I haven't been reading much lately but the last book I read was Walden by Thoreau. He basically goes to live innawoods gives the finger to NPCs of his time and tries to find what is truly essential in life. picrel
Your all seriously overthinking shit, basically the reasons why are irrelevant you are here now. You have a choice be a maggot or a traitor and join the NWO, or have some balls and fight for a better world
>meme magic
pagans, atheists, and lite-christians will say anything to avoid admitting that their prayers are answered.
This is schizo bullshit from the New Apostolic reformation.

Whatever, continue thinking you can move the world with meme magic or what not, while we continue to psyop and distract you forever with this type of retarded bullshit.
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based top level access take. without the middle ground you dissolve back into the sea of LCL. you would not be able to experience life or discern the actions of the living. you would not experience distillation.
indeed. I think ego dissolution is important, if not necessary, but you have to be careful not to get lost in it, and come back to ground to rebuild your ego.
ego leads to the lowest of lows, but also to the highest of highs. deep shadows cast by bright lights and all that platitudinal garbage.
> I as 'the sharp two edged sword'
>leading both to the highest and the lowest: on the one hand it gives Man independence and freedom as the basis for the spiritual unification of humanity
>but it is also the foundation of discord
Aliens are actually humans


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Oh, you would have seen that beneath the sorry bunch? I mean, looking at the track record here ... see, a mandate must be backed up by legitimacy, naturally.


I am irreplacable. Do not worry about self limiting trends. Pity for the collateral aside ofc.
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Ah a fellow Anthroposophy Chad.
I feel lucky and humbled to have stumbled upon the man known as Rudolf Steiner during my early years in this life.
There is a scientific approach to the super sensible world, and this man has affected my consciousness probably more than any other single human being has.
They will lose, it will take time and a lot of patience on everyone's part. The tide will turn eventually. They are smart boiling the frog slowly. The internets' collective consciousness does help to "wake people up" as they say. Some will just find the answer faster. No wonder (((they))) want to control it and put tons of distractions, like vidya, shows etc. >>475810065
Stay strong anon! You will make it, I believe in (you). We all have our downswings, since covid I have been in a pretty bad mental cycle, sometimes all you are able to do is take baby step towards self-betterment and it is enough. It's almost like they want to put people in this cycle of misery, it is hard.
>the universe is setting things up for you.
true. Sometimes you just gotta allow yourself to receive its gifts and "let it work through you" per se.
That's why they are hijacking the board with trash, using pepe for their shitty memes to lessen the strength of this symbol.
I wonder, what's the ratio of white/black pill threads on the board? Like 5%to95% at best? We do need more threads like this, with archive links posted of a previous one to keep the memetic trail.
that's rare nowadays KEK.jpg
Beautiful said anon. Agreed. An ego is a sword that can be used beneficially, although it's also possible to cut yourself with it. That's how I see it. A man without an (ego) is a weak man.
>If you do not love yourself, you CANNOT love others.
True. No wonder they are trying to make men weak nowadays. They want you depressed, childless and poor.
>Make yourself someone to be proud of.
feelsstrongman jpg. I will do my best anon <3 Book added to the list of reading, thank you
>what a man thinks he becomes.
This statement in itself is valuable and tells me that it might be a good read. Added to the list, thank you anon
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I unironically believe that those of us born at the end of the 20th century came here for a very specific reason.
There are many different explanations and ways to view the world, we all have our individual points of view, but ultimately we can AGREE on certain things that are happening today in our world and those AGREEMENTS is where we should build our friendships.
We have so much in common with each other, through different relgions and different cultures, we can all still find things that are TRUE.
We must focus on the things that are true, and through this common friendship we can work towards building the world we want.
We came here to do this.
>Cthulhu is real
>implying spiritual warfare can take place when a single shit from niggerman the cat instantly wipes out all supernatural presences ever
This was written in the book of the flying spaghetti monster, multiversal 5th edition, your comments are unnecessary, and this thread is retarded
Fools, yelling at their shadow, expecting a response.
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within a vortex of fire a blade is forged
our ancestors shed blood for us to be here. they tried to pass down the knowledge they had to us. we must honor that by listening, and sacrificing for the next generation as they did.

you're right that it's come about due to the end of monarchy, but it is the end of monarchy within that has led us down this path. all kings/emperors/ presidents/ prime Minister's etc are false masters who do not have authority to rule.

the high priestess holds the law, she sits at the balance between the divine masculine (jachin, the white pillar) and the divine feminine (Boaz, the black pillar).

denounce the Talmud right now, or forever be branded a demoralizing parasite.

to quote father pucci from Jojo's bizarre adventure part 8 I think... Do you believe in gravity?

religions must be abolished. people don't need a template, they need to cast off blind faith. religion is only a patch for knowing morality. when everyone truly understands right and wrong, the template or need for religion disappears. humans do not need any sort of control system, we need knowledge, we need truth. are they really simple minded masses, or have they fallen for multiple types of mind control and don't even know their own potential? they are stuck in slave mentality and need to have their mind control broken down. this is our course of action, to teach others until we all know right and wrong, understand natural law, and together create freedom.

ego is only a tool, we cannot let it run our whole house.

checked. we will win, look at everyone who has come out and knows the jig is up. we still have to be careful, but as long as we are working to wake others up and keep doing the great work, they don't stand a chance. on an even playing field, they are completely outnumbered and will suffer the consequences of their deceit and treachery.
We ARE moving the world thank you very much. There is nothing you can do to stop us!
we have, and we have come back time and time again in these times of need and deception. we are the guardians of humanity, who sacrifice time and again, the walls against which darkness itself shatters. in unity we are strong, and we cannot allow ourselves to be shattered. together we create the true foundation of society, the männerbund, the group of men, who stand tall against those who wish to do our people harm.

