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How do we solve the woman problem in our modern society? they are all mentally ill and have too much political power
Eugenics - stop breeding with taxpayers. The taxpayer gene is autosomal dominant and detrimental. If you are a taxpayer get sterilised immediately.
you dont, ride the tiger
Get /fit/ and fuck and breed them into submission
We need to open up goon farms. We just hook women (ages 21 to 35) up to masturbation machines and make them cum pretty much nonstop except for bathroom breaks and for snacks. It's the only way
Call the ones who become childless cat ladies, childless cat ladies and make fun of them to no end
They need to be enslaved and made property of men
Kill simps
This girl was my ex gfs friend
You don’t. They’ve amassed too much power to be questioned. Best to sit back & watch them burn it all down in the vain hope that someday they realize they went way too far.
replace them with AI
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>How do we solve the woman problem in our modern society? they are all mentally ill and have too much political power
Go on strike. Shun women, avoid women, do not help them, pay as little taxes as possible. If you cannot go monk mode, take the trap-pill and find a RW ethnonationalist tranner.

The system will crash under its own weight without European men working to keep the lights on.
>Call the ones who become childless cat ladies, childless cat ladies and make fun of them to no end
We've always done that. They were called spinsters. Sometimes with a capital L.
> All they do is conform to what's popular.

Failing that, they will go and look for some deranged cults by actual psychopaths they can follow and worship as a God. And these crazy bitches won't even have the courtesy and honesty to tell you they're in a hardcore cult in the first place

> goyim goddess

You're aware sinead the coalburning race traitor whore has denounced national socialism and the alt-right? She did so right after divorce raping Kyle Hunt and making him homeless. Fuck this whore, all women are traitors to their race
The gay of this post... Day of the rake when?
>They need to be enslaved and made property of men
That comes after we retake power. First the existing system needs to crash, territories broken up, small local regional governments need to form, different places will try different variations, some will work better than others.
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>The gay of this post... Day of the rake when?
Are you female? What's YOUR practical advice, sweetbun?

Go find your "tradwife" pray she doesn't betray and destroy your life. This happens EVER SINGLE DAY in the US, Canada and the EU. Or stay a bitter incel.

Take your tough guy virtue signalling over to reddit where you can get some upvotes.
You may end up sucking a shotgun over your miserable life.
Yeah. We know. So what do we do about it? Practical advice, not fedposts?
Repeal the 19th and go back to the no hymen no diamond standard
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Traditions are solutions to problems we forgot existed. Women cannot have any rights, for they destroy society if they're not kept pregnant and in the kitchen. We have to strip them of rights, deshod them, and relegate them to housework. A male dominated and led society is the only way for Western civilization to move forward and be successful. We've only moved back since granting them equal rights.
Men need to collectively raise their standards. If men stop putting up with womens' bullshit, then we can change shit around. Simps are the enemy. Don't associate with anyone who simps. Actively shun simps.
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>You're aware sinead the coalburning race traitor whore has denounced national socialism and the alt-right?
Women are empty and assume the shape of their container. A woman can be a "proud" ethnonationalist one year and a refugee welcome feed the starving african babies, next year.

There are A VERY FEW strong women. That 95 year old who refuses to bend the knee over holocaust lies is one example.

Even the majority of men will cuck, but the percentage of men who WILL hold the line is much higher.
Date ones that aren't mentally ill you retard
>Women cannot have any rights, for they destroy society if they're not kept
under strict controls.

Quote of the week:
Women, when left to their own devices, will always self-destruct.

Why would you give creatures like that a controlling vote in your polity?
Its grim anon! It has become so fucking bad this is what I am currently entertaining as solutions.

Solution1: Total segregation. We build a giant fucking wall throw the women over on one side and lock the gates. Leave them literally be for like 3 years or something. That should be enough for the idiots to start remember why they have always needed us to begin with and start valuing us again.


Check this shit out Survivor men vs women. Its the funniest shit I have ever seen!

