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>Nearly a third, or 28%, of Gen Z adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, a larger share than older generations, according to a new report by PRRI, a nonprofit that conducts research on religion, values and public policy.

>The report found about 16% of Millennials and 7% of Baby Boomers identify as LGBTQ. But among Gen Z adults ages 18–25, 72% identified as straight, 15% as bisexual, 5% as gay or lesbian and 8% as “something else,” according to the report.

>When asked about their political ideology, the report found 43% of Gen Z adults identified as liberal – a larger share than all other generational groups.

Privledge.the ability to do anything and be praised.
its popular and widespread access to the internet
its probably almost entirely women. like half of women are like "teehee im a lesbian!" its all for show
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>lust-provoking image
>irrelevant, time-wasting question
I offically dont give a fuck anymore
chemicals in the water turning the fricken frogs gay
It's because most of gen z are mutts there are almost no full blooded white gen z's they have no cultural identity or loyalty to any race because they have no connection to any race
How people describe themselves is changing, not actual behavior.

>The most popular LGBT identity is bisexual, which is significantly more common among women than men.

>When we look at homosexual behavior, we find that it has grown much less rapidly than LGBT identification. Men and women under 30 who reported a sexual partner in the last five years dropped from around 96% exclusively heterosexual in the 1990s to 92% exclusively heterosexual in 2021. Whereas in 2008 attitudes and behavior were similar, by 2021 LGBT identification was running at twice the rate of LGBT sexual behavior.

Its the microplastics

Each generation has gotten progressively more gay and less masculine. We have been poisoned by modern industry. Handmaids tale is inevitable as sperm counts continue to plummet
yooooooo can she carry me like that
The more you push back against a fad, the more it becomes cool and subversive.
>white woman
>lust provoking
because the media is feeding them pornography and making them familiar with the idea of homosexualism from a very young age. Telling them gay is cooler, and to keep doing it increases the dopamine discharge associated with it. They are manufacturing gays
>Refused to listen to CommonFilth.
>Observe the results.
girls wanna fuck girls too. Plus, they have the fear of Cock put into them at a young age by their teachers
>CNN gives an opinion
>and no one knows why
they know. you can brainwash weak willed people to do almost anything.
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Gee I wonder why, you have to actually impregnate women like in OP, and ONLY if you are a WHITE CHAD and you need to do it 1000+ times.

Here is your new mentor:
Literally just incidentally bisexual women identifying as such and mentally ill women identifying as non-binary. The number of people who actually have gay sex or troon out has not substantially changed
they should lose their minority status and all special treatment then
This is the way to be. Whether you accept them or not, stop giving a fuck about the perceived cultural rot of society. It was over before you were born and it’s only going to get worse and you’re going to be fine.
This. Half the girls my daughters went to school with identified as bi, even though hardly any of them ever actually dated anyone but boys. It’s virtue signaling.
the fact that this statistic has changed so much from previous generations but NPCs believe it isn't the result of propaganda lol lmao the jews are right about golem
I´m nearly 30, Bisexual, ive dated and had carnal relations with both men and women, politically i am right of center, conservative leaning (not in the murrican sense of the word)
steady job, pay my taxes etc etc

im not even the "oh i like feminine guys in dresses" kind, no if i want to date/fuck/whatever a guy, i am gonna date a guy, hairy chest, flannel shirt, knows how to oil a two storke engine, if i wanna date/fuck/whatever a woman, i look for someone who actually is a woman, not someone with manly affectations
No one cares.
>>475803341I just joined a gym and started getting shape. I feel great and my confidence is getting up to where it used to be few years ago. I asked one beautiful amazonian goddess out but she turned me down which is cool cause I found out she was a coalburner. Tonight I got the gym and I see this gorgeous girl benching and lifting. I shower and as i'm waiting for an Uber she is leaving so I stop her and ask her name. She tells me. I ask her if she wants to workout sometime. She sounds excited then she goes

>Oh, but I have a boyfriend but oh fuck it I'll give you my number.

