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Municipal level budget, 25 minutes show.
How would you rate it against yesterdays 4hr Olympics opening?
(no one bothered to mirror it on youtube it seems)
Why is burning the Quran illegal in Russia?
It's illegal to burn Holy Bible too
The only purpose of desecrating a holy symbol is to antagonize those who respect it. Why the fuck should it be more legal than straight assaulting someone at the street?
Where do you draw the line on "holy symbol"?
Is this legal to burn Torah or Talmud in US?
Burn a quran in the usa or europe and see how it goes. It legal for you to burn it. And its legal for niggers to machete you.
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>Scarlet Sails
>Arthur Grey is a nobleman's son who breaks away from his cruel father to pursue a life at sea, and eventually becomes the captain of a merchant vessel. Having set to port at Assol's village, he spies the young maiden sleeping in the forest and falls in love. After inquiring in the village he learns of Assol's dream and sets about to make it come true.
>he spies the young maiden sleeping in the forest
>he spies the young maiden sleeping in the forest
What is the penalty for burning a Russian flag in Russia?
You will soon be proudly sacrificing your limbs for Kamela Harris in NovoRossiya.
Anything that is sacred. It's also illegal to desecrate WW2 monuments, graves, and that's just common sense.

Depends on the level of publicity. If you do it at some bumblefuck street you'll get couple hours at the police station if they even like to bother, but if you attract federal-level audience, you may get actual jail time.
Some years in prison IIRC. There is obviously a law protecting state heraldry.
>burning a book is just as bad as beating someone
Okay, bro
The state doesn't give a fuck about books. The state gives a fuck about attempts to start shit. Burning desert books effectively have absolutely no other purpose, but to start shit. It achieves nothing else, and contributes nothing towards diminishing a presence and influence of the religion revering that desert book. For that, you need much more complex methods, like proper secular education and freedom of information that will erode religious dogmas.
Well, you get jailed in Europe and US if you step on some rainbow graffity, burn Torah, use Z or russian flag stickers, say bad about faggots, niggers and jews
Because they are just the R-Golem, you're the A-Golem, or B-Golem depending on who you ask.
Why are troons obsessed with disrespecting thousands of years old religions? You'll 42% yourself and the religions will still stay another thousand years.
Look to your friend sometime for enlightenment. You don’t like it when people start shit, so why do you?
My high school graduation just had a few boxes of cask wine in the staff room. I got blind drunk lol
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That is cool, so do all highschoolers in Russia get to experience that or do they blow the municipal budget from taxpayers for the one elite highschool where all the Jewish oligarchs kids go to before they're shipped off to U.S. for university?

If that really is an common occurence and not just opulence for the elite Jews paid by the Russian people there should be thousands of videos like this every year from all the thousands of highschools that Russia has, right?
Can you post more examples then?
Just to prove this is not a show for the Jewish elite.
Based law. Blasphemy isn't freedom of speech even if I don't agree with muslims. Granted, these rights should only be given to real religions. Granted Orthodoxy should still be the official religion of Russia.
So Koran in your opinion is also holy and has the same status as the Holy Bible? Got it.
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>The state gives a fuck about attempts to start shit.
The state are pussies and just as bad as the Bolsheviks who killed the Czar. Russia doesn't even care about Orthodoxy. If it did, it'd still care to take back Constantinople and ban every Muslim out of the country. A religion that didn't hesitate to wreck the Orthodox world and enslave Greeks and Middle Easterners. A religion that believes in Muhammad, who taught that the Virgin Mary would be his prized heavenly "houris". He's burning in Hell and all of his followers need to be sent with him.
It's rude
It looks fantastic. The divers coming out of the water was wild. Also great light effects and beautiful people
Unlike the amerishitstain "country", they do have that. Several years ago one of the amerishit bitch faggots from amerishit nigger kike "numetal" or whatever went there and tried to wipe his ass with the flag on stage. He was thrown out of the country after getting beaten by cossacks in the airport in a matter of hours.
What's truly rude is killing your own brothers next door en masse, but being scared to offend some inbred goatfucker's book.
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>Subhuman amerishit squealing
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>Orthodoxy should still be the official religion of Russia.
Definitely, but Russia hasn't been in the hands of Russians since 1917 when Lenin and Trotsky - both Jews - were financed by Rothschilds (banker Jews) to instigate the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution and massacre the family of the Tsar Nikolai II.
During the Revolution tons of Orthodox churches were looted from gold artifacts and those artifacts were sent to Rothschilds and other banker Jews that made the Revolution happen, that is how something like Faberge eggs - gifts to the Russian Tsars - randomly turn in America because they were stolen by Jews who were later exported to USA by Stalin so the Jews could take over the institutions of banking, government and media in USA too just like they did in the USSR.