Solution 2: Just go full Taliban on their asses. Every woman who turn 18 gets tossed into a breeding barn (yes literally rape-camps). And she gets released when she turns 22 and have shat out 2-3 kids.
That would at least solve the replacement rate of births.

Otherwise I have nothing. We have been trying to reason with them its not working. Nothing is working on them. They are just becoming increasingly retarded.
Modern Feminism comes from the Freemasons who worship the "androgyne." They are female supremacists. All waves of feminism, rigged family courts, LGBT (especially trans) all come from the Freemasons. They intend America to be "the whore of babylon" or an unrestrained female spirit as spoken about in the bible. Epistemological evil that can be disproven by the most simple reasoning.
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>Women are empty and assume the shape of their container. A woman can be a "proud" ethnonationalist one year and a refugee welcome feed the starving african babies, next year.
corporations should mass produce humans.
Corporations will increase the efficiency of female reproduction so that we require fewer females to sustain our population.
So through sex selection, these corporations will produce more males, since most people, if given a choice, would rather be born male than female.
This will reduce the political power of females.
Let's be honest- they are completely depraved of good men.
Stop giving them attention or any form of help. Women are parasites who cannot survive on their own.
stop being a pussy and a faggot
Beat them. Every time they do something shitty.
Beat them, even if they're well behaved, just to remind them of their place. Make them thank you for just beating them once, in that case.
If you have to beat your kids or your dog if you beat your horsemor your slaves it just means you are a shitty master. But i get where you are coming from. Women do need to become property again or humanity will be doomed
>Solution1: Total segregation. We build a giant fucking wall throw the women over on one side and lock the gates. Leave them literally be for like 3 years or something. That should be enough for the idiots to start remember why they have always needed us to begin with and start valuing us again.
We corresponded this morning fren. Have a bump. I'm still pushing the trap-pill as one alternative to boycott females.

I think ultimately the only solution will be to crash the economies by the men going on a "soft strike". Become as independent as possible, pay as little into the system, while taking as much out of it, withhold your support for a corrupt system where 95+ percent of White men are guaranteed to lose in the long run.

The 5% who profit will be the traitors.

-You will not VOTE your way out of this.
-You will not OVERTHROW the system while so many cucks will eagerly use unlimited force against White men trying to save their homelands.
-You will NOT be allowed to form and groups or associations that have White ethnonationalism as a goal or value.
-You will ALWAYS be at the mercy of the changing whims of females, and the legal/criminal consequences of it.

I see not escape other than going volcel mode, incel, or the trap-pill with a tranner who is hard core RW ethnonationalist.

Beware the fair weather ethnonationalist female "supporters"

>You're aware sinead the coalburning race traitor whore has denounced national socialism and the alt-right? She did so right after divorce raping Kyle Hunt and making him homeless. Fuck this whore, all women are traitors to their race
You're gay
this seems unfeasible economically, and on a number of other fronts
Does she do anal?
You really are gullible enough to think the longhouse controlled regime will "allow" any kind of artificial competition technology for women?

Female customs officers won't even allow sex toys that they "deem" are too small and might resemble minors. You have to order the 250kg fattie version. for $20k + $5k shipping.
>You're gay
You are an expert on gay? Is this your bicycle?
Sad part is this would probably happen if it wasnt so much more efficient to nudge them into volunteering for it. Ever heard of operation sockpuppet, you think its real guys donating cash when there is so much free porn, dont you realize porn is a method to opium the masses? Only fans, cam sites are this but more efficient
HAHAHA Well hello there again anon!! For me it was yesterday!!!

