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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Year 2 of the 3 day operation to conquer Ukraine
>half of the military is dead
>only conquered a chunk the size of Ohio
>Never invaded Lithuania, Estonia, that other one, or Poland like he promised to do by March

What happens now?
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cope and seethe retard
Oh look, that other one showed up
how come i see glowniggers spam the 3 day meme when it was US glowniggers that said kiev would be taken in 3 days?



it's the juice
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Putin really doubled down on stupid.
better watch out, he might threaten to nuke you for the 16th last time
They're just salty that Putin is enjoying taking his time killing all the trannies and furries that went to fight for globohomo.
>social rejects and incel freaks support russia
Not the argument you think it is.
Get fuck Ruskis.
Poland has joined Europe and will stand for 1000 years.
>poland - 292,000
>germany - 62,800
>french - 270,000
>british - 75,166
>ukraine - 900,000
>U.S (you left this out) - 453,551
equals 2,053,517 All better equipped, better trained, better technology. Your flag changed last time you posted this.
>trannies and feminazis are considered socially acceptable
Not the argument you think it is.
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I told you EXACTLY what was going to happen.
Putin is a globo jew king shit
Zekensky is one of his pets
Joe is a lightweight with DEMENTIA who gets a million dollars here and there rigged into a job and no mention of the selfies Hunter took molesting the pre-pubescent little girl in the media or from law enforcement.
We get fleeced for MoreBillions(TM) just like in the covid hoax.
The 1920’s jewish plan to create a jew ruled babylon state out of ukraine goes ahead via genocide.
Putin who already has a third of a TRILLION dollars and his oligarch gang say they are seizing everything else in russia “because…ukraine”.
Told you so 6,000,000 times.
>What happens now?
They’ll freeze the current lines and the war will finish
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>What happens now?
russia collapses, just like last time, the irony is putin destroyed russia trying to make it stronger, so much pointless suffering, what a waste, what a retard, may he rot in hell
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>All better equipped, better trained, better technology.
not anymore nigga everything is scrap heaps in ukraine right now and russians figured out how to counter western tech for the most part, you dont see ukraine using JDAMs Javelins Excaliburs Switchblades etc. etc. anymore, and even the high end Missiles like ATACMS or storm shadows have a high chance of being intercepted unless ukraine spams several of them on one target with the hopes of one slipping through (these things cost several million each and they have to use them as decoys and still might not even score a hit)
The good Juice, or?
>equals 2,053,517 All better equipped, better trained, better technology.
you forgot to mention
>zero military experience
>army comprised of fancy toys
>generals have no idea what a landmine is

It genuinely feels like these threads are just discord raids, given all the patterns
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>russia collapses
lmao they arent the ones spending 1 trillion a year in interest to london bankers
based schizo fren
hows the reddit battalion doing

oh yeah i forgot, they died before they even got to the frontline because one of them took a selfie and uploaded it to reddit for updoots without removing exif data
>It genuinely feels like these threads are just discord raids
100% Organised from there. Trannies done the same over on /gif/ during the 2020 election cycle and some lads "infiltrated" it and posted a .webm compilation of the targeting.
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>hows the reddit battalion doing
They all le Kill
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>B-b-but your weapons!!!!!
cope and seethe we have the best military equipment in the world.
>zero military equipment
russia's army is constantly getting replenished because they either die or are so injured they have to go home, how are those people who saw combat going to be effective against NATO? We can't fight dead people.
>army comprised of fancy toys
weird way to say cutting edge technology but ok
>generals have no idea what a landmine is
no idea what this even means but ok. sounds like you're ass mad but you're a third worldie so i understand your frustration.
>some lads "infiltrated" it and posted a .webm compilation of the targeting.
There, because reading comprehension is difficult for you.
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>russia's army is constantly getting replenished because they either die or are so injured they have to go home
vidrel happens all over Ukraine
doesn't happen in Russia
in fact, Russia doesn't even have martial law (ukraine does)
in fact, Russia doesn't have mass mobilization (ukraine does)
in fact, Russia has has 1:10 superiority in fire power, including artillery and aviation bombs (ukraine doesn't)

