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Russian forces have now capture the city of Krasnohorivka.
But at what cost?
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WOW...that is a MEGA happening for sure!
Nothing ever happens
THE Crusty Horlika?!
whats that green area then?
another 100 billions from us
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Rotate 480 degrees along the z axis uncrop, rotate, zoom in on that window and enhance, enhance, enhance sector D5.
There it is. Tell Boagrius to break camp we're going to Egypt.
Incorrect. The resident /pol/ finngolians told me Ukraine is winning.
denotes the recently taken piece. turns red on tomorrow's map
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I don't know where that is, can you elaborate on why it matters? Besides advancing of course, but what's the deal with that city in particular?
Ukaine is winning
PvE area
It was a frontline city for 10 years and fell to the Russians in 4 months. This is big because it means the pace of their advances will increase after taking the city.
What are they winning
The race to become a province of Russia.
>It was a frontline city for 10 years
>and fell to the Russians in 4 months.
You don't see a problem with this statement?
An increasingly higher chance to become asylum seekers to Canada, seemingly the dream of every non-Canadian that can't make it into the US.
I can't wait for Ukraine to lose and all the losers who love them so much to cry about it
seeing as many ukrainian refugees as jeets now. my spider sense is strongly telling me to get the fuck out of this country
No, the Russians only tried taking the city after the fall of Marinka and Avdiivka
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I honestly couldn't believe Ukraine kept the Russians from Kiev as long as they did. Years later when I see a post like this I'm just mindblown. Seeing the mighty Russian military get it's shit kicked in by a podunk army with a handful of Western weapons was really something. But now I'm afraid of what Ukraine may become. They are the ones that built the armaments that Russia is losing to begin with.

Like picrel which as embarrassing as this was, was also built by the people who sunk it.

What's worse is that it was sunk by a missile. Proving Russian missile doctrine and "parity" claims against the US navy. By sinking the Russian flagship in the Black Sea.

Now they've reduced Russian propagandists to bragging over towns in an asymmetrical war. One that will not be over for a decade now that Ukraine is fully armed and continuing to develop weapons programs.
So how long till they win?
This. I just want to see the fuckers cry.
Two more weeks.
the Shrek Zone
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Now is Krasbogorovka hohol
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>the russians are shelling themselves
wow, very cool
I see no problem with thjs
> city
> population 14666 souls (2022)
Major Ukrainian city is fallen according to Russian MoD. That's bigger that Kiev.
Also they've destroyed 100000 Abrams in process and killed 20 billions of Nazi
lol you realize those F16s are never arriving. Right?
more like from us
I do. So what? It's not "invincible wunderwaffe" anyways, we need them for different reason.
And how is this related to CRAZY advancement for 5 km during 3 years to capture major glorious city Krasnogorivka?
>we need them for different reason.
suicide 9/11 style attacks on Moscow skyscrapers?
>they aren't winning fast enough!
Lol, are you from different planet or something?
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>dude it's just one irrelevant village we didn't want anyway
Wake up Mykola, your military is collapsing
I'm gonna be very surprised if this war carries on into 2025.
spoiler: it'll carry on until 2027
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Yes, heard this a lot in last 2 years. Are you retarded?
Russians capturing shit (area-wise) ever since Summer 2022. And yet, you are like 1000th guy who are trying to convince me that Ukrainian army is collapsing now, huge encirclements are coming and so on.

It will be if one of the sides will still be waging war with it's head up it's ass
>captured literal wheresk
reminder that british warehouses are valid military targets
They pulled out all of their ships from their important Sevastopol harbor. Keeping access to that harbor was probably one of the main reasons they invaded Crimea to begin with. But they got their asses kicked by a country with no navy, just a bunch of RC boats with dynamite in them. It shows us two things, that the russian navy is a joke and that all navies need to rethink their fleets.
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It doesn't matter what you believe, bro. Even your own mappers are showing daily Russian advances all along the front. Maybe you should go down and tell your troops that this is a stalemate, they don't seem to realize it
For fucks sake so what
you either run out of people or weapons
ukraine has infinite weapons, so they will hold ground until they run out of people, which was always the plan
blitzkrieg doesnt work anymore because of live satellite data etc
yes, from us
The problem for russia is that they are fighting a pointless war in a foreign country. Most russians might "support" the war on paper, but most russian surely doesn't want to be sent to die in Ukraine. Defenders always have an advantage. Both russia and Ukraine are struggling with a population crisis already, this idiotic war is making it worse in both countries.
It means that all the quests and collectable items have been completed in that area.
>Krasnohorivka never mattered anyways!!!11!1
jej, like clockwork
wars like this need a precision strike on the defenders leadership
surely russia can kill zelensky? why dont they?
If Russia were winning, the spam would be unnecessary.
I'm watching video of our troops, BTW. They are also saying that it's practically stalemate. Snail-tempo advancement by them are possible, that's why it's not "perfect stalemate". But it's the big question who's army is more comfortable with this situation.

You do realize that you are showing 150x150 km area of a map? Like 2 hours in a car from top to bottom?
You do realize that most of the picture is Ukrainian controlled territory? Like more than 50%?
And you do realize that there is almost as much green on the map as light red?

Because it didn't. There are several strategically important pieces of the territory lost (Avdiivka, for example), but nobody gives a shit about Krasnogorivka in particular
>but nobody gives a shit about Krasnogorivka in particular
It's literally one of the oldest battlegrounds of the Ukrainian civil war going back to 2015. This is some unbelievable cope
The cope is pretending anything short of total steamrolling reflects well on Russia at this point. They were clearly always just a fake boogeyman for defense contractors. Their war performance has been pathetic for a country that calls itself a superpower.
You think a USA vs Iran fight would go any better than the Russia vs Ukraine fight?
They still haven’t entered Kiev yet?
How many days have passed for this 2-day Special Military Operation?
Why the fuck is this war taking so long? Ukraine's veteran forces were destroyed early in the war. Whatever left are draftees, old men, retards, whatever zelensky can scrape up from the bottom of society.

Yet the ruskies are fucking stuck and grinding down. I wouldn't be surprised if there are no Ukrainian forces left and what's fighting is just americans/french/Whatever dressed up In ukrainian uniforms.
Put any army in the Russian military's place and you would get more less the same result.

Drone warfare has changed warfare in such a way that heavy casualties and losses are inevitable in a modern conflict regardless of the relative superiority of one's military technology. Their ability to provide real-time reconnaissance information and their ability to strike and destroy multi-million dollars worth of equipment with only $5k worth of weaponry is as much of a dramatic shift in combat as the introduction of the gun onto the battlefield way back when.
most nafo mercs are in kharkiv
they still have millions of holhols and holholinas to throw into the meat grinder.
>$5k worth
Got an extra 0 in there.

