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>I suffer in Europe

Yup those are Danish chicks
>indulging in debauchery is so heckin based and trad
why are they naked on a boat dock
communists are mentally ill
Dossn't look too enriched, yet
I hate people so much.
Imagine just walking around a beach filming people
I want to beat this dudes ass so fucking bad. Then film him, slack jawed and snoring after I TKO his ass.

Guaranteed he was a Muslim immigrant.
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This is what the people look like on my beach.
They all fell off your beach because it's on its fucking side.
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Checked, sorry, I didn't see your flag. Is this better?
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Indian men be like “ I suffer “
I am surprised 50% of the video aren't Africans or Muslims.

Too many white people
Look at all those niggers
I gotta go back to the gym. This video is motivation. I don't want to be a fat American when I'm older. After a few months I'll be good looking like the guys in that video. I saw only one fat woman in that whole video and she would be like average for the USA kek.
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Holy fuck you're incompetent.
THIS is how it's suppose to look.
kinda cringe
>I suffer in France!!!
You might wanna look up what "TKO" means.
As you can see, we're all very poor muslim comminist queer feminists, and the old north is lost.

I would go to the beach but all of them have e.coli contamination from jeets shitting on them. Never thought there could be a worse pest than cockroaches
me too. where i go its half spics blasting rap on bluetooth speakers, and half pajeets. also nigs and latinos zipping around on electric scooters.
we also have lots of cities that pipe sewage straight into the ocean.
Yep, same fakeness we see here, but extra crowded
but what's the point? those are all programmed NPCs
god the USA is a shit hole.
this is what happens when mentally ill corporate psychos are allowed to run amok.
It seems strange to watch this. Even if you sees someone you like, you cannot go and talk to them. What's the point? It's also strange because when I walk around, people make eye contact with me, but here, people ignore the camera man (probably a disgusting jeet/muslim) so it's very unnatural, as if one is invisible.
The better looking women in this video all prefer BBC (Black men)
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
aaaand they all have small tits
I love white women so much. Asian women can’t compete.
This leaf gets it
what's the difference between spics and latinos?
You might have a mental illness.
Often times jeets bring in the cockroaches, because they cohabitate and form a symbiotic relationship.
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this sight drives browns crazy
I only watched this stupid video because you used this word. There is no debauchery, here. Are you such a shut-in you think people enjoying the sun is "debauchery"?
I remember those times when I was a teen in DK, we went to bellevue beach instead, glad they expanded the harbour that way. The girls are very protected as what happens is that you find your school mates and hang around with them so these are very concealed knit tight groups actually despite seeming otherwise, the boys watch for the girls without any peer pressure needed, it all happens very organically.

I miss Denmark but have kids here.
The amount of non-whites was satisfyingly low, but yes, I do not comprehend why they'd set up on hardwood dock planks.

The skyscraper backdrop is also completely soulless.
In the first minute, someone says "Nikka" and laughs and then there is one Black dude walking by.

Did anyone else hear it? I don't speak Danish but it sounded like he said that and suddenly there is a Black dude. goto M:S 0:09
They are still a Monarchy, you former colony.

Look at your countries coat of arms and don't you forget it.
> mutilates genitals
> shoots up schools
Yup, he is probably some foreigner idiot who never saw actual liberty in his own country.
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Be careful dens
if you keep showing this kind of images openly, you will be jeeted overnight

pic, related
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We only tell you it sucks here because we don't want you brown fat violent Americans coming here at all. Stay in McKinney Texas or Fairfax Virginia or whatever.
He has his 4k camera hidden in a fanny pack. He wears a baseball cap and glasses and hoodie. He's probably Chinese.
Well you're Finnish and you're not a Germanic like They are. You're closer to Slav. FUCK THE HELL OFF YOU SLAV NIGGER
It actually really annoys and bothers me that they're all out sitting on that wood pier or whatever you call it. Get some fucking sand.
Muslims tend to keep away after they lost fights to naked Danish men after trying to beat up Danish women in beaches for "indecency"

they really tried but it was getting ridiculous and they were demoralised.

I caught a glimpse of that in a beach once where during the brawl a Danish girl pulled the pants of one of them and shouted "look! now you're one of us!"