The 'blasphemy' laws in Russia is nothing more than continuation of the USSR law that made anti-semitism punishable by death - that is to prevent any criticism of the Jews.
That's the event for all highschool graduates in that city. They get restricted area all for themselves in the very city center to party for the whole night, there's concert and other shit beside the show.
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Shut the fuck up muslim nigger, you need to go back.
You are a Jewish bioweapon sent to destroy White societies, you are toxic brown sludge that is below humanity.
You worship a literal streetshitter pedophile goatfucker that is your prophet muhammad
Sorry, Russiabro, but the kikes banned it.
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You are correct in everything.
USSR tried its best to instill atheism to the people of Russia to have Judaism as the only accepted religion to rule over the atheist Russian Goys.
Many Russians were brainwashed to this, although just as many didn't give up Orthodoxy and fought back enough so the Jews could not fully remove it even though they tried their best.
Putin is nothing but continuation of that Jewish rule, he and his merry band of Jewish oligarchs have stolen Russia from the Russians.
What a waste of money that could be used to shoot missiles at Ukrainian hospitals. Wait until Putin hears of this.
Looks really beautiful
>muslim cocksuckers
every time
Religious hate speech is illegal in Russia (I'm not advocating for this law, I'm just stating a fact), which applies to all religions. If anything, treating all religions equally is the most secular thing a state can do.
Here I actually found a mirror (the show starts around 6:00)
Yes, Koran is also holy. At least on paper because why would you piss off 15 million russian muslims who pay their taxes and bleed for Russia in Ukraine.

Tatars, Bashkirs and Chechens are loyal minority subjects. They are given rights and gibs from the imperial center. If they chimp out they get squashed.

You know nothing about empire building.
This community service is getting pretty boring at this point. So, how exactly can you explain basically every single jew involved in USSR government being shoved into a meatgrinder in 1937? The actual real hall of cost that happened was in USSR, and yet it existed for 40+ years after that.
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That is actually cool then!
Seems that not all of the Russian society is kiked then.
Better result than the West that got totally and absolutely kiked culturally too.
I guess the kike oligarchs there are pushing the cultural kikery less than in the West and are more content in just stealing all the wealth and pushing the people to die in an unnecessary war.
It's not like you're allowed to deny the holohoax though and all forms of Russian nationalism is banned too as "le ebil nazism".
Looks like the future that white people could have if they were left alone
Didn’t happen, and if it did, they deserved it
I hate them so much it's unreal.
It's mentally painful being aware next to people who think jews are respectable people who wouldn't hurt a goy.
It's all fucked up because of them. Even ancient texts like the oera linda book warned us about them
Because desecrating a religious symbol doesn't hurt anyone physically or mentally, but assault does.

>Granted Orthodoxy should still be the official religion of Russia.
No it shouldn't. Keep religion out of the government.
lmao ofcourse no answer to this. The eternal golem strikes again. I can't wait for americans to die in the Ukranian trenches.
>So, how exactly can you explain basically every single jew involved in USSR government being shoved into a meatgrinder in 1937?
As one of the few good things that fag stalin ever did.
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>basically every single jew involved in USSR government being shoved into a meatgrinder in 193
Except they weren't.
Most of the Jews were not killed, they were simply exported to the USA during Stalin's "purges".
If you look at many prominent USA Jews of today, and go into the infamous "Early life" section, you see many of them are originally from the USSR.
That is literally the Jewish modus operandi, they are always "fleeing persecution" with hat in hand when coming to someone elses lands, appealing to the empathy, only to subvert and take over the nation once they get in.
There have never not been a group of Jews that haven't tried to leech from the host nations they have infested.
Well, it definitely did happen, that everyone acknowledged that they deserve it, but that's not the point. The question is, who was operating the meatgrinder and who shoved all jews into it?
From an assumption that jews themselves were calling the shots from the beginning, they only explanation possible is that after 20 years they've said
>It is time to go
and killed themselves. However, I doubt this was the case.
Yes, we have a little something called freedom. Now get back to the front Yuri.
>Chechens are loyal ... subjects
That looks really cool. Do they do this every year?
Swastika is holy symbol also
>Religious hate speech is illegal in Russia
Yeah, you shall not criticize the Jews, goy!
Not that it is unique to you, Jews have pushed such laws in many countries in the world when team Jew won the WWII against team White.
It's absolutely astounding that one group can push a law that makes it illegal to have a critical look at their story which is an OBVIOUS hoax.
Jew fears nothing more than the truth.
I remember this what was the bands name again?
Yes, that's a tradition since the Soviet times. Also it wasn't restricted before, and it used to be a great night to fuck drunk highschool girls.
>Most of the Jews were not killed
Nobody gives a fuck about plebs who had nothing to do with the Soviet system (they were still cowering in horror and trying to fuck off from USSR at any cost), find me a jew who actually held a role of any provenience in said system, and was not physically destroyed in 1937. There's probably under 1% of those, most of which are people with fake bios real nationality of whom is unknown.

>and go into the infamous "Early life" section
Have you ever considered, it might be about time for a big boy like yourself to read other parts of people bios as well? There is lots of useful information in it. There is no need to be stuck in baby mode forever.
Stalinism is what got the Jews to abandon communism in favor of democracy as the system of government to subvert goyim nations with. Unfortunately they've learned from their mistakes
That doesn't answer the question asked in that post.
Why is antisemitism illegal in your country?
Look, just read 200 years together by Solzhenitsyn.
He even tries to be as neutral as possible in that book.
Again, I wasn't defending this law, I was just stating that it exists. However, it applies to every major religion, not just Judaism. I remember some Russian youtuber getting a sentence for recording himself playing Pokemon Go in an Orthodox church. Actually, I don't remember any cases of this law being invoked for antisemitism. But feel free to look for such cases, they definitely might exist.
Fucking liar, you can’t even burn the gay pride flag without going to jail.