denounce the Talmud right now. demoralizers are not welcome here.
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>when everyone truly understands right and wrong, the template or need for religion disappears. humans do not need any sort of control system, we need knowledge, we need truth
Moral preaching never helped a single human in the modern age. Before the Age of Intellect, the primordial fear of going to eternal hell was a factor for morality, but over the last 500 years, this idea has lost its power over the human consciousness.
We do not need moral preachers, we need humans to understand WHY they should be moral. And that understanding can only come about if the human being KNOWS where he is and what he even is.
Every immoral act is like an abscess on human body. You dig your own scabs when you perform an immoral act.
There is nobody and nothing stopping you from doing whatever you want in our age. This is true.
The human consciousness soul has grown to a point where we are no longer like innocent children. We have the ability to INTELLECT our way back to the spiritual, which is something our ancestors simply could not do.
The history of mankind is an unfolding book of the growth and evolution of the human consciousness being.
We quite literally have different thoughts in our heads than a man did 500-1000 years ago, and even more different from 3000 years ago.
You exist in a brand new chapter of human history. You get to write it. You get to add your small little 70 year lifetime to the grand history of humanity.
You made it bros. It’s time to do what is right. You are the first humans to ever have the ability to look back on ALL of history itself. You must understand what your place is in this incredible time.
>ego leads to the lowest of lows, but also to the highest of highs.
Agreed. What do you think when people say "he is drunk on ego"? I see it as embracing the "lower" tier emotions such as greed and fully embracing it. Helps when really want to grind and improve your own standing in this (((monetary system))).
You are correct when you say it. To me, when I say the word "religion" I mean belief systems as a whole. That includes believing in stuff like (((climate change))), praising their government, supporting the police, fanboying about (((celebrities))) e-personalities, or (((LGBTQ))) bullshit etc etc. They have control over many things that traps people's minds. When you break it down like that, everything is a "religion" we could say. Our belief is the strength inside of us and we have to use it in a resourceful manner. You are correct, but there will always be simpletons who are stuck in a lower tiers. It sucks to say it but it is what it is. Unless we have Renessance 2.0 with the help of the internet. I much rather have lower tiers stuck in believing the mind controlling story of jewish Jesus(some with still take the good parts and remove the trash) than believe in some other "belief system".
My current conclusion is that people need to believe in (((something))). It's almost as if we are wired that way. It is up to us to manipulate our beliefs to our benefit which ain't easy.
As I mentioned above, that's why they are screwing with the internet so much and It's not only about shilling/bots.
My point is, I agree with you that organized religions are bad and a mind-control for the masses. I believe, there is a form of mind control in every belief. And we all know that (((they))) want to control every aspect of our lives and what goes through our minds.

Yes, we will win eventually. It will be the darkest before dawn and it's getting darker and darker every year.
Only normies believe in stupid shit like jewish space wizards. It’s all a distraction from the biological reality.

God is the metaphysical representation of the ethnic group. The jewish concept of an all powerful creator god is a corruption.

Human ethnic groups are giant multicellular organisms with individuals having different roles within the ethnic group. In the same way that there are different cells working within our bodies.

A religion that doesn’t specifically fight for the existence of the ethnic group that follows it is a false religion.
A god that doesn’t represent the ethnic group specifically is a false god. A demon bringing his herd of sheep to slaughter.
A real God is the manifestation of the ethnic group. A real religion is for the benefit of the people. We are the divine sparks that make up the godhead.
Therefore true morality focuses on the wellbeing of the tribe. We are all part of a giant multicellular body. That is why normies and noticers exist. The muscle and the brain.

>In total, the Romans recorded almost 400 Celtic god names. Nonetheless, it seems that there were 4 or 5 'main gods' and the rest were associated with a particular Celtic tribe or 'tuath'. In early Irish literature this local loyalty can be seen in the oath 'I swear by the gods my people swear by.'

> Gothic religion was purely tribal in which polytheism, nature worship, and ancestor worship were one and the same.

> The universe, then, is God, of whom the popular gods are manifestations; while legends and myths are allegorical. The soul of man is thus an emanation from the godhead, into whom it will eventually be re-absorbed. The divine ruling principle makes all things work together for good, but for the good of the whole. The highest good of man is consciously to work with God for the common good, and this is the sense in which the Stoic tried to live in accord with nature.
Social parasites run all European founded nations.
When you consider ethnic groups as massive metaphysical multicellular organisms and social parasites as literal parasites their behaviours start to make sense.

Everything is determined by biology.
Parasites kill hosts. They destroy/compromise the immune system of the host allowing other parasites and ethnic groups to invade.
This is basic biology. Thinking, planing or the human consciousness are like a speck of dust when compared to the laws of nature.
The population of the social parasite does not grow in ratio with the population of the host.
Good times for ((())) mean a massive increase in population. But the host does not grow massively. Now you have a massive brood of parasites crawling within the body. Draining the blood of the host at an ever greater rate. So what is the result? Either the host dies or shakes them off with a massive immune system reaction.

A nation is its people. You cannot have a parasitic foreign leadership, a parasitic management class and a parasitic lower class while larping as Europeans. It makes no sense. It’s like having cancer spreading throughout your body and being surprised that you are dying.

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well said brother. very well said. as I said it is knowledge people need most, they need to know what right and wrong are, and cast off the shackles or moral relativism/solipsism. Truth is objective, and can be known. The fear of hell was just another mind control method, using law/authority/fear to force an outcome. it doesn't matter whether the outcome is moral, because it was done out of blindness or fear, by someone who wasn't motivated by knowledge of right and wrong.

at best, mans laws are redundant, because natural law provides consequences for free will actions. at worst, mans laws are immoral because they force outcomes that are not in alignment with natural law or obstruct freedom.

when our actions, feelings and thoughts all align, and we act in accordance with natural law (as long as we KNOW), then we can create freedom in the aggregate.

truly, we live in a wonderful time, as we are no longer nescienct. the knowledge is out there for us to grasp and learn. deceit can be easily overthrown, with only a little bit of work. our ancestors have already paved the way for us. now is our time to throw off the chains for everyone, forever! pic very much related.
>"I already ATE ((((SHIT)))). And a SHIT ton of ripest truffles. You know what that means."
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The only laws I CAN respect are the Natural Laws.
Tell me what happens anons, when the laws you are forced to follow are not natural? What do you do then?
What are you supposed to do today? In this exciting electric age?