I am actively using the tactics your describing and have for years now. I am now a barbarian in a clan of one (1). I dont work. I live of unemployment-gibs (which the women are going to have to go to work to provide for me hahaha) and I am practicing volcel. Basically Im a spiritual monk now and focus my energy on spiritual ascension!!
This sucks a bit because I used to be a chad-man-slut and I had the pleasure of pounding some prime fucking pussy..... But my society and my people are at stake here and the women dont give a fuck if the men they deem lesser attractive and fun arent fucking them so I am taking my fucking responsibility here and doing my part. Unfortunately not enough men like are. But my moral and spiritual conviction propels with a fervor anyway ... Mostly because I would rather not that we go the way into total collapse, forced segregation or Taliban-time because its just not good.
But ... aahh... I dont see a way out man...
I love cats so much bros
>this seems unfeasible economically, and on a number of other fronts
Just buy them german shepherds. Or they will buy them themselves.
too late now
i dont give a shit about them
although my concern is that they will attack me with a knife on the street just because im a white man
Make it illegal to have sex outside marriage. Make adultery illegal again. Remove all political rights for people who have been sentenced to any of these two crimes. This is basically all you have to do.
>But my society and my people are at stake here and the women dont give a fuck if the men they deem lesser attractive and fun arent fucking them so I am taking my fucking responsibility here and doing my part.
This is the key. By bringing awareness that our societies are in danger, and once lost, they are lost forever.

Other men will eventually begin to fall in line when they see the game is rigged for them to lose if they play it.

This project is deadly serious, the survival of our cultures depends on it.
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why is the left so afraid of JD Vance?

it's probably because he's the only candidate brave enough to dismantle democracy and enact natalist policies.

rumor is he actually favors taxing childless unmarried holes instead of the current system that rewards and incentivizes women divorcing their husbands. democracy has obviously failed us, especially the female component of democracy. a single generation of white women have destroyed the west by being so naive and gullible to blindly absorb the woke niggerworshipping neocommunist anti-white anti-male ideology (the "woke mind virus").

no wonder he married an asian, white women are too busy growing out their pubic beards and being "lesbians" for social clout. Vance is a millennial, he understands how compromised women are compared to boomer Republicans who have no idea how bad it is. JD Vance might actually become king of the incels.
>sentenced to
Meant "sentenced for".
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>I love cats so much bros
Here's my little girl in Sparwood BC. We take her all over North America.
>i dont give a shit about them
>Simps are the enemy. Don't associate with anyone who simps. Actively shun simps.

Simps are just a symptom, they are the other side of the symptom coin if you will.

The problem is that we shielded women from the consequences of their shit decisions through government/welfare paid with tax money.

The natural consequences of bad decisions were a powerful deterrent and the reason traditions developed in the first place.

simping was a valid strategy back when making bad decisions had actual bad consequences, simps were a safe option.

We experience an escalation of simping behavior because we've put them in competition with the state.
I think youre the only depraved thing here
>Give votes to some 75iq brownoid that shits out welfare babies
>Don't give it to the white working lad who's taxes are paying for the meetings
women you retard
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This is de whey. Stop engaging with the problem and it goes away. Let it all collapse. Roasties are "boss gurrrrrls" now, remember? Let them run their little matriarchy the jews have granted them and let them play dollhouse with our civilization's future.

See how it works out for them. Yeah they'll create a bunch of chaos and destruction probably, but it'll be funny watching them try and put the blame on men regardless for it
>Make it illegal to have sex outside marriage. Make adultery illegal again. Remove all political rights for people who have been sentenced to any of these two crimes. This is basically all you have to do.
I too also fantasize about things that I might wish into existence, that are totally impossible right now.

The longhouse controlled political system WILL RESTRICT YOUR RIGHTS, as seen by the Swedish Female politicians trying to restrict passport bro, foreign wives.

The longhouse will NEVER remove or restrict women's freedom to destroy society.

You want a cool example:
1. It is ILLEGAL to do "Sex Selection" abortions of female babies.
2. Abortion is legal for any woman to do for any reason she decides, except for #1 above.

Canada has the "Swedish Model" of prostitution:
1. It is legal for a woman to sell (rent) her body for sexual purposes.
2. It is illegal and criminal offence for a man to pay a woman for sex.