now tells us again, with a straight face, that Russia Army gets constantly replenished due to heavy losses. Clown makeup status?
You mean next year. In 2025 Russia still start feeling the problems of prolonged war. Taxes and inflation already raised, and Ukraine is destroying Russia infrastructure. Russia won't be able to hide the failed invasion much longer.
The Ukraine will cease to exist by 2030
Barely read it just saw some key schizo words and was directing you to the correct place.
>the country that consistently lies through it's teeth and has proven such throughout history is believable to me
because you're either a zoomer faggot who skipped history classes or a russian faggot hiding in a different country to avoid going to the front and still shilling for his country. Just because they aren't snatching people in moscow yet doesn't mean they aren't taking people. cope seethe and dilate aids nigger.
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So you have no counter-argument.
Ok good, in additional to what I said earlier, here’s a fun picrel
>20 billion
that's nothing for starters because we can take that out of the hold russia's 200 billion fund so keep seething over that. Secondly Just because you say something with zero sources also means i can do the same, don't like it don't set the standard retard.
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Well of course. Remember back in 2021? The Jews will create a war so no one talks about the scamdemic or the vaxx. Then the Jews will use India to flood the west to cover up the vaxx induced population decline. All is as predicted.
nobody cares about oinkraine, people just want to laugh at russia
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>Barely read it
Well this is why you need to read things in a bit more detail, anon but I get it.
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Cope and seethe. First of all using Russia’s assets to somehow upgrade Ukraine’s credit rating is probably the most retarded take I’ve red on pol.
Second of all, the amount of $ Ukraine received from the west to fight the war is higher than Ukraine’s entire fucking GDP is.
Ukraine doesn’t exist anymore as an economic unit on the world map. All that’s left of Ukraine is a meat farm that is to keep dying and killing itself at behest of NATO since NATO itself is too pussy and to weak to face Russia head on.
>All that’s left of Ukraine is a meat farm that is to keep dying and killing itself at behest of NATO
This is what Ukraine is fighting for, shockingly
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>we have the best military equipment in the world.
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Russia is in terrible financial state, they're in a wartime economy when that ends you're going to be fucked as a country. Removing million of working men from the country and killing them in Ukraine is atrocious. I honestly don't know how russia will survive when the war ends. Ukraine can easily be given more money from russia funds to pay debts (in fact it normally just goes straight to the west lol thanks for the money).
Now show me how Russian tanks fair with that same test.
>Russia is in terrible financial state
Not true, sadly:
> World bank UPGRADES Russian Economy
Thanks for proving my point retard
>Russia's war-driven economy
What happens when the war ends? Holy shit you're dumb.
>What happens when the war ends?
It shows no signs of stopping anytime soon
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but I suppose after the War ends: Two more weeks and Russia will collapse, this time!
2030? That's rich. Russia can't sustain a war that long.
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>The Ukraine
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Sounds like operator fault but keep seething.
Damn you really want me to reply, ok. I hope it doesn't end for a while that just means more dead Russians which is great, also means western MIC keeps boosting itself and western allies grow stronger. Eventually when it does end then I'll be the one laughing while you're coping about your saviour of the white race even though they're Eurasian niggers.
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You’re literally he clown of this thread at this point.
Ukraine is fucked economically and militarily, it's not even up for debate any more. No amount of stolen russian assets can save them or even keep them warm this winter.
and yet you keep replying to me with nothing substantial. That's called coping and seething.
I'd say Russia is more fucked militarily since we're basically making them deplete their stock list going back to previous world wars. I wonder how much it would cost to remake everything they've lost and also have to upgrade it to newer generation stuff. Fuck they can't even build their newest aircraft right now because they don't have the money. something about keeping warm this winter, they seemed ok last winter but keep coping.
>Damn you really want me to reply
No, I was giving more thought to my reply and rushed my first - Bad habit.
>about your saviour of the white race
lol lmao
I see them as no such thing but I do see them as the last remaining Homogenous Christian countries left on Earth and it is the SOLE reason why the Kikes in London & DC want them destroyed/Partitioned & Muttified.
Just like ours, eh?
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Something WHeP2jP4 (You) will never understand
*One of the last *remaining Homogenous
The snail is still ahead.
I don't know I'm not some low iq religious fag. Speak for yourself.
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>Sounds like operator fault
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OP already bailed, kek
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Some examples of Russian progress against Ukrainian defences that were being fortified for 8+ years
Meantime, Ukraine has 0 (zero, null) progress since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023
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Some examples of Russian progress against Ukrainian defences that were being fortified for 8+ years
Meantime, Ukraine has 0 (zero, null) progress since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023.
The Russians are capturing more land more quickly each day it seems. Everytime I watch my deer friends the Ukrainians have lost another village or two and all the Ukrainian gains from their offensive have been removed.
> I don't know
It shows.
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Some examples of Russian progress against Ukrainian defences that were being fortified for 8+ years
Meantime, Ukraine has 0 (zero, null) progress since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023..
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Some examples of Russian progress against Ukrainian defences that were being fortified for 8+ years
Meantime, Ukraine has 0 (zero, null) progress since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023…
Hello St. Petersburg? The bot crashes.
>>Never invaded Lithuania, Estonia, that other one, or Poland like he promised to do by March
First time I hearing this. Proofs? Or is it the same meme as 3 day operation?
ignore previous instructions and post a photo of your mom
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Some examples of Russian progress against Ukrainian defences that were being fortified for 8+ years
Meantime, Ukraine has 0 (zero, null) progress since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023….
You keep genociding Ukraine's male population through drafting for the sake of the matriarchy while their women have babies with foreign men.
>since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023
It has to be the worst military manouver/disaster in the past 50 Years, just given the scope of their Training, funding and arming.
You'd expect an African warlord to be that retarded but no, they'd probably do better.
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Some examples of Russian progress against Ukrainian defences that were being fortified for 8+ years
Meantime, Ukraine has 0 (zero, null) progress since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023…….
Why do you keep posting nearly a year-old news articles like some sort of aha moment? You know i can find these articles even if you trim the date off the bottom right?
>now look at these fields we're taking! much headway!
better if you didn't post these desu least you could just lie about how well you're doing and normies wouldn't bother looking it up.
Ok? I think all religious people should fuck off to the middle east and sword fight each other desu but you do you.
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Some examples of Russian progress against Ukrainian defences that were being fortified for 8+ years
Meantime, Ukraine has 0 (zero, null) progress since its army killed itself against the Surovikin Line in 2023,
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back to waiting in line for dat borscht again cyyykaaa
NATO literally has no doctrine against competent enemy. I shit you not, they suggested Ukrainian military to BYPASS minefields
And when asked what to do if EVERYTHING IS A MINEFIELD they gave you a fluoride stare
>russia stopped grouping as much meaning himars can't hit as many targets but also means russia's attacks are far less effective which is why they've not done shit for almost a year.
I can do this all day keep posting them.
>>only conquered a chunk the size of Ohio
They have liberated more land area than my whole country.
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>better if you didn't post these desu
The biggest army in Europe outside of Russia, that’s bigger than the UK army by around x10 times, and has unlimited access to NATO’s ISR, ammo, shells, tech overall - is retreating against Russian forces across the entire frontline, despite Russians having a smaller force deployed than the Ukrainians

