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A constitutional monarchy would be loads better than any sort of democracy

We're stuck in a schizophrenic zig zag of policy

One guy who was trained from birth to lead with limits on his power is ideal and I don't see any real reason this shouldn't be the system
Big brain take. What's your IQ anon?
>One guy who was trained from birth to lead with limits on his power
>with limits on his power
lol sure
American are barely governable with the illusion that we have a say. Imagine taking away that fig leaf. People will go nuts and burn the country down--no, not in that good way that leads to "independent" pockets of responsible people. It'll be a bunch of mad max shit, and nothing you value in your life will survive.
At least 90 which is an A minus
People will do absolutely nothing as long as they are fed and entertained
Correct, for the most part. It still has the same issues traditional monarchy had- it's great till it's not. When you have a good monarch things tend to be fantastic. When you have a bad one several generations of improvement go down the drain overnight and merely getting rid of them for someone else can take an entire generation or two to fix things. All forms of government have some sort of massive flaw though, so that's not surprising. The only "good" form of government is being ruled over by a literal immortal god-king (or at least one that doesn't age) who inherently has the best interests of his people at heart, but that's literal fairy tale talk unfortunately.
They would just pervert that system as well.
Eugenics is the only way out of this. As long as human nature stays as it is we're doomed to repeat history again and again. The only problem is that people would use the same technology to make us subservient sheep rather than superhumans.
fuck off moldbug
I think a return to monarchy would be an improvement, but it's a very hard sell. It's better just to advocate strict limits on democracy such as supermajority requirements, a stronger bill of rights, nullification, etc.
I forgot another pet remedy of mine which is to bar government employees from voting.
>One guy who was trained from birth to lead with limits on his power is ideal and I don't see any real reason this shouldn't be the system
>he is a retard
enjoy 50 years
A retard is better than a psychopath. Democratic governance concentrates psychopathic professional liars and demagogues at the top.
>to lead with limits on his power
Unsustainable. Government already grabbs rights with democracy, imagine what would happen with dictator. Oh wait there is no need to imagine look at all those 3rd countries where dictator came into power in previously democratic countries. Over the year they only grab more power transforming into absolute tyrants.
In the Netherlands the King can propose to exclude people from being a successor to the throne.
>Government already grabbs rights with democracy, imagine what would happen with dictator.
A dictator is different from a monarch, especially from a constitutional monarch. Furthermore, the assumption of more checks against power-grabbing in democracy is flawed. Democracy gulls people into identifying with the government, whereupon they let it get away with more because "we are the government."
And being lawyers or trading on the stock market.
And if he's retarded or underage his duties can be taken over by a regent. Who is usually part of the royal family.
>implying monarchs are trained from birth
Democracy does not exist. We have a system where the wealthy control media and entertainment who control the masses who then vote like the wealthy want to. Name one single reason why wealthy wouldn't control monarchs, especially since the wealthy will be the ones who monarchs borrow money from.
The only difference between dictatorship and monarchy is that the dictator wasn't put in place by heritage.
>A dictator is different from a monarch, especially from a constitutional monarch.
Mechanism of power grab is the same. Guy with most power can can attack and undermine institutions that suppose to limit him. Institutions consist of the people and monarch have power over these people.
They are billionaires. The grandmother of the King owned 25% of Shell. The nephew of the King who does the finances has 500 houses in Amsterdam. They have lots of investments likenthe F1 track.
Their (more than a hundred million euros) expenses are covered by the state.
They receive a salary.
If they dont pay back you cannot sue them. In fact, they can kill you without legal consequences.