Interesting use of archive links ...
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religion comes from the latin word religare, which means to tie back/to hold back/to bind back. so you are also correct to label government, authority and others as religion. however the biggest religion is MONEY. money does not exist in nature.

where we disagree is about calling others simpletons. I think that is an elitist attitude which does not help anyone. just because others seem simple or lost does not make them any less valuable. they need OUR help the most. in the ancient times, we would be the shamans who would show them the way. we must be that again, today. Shaman translates to one who sees in the dark. it is our DUTY to help EVERYONE. we cannot, we must not, EVER, look down on another. we were all once fools, only through meeting the magician and the hermit did the fool learn, and that is where we come in.

we must respect natural law, or face the consequences. when it comes to manmade laws, no respect is due. in fact it is moral to disobey them. they are immoral to follow, and only create slavery. they must be rebuked, physically if need be. any who come with violence to enforce those laws must face righteous force in the form of self defense. those who write mans laws must choose to learn and repent, or be treated as enemies.
Ok but remove the memeflag faggot, also stop smoking DMT
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I'm the true elite of this world, and everyone else is just faking it.
Fuck yeah quality post anon! My consciousness have started to evolve since my spiritual awakening. For example I used to have trouble when I was imagining how big the Universe is. At a certain point it just became to big for my mind to really grasp it.. But over the last 10 years I have gone from that (which was pretty much were I always was) to having no problems whatsoever to grasp and see concepts like higher dimensions layered over multiple universes and how they all connect ... Its a massive difference in my ability to see and grasp these concepts. I have grown and its happened quick as well.

Anyone else who experience something like this or similar?
>That is why normies and noticers exist.
Pretty much sums it up. Normies have to believe in something to also function in our society. The internet helps the normies to become noticers. We all have our own journeys even the normies - beliefs change. Maybe a normie who is a total LGBT/SJW/pro-minority/anti-white propaganda slurper will change their ways and see that all of it was just a mind-control. Same might happen to the pro-right/pro-police/pro-government control/bible-thumper. You got the point.
>It’s like having cancer spreading throughout your body and being surprised that you are dying.
Yup, agreed. And it's made by (((their))) design. I believe, it is only a matter of time until the host organism gets desperate and starts fighting back despite all the sedatives it has been given.
>Either the host dies or shakes them off with a massive immune system reaction.
Something will happen in our lifetimes. I refuse to believe that they have squashed the human spirit. That will never happen.
great archive link.
Yeah, fair point, it didn't come to my mind. Money is certainly the biggest one and (((they))) love the fact that we are chasing it so desperately. Unfortunately, it is a card we have dealt with right now, it is their system, so we have to sacrifice our time just to survive and be a member of society. I have sacrificed 5+ years for this system to "live" a comfortable life in (((their))) system
Indeed, it was a poor choice of words, but I didn't mean it in a face value nor in a derogatory way. Good for pointing this out.
> it is our DUTY to help EVERYONE.
True, but first we have to help ourselves. Sometimes it feels like the best way I could help others is make a free mentoring/therapy group and help them to improve their own lives. What do (you) think about it? Not everyone is ready to hear the truths of the world right away. It's a mistake many in a "conspiratorium" community make.
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Id wager that many anons who visit this site are of the poet archetype.
A man who sees the world through a romantic lens, who can see the world through a meme, through a symbol.
It is our job to romanticize the world, to find the magic in every day life that IS there and tell the others the good news.
At least this is how I feel personally myself.
Look into Rudolf Steiner, Novalis, and Magical Idealism.
In our increasingly mechanized and digitalized world, we must retain our human dignity through it all. The kikes and their machines want to take control of our nervous system permanently.
We must awaken the divine spirit that lives inside of every man before it is no longer physically possible.
A grand battle for the ages. Why did you come here again?
I wake up every morning and ask myself “What am I alive for today?” To watch Jewish commercials on TV? To grow old and retire in a nursing home with my goybucks??
According to this chart I'm somewhere between level 150-50
I'm somewhere between 150-350, I think, wouldn't know how to accurately use it.
I have some ideas on that.
Europe is heading in the right direction.

The normies that make up our people have been conditioned to associate the white identity with white supremacy. This is based on a moral framework 80 years in the making. One that we have almost no hope of going against by bashing our heads against the wall.
To argue that Europe is for Europeans, that Spain belongs to Spaniards, that England belongs to the English or that Germany belongs to the Germans ect is far more effective.
There is no clash or divide if I say that Italy belongs to the Italians or that Sweden belongs to the Swedish. There is no Nord vs Med clash.
There are European people and European national ethnic groups. Each having their own unique language, culture, history and identity. With European Ethnic Nationalism you take advantage of and use the thousand years of culture, history and identity to fight for the existence of your people. Your ethnic identity becomes a rally point for political change. Millions of Europeans have already fought and died for these identities. Speeches, songs, posters, paintings, art, poetry and books have already been produced for these identities by previous generations. To abandon that for something as phoney and fake as (((white nationalism))) is retarded.

An undefended castle will fall to one man. A mountain will bow to wind and rain given enough time. Our national identities are our strongest point of defence. England for the English, France for the French, Germany for the Germans ect. It’s not hard to understand. We are connected through these national identities as ethnic Europeans.

They are also our greatest strength. If you are fighting a battle to the death, you will use your strongest weapon. A thousand years of culture, history and identity. Millions of Europeans have died fighting for these identities.

