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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If it's Boeing, I'm not going.
Simple as.
>he doesnt fly private in the current year
embarrassing, honestly
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Someone explain all this nonsense to me like I was 10. Please and thank you.
Space is fake and gay. Nobody is in space brother.
They replaced John, Kyle, and Chang but at least now Jamal provides the diversity and Ranjeet can hire his entire village to save Boeing $10/hr in wages!
They are stuck in space
I got that much. What are they stuck in? I was under the impression they docked with the ISS and can't undock.
Fucking kek. Last I heard of this the headline was something like
>No. The two astronauts aboard the Starliner are not stuck in space
DEI means DIE
Their little ship was broken before they launched. It was decided that it was fine so they went. A couple minutes into the flight it broke more. And continued to break further.
They're squatting in their and trying to claim it as their own.
Not flying private is an ick for women in 2024.
Stay incel
How many months of food are left, the white man should kill the nigger to survive longer
>guy and girl stuck in space
What they're doing right now... you just know
can musk fly up there and jiggle them free?
They should just take one for the team and accept failure but jettison themselves out of the airlock. For science. Someone has to be the first for everything. Teachers lost their first astronaut as did israel. No reason Boeing should think themselves above it.
No, he knows how it is. As long as the nigger is alive, the west will try to save them.
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*if it's pooeing, I'm not going
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>one diversity hire
>one cuck
>one leaky spaceship held together with pink colored duct tape
>spaceship brake on ground
>put more duct tape on
>good enough
>yeet to space
>spaceship break again
>uh oh what do
>wail arms around in panic and limp to ISS
>run out of duct tape
>hold a pride event to boost morale
>it didn't work
>bitch and moan for 2 months while last 2 remaining middle aged white dudes at NASA try to remote fix shit that niggers and faggots fucked up
>hold another pride event
Maybe they could ask Russia for help.
>jew male pajeeta female sex in orbit
I pity the crew of the ISS
I dont think T series turrets will hold up on reentry
since I didn't follow any of the stuff in this thread, this sounds too true to not be what actually happened
Did the ISS fixed the bathroom?
I remember reading that Americans broke their bathroom and demanded to use the Russian one ( yeah, they have segregated bathroom) and the Russians said no. Then one schizo American astronaut (female btw) pick a drill and made holes on the ISS to protest and was close to kill everyone there...
And then Americans don't understand why Russia and China are building their own new ISS and already announced Americans will not be welcome (the ISS is at the end of their life, literally falling apart, when it finally gets deactivated, america will cease their space program because they can't build their own or even maintain it)
Boeing of America doesn't have a single indian as employee. It's all on American inexperience...
Americans only managed to go to space thanks to literal Nazis who did ALL THE WORK. Once they were gone, NASA fell in disrepair and even India managed to surpass them.
It was supposed to be a psyop to help boost musks popularity but it’s taking more time than anticipated
Of course he can
But doing so will make them lose face and Boeing will lose their billion dollar contracts with NASA
That can't happen so they made it taboo to even discuss the possibility.
>They're probably giving journalists a bonus to not even MENTION the name SpaceX
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There was a leak during the ascent in a disposable part of the rocket. They want to keep it attached and poke at it until they figure out the problem before they ditch it and go home.
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So that capsule is kill if they try reentry?
Just two more weeks to fix their axe wound leaking helium.
Boeing is the state sponsored alternative to Musk


I can't wait until this is EVERY DAY for normies when their ATM card doesn't work and the gas pump doesn't work and the grocery store shelf is emtpy cause they ordered wrong and etc etc etc etc but of course WORLD WAR is no problem they can pull that off
Boeing space division only hire Americans for legal reasons.
You guys just suck at being engeeniers...
They died from accident and can't explain why they're not getting back>>475838653
home yet from the nasa studio
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>card doesn't work
>phone tech support
>"hello sar i-"
>hang up
>go into store for help
>"good morning sar do you ne- where you going sar sar?"
>give up and try to order what you wanted to buy online
>thing you wanted is made in india
>sigh and order it
>delivery driver is indian
>gets lost and delivers your package to the wrong address
>chase down the details
>go to that wrong house to ask if they received your parcel
>"hello sar no we no receive parcel"
>look down
>he's wearing the shoes you ordered
lol this.
This, until proven otherwise this is what I believe happened now
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What phenotype is this? She would have definitely been considered a witch
What are they eating?
They are drinking from the piss recycler.
They will have to semd supplies up eventually.
I wanted to say these eyes are skeletor/Lich like, but
made me reconsider
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Danger Will Robinson! Danger Will Robinson!
The Game
If they can't save them anyway they should just laser their ship so they don't suffer
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If it survives reentry it is designed to land on fhe ground, not a parachute splashdown.
And with thrusters and shit not working there is a good chance the soup can gets crushed.
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Elon or Putin will have to save them, or China.
They better say Pretty Please.
The thrusters malfunctioned due to lack of testing before launch, and it's unclear how serious it is. They docked to the station ok, so they're safely aboard the station but it's unclear if they can use the Boeing capsule to come down. If necessary Elon can rescue them.
Tomorrow I think they're going to test fire the capsule thrusters while still docked. Might be informative, might explode and obliterate the station so let's keep our helmets on, people
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Is it seriously so broken it can’t undock itself?
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Checked. Excellent summary for the retard fags here.
7 more years and Boeing gots themselves a space station.

Captcha Shyj
>What are they stuck in?
The station. They're quite sate. They're only stuck in the sense that it's inconvenient to ride home in a different make of capsule than you came up on, because the different brand spacesuits don't quite fit right, but you can get around that
Moreover Boing would absolutely be ruined from cringe if the capsule has to be abandoned though
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Still the best and iconic
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That chin is a poop backup storage unit. I got a pic of one of her logs ...picrel
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Based piss recycler knower. They are turning picrel into food
Nobody is sure but it most likely can unlock itself. I believe they are running more tests on the RCS today.
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Agreed. Picrel is how they should get home, but they won't.
>Someone explain all this nonsense to me like I was 10. Please and thank you.

Two muttoids are stuck in orbit onboard the internaschional spase staichon because their built with pride in ahhmurrica by Boeing spase sheep failed.
Do you think they're fucking each other? Or eating each other?
Boeing more like Boing
Read the bread you retard or just look at >>475838344 for a great summary.
There are like 5 other dudes there
So yes, they are all running a train on her
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we need more heckin female engineers
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Every day my despair of living in this country is greater and greater and I just want to flee anywhere else. It is actually a terrifying thing to be in a nation that will only get worse in my lifetime because boomers replaced all the white guys with female zoomers in a mini with attitude.
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Many dicks for my my sleeve, to save yourself you can't leave!
>Boeing space division only hire Americans for legal reasons.
>You guys just suck at being engeeniers...

Yeah they hire Diversity Equals Incompetence americans, then subcontract to poojets. Because of DEI, the Boeing buffoons are too dumb to realize the pajeeticum products are substandard, and the pajeet shit goes to production.
I read today that Embraer, the brazilian Boeing, might overtake Boeing and become the main competitor to Airbus in a decade.
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The astronots are going to die, aren't they?
If this was true they would already be dead.
No way they would have brought that much food and water if they only planned to be up there for a short trip.
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>in their
Go back shitskin
Astronauts found a loop in their work contract about overtime pay and are now becoming billionaires with this simple trick.
Jokes aside, hope it ends well.
The ISS is moving at 5 miles per second, they'd have to shed that speed on the way down. Pretty spicy.
>Astronauts found a loop in their work contract about overtime pay
Fucking Unions.
I cancelled trips because I'm not stepping foot on a Boeing plane.
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