Danes are a funny kind.
They mocked Christ's Last Supper in the opening of the Olympics. the Degenerates will Darken Denmark Next
How are danish men in bed? i feel like they would be very reserved and boring.
You are not even reading what I write, are you.

had to be a le mutt.
im not seeing alot of inclusivity on the docks. how do you manage to keep the muzzoid virus at bay?
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kek, you got to lock gays up and kill them for over a thousand years and they get to mock your beliefs now they are freed, I think it's a fair trade.
We don't take shit from them like you do.
I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing all the hit women and knowing they only are having sex with chads and would never want to have sex with me
conquered, many such cases
>we dont take shit from them like you do
kek who says muslims do anything in the states? they know better.
That looks like hell to me, way too many people. I like at least 20 meters between myself and the plebeians at the beach.
where are "new danes"?
I remember how bad the americans pussied out during the Danish "cartoon scandal":
People do this shit at places like Corpus Christi, infact this floating bar on the boardwalk looks very similar to somewhere I went.
Go back and look at the video. 9 or 10 seconds in someone yells "NIKKA" and a black kid walks past the camera. one of 2 black people in the entire 1000 person sea of whites
We love kinks. (Danish, just breeding in Finland currently)
No one gives a shit, Beaner. Go back to Brownville
thats not how we say the n-word if thats what you thought

we say neger
in their shawarma shops and kiosks where they belong, they don't dare fare in beaches anymore.
>where are "new danes"?
They can’t swim and this is the harbor and it’s deep as fuck.
well listen to it. did he say NIGGER OR NOT
It would be flushed in the atlantic
What about cheating? I like men who cheat
doesnt sound like it to me
Don't worry anon, Denmark has some really awesome beaches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxi5fZHqZPw
i just want to remind everyone that denmark is the inferior version of norway
i'll cheat on you don't worry. and women are ok with threesomes too.
Hot. i like it better when theres no mutual agreement between the gf or bf. I like to know shes suffering and i got what she couldnt.
Looks superior to me m8, better weather, closer to western Europe
*says the guy who uses our flag as inspiration, subject to a Danish royal family*

nah, you just stumbled in oil momentarily. You were Danish fishermen previously, deal with it.
muzzies can't swim
So how do we meet.
>public indecency isn't debauchery
Nudism is white culture.
It depends on your body type and willingness to really be cruel to your gf about the whole thing. I prefer muscular men. Masculine you know? Anyways i am traveling next year there idk to what specific spot yet. You better not be brown irl.
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i sat next to a danish woman on the plane once
10/10 perky bubble butt
Truly God's land
I am very jealous
I have traveled a bit as a tourist but I will never be a real eurobvll
What's she saying?
I'm pale and blonde with grey eyes, don't you worry. You better not be brown either.
Are muscular tho? Do you have session?
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I used to screw Danish girls when I lived in Skåne. Not as hot as Swedish ones.
imagine everything without immigrants and it would be a paradise
Stop this faggotry
>most heterosexual northerner interaction
Violent unfaithful men are hot. You will never understand.
Yes, I train every morning. Take long walks every afternoon.
Good. Session?
It is a relaxing sight, somehow.
Maybe feminazis are hidden, plus the harbor seems to be a locals spot (where they meet (or go) with their friends). It is not like Disney or Miami full with niggers and landwhales.
I really hope danes keep that place, and the family beach, for some long more time.
Reminded me when I was a kid and local beaches here were not full of niggers, tattooed lards, cumas and venezuelans in tents.
Define session
feminazis are kind of extinct in canada because anyone with idealism of any sort already got depressed and offed themselves on fentanyl.
>people are sunbathing this is debauchery they need to be sitting in factory 18 hours a day in a burka or else it's racist
Fucking protestant faggot
Something quite annoying in those videos is the lack of personal space and not caring to leave passthroughs for someone else that might want to walk from A to B. Like rats or sea lions.
Individualistic autists, perhaps is their weather.
Its an app like telegram.
there's no protestant prohibition on sunbathing. sunbathing has always been popular in north america. since the beginning of our countries summer tans have been seen as attractive and desireable.
says the swedish slave lol
Only a muslim or a prod would complain about sunbathing probably because it's faggot religions
they live in tiny countries. they're not giant countries like Canada or Brazil or Mexico. What does individualism have to do with people in small countries sitting close together on the beach?
It drives the kikes even more mad. Especially the jewish women. Makes sense why they look like pic related.
of course anyone would be depressed having to live in Canada under the libshits rule, Cuckdeau, permanent frost and assisted suicide.
canada and american have a protestant history and sunbathing has never been something that offended protestants. you know nothing of our culture.
oh fuck off America. you are so weird and autistic about stupid shit
simply thinking that protestants are against sunbathing is supremely ignorant.
>everyone in bathing suits
>nobody is actually bathing
white people weird.
only idealistic people. i'm a cynical scammer that even stresses out the most hardened chinese people that have to interact with me.