Might as well change the name of your country to the united cucks of america
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Nafonigger is mad, lol.
My father was jewish and grew up in the Soviet union and my whole life he told me the fact that he had to hide the fact that he was jewish when living there. He wasn't even circumcised
Looks shit. Like everything your retarded nation tries.
So does this happen in all cities? I didn't know other countries also place such big importance on high school graduation.
Muslim states are part of the federation, and have flexed their muscle before. They don't want to fuck with them and want to keep their formidable fighters happy so they fight for the Russian Federation.
Nice projection.
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>we have a little something called freedom
Think of the lost profits! They could have sent that money to subsidize the bankers!
Better than Europe's pattern of edgybois burning down Churches to promote their metal.
>a man trying to make a woman's dream true is pedophilia
memeflag groomer
It is pointless to argue with retards that were completely lobotomized by their confirmation bias. NPC meme applies not only to normalfags abiding mainstream ideologies.
Not an arguement. The buck breaking of americans by isreali’s continue.
Obviously Josif Vissarionovich was the one who got the kikes out of power, eto idiotu ponyatno.
An unintended consequence of giving the head golem too much power. That's why they make sure that the head puppet in a democracy has no real power
is public burning of Bible legal in your shithole?
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Right, so he had to "flee persecution" to the USA?
He probably told you that the Holocaust was real too?
So the stalin was invulnerable super-human with mind control powers, who completely obliterated the entire political regime solo, with no one being able to stop him after he started?
The world doesn't work this way.
>I remember some Russian youtuber getting a sentence for recording himself playing Pokemon Go in an Orthodox church
The Pussy Riot case was even more prominent.
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France and EU are so fucked I'm actually considering moving to Russia.

And no, I won't go to those traitors of the US, you attack both your enemy and your allies, so fuck you!
Except it does, ALL of the soviet government before and after him were extremely jewed.
He wasn't anti-jewish at first, but he learned their true nature as time went on, which is why he created a jewish oblast and killed doctors in the doctor plot (all of whom were jewish). But, they still managed to poison him anyway..
It isn't. I can freedly deny the holocaust.
Remember, it is illegal only to deny that 1/3 of belarussians died in the war. No one cares about the jews and their holocauster.
Didn't watch the cucklympics opening, what did they do? Was it some completely negrified kike shit?
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idiot. all muslims jews and christians are all interconnected. also all those religions are respected in russia. youre so stupid
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Here are some examples.
It is used to curb any possibility of an ethnic Nationalist uprising, as that is the thing that could throw Jews off their seat of power.
I remember that too, now, yes.
>torah instead of Talmud
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That is literally what the Jews promote, (((open societies))) which do not have state religions nor ethnic rule, they do not want ethnostates, because those would work too well and lock out Jews from leeching from other peoples.
Don't take my word for it though, here's the agenda straight from the mouth of George Soros
Зaкaнчивaй бpaть инфopмaцию oтcюдa, ты yжe yпepcя в мecтный пoтoлoк, и иди изyчaй мaтepиaлы Гaлкoвcкoгo o coвeтcкoй иcтopии, пoтoм тoчнo тaк жe бyдeшь вoзить мopдoй пo пoлy мecтных дypaчкoв кoтopыe oбъяcтяют вooбщe вcё жыдaми, нo нe в cocтoянии oбъяcнить дaжe caмыe oбщиe дeтaли тoгo, кaк жыды кoнкpeтнo этo дeлaли.
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Why are you squealing, kike nafotroon bitch?
This is entirely unsurprising to me. USSR has suffered more from the Nazi Germany than any other nation. National Socialism and the glorification of Hitler are completely taboo here.
Yeah that's pretty cool
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State the reason of your squealing, nafotroon faggot loser.
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pidor, please
youre so dense
i didnt even take the photo, but the sentiment is obvious to anyone with any sense i.e WHITE
you being brown youre just too stupid to see the bigger picture
China is literally national socialist, nobody gives a fuck.
>Team 29
ok Navalnyboo
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>It isn't. I can freedly deny the holocaust.
So these articles are fake news?

May I remind you that Soviet Jews were heavily involved in faking the Holocaust, like staging the videos and constructing fake chimneys that lead to nowhere as in Auschwitz.
I wonder why they didn't dismantle the fake chimney after the photo op, since it would became obvious that the whole thing was a hoax.
Maybe they thought Communist rule and total Jewish control of all media would last forever?
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Did Serbs beat you up again, faggot?
He purged the upper echelons of Soviet leadership , most of which was composed of Jews, so yeah I guess.