1. Discrimination against White males is explicity legal in Canada.
2. Women are a protected class and it is illegal to discriminate against them.
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>women you retard
You have to be at least 18 years of age and White to post on this board.
I don't necessarily agree that the problem is occurring at the institutional level quite as much as you insist. While I agree that welfare contributes somewhat to the problem, I think it has to do with our culture which harbors weak men's behavior and obsession toward women. I'm not sure I understand this concept of "simps as an option" it's more like their behavior has direct consequences to inflate women's standing in society.
Islam solved it 1400 years ago
kill kikes, deport everyone not from the country, insult more people create more chaos.
Incel thread
Yes it is deadly serious! Our world is in danger! The plebs dont seem to see it. Or they see it to late like the women who are surprised they arent respected and are getting raped in the ditches by third-worlders who view them as property or cattle according to their cultures ...
The stakes are high enough to keep a man keep his fucking cock in his pants!
they dont have political power. non at all. not even economically. its the men at the top who let them have the illusion of power so they can use them as pawns since women are emotionally motivated and intellectually vulnerable.
Yupp this! Your my kind of leaf my man!
>I don't necessarily agree that the problem is occurring at the institutional level quite as much as you insist. While I agree that welfare contributes somewhat to the problem
Female privilege has been totally institutionalized. Black females run the postal service. Females of various colors run HR departments, White, Black and Hispanic females are a large proportion of the civil service.

Where are females NOT overrepresented? Real jobs that actually involve hard, dirty, dangerous, ESSENTIAL work.

Females + government have a symbiotic relationship, and BOTH of them are parasites on the only productive cohort in America, white males.

Ending the system is as simple as going on a soft strike.
god luck doing that with "democracy" even if you manage to strip their rights off. enough idiots will accumulate over time thanks to elite influence and vote them right back in
>Islam solved it 1400 years ago
MOST societies solved or at least understood the problem for millennia.

You don’t. It’s a parasite in your brain that tell you that.
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the vote would never “count” correctly anyways to strip their rights away. Dont tell me you still believe in voting?
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>The stakes are high enough to keep a man keep his fucking cock in his pants!
And there is a safe option for the man who can't.
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The ultimate woman, is a man.
They lie
They want violence
Mental illness
hell the fuck no. i never believed in democracy. to me its just means suffering the consequences of the majority's actions. and evil people can just manipulate the majority into voting them to power. stealing and shaping the country so that it benefits him the most and the fucks off after his term ends

a stable minarchy monarchy is the best way imo
I am laughing as I type, after 10 straight seconds of laughing at that photo
>You don’t. It’s a parasite in your brain that tell you that.
I love my cat, and I hate catshit. I know she's a real female because the more I spoil her, the more she treats me with disdain and contempt.
Well I cant bring myself to that. Trust me it was several years ago I thought to myself "well wtf anon this fucking women are awfully retarded , it sure would have been easier to be gay ... I could have my dick sucked and then log online and we have romantic evening of snorting cocaine and raiding Onyxias fucking lair ...then I can have my dick sucked again!" - But alas .. I do not have it in me. Would be a easy way out of this shit but naahh... Its the spirit-pill for me ... And Its not bad for me because I have had a spiritual awakening and I am now communicating with angels and entities beyond the veil who are teaching me very much. The most important thing - How to learn how to love myself and to heal myself. Its actually amazing and Im happy with my choice. I wish I had a wife .. Im not even shitty man. I could have made someone very happy.... But instead we got this shit.

I dont even blame men who go the way of the tranny-ass anymore... Its so bad its justifiable. I just cant bring myself to it.
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You seriously couldn't tell the AI to not give her tatts? You just ruined sexbots for me forever bro, fuck you
>a stable minarchy monarchy is the best way imo
Europeans developed and largely perfected representative government before the Jews and their central bank fiat moneyprinting corrupted everything.

The real redpill is that big government CANNOT exist without deficit spending. Deficit spending CANNOT exist without FIAT MONEYPRINTING.

