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It is no secret that formerly Christian Europe is slowly being dominated by the Muslims. The Jews have been planning this for a long time so that they can blot out Amalek. A depressing and strange detail about this domination is how reluctant Europeans are to fight back even when they are faced with terrible acts of violence against women and children.
I am genuinely not creating this post to agitate Christians, but the Christian moral standard of turning the other cheek is what has brought Europe to its current abysmal state.
Anyone with intelligence can see this.
Muslims on the other hand have no qualms about using force to get their way. Men are not unsexed in the muslim religion the way that Christian men are (become eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven) and having wealth is not seen as shameful in Islam the same way that it is in Christianity.

To make a long story short, dominance is encouraged in Islam and passivity is encouraged in Christianity.

My theory is that all of this was intentional. The jews promoted Christianity in Europe as a means of feminizing Europeans over time to prepare them for slaughter. Meanwhile in the middle-east, the jews promoted the masculine religion of Islam that demands conquest from the men and obedience from the women.

Anyone who has knowledge about Kabbalah and the occult knows that the masculine is the active force and the feminine is the receptive or passive force in the universe. These two forces long for union with one another.

Abrahamic religion has essentially created a sinister masculine feminine circuit designed to crush Europeans.

Europe becomes hyper feminine through Christianity, this femininity attracts the masculinity of muslim societies. They mesh together as the men and the woman mesh together in intercourse (in this case the societal intercourse would be more akin to rape) and tada!
The jews win.
Christianity isn't feminine you idiot jew. I don't need to be a mouthbreathing retard with low imoulse control to put you in a headlock and kill you with my superior muscles and agility.
21 “You have heard that it was said to those [a]of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother [b]without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.
Matthew 5:21
>Ignore the 1030 times Christian Europeans expelled Jews from their nations
This was back when the average person didn't read the bible and they had to use their natural survival instincts to determine right from wrong.

Whites seemed to fair a lot better in those times for some strange reason...
Prior to the arrival of Islam in Europe, the Catholic Church's primary source of revenue was exporting White Christian Europeans as slaves to North and West African kingdoms.
arabized version of Jesus is Issa. Issa is the hebrew name for Eve
dude get a new hobby
Good connection, I know of this but did not have time to include it in OP
The connection between Issa and Eve is further proof Christianity was designed to make us feminine.
The barbary pirates were mostly whites (balkanites and westerners who nominally converted). Neither nafris nor the church are responsible.
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I'm not talking about Barbary pirates.

And they are missing the whipping part.
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At the Battle of Jaffa, upon arriving to the city and seeing it taken by the Muslims, Richard the Lionheart was so enraged that he leapt over the prow of his ship, Royal Daneaxe in hand, and charged up the beach without his armor. His men were inspired and followed with a great war.

Salahuddin's Muslim forces were so cowed by the sight of the onrushing Crusaders that they turned and fled, driven from the field despite numerical and positional advantages.

Christianity didn't make us weak. (((Modernity))) and easy living did.
No offense anon, but you are probably not even white if you live in South America.
This isn't truly your battle because the jews are after us, not you.
Amerigolem brother don't make such retarded posts. The Southern Cone is very white, Uruguay is literally whiter than the US by 17%. There are lots of white Chileans.

Plus, the Jews are after Christians, It's his fight too.

Don't embarrass me like this again.
muslims aren't our brothers, they're our enemies
>inb4 pray for your enemies
Yes, I pray that they see the error in their ways and leave us alone so that I don't have to kill them. Christ came not to bring peace to the world, but to bring a sword.
You are proving the point many non-Christians on this board make when they talk about how White Christians constantly choose their brown brothers in Christ over those of their own race.

Chile is a South American country, and a simple google search illustrates how brown the people of that nation look.
based, may white Christians once more take up the sword against the nonwhite invaders and the synagogue of satan.
I love Richard. At a later battle, his force outnumbered ~4 to 1 and peppered by Muslim horse archers, Richard once again led the charge, routing Salahuddin again. He threw back his helmet and, wearing his full red kingly cloak over his armor, rode up and down the Mohammadin lines bellowing for a man to challenge him. Not one swarthy sandnigger dared and Salahuddin fled the field.

Ironically, it was a backstabbing by Phillip II of (((France))) that caused Richard to have to leave the Crusade.
We are suffering worse right now, they are attacking all christian countries, right now my shithole is being raided by veneco waves, btw, you are implying that my refutation was correct and you are changing the subject, classic shill kikery.
Charging into battle without heed for safety is more of a pagan hero thing than a Christ thing.
C'mon anon
You aren't being honest with yourself.