>after him were extremely jewed.
How so? Privileged positions were effectively closed to Jews and Jewish bureaucrats in the Soviet government was almost unheard of. At least according to my parents who were born in the Union.
Damn, that's rough.
>It's not like you're allowed to deny the holohoax though
lmao, pure lie: denying holohoax is 100% legal in Russia (might be somehow connected to not having troons on your public festivals I dunno real sus hm hm hm), have a pasta

>Russia has holocaust denial law
ugh, this shit again.
Cute, how many kikes died, 6 gorillion? In the mean time, Nuremberg tribunal verdict clearly outlines the loss of USSR civilian population, including, but not limited to, Belarusians, who saw 3 million of their pre war population - a whopping 1/3 of it, burned in the genocidal lust of a misbehaved yuropeon
which is what this law is about, not your silly holohoax
the law reads, that punishable offence is “denial of the facts established by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of the main war criminals of the European Axis countries, approval of the crimes established by the said verdict”
so there's that, kikes get their participation trophy, Soviets get to cement yuropeon responsibility for its crimes

i can even cite court rulings that defend "holohoax never happened"
I agree 100%.
gay and liberashka pilled
Indeed anon. Imagine what could have been done without niggers and jews.
Who did it better?
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How come do you not understand that all the suffering was because of Jews?
They were trying to save the world from the Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution which was supposed to be spread to the entire world as per the Communist Manifesto.
And it did spread to half of Europe and probably the entire Europe had the other side of the so-called "Allies" not stopped them halfway.
100 million people dead, all because of the Jews.
It is still baffling to me how the Jews could instigate a deeply Orthodox country to such fervor to promote atheism and deny their own ethnic identity as Russians to go with the Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution.
Then again they did the exact same thing in (((French Revolution))).
And they fooled UK/USA to kill their own brothers by millions in WWII on behalf of the Jews.
And now the modern liberal defends trannyism for kids and 'all races are equal' lies and bullshit because the kikes push it.

Maybe the reality is just that kikes are masters of subversion and propaganda and their skill is to instigate people behind whatever agenda they want.
Most people get their opinion on the nations consensus from mass media and all the mass media is controlled by Jews so they can manufacture consensus to be whatever they want it to be.
noch immer obdachloss Dennis?
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>i told you
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Except people can't become invulnerable and there are no registered cases of supernatural mind control powers, so the whole thing likely worked some other way.
For example, how about a dire, outlandish assumption that jews were not masterminds of the whole thing, but just an executor group used as middle management or enforcers until they've outlived their usefulness? Apparently, this is less probable than anime super-power battle between mind control hive mind jews and invulnerable teleporting killing machine Stalin, or so people here say.
man why is every single one of anti-russian bots lowIQ's?
Bumping thread, people need to just watch this video
Yes. It's freedom of speech
No. Burning anything (like a cross) to intimidate people for racial or religious reasons is illegal. This is what the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers were indicted for. So burning a Koran would fall under this ban.

These laws were created to outlaw KKK activities.
Russia is the last country on earth whwre you can be white, heterosexual and be respected for it. There are problems like any country but at least they have something to fight for. I would live in Russia 100% but dropping everything and moving isn't easy. Job, connections, friends.. you need all of that.
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>actually Quran is h*cking trad and based and we love our mudlismeroos
the absolute state of shitskins shills
Illegal to deny the Holocaust in your country
I saw a Z flag flying on a flagpole in someone's backyard. Those are legal. Hohols aren't popular here.

I didn't watch but I'm actually looking at some of the peak moment here and there.

Gojira song was actually very good !
But the rest, is your top tier DEI, anti white, anti Catholic content.

Just look at this shit:

France is like +1500y of Christianity, how can you shit so much on your own history ? I'm not even religious, but I respect the history of my country, both the best and the worst of it. You are German we had some really bad history together, and we learn to grow beyond that now. (well you still fuck us in the ass with the EU and our nuclear power).

We are so much on a downfall now, I feel really sad after all the stuff France has been through over time. This time I don't feel like we are gonna survive this.
Stirring shit is illegal in an empire, back in golden age Spain you'd get whipped with nettles for badmouthing Filipinos publicly.
>public ridicule as an argument
here is your (you), now go back to yiddit.
Bc they are mossad shills.
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you should look at moscow
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>It is pointless to argue with retards that were completely lobotomized by their confirmation bias. NPC meme applies not only to normalfags abiding mainstream ideologies.
this, and I believe it's bots or paid shills. whatever it is now is they just read enough of your post to find shallow shit to attack on you not addressing what you say or think - just to tell you that you are worthless and opinion in this doesn't matter.
> mooom, i posted le gore again!1
that oddly specific isn't it? Kek.
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Desecrating a religious symbol does hurt people mentally, It pisses them off.
Moscow still has the problems most megalopolis have but it's still a superb city to live in. Certainly better than any other european big city. Last week the russian police pretty much arrested all the illegals in Samara and deported them so things are moving in the right direction after the tragedy at Crocus
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>France is like +1500y of Christianity, how can you shit so much on your own history ? I'm not even religious, but I respect the history of my country, both the best and the worst of it.
You've probably seen lots of people saying that it's because of French revolution.