Europe for Europeans.

shut up and write a fantasy novel already.
Yes!! It would certainly appear as we are the ones with old souls! We are the priests and leaders of our people but the pyramid has been hijacked and been put upside down.
That is why we are drawn to eachother and why brainwashing doesnt work on us. It is also why we have this burning flame inside of us that makes us fight the evil that is being done to the plebs. Despite many of us despising the plebs for falling for the dark ones shit. We cant stop trying to save them. Because of who we are and because of our souls. It is in our nature!
Bamp for effort
A must read. Thank you for posting your incredible syntheses. We can do it if we Try.
For the greater struggle. Be like water my brother and find your path. Wear down all resistance.

To live is to suffer yet life is a blessing.
The human condition is defined by a wide range of emotions. It is not pure love or pure hate that drives us. It is the balance of all emotional extremes that creates the human experience. One can be happy to exist and love their people while hating these who wish to destroy their nation. It is not strange to feel sad when seeing destruction. One can feel anger at the perpetrators yet joy at united resistance. A person can feel both grief at what was lost and have hope for the future. You can feel indignation at the genocide of your people, bone chilling hostility for the perpetrators and to desire vengeance for suffering is just. To be spiteful is to be alive. To have unquenched desire for change under such circumstances is honourable.

I know that the situation looks dreadful. It seems hopeless. But the scales of fate can be tilted by a single grain of sand. Desire manifests reality and dripping water hollows out stone.

Never slacken
Never tire
Never lose courage
Never lose faith
yes, we need to slowly break their conditioning. if we throw everything in their face all at once, their conditioning kicks in and they reject everything. but first of all, they must be accepting of change, and that is completely dependant on their free will choice. all we can do is put the opportunity put there, no one can be forced, as that is to do the same as the controllers now and we all can see where that's going. we need to do all of this while burning the cathedral down. we cannot live in parallel, we cannot coexist. the current system is immoral and must be destroyed.

we must be more than the poet, we must be the poet warriors of old. the great work is a work, otherwise it would be the great play, right? it requires sacrifice and dedication.

unfortunately nationalism is a trap. all borders are arbitrarily drawn by man. no land is for anyone, it is for all of us. instead, ask why the kikes want to destroy biodiversity. we do not put chickens in with crocodiles when making a zoo, why do we do the same with people? they do this to destroy communities and cohesion. the world is for human beings.
Beautiful said anon!
Also it is our emotions that fuels our magic of manifestation.
Human beings have no limits on the spectra of emotions we can feel. And we can feel them at the same time too and there is no limit on how much we can feel.
This can be very challenging many times and hard to control but as our consciousness expands and we rise up from this lower-vibrating density into higher dimensions we are going KICK-ASS-POWERFULL!!!!
Its going to be great guys... Human beings have no idea of the vast potential of creative power we are carrying within us.
For me nationalism is the glue that hold various ethnic groups together. With specific identities you can rally a collective for political change.

To consider all as equal is to renounce your tribe. To consider every member of the tribe as equal is to disown your family. To consider the every family member as equal is to forsake yourself.

There is strength in numbers, efficiency from cooperation but without a strong identity and belonging there can be no collective.
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What a job description, huh ... :)
Yet another christkike thread, you guys are golem of the kikes, all the banes are basically golems
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Damn I'm on a nofap strike, this woman has a nice body but I had to stop to share this on top of that lol. This time I'll admire it for other reason than lust.
It's kind of cute.
HAHAHAHA Yeah!! hahaha
That's a combination of Greek hope (never worked) and bastardization of Christian theology, of the purified mind, the one solid in the Logi of God... how did this secular interpretation work? Not at all... man's problem is that he is fallen and that God is his solution.
nice try, archons
Read the fucking thread before judging it you mongoloid! This thread holds massive quality!
like 200 repeated reference to the Golem OS?
No, thanks. I got you on the refresh of first page, though.
The only decent thread right now
And nobody is in it, me and my fellow german are the only ones, but there was a few academia/cultists dropping that 1pbtid
Then please just gtfo and stop shitting up this one. Fair enough anon? I will not come to your preferred thread and start shitting in it in return. Sounds fair?

>Human ethnic groups are giant multicellular organisms with individuals having different roles within the ethnic group. In the same way that there are different cells working within our bodies.

Do you think human ethnic groups are likely to transform into one big human "multicellular organism" and a new structure/nature because of technological advancement?
Should morals encourage you to strategize about that even if it would mean straying from your nature?
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Thank you for sharing your time and energy with me tonight friends. I always cherish these rare threads where pure angelic comraderie between human brothers takes place. I know I am not alone and that gives me incredible strength to not be afraid.
European hours /pol/ is 100x comfier than normal hours
Cheers my friends, there is nothing and nobody in this universe that can destroy your glorious spirit. Kikes words and kike swords are totally unable to stop the burning flame of the Faustian soul
LCL means what?
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Bit of a difficult class these days. Dunno if I can get all of them through basic philosophy. Well, without too much screaming that is.
I declare spiritual warfare on putin.
Thinking about him dying of blood clots.
Pls join me
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There is something that you should know about your life on Earth. You were coerced into signing a soul contract with terrible parasites known as Archons. It’s actually an insult to refer to them like that because the word means “ruler”. Anyway you can free yourself from everything they plan on doing by declaring your freedom, Id you don’t they will try to convince you that after you die you should come back here to live another life so they can harvest your energy again.

Imagine a farm where the livestock are brought back to life after slaughter and are convinced they should go along with it. For some of you, you’re providing top level energy. Imagine the most luxurious meal and it would be the equivalent to them. Reject the parasites.

Say with solemn conviction that you declare yourself forever free of all the soul contracts with Archons and similar. You also revoke all soul contracts with Archons and similar, across all time and in al, instances. You say you are forever free

Please, or you haven’t already done it, do so
With your freedom you might yet find a world you’re going to enjoy more than this one.