What is there to borrow?
>Furthermore, the assumption of more checks against power-grabbing in democracy is flawed.
Largest check is limiting time at the helm. More time - more opportunities to grab more power.
That difference matters a lot. If someone is put in place by heritage then their personal attributes are a genetic lottery (obviously with the odds favoring hereditary tendencies). Someone who seizes power as a dictator is very liable to have one of the worst attributes in a ruler: libido dominandi (lust for power).
Monarch can be restrained true, hereditary guy can have no taste for dictatorship and restrain himself.
Buy over time you get (by random genom lottery) power hungry monarchs, they install absolute monarchies because they have all tools for that, and there is no going back after without chopping off monarchs head.
I think that's naïve when you're talking about a bureaucratic state. Most of the power in an ostensible "democracy" lies with the non-elected state functionaries. That permanent state bureaucracy provides a permanent thrust toward expanding State power. That's the entire reason I said in >>475822781 that democracy would be improved if state functionaries were barred from voting.
>A constitutional monarchy would be loads better than any sort of democracy
With me as King!
>We're stuck in a schizophrenic zig zag of policy
Largest mistake that brings Democracy down is universal voting rights.
Ancient Athens that are considered Democracy inventors didn't have universal voting rights. Only natural born (no anchor babies!) free men had voting rights. Slaves, women, foreigners (no anchor babies!) were excluded from politics.
Therefore whatever we call "Democracy" today is fake, perversion of the word. Just like modern "marriage"
If your argument is that all governments tend to seize more power over time, I agree. I am an anarchist. The question we're debating is just whether monarchy or democracy is worse. For the reason I mentioned earlier about democratic subjects swallowing the state propaganda and identifying themselves with the State, I think Monarchs live in more fear of popular revolt, which I see as a good thing.
Look at North Korea, who moved from a classic communist dictatorship into a now 3rd generation hereditary monarchy. In dictatorships normally some influential figure of the party gets installed as the leader. This is not what happened in North Korea, when Kim Il Sung installed his son, and was a complete difference from the rest of the communist block.
But same bureaucracy paves the way for expanding monarch powers. Who but the most powerful man in the sate can shape bureaucracy to his power grabbing needs by placing his men ?
>and was a complete difference from the rest of the communist block.
Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.
I think the biggest difference between a dictator and a monarch, is that a monarch has an undisputed rightful claim to power. While a dictator is always afraid of being replaced by his peers, who have the same credentials and claim to power. That's why dictators are always do paranoid, while monarchs dont fear delegating certain matters and rely on others to aid them.
Obviously North Korea is pretty bad, but is it actually worse than other state communist hellholes? It just stands out as the last pure modern example (yes, there's some deviation in the "Juche" ideology, but it's essentially still communist). I said a benefit of monarchy is random heredity — you *might* get a good monarch or at least a harmless eccentric. This benefit is undermined in the North Korean case because it is not *formally* a monarchy and lacks a defined order of succession. Which potential heir gains the throne is a power struggle each time.
Both of course fear the people, just like all leaders do.
Voting should be restricted to those who have a clear cultural, familial and financial investment in the country.
This would mean only natives (those with a provable ancestral link via at least one parent) and those who own property, would and should be allowed to vote.
Also the voting age should be set to 30+ for the sake of common sense.
Everyone knows once they reach 30, they were fucking dumb in their teens and twenties.
He won a (probably rigged) election
Former Soviet republic
Former Soviet republic
Literally none of your examples fits.
Throughout history every monarch was always afraid of peers removing him, which also often enough happened, be it by murder or war.
There are hardly any restrictions on the franchise that I don't agree with, but I think banning government employees from voting is one of the most critical and also easiest to sell. It's a flagrant conflict of interest — you have people voting for the people who set their salaries and determine their benefits and other conditions of employment.
It is by all facts a monarchy. It has everything a monarchy needs and the Juche ideology which declares Kim Il Sun as the eternal leader, justifies their power by heritage system.
there's not a single democratic country in the world.
democracy doesnt work for communities larger than a small village.
the only thing somewhat resembling it is what you have in switzerland. you could actually have something like that right now if technology was used for the people, not against them.
I guess it depends on the country. And how strong the legacy of the royal house is.

If you look at the House of Orange, their claim to fame is liberating this country, William the Silent died as a martyr for this country, uniting this country, representing this country, balancing the interests of different provinces for centuries. Our national anthem sings about their legendary heroic exploits. The Kings birthday is our national holiday. We wear Orange in their honor. Who else can make a claim to power?

Our last truly republican leader got lynched by an angry crowd.
not monarchy, but minarchy is the solution
You can't compare western parliamentary poster-boy monarchies to ancient monarchies.
Semantics. It is not a typical or traditional monarchy and definitely not a constitutional one. For the reason I explained, it lacks one of the redeeming features of monarchy.