>Based on 2001 census, it has a population of 16,714.
Oh lol. Just go youtube, and find any casual modern videos from Ukrainian streets, beaches and so on. And start counting how many average-age men you can see in 10 minutes.
"But they are all Hollywood actors that are pretending to be Ukrainian males!!!"
in ukraine it mostly has made conventional artillery even more deadly. Hasn't really changed the playing field. this is still a conventional war, even if jews try very hard to make it some sort of insurgency.
Nah, the US armed forces would have been able to rush Kyiv at the start of the war. But a major mistake russia did was to only partially invade in 2014, when the Ukrainian forces were in shambles. After the partial 2014 invasion, the AFU has been trained in western military tactics.
He is nothing but a figurehead. Killing him changes nothing.
The higher dollar ones like the Shahed or the Lancet, but there are drones out there taking out armored vehicles with nothing but an artillery shell/RPG round attached to the bottom of prosumer-grade Chinese drones.
>Random civilians are "ukrainian forces"

oddly stupid and yet right on target for how ukraine sees their own people.
This doesn't change the fact that you guys have taken massive casualties and there are gangs of secret police kidnapping guys all the time. Russia won't win, but the war has come at a huge cost for your society.
I see 4 pounds of plastic strapped to the bottom of a FPV take armor pretty regularly. Early on they were getting surplus 1945 grenades into hatches all day long.
Most of the US ground fleet would get smoked in Ukraine by drones. They've cheered the Bradly and the MRAP, and that's about it, and even there, only for keeping crew alive, not necessarily for useful vehicle afterwards.
First this and now with Kamala, why are shills like this?
Are you kidding? A single Russian solider was able to take out an entire battalion of Ukranian soliders with his bomblet dropping drone before he was either killed or he disappeared to avoid being killed. HIs name was Uday and he had a Telegram channel where he tracked each and every casualty he inflicted; it' s not up for debate. And he's not the only operator out the doing such a thing. Both sides have these types of drone pilots. The number of causalities that a single pilot can inflict on the battlefield these days is bordering on the absurd.

What's happening on the battlefield right now is unprecedented in warfare; it's something that only happens once every so often in human history. And like the advent of the gun, it's only going to get worse from here. I foresee fully autonomous suicide drone swarms using AI to lock onto human targets being rolled out on the battlefield within the next decade.
When you're holding a 5 to 1 advantage in population, and a 20 to 1 resource capacity (and something like 99-1 GDP) you really should not be bogged within a day's walk from your own border.
>gangs of secret police kidnapping guys all the time
>the war has come at a huge cost for your society
>you guys have taken massive casualties
How about no? Because I'm kind of immune to all these "million Ukrainian troops are dead, believe me!"
majority of holhol losses are still by conventional artillery and airpower like 90%+
Sorry, 10 to 1 GDP.
ukraine gdp is lower than nigerias.
most of ukraine gdp is funded by western welfare.
You left out the 100s of billions of dollars worth of funding and equipment that Ukraine has received. Combined with the entirety of NATO's information apparatus helping to ensure the Ukrainian military can remain as much of a pain in the ass to the Russian military as possible, it's no surprise things have played out as they have. Ukraine is not operating alone, not by a long shot.
Who cares.
This "war" is about burning dollars to kill ruzzians it doesn't matter what happens to the piggers wo live there
Population: 16,714 (2001)
But... /k/ told me it was a stalemate.
Most of which are using drone spotters to assist them in their shot placement. That is not conventional warfare, that's drone-assisted warfare.
I never said a million. But many dead and injured. Along with captured, fled, and so forth. Lots of casualties. I won't give a number because there is no way it would be accurate.
>Like picrel which as embarrassing as this was, was also built by the people who sunk it.
that was fucking epic, the once mighty blacksea fleet has been castrated other than shooting cruiser missiles way way back from ukraine is all they do.... if even that anymore....

at first then I thought they have given ukraine nsms and not stating it, but no this was a new domesticly produced new modern missile the ukranians had made it was going to be delivered first that summer in 2022 this neptune
this is what I said originally
>in ukraine it mostly has made conventional artillery even more deadly

it is still conventional warfare. people have been using drones since ww1.
slow as fug... and now everyone is tense given the uncertainty of what a change i us leadership is actually going to do

fuck this shit, fucking idiot moscow
Wauw a tiny village of 16k inhabitants pre war fell to the mighty Russia in a period of.... half a year!
if you had any clues about the movement of the frontlines during ww1 or ww2 you woudld know how to properly weigh this happening
instead you just displayed your ineptitude and quick tempered instinct driven nature
Depends on the objective. Every single nuclear era war comes off as just a revenue scheme for the MIC with some policy goals secondary. Iran would probably be like Afghanistan or Iraq where the government would fall fast but there'd be a long occupation that required more contracts for cronies of the politicians.
>1 village for thousands of dead Russians
Russia can't keep this up
I don't get why people in the anglosphere are falling so hard for russian propada.. it still astonishes me

I get they don't understand and don't share a border with them and all.. I want to just hit my head in the walls sometimes watching them go
We really do not care.
Very little actual combat kino.
Cherry picked drone footage and dropping grenades on POWs are not kino.
The problem with the word "many". How many are we talking about? I'm thinking about more or less conservative values of 50+k dead Ukrainian soldiers.
That's a lot! But for a huge multi-million country...
Same with Russian 150+k dead. Enormous numbers comparing to any modern war, but in general...
Oh wow! That's at least a dozen blocks! Winning!
WW2 was the last war where horses were prominent. It's movies and other media that give the impression of a mechanized modern war, if such a thing can be said to even exist.
What occurred during WWI is not even remotely the same. Artillery was never meant to be placed directly into the goddamn trenches as is happening these days. It would take a lucky shot to get one in there back in the day. Now, it only takes two or three volleys to get it lined up damn near perfectly with the aid of drone spotters. This is drone-assisted warfare using conventional artillery; this is by no means a conventional war. The Russians are sending out groups of soldiers on off-road motorcycles to storm front line defenses, how is that conventional? They're not doing that to avoid artillery strikes, but to avoid being droned to death. In a conventional war everyone would pile into the APC; do that these days and you're going to get a drone through the doors.

It may look conventional on the outside. Sure there are trenches, artillery, tanks, and the like; but this war is anything but conventional.
Are you on drugs like other Nato leadership lmao?

> weapon factories inside ukr
Why the fuck? Their energy grid is constantly bombed along any place that munition gets made. Why would anyone make in Ukr, its easier to get from any border or other western country.