<——- This is Yaldabaoth, the head of the Archons. He’s like their king, and most mainstream religion are fronts for his empire. It’s Yaldabaoth who led the phasing out of pagan gods who are the true gods of this reality. Yaldabaoth seeks to create a world of pain so him and his brethren are able to eat the best quality of energy. Remember he and his kind are nothing but parasites
Please, free yourself
HAhahaha yes it is anon hahaha yes it is!!
I think the trick is to not force them (Ive tried it doesnt work they just shut down and their minds locks up) ... The good news here is that we are literally the cool dangerous kids ... They are afraid of us but they cant stop sneak-peaking at us. We are that force that everyone wants on their side (because they cant have it , NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY ... Just makes them want it more. And also because we are terrifying as adversaries ) ... We just have to saw the seed and some of them will start to wake up by themselves. They cant be awakened ... But they can be encouraged and inspired to awake by themselves
Pearls before swine. Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know. The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of understanding. The "occult" was, is and always will be hidden.

There is no "magic". There is personal power. You don't achieve that power with "memes" and discussing the nature of "reality" with mundane subhumans who possess the consciousness of a pickle.
This thread is fucking gold! And to all you anons reading this! I fucking LOVE you! The level of discussion I can have here with (my people) is just astounding. Spirituality the esoteric and all the stuff in this thread is my primary interest these days. I was awakened 10 years ago and I have had many encounters with things beyond the veil since that have been the most amazing and most profound experiences in my entire life. And I have no-one to talk to them about ... And then I come here .. And you my fucking anons ... There are more than me out there. I have you!!

On a sidenote. Many of us has actually agree to come here and incarnate here in this life to assist humanity with breaking free out of this hell-world-prison. I pretty convinced that most of you posting in this thread are such souls. Your too strong and wise to be regular pleb-souls.
You are the seventh cavalry in the hour of earths need! You are the ground-crew! The special forces. The tip of the fucking spears. The one who were and strong enough to answer the call for help that went out.
And look at you anons ... YOU ALL CAME!!!

Im proud to be one of you!
it's a reference to Evangelion lol. it's kind of hard to explain without context, but basically he's just saying you would lose your individuality


they're going to kill us all
>you’re providing top level energy. Imagine the most luxurious meal and it would be the equivalent to them
I'm a shit sandwich and every fucking cycle they're going to eat me, whether they like it or not. Bon appetit.
>Do you think human ethnic groups are likely to transform into one big human "multicellular organism" and a new structure/nature because of technological advancement?

Could you clarify?

I think that humans have functioned as a multicellular organism for a long time. Even apes and chimpanzees could be considered as a multicellular organism. I am sure that there would have been social animals that function in a similar function during the age of dinosaurs. Ants and bees function this way too. An individual who magically evolves doesn’t exist. Also if there was a specific perfect human we would be its clones. It’s just a step up in the evolutionary ladder. As we went from single cells to complex life forms to multiple related complex life forms working in unison.
So there is nothing to transform to. It’s just about realising what we are to understand the world around us.
nationalism creates division based upon arbitrary borders. borders created by man. God already created borders between the races. some were never meant to overcome those borders, hence they never left their homelands until Jewish slavers brought them overseas. nationalism creates division based on a choice we never made. no one chooses where they are born. our tribe, our future is bigger than that. all mankind working together with unity consciousness, for freedom and progress. that is the will of God, our creator.

that sounds like defeatism to me. without imagination, we may as well be caged. humanity is unique in that we are conscious, we can KNOW right and wrong. God resides in all of us, he is the divine spark found within.

be well and take care anon. take care.

at the same time, we can change this world to become one free of suffering. we do not need to be their agents in this world and create the suffering they feed on. we must remember that within us dwells the spark of the divine. teach and grow, and when our souls return to source, they will know to reject this world. they trick us by making us judge ourselves, and when we find ourselves lacking in knowledge, they trick us by saying we should come back and learn more. there is a way out, and that is through knowledge of natural law, the trivium method of thinking and knowledge of right and wrong and choosing to take right action (wisdom)
Sounds like utter new age retardation to me and a mass quoting schizo.

Good to have at least a bit of a sensitive side with this, I agree. And can only have them come to their own conclusion, as far as their potential allows. Otherwise would be a pointless exercise.
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You know who I am
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Fuck off, the Church and Jesus push this tranny shit on purpose to scare people into compliance

We would let these weirdos kill themselves in their bedrooms if Daily Wire and the Zog Catholics weren’t there reacting to it
that kind of attitude is how we will lose. in a time of universal deceit, speaking truth is a revolutionary act. what was hidden must be de-occulted, and spread to all. whether they listen is up to them and their free will choice. there are no downsides to spreading this information freely. who are we to choose who can have knowledge, especially when it is not ours to hold back? why create fractures when unity is most needed to overcome the evil of this age?

death is preferable to slavery. let them come.

ok, that is your free will right. carry on my friend, you know best after all.

have a look through this thread, many including myself have correctly pointed out all religions are bullshit mind control.
>all mankind working together with unity consciousness, for freedom and progress. that is the will of God, our creator.

Define all mankind
Well I believe its like this , they are curious.. Its not like they dont want to know .. But if one goes full Heil Hitler and shoves down a spiritual wermacht down their little normie-throats they recoil and put up their defenses ... I guess nobody likes to be literally invaded and forced.. They have to come to the table so to speak by their own free will and then they can like try and eat the dishes at their own pace kind off..

But yes Im frustrated and impatient hahaahaha I want to Stukka-bomb them hahaha!!