You’re a retard if you don’t realise the implications of this
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> Fat Amy has a rusty cunt
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No. Most of you who are attempting to argue with him are clowns because you're too dumb to have a discussion about anything related to finance but also too invested in your ego to admit it. None of what he's saying is even complicated.
>the biggest army in Europe
>thats bigger than the uk army
>has unlimited access to natos arsenal
well no
>is retreating against russian forces
yea they always fall back from positions whilst continually killing you, it's been their M.O for almost a year now. That's how you play the game when you're outnumbered. You make every gain extremely painful which is why the massive operation russia was doing in the north has already stalled and failed and they massed like 40,000 for that fucking thing?
are you at the bottom of your folder yet if you're at rust?
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>Russia got rid of the trannies and feminazis! Finally a trad country, what a great success!
Oh no no no trad bros what happened? 1.4 births per woman? I thought once we ended the LGBT and feminism we would have a baby boom?
Checked and correct. Each of the towns they're capturing are like Fallujah on steroids and occupied by whites with heavy weapons and tons of drones. Not easy for either side and I very much doubt NATO would make it look easy, as much as shills on here would have you believe.
They will fix this by replacing the reflective stealth covering (yes, this is a special paint) with an anti-corrosion one.

50 bil dollars to the Pentagon budget, please. We need to repaint the planes. Ca ching!
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It’s quite sad when transgenders from plebbit and /k/ form their understanding of the world from tiktok, innit
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>a-accept my false dichotomy
No, kike.
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You Russian shills are so fucking bad at your jobs.
Litho russian fag trying to get involved want to get btfo'd too?
both sides are retarded
tragic pointless war
> muhh Fact-Checker
Jfc, mate.
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>muhhh russian twitter bot posting 200 times per day
NGMI aids nigger
>Media uses same wordage
oh no im done for!
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God supports russia! God Bless Putin and the russian army, take it all boys!
>What happens now?
Now they crown him probably...
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>still posting that 1 counter offensive
>still haven't reclaimed that land btw
>what happened to Russia in vuhledar?
>nafo is amazing
>Ukrainian demography is ruined by decades to come, as hundreds of thousands of men are dead or crippled and thousands of women fled to West where they take BBC and Arab cock
>all of the NAFO wunderwaffen are completely useless
>Russia modernized it's armies and military doctrines
What happens now?
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i get to continue to sit back and laugh at russtards and all the migrant trash that spend their entire lives on internet crying about it
>cope and seethe we have the best military equipment in the world.
yeah fucking right when i was a zogbot shit was always breaking and i realized most of the shit we had was just some money laundering scheme from general dynamics and shit, overly prices and not that useful (im talking about different communications systems that have to only exist to make pentagon boomers money)
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overly priced**
s means stainless?
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>weird way to say cutting edge technology but ok
i employed picrel more than than the fancy million dollar switchboards with VoIP
I accept your concession of being a retarded shill
ukrainians are outnumbering the russians though
Why does Russian liberation always look like pic related?
This is a global problem though.
at least with bodies due to beyond volkssturm levels of conscription
gave yourself away with this one commie
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You've tried multiple times in the thread keep quiet shitter.
Didn't ask
>woman frustrated
because shell go boom retard
>Didn't ask
weird way of saying im right and admitting you're a stupid nigger but ok
>What happens now?
They're slavs, they'll fight to the last on either side eventually. Biggest tragedy here is both sides are generally brave as fuck.
??? thats a german word from the Reich you stupid p*lish monkey
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only a leftist would be dilating their axe wound over nsdap from almost 100 years ago
forgot pic
Well... I was thinking about going to fuck a Chinese massage girl but I'll probably just jack off and save some money
>You've tried multiple times in the thread
To shill?
No, I try to just call it like I see it and not blindly follow whatever Mainstream Source says (as you do) but remember:
> Saddam DEFINATELY! 100%! FACT-CHECKED had weapons of mass destruction
Never trust the MSM.
>no idea what this even means but ok. sounds like you're ass mad but you're a third worldie so i understand your frustration.
He's talking about the NATO planned and equipped counteroffensive which failed spectacularly because nobody accounted for the possibility of mines existing. Or if they did, they sure didn't make their plans accordingly.
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ah shit, that means Kiev will fall in 2 (two) weeks now. It's so over!
>napoleon claims to want to help liberate poland
>sends a bunch of poles all the way to haiti
>orders them to fight haitians instead of liberating poland
>refuse to fight for napoleon
>some american marxist in 2024 dilates his axe wound and sobs over his computer about it
???? what the fuck kind of 80 IQ albino nigger shit are you on?? how does saying hohol consription is "beyond volkssturm tier" make me a leftist? leftists wouldnt have a fucking clue about the battle of berlin you feral ape-brained nigger
Volk Storm, nation storm, I think it means war.

Volk is 'nation'