Almost all naval actions were carefully handpicked and done by US / UK intelligence. Ukraine only held the end responsibility but they had no means themselves to disrupt Russian naval activity. Their navy also suffered from infiltration disproportionally compared to other units which made such operations also possible.
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btw in norway we don't got this weird "right" crap that falls for this shit. but what we do have here, is the old communist hardliners and they spout crap. it's been alot of drama with those, they are fighting between them selves I grab my popcorn and laugh at them while they go

thoes are few btw very very very few. so you have this populist far left party called the reds and they have had all sorts of internal fight over this an expelled several key figures for supporting russian agression

here is their former looser leader caught fucking stealing sunglasses at the airport. what a piece of human feces
Just in time to make weapons for the middle east. Russia can't stop winning
>city of Krasnohorivka
What do they make there?
please from wiki:

Conventional warfare is a form of warfare conducted by using conventional weapons and battlefield tactics between two or more states in open confrontation. The forces on each side are well-defined and fight by using weapons that target primarily the opponent's military. It is normally fought by using conventional weapons, not chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons
>more or less conservative values of 50+k dead Ukrainian soldiers
fucking awfull, the thing is we will never know until after

god damn that fucking putin thunberg piece of shit
Alright, I'll throw out a number. 70K killed and wounded for each side. I have no proof of that but it wouldn't surprise me if that was true.
Because it's half trillion spent for no purpose orher than enriching campaign contributors and providing welfare jobs to voters. Kharkiv isn't worth dying over, just move like the Armenians. No no, got to have men die so some American Podunk resident can get paid building tools that get blown up and the company making them had their stock price go up. The USA has sanctions on 3 of the top 5 oil producers. There's no possible peace, and just by coincidence Exxon HAS to get record profit? The whole thing is corrupt to the core.
i didnt think it was a big deal until i saw this post, a ukrainian flag coping
also believe it or not... even now the reds want norway out of nato... I give up with these brainwashed zombies . typically they are actually rich snobs living in western oslo, champagne socialists... bunch of rotten people that never had to struggle for anything in life. I absolutely detest these rotten people
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Checked on wikipedia and 95% of the page is about the current conflict, 5% was when it was founded and population before. They did make a painter at some point.
if spam were winning, the Russia would be unnecessary.
kiev looks like a ghost town compared to other cities for the alleged population of 3 million.
this is such null and void talking points, what we are dealling is a soverign country defending it self from an agressor that btw was supposed to be it's protector

and yes the arms industry is ofc going to profit from this, because it's fucking war.and yes ukraine suffered from absolute extreme corruption those skank oligarchs which btw are russian .. it's a scourge of the former east in general. i dunno today but take ie bulgaria it was so fucking bad that denmark refused them to join the eu over and over again, basically a corrupt mafia running the entire country

that is still not a valid reason for putin go invade.. and it won't stop he want's empire back
You're just caught up in a narrative and those people you call commie have the luxury of seeing things with a wider perspective. There aren't even total sanctions on Russia because they have too many resources that are used in the consumer economy. Politics could be used to actually isolated Russia and allies, but corporate capitalists won't decouple from China. Instead of these half assed for profit wars, we could actually have united objectives. The Ukrainian refugees have been absorbed into European workforce, preventing the type of increase in worker value commies would want to see.
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btw do you guys know this statue in murmansk?
"the protector in the north" gives me creeps this is their delusions is part long propganda

as if russia/soviet somehow was the protector of the nordics... just fucking no... go back home
>2.5 years at war with the Mexico of Europe
>spamming mobiks into the grinder the whole time
>thousands of videos of Russian tanks and troops being droned and exploded by mines
not disagreeing with you but we have seen hohols use chemical weapons unironically, /uhg/ even posts videos of them dropping gas bombs on russians, the one from the russian's helmet POV and they start yelling "gas gas gas!" and the dude in the front went down and started foaming at the mouth
you conveniently left out that mexico has the combined financial and material support of the biggest military alliance in history
What's wrong?

It is not exact numbers, but the approximate estimates. And they really help with understanding how the war is going,

Also social connections here helps a lot. If you can gather like 100-200 of "male friend-of a friend" and realize that out of them are like 5 soldiers, 0 dead and 2 wounded you can lean on that personal statistics a bit.
Not exact science, but comparing to "Ukraine is out of male and conscripting 16 yo"...

There are some databases for each side that dont go well with your estimate. What is more important, for Ukrainian side it's not that big of a difference, so still can be true. But for Russia...
mexico of europe**
A country is just a legal entity that is recognized by other legal entries. Ukraine as a legal entity doesn't need to exist for Ukrainian people to exist. There could be some Congress of Vienna type meeting where that region is divided up along referendum decided borders or something, but just by coincidence we get the timeline where some corporation gets massive subsidies to resolve nothing.
>2022 population estimate 14,666
Are you aware that the Ukrainian word misto can refer to localities that are actual cities but that there's also a misto with a population below 1000? This is the problem with blind one-to-one translations. I mean, you can translate misto as city, but these places are not cities in the English meaning of the word city. You need to take into consideration the size of the place when you translate. If not, you end up calling a place with a population of 900+ a city.

Bakhmut had a pre-war population of 75,000 and it's huge in comparison with other places Russia has captured since. In English, Bakhmut I guess would be classified as a small town. Krasnohorivka at a fifth of the size is not even a town, really. Every working day I walk from end to end of the part of the city I live in, and the population in that limited area alone is higher than that of Krasnohorivka.
>soverign country
lmao look at this retard who thinks ukraine is "sovereign" lol its the exact opposite
ww1 was also conventional, but they used gas.
lol who the fuck cares about this place wow
they didn't need it anyway
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>You're just caught up in a narrative and those people you call commie have the luxury of seeing things with a wider perspective.

lol no. btw so this party have gone through several permutations they were orginal actual communists. we had two parties so you still have the old NKP(norwegian communist party) is more or less defunct, those were directly controlled by the kremlin

these guys they claim they were not, and went through many permutation today is really a far left populist party. it's mostly snobs from the rich part of oslo and journalists and so that vote for them, basically they hardly can get people in parliament

this champagne socialist shit is a very real thing, going by the media(which is all state funded here btw), you would think this is one of norway's mayor parties, but it's not...

kremlin ofc still praises them
true but WW1 lead to rules being made on how to not conduct warfare like niggers
"""international law""" is going down the shitter obviously just like the preun before ww2

god knows what happens next anon...
>conduct warfare like niggers
>war mostly fought by whites
>like niggers
What is considered to be a conventional 'weapon' is a matter of opinion. My opinion is that drones used in this fashion are not apart any military convention. In fact, drone warfare is still rapidly developing in real-time on the battlefield, how can it be conventional?. Maybe once the technology has fully matured in another decade or so.