Also, Christians lost the crusades.
Constantinople was lost.
There were definitely some epic moments from the Christian side, but it was ultimately a failure.
Christianity is a brown religion, cope, atheism is way whiter
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

The Old Testament is full of warfare, and Christ commends the faith of multiple centurions without telling them to give up arms. Christians absolutely can and should meet evil with a sword. Paul writes in Romans that a good government is a terror to evildoers.
Yeah because gaytheism is going so well for the modern west isnt it retard
Except for the part when we colonizing all the middle east, but that was when we were more secularized
I think white ppl are too honorable, this is the only reason why portugal had military defeats in colonialism, because they tried to control their colonies with skeleton crews, and engage enemies when heavily outnumbered e.g. china.
You are accusing me of being jewish while you worship a Jewish god who came in the form of a man and was circumcised just like all other jewish men are circumcised.

You have no business accusing me of being a kike when you worship a jewish god and I will reiterate that you are most likely not white.
Christianity is feminine and Western culture is masculine. A society needs both masculinity and femininity or they go full retard.
Islam and Muslim societies are 100% masculine and they've gone from the masters of math and science to barbarians who occasionally do something based, but mostly just destroy their own societies and the societies around them.
Western society has recently lost its masculinity, so Christian femininity has gone rampant and the West has become a suicide cult with no guiding strength to speak of.
>Ironically, it was a backstabbing by Phillip II of (((France))) that caused Richard to have to leave the Crusade.
A tale as old as time. Our greatest enemy has always been ourselves. It was fellow "Christians" that destroyed the Templars, the Teutonic Order, and any other hope at reclaiming the Holy Land or achieving white unity in Europe. It's the same sad story for both world wars as well. One day we'll root out the traitors God willing.
silence, kike
This is a based take, you need a balance of both. We have definitely gone waaaayyyy too far into the feminine in the modern day.
>Literally the most pagan thing ever
>Oh but he was a christian though
No he fucking wasn't.
Kikeinsanitys latent influence is why you get RW accounts cuckposting like

>10 hours of black on white violence

fukkin kill me
Turn the other cheek goy
this actually makes a lot of sense. what are the counter-arguments against this, if any?
Christianity also causes white whore worship on the right (white mans most stubborn enemy), pagan societies said all white whores go to hell (hel) which shows they were redpilled on der weisse hure since early
Christianity was especially spread by white whores in norse and romans, shows you the alliance between white whores and brown/blacks existed for a long time
>The jews promoted Christianity in Europe as a means of feminizing Europeans over time to prepare them for slaughter.
Jews themselves are feminine though; crying out as you strike, using influence instead of force, using character assassination, these are all feminine traits. They probably just pushed that on Europe because that was where they had influence and that's what they're like.
I'm not sure because I heard about the masculine/feminine cultural balance idea from a YouTube video (Whatifalthist, I take everything he says with a grain of salt because he's fat). I've never seen it argued for or against in a two-way interaction, but it makes sense to me because I see the same breakdown on a smaller scale inside families where either the mom or the dad have too much power over the other and an unbalanced influence on their children

If I had to argue against this position off the top of my head, I'd say that Christianity and Western society were originally both balanced between masculine and feminine, but that they have both lost their masculine side. That balance is probably 30/70 and 70/30.
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>Christianity and Islam Corresponding to Masculine and Feminine Polarities
It's true whether you like it or not. Christianity preaches love and forgiveness. Islam preaches strength and war.
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If Jesus is a prophet of Allah, He is a liar.
If He is a liar, He is a false prophet.
If He is a false prophet, Muhammad lied in naming Him a true one.
If Muhammad is a liar, he is not a prophet of God, but is a prophet of Satan.
If Jesus is telling the Truth, Muhammad’s claim that Jesus is not God is a lie.
If Jesus is God, Allah is not.
Jesus received worship from men and women.
Jesus taught that God is one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Muhammad denies that this is Allah.
Muhammad and Jesus are not prophets of the same God.
Islam is a lie.
>Islam is a lie.
No fucking shit, it's all a lie invented by Jews to subvert the goyim.
I never said they weren't.
The jews are indeed VERY feminine as a people.
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>No fucking shit, it's all a lie invented by Jews to subvert the goyim.

And Judaism is a branch closer to the trunk of that tree.
It was formed in the 2nd century AD as a reaction to the New Testament fulfilling the Old.

