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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I don't think out of touch chuds understand just how insane Taylor Swift fans are. There's like 50 million of them in the US and they act as a cult. It's fucking over. Trump lost the meme war which means he lost the election.
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Nigger and tranny
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its over for drumpf
Well shit.
Whats the point. The tranny vote was already secured without Swift
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She needs to align with more guys and white guys, then she'll win, stop with the estrogen tidal wave, enough
Looks like she has the tween vote locked up.
White women need to get off they ass and vote for Brown women!
Is this like a feminization attempt. If Kamala wins it feels like the ultimate sissification of America.
confirms my schizo take that taylor swift is a fed doing mk ultra mind control on fans
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>no link

all fields
Drumphf is finished
If swift won the superbowl she can win the US election.
the whore of babylon and the tranny linked up?
keep it or nah?
fake bullshit
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Hate to break it to you, Harris might end up getting Taylor Swift killed. That's how things are rolling.
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if you think this is bad for drumpf just wait until Beyonce endorsement
As a Canadian, I prefer progressives like J.B. Pritzker, AOC, and Kamala Harris. Sensible, Strong, and FIERCE progressives. The Biden era is behind us. It's time to join the global awakening and take back our RIGHTS!
Oh its over
I'd love to see Swift imprisoned in a deep, dark dungeon with heavy iron shackles clamped around her wrists and ankles...and stay imprisoned until she gets old and wrinkly.
Who couldn't see Taylor Swift teaming up with the Illuminati? Her music is just a bunch of fucked up narratives and total shit to listen to. So, they have her encapsulated in their traps. She is damaged goods, and you should expect a complete catastrophe and fallout when they're finished with her. She signed a deal with Satan, and has consigned her soul to hell.
Trump is going to lose and it's going to be hilarious.
It's all about the suburban white woman. Some mom driving her daughters to dance recital sees her kids watching tik tok videos about how cool brat kween is will subconsciously sway her women don't wrong on thought or logic they run on emotions. They're going to see their kids happy which will make them happy, they're not going to think to themselves hey this lady is an absolute retard who is going to run the country
Good thing 12yo girls can't vote.
The average Swift fan is like 43
Yeah, nah.
What if there is no election?
And male at birth
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Based taytay
Miga cucks btfo
JD Vance is Aquino's bastard son
Taylor Swift is Aquino's bastard granddaughter
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*Sucks in deep breath.*
*Holds it.*
*Controlled freaking out.*

Baaaaaaased!!! We love BRAT Kamala so goddamned much, bros. We dream about her long brown toes jerking us off.

Hey, have you ever noticed how young and healthy she looks for her age? I know it's hard to get over the FEET thing but I betcha she could *still* have that baby she always wanted. She just needs a young white ex MAGA guy who loves her enough!

This is BY FAR the most important book you will ever read this year. Caleb Maupin thoroughly dissects the psychology and personality of Kamala Harris and why she is DANGEROUS for America.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X_emkhX-xQ [Embed]

This book was pulled from Amazon yesterday without explanation it's that dangerous to the establishment.

The elites who secretly control the American political system wanted Kamala as POTUS from the start for a number of reasons. They knew she stood no chance of being elected into office democratically, so they strategically placed her as Biden's VP knowing Biden was incapable of running the country due to his age and health meaning it would be inevitable that Kamala would take over.

Kamala is a raging psychopath who hates her father and projects her hatred on to every man (especially black man) she encounters. She also has a deeply Malthusian agenda and seeks to do the bidding of the elites by reducing the human population through abortion up to the moment of birth and contraception. She is anti-human to the core and must be stopped.

This book goes over so many details about this demon it's incredible. Everyone needs to read it before the election so you know what kind of monster Kamala Harris has been her entire life.



PDF of book:
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Nice ad
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This. He's toast. I'm going pre-cope now to avoid the rush. Build up my immunity.