life in canada doesn't stress me out at all.
They're at their metaphorical beach stupid.
You're so stupid
northern europeans only have a few months of summer so they enjoy laying in the sun. sunbathing isnt a thing in hot countries because it's sunny all year round.

whats weird is browns in north america and europe are out of the sun all winter and when summer comes around they dont want to lay in the sun at all. they get literally no vitamin d all year.
I see at least half a dozen people in the water.

And lots of nice titties.
>what does individualism have to do with people in small countries sitting close together on the beach?
They 'claim' a space and do not care about blocking transit. Some of those pier walkways should not be blocked, and there are they, blocking the place.
So "autism"
individualism means weak kinship and family ties. it has nothing to do with how people sunbathe.
also, its not a sidewalk. its i think made to look like a pool deck because you can see the pool ladder going into the ocean. its a place meant for people to lay and sunbathe i think.

seems nice.
>whats weird is browns in north america and europe are out of the sun all winter and when summer comes around they dont want to lay in the sun at all.

I imagine that people who migrate from africa or any other unbelievably hot shithole absolutely hate summer and would rather go outside during winter since it's the only time they aren't reminded of the place that they used to live in.
Pajeets already cumming in their pants.

Even blacks are not as anoying.
>thanks ahmed raza :)
How can I be a cynical scammer wow cool
Read before you sperg... I'm a Dane fucking in Finland, Turk slave.
yeah, but it wears you out getting no vitamin d for 10 months straight. where i am we get 3 good months of sun and 9 months of rain and clouds. for those 3 months i cycle everyday, do 2 hour walks 4 or 5 times a week, etc.

if you don't utilize the small window of sunny weather you will get worn out QUICK. if you go two or three years without any sun you will be beyond miserable and unhealthy.
Yep. It’s almost in the city center. There are sidewalks and bike lanes nearby.
Why can't you go talk to them lmfao?
>human interaction is illegal
Must be a cultural thing of these parts. Like even on summer, there is a definite space between groups of people at very populated beaches.
These danes do not have that.
I ve seen that behavior in sea lions, penguins, rats, indians. I am not comparing danes with poos of course, but it is an observation about personal space.

For instance, here we have surprise earthquakes now and then. Below 7 Richter nobody cares, near 7.5 Richter some nerviously laugh, but reaching the 8s some experience the urge to the hills (because over 8 means tsunami), which also means everybody will try to escape through gaps of groups.
danes are spergs about inner groups. My last gf was one
again, chile is a huge country and denmark is a tiny country. they dont have lots of space.
This makes me so angry about being born in this pussy prison.
what are inner groups?
Will check it. I don't do video sex however, that's for desperate people and I'm not one. I hang around Vega when i'm in Copenhagen tho
They probably catch some sun on some days, but not every day of the month. Because as you said if they don't go outside to bask in the sun for a while then they'll become miserable as shit, and i experienced that firsthand when i was stuck inside all day during COVID and it was constantly cloudy.
>be denmark
>call a dock a beach
I hate when people share shit like this.
Like shut the fuck up, I don't want brownoids or "white" people coming here.
If you're not Danish you don't belong. Simple as'
Hvorfor er du i Finland?
>inb4 fucking
Tvivler på Fingol fisse er vær at rejse til Finland for.
who cares
why are indian homos so out of shape compared to our homos?
europeans are genetically programmed to lay in the sun because of thousands of years of living in low light environments with no sun for most of the year. other races never had that selection pressure i think. i'm interested how african and south-asian culture changes as they settle in europe and canada for the next 1000 years and get no sun for most of the year... will they start sunbathing for the vitamin d later on?
Get session. I have to suss you out first to see if you are really down with it. Then post the code here. Before the thread dies ideally lol
people you know, inner circle.
Could be all their beaches are full of shit from India.
>I hate when people share shit like this.
Yes. I hope it lasts. Seems comfy for the locals.
Can I come? I'll bring more evergreen trees, a lack of trees means a versace wearing dumbo took over the beach. Happened here too.
Here's how we do this:
if you come to Copenhagen a year from now as you say go to Vega, you see a muscular guy 6'tall grey eyes leather blazer you may approach and say hi and we take it from there.