I like that version. :D
everyone with the ability to have consciousness. so that is everyone. human beings are gifted with unlimited potential. some need more guidance and teaching than others. you tell me why you want division instead of unity and working towards freedom? any who choose to be immoral and psychopathic need to be pushed out of society and into the jungle, same as the old days.
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well said. Everything can be seen through a symbol, it is worth thousands of words, idk where I read that.
Steiner is goated. His books are worth having a physical copy.
> nervous system permanently.
true. have you noticed how many people nowadays have anxiety/panic attacks, depression etc and how many are on (((antidepressants, ssri's, benzos)))? Crazy if you think about it.
> “What am I alive for today?”
yeah it can get depressing sometimes you gotta "brainwash" yourself in a resourceful and beneficial manner. Sadly without the goybucks, it's impossible to sustain yourself and blend in with the normies per se. Have to play (((their))) system.
I do believe people will eventually reject immigration and other (((cultural enrichment))) they have been forcing on us. It is only a matter of time until even the normies had enough. The consciousness revolution will happen and many will break the chains. I do expect it to get violent sadly, but for there to be rebirth the destruction must come first.
>burning flame inside of us that makes us fight the evil that is being done to the plebs.
Let thy flame shine brightly and beautifully, my friend. >pepeheart jpg
True, the battle ain't easy. It feels like you need to understand the psychology and how to human mind works to really pick the right strategy when talking to someone about these topics. From what I have seen, normietube and plebbit have some pockets of goodness in them, red/white pills thrown here and there in various different niches. The tide is certainly turning, however there is a battle of consciousnesses. I can see civil war starting in US which will come to EU eventually.
Great post anon <3 Will meditate on this.
Bless you anon. Hopefully we all meet each again other in a rare decent thread on this shilled board filled with blackpilled self-mental-cuckolding propaganda.
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>But if one goes full Heil Hitler and shoves down a spiritual wermacht down their little normie-throats they recoil and put up their defenses ...

... or start larping as something without really getting anything. Equally undesirable outcome. Impatience can sometimes be a useful act ofc, just in case they assume they´re here merely for their leisure. Long term the project ofc takes somewhat immeasurable patience.
>thinks free will is real
retard or shill
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I wish I could reply to everyone and have even better discussion in this engaging thread. but gtg :/
Have a great day anons. I'll see you all on other whitepill/occult/memetic threads. Keep being strong(force yourself if you have to) and don't let thy spirit weaken. It's what (((they))) want. Don't let then weaken (your) Will.
Bless you all and thank you!
So globohomo and the replacement genocide of ethnic Europeans worldwide…..
<3 <3 <3 You to mein brother!!!!
Yes patience is the key here (I fucking hate patience hahahahaha)
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>I wish I could reply to everyone
This world does not deserve men as pure as you.
See you around anon.
take care anon, take care.
what? when did I advocate for globohomo? that causes harm, fraud and loss. entirely antithetical to freedom. who are you to choose who is better, when we are all possessing a divine spark, and are of unlimited potential and value? you need to move away from a morally relativistic worldview, why is it ok for you to be racist and take actions upon others, and then expect them to not take actions against you and your kind? how is replacement genocide going to create freedom?

now you tell me how only your kind deserves to be free? how can we be free by creating division, which is immoral action?
>spiritual warfare
Weird how related threads considerably more interesting get archived after a few replies. Moreover, this thread is full of fakers. 4chan has run off everyone who stands for the truth. This shill thread must be an attempt to lure some users back. Totally fake.
On the matter of individualism and collectivism.

What stops you from being harmed by others now?

The legal framework and its enforcement. Which boils down to the threat of physical violence from the state. Should you go against the state by for example not paying taxes, no matter the number of steps. The end result is in physical repercussions. The resistance to the state enforced physical repercussion is termination by the police or military. The state at this point in time will end your life if you do not pay taxes and resist the physical consequences brought on by the state. Therefore your participation in the collective is under the threat of death.

What is the difference between your rights and the rights of the cattle that we raise?
The recognition by the collective and your representation within the collective. When you are mistreated in such a way that your rights as decided by the collective are infringed, it is the collective that you are part of that will fight to protect you.

All biological life can be considered as in competition for resources. We exist as families, clans, tribes, ethnic groups, nations and empires as a function of that competition. The singular individual will be overcome by the collective. One family will be overcome by a tribe. A tribe will be overcome by a nation.

Therefore when you see every single human individual as equal it is no different to no longer recognising that you are part of a collective. Why should the members of an ethnic collective recognise your rights when you regard all humans as equal thereby refusing to be part of the collective?

You receive the treatment that you are willing to tolerate. With rights that you are willing to fight for. Under the representation of the collective that you belong to. Because the collective is willing to fight for these rights. If you are no longer being represented and are not part of a collective you become no different to cattle heading to slaughter.
>What is the difference between your rights and the rights of the cattle that we raise?
None. We are tax cattle for rich people who don't work.
I wouldn’t say all religions are mind control, but at least in our world, all the exoteric Abrahamic religions are.
Because we have no representation.
No leadership class and no ethno-centric religion. The jews have them.
>Because we have no representation.
>No leadership class and no ethno-centric religion.
Yes, like you said we would be killed by our own collective of slaves if we or someone else tried to provide leadership or representation in place of the ethno-centric religion. We police ourselves while whining about it.

That's not reality, that's the satanic epistemological paradigm. Principalities and kingdoms.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritu....
Why most of this are esoteric and vague? if something is very real and true then should it be very simple?
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why care for the collective or attempt to save it? democracy is clearly evidently hopelessly flawed. lowest common denominator, system of mediocrity. the collective can not be saved and i would even argue it shouldn't be. the system by virtue of natural law is self correcting. if tptb push things too far in some direction (like they are currently doing inorganically with troon shit) it will collapse on its own. causality.
both the left and right hand are retarded thinking they are separate from the body.
uh, so many posts. Modify your reality with thought -> emotion -> action, all 3. There will always bee good and evil in dual reality
Well before it would have been the priests and druids that followed the ethno-centric religion and dealt with cancerous individuals/social parasites.
It’s true that we can’t just become the leadership randomly and there is no ethno-centric religion right now for ethnic nationalist Europeans. But we can work towards such a goal.