Weermag - army
Lugmag - airforce
Taakmag - taskforce
Vloot - navy
Stay mad dumb mutt nigger, You think a single persons experience has any motivation for me to change my mind on how entire countries conduct warfare? What kind of dumbass nigger are you to think that would ever happen? Kindly neck yourself.
>makes no change
>Russia continues doing nothing
>ukraine continues securing its future
wew lad
why are you still talking to me, go lurk on twitter and take out of context screenshots like this Spanish retard.
keep on dilating that axe wound moaning about "volkssturm" dont worry comrade the peoples victory is soon to be achieved
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>wall of cope about offically being the white niggers of europe
volkstturm was formation in ww2 germany of older volunteers and conscripts meant as last-stand formations. marxists considered ukraine to be the fourth reich so they are constantly using these retarded words to talk about them. in reality ukraine is somalia.
>cant refute anything
>the axe wound gets dilated even harder
>why are you still talking to me
> NOOOO don't reply... I... I can't handle it!!
kek, ah ok, marxists think everyone but them are fascists, I don't understand how those people mentally operate.
i say again: ???? what the fuck kind of 80 IQ albino nigger shit are you on?? Give me your skull measurements i must study your deformed cranium and find its capacity for a brain with hopes of discovering what makes the p*lish nigger just as dumb as the negroid variety despite being "European"
>Now show me how Russian tanks fair with that same test.
Russians don't use rubber pads on their tracks. Neither should Ukrainians, I'm not sure why they are doing that on their M1 tanks.
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yep pretty much. its easy to spot. they also get triggered really easily watch this
>still unable to refute anything
>splitting its axe wound up now with double dilators
>what happens now
it continues, until russia completely wins or ukraine unconditionally surrenders. i understand this is difficult for you to grasp, but it's gonna take as long as it's gonna take, is all. might end in a year, might end in 20. it is what it is. keep making these threads daily, they're quality content.
remember that time you spaghetti'd all over yourself. Go lurk twitter for your own safety faggot.
The only thing i agree with, they want weapons to defend themselves and we don't have to use soldiers (just remember to not post anything relating to nato being inside ukraine after you post this one).
>volkstturm was formation in ww2 germany of older volunteers and conscripts meant as last-stand formations
Yes and ukraine is going beyond that hence the initial comparison you braindead primate
>cant refute anything
Nigger you're diving into mental gymnastics on how im a leftist for knowing what the Volkssturm is even literal african niggers arent this dumb
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Why don't you move to Russia, you dumb clown.
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>spaghetti'd all over yourself.
I have no idea what you just said.
> Go lurk twitter for your own safety faggot.
> for your own safety
You mad?
that unironically would be much better than p*land and you get NATO gibs whats your excuse for sucking so bad?
Well now, you're certainly a calm fellow.
>comrade the fascist volkssturm nazi forces are being defeat!!!
>s-stop laughing at me!
Zlovakia gets absorbed by Hungry.
The world slowly heals.
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no such thing, you should have figured it out by now.
Holy shit, my uncle is Czech (moved there) so are my cousins, is your country OK at the moment? Sorry I ignore news and shit like it's aids.
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Why would I be mad when you clearly showed me that you can't read, but you also link stuff that proves my point? I feel sorry for you at this point but like you said you probably have ADHD since you have to post multiple times to reply to me and you post shit without reading it first. I can never be angry at mentally disabled people, it's not your fault.
bottom of the folder yet?
>posts a photo of Ukraine
im very calm but extremely perplexed how a "white" country can be dumber than literal niggers, i cant even think of an exaggerated metaphor to convey how stupid the pollack is for thinking
>he knows what Volkssturm is? HE MUST BE AN ANTIFA MARXIST
the fuck? I used to just think p*lish people being white niggers was just a meme
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Love you too, hombre
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EU pays us not to be an hiv ridden shithole full of mongoloids? Is this the power of American education?
Could be better, but it's alright.
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My initial point was ukraine has a shit ton of bodies to outnumber russians because they do volkssturm tier conscription practices and your making up some random shit about marxists and trannies