You said drone warfare has not changed the playing field. That's a ridiculous statement, both sides have had to shift their tactics specifically to counter drone warfare. The 24/7 verticality, as it's being called, is something no military has had to deal with before. Turtle tanks built to resist multiple drone strikes, motorcycle-based storm troopers, drone warfare camera footage being wielded as propaganda. None of this is conventional, it has never been apart of a major war therefore it's not conventional. Falling back on Wikipedia like you're the expert only further solidifies your inability to process what you are perceiving directly. A convention is the way in which something is usually done, and when what is usually done doesn't work anymore and you have to shift to a new way that new way is no longer fucking conventional. For fuck sakes man.
I doubt 100K on both sides has been reached yet. But tens of thousands, definitely. That's why I gave the 70K number. I have no way of knowing the truth. But this was a blunder for Russia and they have lost an insane amount of people that they never thought they would lose.
guy that photo looks the size of my neighborhood.
>we have a 3:1 kd despite our opponent having an active air force and a massive artillery advantage
>we also closed our borders and forcibly draft civilians for years while our opponent doesn't
The cope is insane and explains well how the war can continue. As long as you're not the one being drafted yet you will always think you're winning.
absolutely true

even the actual nazis didn't ie just sarin gas all of england even though they had so much of it
>you conveniently left out that mexico has the combined financial and material support of the biggest military alliance in history
Put this on the grave of every dead Russian.
The ones who have graves, that is. Most of them are rotting under the summer sun.
It's funny you retards kvetched about America's losses in muh wars for Israel for 20 years and then cope constantly about all the dead and dismembered Russians and their assorted mercenaries that this gigakiked war of Slav against Slav that Jewtin could end at any time and still have more land than he had at the start.
>600k rusniggers dead for this

At this rate, Russia will be void of life before reaching the outskirts of Kherson.
The Nato estimate, that they mentioned at the Nato summit is 350.000 dead and wounded.
Modern warfare got a rate of 10 to 17 wounded pr dead, but since this is heavy artillery warfare and Russia got a bad medical system for the wounded it's more like 7 wounded pr dead. Meaning that the us estimate of 50k dead by match of this year is the most realistic.
What the fuck is a Hrasnohoriifka?
anon I hardly follow your politics at all, sometimes I read dr and berlienske rarely.

but do you got a party like rødt there that actually sort of support russia and want you out nato? or is that non existent in denmark?
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>another case of IT'S NOT IMPORTANT while panic deleting all of the old tweets of how the piggies will save the same TOTALLY IMPORTANT place


at cost of more ukraine men piggies
is artillery still killing most people? yes.
drones are getting better from ww1, just like tanks got better after ww2.
> is something no military has had to deal with before.
lmfao. China had to reform its military after the gulf war. militaries do this all the time.
its still a state vs state war, its conventional. please....
Um wrong you stupid fucking orc. They havent even touched the entire northern part of the village. How many rubles is Russia paying you to spew their propaganda?
so let me try to explain rødt a bit, so they are far left populist. meaening they latch onto you know stuff regular people care about... that's what a populist is anyways.. but their motives are sinister... basically luring people in that aren't wiser
Well, I think we can leave it at that. There's no need to debate over semantics.
Ru MOD reports 95%+ wounded survive.
Non-existent. Everyone sucks Anglo-American (Jewish) cock when it comes to media and politicians.
The people support NATO as long as we basically have to do nothing Kek. If it looks like WW3 however I think people will wake up to the fact that being neutral doesn't sound bad but it's not like we can exit NATO to be honest. America will be mad.
pretty much 99.99999% of norwegians supports ukraine

sigh but we are such a tiny country, so in the bigger schemes of thing is not much we can do other than give some of our hightech military equipment

and the idiots have more or less abolished our military since the cold war, I was shocked to realize how fucking bad it is now.... it's like 1 in 6 or something serves, it used to be all fucking men

Ukrainians were defending it to the last man because it’s their most reliable logistics hub. They’ll have to either resupply on rails through Russian occupied territory or drive through heavily fortified and surveilled no mans land

A lot more western gifts are going to be blown to smithereens before they reach the Hohol front
niggers can't even produce mustard gas
media here is so fucking bad now, it's such low qualitty, so you have these actual experts on russia and geopolitics and so openly joking about it

that they couldn't have their actual disqussion on norwegian media.. I don't know where to begin with this anon.. basically you have to go elsewhere here. it's not like don't have competent people in this here...
If you support them so badly then go volunteer. None of you will? As expected.
As soon as conscriptions is reintroduced because a great war looks inevitable you will all be pro-peace instead of warmongers because it's not going be some random people in some shithole you don't care about who will die.
Ohhhhh nooooooo not the ukerinooooos, quick here's some leftover firecrackers i have and uuuuhhh do you accept paysafe or credit card?
cheaper than the alternative
On Ukrainian side - possibly. You can analyze open data, and kind of figure out possible number. I saw name-by-name list online and it was like 40k dead if I recall correctly. So that's your lower estimate. For higher estimate you need to analyze everything - from videos from frontline to personal stories about MIA.
Another thing which is "funny" - we had this huge siege of Mariupol with civilians trapped inside. We had multiple videos and satellite images with mass graves from there - from one side of horizon to another. And of course civilians are dying every day even now.
What's I'm saying - there is very possible scenario that there are more civs deaths than military deaths for Ukraine. But it's truly impossible to count.

For Russia - 60k of name-by-name dead. It's not physically possible that dead and wounded count is 70k for them. It should be way above 100k if Russia is evacuating at least some wounded. And they do.
>a handful of Western weapons
corporations are more powerful than governments now and dont play by the same rules
still white men gassing each other and stabbing each other with bayonets for banker jews' enjoyment is kinda nigger tier
But they always cope so its no different than yesterday
But the next city matters so much since the russians don't have it yet, we need another few billion!
Russia isn't as strong as they pretended to be, but lets not pretend the USA wasn't btfo'ed out of the red sea by a weaker nation than ukraine.
two moar
Ahh yes, the retreating stalemate, real cool bro.
>Ruzzia can't keep this up
Its been like 3 years, russia can clearly keep this up for as long as it takes.
They are retarded but know how to keep going.
also burp what still pissed of to this day, how terrible us media have become in particular this. nonsense russarussiarussiarussia bullshit because it was herturn lost the fucking election sigh they just kept on spouting bullshit

so before the invation.. and us intelligence went, it's going to blow they will invade NOW!!! they have manage to cause the situation that nobody fucking believed anything they said... I still tare my hair out over this.... obvisouly the hamburger glowies knew all along but the toxic media made most people not beliieeing it