So she gives me her number. I text her, she replies, then leaves me on read (typical). That was about an hour ago. You think she's interested or just being an attention whore bros?
Once upon a time a lesbian put me onto some game.
Then she was introducing weekly 3 somes...
neither do i
It’s a fad. When heterosexual marriage becomes the de facto normie pursuit the number will drop back down to 5-10%. Horny teenagers and 20 something’s are fickle
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it's because they're full of shit, duh
>no one knows why
Dude really? The truth is that about half of American parents have molested their own children. And the crazy part is I could you who have trying to justify it saying stupid shit like there was no victim or your kids are your property and so on and so forth. Americans really don't have any moral compass whatsoever, that much is sure in the hell clear.
It's literally just retarded women
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>no one knows why
Could it be because every piece of television and film they consume has zesty nigger faggots portrayed as idols? And the book industry is run by kikes promoting DEI everywhere? Music industry too? And teachers insist on teaching about faggotry? And all their peers support faggotry?
Every fucking queer on tumblr went on to get jobs in industry.
Yep correct and women are extremely sensitive to fashion.
Are you even allowed two-stroke engines in europe?
i wish that was me.
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Get more testosterone and impregnate more women
"LGBT" went from having to engage in actual homosexual, or physical modification to adding millions of letters to the acronym that mean nothing more than just claiming some made up bullshit orientation which does not require you to consummate your 'attractions' in any physical way what so ever.
Yes, Paco.
>I want to be victim
>I have a personality distorter
>To be gay is SOOOOO cool
>>>My therapist says Im a woman trapped in a mans body. My therapist has a Doctorate in art therapy

yea the list can go on
Reminds me of holyday in italy. I had the idea to cut off the tits of all fertile looking females and put them into a bucket. We would go out at night and put them into a bucket, all the kids were with me but none of them would pull through.
It is like eve dough.
my chainsaw is two stroke, the scooter i had when i was 15 was a two stroke
nah, kids are cringe
Basically this, it's like queers for Palestine I guess.
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quality post, hans
I recently threw away all my porn, and pocket pussy.
>I could you who have trying to justify it saying stupid shit
What? And sorry your parents molested you
Ask a random zoomer if this true and 99% of the time they will say no
Double text her. Ask if the boyfriend is black. If he is, ask if you can get his number instead because you prefer black men over women. If he isn't, send her the numbers of some of your black friends.
the art of 'identifying' oneself by 'gender' is still in its infancy
I talked to a therapist about this topic and for a woman she has incredibly based views.
It was a breath of fresh air.
>I´m nearly 30, Bisexual, ive dated and had carnal relations with both men and women
>actual distribution: 653 men
>2 women: bull dyke trannies
Why do twinks always do this? XD
I mean you cant cut off ass that easily.
When is this shit gonna die? Stop believing what media says. They're paid liars, you dumb faggot.
>Ask a random zoomer if this true and 99% of the time they will say no
You're just an ugly grandpa twink. Have a Chad or a BBC ask a zoomer boy if he's gay and the boy will get all fidgety and nervous and say yes XD
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>no one knows why
Literally kikes.
it should rise organically in all ages, if is only in Gen Z prove propaganda is affecting them.
There’s literally no reason to say you’re straight as a young person. Just be a pan genderqueer and behave like a straight person. Seriously saying you’re 100% straight at east coast college party is like saying you voted for trump
Would a statistical effect very visible when you would slam down your fist. Like on a bag of boobs.
I don't have any friends so I was looking for serious answers. Thanks you genetic fuckup.
this is it. it's the same part of the female psyche that causes them to enforce the social standard of every other girl being "pretty" despite not actually believing it. they realize that objectively, some women are just way more attractive, so they enforce the standard that "we're all attractive, we all deserve high value men" to put themselves on an even playing field. and if an attractive woman disagrees with them, she becomes a social outcast.
Bandwagon effect. Tell gen z repeatedly that lgbtq is very popular and due to desire to be part of the group, they also identify.

Tldr: Tell people how they should think.
There is literally no disruption, which would lead me to believe that the fabric of this universe in its entire logic is so unshakeable, non mallable but tehn again....
If it was propaganda it would rise in all generations. Stupid idiot twink XD
it's called social progress
It's just the women. The zoomer men are like 2.8% while the women are above 25%.

