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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why are people hating on this 6'3" white chad?
you can learn everything you need to know from what someone's criticisms are
I have yet to hear any real criticism against him
all the complaints are either nonexistent or are complaining about him being right about women
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because picking him ruined any possibility of Trump winning the election, that's why.
If it looks like a fag, sounds like a fag, quacks like a fag…
Because he wants to send Americans to Iran to die for isreal which is the same reason people hate Kamala.
They're jealous that they don't get to plow that petite tube sock of a wife of his and be Vice President.
Looks like a boy scout camp counselor that insisted on checking all the kids for fevers with a rectal thermometer before bed time because it's in the bible.
>vote statist cuck party like a bootlicker
>wtf I have to pay taxes?
Republicans everyone
Zionist cocksucker trying to start a war with Iran.
Thiel money pick, Hated Trump until he didnt, Has an Indian wife,wants taxes... I mean...wtf is this clown world.
Folks like JD aren't allowed high office in an idiocracy or gynocracy! Duh!
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Join the zoom call on Monday to show your support for the next white male VP!
Does being a literally homosexual groomed thiel goon who will say whatever you want to hear to get into power, when he'll flood this country with shitskin h1bs like his streetshitter wife and sell your hick ass out from under you like he fantasizes about in his book, not count? Do you want to live in a jew-centric Minority Report courtesy of peter thiel and Palantir. I dont get it.
>statist wants taxes
NO WAY, you fucking retard.
Should have voted Ron Paul instead of Republiturds
the preferred term is homosectional
It's not "people", it's shills.
They hate him because he'll help Trump win Pennsylvania and Michigan, and that's game over for Dems.
>Trump win Pennsylvania and Michigan
>After Roe V Wade

>he'll help Trump win Pennsylvania and Michigan
How the fuck do you figure? He isn't even popular in Ohio and it's his home state.
He's 5'7, son
Because he renounced his conservatism and now supports unions and shit.
* He is Trump's connection to Big Tech Billionaires that will form the new counter elite to replace the failing regime
* He steals away even more white labor working class votes that the Dems have been steadily shedding
* He understands how the regime works and will actually seek to dismantle it.
* All of the above means off-ing Trump leaves a potentially even more dangerous -to-the-regime man in charge.
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So you think Trump is 5'6", you retard?
Vance was literally a DEI hire that only got a spot in politics because of the edgy political climate back then
They want him replaced with Burgum who is easy to attack because he signed legislation totally banning abortion. Dems campaign is laser focussed on abortion.
Fucking delusional. You want Mark Zuckerberg running the country? His vision for the future is the Metaverse--did you see what an ugly, repulsive furthermore BUGGY shitshow that was and is? Or if you don't like Zuckerberg, hoe about Thiel, who wants to create a dystopian precrime hellhole ruled by Israel. Oh, not him either. Well what about the tech billionaire spending n million dollars a year on longetivity extension just to look like a tranny. Yeah, he's the man for the job.

All these tech billionaires are freaks and gamblers. You act like theyre STEM chads who got rich being geniuses--theyre lawyer MBA drones who got rich sucking being jewish or sucking cock in a coffin at Yale.

If you think Vance is gonna rally the working class you're even more delusional than the above implies. I know hicks dont read but all his manufactured "bestseller" does is shit on them and tells them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps like hardworking immigrants. At least, when he's not asking Meemaw for advice on how to how to give a hummer.

Lay off the NRx larp.
They don't, it's part of the same astroturfing campaign that shills Kamela.
Deplorable hillbilly. Harris sweeps.
It's like someone combined the worst parts of ted Cruz and Ron desantis faces.


Because it shows a future without white women. Most users on this site still worship white women even though the probability she’s taken 10 nigger cocks up her ass or has had raw dog creampie sex with a negro is very high. And women will call you insecure for not wanting a woman who fucks niggers.
Check early life
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fake and gay
Which one, the story or you mean Vance?
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funny and based that is all that matters
>married pajeeta

mixing with poos is like the most beta thing ever, they are the most beta golems created by globohomo.
now show the other passage
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Basically this. Some people get dealt shitty hands in life (on top of the fact men in the west are just globohomo paypigs anyways) and now you're going to tax them even more just for that? Because they either don't want to put up with modern women or just can't attract one? Why is it he's willing to do this but I haven't heard anything on how he plans to deal with modern female entitlement.

Not that it matters. He's an Israel first faggot like anyone else who gets into the American political sphere. How this was lost on /pol/ just proves it's being astroturfed HARD. You don't get screentime if the Jews haven't OK'ed you first, dumbasses.