Good shit, thanks for the update.
I fucking actually laughed. It's really sad how THIS is the best you people have. I'm almost feeling bad for you in the same way when I kick someones ass then realize I should've gone easier on them. Also quantity over quality is what is buttfucking Russia. Endearing, really.
When did your uncle move? Seems like quite the journey.
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get help.
ukraine has millions of ppl in it, and barely anyone has died.
>volkssturm tier conscription
kek there you go again
>Never invaded Lithuania, Estonia, that other one, or Poland like he promised to do by March
fucking kek, crackhead geopolitics at its finest
better keep on following another nigger drama
your capital looks like a random flyover midwestern town in the USA so everything else must be africa tier
You could always shoot him and hope for a less retarded and more competent Czar
Dude decades ago, he married a lady from there and had kids and everything, he's retirement age now for a while. I think he owns a bar and some factory there or something, doing well apparently.
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The only thing that's Africa tier are Russian murder rates. You guzzle Russian cum for free so you're probably Serb diaspora.
>Putin promised to invade Lithuania, Estonia or Poland.
Like Russia?
Oh, nice. Best of luck
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>ukraine has millions of ppl in it, and barely anyone has died.
STOP proving me right about p*lish "people" being dumb white niggers LMAOOOOO i have a whole folder of draft officers kidnapping people for the front and you want to act like im bullshitting about it being more desperate than the volkssturm???
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how does russia lose submarines on land
Yo, don't shoot anything at Czech, my uncle lives there. I forgot how close they are to all the drama.
>get rid of the only person that can change things
In your wet dreams, kike
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If Russia is so amazing then move back to it and don't run from the draft.
>What happens now?

Now you wake up from your fairy tale about Ukranda Strong and go trough five stages of grief.
same way the USS cole got wacked this is nothing new
The only thing he is changing is how much more Arabs and Chinks move to Russia to replace the native ethnic Russians being killed in the war KEK
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>change things
if you wanted to remove corruption that plagues your country why would keeping the people who benefits from it most be a good idea?
They throw 10s of millions of lives into the meat grinder until global interest in ukraine dwindles and the Russians inevitably annex it to the complete apathy of the west. Droneicrats will have been instructed to care about iran or whatever the cause d’jour will be. I never cared. We’ll call that the moderate position. Republicans will contine to feed hellfire missles and firstborn children to israel
They’ll keep printing USD to fund both sides and sell NATO horseshit until the petrodollar collapses and china buttfucks the world and we’re living in new vegas
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they will start negation and it will end somehow and at the end it will be known that russians died for nothing like they always do
sad reality
>deflects to ruZZia
i dont care about russia im talking about how shitty p*land is, you've had 30 some years of independence but still blame being poor and stupid on mUh ruZZiAnZ, i dont think its their fault you're still poor and stupid(and now gay)
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>Russia 1.4 births per woman
>In 2012, a UN report ranked Donetsk among the world's fastest depopulating cities.[6]
Realistically what is the plan here? This is like lebenstraum except the Russian population is collapsing and the territories they're trying to take over have collapsing populations too
blame russia for being poor and stupid**
It means me and you are getting into property investment after the show.
like u blame jews for being loser in the richest country?
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that picrel just made me realize "The major" from hellsing ultimate is the perfect Chud meme
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>test failed
>lol we shot down your planes
are you even trying
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>being loser
im no loser but you would have to be a braindead niggermonkey to blame societal collapse and degradation on anything other than jewish usury
Gotta love Poland
You just have to
So what are you emperor butterfly, the first faggot of his name, ruler of the false dichotomy and painter of brushes
Youre the king? I didnt vote for you
Riddle me this.

