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How can science be so mean when you are trying to be earth friendly and can someone explain what happened like I am semi retarded?
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this qrd wont save me.
I keep hearing about e-bike batteries causing a lot of house fires these days, wtf is in these batteries?
weird science, imagine being in a lift with this guy?
Lots of compressed energy
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Same Amerimutt
I guess it could be used to make weapons
manufacturing defects
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>that head movement at the end
Dynamite is much simpler if all you want is a weapon
Real-life Moe Sizlak
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They just be like that
You can tell by the way he was carrying it that some fuckery was going on.
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Just a typical day in CHYNA!
Never seen a burnt chink before, kek, it looks like it turned into charcoal. And it is still fucking alive.
dude they even banned plastic bags here
Lithium fire, you have to know what this looks like if you have any lithium battery devices (which you do) and especially if you have an electric vehicle. The fires are extremely quick, explosive, and extremely high temp. Basically you're ngmi, but if you're aware of how quick you have to gtfo, you just might. I drive a hybrid and if the battery ever starts going up I'm bailing the fuck out asap.

Literally just lithium. If the battery is damaged, overcharged, or built wrong it will fucking ignite. Maybe the dude dropped it before that and it just went off when moved, maybe the factory put a circuit in the wrong order. Very sad, no innocent person deserves that.

Lithium batteries are incredibly energy dense and therefore dangerous when built in China by the cheapest bidder. These ebike batteries are usually just dozens of 18650 lithium cells spot welded together. To put it in prospective a standard .45ACP cartridge has something like 0.25Whs worth of energy inside the casing while a standard 18650 cell has 10Whrs. That's a lot of fucking energy and require a high standard of QC to be considered safe and when that QC isn't there OP vid is what happens. Many such cases.
t a t p and a n f o are stupid easy to make with common substances, the reason Afghan freedom fighters could make i e ds so easily.
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have a bump and comical webm despite the GAY id
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>Battery decides to rupture exactly when the doors close and the elevator starts moving so the insect cannot escape.

Based, guys I'm on team green now.
Nerve gas
Trust the science, the experts have spoken. You don't want people to think you're a conspiracy theorist do you?
Smart, throw water on a lithium fire.
Just use LiFePo4 batteries, it don't fire + resistant to cold
That means it's working.
Did that retard actually try tossing water on that shit?
You remember that chart in chemistry? All those elements on the leftmost column are extremely reactive to water and moisture. Lithium is one of them. The further down. The further down the table you go the more energy that gets released by those elements.
Lower energy density = won't sell well on Amazon

Too inconsistent, just like they are when you want them to NOT explode.
You could get a stack of 10 charged phone batteries and put a pipe with a nail on top of it, and drive the nail with a Platzpatrone
You need to expose the cells to moisture. Preferably a big bucket of water
But many times more charge/discharge cycles
Just make law to ban using Li-Ion in ebikes, then sales of LiFePo4 should rise
Every law here must benefit the jews and I fail to see how your proposition does so.
Escooter sharing are terrorizing our cities and our government is only increasing fines
Because it's big business, tons of zoomers pay 0,2$+ per minute
>door right there
>refuses to move the bike outside
I get it. It's hot and on fire, and you probably just woke up. But dude, really?
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It's a perfect moment for YOU to get up and make a list of ALL lithium batteries in your household. All old phones lurking in junk drawer, all toy drones in kids toy basket, all power tools. Make a kist. Evaluate each position. Get rid of ALL devices you no longer use, because this shit will self-ignite at some point in the future.
>terrorizing cities
>increasing fines
>zoomers overpaying

And you think jews will somehow be against this?
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I'm looking forward to an iPhone with a replaceable battery. I hope a Lifepo4 replacement battery will appear as soon as possible. And I don’t care that it has half the capacity than Li-Ion
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They are all just lithium batteries. But they are chinese and made to terrible standards. Lithium combusts in air.
Cue benny hill theme
>POV: you are a self-heating meal
why are cellphones safe in elevators? this freaks me out
Thermal runaway on like 20 18650 batteries wired in series. One went bad and started sending angry pixies the wrong way.
Based and best post ITT but I'd like to add that you should back up everything with memory first to multiple formats and keep it. Never throw away data.

These people want THIN not statistically safe and reliable. You're hopeless.

Sorry I only speak English. Used to have a bike like your pic though.
fuck that one guy got the full impact of the explosion in the background. fucking hell that likely cooked his skin on ignition.
You see a battery go up like that, get away from it. On a bigger scale those can burn for 72+ hours. Fire departments are trained to not even fight it and let it burn vertically and try to contain it. Dont let your tesla sit in your garage if a hurricane is coming.

Omg the baby in the bottom left...
>trying to be earth friendly
it is very unreliable, loud and you lose the rear disc brake. and you obviously need brake discs with 4-piston hydraulics from a light motorcycle if you use it at full power, especially if the engine is 80 cc, because 160/180 bicycle discs will have a gigantic braking distance = dangerous. Since 2014, law began to require a junior drive category license for any internal combustion engine, and many mopeds and scooters were sent to a fine parking lot, although if you carry a yandex courier bag and ride a pic motobicycle, then now no one will ever pay attention to you or ask for a license.
Sometimes Russia seems cool and other times it seems like a nanny state worse than California. What the hell man?
in the 90s, 00s and early 10s, hundreds of thousands of teenagers died in accidents while driving 50cc mopeds and scooters, now from 2014 any internal combustion engine and more than 250w electro motor requires a driver's license, which requires examination by a state narcologist and psychiatrist. plus a bad driving culture, and there are bicycle paths only in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
That was the suicide booth.
pure soitanium
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i knew he was either gonna shit, piss, or die in that elevator
didn't expect BBQ bug though
>Since 2014, law began to require a junior drive category license for any internal combustion engine
clearly the solution is an external combustion engine
china is eons ahead of us as usual
I'm honestly shocked that the jews are allowing the goyim to posses so much potential destruction. In fact they seem to insist we own lots and lots of lithium cells.
But bump stocks are bad.