They hate God as much now as they did then.
That G-d cat is Satan.
>It was formed in the 2nd century AD as a reaction to the New Testament fulfilling the Old.
Yeah it's actually hysterical to me the level of cope that kikes have. The temple is fucking GONE. You literally can't practice the Old Testament anymore.
Well, I just mean that it didn't even need to be some conspiratorial long-term plan, they might've just done it because that's their nature.
Not to mention moving into your house and demanding all of your money and labor, while dipping at the first sign of danger
This is possible, but I believe Christianity being feminine and Islam being masculine was part of a deliberate plan.
>angry without cause
Key words there. You know how jesus also said that adultery starts in the mind, aka thats where the sin begins? Same thing he’s saying here, albeit with murder.
>without cause
And that phrase is really important to focus on. Murder is not killing; murder is killing “without cause”. Killing is otherwise perfectly fine in the Bible
>now they’re claiming Richard the Lionheart was pagan
Take your meds.
I literally never said that. I said that particular action of his was more similar to something a pagan would do.
You are being dishonest to defend your indefensible religion.
Do you actually know anything about WWI? Actually France specifically claimed that it was colonizing the ME because they wanted to protect local Christians and give them power over their governments once again. They also drew up all of this medieval crusader imagery to garner public support for the troop deployments. Sure the west had secularized, but that secularization ebbed and flowed based on which decade and in which country we are talking about. Secularism’s popularity largely started to fall off a cliff in western europe after WWI and hit its nadir in the 40s and 50s, before massively surging upwards again in the late 60s and beyond.
>onwards christian soldiers!
>*to your doom that is*
You’ve spent way too much time around STD lesbian church roasties, and not enough time with your bible.
>his mental illness made him believe this
It depends on what you mean by Christianity. If you mean fast-food American Protestantism, sure. If you mean the Christendom that guided Europe and ruled it with an iron fist and civilized countless nations that’s a different story.

Protestantism is basically secular Islam. The Ottomans pushed and funded Protestantism to weaken the Vatican and basically turn Christianity as close as it can get into Islam. The Persians did a similar thing with the Orthodox Church several centuries before that.
>the Christian moral standard of turning the other cheek is what has brought Europe to its current abysmal state.
It really isn’t. Most arguemnts against self defense come from a jewish argument- muh community! Think of how your taking away the heckin robber’s rights!! Think of how the chilrun will be scarederino! Gun LOUD!
>backtracks from delusional claim
Uh huh. Has a doctor ever diagnosed you with schizophrenia?
you are a shill

Sounds like an interesting hypothesis, but then you look at history and it falls apart. European men weren't simps who rolled over, at all, when Christianity was socially dominant.
It doesn't fall apart when you take into account most Christians not being able to read the bible until the modern times and the effect Christianity has over time.
Similarly to how a glass of vodka doesn't hit you immediately, you slowly get drunk on it.
Christianity affected Europeans in a similar way.
islam is the most effeminate abrahamic religion, with judaism the most masculine
christianity is somewhere in the middle
muslims are clearly the most entitled children of all, jews are based entirely on logical reason with their legal system, and christianity is basically just paganism at this point but if it embodies anything its a sort of motherlyness
Islam is effeminate because it allows men free reign over their most base desires without restriction.
Masculinity is about self-control.
This is cope
Whites are so self-controlled that we refuse to retaliate against our corrupt rulers.
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It's literally only Christians that do this. Most pagans would choose a white Christian Europe over a brown pagan one
The same can't be said for christbros.

No. I don't know what either things you bring up (literacy and wine?) have to do with anything.

This argument that Christianity causes weakness and a civilizational doom loop is far from new. St. Augustine wrote City of God to address it after Rome fell in 410 AD, and pagans blamed the Christians for it. Gibbons famously carried the anti-Christian argument forward even unto the 18th Century, and it grew lots of adherents.

But it's just demonstrably not true. In fact, the opposite argument is more persuasive. Christianity did more to build up things and hold them together than it did to weaken them.

Even to this day in the West the strongest and most militaristic country is the United States, which also happens to be the most Christian.

A more accurate observation is that Europe rose to world prominence when it was an assortment of very strongly Christian nations. It was Christendom - the Christian civilization, and also world-conquering and world-dominant (for good or ill). And then, as it began to lose its religion, it also began to lose its power and vigor.
>makes insane claim
Put down the meth pipe.
europe isn't christian anymore, and while it was it kicked muslims' ass countless times, retard
This is all bullshit though and you act as though you are an academic when you are not.

The dark ages brought an age of ignorance to Europe where people did things like avoiding bathing because it was too pagan to bathe often.
Art became worse and it wasn't until the Renaissance that it improved again.
Things like mental illness were also blamed on demons.

I was trying to make a symbolic point about Europeans being drunk on Christianity when I brought up the vodka (not wine) comparison

You aren't even reading what I post, you are just trying to defend your religion because you love the idea of a strong nationalistic Christianity that doesn't exist.
Christians didn't kick them out, natives did and the church had to oblige their demands by facilitating or face the same treatment.
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>acktually, christians didn't kick them out, natives did
natives were fervid catholics, faggot
>dominated by the Muslims
Moslums worship the moon aka lilith the jew whore.
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Then why bother posting frogbro?
You’re a fervent nigger lover, brown boy
All in all this thread has been a failure.
I wanted to talk about the Kabbalah and how yids use the knowledge to manipulate the goys, but it just turned into a bunch of autistic screeching from Christians.
christ keks lost btw
Can you address even a single one of his points, tranny?
This is a kike (obvious)
>the crusades were not christian
Kek, What Methamphetamine does to the brain
This is a schizo (obvious)
Christians will continue to kvetch online about le Satanists, defend rabbis, and continue to allow their countries to be overtaken.

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