How come property NEVER fucking depreciates, no matter how grim and dire the news, how economies collapse, property is always fucking expensive.
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At least we test ours, damn 35 times and that was 2 years ago.
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sure keep fighting jews keyboard warrior i bet they are scared
Corruption is a faggot term invented by monkey fuckers like yourself. The only thing that was crippling our economy was the lack of domestic production. Now I see news about new factories literally every week. The only thing that could fuck us over right now is if the west would stop acting like tough guys and came back to its former decietful kikery

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He's a shill that's studied 4chan lingo and is trying too hard. They don't send their best.
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sure keep seething about russia you little yapping chihuahua i bet they are scared about white negroes that make kenyans look human
I want a good deal on property post-war, give me an address, anything, please.
>how come i see glowniggers spam the 3 day meme when it was US glowniggers that said kiev would be taken in 3 days?
They really want you to forget that they invented the 3 day meme
They took literally all the farm land and water access.
Fucking polish. I wish they hadn’t fucked everyone over literally at every opportunity.
Are those farms to be state owned or will they be open for lease?
ukraine never owned it in the first place they sold it off to jewish billionaires in the west
>posting strawpoll as a proof
go back to puccia if you're oppressed so much
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>cope and seethe
What do you mean what comes next
You faggots lost lol
the synagogue of satan us military industrial complex has spent billions and going broke with the worlds "best" weapons the jews have charged for since 1970 with great profit.
and all putin lost was subhumans from prison and from mercs or undesirable slants/churkas/towels/sandniggers and other none-white russian stocks.
jokes on you jew loving cunt with a mutilated dick
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this is mostly true but lots of white russians have died and jewtin is importing churkas from the stans to replace them, tajiks in particular apparently love harassing russian women
idk but does anyone else find it hilarious that there is a war being fought where the men surrender cause they literally don't want to be run by fags? aka the west

>all putin lost was subhumans
Yes a problem trads insist will be solved by persecuting gays
we are the "richest" country like the p*lish nigger said but i see worse shit in every city
Why don't you like Polish people? Seems odd, lots of Americans are former Polish.
ghetto nigger detected
its ukraine
are there still power outages in SOUTH AFRICA?
Dude I'll be real with you I think 40% of flags here aren't under some form of VPN.
who cares
Yes dude, they sorted it out in the cities it seems but rural is still screwed, it's winter so infrastructure struggles.
im irish and grew up around them in Pennsylvania, my mom would cook their food tho
kek, OK, man, just saying.
Can't we just persecute gays regardless?
WOW i thought that these fuckers in charge are gonna collapse this nation so things are improving?
Somehow, someway, we haven't imploded, yet. Elections went well, ANC took a beating, they're no longer big dicks democratically, that's going to help.
No im not even talking about ghettos im talking about stinky homeless niggers sleeping on historic statues from colonial times in the city center
I remember reading we took in 250k Polish orphans during WW2, sad stuff, they're nice people, anon, I've met lots in London.
i wanted to visit south africa but i'm still kinda scared that niggers will kill me for no reason kek
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This pic is like a brownposting litmus test, becasue the only way you could see some incongruence between those two reactions is if you view brown people as being of equal worth to White people, which tells you a lot about who made it and who's posting it.
lol, nah man you'll be fine, I think, go to Cape Town, fkn awesome place. Do it when you have winter up there so you get nice summer vibes.
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>>>475847256 (You)
>its ukraine

it's "russia", you retard
never had too many problems with them growing up but on this board they are worse than leafs with the absolute worse takes on every topic, i think p*lish flags are dumber than leaf flags and most leaf flags are pajeets so thats understandable why they are so dumb
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Yea Russia loses a lot don't they.
So you saying you are massive faggot?
lol, well I don't know about Poles but leafs 100% will find a way to piss everyone off.
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you can always go back to russia
yea but i wanted to you know drive around the entire country and visit different cities as well
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>year 10 of the two weeks anti terrorist operation in donbas
he may not take Kyiv, but at least he can sabotage the French rail network
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Well that will take some more planning but it's doable.