if it isn't me at least hopefully you have a good time as well since I'm having some regardless.
Faggot kike spotted.
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>blocks your path
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>do you think i would fit in???? im 1\75th german
Hmm. Sounds pretty generic. As long as you are down for anything i guess. Dont pussy out. Your gf needs to be emotionally hurt. Wear something that i can recognize. Set a specific time too.
Yes and nobody was wearing lingerie in public even at real beaches until very recently in history. What's your point?
So? Just because someone may not like interacting with you in your imagined case scenarios doesn't mean you can't actually interact with them.
Det er anderledes. Alt er anderledes. Men til at være ærligt er på vej tilbage. Du skulle prøve Finsk fisse det er fandme sjov at høre "PERKELE" når man rør for dybt.
And may the shit tests begin. Kek
>i'm interested how african and south-asian culture changes as they settle in europe and canada for the next 1000 years and get no sun for most of the year... will they start sunbathing for the vitamin d later on?

Possibly. Also, this question is unrelated, were archaic europeans just black people who migrated to europe and turned white over time? I imagine that with it constantly being cold and often cloudly over there, they'd end up developing white skin so they can catch as much sunlight as possible before the sun is eventually covered up for weeks or even months by clouds. Winters could also be very deadly too, and that could have made them more smarter than africans who haven't migrated since they were forced to use more of their brain to adapt to that more dangerous enviroment. Would the blacks in europe end up turning white over time as well?
Our beaches are pretty clean aside from washing up everywhere.
Brown people generally don't go to the beach though.
These docks are set up at the canals for city slickers to enjoy a bit of summer since they're too lazy to get out of town.
People don't really bathe in the water since it's nasty ass canal water.
Things are already bad enough as is, but we only have to look across the strait tot see how bad it can really get.
At least normalfags are generally becoming more and more racist.
Macedonia is still pretty European no? Maybe you got some Albanians and Turks running around, but doubt it's as bad as here.
Dude I fucking hate when some expat comes here and gets upset about not fitting in. Sure you're ethnically Danish, but you're obviously still a foreigner.
>Men til at være ærligt er på vej tilbage
Did you run this through MTL or have you just been gone for too long kek
>Fingol fisse
its ok if I dated a dane here, because local culture is warmer and initially I thought she was a not fat american.
In Denmark I hope they keep their social cohesion instead of adding current southamericans.
Leather blazer, hang out from 10pm to 11pm before I hit for the city center or parties on weekends.

not going to ask how you look because half of the Danish and Swedish 4chan will be looking for you there now. kek

So surprise me then.
If anything people will just think you're a cringe retard if you hit up a girl in public like this with her friends around.
I'd say 9/10 times it doesn't work unless it's a social environment like a bar/club.
>leather blazer
Wear a pin or something. Leather blazer is wayy too easy. Dont want the wrong guy
>sharing close space with all those people
What a nightmare
>Leather blazer
That’s me
People from sunny/perpetual summer places learn to keep out of the sun unless going to the beach and even then it’s usually to hang out and go in the water to deal with the heat. Some people do go sunbathing but I don’t think it’s as common as it’s a nice way to cancer your shit up.
In northern climates they just go out and do things but not quite to just lay in the sun for the hell of it.
The other reason you aren’t thinking about is a lot of them don’t want to get browner whereas Americans/Europeans want tans to the point they look orange or like lobsters. The grass really is greener on the other side.
P.s. you don’t have to be out in the sun a lot to get the vitamin D you need and bad comes to worse you can get it from multivitamins.
the we wuz niggers theory is jewish revisionist history to equate all races with africans. its nonsense. we are in biological terms different species with tens or hundreds of thousnads of years of separate evolution.
Ah, i see. Thanks for clearing that up for me
warm south american culture is BS. I'm surrounded by latinos and theyre not friendly or social at all. even in stores they just babble in spanish and ignore customers.
This isn't America.
We are not ashamed of our bodies and don't consider our bodies indecent.