Hard money (gold/silver) prevents deficit spending, prevents big government. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. What else was created that year?
Checked! Humanity is at the point where benevolent TYRANNY is the only action. The people is to retarded and to brainwashed to be able to handle democracy!
No your right , once again we are back at "The Talibans are right!"
This, they're not worth saving from themselves.
how do modern monarchies and past monarchies differ from today ? and are parlimentary/constituonal monarchies better ? I want to hear peoples opinion on this

So your saying in laymen's terms that big gov just pays people with money that didnt exist a moment ago that they made up. thus making a """"infinite""" money supply they can trick people with ? if im understanding thoes terms correctly

that cannot happen with hard money since you cant just make it the fuck up. there fore you have to actually spend it wisely
>Well I cant bring myself to that.
There are very rare, high functioning autistic girls who have extremely strong views that cannot be easily shifted by peer pressure. They tend to stand out because they are weird.

Another option would be to find a strict orthodox type female who has very high disagreeableness and a strong aversion to divorce or immorality.

We've created a society which has incentivized and morally approves of females destroying men's lives for fun and profit. Such a system is self destructive and will not last.

Another option is to pick an older barren lady who has no prospects, and views you as her best ticket for survival. So long as she doesn't resort to using the legal system to loot your assets, that could be another viable option.
Essentially you have to kill the people in charge and then change the rules
yes. tyranny saves people from thier own destructive freedom. if the wielder's self interest aligns with ours. in the case of monarchy. why would a ceo/king ruin and steal from his own company/kingdom ?

just because a plan is "free" to crash down to the floor and take people with it dont make it good.
BUT this only should apply to people who make retarded decisions that affect others in direct or indirect ways
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I'd rather let the tiger ride me.
Millennial women are too far gone and can't be saved
Younger generations still can be salvaged if we restore patriarchy
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HAHAHAHAHA checked that fucking pic - What a fucking chad!! Would have done it myself haha... Actually Ive kind of have hahahaa!!!!

Those are good tips anon, except for the older lady .. Shes going to have to settle for an older gentleman Im afraid!

I kinda want pic-related ahahahaahahah
But even IF we could have a benevolent tyrant that would be good for all the people his off-spring are unlikely to be good enough toh. As history has proven to us.
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Isolating them for three days would be the same as genocide.
Quit associating checking out of s()yciety with being a rampaging faggot.
Some losses may be required for them to get the point
As I said, pic related.
Well it depends. the prince should be groomed into the position of monarch using all the things that are beneficial to the country. there are concerns that the next monarch may be inadequate or bad. but its a far better option to have someone literally born and made to rule over his very property (risking his own self if he fucks it up) rather then have the ignorant masses elect grifter who care only for himself and borrows the government to further his self intrest and then bail out with no consequences

main thing here is consistency and loyalty
>How do we solve the woman problem in our modern society?
By solving op's faggotry problem first
Shoot all communists. Feminism thrives on communism and the strong independant woman narrative collapses quickly when there is no welfare state to play the role of the husband.

Also, shoot all simps (neo nazis and other tradcuck faggots)
>I want to hear peoples opinion on this

Republican form of government was designed by White NW European men with the premise that no man, or group of men should be trusted with absolute power, and the men were capable of self governance.

The US Constitution was written specifically to specify ONLY the things the government was allowed to do.

The US government has since been almost completely subverted. It is doubtful that the country an be saved at this point. Migatards are still drooling over Trump and "trusting the plan".

Monarchies are likely the best form of government for most of the people in the world. Russia, for example will likely ALWAYS need a very strong leader to keep it together.

China will likely ALWAYS need a dictatorship to give the Chinese people a sense of order and direction.