People are willing to change when they face hardship. When they can’t pay bills or don’t have food to eat. They leave their daily life. Like a turtle peeking out it’s shell. So many are stuck in the daily work routine in which the only form of contact with the outside world is through controlled and psyoped social media.
The problem is that when they do peek their head out. There needs to be a viable culture, ideology and aim for them to adopt. That is the job for anons. To create that foundation so to speak. T
Fucking based!! I love you anon! We will encounter again! God wills it!!
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i will repost this because i think it is somewhat relevant. some thoughts i meditated upon this week.
AYE!!! Some of us were awakened ahead of the rest of them to be able to provide just this service to humanity!!!
Collective =/= Democracy/Egalitarianism
That's just one of many different modes for organizing a collective.
>why care for the collective or attempt to save it?
Because the biological/ethnic attribute is one of the most fundamental modes of organizing a collective. It has also been shown to be one of the most successful, both in nature and history. You are a part of your family and your race, whether you like it or not.
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Damn, it took you a while.
Anyone who withholds spiritual knowledge is immoral. Modern Satanist religions value free will above morality and that's a problem.
Anyone who shits on masons is good as far as I care. Satanist scum holding religion over peoples' heads because they are "enlightened."
Checked. Freemason female empowerment grooming.
Freemasons worship hermaphrodites, it's only the start of what they are pushing on society.
Heckin street shitters are valid in a western european democracy!!!
>If you do not love yourself, you CANNOT love others.
But I hate myself so I can hate others.
And that is enough for me
what stops me from being harmed from others is my responsibility to bear arms and provide defence for myself.

we both believe in the collective, but you create arbitrary divisions. my collective is far larger than yours, and the people who stand by my side and fight for all our rights come from every creed, race and religion. our collectives are not the same, and objectively yours is weaker, because you deny the help of others in our collective fight against those that would enslave us ALL. when we are all oppressed, anyone and everyone is our ally when they oppose the state, which you correctly surmised as holding the monopoly on violence.

do you dry your clothes by putting them under a running tap? fear is our true enemy, that is the mindset all oppressors come from, and it is one we must overcome. the opposite polarity of fear is love. when we all know right from wrong, and have weapons to even the playing field when coming to self defense, do we still have to worry when we ALL live in safe, happy, moral and loving societys? anything that damages freedom is Evil.


simple does not mean easy. esoteric only means the core, or closer to the truth. exoteric knowledge is the easily digested or known by the masses.

culture is the conditioning system. and as it is now, should be abandoned.

that's all it comes down to, we all do that in accordance with natural law and freedom is created.
trying to write off everything bad for you will lead to imbalance
You are correct.

I have experienced it myself. I was nearly turned into a abomination, a trans. I had fought “Gender Dysphoria” for nearly 25 Years. I even posted here before it took full hold.

But mortal strength is finite and not strong enough compared to the Strength of God. He made me the Man i so desperately pretended to be in youth, he fully realised my Manhood and answered my prayers.

Its not a natural affliction, its a demonic parasite or is at least a disease they can exacerbate in the absence of Faith.

I was deluded and the more i entered their world the more i felt such hate and recoiled at all things good and right in God’s eyes, turned my back on ideals i held so dear. It was terrifying. It was a spiritual near death experience.
Its an evil cult.

Only by the Grace of God did He take mercy on me and at my most broken and cured Gender Dysphoria, its influence expelled from me.

He did what most repressors think is impossible and what ALL tranners fear.

He cured Gender Dysphoria.
You have no collective and no representation. You are currently living a life no different to cattle. The Indians, Africans or Chinese will not see you as one of their own. Since you don’t even recognise your own kin. Why would an ethnic nationalist recognise you? You are no different to a leftist, communist or globohomo supporter.
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>I am not an insider.
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Based, but gender dysphoria is not real, it's just jew brainwashing.

The only thing God purged was the jew propaganda.
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Read, dumbass. Holy shit.
Democracy, or "Egalitarian Street Shitter Central" is a MODE of organizing a collective. It is the mode of collective society YOU ARE LIVING IN RIGHT NOW. And no fucking shit, IT SUCKS ASS.
What we need is to re-organize our collectives along ethnic lines and natural law to the benefit of native europeans.
>revert the uncontrolled immigration and demographic replacement of europeans
>remove all jewish influence from finance, banking, culture, education, media and government
Britanon has nailed these issues in many other threads as well.
Is more a question of Will, personal Will.
The power of your mind over matter, the determination to step forward.
Not a external force, but yes, I prefer to get my strength from my family and close ones than a desert kike (((god)))
Agnostic here, I believe in a God and Creator of the Universe, but not under any religion subscription. Is basically the true opposite of a Atheist.
The likely hood that the creator of the Universe create all or one religion on Earth? Literal 0.
Is egocentric to think otherwise.
I don't know if you can get the strength of God by using religious tactics.
There's also a theory that the human mind can manifest things, is in fact a know obserable phenomena, quantum faggots love to talk about the bhuddist monks forming sacred runes on droplets of water, observe in a laboratory.
If that is the case, even if God, the real one create a religion on Earth it could turn into at least half-reality by practicing the religion.
My beef is only with the other 3 sub-religion on the abrahamic set of 4.
These faggots united even without knowing are turning the world worse and worse.
Those are not exclusive to one another tho.
What would you do about people who claim they are ethnically like us, because they have one white parent or grandparent?
moral relativism and solipsism are some of the most dangerous ideologies to ever exist. unfortunately the satanists have been able to infiltrate/create all institutions, and pushed their satanic beliefs onto most people.

sadly you can see some who are still moral relativists in this thread, even when they brush against objective reality and truth.

even misguided, you are my kin. should you call for help, I will still come to stand by your side as your brother. even now, although you do not realize, I fight for your rights. I do not care for colour nor creed, they are also my kin, and are also misguided. should I reject a relative who comes to my door for help, simply because they lived across an imaginary line? should I reject them for the path their ancestors took, which split them from my line, or took them away from the dirt I live on? when you start looking for division, you soon find it. I stand at your side, against our oppressors, as a brother, and yet you reject the truth I speak because it does not line up with your worldview. I was once like you, my eyes were clouded by hate. call me whatever you like, I intend for you to be free to do as you like as long as you cause no harm to others or their rightfully owned property. race, religion and arbitrarily drawn lines will not stop me from doing what is objectively right and acting with love instead of fear. calling me a leftist is completely meaningless when I reject politics, due to recognizing it as the mind control meant to create division and fear that it is.
That is good.
All the depression and anxiety left me when i found the right path again.