Please keep your circus culture to yourself.
I work at the financial district (if it could be called like that), and is usual to meet white foreigners for after hours. Because they are with a few peers I can talk to them. Women get defensive if talked alone, specially white euros. I have northern Italy south Swiss ancestry if that helps you drawing the image.
you're thinking is very non-white. what race are you?
True. it used to be more open but muslums ruined that for men.
the big lie of anthropology is the lie of pre-human ancestors: neanderthal, homo erectus etc and the culmination in the current "modern human" -- homo sapien.

ask yourself this: if we are different races with different skull shapes: how can there be one "modern human" skull?

The truth is that the "pre-human" ancestors are just ancestors of different races and we've been genetically distinct for a LONG time.

this is one of the big obvious frauds of anthropology.
I am very sorry that you had that experience. Try to not pack all southamericans into one big identical group, and learn how to spot venezuelans by their annoyance and shouty behavior.
Never relax, some are worst than american niggers.
It's different here though. You don't approach women just like that, it's considered weird.
You can do it in social spaces like bars/clubs/festivals, but otherwise it's not really a thing.
i don't trust latinos and generally avoid them unless absolutely necessary for work purposes. i know nothing other than that they speak spanish.
You should do everything you cannot ensure you don't end up with any more jeets then. All our beaches are closing due to E.Coli breakouts because the fucking subhuman jeets keep shitting on the beaches at our lakes.
Will ask you something when you approach that will make it obvious, don't you worry.
Curious question to all in europe and the us. Have you ever seen bare titles at the beach. One day at Venice Beach California. I saw two topless woman less than 50ft from each other. One was like a 5/10 but the other was an 8/10. The 8/10 was clearly European and a lifeguard with clear sadness in his voice told her she had to cover up. It was just very odd at an extremely packed usa beach.
Great. Lets make it a night she wont forget.
toplessness has always been a thing in europe... but might be changing because of rapefugees.
You forgot "serves jews"
Soon the Green Left is gonna take power in Denmark so all this will change anyway. Social Democrats went to racist and anti-immigrant. Danes didn't like that one bit!
americans think producing facial abuse videos is ok but prostitution is illegal and feds dress as hookers to bait dudes looking for prostitutes.

music like vid related is okay but bare tits in public is indecent.

america is truly a land of extremes.

It is a difficult language for anglos, but you should never trust anyone of those new southamerican arrivals.
The louder -- more danger.
Worst if they dont try at least basic communication in the local languages and/or local behavior.
Yeah I read online years back it's much less common on the French Riviera due to tourists (even before the rapefugee horde)
>>I suffer in Europe
Where are all the Fatties
inner groups, I understand.
>bubble butt
You've destroyed your brain cells with too much porn.
You are probably some balding turk/pajeet derivative and not muscular, she will know the difference.

the sole fact you are trying to jump into her pants when she is clearly aiming elsewhere screams that.

keep your cool, "Swede".
>I want to beat this dudes ass so fucking bad.
He's a POO,
>ask yourself this: if we are different races with different skull shapes: how can there be one "modern human" skull?

I was looking on this exact topic about a month ago when i was recommended an article about aboriginal australians, and i was very surprised by how "primitive" their features were. I went on to google how their skulls looked like, and that eventually led me to googling the skull of various other races and certain ethnicities. Our skulls are indeed very different from one another, but i wasn't really sure if that was due to admixture or something else entirely. Now that you mention it; i see that it doesn't really make much sense now. If we really all culminated into one species made up of various other species, then wouldn't our skulls all be the same and not so different? That would be the case but it isn't. It makes much more sense now than the tricky "common amcestor" trope that i was never fully convinced of.
i just think about how many canadians get killed as tourists in latin america and how many latinos conspire to create cartels to flood north america with drugs. i dont trust any of them.
Kek. I’m probably 30cm taller than you.
>Where are all the Fatties
Who the hell cares.

