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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The president of Turkey informs Greece that Turkey is monitoring Greece's every step and will intervene when necessary to protect the Muslim minority in Greece.
30 million of your country is Kurdish and arabs.

Your future look pretty damn blacks.

You are sub humans, know your fucking place.

European hate you, germans hate you, actually a lot of European don't see Turkish as their follow white and see them as Asian invader

Fuck you, you are not important, just stfu
Says a fucking jew? You're hunted worldwide yehudi ben sharmut, who are you to talk? Us the people in our region fear, you they wanna kill because you murder babies, shut the fuck up child murdering rat, you better know your place as a dirty fucking dysgenic jew that will get attacked sooner or later
weren't turks and jews bbfs a century ago, what happened?
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just like they intervened for their muslim cousinfuckers in gaza, right?
I hope you start another chimpout in the balkans, however this time i reckon everyone in balkans will turn against you. JDVD
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kek you wont do shit
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>meanwhile Turkey full of non-Turks
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No, Turkey actively supports Hamas in preparing and planning to kill jewish whoresons, baby killers, in Turkey.
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Turks too have realized the superiority of BBC. All their women shall hence only mate with african bvlls, and their men shall all wear tiny cock cages
Nothing ever happens
Fuck that fat melon seller.
Turkey was built on stolen land.
It's time to give it back.
we'll conquer and liberate greece from christians insallah allah will grant us victory
>Turkey applied to become a member of the then-smaller European Union in 1987;
>Still negotiating ascension
Whereas Greece is babied by the EU.
And look at Ukraine, endless help for them.
Give us a reason kebab.
despite greece being incredibly hard to invade due to it being a mountainous shithole and how much i'd love to see arabs die. it would be quite interesting to see how nafo reacts, due to both parties being in said faggot alliance.
we are turkic
Turkey's final warning to Europe
Turkey is weak and won't ever do shit. I know it, you know it, we all know it.
you're arabs. turkic national identity died with the white wolves.
>we'll conquer and liberate greece from christians insallah allah will grant us victory

With what exactly?
1 push of the button in Washington DC and all the f16s stop working.
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De Ja Vu, I have been to this thread before
is this why we conquered parts of armenia, libya, syria, iraq recently and control half of cyprus? turkey strong.
shut up jeet. this doesnt concern you, fuck off back to indiachan and leave the rest of is alone. everything you touch turns to shit, everything you interact with turns to shit and every shallow 'good morning sar' is heard by every single person as 'poo, feed me poo SAR'. fuck off and die. everyone is disgusted by you.
How can they possibly protect those minorities though?
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I apologize I touched you
You won't do shit. You're all brown homosexuals.
indians dominating uk and only thing you can do is seethe on anime incel forum
Nuke Turkey Sa'ar!
I wonder how people in other non-pozzed countries view serving their country. In Turkey, the society has great love and respect for their servicemen and relatives of martyrs. I think that if there would ever be a defensive war, the vast majority of Turkish men would line up to serve and gladly die if needed.
It's the absolute opposite in the pozzed shithole where I live. "Die for what?" is the most common answer when asked if they would serve.
Men who won't defend their country like Syrian pussies deserve misery. After seeing how poorly the West supports Ukraine, a Christian country with very White people, I don't think they would do much for the muddy meds in Greece if Turkey should decide to reclaim a few islands.
>Men who won't defend their country like Syrian pussies deserve misery.

dedi almancı orospu evladı
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know your place subhuman roach, before we come back to show it to you
>heh but bulgaria is poor lol :^)
and we were even poorer and smaller when we did this, which should be even more insulting to you
Asla olmayacak
Isa Mesih Tanridir
Turkiye gunu gelince Isa’ya doncek gercek Tanriyi taniyacak
Christ is King
because they're cockroaches who will die for their beloved nafo
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turkey is a faggot country, greece kicks your ass every time

greeks = prebloods
turks = mulatto
Turkey is the Mexico of Europe
buddy you literally deserted your dear shithole and went to pay taxes to the evil ypipo you hate so much, while LARPing as some totally united and unbreakable people who will never desert their anatolia. Like please, PLEASE evolve some basic level of sapience before you write a post like that.
I don't like turkish genocidal acts and aggressions against Cyprus and Syria, but at least you guys like kots
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I've done my military training. Not like you, but still.
you cant teach self awareness to almancı t*rk son of a bitches
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How can eurosissies even compete?
I believe the modern definition of human has changed so much. Maybe only professors can be called humans at this point. But why are they called professors? The only "profess" I know is when somebody loves someone and they profess their love. Let's talk about bees, bugs and endogenous drugs. Let's talk about love, talk about love, talk about lolo lolo love.

Don't make me force you two to kiss each other. Leave 4chan and don't come back until you have many babies. Yalla bye!