But I guess he said something sorta based one time so he's alright now, right? Fucking idiots.
>You want me to pay taxes for other people's kids?
yes dumbass, just because you're a childless adult, you're going to get old and these "kids" will be your doctors, engineers, and every other occupation that keeps the country running so let's try and teach them useful shit other than pronouns so America doesn't fall further into 3rd world.
Education system needs a whole overhaul and stop teaching to the lowest (niggers) if they are below a certain threshold, put them in special Ed like we did when we were kids so they don't hold back the good ones.
Tucker made this argument before about not wanting people without kids to run a country. Another dude who hates young men
Tucker was funny when he was making fun of leftists but outside of that the dude is garbage. Also who cares about the vice president
Businesses pay their employees. Whomever I go to for services and business will be getting paid by me. I will be paying my doctor, dumbass.
I don't get shit for free. Lemme guess... you do?
Kids used to be able to do that without tax dollars. So much for the party of small government.
Because he married an Indian girl instead of some White used up whore like what /pol/ wants you to do so you can preserve the white race
Hillbilly Redemption
He sticks his cock in a stinky curry hole every night and sleeps in the same bed as as an Indian. He isn't worthy of respect.
I'm not paying for other people's kids get fucked cuck.
So this is all indian spammers who are absolutely livid that indian women will always select white males over indian men.
Whose kids look decently white by the way. And Indians have high IQ’s. Most white women are cum dumpsters for niggers
You need help. Most likely a nigger
Not true. It’s just future generations of white men waking up knowing white women will ride nigger cock till their death bed for the next 50 years.
he looks like a Muppet representation of closeted faggot.
>Indians have high iqs
holy cope batman
His children wont be lmao
What a racemixing cuck
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>Saar i have high iq saar i am no dalit saar i am brahmin im basically italian
Lmao cope. All you have to do is look at India to tell you what WILL happen if you import them here in significant numbers. Because im not a rootless cosmopolitan,
my allegiance isnt to the intelligent, it's to the people of the NATION--that used to mean something.
The average IQ in India is sub 80 you retarded faggot.

You need to go back to your feces landill called India, shitskin. Fuck off and die.
Probably because he’s a phony, lying, greedy scumbag.
retard the doctor has to learn to be a doctor which requires high marks in highschool. Some old fucker paid taxes for your public school
>Why are people hating on this 6'3" white chad?
because he's in the closet. just be gay. case closed.
Not according to my stats. The United States is now the most retarded country on Earth.
The truth hurts. America and western countries are a cuck cesspool who’s women worship niggers
someone paid taxes for you. You're no worse than a boomer. I agree we need to audit this shit and make it more efficient and cost less. But do you really want a bunch of retards fixing your trains, planes, automobiles and be doctors?
The truth is that you are a nigger and I am a human.
he's such a chad he had to settle for a pajeeta
Is that why they keep importing Indians to Silicon Valley?
I've actually supported this heavily for years

we need to make the government more efficient in it's spending. stop spending money on other countries. get rid of abortion outside of the (big 3) caviets.
and yes I'll happily pay more in taxes if I knew it was actually going to help people. and not this nonsense that just ends up in people's pockets.
he's homosectional
Why do christcucks never understand that Chad was the bad guy?
The truth is you are a nigger and I’m of English descent
i don't know who this is but he's wearing eyeliner
We already spend too much on education and it doesnt improve outcomes. In the US. Idk about the Great Northern Shitting Street
when could kids go to public school without teachers and schoolhouses paid by the government?
Should we turn schools into NASCAR style advertising everywhere to pay for it or should we just have palm leaf mud like missionaries go build over in Africa?
No one paid taxes for me faggot. I don't live off the government like a thirdie.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, shitjeet. You calling anyone a nigger is pure comedy considering you're less than one.
I'm not paying more in taxes enjoy losing commie.
Settle? Dude wake up from your nonsense. White women are trash garbage. Before identity politics a chick from Morocco won miss universe all the time. White women suck nigger dick
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The eyeliner?
The fat face?
That he kinda looks like Josh Duggar?
I mean. technically you wouldn't be paying more in taxes in the scenario I described.

majority of your current taxes are only so high because the government is incredibly inefficient with money for no good reason other than "we have to keep spending it to justify having taxes as high as they are"
>Named his wife's son after wife's bvll, Vivek
Kek. He's got the white male vote in the bag.
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I'm just not voting for this faggot is all haha
I would suck a nigger toes to not have to suffer through life as a revolting pajeet. You are cursed from birth. Enjoy your lifetime of cope, subhuman. Man it feels good to be a real human. Kek.
>6'3 white chad
>Only brown girls check him out
Fuck he's actually me (without the eyeliner)
>married to pajeeta
>right about women
Remember Portnoy's a kike
Remember I am a single man and I refuse to pay for your kids.
That's not something you need to remind yourself of. He's the biggest kike ever.
They keep importing indians because indians have wormed their way into managerial positions and import their whole village. And software gets worse every year.

H1bs in general are preferable to domestic workers for a variery of reasons-they can work them harder for less pay, or risk deportation. They also won't whistleblow any of the rampant violations of private user data tech companies love to sell off, because theyre subserviant caste shitters and don't care, and like i said before, they risk deportation. Now you know...