They're fad chasing joiners. Lost sheep.
interesting way of describing weimar-esque societal decay
It's a business con deal at thid point lmao, become a fag and be protected for life by globohomo
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nasty Rumpelstiltskin feet
Sometimes I want to crack poosie witj my big covk, but thrm Im reminded that wimen are pieces of shit and then my boner dies, literally shrinks in seconds. Women are today such a turn off its a fucking outrage. I should be able to sec with women without fear of AIDS and HEPATITIS AND HERPES AND HPV, but women are whores who fuck niggers, beaners. And white trash wiggaboos so I cant risk it.
Fucking disapoint, pissrs me off man.
>no one knows why
they are aligning with a the only socially approved positive identity available to them
>majority of Gen Z is nonwhite
Actually, it's more likely due to increased acceptance and visibility of non straight people, such as through Pride events, etc. People are learning more about ways to live that they might feel would suit them, whereas 20 years ago, they might never have found the language to describe it.

Being queer or trans doesn't describe moral character.
>I love gays I have so many gay friends
>t. jew
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The boobs will go into the bucket.
why do you hate the gays
>increased acceptance and visibility of non straight people
so... weimar-esque societal decay
>being queer or trans doesn't describe moral character
everything you do as a person (including mutilating your genitals) describes your moral character. cope.
Will she let me carry her like that otherwise I don't care

Also I don't believe those numbers AT ALL
It's because 20% of baby boomers identity as "Straight: the three times I had gay sex don't count."
I dunno i preceed that by a few years. Her vaginas would stink, jujst pure pureness.
This is why notorious gaslighter bill hicks said the government was making frogs gay. If he said "chemcials in the water change the sex of frogs" parents would actually bec concerend. use a fat faggot like jones to make is sound scary and here we are.
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Buy an ad, nigger
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This area circled in blue always interests me. I would always assume the anus would be higher up the 'butt crack'. It baffles me that in reality, the anus is mere centimeters from the vagina. Seems like a design flaw in the grand scheme of things. Like the one thing a man should lust after is contaminated by a sewage plant right next door? There is no way there isn't cross-contamination. Do women know about this? If my penis was in contact with my anus constantly I would be under a constant cloud of shame and anxiety. Yet, women seem to not care?

It doesn't make sense bros....
Fucking bot NIGGER mass replier, KILL YOURSELF! Fucking faggot bitch.
>everything you do as a person (including mutilating your genitals) describes your moral character
Problem being that being gay or trans isn't something you do, it's something you are.

Being trans doesn't describe your moral character any more than being a man or a woman does. Being gay doesn't describe your moral character any more than being straight does.

These are just baseline character statistics that we have no control over. Its what we do with our lives and how we treat others that define our moral character.

Gay and trans folks are certainly not spending their lives dehumanizing others. That's for you to do. Your moral character is in the gutter, you're a societal burden. Bringing us all down.

Anyone who has ever attended a Pride event, which uplifts everyone, possesses a superior morality to you.
Homos and queers are just performative acts. Behavior, much less sexual behavior, is not an identification.
Whose the slag?
>its popular and widespread access to the internet
The only thing it is, is fake. This retarded poll is fake just like Kamala's polling, fake news just makes up bs polls on the spot. Then shills run around pretending like it's real.
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The bottom of your balls is tucked into your ass
We evolved over millions of years. Women whose anuses were not near their vaginas unironically won the Darwin award. You may not like it, but this is peak design
I mean a reductionist approach, gott hat die erde nur einmal geküsst.

There are more bisexual people than you think, older generations just keep it very repressed.
shay laren (not).,
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the 8% is just straight women with extra steps
they make up shit for street cred.
The internet, the walled garden of normalfaggotry, needs to be demolished. The internet was perfect before it because easy for normalniggers to get in.
Take it back to square one and watch how quickly things recover.
I only identify as LGBTQ on my job and grad school applications
>being trans isn't something you do
already off to a bad start. "transitioning" is definitively a process that you have to put yourself through. the idea that people are born trans is wrong. the only cases of trans children come from narcissistic helicopter parents who believe they're "doing the right thing" by projecting these values onto their kids.
>being trans doesn't describe your moral character any more than being a man or a woman does
yes it does. it's a mental illness mostly caused by sexual trauma, porn exposure at an early age, or autogynephilia. to glaze over this fact is completely ignorant and shows that you either don't understand or care about these peoples mental health.
>Gay and trans folks are certainly not spending their lives dehumanizing others.
drag queen story time
>Your moral character is in the gutter
I don't expect you to agree with me, but I will never stray from my core moral values for the sake of pleasing someone else. I'm merely presenting my argument.
>Anyone who has attended a Pride event, which uplifts everyone, possesses a superior morality to you
i genuinely can't tell if you're trolling
Ah whatever, I'll jerk off to it later.
At least shes not full on bimbo aesthetics.
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I think its more to the point of brainwashing whites into having their children commit racial suicide. Basically Genocide by manufactured consent and insidious means where you take someone and poison their mind to such an extent they have no concept that evil was done to them and likely will blame the wrong people.

