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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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In this video a helpful American Shabbos Goy appears
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>kike visits Japan
>kike attacks a Japanese in his own country

Why are they such fucking entitled rats? Japan is not in America, Israel or Europe. Have they gotten the memo?
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>dunecoons stirring up trouble eachother half a world away from their godforsaken homeland
I'm so fucking tired bros
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The Nips know.
So pathetic, that boomer midway through, shameful.
Japanese looking at the kike in shame like lunatic she is.
Some ninja should sneak into their hotel room at night and slit their kike throats while the kikes sleep
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The old dude the kike is fighting with is Japanese, moron.
Shamefu dispray
Yeah, he should be crying on a white incel loser blog
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The noticing is worldwide and going nowhere. Kikes have no idea how devastating its consequences will be for their people in the coming decades. The hearts and minds of the world hate them, and it will be taught to the next generation of children. How many of them are there again? 15 million? Ha. Hahahahaha.
Humility doesn't apply to Jews, you gotta be humans to have it
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>American Shabbos Goy appears

The eternal Anglo appears.
Gradually I began to hate them.The nerve of these kikes, guests in another land and they still can't shut up and walk away. Holocaust for real can't come soon enough.
Lol you’re looking at the last of a dying breed
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It is called chutzpah (shamelessness, a positive quality to them). They would literally act the same way toward God Almighty
Question: do any videos exist of a non-kike yelling at a large group of protestors in this way?

I see kikes lose it like this all the time, but not so much any other race.
Niggers, whites, Arabs, spics, lmao everyone does it

"You're a white male"
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>They would literally act the same way toward God Almighty
There's a whole book about that actually.
I love watching seething kikes. Got any more? Makes me wanna touch myself honestly. Don’t post any Jews being killed though, I don’t want to cum in my new pants ;)
The Israelis are ugly, don't look chosen to me
>cute japanese girls chanting "Bye bye Israel!"
It's the like the little girl yelling "goodbye Jews" in Schindlers list except REAL lmfao
This is what happens when narcissistic supremacist extremely privileged group gets a reality check. And no one is more privileged than kikes.
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Then where is the videos kike?
Lmao, white incel loser crybaby making demands
Lmao, white incel loser no comprende courage
>kike on a white incel forum crying
Nice vpn
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Nice vpn baby dick slurper
>Golem disapproves
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Would love to see videos of other races chimping out in front of protesters.
>wherever i go i must create strife and division
*blocks your path*
>kikes spergs on internet 24/7
>kikes sperging out in real life

Can’t you rats just be normal.
>Can't you just act like stupid goyim
No, we have standards.
"Acting normal" is for the retarded goyim, such as yourself.
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Israel is terrorist
Everybody go like this
Israel is terrorist
Everybody go like this
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Your standards are diddling children, lying, being unhinged psycho, and being inbred, I’m fine with being normal, no thanks rabbi.
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They have gotten very used to being cucked to, and they are beginning to make arrogant mistakes. I would deport these tourists and ban them from coming back. We already have tengu legends, thanks.
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Japan is a national treasure, they should limit people from visiting and ban certain nations.
My brother of same flag icon, we forced them to accept our "protection" post WWII, nobody can save Japan from this bullshit except us.
And they are introducing globohomo to Japan too
Don’t call me your brother you shill fed but you have a good point.
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Deflectionary tactics by a stupid goy, an Amerimutt even! Because I am not retarded like you, I shall break down all your pathetic "arguments"
The vast majority of kiddy diddlers are all straight white men, lying comes to you all naturally, just look at your politicians and bussinessmen, all American whites are unhinged especially your retarded goy women, which is why they are all hooked on 16 different psych medications and the men are all porn-addled shut in freaks, kinda like you!
As for the inbred part, you most definitely do not know your roots as you are an unholy amalgamation of all the races, ethnicites and creeds of the world, and you have the highest rates of incest of any Western nation. You are not mocked by everyone else if this were not so.
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:^3 ?
Kneel so that herbivore doesn't eat me :^3
Didn’t read
Yup Jews causing trouble wherever they go.
All Jews have to do is stop stealing from and murdering goy , I guess that’s just too much to ask.
Check em and ban Israeli dual nationals from visiting your country or else they'll start walking into your house of congress and slowly take over
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You know she extremely sopping wet in the panty area
Israelis are such assholes.
Japan should just close their borders again and only re-open them to people who can pass a weeb test upon entry. Failure means you get sent back home without a refund. Way too many non-nips there causing problems and disrupting the peace. Yes chinks and gooks, I'm including you guys too.
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Lmao, it's great they ban white incel losers and welcome rich chadjeets like myself
Imagine sitting there all day listening to haw much people hate you.
Look at their faces. Lol
You’re a weird Jew.
I did that in the store today , they asked me to leave
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I saw so many beautiful things in japan I had to reset my brain by looking at the ugliest things in the world....white incel crybabies.....lmao.....it's great you never leave your filthy basements to defile japan
I've noticed that Koreans are especially jealous people. Why is that?
Beautiful picture, anon.
Lmao, they make all the threads you losers cry in everyday, they own you bitches
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>rich chadjeets like myself
saar, why india peepee so small?
Notice how they don't mention the Palestinian helping them clean up
>Didn't read
Because you're a retarded goy, that's why you can't read.
Know your place, pathetic goy. I am your superior. How dare you try and talk back to your master?
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saar, why india have smallest brain in world?
Pajeets are essentially the Mexicans of Asia, but stinkier and racist against people darker than them. But sure, let's act like you're not a basic assembly line worker or a shelve stocker, its fun to imagine
did this to be making you cry, saar? >>475813805
>a nation is a national treasure
Malaysia has it correct
Why the FUCK would Japan let in niggers or kikes