Sunbathing hasn’t always been a popular thing. In certain circles maintaining a pale skin was associated with higher class, even in white countries, being out in the sun was for the peasants, now being outside means you have time for leisure. Ideas change from time to time. Funny you should say that is “very non-white” thinking, introspection and inference could be considered white ways of thinking too but you lack on those.
Also, you probably must have never left Canada. Go sit somewhere near the Equator doing the same routine you do in Canada and post results, take a trip.
Collective american psychosis
Indians are probably afraid of coming here because we already got so many muslims ready to kill them.
Double edged sword I guess.
Used to be much more common in the past before browns were common around the 70s-90s but still pretty rare.
Like even back in the days you wouldn't see >>475819414 with her top off probably.
You'd be lucky to see a pair of jugs like that breathing freely.
That said, American culture being exported also changed people's self perception so we aren't as liberal about it anymore.
SF are cuckolds, nobody votes for them in any real serious capacity.
Moderates have fucking more votes than them.
You’re in for a big surprise
Sure thing balding eagle. kek
>>I suffer in France!!!
Boring I'd fall asleep there
Touch grass, incel.
ooh you've been marked for death goy
>Indians are probably afraid of coming here
As a kid I always saw Sikhs in Copenhagen, now not so much.
Danish women have long, tall asses. It grows with age
Actual Indians are pretty rare, it's all Tamils and Pakis.
>Dress in bikini and swimsuit to go sit on a fucking dock
Those fucking idiots.
The entire reason you go to the beach and bring a towel is because sand is soft. You can lay in it, play in it, make sand castles, and you can walk right into the water.
we are being flooded by venezuelans who imported crimes never seen before here in that magnitude, and worst of all they are loud and niggerlike.
About the cartels, probably I will see them taking grabs in my lifetime but those grow because libshits sniffers buy everything.
I cannot stand those fucking obnoxious entitled caribbeans
I was wondering why there was so many minorities at the beach. I think it's the fact that it's basically free. most Whites can afford their own pool in their backyard and don't want to hang out with a bunch of brown people. Plus in recent years in Canada you have to watch out for human shit on the beach apparently.
You all fat blob like levels, can't properly apply sun cream without looking ridiculous, go to beaches in sneakers and you think you can judge others...
It’s a faggot trannie
WOW This is what it's like when there are no Shills. Amazing
>It’s a faggot trannie
Who on this board would engage with that
Someone who doesn’t know
>Someone who doesn’t know
Thanks for letting me in on it. I'm old school, I don't think in Trannie mode.

I'm Indian American and I am going to move to Denmark. I can't wait FUCK HOT DANISH WOMEN.
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This, so much this. Nudity and white culture goes hand in hand. There’s like 4k years of history of nudity starting with the minoan civilization.
Anyone thinking that the muzzies somehow will influence Europe with their dressing code is delusional because the catholics tried up until the renaissance and they fucking failed miserably.
>go to beaches in sneakers
this is the most retarded thing from america right next to wearing sneakers inside the home
why the fuck do they wear shoes at a sandy beach?
is it because the beaches are full of trash from niggers or?
>I'm Indian American and I am going to move to Denmark. I can't wait FUCK HOT DANISH WOMEN.
They will sic the mussies on you. Why do you think they keep them around.
No Poo in the Loo for you.
I want them in my face
Denmark is the least cucked out of the nordic countries.
sand can get quite hot
Hot Japanese girl zipping my area and then pajeets. We have an infestation of chinks and jeets.
you didn't answer what race you are. you have a very foreign mindset.
I’m gonna admit chinks are currently a greater threat to us than jeets but jeets are too shit colored for them to walk across Japan.
also, why would you sunbathe near the equator? Northern europeans evolved to love laying in the sun because they evolved in conditions with 9 months of low light and low vitamin d. no other race had the same selection pressure for sun worship since other races had access to sunlight all year round.

what race even are you?
america, canada and all european countries have governments with similar motivations to venezuela's. Canada even has Castro's son as our PM. I can tell you that once communism comes and our country collapses the migrant wave from here and europe will be wildly criminal brown people that have been tolerated by the ruling regime as allies against normal citizens.

in venezuela they call the crime wave "the terror" and they all believe (correctly) that the government is allied with criminals against normal people. absolutely the same here in canada.
sucks about the feces because i enjoy metal detecting on the beach. there's no better joy than finding some guy's necklace that fell off when drinking on the beach.
You're gay AF, dude... It was a wall of ass and you were checking out the dudes
Yup, when the muhslums commit a crime we kick not only them but their entire family out.
Yeah I stopped looking cause it’s gay af.
>people will just think you're a cringe retard if you hit up a girl in public like this with her friends around.
Cold approaching was always cringemax just like telemarketers cold calling and annoying people. The “dating gurus” made it popular and every incel followed up.
nah blonde scandinavian women are much more progressive and open than POL incel racists.

