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The six million thing wasn’t invented until decades later.
No, the Holocaust was not exaggerated. The Holocaust was a systematic, state-sponsored genocide orchestrated by Nazi Germany during World War II, resulting in the murder of six million Jews, as well as millions of others including Romani people, disabled individuals, political prisoners, and various other groups targeted by the Nazis.

The evidence for the Holocaust is extensive and well-documented, including testimonies from survivors, perpetrators, and witnesses, as well as vast amounts of physical evidence and historical research. Denying or minimizing the Holocaust is considered a form of Holocaust denial, which is not based on credible evidence and is widely condemned.
I deny the holohoax and denounce the talmud.
wasn't the 6 million thing mentioned decades before the war?
jewish bot bait thread
weak word-salad bait that nobody will read

this has been "debunked" by jews, kek

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Do you have any sources that track the origins of the 6 million holocaust victims claim?
Yeah, Jews love "6 million dead" and "6 million dollars"
Seems made up
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>weak word-salad
It's ChatGPT. I work in academic research and 90% of the papers people write are exactly like this or worse.
"6 million" is symbolic number to jews. we all know that.
If you’re following the “holohoax” narrative, then the answer is that no one knows or will ever know because Germany lost control of its logistics and ability to feed and house its camp attendees. The least likely to know would ironically have been the Nazis themselves.
Why did hitler decide to put 100% of the death camps behind the iron curtain?

How did he know where the ussr border would be years before it even existed?
that was audited years later, it was accurate.
BASED if true.
Idk about decadeS but like 4-12ish years yeah, I'll see if I can find some newspaper clippings
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>the murder of six million Jews
are you sure it was only six million, wasn't it a lot more?
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it's a document from the Special Registry Office, listing registered deaths, which were recorded upon application from the family when there was supporting documentation.
Picrel is another one. As the document itself says,
>Die Zahlen sagen Jedoch nichts über die tatsächiichen Todesfälle in den Konzentrationslagern aus.
>However, the figures say nothing about the actual deaths in the concentration camps.
Nope, it was zero.
Yes. It’s a magic number in the Talmud too.
Actually their population went up. Look up the "death camp" nursemaid who delivered 3K plus Jewish babies.
That’s not true. It’s a tally of all known deaths.
6 million was a frequently used number for the Jewish population of The Pale of Settlement, which covered Eastern Europe and parts of Western Russia.
Sometimes the estimate was 5 million, but those headlines aren't shown here.
Sometimes the headlines were 3 million, referring to the Jewish population in Poland.
So the reason all these say "6 million" is because they searched the archive for "6 million".
nope, you can read the document, I posted a legible one. Read it and find out for yourself what that office does.
Thanks, Chat GPT.
no. not at all. 6 million is a symbolic number in judaism. according to it, 6 million jews must be killed before they take their "rightful" place as rulers of the world. some say that has already happened.
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Yes. Rabbis themselves say the "Holocaust" (meaning a burnt offering) needs to happen before Jews can return to Israel. It's a religious number and in Judaism, Numerology plays a part in their loony desert cult "prophecies".
Explains why the tattoos don’t go above 6 digits. It’s kind of suspect that they’ve repeatedly revised the Auschwitz numbers lower and lower while historical references stay true to the symbolical 6 million. Makes it hard to believe any of it.
Looks like a forgery. We all know the so-called Holocaust is a hoax.

Did you know that half of all zoomers don’t know what the Holocaust is? And that of the half who have heard about it, half think it’s fake or at least greatly exaggerated? Pretty cool.
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lol you retard, it's a later version of the OP document without the fake "Red Cross" bullshit pasted on.
It’s a hoax with no sauce.
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Here's the list from the Wannsee conference, lots more than 2.4 million.
Seriously, this is just like 'all the death camps are in the east!' canard. The death camps are in the east because they started the program when they were invading and occupying Eastern Europe.

So then, the OP document is also a hoax?
Of the Holocaust is so heckin real why didn’t anybody even mention it until the 1960’s?
they didn't tattoo the people they killed, only people that went into the labor system. Because why would you tattoo someone before you killed them?
Estimates are that about 400,000 were tattooed. But, of course, if they had needed to go higher they just would have added another digit wouldn't they?
it's refuted as incomplete. as in, only figures from camps that red cross had access to.

interestingly, the only camps reported as "death camps" were inspected by russia without allowing us inspectors.
The activities were mentioned during the war in Intelligence reports. Just because the name "Holocaust" didn't come in to common usage until later doesn't mean that the event never took place.
Can you sauce these reports?
Trudeau has killed more Canadians than any of our past leaders including WW2, and that isn't even talking about the vax.
just because i wasn't raped by aliens doesn't mean that it never happened.
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It's not a Red Cross document, and the Red Cross disavowed the use of fake stats attributed to them
>The figures cited by the author of the booklet are based upon statistics falsely attributed to us, evidently for the purpose of giving them credibility, despite the fact that that we never publish information of this kind. The main purpose of our institution is to help the victims of armed conflicts and not to act as an investigatory agency nor as a statistical bureau.
as i said: the red cross doc is disputed.
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So the people with tattoos weren’t survivors of a death campaign, they were just workers?
Auschwitz had multiple camps, if someone was selected into the work camp (the place with the swimming pool and marching band), they got a tattoo. Usually, some inmates got them and some didn't. If someone was selected into the death camp (Auschwitz-Birkenau), they didn't.
>If someone was selected into the death camp (Auschwitz-Birkenau), they didn't.
then they vanished without graves
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6-million was invented decades prior.
but its still a lie.
At Birkenau, the process was gassing (triggered!), cremation, and disposal of remains into the fields.
you lost me at cremation time and expense. why not just execute them all and bury them in mass graves? the whole holohaox is logistically ridiculous.

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Can confirm.
I have encyclopedia's from 1985 and before, none of them mention the alleged holocaust, not even under 'genocide'
why don't you do your own research about it and find out? It's not like you should just believe what some guy on the internet says. There is a shit ton of research about this, why they chose this method over others, it's pretty easy to find books about it.
go back to plebbit. there were no "death camps". there were concentration worker camps just like the us did with the japs. there were no orders from hitler to genocide the jews. he wanted to send them to madagascar in order to prevent a bolshevik revolulution in germany like happened in russia. they already had weimar. fuck off and grow up.
wow, I suggest you do some research, and you cry. What a fucking pussy.
i've researched. you just parrot the shit you were force-fed in school.

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