Christ is King, The Lord my God gave me a personal miracle.
I experienced a power i had never felt in my Life, the boulder was unchained from my neck. the sickness was cured, the mind was straightened. My limits were shattered. A light was lit within me.

I was transformed and experienced a renewing of the mind.

I did not do that myself, God did.

I hardly disagree with you, i'm just saying this but because i have made similar conclusions but i'm plagued with some doubts. Two points:
1. Aren't you saying that the multicelular organism is the tribe? So one should, on a personal level act in harmony with their nature which will play the part in the multicellular organism that is the tribe (i.e. genetic similarity). If parasites or foreign elements infiltrate this tribe, the tribe either fends it off OR given enough time, absorbs and adapts until it forms a new tribe/organism with a different tribal soul.

2. Now combine this with my understanding of current movement of humanity. I believe modern technology has introduced stramge elements to the human (agricultural/hunter gatherer/ maybe slightly above) soul so the circumstances with which our system interacts has changed so drastically that it stretched the human capacity to adapt so thin that authentically living according to your nature is probably impossible since human urges exist for different tasks than those we face in the modern world, so we're in a process of change and filtering out the successful ideological and genetical material to form this new tribe which will work in tandem with the new circumstances.

If we talk about ideology and morality with these two perspectives, is it still moral to to ignore the bigger picture and act according to your nature that doesn't grip correctly anymore? Also concerning nukes and the like, which need humans to not act according to "primitive" nature or it may very well mean destruction. OR is it moral to venture into the abstract world and unbalanced greed for knowledge in the faustian spirit in order to strategize and prepare for a future far away?
Sorry for the slight rambling, i just wanted to bounce these thoughts off you, i'm interested in your thoughts since you seem to have a pretty good perspective.
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nice! well, thank you fren. saved and let's goooooo!!!
A difficult and messy question, that ultimately depends alot on the circumstances of the given individual. So both the biological
>how much non-native ancestry, what kind of ancestry, etc
and cultural
>do they act subversive or parasitical within their community? Do they genuinely believe in and live according to the native culture? Will they pass on native or non-native culture to their children? etc
I think for a general rule of thumb or starting point, something akin to the Nürnberger Gesetze is a decent place to begin.
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Autism will triumph
>Nürnberger Gesetze
Anon pls you know I'm not going to research what that means.
how does one reorganize along ethnic lines and natural law at the same time? they are mutually exclusive. discrimination is an affront to natural law, and will result in karmic consequences, the same shit that got us where we are now. I agree, the parasites must go, all who oppose freedom must be removed, because they are evil. but when all people understand and act in accordance with natural law, why can we not use our god given rights of freedom of movement, when none are harmed? why should we protect the cultures of our ancestors if they got us into this mess in the first place, all cultures as they are now must go, and they need to be replaced by a culture that puts understanding of principles, morality and natural law first and foremost.

the divine spark is within us all. stop looking outside yourself for a decision and creation you yourself have made, using that divine spark. know your own power.
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Thank you, sending you and others positive energy!
he is referring to the Nuremberg laws implemented in 1935 by the national socialist party of uncle Adolf. these governed who were considered German through ancestry and discouraged race mixing. this did not take a lot of research to find. stop being lazy and ignorant.
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>I write literary pieces positioning whites as evil and anti whites as saints. I'm not a professional that works for a global influence entity. Fellow brigadeers, please commence reinforcing my narrative so it will take hold.
Conan and Lorn, good man.
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I'm asking genuinly as someone who is going to be baptised in the orthodox church soon: is it sinful to participate in meme magic on 4chan? I know the question sounds ridiculous, but we all know it impacts/creates reality, as we saw it do in the 2016 election. I don't think Trump is some kind of saviour, but he definitely seems to be some kind of wall against the grave forces of evil that oppose him, so we should support him. I was very active during the election era but I wonder if it's akin to still practicing pagan/occult magic against evil forces (which still isn't good if you follow Christ)
Jesus offends them because he recommends transcending the flesh while Satanists are too busy splitting hairs over Satanism vs Luciferianism.
1. No person is entitled to intentionally take advantage of others because they aren't your tribe.

2. Limiting technological progress to keep control over others isn't authentic advancement of technology.

Nukes are fake. Nuclear power is safe and nearly free.
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Great thread I'm bumping
This is a world of competition.
Evil, good or bad. These are all relative to the individual being. To you it might be good to eat a bacon sandwich because you are hungry. It is bad for you to be denied it when you are hungry. It is evil to deny it to you when you are starving. But what of the pig. For the pig it is bad to be slaughtered and for it, it is evil for it to be raised as a farm animal meant for consumption. For one tribe to prosper another must suffer. This is the law of nature. A law that you might foolishly think to have overcome, only to find out that your time-frame for your point of view was too short. We live in a finite space. Is it evil that we don’t have infinite resources and land? The moment you step away from the human experience and later from the biological experience all these terms like good or evil become meaningless. They can only be used in a world of competition. For a singular indestructible being in an infinite world they would have no meaning at all. There is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world only competition between biological processes for resources until exhaustion.
The law of nature shall never cease. From the virus, bacteria and fungi to the plants in the forest and the critters living within. It is a constant battle between one organism and another. No matter how much you upscale or downscale. Organics either take or fight for resources or they stop existing. One side will win and split with mutations into multiple organisms who will once again compete. No matter if they are aware of it like humans or if they are unaware like the lower life forms. The law of nature is unbreakable. It is the immovable, indestructible and undying god of the universe.
No. In fact we've been tricked into believing that our power is evil. Did Jesus not leave his disciples with the same powers he himself possessed? what categorically makes those powers differ from "magic"?
must be because you are dumb and blind
It's partly why we find ourselves where we do today. No goy, don't transmute the most base and powerful material urge of sexual energy into spiritual energy as a creative force of beauty and spirit.

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