I'm going to have fun in denmark and I am going to date cute danish woman and there is nothing that you incel racists can do about it.
nobody respects "progressive" men
When is nudism? I only saw butt cheeks
Until you incels man up the suffering will continue
Why is this guy making stuff up?
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It's not debauchery but it is peak NPC. Nothing to enjoy in life except getting drunk, sunbathing and partying. I genuinely feel sorry for them, and I say that as someone who's sitting in his underwear in a semi-lit basement who'll be spending his Saturday posting on 4chan
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I'm from Sweden, hot teen girls like guys who make niggers bite the curb. And since the girls are a few inches taller than jeets, with much higher muscle mass, they'll slap you around and bully you themselves while everyone laughs.
why would i take advice from someone calling me an incel?
>fat mutt seethes with jealousy when he sees slender euros
aren't you the canadian nationalist indian that is obsessed with the greatness of canada?
I saw 0 obese people, that's cool.
kek. reminds me of when i asked an african if he gets depressed seeing how many africans live in squalor in his country and he said 'if you are in poverty in africa you are a RUNT"
Zamn danish women look like that??
That's because it's the city centre. go to the beaches on the suburbs onwards and you will start seeing portions of the beach taken by full nudity.
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You can't suffer as a migrant in Denmark
Just out of curiosity what meeting place did you have in mind?
I first try with 'coy' eye contact, and if possitive then I approach like you would do with those very timid and scared cats. Relaxed talk with spare smiles. Height sure helps.
Not that cringe numbers cold approach from the 2000s for fucks sake, more now than ever since we are experiencing a local crime + murderous venezuelan crime wave, plus feminazi paranoia lawfare against men.
meeting for what?
at least in chile you are connected by culture. when i see women in the street i have no idea if they are the wife of a taliban member, a venezuelan gang member, an aboriginal, a turk, a romanian gypsy. it's hard to know who is who in canada because we're flooded with the entire world and everyone dresses the same which makes separating the ethnicities confusing AF
Just out of curiosity, where did you have in mind as a place for meeting up?
I am indian man and I would love to move to denmark

how is the danish job market like? and the housing market?
You pick. Like i said im not too familiar with the places to be down there in terms of nightlife and stuff. If you want it could be a more intimate setting like ur house afterwards so it hits harder for her. Pref somewhere public first so i can be sure im not running into a jeet or something.
>connected by culture
Only applies for 'gray' generations, after the purge of communists and before the mass invasion of color, diversity, narco culture and UN trannies.
Fun fact is people from the extreme north and far south have the same values if they belong to the 'grey' generations of chileans, so you can relate with people 4000 kms (2485 miles) away. Quite the opposite with venezuelan monkeys.
Job market saturated, housing market veeery expensive (really not a joke, try the US) and the only places you can afford are packed with muslims who shack saheebs like you on sight because you keep oogling their women.

And Danes won't hang around with you and tell you to stick to your own, in your face, when bnobody is looking.

Also women won't fuck you either because you are small, look like creepy underage with retarded haircuts and have small kundalini peepee.

better go somewhere else.
interesting. i go hiking in a place where lots of boomers like to go and i like being around sane wypipo. being around them i understand why kikes hate them so much
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tits + timestamp or gtfo
Guys i just want to fuck every hot (and some not so hot) girl i see. Wtf can i do about it?
coom maxxing, jerk off as much as possible to be in a constant state of post nut clarity
get older. when you reach 35 you'll be completely bored of women.
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Lol I thought the same that water is FUKN toxic. Absolute slave's
Im 37 i still need to fuck them all
Why are they all getting roasted in the sun?
They're not even in the water
thong bikini was rare as fuck just a little over 10 years ago but now almost every bitch wears those during the summer in fact it got so bad they restricted them to beaches here kek
yes because it came as an after thought as vega is not just crowded but has several floors.

