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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The left is afraid of JD Vance because he has a brown wife, even as doughy as he is he reinforces white male sexual power and the left knows this. For instance, every nonwhite celebrity tries to get a white trophy wife, but JD Vance turns that on its head.

Remember, there is a reason they only dislike white men doing it
Trump picked a faggot for his VP and Trumpards will climb mountains to defend this
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Same shit, different toilet.
stfu you freemason whoreshiper.
Anyone who studies the history of Christianity becomes dispelled and leaves it.
Not my fault 4tranny makes you upload an image
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why is the left so afraid of JD Vance?

it's probably because he's the only candidate brave enough to dismantle democracy and enact natalist policies.

rumor is he actually favors taxing childless unmarried holes instead of the current system that rewards and incentivizes women divorcing their husbands. democracy has obviously failed us, especially the female component of democracy. a single generation of white women have destroyed the west by being so naive and gullible to blindly absorb the woke niggerworshipping neocommunist anti-white anti-male ideology (the "woke mind virus").

no wonder he married an asian, white women are too busy growing out their pubic beards and being "lesbians" for social clout. Vance is a millennial, he understands how compromised women are compared to boomer Republicans who have no idea how bad it is. JD Vance might actually become king of the incels.
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- he wants to deport messicans and towelheads and boost the white birth rate by advocating nativist and natalist positions
- he was right about the ukraine war
- his wife is more attractive than michelle obama and barbara bush and rashida t'aliban
- he's not an obnoxious christcuck who will blow an election by taking an absolutist position on abortion or an unusually harsh anti-marijuana policy
- has based and mysterious techno-monarchy quasi-libertarian financial backers who dislike woke nigworship and communism
- he dislikes woke nigworship and communism
- nice healthy moderate positions where needed and robust extreme positions where needed
- his children have down syndrome which is considered adorable by modern standards
- he was editor in chief of the yale law review which means he's got mensa tier IQ and understands the system that needs to be changed at a very deep level
- he bleachmaxxed and married some aryan indian lady he met from a call center
- he only associates with based jews, not the bad ones
- he believes in based protectionist and populist policies that will boost the economy and create high paying manufacturing jobs and energy sector jobs
- he will create a robot computer that will replace all meaningless woman jobs like HR and "project coordinator" that add nothing substantive to the economy
- he has blue eyes, a cool beard, and isn't afraid of being called gay for wearing eyeliner
Didn't they already kill off the branch dravidians in waco?
Idk he has kids with a foid
Wtf i want to breed indian women now
I can see the appeal, a crack baby race traitor white trash who sold his soul to the jew. He achieved everything a white American can dream for, he was a good addition for the Felon.
That's my boy, return to Aryan life!
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

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