Not exactly. It's because French signed under French revolution and owned it. This is where brain rot started. And since France had the cultural hegemony of that time's world, it spread to anyone else.
They could have admitted, that they went full retard. They could have regretted that they destroyed many things they shouldn't have. They could have acknowledged, that they unjustly murdered and slandered a monarch who performed his functions properly (and by the way was working towards many things revolution claims its achievement). It wouldn't have mended the damage, but it would not allow it to proliferate.
Instead it was
>YES, we did that, and it was a GOOD THING! French revolution values are our values forever and ever!
Well, if it was a good thing, then what can even be a bad thing really? From there it all started, socialism, world wars, treacherous killings of one another among world's topmost elites, schizophrenic quasi-religious ideologies, etc etc, and finally, 2024, full of good things.
Sounds pretty fun for them.
Good. Aim it at The Jews, they're aliens.
Even if the Jewish old bolsheviks or the almost entirely Jewish Hungarian communist government were mere enforcers, what interests were they serving? Of course the western funding for the bolsheviks came from Jewish bankers whose offspring effectively controls the western world today
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It was removed in 2016. Why did you leave Ukraine though? They need devoted pigs like you to fill the ranks.
Your father is a liar just like you.
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What about satanists? Are they protected like other religions there?
>what interests were they serving
Study the history of socialism, where it appeared, when it appeared, where its proponents were congregating, which organizations were developing it, which nations had socialist terrorism, which nations had no socialist terrorism, etc, etc, and you will figure it out.
This is obviously involves working with information thoroughly obfuscated by professionals, so it won't be looking at some tards le early life and receiving all the answers because he's a gypo, but if you can't work with information, then maybe this knowledge is of no use to you.
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Nafotroon, you have to update your algorithm. Russian government are now forcing operation that's literally named "whitification". It got leaked from closed conference on friday
inb4 russian subhumans are opressing muh sweet chchen bous who findu nuffin :(((
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you will be beaten by chechens and you will be happy!
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>literally named "whitification"

moscow is 31% russian, they will expel 70% muscowites?
Kike. I'm glad you fags die like flies
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Why is burning the Koran illegal in many Western nations but burning the Bible isn't?
Lmao, these are ridiculuos numbers
Atleast try to shill more finer
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How do you manage being literally a hamplanet with twigs for arms??how!?
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Not illegal. Look, this one is even made in USA.
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prove me wrong!
As long as they get gibs and are on a leash. That is a type of loyalty, bought one, yes, but still loyalty.
why is tranny shit legal in the US?
by that I mean cutting a man's balls or a woman's tits.
Yeah, it seems that in US it's still legal, but in Europe, especially butthurt belt countries, people got real sentences and all their wealth confiscated
I define that as hurting them emotionally. Mental damage is stuff like trauma.

Probably not, even though satanism is a branch of Christianity since they share their mythos.
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>Anything that is sacred.
i find a lot of things sacred that you would not
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>How do you manage being literally a hamplanet with twigs for arms??how!?
I have vegan friends and most of them are really fat in some way, and like no muscles. They eat like vegetables and shit but they are all in some way fat, like skinny fat but more to the fat side. I believe it's seed oil, or that they are eating so much vegan junkfood, or filling up between lunches and meals with crisps and candy.. or something. No other explanation.

there are expeditions to the rule and that's the Auschwitz skinny vegans that don't have anything on their body and they are often like hardcore hippies that have very strange diets.
at least in Europe only quran is holy
sweet anglo victory
Probably not, but I remember from history books that Peter the Great after visiting the Europe started to do some sick stuff like orgies. Then he organized satanic sex cult, that ridiculed christianity and russian traditions
god is a serb, remove kebab

French revolution happened BECAUSE monarch didn't do their duty.

Macron feels like a Wish version of Louis XIV "le roi Soleil", maybe next president will be weaker and French people will bring back the good old guillotine.
But our country is so divided right now, I'm not sure it will ever happen again...

Socialism isn't a bad thing, as capitalism. The problem is how you balance it, too much of one or not enough and you are fucked. France under De Gaulle was just the right amount of both world and it worked great !

Some state company for the most crucial stuff: transport (SNCF, highway, Air France), energy (EDF)...
And just let enough freedom to people so they can start their own company to innovate and ofc keep that innovation for your country first, so you'll need a bit of nationalism too/
Here's the real stats.
They drink soda and eat cake/ice cream while not moving much day after day. Like all other fat people.
You have an asiatic mind
Well, I think that's fucked up.
I had to rewatch Sochi's opening ceremony to rid myself from degeneracy of Paris.
Why is it illegal to burn the rainbow flag in the USA?
5/5 derailing
Why are you trying to teach a donkey self-awareness? You are just wasting your time fren, muttmerica is a lost cause.
Lol, you absolute cuck
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It was a completely normal monarch which was subjected to extreme levels of slander and defamation by people who killed him. Even if it really was not that competent monarch, his apparent problems cannot justify what was done.
French revolution was a combination of
>Feudal reaction against absolute monarchy that concentrates power in hands of one, ruler, away from most of nobles
>People losing their shit from being overheated due to rapid progress
>British helping to arrange it (mainly as a revenge for France setting up New World revolution against Britain)
>Super-centralized architecture of the state, while a tremendous breakthrough in efficiency, also being very vulnerable to this kind of takedown
Some would argue that it was ineviable that a revolution would happen in such circumstance. However as I already said it was not about the revolution, it's about its subsequent acceptance and celebration, which never stopped.

Russians fucked up in a very similar way, and suffered even worse for it because their enemies were competent enough to not allow them recovery that French managed to some extent. However, Russians never celebrated what they did, on contrary, if you talk to any remotely cultured and educated man, there is nothing but horror and regret.