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I would chimp out on their asses gladly as a gaijin monkey darkie
Based Samurai of the rising sun
Love when this is posted
You're an Indian hahaa
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funny how the kikess starts screaming "racist" at the yellow people as if they've been conditioned to shut down by that marxist brainwashing word like we whites have

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Why can't you mutts have the same concern for kikes cucking you in your own country as you do when they do it to Japan?
Shit should be copy pasta nice post brother.
usa is defeated and lost

it is a corporate kike human-farm where they churn out more rootless mutts to consume and wage war for israel and global jewry

we are beyond the point of no return
They've been deported a thousand times.
Maybe it's time for something else.
Enjoy your multiculturalism japan, this is what you get for making us your enemies.
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>yasuke the darkie warrior
Wow, based black man
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Yeah I'm a rich Hindunadian, I own 4 rental houses in Braapton and rent them out to white incel losers....lmao so why don't these jew haters move to Malaysia, this is what they sell in the mall there
Shouldn't the cops deport them for that behavior
>mar bar israel
Walking across shopping districts u only hear chinks and sometimes Japanese woman. The Chinese question needs to be answered
He has more money that u faggot
Lmao, jews seething is always great!
Where are u kike… fuck off back to hell where u came from.
America truly believes they own Japan and can control Japanese culture.
I've wanted to go to Nara ever since a friend brought me a keychain from it and said how nice it was.
Japan should kick out all the white incel English teachers, thank the gods I'm indian and not a white incel
Imagine a threesome with a kike and a jap, and both have huge tiddies.
2 people from a country that isn't my country arguing in a country that isn't my country

Japs hate Poojeets and Koreans, but like Whites. Does that make you mad?
You won’t do shit goyim. I am here solely for advocating multiculturalism and I won’t leave until Japan is flooded with Indians and 3rd worlders.
Multiculturalism is not good for Jews.
>2 people from a country that isn't my country
Yeah, okay (((memeflaggot)))
Fuck off, Israeli tourist. Jews aren't welcome in Japan and never will be.
Because circumcision injures their soul
You have to understand Japan must be hell for jews
>Not diverse
>Good looking, femenine women
>Educated people
I mean even trillonaires jews screech autistically at 2d girls kek
U won’t do shit when TKD happens bud. God promised he will make kikes go extinct. His promise to eradicate kikes I read that shit often lol… prophecy of Obadiah will come true Edomite. All ur seething and raging filled revenge fetish will come back at u.
Whole world is going to start exterminating them at the rate things are going. Historically any race of people that acts like modern kikes start getting warred against. They have some strong attack dogs but its not true loyalty. The golem turns on its master eventually and the golem will annihilate its master brutally.
lol lying come to you naturally this is true white people are demons. specially if they are anglos
Supporting my Japanese bros by voting for Kamala this November. Fuck miga
based, fuck those bugmen up
Don't Kappa kidnap kids?
So what's your plan? Move back to Europe and surrender America to jews and niggers?