No pajeets that would be Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket at the city center: 20-21 thursdays. Last hour before closing. I usually hang around there for the new weekly exhibitions. Same system and more interesting don't you think.
So that way even if don't meet inside we meet on the way out at closing time.
Europe is everything from Switzerland to Moldova.
Also true.
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I'm around 40 and screw multiple teen girls per week and still masturbate a lot in addition to the sexo. I'm a high-T aryan and I'll never stop.
NPC programming
They know we think its sexy to see their asscheeks and want us men to goon over their buttocks
Norway and Denmark are seemingly the best 2 Scandi countries.... Sweden and Finland are so retarded in many ways
The bikini was invented by a Jew.
>>indulging in debauchery is so heckin based and trad
Das rite! The heckin suneriono is satanic and jewish! If you spend more than one minute in the sun you will end up in foreskin hell brought to you by our greatest ally!
Much better. She needs to be emotionally hurt tho. If you cant man up and do that then it wont work. Dont wanna make my way there and you start having second thoughts about hurting her feelings. bring her round to the house later for more fun mind games if your up to it. I will be in a green sundress. Wearing a pink 'b' necklace with a silver chain. If you are a jeet or a brown i do have pepper spray.
>They know we think its sexy to see their asscheeks and want us men to goon over their buttocks
no, they see another woman getting attention from showing cheeks, so they want to compete and out-cheek them for "likes"
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i'm going to denmark
>the inferior version of norway
We might not share the common ancestors but we do share a one common Creator at the end of the day. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!
Inevitable as she will need to come pick her stuff up so if you hang around for the weekend. A year from now you say.
or try to mend up as they always do. Nah, no remorse here.
next summer holiday would be perfect. Lots to see.
Perfect. Been searching for a guy just like you. Well 8 months give or take. Make sure she cant leave for awhile. Lock the doors.
I can work as delivery driver or in restaurant
And Im sure I can have success on tinder or other dating sites, Im high caste fair skinned brahmin. my ancestors were europeans so danes are like my brothers
Denmark is the only Western nation to actually defend it's democratic values and Danes will actively and vulgarly discriminate asocial individuals.
Muslim blue collar work ethic stands in stark contrast to the Germanic.
They act friendly but talk shit about you as a people in the breaks when they sit together because they are constantly coping about how pig eating infidel swine can possibly send men to the moon while they as Allah's chosen shit in the sand. They are lazy, lying and sloppy, trying their best to make others do the work.
Germany functions like Japan, so workers just complain to their superior who won't do shit because of racism, whereas the Danes just straight up confront the muslims with their bullshit, ending the sentence with the Danish racist slur used for muslims. Some apply for jobs in Germany because of this, even if the pay is half.
Not exclusive to muslims though, Danes are generally racist, even against Germans, which is good.
>be american
>calls a liquid gas
Keep away from skanks like that though
>crazy eyes
>anorexia, reflected by shoulder area
>sucking in face to hide healthy cheeks
>random twinkle shit around neck
>emo-era laced top

She will fuck you hard and when you get tired of her midnight to early morning rants and leave her, she will find you and stand in rain behind your door with a kitchen knife.
>top qualification: delivery driver
>Brahmin caste
see you there
>Nothing to enjoy in life except getting drunk, sunbathing partying and having sex.
Bro, I'm sure they don't even play Warhammer those fucking npcs...
I'm not sure it's easy to date those girls let alone have a one night stand.
I've chatted with the Germans and seriously dating in their countries is practically handing out a resume to a girl and is based on you being a well-off situated person, I don't know about "casual hookups" though.
>I say that as someone who's sitting in his underwear in a semi-lit basement
Do you have enough grandiosa pizza to last you throughout the weekend? I'm getting a little worried here!
>I'm from Sweden
From where in Sweden?
Wait, so Australians actually live upside down
>Denmark is the only Western nation to actually defend it's democratic values
Not racist my mentally challenged cousin, just hygienic.
Is it now?
This is extremely degenerate. Imagine letting your wife or daughter dress like this in public
Imagine laying on a boardwalk like it's the beach, fucking fags lmfao
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the juice have other qualities
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Imagine letting your women show herself to other men. Absolute cucks.
> fucking fags lmfao
>guy who walks on the beach with sneakers

Never though such a dull topic about some foreigner secretly oogling Danes would be so amusing.
Yeah yeah whatever, go lay down on your wooden boards in the sun XDDD
stupid question

When did dressing like complete whores become the norm?
All of Scandinavia is like fucking Brazil or something.
we wuz pagans then
we are pagans now
I don't normally reply in this shit forum but this is FUCKING HILARIOUS LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

by the way I'd like to ask, are we all fatties here
>I've never to the beach OMG OMG GIRLS IN BIKINIs
Racism is the only thing that's gonna fix this jewed up mess in Europe.
Tell me about it. It's also completely distracting. I want to try and relax, reading a book in the sun and some skank in a g-string bends over showing it all... it's infuriating!
>1pbtid pajeet-bait slide thread
>322 replies
this place is so brown

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