Just looks at that shit. Can you imagine Russians mocking murdered wife of emperor Nicholas II like this? And you can't blame joos or american zog for this, since France is one of the most independent places on the globe due to configuration of its freemasonry. Its own elites deliberately chosen to be like this.
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1. Olympics opening was better, stop trying to sully it, blockhead.
2. An event like that is wasted on you anyways. Your men will die in the trenches for godemperor Puta and your women will be whores for churkas. At least those, that aren't whores here already.
3. Slava Ukraini!
4. WHITE hands wrote this text.
pretty cool
>find me a jew who actually held a role of any provenience in said system
welp, dig deeper instead surface look
>Voroshilov was married to Ekaterina Voroshilova, born Golda Gorbman, a Ukrainian Jew from Mardarovka.
>Maxim Maximovich Litvinov (Russian pronunciation: [mɐkˈsʲim mɐkˈsʲiməvʲJtɕ lʲJˈtvʲinəf]; born Meir Henoch Wallach-Finkelstein; 17 July 1876 – 31 December 1951) was a Russian revolutionary and prominent Soviet statesman and diplomat who served as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs from 1930 to 1939
>Molotov's power began to decline. A clear sign of his precarious position was his inability to prevent the arrest for "treason" in December 1948 of his Jewish wife, Polina Zhemchuzhina, whom Stalin had long distrusted.
>many captured by Germans poltical officers in 1941+ jewish
>Stalin worries about jewish power, prepares new purge; same year get stroke and allowed to die by jewish doctors
It's also illegal in finland
butthurt belters really cannot resist spouting the dumbest shit when they see russian flags.
Why should it be legal?
Islamophobes are not welcome in Russia.
the gerans just needed you dumb fucks to hold them until they could be deported to madacascar. you turned the interment camps into deathcamps. and now were all fucked. truely gods retards live in poland. your judeo-greek inspired holy book is no better than a muslims judeo-greek holy book. thanks for starting the war too. fucking retards
because you aren't allowed to desecrate religious symbols, regardless of the religion.
лoл, cпoк пидopaшкa
>УК PФ Cтaтья 354.1
The holohaux is a Nazi crime
Denying Nazi crimes is punishable by law
Put 2 and 2 together, Ivan. Man, what a stupid fuck does not even know his own laws
Haha this actually made me lol
Do you know the actual role of so-called "Voroshilov" (obviously not a real name) in soviet government? He was a complete incompetent retard, no education, no experience in administration, he wasn't deciding anything. However, it so happened, that "Stalin" was a raging flamboyant ass bandit, and Voroshilov simply was his wife (or husband, I don't know, didn't hold a candle). Due to that Stalin elevated him very high in government, and was putting him in various important position to make sure his will is forwarded properly. That useless ugly jewess Voroshilov had was what homosexual circles call his "beard". And that's literally all to it.

However, I think that there are more pressing matters in this particular conversation, since
Who is Dzerzhinsky?
Who is Menzhinsky?
Who is Vyshinsky?
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>They drink soda and eat cake/ice cream while not moving much day after day. Like all other fat people.
yeah, soda and cake/snacks are all the time. Strange part is that they are hikers and like to go out to the forest and hike, climb and so on scouting shit but still fucking fat.
French Monarchs since the time of Phillip the Fair (of Friday the 13th fame) have been greedy little shits that steal everything that they can for themselves and take the table scraps too. French Monarchs for the three generations preceeding the revolution antagonized the nobility by telling the people that the nobles were to blame for everyday taxation and the Monarch was the true friend of the people. With intense pressure from above and below the nobles stood aside to let the mob run rampant. Yes, apathy, for the Monarch made the nobles into villains while taking their incentives to repress the insatiable mob. The common man has always been base and vile. The French Monarchy was base and vile for successive generations and they ruined the entire civilization. The details are explained in Julius Evola's book Reject the Modern World. The French don't exist anymore. France is just a Jewish and Negro paradise: trash-filled streets and prostitution with crushing taxation and regulation.
>admits to Stalin being a pidor
>a pidor sacrificed millions of Russians into the German war machine
WOw, and I thought Bolsheviks being jews was bad enough. What a fucking clownshow....

Between this and the muzzie shit, how do you have any national pride left? Why are you even here defending the Russian shithole?
This drivel is post-revolution defemation propaganda of the same level as Nicholas II doing nothing in his life except shooting cats while being controlled by a shaman hobo.

France was so degenerate and gay and decadent and shit before revolution, it merely became the global hegemonic power, created modern configuration of a state as we know it, achieved scientific and educational breakthroughs unseen since Antiquity, and laid down foundations for 19th century European culture. But those greedy gay monarchs controlling that hyper-centralized system, it was not because of them, in fact they were working AGAINST it but unsuccessfully because they were gay. But after they killed those monarch, well, France lost its hegemonic status and never really recovered, it was probably also because of their degenerate influence that was lingering, yeah.
The logical conclusion of making hurting someone's feeling illegal is to accept fags, trannies and other mental illnesses.
>Can you imagine Russians mocking murdered wife of emperor Nicholas II like this?
Well, that would be literally illegal in modern Russia.
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>mind control hive mind jews
Well it is a hive mind in the sense that their community is and always has been international.
They have congregations like the World Jewish Congress where they go to share and discuss ideas on how to further the position of the Jewry.
Most of it is simple cheating, fraud and nepotism.
When someone makes the error of hiring a Jew to any position of power, he will use that power to further hire more Jews to fill further positions.
Such nepotism is not unique to Jews, other races like chinks and poos also do it when they come to leech from White success, the Jews have simply been most successful at it, lot of it could be attributed to the fact that they can masquerade themselves as Whites, many of them even do such things as plastic surgery to remove le nose to do exactly that - blend in.
Jews are taught from kids that they should always do what is good for the Jews and disregard the wellbeing of anyone else.
With that mindset, they can subvert the societies they infest.
And of course the historical fact that Jews have always vyed for money and positions of power unlike any other race, them being the usurers and money lenders accrues them wealth that lets them become close to the ruling elites.
what's wrong with that, though? islam is a perfectly respectable religion
I don't see fatass pedophile trannies prancing around freely in muslim countries
Dude, ALL our countries are an embarrassing trainwreck once the surface is scratched.
I think one of the only places which may have a shred of decency and credibility left both historically and culturally is Italy.
Plus their food is amazing, along with their women, so there's that.
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>УК PФ Cтaтья 354.1
That's about denying the legitimacy of the Nuremberg trials.
Read the verdict of the trials itself. It isn't about le Jews. (Though they do claim that Eichmann claimed that 6 million Jews died. It's not presented as fact but as Eichmann's expert opinion.)