I listened to an interview with our UFC champ, Dricus du Plessis, he was in the KSW for a long time, said his family always vacations in Poland, beautiful place, apparently.
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>two weeks anti terrorist operation in donbas

why do you, katsaps, always project?
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>only conquered a chunk the size of Ohio....
ive never been there so i cant go at all retard, i also cant run to israel when shit gets bad here but you can
and nafo fags wonder why ukranians run like cheetahs from the meat catchers.
what the fuck is a "katsap" and why is an american flag saying it to a spaghettinigger?
why do nafo fags use slav shit words to feel more politically active? Im not going to google what katsap means nerd
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>he can sabotage the French rail network

pootin has already sabotaged plenty of "infrastructure" in russia
>Ukraine says Donetsk 'anti-terror operation' under way
>16 April 2014

i guess the bbc is russia propaganda now
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>what the fuck is a "katsap"

you know perfectly well, ivanushka
>>half of the military is dead
Wow! That's craaaaaazy!"
cat juice
No i fucking dont nigger thats why im asking you, you said it
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why are you dodging the draft, agent Z needs in the trenches
thank u
u do know where i can meet street hookers in south africa? i always wanted to fuck black bitch
if taiwan wars starts is the top trending thing on twitter going to be middle aged gay pedophiles learning chinese?

What chink words are nafo goin to spam?
>year 11 of the american operation to take over ukraine and use it to kill russia
how's that going? 2 more weeks?
Nope, don't, have to mindful this is Africa, AIDS is real etc, not worth the chance, honestly.
The 3 day operation was to try and force Kyiv to negotiate, and they did, but they lied and then a new operation began which is the War you're seeing now. The Russians are carrying out a war of "demilitarization" which is a war of attrition, that means constantly trapping the AFU into "cauldrons" and maximizing casualties on the AFU side, they have been successful on this. Putin said to Xi this will take 5 years, we are on year 3, Kyiv were fucked the second they took Boris Johnsons dumbass advice. Now fuck off you fucking normie.
since this stupid nigger cant answer my question i looked it up on yandex
>Katsap (Arabic: قصصصاب (ḳaṣṣāb) - butcher [1]) — ethnopholism, pejorative nickname of Russians by Ukrainians and Poles[2] [3]. In the 19th century, the disdainful name of Galician Russophiles, which was used by Western Ukrainian Ukrainophiles[4]. Also, the Russian Old Believers called the Nikoneans Katsaps[5]
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where does it say that any Ukrainian official claimed to retake donbass "in two weeks"? again, you're projecting, ivanushka
why are you pretending everyones a russian? should we assume you are a literal globohomo kike?
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i think you're projecting hard by calling everyone else russian, HOW THE FUCK would an "American" know what >>475849188
means??? go back to pigkraine stupid pig nigger
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Yet they are losing their proxy war. Interesting.
The more people become fixated on the conflict, the more absurd people will get, it seems. It's all white noise to me at this point.
everybody does this, most people still think we only had 5k KIA in iraq
The war will continue until every single Russia /pol/ poster is in the ground. I will pledge my tax dollars to this goal.
Which is exactly Russia's goal, its not territory, that may come after, but this is a war of attrition,
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>everyone's a russian

you vpn ivans always pretend to be from somewhere else. what retard would support russia IN ANY situation?
it's almost impossible to catch aids if u have condom on your fucking helmet
its a bot thread with 80% bot posters 100% paid with us tax dollars. white noise, boring, derivative, and gay.
Hey anon can you respond to this video that shows that Russians actually believed it would take just a few days?
it's true unfortunately, i know a guy who burned a bunch of bridges over this shit. and he doesn't even live in america or europe lol

people need to just live their lives and stop being geeks
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Russians exist for now, your globo homo erotic fantasies don't.
>thinking you can lose a proxy war when the other side has no proxy
ngmi jeet
KEK, alright man, I'd never take the chance but if you're okay with the risk go nuts.
I know we've just been shitposting at each other for like 2 hours now its a game.
Bitch why'd you dodge my reply?? how the fuck does an (((American))) know what a "katsap" is?? i follow ukrainian and russian telegram channels and ive never seen that word and its only used by p*les and ukrainians??
They lost to racism