the lithium battery is probably reacting to the electro magnetic field the elevator is generating
Damn, the fuckin' timing.
That still seams excessive. Lots of kids died on scooters here, especially during the Goped craze of the early 2000s. I can still buy a 49cc and drive it around with no license.
it's like the cheeky cunt was waiting for the right moment
cars are more dangerous than either
> I can still buy a 49cc and drive it around with no license.
It's how still in Kazakhstan and Ukraine, you still can use no more 50cc without licences.
Although in Kazakhstan, in turn, electric click scooters opposite to Russia have been greatly tightened and they literally cannot go faster than 6 km/s
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Kazakhstan is a real country? I thought it was made up for Borat.
>Dont let your tesla sit in your garage if a hurricane is coming.
Or, don't buy one to begin with.
>wtf is in these batteries?
same in america. either the state has a law(s) for more than 50 cc or law(s) for 50cc and less
basically you can ride a 49cc/50cc without license everywhere
Just bad luck i think
poo poo vindaloo
Chinky quality strikes again. It's no wonder their junk-ass EV's actually sank a ship.
Not so soon wait for your turn
haha nigga u gay
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>I'm looking forward to an iPhone
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ecofag-toll paid in full
i've wanted an ebike for years, but you know what, i think i'll just keep peddling a normal bike instead, fuck this.
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ebike batteries can be safe, but there are no standards and regulations in most places. so chinese companies, we all know the chinese are very poor on quality control, make batteries that are gonna catch fire, because they don't care.

new york city actually is the only place i know with any regulations about ebike batteries. but basically you can't sell an ebike battery in nyc that isn't UL CERTIFIED this ensures safety. because with a proper battery management system etc these batteries won't catch fire.

its one of the few times you'll ever hear me call for more government regulation. they over-regulate everything but this time when regulations are needed, where are they? figures
for an ebike? too heavy
This is someone who thought it was a good idea to store the ebike in their livingroom. Judging by the Christmas tree, it might have been a present, but it still should have been outside. It's not like whoever it was for couldn't see it through the glass or be told to go outside to see their gift.
To be fair, most normies don't even know the three types of fire extinguishers and most don't even have a basic fire extinguisher or sprinklers in their home.
he died from flash burns

lithium burns quickly and very hot
Looks like the fully charged battery couldnt handle the rough handling.

You have to be gentling handing them like with TNT
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You're right. The resemblance is uncanny.
Looks like his battery cooked off.
If they get too hot they catch fire.
This can happen really at any time.
Yes, science doesn't like bugs.
that company must be liable for some kind of criminal act right? Assault and Battery maybe?
>explain what happened like I am semi retarded?
Battery stores energy.
If battery breaks that energy comes out.
Usually means fire or molten metal.
carlos you son of a bitch
laurel and hardy tier shit right here
>wtf is in these batteries?
Lightning spirit. When awake, fire come out, very strong, very hot. Must take care, fire spirit get angry and burn. Like thunder, very dangerous.

People take special stone, mix together. They put in small box, add water that not like normal water. Inside, spirit of lightning and fire catch. When box shake or break, spirit wake up, make big trouble. Very hard to make, very powerful magic.
it was just a quick Juan Liner
dissa heap big medicine
They have no emf ratings i suppose.
Bloody behenchod rip
Chink Booby trap
Just short-circuit the battery terminals.
Though, in terms of sheer energy you would get better results with a simple molotov cocktail.
As impressive as these things are, gasoline is still more energy dense, hence why EVs have shit range vs ICE cars.
What a quintessentially Russian answer.
It's like vietnam all over again
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Wtf is that webm ive been here for almost a decade and have never seen this webm or someone who looks like that can i please have the context or a youtube link?
At this point I think Hydrogen powered EVs should be considered.
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This is what happens when youre lazy and dont use your legs to pedal
>elevator door slightly taps the bike wheel
>bike explodes
what the fuck
They used to sell just the engine to put on your bicycle in the 1950- 60s. Called the whizzer. They used to advertise on the back of comic books. Many kids got maimed killed having their bike suddenly going 40mph.
Believe it or not survived

I know its hard to believe but its true

He became the government poster child for a safety campaign
hey that guy cant be all bad - he had a christmas tree up
He should become taking the stairs advocate.
Lithium is a highly reactive element.
Years ago, one of my dad’s RC helicopter lithium batteries exploded while charging. If he did not catch it immediately, the house would likely be gone.
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maybe Ukraine drone shape charge explosions are just water doused li-ion drone batteries...
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is he ok?
i think he's just a bit tired
Why hello there poojeet.
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You're one to be talking, Chang ;)
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Gif is from a camera 2 blocks away.
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>t. flag
>Man being immolated alive.
>White man rushes for help
>Dumb bitch slowly waddles away and texts

I hate women so much it's unreal.
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Chicken fried chink, lmao. Poor bastards got what they deserved
>only good chink is a dead chink
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what panic does to most morons
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It’s a chink superhero called Cancerman. It’s their final form
yeah normies are fucking retarded as always
this. agrarian retards hyper accelerate to the 21st century. The fucking soviets made used uranium warmers for MREs that were safer than this shit in the 60s.

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