Maybe she's slightly less Ziophilic?
Hows that for starters? Now I'm coping.
I wonder how the Trudle-schmoozing will go? The two of them together. Him in his colourful socks and traditional garb. Her in a nice sari.
Is there a way we could get a world war started and have these "strong" women go fight and get KIA'd or something?
JD Vance is a really bad pick no matter how you look at it.
>get a world war started
she will start one
No it's true. She's 35 and her listeners are even older. Her songs are all about being a horrible bitch that can't keep a boyfriend. It's perfect for wine aunts.
Those are the mothers of 12 years old
I think you underestimate how cultish trump fans are. probably more hardcore cult-like than swifties
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What does Billie say?
nobody can tell
Sadly true. (And wish it wasn't)
I'm not Caleb Maupin. I despise Marxism.
Trump could never be this cvnty
Nah. Force her to sun tan every day to the point of burning. Her skin would peel off. And then do it again. And again. We're not even going for skin cancer here. We want to turn her skin into an old catcher's mitt in just a few years. Then, when she looks in a mirror, and hopelessly rubs rejuvenating skin creamers and lotions into her right wrinkles, her false beauty and birth-controlled-nothingness will be destroyed.
Oh no! Now Normies won't read a book, changing their opinion....
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Don't make me tap the sign
Maupin's book describes IN DETAIL the particulars of Kamala's psychology and why she's dangerous. She is nothing more than a demon in human form.
He's Peter Thiel's buttboy.
That IS powerful interests,
Heh. She's too stupid to be a demon. She is a puppet. Nothing more. Nothing less.
detail for us how he's a "threat"
fuck him and his poo wife, fuck you too, poo.
No. The opposite. Kamala is highly intelligent and conniving. She works for the Silicon Valley tech giants and the satanic Malthusians (Abortion Lobby) who are hellbent on reducing the human population and imposing eugenics. This is exactly why Kamala is visiting Planned Parenthood.
The civil war will be forced, because the boomers are too apathetic and lazy, and the younger generations are too exhausted to actually start a war. It'll be instigated by all the illegals they've been importing and setting up around the country like a board game.
Only solace is that it's kinda funny how the 1st female president is guaranteed to destroy the country
TayTay is insane she at this point could also sway south east Asians too
Yeah, could have done without the miscegenation.

And unfortunately being officially pro-israel is mandatory in US politics.

Otherwise, he:
* Pulls even more of the white working class and labor union votes from Democrats.
* Connects Trump to big tech billionaires who will use their influence to help him get elected.
* Has educated himself in how the uniparty/establishment/regime works (unlike Trump), so he actually knows ways to hurt it.
* Gives the establishment real pause as to trying to assassinate Trump again, because Vance might be even worse. They wanted an establishment VP who could take over.
* Would be an even bigger threat four years later as the 2028 nominanee.
Who gives a shit what women think hahaha
Let the country collapse
Women do not like who they perceive to be convincing they don't like to be convinced they like people who do not give a fuck hence why they let in Muslims even though they sent bunch of white men over there to people for no reason

Society collapses back down women will be kept in their place they had their chance
Swift is fucking gross. Total swift fan genocide
>understand just how insane Taylor Swift fans are.
They are holes, bat shit crazy is the default.

>And they can push Harris as much as they like, she wasn't, she isn't, and will never be popular.
>But keep donating, just don't ask where the money for a knowingly doom campaign is going.

Swifties voted for Biden in 2020 and Hillary in 2016. Also Obama.

They're not getting any extra votes out of Swift fans, they've had them all along.

Trump should have taken Swift as VP.

If that had happened, Trump would have gotten 60%, Swift fans would have done something they didn't do last time.

she's an anchor baby and isn't eligible.

anchor babies aren't natural born citizens.
Kumwalla Hairyass should make tay tay her running mate.
Tap on the sign
a fucking singers opinion to fix the wall, immigration, unemployment, foreign policy, the drug epidemic

good job america
Swift's 15 minutes of fame is going to run out, the young aren't any less faddish than boomer music fags were. Perhaps in two more weeks.
Are you fucking retarded? By now there are thousands of videos circulating where people are pointing out every person in the call is actually visible 5 times
Hopefully she'll lose
I am 100% convinced any man that votes for her is severely deficient in testosterone
americans zoomers are so fucking stupid lmao how can you make your mind up about elections as if they were a popularity contest
you are just a retard.
it was always a popularity contest
not ever to this degree which is what i wanted to imply. Too bad your hairy turkish ass can't make that out
this word keeps being used in all the wrong places
I was actually undecided until I saw this. I hate swift. Voting Trump just for the fuck of it. I may even vote twice.
based Taylor
Yeah right lol touch grass
cope and seethe
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Holy Fuck Trumpbros we're getting fucking cooked. It's over.
anyone who is braindead enough ti vote based on an overhyped pop star is already a retarded leftist
Women are strong. Incel chuds and their leaders Trump, Musk, Netanyahu and Tate lost
>The most for any zoom call in history
>Zoom came out during the COVID voup of 2020 and is still fucking new
Can AI determine if its a tranny or not?
Yeh actually a ton of zoomers hate her, especially zoomer women. She's like a punchline to them
fake and gay
What a bunch of bullshit.
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