tldr - Nazism was a Jewish false flag.
>The holohaux is a Nazi crime
nope. iirc tribunal documents limit kike mortality to 300k or smth
>Russia's Supreme Court says "No!" to Jewish lies
>From now on, everyone in Russia can freely express their doubts about the Holocaust of 6 million Jews without fear of being imprisoned. Previously, there was such a threat. A person who expressed his doubts publicly could be accused of nothing less than rehabilitation of Nazism under Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation! Now, due to the established judicial precedent, such a threat no longer exists! The precedent is that it has been proven once and for all that "not believing in the Holocaust of 6 million Jews does not mean to deny the facts established by the verdict of the International Tribunal, and certainly it does not mean to rehabilitate Nazism".
>And in 2015, when, on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz ("Auschwitz" - according to Nazi terminology), the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation made public some previously secret documents that shed light on the history of the Jewish Holocaust, I was simply stunned by the contents of the telegram from Krainyukov to Malenkov dated January 29, 1945, and burst into an article: "Jews! Pay the Germans back the money for the Holocaust fraud of six million Jews!"
>The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has upheld the acquittal verdict in a case on the rehabilitation of Nazism. Mr. Roman Yushkov, a Perm publicist, was in the dock for reposting on his VKontakte social networking page an article by a Murmansk author that questioned the number of victims of the Holocaust. Mr. Yushkov himself actively supported his opinion. The jury found him not guilty. The prosecutor's office appealed the decision, claiming that the defendant had influenced the jury by raising doubts in them about the conclusions of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
That was suprisingly awesome, thanks for sharing. And yeah, much better production value than the Olympic freakshow.
Why would they pissed off the muzzies when they're already getting hate from nato?
>secular education and freedom of information that will erode religious dogmas
how does this secular education works for you tho, muslems starting semi-civil war, multiplying like rabbits, all the while white russians suffer from depression in a small flats in moscow
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They charged ya with a bogus "hate crime" if you leave skid marks on the fag flag crosswork, so probably not.....
Lenin once said, that one fool can ask enough questions to embarrass 100 wise men.
So, there is a question. It is known that jews are few in number. It is known that jews are poor fighters, and they steer clear of military professions. So, all it would take for any world power concerned by jews "subverting", is dispatching few dozens of armed troopers to a nearest Galactic Gigakike Congress and another at a nearest bank that forgot who owns the turf, and cleaning up the bodies after. And that's all, no more joo power, centuries of saving money undone in a day. What are jews gonna do, freeze their bank account? Definitely not fight back against state's physical violence apparatus.

This question makes your unified jew theory come apart, and the only way to reestablish it, is to assume that jews are either physically invulnerable, capable of some non-Euclidean movement allowing them to avoid physical confrontation, or have literal mind control powers that outright block certain decisions of people in power toward them.
Nafotrannies are seething at this post because it’s rational
>I had to rewatch Sochi's opening ceremony to rid myself from degeneracy of Paris.
Absolutely based. Rewatched it several months ago too. White idealism everywhere, no wonder the subhuman niggers and kikes were seething about it all over the internet.
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Nigger, what did Serbs do to you today that you're squealing this hard? Did they spit on your avtozak flag again? LMAOOOOO
Jewish success is a combination of several things, one of the most crucial being their insane wealth.
Nepotism, tribalism, victimhood mentality etc all play a crucial part too, but their wealth is the deciding factor.
If this was removed, their powerbase would crumble, along with their reach and influence.
keep drinking the koolaid muttboi
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>russian muslim majority.png
Let's see what the link actually is:
>Christians will remain the largest religious group over the next four decades but by 2050 the number of Muslims will equal the number of Christians, the Washington-based Pew Research Center said in a new report.
>Washington-based Pew Research Center said in a new report
>Washington-based Pew Research Center said in a new report
>Washington-based Pew Research Center said in a new report

You like me shitting down your throat, faggot nafonigger kike this much?
Then why isn't it removed? Wealth can't save you from people who are physically stronger than you who came to take your money. Not to mention that any independent entity with such a colossal wealth poses a value for the state on whose territory it is stored. There are countless ways to appropriate someone's wealth for the state's intelligence services, and after certain threshold the profit is more valuable than collateral issues that the state will suffer. And that's just considering the wealth of some benign entity who sits on it causes no problems. An entity who actively uses wealth like this for malicious activities will have huge red target painted on it by definition, and it will have to defend itself against the full power of the establishment at all times. What's it's going to defend itself with? Real life isn't a video game, you can't convert money directly into physical power.