The mass pushing for homosexuality, transgenderism and multi-ethnic societies has the express purpose of destroying any sort of white nobility from arising naturally within a society and basically killing them by turning their own minds into a weapon against themselves.

Why do you think they pushed that out of Africa theory in schools or they always use this "We are destroying the planet" narrative, or its human nature that this has happened. All of these things are lies to destroy White Power and is funamentally a Judeo-Masonic attack against the rule of nature with the ambition of turning earth into an artificial hell hole of articial abstractions.

All this subversion is nothing new
Is females wanting attention and males been horny. That all. Men have been fucking eachother for ever in secret.
Gen Z would rather fuck a gayboy than a manly woman.

I live in a suburb of Denver and like half of the white kids at the local high school are trans/non binary. The latino kids look normal but something is happening to the white kids. I know for a fact that many of the classrooms have trans flags but I find it hard to believe that's what's converting them.
Sounds like she's just attention whoring. And even if she isn't, you don't want anything to do with a girl who so easily gave you her number despite already having a boyfriend.
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good! all women are bisexual, whole thing with two kissing each other that every guy egged chicks on to do in 80s and 90s. they all seemed too eager compare to girls asking guys to make out
great observation, there's truth to that
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> t.

Pathetic lol

Undercover Footage Shows Child Rape Is Rampant Within The Homosexual Community

Homosexuals Are Haunting Me

Ex-faggot's testimony on the horrors of faggotry.

The Gay Pride Movement Was Always About Raping Children

Perverts Should Never Be Allowed to Adopt or Live With Children


It was true in 1978 and It’s still true now.

A faggot's life is deeply entangled with human shit. It is physically impossible to clean your butt-hole 100%. There will always be a trace amount of fecal matter. Due to this reason, faggots need to go through an elaborate process of cleaning before sex, it's called enema.

According to national institute of health, 70% of all faggots are infested with intestinal parasites and not all of those parasites are well studied.

The fag is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a sodomite, queer, butt pirate, batty mon, it all runs off it like semen off its anus aka poophole. But call it a fag and you will be astonished at how it recoils, how injured it is, how it suddenly shrinks back: “wow, just wow! I’ve been outed.

It's good that dysgenic swine like you don't reproduce anyway. You must be killed.

Sure fag
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Worms makes you gay.
I actually don't have problem with this, because it means it's something I couldn't do anything about. It will be wake up call to some at some point, how global NAP violation was violated, yet normies didn't care, and because of this doomed our entire species. And i'm ok with that, cause it's them who'll be in tears (as shown by covid lockdowns)
It's wild how effective demoralization is. It really didn't even take that long to create a generation that is pretty much incapable of the basic reproduction and sustaining society.

The biggest lie is "it doesn't affect me so people can do whatever they want". There is no such thing, whatever you tolerate you must expect to show up at your front door.
People on average are niggercattle.
wtf i could've sworn i've seen this exact same post copypasted somewhere.. are you sure this isn't pasta?
faggots will eat themselves
Arabs, Jews, Nigerians & Mexicans will replace all of them.
> no atheists
> no fags
> back to the big religions only
I would drag them along until they are 0.
Hey, das geht das geht ab.
it's weird because
even latinas/latinos will be replaced
I don't know.. I have hope that latinx will have higher resistance than their purebleed counterpart
if only for the fact that they have first hand experience of what breaking of rules can lead to
But if latins get replaced im actually ok with that
maybe i'll settle for some pale skinned arab/muslim woman
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But then again you know that is endless like me looking at boobs.
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>and no one knows why
Literally everyone knows why. It's just an inconvenient fact.
Raising children under sexual perversion makes them sexually perverted. This is what the fundamentalist Christians have been trying to fucking tell people for decades.
Society reaps what it has sown.
This. Grow your own food. Clean your own water. Lift heavy. Your great great grandpa didn't fuck so you could be a useless piece of shit. Impregnate some cute blue haired idiot and be a man. It's literally that easy. Or just kill yourself because you are just wasting resources.
hey look, a faggot

>Be white kid

>Be labeled as an "oppressor" even though Jamal beat you up yesterday

>Teacher says you have "white privilege" and if dare say anything otherwise it's your "white fragility".