Daily reminder that it's out orthodox duty to serve Greece and liberate Constantinople from the invaders . 1000 years of shame it's enough !
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All the gypsies around you isn't shameful?
and who brought them here retard?
Mehmet, you should be more worried because we will impale you while from the east the hoards of Kurds will eat you. It's literally more over for you then ever
The Dutch?
protip: 80% of the posters under that flag aren't ethnically dutch

Turkish people from turkey were not part of the red army.

But funny, tatars/turkic from russia were and they did rape a lot and i mean i lot of germans women when they come to Berlin.

But still, turkic people were treated like trash under Stalin, lol.

A lot of turkic sub humans across russia still hate him, lol.

Russia actually have military base around their place, if they start having crazy ideas, russia can just genocide them all, you understand what i mean, little bitch?

Holy fuck i want to fucking genocide you, Stalin should have killed you all.

Lol, fight in the red army and than been treated like a shit.

Pretty shit life, ah? tatars/turkic in russia are weak and poor and scared people these days.

Ethnic russians go to their places to find wife sometimes and this is about it
It's a Turk in Holland anon...
Have you finished cleaning all of the toilets now? its just Hans wants to make sure you are not taking cigarette breaks in the toilets again.
Careful Ahmed, the next Balkan war will push you back to the central Asian steppe you crawled out of.
I hate jews as well though and arabs might be retards, but there retardation is what keeps them from being a pain in the ass.
Maybe you need to relax a little and figure out where this hatred is coming from. You call them subhumans but still don't treat them as if they were at least on the same, if not higher than cats.
Have you been to Netanya? It's really nice. I love the cats there. The Turks seem to treat their cats nicely as well. The Cypriots don't seem to like their cats at all. I became really sad after seeing the cats in a terrible state after I hadn't visited them in 3 or more weeks :( So IDK, maybe try to read between the lines?
Probably Ridouan Taghi LOL
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Turkey and Greece behind close doors
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Noone cares what you think schlomo. Go eat more foreskins and murder more babies
tldr motherfucker stop reddit spacing
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>Still negotiating ascension
actually that's on hold at the moment
Lol, lmao even

Do it, Greece would humiliate your subhuman kind.
Proud Orthodox Greek from the Pontic region
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Istanbul is looking like Constantinople everyday.

Might as well hand it over before you lose everything.
>NAFO on NAFO violence
based I support this
Штa ћeтe дa ypaдитe ca ocтaткoм Бaлкaнa и Eвpoпe кoјa вac мpзи и caмo чeкa пoвoд дa вac пoбијe дo пocлeдњeг, гoвнoјeди иcлaмcки?
Turdkey won't do shit.
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at galipolli our soldiers used to get turkrat skulls and put explosives in them and use them as hand grenades, they were perfect because of the soft turkish skull.

you are in the wrong place in the world, the eu hates you, the arabs hate you, the jews hate you, the russians will take your land and rape your bitches faggot
>The president of Turkey informs Greece that Turkey is monitoring Greece's every step

why do you speak like a jeet?
What does turkey want again? How about stop meddling in other countries affairs?
Based jew
OP is a faggot, erdogan didn't say such a thing
Turks wont do shit
I had sex with multiple turkish girl
They are always LOADED with some DAMN TIDDIES
Turkish girls are my favorite fuckmeat
Based Erdoganopoulos, I salute my fellow greek president.
Ebin kachba ya sharmuta, filthy Muslim.
Why we didn't take Constantinople?
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good morning komsu
turks are metrosexual sissies that spend more time grooming their eyebrows and putting on make up than a their whore women
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>we'll conquer and liberate greece from christians insallah allah will grant us victory

Islam is multi-racial.Turkey is a social construct, Allah gatherywadvs all.
Is this more a Greek or a Turkish look?
What is the Turkish look anyways, slant eyes and fu Manchu hair?
>a fucking pajeet using türkiye ip trolling everyone

you are all dumb zoomers, gtfo of here to your shitcord channels!

you actually bothered to write that wall of text, what a stupid jew!
>30 million of your country is Kurdish and arabs.
which is double the jewish global population you faggots talk big for so few
pvre pontic-caucasian/balkan mutt phenotype
It's the same thing
Russia wanted it for herself and prevented Bulgaria from taking it
Whicch region can this be found fren?
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Pontic Greeks, of course, also large parts of Turkey
Both of us are las creaturas byzanticas
you won't do shit

Internet says she is originally from that mountain group that is now Turkey then? And these Byzantics settled in Greece?
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>know your place subhuman roach
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Turkey should for an alliance with Albania

25 million kurds + million arabs

There is no ethnicity as "Turk". We are all a mix of Mongolian, Greek, Persian, Armenian hybrids here.

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