It's also just one example. I could point to the monarchy of Oman, one of the saner countries in the middle east and generally far better than the democratic examples. I could point to the principality of Liechtenstein. One example isn't dispositive.
>It is not a typical or traditional monarchy
It is by all means and the Juche ideology justifies it.
William Luther Pierce is right that most people are lemmings, and will just go with who ever is in charge. Some will fight, most won’t.
I am not a democrat. I prefer monarchy or dictatorship. But that kind of person only comes around by accident. If it happens it happens. Pinochet etc
Minarchy answers a different question: how much power the government should have. It doesn't describe the form of government. You could have a minarchist monarchy, democracy, oligarchy etc.

As an anarchist, my favorite type of government would be a minarchy with offices filled by sortition (selection by random chance).
Legally there isnt much difference. The customs are just different. The ministers and King are all part of the same government here. They speak in one voice and represent the entire government. And if a minister disagrees he gets booted. You cant boot the King. All laws and decrees have to be signed by 1 minister and the King. But all conversations between them are secret.

The King just hides behind the ministers to represent the government in political affairs, but nobody knows what happens inside the government.
minarchist democracy doesn't really work
Republic of Venice had system when every step of Doge was watched. They had representatives of the ruling parties following him, attending his meetings and reading all his correspondence. And Doge was required to spend most of his time in his palace.

I think that is great system and should be applied in Democracy too. Watch over executive branch. President, minsters, all should be watched such way.
That is the same in all modern western monarchies. But it's something the Brits invented in 1689 to save their throne from the revolution and relatively new in comparison.
No form of democracy really works. In fact democracy is mathematically impossible by Arrow's Theorem. The "will of the people" cannot be captured by a democratic vote. I try not to dress everything I say with an inordinate number of caveats, because it makes everything long-winded. When I say "democracy" I mean "ostensible democracy" or whatever.
We implemented this system after the King wanted to wage war over Luxembourg. But the parliament didnt want it. So the King fires the parliament a couple times. Until they got sick of it and thr parliament refused to pass any more government budgets. Unless the King got a minister to co-sign his decisions.

In return, the King got full immunity. But the ministers would always be held accountable for everything the King does.
Capitalism is teh purest form of teh Demroacy.
You literally buy what you want. Your monetary vote is best real world approach (that is always non perfeft) to capture your desires.
Yeah so it too was to save his throne. "Ok ok you get what you wanted but I remain on my chair, deal?"
"Capitalism" doesn't exist. It's a political buzzword coined and used entirely by the opponents of market economy.
Capitalism is the system where majority of GDP goes through market transactions.
It's a little more complicated because Ayn Rand tried to reclaim the term "Capitalism" and so some proponents of the free market cling to the term. I don't call myself a capitalist, because the arguments over the word are unproductive.
Can it ever be as bad as ethnic Europeans facing worldwide replacement genocide? Constant propaganda, indoctrination for children and mystery gene editing used on the population?
And thr ministers always have to explain themselves to both the the King and the parliament, because the ministers are in between two fires.

The King represents the long term interests of the state. The parliament are the people.
Compared to the current system with a shadow jewish nobility and shadow jewish royal family? With a fiat enslavement system that reduces us to being serfs?
>market transactions
That's called market economy. The buzzword "capitalism" was established by early communists and was mainly used as a buzzword against what ever economic system they opposed currently, mostly the 19th century Manchester system.
Economics refrain from using it for the very reason, that there are better words to describe a market economy.
But it didn't grip. It's now usually not used in publications of established economists.
I have been thinking about the matter of monarchy. But I think that applying the pre Christian Celtic system mixed with the pagan Germanic system is preferable. I wrote a rough draft.

Each ethnic group should produce a class of nobles and druids out of their most passionate ethnic nationalists.
Nobles would have the task of managing regional affairs while druids would form a council per nation, they would converse online in such a way that the public would be able to see in transparency their activities. The public would be able to form their own online councils with a relative freedom of speech(as long as no criminal activity is being planned). The Druid council could therefore view the condensed opinions of the public and have their own discussions that would be relevant. The Druid council would be composed of ethnic nationalists of that particular nation who follow a unified European ethno-centric religion.
You would have government officials composed of nobles who carry out the general plans of the king and Druid council.
Druids from different regions will meet with druids from around the nation to discuss issues, plans and changes. The Druid shall dedicate their lives to their people and the Druidry may only be composed of ethnic nationalist males above the age of 30 from that specific ethnic group. Should a Druid prove corrupted by bribery, foreign interests or personal perversion with the intent of corruption of the people they shall be imprisoned for life and their descendants will be ostracised from society.