>TV says saying "it's okay to be white" is a hate crime me.

>No scholarships for you - your white sister is drowning in them even though females have been overrepresented in higher education for decades.

>Apply to a hundred jobs, hear nothing for months.

>Jamal and Sarah literally already promoted at major corporations

>Reddit says you're a girl even if you don't like one

>Imagines being treated like a girl

>Troons out

Anon, leftist white men are literally oppressed by their own world view and ideology. They've been programmed to simultaneously believe they are fundamentally evil as white men, so the ultimate form of virtue signaling is to destroy your own identity as a white male.

It's wild that there are people who can be convinced to hate themselves in this way. It's more or less just another version of the "original sin".

They think they can be redeemed in the eyes of their peer group if they successfully metamorphose into a woman.

The women who "transition" into men have internalized the same leftist propaganda, inversely. These personalities wish to embody the "male privilege" they have been inundated with hearing about through their leftist ideological propaganda. Most of them are shocked to find out this doesn't exist.
>no one knows why
The scientists behind the applied psychology employed from Teletubbies through Elsagate have a very good idea why. Because they invented it.
how many times have you posted this?
it's truly tragic that so many people fall victim to this- but at the same time they're just worsening their odds if we end up in a left vs right civil war
Because it's socially rewarded. And the reason more women do it than men is because women's currency is social currency.

This will all disappear the moment society has much bigger problems like starving or not affording a house, and no longer cares to think of this as 'special' and brave
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>no one knows why
God does.
Romans, chapter one.
I remember millennial women pretending to be bisexual for male attention but zoomer chicks have completely lost the plot. There's nothing enticing about rambling about gender fluid or queer theory gobbledygook.
Because jews keep normalizing grooming and molesting kids so now all the fags are reproducing like mad.
>There's nothing enticing about rambling about gender fluid
so you don't like talking about cum with your beer buddies?
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>15% as bisexual
>8% as "something else"
15% of them are lazy straight people who are so tired and lazy they'll take dick to have sex. 8% of them want to fuck dogs.

The vast majority of them are 100% larping and if they phsyically interacted with a man they'd be disgusted in every way. They're "gay" as in they saw some picture of wolf from star fox online with his dick out and now they think they want to fuck men.
In real life are they attracted to other males? Nope, lmao.
Yup. 8%, not some wacky stupidly high number. This also includes lesbians, as they pointed out earlier.
8% is still a lot but actually they count some girls who kissed.
>What does this mean in real life?
Most men can't find a woman today, the number is several times what it was before. Most men have access to gay shit on their computers. Even with all of this gay sex went from 4% to 8%, literal decades of propaganda, hentai, and it being "normalized" for this long and it's only 8% of sex.

Most men are literally living life on prison mode where they can't find or even talk to or see other girls and they still aren't gay.
Social credit. That's it. Social credit.
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because with less stigma against it people are less likely to lie about it
also 'lgbtq' could mean almost anything considered not straight, considering that in reality nobody is straight because the definition of straight is an impossible ideal that has way more to do with sexuality, id say the increase in self awareness is a pretty good sign
>has way more to do with
has to do with way more than*

Gays are a much higher percentage of the population than stats will ever show. The vast majority are in the closet, and lie even on official forms.
Kids these days keep switching between saying they're bi or lesbian or straight every week. My 12 year old nephew said he got a girlfriend only to be dumped a week later because apparently she said she's a lesbian now.
(((Studies show)))
>everyone’s doing the gay goyim, just suck the peepee and you can be cool too.
Ask them again when their 25, most will be hetero because it's just a phase for most of them
>more than 99% of women are bisexual
>why are more lgbtq openly being bisexual

Daily reminder that if it weren't for bisexual women lgbtqpia+ wouldn't exist and it's the straight boyfriends of these women who allow it.
Its because kids will type in ">insert favorite cartoon show here< porn" and get rule 34 furry homosex cartoons that make them identify as gay. Things like my little pony cunnilingus. Or spongebob and patrick and squidwards gay orgy. Also the front page of porn sites will push homo sex on kids.
Its curiousity that kills the cat and kikes who corrupt the kids with the filth they push out of hollywood.
I really wish that wasn't an American flag so I could have meaningfully screenshot
That’s old data. The LGBT is losing support at a rate never seen before in US history.