Is infinite wealth in fact stored in some secret shalom dimension that can only be accessed through talmudic portal spell?
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No money for shows.
How would I know? Both suck.
Very jewish line of questioning. Looking for hairs to split, definitions to twist. Why dont you go there are start shit and find out kike.
>burning a book that can cause a riot
Left that part out didnt you kike. Show some fucking respect.
This. Fighting words is a legal concept for a reason. Not Muslims fault that western Christians have no fight left in them
Gay idiots. Muslims push drugs and think you are an infidel.
We're talking multiple trillions here... the banking dynasty families print most of the world's monetary supply, so it's not like just confiscating a couple of million from a drug dealer's stash.
Then there's the fact that these people have vast networks of corrupt officials who will cover endlessly for them, either due to bribery, blackmail or some other kind of coercion.
Another issue is how the vast majority of the normie sphere is completely clueless about the matter and has no comprehension of just how deep rooted jewish tentacles are embedded within society.
A mass awakening is the only answer, but when these same people control the media and actively suppress any kind of collective pushback, it makes the situation even more hopeless.
>tfw russians have more common sense then the rest of the world.
We have been bamboozled…
>philosophy is jewish
stupid-ah fackin mutt
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Which oligarch's children were organizing it?
Asking the important questions
Muslims push drugs? Muslims push drugs?
And not the vatican agents and the feds? and make niggers sell it everywhere and pretend they can't catch them.
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>the banking dynasty families print most of the world's monetary supply
They all have the same one neck and one set of vitals per person. All a state needs to print its own monetary supply is to basically just kill few people, for which they have all kinds of specialized tools.

>vast networks of corrupt officials who will cover endlessly for them
There's a limit to what can be defined as "corruption". The situation like this is possible only when overwhelming majority of the administrative apparatus is not even "corrupt" but outright loyal to some other party instead of official establishment. Which is nonsense, because by that point the official establishment would simply stop being an official establishment. But it becomes nonsense long before that, since proper establishments are complex, wealthy and have security system. The only thing that can threaten such mechanism with internal subversion, is a mechanism of comparable or larger scale - with its own economic system, intelligence services, military, etc. Definitely not a diaspora of gypos most of whom were European equivalent of American inner city ghetto niggers before 20th century.

>Another issue is how the vast majority of the normie sphere is completely clueless about the matter and has no comprehension of just how deep rooted jewish tentacles are embedded within society.
This is completely irrelevant. This subject is within sphere of competence of people in power and their security services, and not plebs.
Muslims push drugs in real life.
Muslims are the brown drug dealers.
Genociding Palestinians is wrong.
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>This annual through and through white celebration of student graduation is bad "cuz muh oligarchs"
Ah, yes, the butthurt belt squealing.
when you only live to 40 graduating from high school is a big deal
I remember Sochi being compared to Londonabad back then, was also hilarious as fuck, especially with that poor little boy being dressed in a dress by his parents.
Noice, actually. But yeah, that pic is the quintessence of the absolute cancer. I thought we were through with this shit back in 2012. Little did I know.
Being a rich kid must be fun.
Whoever controls a nation's monetary supply, controls the politicians and by default, the nation itself. It's really that simple and doesn't need to be scrutinised any further.
Why do you get ten years in jail for making tire marks on a rainbow crosswalk in the US?
>european heritage vs jewish degeneracy
If you have freedom of speech, why can't I post anything pro-Russian (or against the agenda in general) on reddit without getting intsantly banned, but you can post anything in Russian analog as long as you don't instigate unrest actively?
>Whoever controls a nation's monetary supply, controls the politicians
Lmao what
How do you think it works
>A joo walks up to a politician
>"Do X or I will take money away"
>Okay, jpg

In reality
>A joo walks up to a politician
>"Do X or I will take money away"
>Politician calls the secret police and explains the situation
>Next day, a joo suffers unfortunate accident and is replaced by some other joo who doesn't forget that he's a fucking clerk and not the master of the universe
All power is based on physical violence and not on arbitrary value tokens. At least that's what common sense hints me.

>It's really that simple and doesn't need to be scrutinised any further.
Hackjob text collages with questionable quotes and jpeg compression artifacts aren't the holy scripture to be beyond questioning.
Do you know what's funny? The regime that valued European heritage in Russia was completely destroyed in 1917. One of the main goals of post-1917 regime is to make sure that Russians are as separate from Europe as possible in cultural sense. Most of its cultural undertakings are directed towards that. So when you see the thing which you called European heritage, knowing that the regime which ordered it doesn't want Russians to have anything to do with Europe, it merely affirms that the absolute state which is seen in 2024 opening ceremony is completely genuine, and they see not giving that to Russians as inhibiting them from "progress".
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>All power is based on physical violence and not on arbitrary value tokens. At least that's what common sense hints me.
It's not only common sense, it's history too, and a quite recent one, and Russian on top of that. Remember what happened to all the faggots from Semibankirschina like Berezovsky and Khodorkovsky? That's exactly that: the fucking kike clerks trying to mess with the state.

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