I was worried I had this omen that very night, really spooky crap. freak weater extreme hard hailstrom that went sideways I thought all my windows were going fucking blow up... spooky stuff, we're pretty supersticious here....
lol i hate when people downplay how much shit we gave them some operating units literally got essential gear taken from them for ukraine and it will take years or a decade to replace all that artillery
dying for jews is very white
Russia Losing.
Media is like that because in capitalism media runs on an ad model that requires views to make selling air time to marketers a viable business model. Since women make most purchases including for men, the media has to be lame enough to cater to women. This is why USA news media is so pro Democrat, since women are majority Demcorat. The commie dream is to have a system where objective fact is sought regardless of how that affects ability to sell ad space, but of course there's another type of sway coming from government.
Oh no, not the famous city of Krasnohorivka. Center of arts, film, classical music, dragon dildos, vodka and incest. How will the LGBTC++ community ever recover?
If you really believe what you are saying why are the POW exchanges roughly 5 in your favour? Supply and demand implies the Russians capture many more Ukrainians than vice versa. The firepower disparity suggest you take several times more losses, they have an air force, you basically don't, it all adds up...
Does anyone actually still care about this war anymore?
big parts of your problems over there is the lobby crap I cannot understand why this shit is fucking legal

these last years they started this crap here, so you got these lobby organizations now where politicians go in and out. so you have a lobby that shills for money, so that politicians can give it to them, so they can work there and lobby them selves for money

and the green shit, what it's about is them giving them selves and their relatives fucking money for bullshit... it's so disgusting. also in one case same happened here as in sweden... you have these frens of politicians that has so far been given 90BILLIONS!!! ... for making batteries.. have they produced anything? nope shit! but give them more money because they are frens of politicians after all, then you get them getting put in comfy jobs in the boards of this crap....

we got a serious corruption problem up here these days. here same crap you ie have the brother of this former leader of the progress party which is supposed to be again this green crap.. oy vey her brother given billions of state funded money, takes out a salary of 6 million a year, yet a single battery had not ever been produced... sigh

is why you see them shilling it so hard, it's just about corruption. they don't give a shit if crap works or not they just want to give them selves and their relatives money, this is the dire crap here
I have yet to see a single bayonet used as a weapon in this war, aside from a couple of POW snuff videos. Neither side seems to favor them for trench fighting, even though that would be the ideal usage case.
Well Russia doesn't say and NATO pulls batshit insane numbers out of it's ass, so who knows?
are you kidding me? ofc haraldur you know this

also faroes in shit because they just want to sell fish
TFW crackers were, have always been, and will always be the real niggers.
There was a drone video of a Russian knifing a pigger.
ACKMAT status?
btw I used to read your media all the time but as some point it got just as bad as here so I stopped. regardless I think it was the morning paper I read the other day.. and I had to kek my ass off, it was funny because those shitskins you imported had to change name by icelandic law to be named achmed -son

never change iceland. btw so my family we did this till my grandfather he was super old though he was in the 80ies when I was a toddler and died

anyways they forced to take you know other names so they all just took the name of the closest frarm, so it's so many people with that same name which I am not related to at all

anyways you know origin of this crap, it was 100 years later.. but it was napoleon he got pissed at jews and names because it was impossible to know for french intelligence who was related to who... napoleon had an extremely massive and good intelligence service, he famously said
>YOU SPY ON EVERYONE... except me

anyway cheers kormakur
big fortress and a important logistical hub
now they will have bigger problems to bring reinforcments to bear
what are you talking about? the ukrainian army was build up for almost a decade. ukraine had more men than the russians in the field, maybe they still have
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Just wait until the real counteroffensyiv starts
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bachmut always was just a little village without any importance, right?
I think a lot of people forget that a lot of guys who already served are also not counted as future manpower.
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Exactly 2 years of the most hot area of the map. Name a winning side, bro! Judging only by colors.
Just a reminder. that's 150x150 km. So that HUGE advancement near Horlivka is like 10km long, lol

Pow exchange is another tricky question, almost totally unrelated to causalities. Without knowing all the backstage you can literally draw any conclusion from 5:1 (wherever you got that number)
> Ukrainian beasts are killing almost any soldier that is surrendering. So for every 5 million of Ru-Nazi killed there are like 5 POWs that survive.
> Ukrainian subhumans cant do shit to Russian army. So they die in millions, got captured in thousands and capture their own POWs effectively because they dont know how to fight at the first place
> Armies are approximately equal on battlefield. But because of one bad Ua decision there was huge amount of POWs captured by Russia in Azovstal.
See? 3 completely different theory from 5:1 ratio
i have to say, it is pretty impressive that they have not revolted yet and have not killed the snathcers and their families
*and CANT capture their own POWs effectively
if anything I would trust the british MOD they are really realiable, but again man we will never now until this bullshit is over

I don't remember the numbers they state. they are however really realiable. btw one of my favorite mil bloggers is this german guy living in panama have you watched him before? he has one shit in english but he also have a german one

he is really factual and does his best to be neutral in prsenting crap, but ofc is hard he goes he obviously supports ukraine

I also watch this crap with these two ukranians from sbu (I think they don't say) that interrigate russian pows and just go what are they thinking, why did you enlist for this

you won't believe the lvl of russian brainrot and how peple have been propgandized also the austrian army is exceptionally good to follow, no bullshit just hard analysis from a military perspective

it's so much bullshit in this spehere with prpgandists from both sides, is tiresome it gives no value if you want to just understand

here is that german in panama's channel where he speaks english
>if anything I would trust the british MOD they are really realiable

Everything they have told me in the last 20 years turned out to be a total fabrication. But I totally believe them about this!
Not exactly. Avdiivka is smaller than Bahmut like 10 times but more important actually.
if the houthis, a militia in one of the most poor countries on earth, can send the US navy packing back home, then we should not be surprised if land based rockets/missiles can damage ancered ships
concentration of anything (troops, ships, etc.) is nearly impossible. the damage done by long range systems is just too much
even air superiority is going away, land based defense systems against them are getting too good
you obviously know zolkin and dmitri right?

I watch them all the time... the lvl of absolute brainaids with these russian soldiers. it's just atonishing to watch.. fucking believe in nato musquitos and the level of bullshit is just beyond this earth, and so many of these idiots actually believes it...

ebin nato musquitos.. come on.. how the fuck can you even think of such bullshit
if someone cannot understand why the russians are doing this, does not understand why the americans wanted this
read some history
military != lying scumbag politicians anon, big difference

also again I haven't in a while but the austrian army too, hard brutal facts free of politics just technical crap

I'm not mil guy my self though so no expert here, I have to rely on people like this.

media is just useless if you want to follow the crap
>But it's the big question who's army is more comfortable with this situation.
since the russians have way more arty and ammunition, i would say they are more comfy with it
at least i haven't seen people snatcher vids from russia
>Their war performance has been pathetic for a country that calls itself a superpower
>laughs in houthi
let your troon gernerals give it a try in iran, kek
>you guys have taken massive casualties
then why is your military snatching men off of the streets? press gangs are alwas a sign of low moral and low manpower
one gets banned from /k/ for this?
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bros... it's only a matter of time until the russians advance..
lol they didn't send the fucking us home.. but if you are an sg fag like my self was and watching the incompetent saudis vs these basically mountain hillbillies now that was beyond cringe

here you got these rich ass saudis with more or less all the cool hightech us crap... and they just keep on fleeing leaving their equipment behind... uff the arabs are useless they don't have proper military tradition and discipline like other modern armies do.. once the turks were useless too, they are not anymore they got proper german military tradition before ww1

so the turks are good, this hit the english hard, they thought they would just bulldoze over them...
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>need reinforcments of 30.000 per month
>people snatcher vids galore
>most battalions are on half strengh
>50+k dead Ukrainian soldiers
sometimes i think you guys hate your own soldiers more than i hate kikes
btw norway has a weapons embargo on saudia arabia because the crap with yemen. so now cool stuff to them from us untill, they sort it out