Different races/ethnicities need different types of governance, and that is just one more reason why multiculturalism is a terrible policy for any country.
>Why Mass Immigration and Radical Multiculturalism are Bad for Canada
>hates women
>but says those trying to emulate them are good
>suggests the "trap pill"
>immediate femboy erasure promoting the "tranner"
Kill yourself you actual groomer.
agreed on this.
>Different races/ethnicities need different types of governance
Why's that? Because you say so? Or is it because your goyslop algo Youtube video fed you the opinion.
No contact. I'm back to it because I can't stand the mind games and other sociopathic behavior.
Even their (fake) plans are completely stupid and will never work (from the point of view of a goyim, but it works as a waste of time and source of drama, gibs and other typical jewish needs).

>inb4 two more mind games and it's over, goy
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>So your saying in laymen's terms that big gov just pays people with money that didnt exist a moment ago that they made up. thus making a """"infinite""" money supply they can trick people with ?
They can get away with it for a period of time, long enough to steal a billion or two dollars, ship it to an offshore bank and retire as a prince for life. The average life expectancy for a fiat currency is 27 years. The US Dollar has lasted longer because it inherited network effects and market dominance from back when it was gold backed and then later the petrodollar.

I do NOT believe the US dollar will last another 27 years.

Gold is the opposite. it has to be mined, which costs money. In other words, hard money has to be earned before it is spent. Fiat is spent before it is earned.
Men voted for it

Fuck women, and fuck men too
>Why's that? Because you say so? Or is it because your goyslop algo Youtube video fed you the opinion.
Why do you have a problem with the fact that different races/ethnicities have on average, different group preferences, whether for large assed females, or limited representative government?

My evidence is simple: Look at the types of civilizations that various races/ethnicities build when LEFT ALONE to do it anyway they want.

Some peoples form small tribal units with a Chief. Other peoples form larger tribes headed by a Khan. Still others form an empire of tribes headed by a Tsar. NW European tribes tended towards self governance either with a multichamber parliament or a republican style government limited by a constitution.

Do you really think the Americans could impose a working "Liberal Democracy" on Afghanistan? Or Iraq? Or Syria? Or are you one of those Miga/NAFO types who feels that if we spend jsut a few more trillions, and kill a few more millions, liberal democracy with women's and gay rights is just around the corner?
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Hey Simps,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are simps and cucks, who spend every second of their day simping for women. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on only fans.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I just bought my third sexy robowaifu, with a build in massage function. What fun thing does your girl do, other than nag you? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot robowaifu (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all simps and tradcucks who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my robowaifu
The same way the Taliban solved it. If enough men get together and say "okay feminism is over now" then that's it. Women will complain about it but they won't do anything to stop it.
Wait until this boomer learns about bitcoin mining
>Men voted for it
Yes, in a moment of weakness, pressured by pussy and Jew propaganda, our forefather's cucked, and now our generation will need to clean up the mess and remove kebabs of all types.
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For eugenics to work, you have to stop the undesirables breeding.
You have to clean up the shitskins.
Women literally pay to do it to themselves.
>Kill yourself you actual groomer.
I would only go after traps that are 50+. If you want to come over and help me, park your car a few blocks from my house, don't let anyone see you, come up through the alley. I'll leave the garage unlocked, just wait on the plastic sheet that's on the floor.

I have a security system with a door chime and cameras, so I'll know when you're there. I'll be out in a minute. You can recognize me because I'll be wearing a Tyvek suit.
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>how are the common people meant to obtain this gold as a store of wealth after such a massive change that alters the stakeholder of reserve currency?
You can buy silver right now while it's still relatively cheap compared with gold. Platinum is half the price of gold right now, when it is normally more expensive. Before you spend everything on gold or silver, you should have AT LEAST a solid months worth of food in the pantry.

What you are concerned with is what I call lifeboat ethics. Imagine you're on a lifeboat with three other people. Each one of you has a gallon of drinking water and some lifeboat food. One of the people on the boat has 4 ounces of gold. You may not get rescued for seven days. You will die of thirst without water in 3 days.

Would you sell your gallon of water for 4 ounces of gold? I wouldn't.