9/10 jeets ive ever worked as a programmer with were incompetent fuck ups. I hired one to make some music for a video game dev job i did when i was younger and he literally submitted to us an ableton demo song. I'll never forget that shit. It almost shipped, we had no idea. We had to redo everything
Ouch the glow!!
Seek help
I’ve seen some hot Indian girls.

Silence, Indian cockroach.
This literally just benefits couples already well off enough and prepared to have kids. Fertility is shit because of expensive housing, groceries, stagnant wages, and a myriad blend of cultural reasons. The bachelors tax you're supporting is just twisting the knife in young mens' back that have already been priced out of everything

Ok nice I get 5% off in taxes for having children. Now my girl and I just need to save up $3.7M for our starter home!
Did you not go to school in the USA?
because if you did, someone paid for that.
Yeah my parents did because I went to school with white people. Fuck off commie.
Moot point. Chatgpt will replace all teachers in 5-10 years, unironically.
Non whites can't call anyone communists. You're a nigger and your opinion doesn't matter.
You just got totally felted and all you can say is nigger.
only slave drivers care about "muh birth rates". it is just proof they don't care about their actual voters
He doesn't actually care about birth rates. If he did, he'd promise to crash the housing market and dump home values by -90%. But these people are all about real estate and the number going up, and have zero interest in economic deflation.
democrats and leftists hate him because they were told to. there's nothing else to it. if they were told to hate their own mother, they'd do that too.
I'm not supporting extra taxes for childless people. if that's what's being debated than I will put the retard cap on and sit in the corner. I thought it was just have tax dollars go to schools which need a whole overhaul from its current form of not teaching anything and letting niggers control the classroom.
But I'm more of a carrot than a stick guy, and they should give more benefits and shit to white people having babies and not like niggers pooping out little shits for checks.
having kids and raising them right should get you a bonus.
community work, involvement in sports/activities, and grades/temperament should be adequate to tell if the child is being raised well and used as metrics for tax breaks for the parents and other shit rather than a blanket subsidies that go out to every baby momma.
He grew a beard to hide his double chin and also wears eye makeup. Where is this "Chad" you speak of.
she's an anchor baby and isn't eligible.

anchor babies aren't natural born citizens.
I guess you haven't heard of RDJ heels son
I agree and was not aware that this was an extra tax aside from what ((you)) are already paying.
The school system needs an overhaul with the focus on learning useful shit and studying/researching/discipline. no more pronouns and tranny shit as well as no more teach to the lowest, of they're below the standard, they go to special Ed to leave the normal kids alone to learn. The USA should be leading the world in education except for maybe Japan or China whichever one has the crazy school hours. No wonder they're so autistic.
His policy of disenfranchisement is quite a doozy.
He is literally the type of person people from the 18th century would have fought to overthrow.
> the average height of an Indian man is approximately 164.94 centimetres (5 feet 4.9 inches), while the average height of an Indian woman is about 152.58 centimetres (5 feet 0.05 inches)

Even if she is wearing heels in pic. No way he is over 6 feet.
Except his kids clearly have white in them. Vivek is darker skin indian. His kids are almost white passing.
Good try astroturfing. The number of criticisms over his policies and the shit he says is all over the place. Maybe you just suck at reading?
Fag who wears excessive makeup (so any at all) who was raised by a crack whore mother and his grandmother, so a feminine mama’s boy. A literal nobody who was obviously boosted to his current position by jews who promoted his shitty boring autobiography, presumably in the hopes that he’ll be their shabbos goy, which all evidence is saying he definitely will be. Next question, faggot OP. Sage
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To my knowledge, none of these people have offered reforms to schools, let alone offered to purge them of LGBT cancer and the like. When you put yourself in the mind of a politician offering something, you need to always consider what their incentives and motives are for their handlers and superpacs that donate to them. All of this is just tipping his hat to boomers, as he's basically admitting that men and women in their late 20s+ without kids all hate the system with a passion and feel cheated out of life. So stripping yet more financial power from young people and if I'm not mistaken, he even alluded to the removal of voting rights for single people as the conclusion of this.

The result is further power concentration to the beloved ancient Bush-era neocon fucks like Mitch McConnell with wrinkly saggy vagina-skin necks that borrow more debt and put the world in forever wars. These people would raise the voting age to 70 if they could
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JD Vance is a fraud. This is not what any true what man does. JD Vance is a race traitor.
I am liking his ridicule of women. He is literally putting /pol/chud talking points into the mainstream.
Because he's a mean MAGA Right Christcuck ignoramus?
>Modi handler to flood you with H1Bs
>Palantir handler to flood you with oligarch-friendly legislation
>LGBT handler to flood you with even more gay
>Tesla handler to flood you with more climate change propaganda
There is nothing to like about this guy liner wearing turbo faggot.
They are crypto-feminists trying to gatekeep the top past a line of unlikeable modern women unable to pair bond
What ridicule? He wants you to be taxed for not becoming a stepdad to little Tyrone!

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