I haven't checked lately but it was atleast an embargo. I still don't get how they are not able to stabilize the situation there
pls stop posting creepy pictures of underage japanese girls
/k/ jannies on suicide watch
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>lol they didn't send the fucking us home.
and yet the ships are back home and the goal (keeping the red sea houthi free) has failed
the US even has given up on their biggest base in africa. iran is succesfull in pushing out american influence from the region
Yes. Dmitri - is that another guy with Zolkin, right? Round face, beard?
I stopped watching them a long time ago.

Why watch them if you have like 100 millions of such retarded in the internet? And you can literally reach any friend of yours from Russia and listen about Nazi-Satanist country of Ukraine for hours.

>people snatcher vids from russia
Well, that's mostly happening because in Ukraine people are actually slightly smarter than the government and in Russia - vice versa.

And what if I say you that Ukrainian volunteers still need to jump thru 7 hoops to get into military? I was talking with one recently, he had a lot of complains how he (relatively healthy guy) was screwed by med. commission. And was already thinking about bribing someone, but the situation resolved in his favor.
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you find 16 year old girls icky?
>Yes. Dmitri - is that another guy with Zolkin, right? Round face, beard?
yeah he is pretty based

no it's interesting because you get to see what they think and it's brainrot... also also much for just giving your name, rank and number when your are captive which you are supposed to do

a captured soldier is only supposed to give this information
lol is somali priates all over again, they will eventually have to send down ships there to protect this extremely important trade channel

was it this week or the other, they attack one of those russian ghost tankers lol

because these idiots only use marinetraffic to get their intelligence and shipping is extremely complicated those guys go through all sorts of hoops to hide the indenty and evade taxes and so

norway for instance is massive in this, but the shippers do all sort of gymanists to hide the fact for tax reasons this is internation I once worked in this field making software
btw if you work in boring crap like this never name your shit "new" for instance this is lorry traffic and so "New Computrised Traffic System"... that crap is from the 80ies before many us was even born lol and it still lingers around.. this crap is so slow man

shit I made years ago, will be around for prolly 20-30-40 years from now.. I will go as an old senie biden like person and go.. oh yeah I made that... stupid gov crap the eu is useless had to do this and that and for certain countries that just refuse to use the agreed standard
transit sorry I am drunk also in this field so many acronyms all the time you get dissy.. is just fucking letters like this all over the place

no and I don't miss working in this because it was fucking boring as shit. zzzzzzzz
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>it's totally difficult to join the army
i guess an english naval captain told the shanhai'd crew the same sermon
last i heard was taht you guys send retards to the front
the guy with the red face? classical perseverance propaganda in my view
so we agree that the US has been send home by some of the poorest guys on earth?
no absolutely not

look nobody is "scared" of the fucking houthis and they obviously just want attention, unless they disturb shipping more nothing will happen
>it's brainrot
You can basically find a lot of those in Russia street interview on Youtube.

>a captured soldier is only supposed to give this information
Nope. Basically all those rules are outdated by 50-100 years.
Think about this from another side. There is HUGE propaganda narrative about "Ukrainians castrate and stab in the eye every POW they got". And it's working, because of brainrot, Russians are literally killing themself instead of throwing white flag.
So every video from Zolkin is huge anti-propaganda message. "See. here is another not castrated soldier. And we will talk with him as freely as possible"
But also each video - is huge safety insurance for Russian soldiers. One of the reason why they are giving more that just name+number
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>send ships to garantee safe passage for ships
>come back
>still no safe passage for shipping
>houthis still hi-jacking tankers
>somehow this is not a lost operation
please explain to me what must happen before you accept something as a "lost battle"
shipping home without results seems to be a win in your book
that's a funny way of saying they'll have to try again
because the first attempt failed
and they went home
kek I watch those channels too when these guys go around in russia and ask people about this war.. ufff....

also I feel for you anon I wish country could do more they are ramping up production now btw. so sliding did you get this. so you have nammo this a very old arms producer hre, they were ramping up production... but then this corrupt offical and invited tiktok. and china did this on purpose, so they had been given all this fucking electricty ... so they couldn't expand

oooh I want to kick that asshole in the rectum, in the end they expanded thogu... fucking sneaky ass chinese they should fuck off

Spam? I hardly see any threads about it anymore.
>if anything I would trust the british MOD they are really realiable
Someone post the 'hohol killah' shrub with the British MOD text.
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>misstreatment of POWs
well, lots of webms showing exactly that doesn't help either
i know because "your side" (on /uhg/) posts them with sadistic glee
>Russia isn't winning efficiently enough!!!!
Putin himself said about Krinky, a bridgehead, openly on TV, that he told his generals to not take it too fast. “Ironically, not taking territory fast is good for us, it means they waste manpower faster.”
I got it from Mercouris some days ago so there’s your source
hehe at some point with the somalis hijacking traffic they had to send down ships there to patrol. again man they want attentio n so they can go makbar america, makbar israel blablalbqa sometihng something

tragic as it in the world they are not important. I dunno man if shit happens or not. what remains ever is saudi fucking incompentece omg I have watched so many of these houthi shit... fucking useless saudis is all I have to say

a proper army with 10 times lesser of equipment would just roll over in no time
Literal months, Ukraine shills told us Krinky was gonna develop. Now they'll completely stop replying if you mention it kek.
well, the saud army suffers from corruption and power plays between the officers families
no effective communication equals shitty fighting capability. it didn't helped them that the houthis are battle hardened by decades of civil war
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saudis with seveeral top modern abrahams rolls in
>oh what's that in the distance? is that a houthi with a musket?