Once things begin to normalize, people begin to engage in TRADE. Gold and silver have been universal trade goods for THOUSANDS of years. Most trade will be commodities barter. People with some gold or silver will be able to buy a homestead, buy more land, buy machinery, or loan it to a neighbor who can be trusted. (((for a small fee perhaps))))
>Women literally pay to do it to themselves.
Women, when left to their own devices, will always self-destruct.
it will solve itself when the financial system goes tits up. they will go back to being whores and looking for men to take care fo them
>Get /fit/ and fuck and breed them into submission
You mean like Brad Pitt did?
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>they will go back to being whores and looking for men to take care fo them
They will.
>For eugenics to work, you have to stop the undesirables breeding.
You only need to stop subsidizing them. They will quickly die off from misadventure (overdose/killing each other) or get shot committing crimes against good people.

Prison is a form of government subsidy for otherwise undesirables. Stop paying for your own destruction. Stop paying taxes and go on assistance if you can.
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by impregnating them and ignoring everything else
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>Wait until this boomer learns about bitcoin mining
I have a cold wallet with a tiny amount of BTC. You show me the minimum industry standard mining rig price today? You cannot mine coins today on a Gateway cow computer. How much energy after the doubling to mine a coin?

Do you even have a mining rig yourself? Here in Alberta there are guys using free natural gas that would be normally flared to run mining rigs. It's not fucking cheap to get into.

Bitcoin is the best way right now to TRANSFER a million bucks or more across the world in a few minutes for a relatively small fee, and no government can stop you.

Crypto is NOT money, and it does have counterparty risk. No network access, no electricity, transaction fiee hijacking due to netowrk congestion, onramp and offramp (KYC) bottlenecks.

Physically held gold and silver are money with no counterparty risk, even if all the infrastructure in the world goes offline. I can buy silver with cash and no ID currently. Buying and selling will be likely legally restricted when the economy crashes. Governments will request voluntary reporting of gold/silver holdings. The Chinese government registers private ownership of gold.
I don't get it.

Was there some news about Brad Pitt?
>by impregnating them and ignoring everything else
So long as you have no assets and never expect to have any, and they don't have debtor's prison for "deadbeat dads" which they DO HAVE in the United States, but only for White men who can't pay.

A few years ago a former husband and father burned himself to death in front of the ocurthouse that took everythng away from him and was going to put him in jail for not making payments that he simply did not have.

He was airforce, retired after more than 20 years of service.

Pic not related.
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yeah, don't be retarded
keep things simple
>Was there some news about Brad Pitt?
His crazy wife divorced him and trooned his beautiful daughter. IFTM)

Was Brad Pitt not Chad enough to keep a woman from ruining his family and his daughter?
>yeah, don't be retarded
>keep things simple
You could always go to Africa and pump and dump niggers? Is that more your speed?
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When you go to Africa in order to interact with negroes, impregnating them is not amongst the things you're going to do.
Learn to spot SSREyes. It's one if the greatest skills you learn learn, second only to saying no and meaning it.
>can learn*

By beating them
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Yes, this is true.

Being an alpha isn't enough.
From what I've been told about people and the horrible things they do, there's always a kind of "foundation" as to why they do it.

Lately, I've been trying to figure out/address how to get rid of polyamory in individuals. There are society-wide fixes, but they're not going to be able to address why a woman needs to ride the carousel in order to be happy.
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>Learn to spot SSREyes
Give some examples. How are we supposed to learn?
It isn't "women" per se. It's the fact that many women are more open to propaganda and willing to do what they perceive society wants them to do.
The people at the top are rotten to the core, and they influence everyone to do things that are destroying civilisation.
Posts like this are made by the useful idiots attempting to sew division within society.
I was just watching this... its a nice story...

>There are society-wide fixes, but they're not going to be able to address why a woman needs to ride the carousel in order to be happy.
Women are NEVER "happy" but are content with they are constrained by a moral code that matches their nature.

Women, just like children need external boundaries. For men the boundaries are typically external, tempered by the genetic desire for self preservation.