These druids would give council and guidance to the new royal family of each European nation(essentially governors of each province, ethnic group) started by the leader of each ethnic nationalist movement. The nobility would be composed of the ethnic nationalists who had taken part in the leadership during the greater struggle. Druids and nobles who partake in the management of the nation would pay no taxes up to the equivalent wage of twice the average annual salary which they would receive. Each region and city of a certain size would have their own noble family and Druid council. Regional Druid councils would have a representative that they would vote in to participate in the national Druid council.
The various nations would be part of a European empire of which an emperor would manage the overall direction of the empire.

Soldiers of the empire would be gifted with war brides and land from conquered nations who will be used as surrogates with the eggs of the most beautiful European females. Pensions will also be given but there will be an expectation of a certain level of self sustainability. This gives European men a reason to fight in a war while expanding the empire.

The emperor will have a harem and use surrogates. Females will be expected to give birth naturally to prevent a situation in which their biological functions degrade through the lack of natural selection. A female in a harem may be expected to give birth three times naturally before their eggs are used for surrogates. The children of the emperor will be married to the children of the European kings, druids and nobles spread around the empire.

This way a social hierarchy can be re-established with different leadership classes that work together but composed of the most passionate ethnic nationalists.
There are no checks in Monarchy that prevent it from turning the same. Monarchies are even more suckers for Jewish money because monarchs have spending addiction. See Louis XVI "let me borrow 100% of the country GDP and spend it on partying"
There is no perfect system. The closest we can get is with an ethno-centric religion that sets the moral framework in such a way as to mitigate selfish and destructive behaviours with a druids class of ethno priests that can step in to remedy a situation with nobles that can be rallied under difficult circumstances.

This plastic idea of just a king without the priesthood, ethno-centric religion and nobility is like a paper cutout. It doesn’t take into account human biology or history.
You cant make religions at will.
All regions date back to past when they had veil of unknown and mysticism.
Today Moses or Jesus would be laughed out of teh house by fact checkers.
Everything is made at will. The affairs of man are shaped by the will of man. Will and desire are manifested into action and change. We alter our reality based on our inner world.

With a moral base from Celtic, Germanic and Latin ethno-religions in that order. Gaps filled in with Shinto. Add condensed spiritual aspects from Buddhism while keeping it ethno nationalist.
Keep the holidays like Christmas, Easter and rename them. Christmas could be allfathers day. Easter could be a celebration of the birth of new life and could be represented by Eos.
The allfather would be the metaphysical representation of the ethnic group. Each European ethnic group would have a silighly different allfather to better represent them. If we can put our mind to it. We can achieve a goal.

Just as a sculptor starts with a rough block of stone. You might not see the sculpture hidden within. But others can.
Visualise the rough image you have in mind and using small simple movements you can create a masterpiece.
True. If this fair tale scenario ever comes true please vote me as the immortal ruler of the world
Probably still a better choice compared to zog.
Thread is dead, so no will mind if dump some stuff I wrote for the wise posting thread.

The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the nation that fails to root out social parasites and morally cancerous individuals will shortly become degenerate and destitute. For cancer and parasites spread as long as a source of nourishment is available.

One seeks a doctor upon discomfort. So does a nation seek a saviour when degenerate and destitute.

The mosquito is felt after its act, it is swatted upon the perception of discomfort. So does a nation address discomfort by destroying the source.

To consider all as equal is to renounce your tribe. To consider every member of the tribe as equal is to disown your family. To consider the every family member as equal is to forsake yourself.

There is strength in numbers, efficiency from cooperation but without a strong identity and belonging there can be no collective.

On the path of life. The clown will only ever find you dead ends, for he aims to keep you within the circus. Panic he will should you stumble upon a real path. Discourage you he will upon entry.

For the most wretched slaves. A sacrifice for freedom is seen as shameful but death from gluttony as rational.

As the cow chews cud with dead eyes so does the slave accept their indoctrination.
>A constitutional monarchy would be loads better than any sort of democracy
absolutely based
The current king of England was best friends with one of the most disgusting pedophiles in history and his younger brother was best friends with Epstein, this is the result of inbreeding, isolation and abuse to them as children, royals eat their own.
Australia system works pretty well as a constitutional monarchy only because the British royal family are only used as a token, our governor general is in reality our head of state.
We are talking about having ethnic nationalists as royals not jews.
A constitutional """monarchy""" is just a democracy with a mascot.

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