Indeed. Mutts never fail to baffle me with cognitive dissonance, complaining about Japan being corrupted by ZOG and globohomo even though this is directly caused by Japan being part of Jewmerica/NATO's sphere of influence.
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>Why are they such fucking entitled rats?
'Tis the power of The Lord.
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Nara is nice but too many ameriniggers. Weird phenomena of American groups big fat white woman, nigress and a tiny Asian.saw it over and over

I saw one group in Nara get btfo by some Chinese it was two white women who looked like trannies a couple of niggers and asians all dressed in kimonos, Chinese walked by them staring and pointing and laughing and the white women started seething like white incel losers do when chadjeet gets their girl.

Japanese love indians I was asked by some elders to invest
we literally do, kys chang
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no wonder these bugmen keep spamming blacked memes, it was just projection lol
I wouldn't be surprised if Israel are deliberately sending Hasbara goons to Japan to work up some controversy as part of their DESTROY JAPAN project which is now moving out of its Exploit and Demoralize phase and into its Replacement Migration phase.

Jews destroy everything they touch.
They thought they were in Palestine. They are weak and feeble creatures when they don't have superior weaponry killing women and children. I never thought I'd live to see the day the Israelis are the most hated people on earth. The Israelis on here who think that they're safe and nothing can harm them are going to be in for a very rude awakening when AOC and other millennials take power. Israel is going to be a footnote in world history in 30 years. I hope I live long enough to see them wiped off the face of the planet and Palestine truly is from the river to the see. Only a matter of time
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The ones spamming bbc are kikes
shouldn't have lost the war, bugmen
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Jews destroy everything because they are cucks controlled by their women
They can destroy the world all they want, they will always be castrated cucks
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What happens once they find an otaku dressed as a /ss/?
cuz you know? WWII germany is still such a critical part of their geek culture.
You're further spreading their propaganda by using that initialism.
You're losing the war on diabetes fatass
kys buglover
They should kill more
Japan isn't White, so they stick out way too much. They can't rely on camouflage so they HAVE to shift tactics to outright aggression.
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You know that picture of the sad Wojack in the middle of dozens of brown people with there mouths open? I think about that picture a lot and are reminded by it by this story. Can they just behave and keep there home game bullshit to themselves? Ffs.
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They have too much free time, not a single jew has a real job, they are spoiled brats
>jews&muslims chimping out on the yellow man's land
these subhumans must go back to their warring shitholes & leave the japanese be.
The Palestinian supporters are japs
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>taking anything a lying kike says at face value
Post proofs you vile rat
America really is the Golem form Hell.
I bet American Tourist groups abroad - three obese middle aged white women, a lone male homosexual/pedophile/sex predator, two negresses, and two 'unknown unkowns' - I bet they feel all cosy and together as proud 'MERCANS with the Goy Dollars, Goy Slops, Nigger Worship, Jew Worship, Sexual perversions and utterly Fake 'entertainment culture' in which everything is Fake Fake Fantastically Fake, as they crawl round everyone else's destroyed culture.
Victim-oppressor superstate
Good. Let the world get a small taste of their rat behaviors.
What they're chanting is factually correct though, Israel was founded by terrorists.
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Very true.

>The Irgun & Stern Gang - The Birth of Modern Terrorism







It's not murder when they kill, or terrorism when they use terror tactics, nor genocide when they remove entire populations.
> If I don't attack you someone else will.
you are the entitled rat goy

they are G-d chosen people (despite killing his prophets) while you are cattle in human form.
Everybody hates Jews. They want them dead and wiped from existence.
This Israel Palestine shit is infection.
And the jews are doing thefe best to ensure everybody hates them. Generally people dont like genocides, other than kikes.
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Jews are subhuman trash that should be rounded up and killed.
Never ever accept "dieversity".
Even kick out the White english teachers if you have to. But never accept niggers, jew, poos, or spics especially.
Their "god" is lucifer, they are chosen by him to do his work.

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