The "shit test" is just the woman's instinctive testing of you to see if you will protect her from their own poor judgement.

Kids test boundaries to see how much they can get away with. Women shit test to see how willing you are to protect them from their own stupidity.

Teen girls run into daddy issues when they confuse boundary setting with shit testing and experience teenage rebellion. Then they go fuck niggers to "stick it to daddy".

Solution: Raise teen girls in a location where there are wild wolves and bears who will eat stupid teenage girls who don't listen to their fiather's wise advice.
>It isn't "women" per se. It's the fact that many women are more open to propaganda and willing to do what they perceive society wants them to do.
Women are empty vessels that get filled with Jewish propaganda or random shit society wants them to virtue signal over.

How many women shamed decent young men into getting themselves killed or maimed for absolutely nothing?

Women have been very horrible to men for a long time.
You can see his stripes but you know he’s clean
>For men the boundaries are typically external, tempered by the genetic desire for self preservation.
For men the boundaries are typically INTERNAL, tempered by the genetic desire for self preservation.

Every day, young men fly too close to the sun and get wrecked. This is natural selection at work.
Only allow the vote to mothers, landowners, business owners or people who can afford a $10,000 poll tax.
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>Only allow the vote to mothers, landowners, business owners or people who can afford a $10,000 poll tax.
Maybe we can do that after the financial crash/civil war/race wars are over. The young Zoomers are going to have it so good.
Happiness in its modern meaning is a jewish invention. Happiness in the past and for healthy men today means contentment, the ability to be proud and satisfied with your current condition for a theoretically unlimited amount of time. Happiness to women and retards means euphoria, which is why they're so "happy" being trannies, because while unsustainable, the drug, novelty and temporary praise gives them the same euphoria as crack cocaine.

Very few understand how bastardized the words depression and happiness have become today, both are fake and gay. You are not depressed, you live in a shitty environment with no one who cares about you and many hostile entities, therefore you are unhappy, aka discontent. You are not "unhappy", you have been tricked by jews into believing euphoria can be a default state of being.
>Very few understand how bastardized the words depression and happiness have become today, both are fake and gay. You are not depressed, you live in a shitty environment with no one who cares about you and many hostile entities, therefore you are unhappy, aka discontent. You are not "unhappy", you have been tricked by jews into believing euphoria can be a default state of being.
Good point. Happiness is by trasitory state. Like satiated, or rested.
Increase their taxes until conditions improve.
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S()yciety is already divided.
The enemy is whoever's attacking.
They aren't worth protecting. Also, don't abuse animals.
>They aren't worth protecting. Also, don't abuse animals.
My tigers will have gold teeth.
That's a basic definition that's more appropriately called the fulfillment of needs. Happiness as an intelligent Aryan man is contentment, seeing that the present situation is good for you and your entourage, and knowing that it will remain so in the foreseeable future.

Freedom/Liberty also is a misunderstood word today, as people think of it as "I can do whatever I want" when in reality it only makes them slaves to their own vices. Freedom is to live in a healthy ethical society (meaning long-term utilitarian) that enforces only the minimum required amount of rules to maintain itself. It allows you the freedom to be and express yourself as long as this isn't clear degeneracy that will tear down society eventually. Meaning, no fag parades.
A society of jewish "freedom" results in the population becoming a slave to their vices and the children growing in a catastrophic environment that deprives them of the very possibility of hope and growth, the greatest facet of freedom.
>just man up and become my tax slave, boyim
Become a homesteader, and form a commune with other homesteaders.

Taxing what's bartered is difficult.
its getting out of hand
And we come back to the point that this really boils down to an issue of weak men.
Women look to a man to steer them and control their lives. Men aren't doing this, so they look to the government.
>Women look to a man to steer them and control their lives. Men aren't doing this, so they look to the government.
How strong do you have to be, before the woman won't run to the government, tell them lies and have you destroyed?

Let me know so I can buy some roids and know how many fucking plates I need to lift to be safe from female abuse of the legal systems and divorce rape.

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