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Let me guess, two hundred billion more and they finally start winning, right? Just two hundred more. This time for sure.
according to William Spaniel (actual scientist on yt), it will take Russia 33 Million soldiers and 500 years to fully conquer Ukraine if they continue at this speed.
the us has paid 175000000000 for 40000 dead russians. thats 3000000 for every random russian conscript.
if the daddy usa stops sending funding, what happens?
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>linear extrapolation
cool science bro
you are right, its closer to infinite years as the speed will decrease, but I did not want to overload your polack brain just now
>what happens?
EU will foot the bill, dw.
>according to William Spaniel (actual scientist on yt),

oh wow awesome. i love science
well we can't say it will be enough to win for sure . but anything less than two hundred billion would be antisemetic.
unlikely, you are american
they dont even foot 2% for their own militaries. maybe they can send the "refugees" they've been taking as moral support
They are too precious to send.
2 years later and it still baffles me how a local celebrity comedian who's now president of a minor country became the target of absolutely massive SEEETHE, just because he gets supported by the US
Is this guy irrelevant? He hasn't asked for any money in a few months like a worthless bum.
How many US Taxpayer dollars will we have sent throughout this timeline?
Or did you not provide that information because it reveals the absurdity of your exercise
Do you realize there's only two options, you are of high intelligence but lack any morals that would stop you from making a bad faith argument.
Or, you're dumb as fucking dirt but driven to share you your ignorance
>How many US Taxpayer dollars will we have sent throughout this timeline?
175 billion over a period of 2.5 years, or 7% of your annual military budget to cripple one of your biggest adversaries at the human cost of like a dozen American volunteers (and the aforementioned sum obv)
Okay, but OP asked a simple question. How many more hundreds of billions until the>>475847775
y start winning?
It's about Russia not winning and suffering economically and militarily, brainlet. Which it does. Even the most conservative estimates put it at like a 100k casualties, while the economy is alive they recently had to raise interest rates to 18% AGAIN so it's clearly struggling
>It's about
Oh, so we never wanted the ukraine to win in the first place. That's a relief. How many more hundreds of billions are we going to send them just for fun do you think then?
Either until Russia inevitably collapses like they always do every few decades or so, or the situation somehow dramatically changes.
But why do you care? Like honestly.
Do you know how long term warfare looks like for the US? You literally can't stop winning and profiting from this war, why the FUCK do you seethe about it so much? Are you actively rooting against the USA or something? And if yes, why are you still here
What happened at the start of the war when ziggers were defeated by women and old people with molotov cocktails.
America spent 2 trillion in 20 years fighting sandniggers in Afghanistan caves.
You want Ukraine to win against russia in less than 4 years

> Kill yourself nigger
>still won't answer
I guess it must be a pretty big number then. I'm sure a measly x hundred billion dollars more and Russia will collapse in two weeks though.
Who'll pay that money once oinkraine eventually loses the war?
That eas just last months dead toll but keep trying harded your low iq monkey
>maybe they can send the "refugees" they've been taking as moral support

Talking like the US isn't being swarmed with rapefugees too.
Sometimes i don't understand where these low IQ trolls managed to survive this long
It's already a very pyrrhic victory for Russia at best anon, nobody will pay shit lmfao.
Here's what's gonna happen in the absolute dream scenario for Russia currently:
>Ukraine secedes contested territories
>Russia stays isolated
>Remaining Ukraine immediately joins NATO (no border disputes anymore) and the US builds a bunch of bases right on the doorstep of Moscow, closer than ever before
If you consider this as an epic win for Russia, enjoy kek.
>Who'll pay that money once oinkraine eventually loses the war?

How can Ukraine lose the war when Russia lost the war? Is retarded paradoxes a common thing in whatever shit hole of a south American country you find yourself on?
I know this is bait but that estimate only works if you think Ukraine can constantly maintain a 800k army in the Donbas and has the same level of preparedness, equipment and soldier quality compared to the previous rotations.

If Russia drops a FAB and kills 10 AFU soldier, these have to be replaced by another 10. The more FABs Russia drops the more you will have to replace and you start eating into your population. If the previous 10 were 30 year olds with good physical training, chances are the next 10 will be 50 year olds with back pains and the quality decreases for Ukraine the longer the war goes on. Russia has a far bigger population pool and isn't affected as much. There is a reason why the average age in the AFU is 43 while for the Russian army is 27.

