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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Welcome to /nfg/!

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This is a general /pol/ and redpill thread intended to help our new frens learn the ropes. Post redpills and things that you think will help newfags.
You can post redpills of any topic, but remember this is general redpills for the Newfags, so try not to be too esoteric.

I suspect that the reason there's been so many FUCKING RETARDS today and yesterday is because of these tourists.

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpCQE5jP538

Below (subsequent posts) are definitions and hints intended to help Newfags learn to navigate this site and identify shill posting as quickly as possible. Anons are encouraged to address anything skipped in this section.

Helpful hint(s):
>To view/save full resolution images on mobile — open the image in a new tab and remove the ‘m’ from m.jpg in the URL. If that doesn’t work change ".jpg" to ".png" at the end of the URL.
>Poster ID is the colored ID tag located at the top of the post. The poster ID is used to identify anons and link together their posts for readability. A poster's ID is unique to each thread, your ID will be different in each thread you post in. ID's are determined via IP address and cannot be changed without changing your IP.
>The archive is available near the top of the website, it is an archive of posts from the past 3 days. Archived posts cannot be replied to, only viewed. Once a thread leaves the archive, it disappears forever if it is not saved using an external site.
>"Bumping" - When someone posts in a thread, it is pushed to the top of the catalog. When a thread reaches the bottom of the catalog, it expires and can no longer be replied to.
>A "slide thread" is a thread which is intended to make other threads expire, they are usually made by shills (see below) in order to kill organic threads and censor conversation. Slide threads are identifiable by an outragous or irrelevent post made to bait a reaction, D&C topics, or a 1PBTID OP (see acronyms).
>A "shill" is a 4chan poster who deliberately engages in misinformation, well-poisoning, spamming, thread sliding, and general bullshittery to ruin organic discussions. This board has a huge target on it's back, because it's one of the few places on the internet where genuine free speech can occur.
>"Memeflag" refers to any poster who isn't using their geographic location's flag, which is displayed at the top of the post. To see the list of memeflags, click the dropdown menu just below the captcha in the posting menu. /Pol/ posters generally have a distaste for memeflags because they are often used by shills to hide their flag (usually Israeli or Indian). As an honest poster, it's important to use your geographic flag so that your post isn't discounted as 'just another memeflag shill'.
>OP: Original poster
>1PBTID: One post by this ID - Used to describe an OP who creates a thread then leaves. Don't
>ITT: In this thread
>FTFY: Fixed that for you
>NGMI: Not gonna make it
>/thread: Basically saying 'Pack it in boys, this puts the thread to bed'
>ZOG: Zionist Occupied Government - Generally refers to the US Government or federal agents (also known as glowies, glowniggers, feds, ZOGbots)
>This board has a huge target on it's back, because it's one of the few places on the internet where genuine free speech can occur.
post redpills or you're a bot/shill
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That's right goyim, stop posting!
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Get right with Jesus.
You are headed in the wrong direction.
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we're gonna kill them all someday :)
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thanks for sticking around rabbi
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lol a schizophrenia general
count me in
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OneForIsrael (dot) org
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What does NTA mean?
Useless, embarrassing general. If you encourage handholding like this you need to off yourself immediately. Tell the Facebook boomers and everyone else what's already been written for a long time:
Bumperino from John saars
bit much for a newfag thread, no?

I see no point in expecting people to stick around for years before they understand basic shit like acronyms. The whole idea behind this general is that the board is shit because of shillposting and purposeful misdirection, im trying to help newfags identify that shit.
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Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:

Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed:

Proof that Jewish power has total control over the US body politic:

Proof that Jewish power controls the US financial system:

Proof that Jews control the Media:

Proof that Jewish power is behind the ongoing ethnic replacement of White people (aka Europeans) in their own countries (which is genocide, aka ethnic cleansing):

Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:

Proof that Jewish power is at war with the 2nd Ammendment:

Proof that Jews are NOT White (White means European, and Jews come from the Middle East):

NOTE: if the archive.vn links do not work, try changing the link first part to archive.is or archive.ph

If you post Weimar or jew statistics in a bait thread, the shills abandon it.

I was told that Hitler hated Jews because he was salty that he got rejected from art school. I was never told anything about the fact that Jewish groups used the post WW1 chaos to stage a coup with the goal of handing control of Germany to the Soviets etc.
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>The whole idea behind this general is that the board is shit because of shillposting and purposeful misdirection, im trying to help newfags identify that shit
This is very difficult when the literal majority of threads on /pol/ are bait at any given moment, unless a major happening occurs in which case the genuine anons will start hundreds of new threads about it, like with the Trump assassination attempt.
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You're right, but as long as there's some real shit its still worth salvaging. Even within shitty bait threads there still might be some real conversation. Regardless, this general is meant to be a glorified redpill thread with some basic info in the first posts.
>Implying non-whites are human/people
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Bumping, you're doing God's work anon
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thank you sar
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we don't have time, give them the final redpills and they can fill in the gaps
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>this redditor has been posting this D&C trash copypasta for months
>he wants you to think that "rednecks" (whatever the fuck that means) are at fault for your problems
>literally wants to divide WHITE americans along 170 year old lines instead of the motherfuckers who are ruining our country
lol, lmao
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>I see no point in expecting people to stick around for years before they understand basic shit like acronyms
And I see no point in accommodating those people. Websites shouldn't just be there to consume from, in order to go back to "the good old days" we need to encourage people to integrate with the community. If they put in 0 effort then they need to be met with backlash.
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>in order to go back to "the good old days" we need to encourage people to integrate with the community
Is this not encouraging them to do just that, at least to some degree? I think that giving some basic information, as well as a thread to view redpills in without having to sift through slide threads will help them "integrate". I think a tiny bit of foreknowledge will encourage folks to stay around instead of losing interest because shit isn't making sense. What you're saying would be more true if there wasn't so much shilling. Maybe this general is coddling them, but it's at least a single fucking thread of real anons for once.

Speaking of integration, could someone post that one about how integration was forced at gunpoint, I dont have it.
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what a loser
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Must-know redpills about jews, their connection to rednecks, the culture of the south, and the slave trade:


Must-know redpills about Weimar Germany, how jews used the south to push WW2 interventionism, and the holohoax:


Must-know redpills about jews and how they used the south to push the gay and tranny agenda:


General jew and redneck redpills:


Good threads to bookmark for redpilling, redpill mining and later reference.
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>this fucking guy
Posting a general thread makes you newer than a newfag. I've been here since 2012 and didn't start seeing these threads with any regularity until late 2015. Anyone who is new just needs to lurk more or fuck off - including you, OP.
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just post redpills
The alt right died on the hands of faggots like Ralph shitsniffer and McInnes dildosticker.
i just used it because it has a link to the first thread
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Welcome, newfags!
Unlike the left, we shall nourish you with information, insight and ingenuity.
Have an info guide to start your collection (rare). By the end of your newfag probation, you'll know how to replace your parents laminate benchtops perfectly, saving a lot of money and an act of compassion towards the people who brought you into this world. Family is important, closely followed by self-reliance.
Welcome newfrens! You're here forever.
Unless you love Reddit. And in that case, go back.

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