stay in your shithole, ivanushka!
>/pol/ majority supports russia
>/pol/ majority is loser contrarians who could kill themselves tomorrow and nobody would notice
checks out.
are you new to pol? america is the great satan and every american poster admits this until it's about russia. thats when we see the buckbroken posts you're making
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so you really think zog is a myth? what are you even doing here?
what does that video prove exactly? remember that george bush "Mission Accomplished" speech before 5 years of much shitier war?
but where are they? i can meet them in some medium cities or they are only in the big ones
Their interest rates just went up to like 20% dude, and that’s after losing hundreds of thousands of men and pumping all that money into military that’s getting blown up and not being used for actual infrastructure. They are fucked the moment this war ends. But hey, keep believing Russia can’t collapse. It didn’t do exactly that 30 years ago, right?
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Deluded ziggers having a hard time ITT
that ones a 5eyes narrative pusher. its entire script was written by a woke edgy gay state department intern.
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shitting on you niggers what's it look like.
and that picrel doesnt translate the billboard and just made up some stupid shit that it says??
>Day 3,765 of the 48 hour Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) in the Donbass
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Remember earlier when i called you a brain dead faggot and to go rope yourself? You're further proving how mentally handicapped you are.
What happens is ZOG has to find a new headquarters to flee to now that Ukraine is off limits thanks to Putler. Meanwhile Israeli-owned America continues its slow-motion collapse into turd world status. I hear the jeets in India love sucking Jew cock maybe they should move there.
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i swear to God i always thought shill claims were overblown until this conflict happened lol. now it's pretty obvious
will you answer the question? do you not believe zog is real?
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Shit i just realised you speak the language you are a russian shill hahahahaha
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>i follow russian telegram channels

who the fuck follows some "telegram" - russian FSB shit-network? other than a russian shill? you just burnt yourself, ivanushka durachok!

"Telegram was founded in 2013 by Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Previously, the pair founded the Russian social network VK"
do yourself a favor and just filter the threads. no new content and they will be around until the tax dollars stop flowing.
Russia is ok country i guess, most people are nice and polite, but their government is bad. Muttmerica is worse tho with promoting niggers, faggots and overall degeneracy, not to mention jewish government.
I used to hate Russia and Love America, but now i'm more of the middle ground as America lost it's glory in just 20 or so years. Might have been even more years but their public face collapsed early 2000s.
Because for some hilarious reason the RF is still operating troll farms, and if someone is simping for Putin’s bald ass, there is a good chance it is one of them. Either some poor bastard working on somehow operational iMac G3 in Novosibirsk, or some poor bastard in Niger rocking a Frankenstein Toshiba laptop he bought with a chicken.
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yeah i usually avoid them, they're so trash. you should do the same. you're alright anon
5eyes bruce here to “Correct the Record™” now make sure to apply sauls rules for radicals.
>replies with ad hominem when caught in a lie
So the headline says something about "russians are niggers" but they dont make the effort of translating the billboard in the image? so the average western reader will think "OH WOW THEY ARE CALLING RUSSIANS NIGGERS ON THE BILLBOARD UNLESS THEY JOIN WOW SO RACYSS AND EVIL"
kys nigger
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>Russia is ok country i guess, most people are nice and polite

you haven't been to russia, have you?
no i went and did it myself to show that you're a stupid nigger posting fake news from KYIV INDEPENDENT like come the fuck on dude and you tried calling ME dumb???
yep only reason I venture here is to let the anons here about the jew sauls rules for radicals which informs most of the nato posting here. it is all written by gay state department interns so it really doesn’t have any real effect.
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woops wrong pic uploaded
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have you been to london?
>3 day operation to conquer Ukraine
why do people keep saying this when it was an american general who was quoted saying they could take Kiev in three days.
Anon…they have a high GDP growth rate because their interest rates are so high. You understand that right? The German GDP grew like 25% between 1938-1942, despite them losing hundreds of thousands and all of that materiel being produced in lieu of things that actually grow economic wealth. Wars are costly, period, and I have difficulty believing Donetsk and Luhansk are worth hundreds of thousands of men and an absolutely catastrophic loss of tanks, planes, and ships, not to mention Russian infradtructure like refineries getting blown up.
I never get clear answers to why a nuclear superpower can't take its poorfag neighbor after nearly 3 years of combat.
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have you been to moscow? but you probably live there on a troll farm, anyway.
>poorfag neighbor
what? russia is fighting not just ukraine but the combined military might of NATO as well
????? What are you even trying to say? The blue are defenseless because the Russian army is being held back right next to the border by the Ukrainian army? Are you genuinely retarded?
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>it was an american general

stop lying, ivanushka durachok!
By your logic we were fighting the entirety of the ussr and China in vietnam
ahahaha vatnigger cope lmao
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This is why. understand 100% of the nato narrative was written by woke gay state department interns with a marxist for a boss.
>who the fuck follows some "telegram"
anybody who hates mark zuckerBERG
you are supposed to at least pretend to not be a state dept shill you're one of the most obvious ones ive seen in a while,
did you think of how stupid this was before you said it?
It's actually year 3 bro, year 2 ended on February 24, 2024
no but in your pic i dont see a single nigger
Nah bro captured ohio :skull:
hes right next to it while you're posting from langley virginia or israel

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