War of attrition for dummies. While the front was stable for the the last year, we finally start seeing the Ukrainian defense line collapsing. Best examples are Pakrovsk, Toresk and Chasiv Yar.
Lel, russians have been suffering thei entire existence, le sactions doesn't seem a big thing for them. They lost millions of citizens just to cuck germans and raoe their women in Berlin. Also, EU is still bying russian gas with extra steps.
Russia can't lose the war Barbossa. Oinkraine actually want Crimea back, and Russia will never gove it back. A nuclear holocaust will spark if necessary, Lisbon included would be glassed.
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They're winning right now, bigot.
Ukraine is losing men and territory daily against a country that was already defeated by them?

Talking about retarded paradoxes.

>Schrödinger's Ukraine
>using meme terms
Opinion discarded, discussing with shills who have no interest in discussion is pointless.
Probably this will happen. Depends on who wins the US election. If Trump then Ukraine will secede some territories and kiss 1991 borders goodbye. If Kamal wins then Ukraine will continue to receive support. In this case 3 things can happen:
1. Either by some miracle Russia collapses and total Ukrainian victory
2. Russia goes all in and annexes all of Ukraine
3. Russia goes all in, annexes all of Ukraine and proceeds to collapse
2 hundred billion and 2 more weeks. screenshot this post
i dont even have words for how fucking retarded you have to be to think this. Ukraine will using child soldiers in another 2 years at this pace.
>Russia goes all in
Russia is already all in bar nooks. And they can't use nooks because that's a big international nono and the US WILL have to do something about it otherwise they lose world power status
>A nuclear holocaust will spark if necessary, Lisbon included would be glassed.

What a retarded monkey thinks a nuclear war is what russia wants. It's suicide. Good thing you monkeys can't make nukes because your are all low iq suicidal freaks.
>Russia can't lose the war Barbossa
Proceeds to not elaborate.

Tell me you are south American macaco without telling me you are south American macaco
>They lost millions of citizens just to cuck germans and raoe their women in Berlin

Forgets RUSSIA is just part of the USSR, that includes Ukraine. The more Latino macaco talks, the more the world understand why latin America is such a shithole
>Russia is already all in bar nooks.
I mean all-in in the sense that they will start mobilizing the entire population like how Ukraine is doing. Or start using nukes. It is true that they are already in war economy mode but I believe they can still escalate it a bit further.
>the US WILL have to do something about it otherwise they lose world power status
In Europe. Remember that Republicans want to start a war with Iran to protect their greatest ally. They can't fight two wars over seas at once. They have to chose if they want to concentrate on Russia or Iran. So far it seems America wants to go for Iran and has dumped Ukraine. Also a China-Taiwan conflict might erupt.
You are a cucked German and don't understand what a war economy is. They are not in a war economy you fucking idiot.
Yep they asking for more money

Told ya I could milk them, they don't even have enough aid to ukraine now
>They are not in a war economy
Imagine unironically believing this kek
Those are the words of the Kremlin not mine
Americans don't win wars, they fight in wars to syphon money to the military industrial complex. The aid to the Ukraine isn't cash, it's money to buy arms off of US companies. And at the end of it, the US will cut up the Ukraine for profit like it always does.
what are victory goals tho?
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>the us has paid 175000000000 for 40000 dead russians. thats 3000000 for every random russian conscript.
I sometimes wonder what would happen if instead of going to war a foreign government bribed the young men of a foreign nation to just stay home.
>He thinks Russians have a choice
You don't know shit about Russia kek, they already try to stay at home as hard as they can
There might be peace and prosperity in Europe and europe might realize that they never needed the US for "security".
They do try to stay home. They just get ripped out of their homes by the stazi, same as conscripts during Vietnam.
That can't be the case because the government keeps replying to these questions that it's out of the question to enter war economy as to not repeat the overspending of the 80s.
It's all a Blackrock conspiracy

Your the retard with no evidence to back up your claims, kill yourself
>Hurt durr fab kills must increase at an infinitely exponential rate cuz I said so durrrr
Shut up

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