REEE OMG EVERYONE run.... don't even destroy our equiment first just run

>it didn't helped them that the houthis are battle hardened by decades of civil war
obviously this fucking matters

but ad to that they don't have military tradition there like any western country. this is the arabs weakness generally

whatever excuses they produce. again ie turks big difference they were once useless too it was the akilles heal of the ottoman empire they were lagging behind militarly, but then before ww1 you gous thought them how into. that's a proper military now

also natos largest standing army right? they was taught proper greman prussian military tradition
you can build there
you (assuming you're not a jew) are cannibalizing your own society
>also natos largest standing army right?
as far as i'm aware, you're right
>prussian military taught them
yes, there are some families still holding onto turkish noble titles (pasha and the like), getting those for the service rendered to the sultan. alas, those are meaningless, after the collapse of the osman empire
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It doesn't matter how fat or disabled you are, this war will not end and you will die face down in the mud.
thread comfy as fug.. anons so I don't drink so much anymore .. so yesterday I bought beers today I fell asleep till 10 o'clock or something in the evening my dogger onfused.. what are you doing anon

getting old I guess I can't drink beers every weekend anymore. ere I am 2:00 going wtf... I still got beers left ....

so many weekends now I just skipped it, I almost always used to drink beers in the weekend and tradiot here akkveit during christmas only time I touch the brown stuff that and some family crap

when you turn 30 in norway is obligatory to drink brown stuff, I never got into this crap like my father and grandfather and uncles and so

my father sometimes drink akkevitt in the summer and so I never do is just christmas

Idon't think they even know the orgins of akkevit, but like whiskey and so it comes from the former norwegian territories in scottland.. not taking credit lol is just how it is
You wont believe how much of pro-Russian video are actually staged. You need to look at the details, but stupid and brainwashed people cant think
Especially early videos (those who shaped the nerrative) was partially from Siria and other places. But stupid and brainwashed people cant google and fact-check
There are a lot of videos from opposite side - Russians are torturing and killing POWs.

So here is 2 mistakes from your.
First one - existence of such videos is NORMAL. It's quantity of the not fake video and response of military superior that counts.
Second one - you literally go to the cesspool of the internet and trying to find "nice Ukrainian" here? Good luck. Do not forget about /chug/ and other retards who are literally mocking Ukrainian civs for dying under missile strikes.
btw back in the dark ages, the priest was also your doctor

>priest I cut off my leg in woodchoppping accident
>priest my nose is running
>priest I got the lobster plague
akkevit akkevit

your dad died in combat lol
Was this part of the special operations that was commenced for a few weeks?
3... days.... lol

I don't get it, if they though going to kiev and take over the tv shit, like they alread ytried this in lithuania...

did that work.. NO!! btw I was an exchange student at gedinimo technicos universitetas there. so their national hero was from campus they took over broadcast and soviet sent in the military with this purpose to take over broadcast so killed them did that work?

no.. that just pissed off the population even more and they had to go
3 days... anytime now

sorry rocky meme I had to watch this comback kid stuff after drumpfl to undesrtand you hamburgers
i was talking about your propaganda being horrible, not if the russian are faking theirs. typical behavior of the guilty
>do you want to know were your infos are coming from? find out more
how correct am i?
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what the hell is my random youtube crap showing
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we just know the head of svr did not agree to putin and went he beraded him on russian state tv

no... I mean yes

pic unrelated
Well, I'm not saying that Ukrainian propaganda never faked anything... Or that Ukrainian soldier never killed or tortured POW.

The problem is that you literally seeing like ALL torturing POW videos from one side (both fake or not). And amplifying them "See the truth, UA is EVIL!!!"
But you completely blind to a number of videos from another side. Like they do not exist. "And they are probably fake anyhow, glorious Russian liberator is above that".
Are you Russian bot or something?
my point was, that your side loves to post gore porn 24/7 (doesn't matter if real or not for me) and therefore you guys make it very easy to believe fear propaganda
>have now capture
vatnigger on vpn
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Why are you even bothering with someone from a country who nearly exterminated you, ruined white demographics, ended european empires and are now sucking Putin's dick in exchange of cheap oil while getting themselves replaced by roaches?

You should look for better allies, that g*rm sold his mom ass to me for one euro while you guys are literally fighting all in against an enemy many times your size, just saying.
And it is happening because:
a) Ukrainians just have a lot of gore porn. About totally unprepared Russian dying (sometimes in funny ways). And Russian have less, just because they cant capture shit
b) Both sides have a lot of gore-porn but Russians do not post it because of high morale standards
c) You are just not looking for /chug/ and other places where Russian gore-porn is posted

So my bet is a) and c), yours?
i look what the other side is doing (/uhg/) and what different social media guys are posting
the "nato" side is by miles worse. you can rationalize it any way you want, your side engages in gruesome posting, while laughing
the russians seem to be more somber about the whole affair
saying, your side (zelensky, nafo troons, reddit and /uhg/) drove me to be pro russian
All you niggers better spend it and quick
18 post faggot
Ghost of Kiev yourself
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>you post too much
what is so bad posting about something that is close to ones interest?
no, scumbag, its the retarded propiganda content.
kremlin has really managed to fuck up hamburger an to a lesser extent som anglo heads

here we are wise to their tricks, nothin is new is so damn frustrating anon the americans I mean the bongs no fucking way, they are wise to it ofc
It's taking a while, but it's doing better than all American wars combined, so that's something
btw so you know this ralph guy? look he is a fucked up guy now but it's "typical" so this guy plays yurii bezmenow you know this east germankgb guy

he goes on about bullshit, spooky as fuck but fake.. anyways so you hve this ralp guy playin gyuri YEah righ commies underming us yeah! is why I support russia! yeah.... the cognetive dissonance...
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We are fighting enemy like 10-100 times bigger, so we need any ally (Peru included)

The problem is that those "collective of allies" already dragged this war into endless stalemate. Which is way more desirable for Russia than for Ukraine. And it's more like USA's fault, although Germany is not helping either

Look, you may be even correct on this one. Maybe.
The problem is (and I'm pointing it 3rd fucking time) that you are like completely bling to the other side.
Specifically for you I'm posting an example of what I'm seeing every day. It's in Russian, here is translation.
"Evacuated mommies with their kiddos after Ukrainian downed Russian missile on the child hospital. It's just me, or everybody else also wants to hit them with Kinzal?"
So it's basically fake about "evil Ukies against good and just RU missiles" together with appeal to kill moms and cancer children with "good and just" hyper-sonic strike.
Oh those kind russians with their morale highground... Why, oh why those evil Ukies post gore porn? Maybe because they turned our death into mixture of TV Show and laughing contest?

Yes, true. But it's also mind-specific. You need to be really stupid or really gullible to believe in this shit.
you really should just stop trying to give input when you're out of your depth.
Makes you look stupid, now I know to ignore you in this thread
when shit hits the fan I hope 70ies doctrine is over, it goes when ww3 finnmark will get nuked to oribt.. all you assholes WHAT THE HELL DID FINNMARK EVER DO

anyways it was docrine then.. REEE. also I learned this week that alsoall finnish bridges are prepped for explosives is the same in northern norway I dunno south, is loaded with explosives so vang when they try
Holy cope
I know how those wars played out for the aggressors at least. Suck more russian cock, maybe it'll make you feel better.
we are here prepared for a complete nuclear war

fuck if you go south so you have oslo, full of niggers btw don't go there

but here is the thing, it's a city under the citr so when the nukes come flying, is whole city under ground

the swedes made entire towns inside the mountains in preparation for this, go checkthese focumenatries it was abandonded

the wole point is when russia nukes us they still have fucking facotires inside the mountains

is this swedish program where this guy go at these old sites.....
The Ukrainians have lost massive amounts of people and money and we need to reconize their sacrifice. They are defending their country against a foreign invader. A foreign invader that loots their homes and bombs childrens' hospitals.