>Heavy propaganda in media
>Heavy propaganda in school
>Prosecution of those who want to be hetero

Hmmm... Really why...
It’s old data. If you asked these kids again, they wouldn’t claim they were a part of the LGBT.
Exactly. Almost everybody is a little gay, but until recent times it's been heavily shamed to admit it. Even now, I think people feign disgust over the proposition of sucking dick. Deep down, we all know that the act of sucking a dick is pretty awesome.
>push faggotry on children
>gee I wonder why they're all faggots...
No, everyone is naturally curious. But this doesn’t make homosexuality okay.
it's "hip" to be bi now
>noone knows why
as they say, gender is a social construct and now society is falling apart
>and no one knows why
Women are pretending to be bisexual for social credit. There, the mystery is solved.

You're a Faggot.
A lot of zoomers are distancing themselves from the LGBT. It’s just a very very loud and obnoxious minority that’s keeping it alive.
>72% straight
>5% gay and lesbian
>23% posers
Social contagion
“Pride month” this year was the least supported its ever been.
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Dude have you read new books about social relations from school? The degree of madness shifted from 'it's ok to be gay' to 'if you are not a gay, then you're a Nazi redneck looser virgin pedo Trump sucker'. It's not because children really want to be gay, it's because they are scary of consequences for not being LGBT.
Why are you blackpilling me, nigger?
Because being a straight zoomer sucks so bad. The cards are stacked against you so you have to adapt and find alternatives (bussy).
Never stop tapping.
They are godless simple as
We need to build back a white Christian militia
Hahaha women do whatever
>hurr durr jews

It's not women pretending.
Women are inherently bisexual.
Why do you think women are attracted to fem boys, or glam metal, or emo boys, or any of that shit?
Women are inherently attracted to both sexes because it's the nature of women to attract.

This is not a difficult concept.
Even the bible states explicitly
>do not sleep with a man as a woman
nowhere does it not say woman cannot sleep with woman, it doesn't even consider it sex.
The Bible was also pro multiple wives as are most religions.
This time it’s different. The world is backing away from LGBT rhetoric. Maybe it’s because of DEI but I also think people just genuinely don’t like it.
Like Rwanda XD
God damn this one is so prevalent nowadays. You faggots really are getting dumber.
Absolutely. I don't know why they don't talk about this more.
Stuff like BPA for banned because they were endocrine disruptors. What do those do? Stuff like feminize men and masculinize women. Same with micro plastics and phytoestrogens.

This trend is CLEARLY pathological from identified causative agents, but no one wants to feel like they have a disease, and so many have it anyway, that they normalize it.

I'm sorry, but if we had thalidomide 2.0 and people were born without limbs, they wouldn't say it's natural just because other people had body integrity dysphoria and chop their legs off.

But they're happy to do so with genitals.
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tiktok, sorry op is retarded and doesn't know
Which ultimately proves it’s a lifestyle and a choice.
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It's a (((mystery))).
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Complete (((mystery.)))
The vast majority of people have always hated the fag shit, you only got the wrong impression because it was manufactured to be like that, now they've backed off and made it more socially acceptable to push back on, why?
This. However, the women really are actually bisexual. In the sense that they make out with and grope the orher girls while they are in chads orgies.
Sodom and gommorah quite literally. Escape the jewish west while we still can. Before it becomes illegal.
Cuz they all desensitized porn addicts
>identify as
you covered it - kids love to think they're unique. But they also crave belonging and identity with their peers.
It's hardly a new thing - think deadheads in the 60's, punk in the 70's, mods in the 80's etc.
so zoomies have found a group that allows them to be "unique" but also gives them a sense of belonging.

You''ll probably find that the vast majority of those who identify as also haven't committed to physical relationship (esp. long term) with same sex/gender other than "experimentation" (which again has been around since.. well blokes got stiffies and chicks get wet muffs).
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make a beberino for shlomo
we need more delicious wagebabbies
don't be lazy

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