If they were to stop now and just let the Russians keep what they stole all that sacrifice would have been for nothing.

The world is full of injustice and pain. Should we let this injustice slide too? Not if we can do something about it.

Helping the Ukrainians isn't a big burden for us.
The economy of the USA and the EU and other allies is a good chunk of the world's entire GDP. If we only spent 0.10% of our GDPs aiding Ukraine that would be enough for an overwhelming victory.

The best outcome for all involved is for the EU to rebuild both Ukraine AND Russia after the war and get both of them to become part of the Eurozone. That investment would repay itself one or two decades down the line once those countries become prosperous economies leading to an overall increase of the enitre European economy.
>is this swedish program where this guy go at these old sites.....
is declassified all of that shit.. is now fill of water and rot and shit

you even some bitcoin guys guying this shit. here in norway too you have there facitilies powered by own hydro shit ie that was sold for scraps

also this seems tobecome nato docrine now here, swedidsh and finnish pilotes are trained to use roads..... because first thing mongloid greta thunberg putin will do is try to get air superiouty

basiclly... we don't need airports ...
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I think alot of it also is just to be outragoous to get attettion, face it biden just basically carried out trumps polioces...

I am like I can you 100 times more worried of what this change will mean
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Based girlfriend girlfriend enjoyer
Honestly, at this point I don't even care Biden or Trump or Harris.
We don't need specific politic on the top of USA. We needed specific decisions from USA, decisions that cant be done by POTUS alone. But that opportunity is missed entirely.

So we are in weird spot. Any moderate decision by US or any other government will change nothing. It's only drastic decisions that can make things better or worse now. And face it, even Trump under cocaine cant freely made something too drastic, like entire goverment and country have to support it.
You are glowing tranny

That's why the majority of the Russians being sent there are getting paid tens of thousands now just to go, and they have to search for jeets, cubans and rapefricans as well. I think they've emptied all their prisons of most candidates too, they were already sending female convicts many months ago allegedly. I think that if Russia were to try a full mobilization without the lure of money there would be protests in Moscow/St Petersburg
russia captures shit every day

meanwhile ukraine cries and begs for weapons but "they are winning" in the eyes of delusional people living in a fantasy world
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Blessedly blessed
>we just need moar gibs!
You need to go back. Ukraine was a corrupt shithole before the war and it'll be one after. They should repay their debts instead of begging for more.
majority of the russians sent are contract fighters and volunteers, they literally went to the recruitment office and signed a contract, they get vacations, benefits, etc. the volunteers with no experience have to do 1 month school, then field training, then get sent to the smo

majority of ukrainians are conscripted, drafted and pulled from the streets, they get little to no vacation because they need to rotate and are low numbers, their training is like 2-3 weeks and get sent to frontlines, they are exhausted quickly
cope and seethe faggot
150,000 russians are at the border and they are coming in hard.
its either he's a coping faggot or ignorant to the fact of reality because he hasn't done proper unbiased research
/k/ is tranny haven and this war was its' death knell
whats fucked up is every media outlet/politician knows there is a massive troop buildup at the border and zero reporting.
Just a coincidence Jewlinski is now willing to "give" land back (that he lost 10 years ago) and doesnt want Putin in chains all of a sudden.
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>proper unbiased research
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How much longer until the frontline collapses and one side starts making major gains?
Good copepasta
I’m giving you +1 upvote
Care to explain your reasoning?
>Sovereign country defending itself
The US doesn't support any drastic decisions in Ukraine. Don't let twitter fool you, most Americans want nothing to do with Ukraine.

I feel for the Ukrainian people, I really do. For the most part its not your fault, you deserve decent lives and self determination and all of that shit.

But you need to direct your ire at your own government. Your country didn't have to sign agreements with no intention of keeping them, didn't have to invite Russia's enemies to their doorstep. And for what? For western oligarchs to loot your country instead of Russian ones? Your country could have ended the war with much smaller losses a long time ago, and your leaders let Boris Johnson of all people come and whisper false promises in your ears. Leaders who have shut down elections and hold total power. If you still have a country when this is over, your government should face a reckoning from the people the likes of which hasnt been seen since the French Revolution.
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>I feel for the Ukrainian people, I really do. For the most part its not your fault, you deserve decent lives and self determination and all of that shit.

Pretty much agreed.
It's our responsibility to cleanse our nation of its parasitic jews, and it's ukraine's job to do the same to theirs.
>USA flag
>But you need to direct your ire at your own government
> Boris Johnson of all people come and whisper false promises in your ears
>Leaders who have shut down elections and hold total power
Russian bot detected, unironically.
Yes, I may be wrong about this one. But at least I can say that you have no fucking idea what is happening here.
Yes, our government is retarded, but NONE of the reasons you named are accurate. They are taken from Russian propaganda, not from reality.
In a war of attrition there's not much to see on maps, and therefore obsessing over them is somewhat pointless. What matters is losses in men and materials.

You will only start to see large map changes when one side can no longer replace losses with mobilisation AND has burnt through all their reserves. At this point, they simply don't have enough men to hold the front-line, and are forced to fall back and shorten the front. Subsequent lines of defense are usually weaker, and losses while retreating are usually catastrophic--since nobody drills falling back.

The next line of defense will hold less time before being forced to fall back, and so on until it's just rapid movement on the map.

Everyone knows that once a side starts falling back on multiple fronts, and aren't able to hold on the next line very long--it's game over. This is why Ukraine always fight to the last man. Because if everyone understood they've already lost, then the money stops.
globohomo comes in all creeds. Al Gore is a billionair parasite.
>We be selling carbon credits n shit

The Paris Climate Accords have built in fossil fuel tax that goes to bio fuel subsities. 20% of all grain/corn grown in Ukraine went to ethanol, thats why they could use illegal pesticides. Global consortiums bought 1/3 of the farmland and those crops can be farmed with robotic equipment, no farm workers = no protests so they killed them off.
Plenty of articles out there about the EU freaking out because the war prevents them from making Paris Accord biofuel quotas.
If anyone telling the truth is a russian whom do you think God sides with?
If you're not a Russian shill, you're doing a good job of mindlessly parroting the Russian narrative.
Extreme, ignore the coping ziggers.
where is the lie?
>Everyone who doesn't want to empty their pockets for me is a Russian!

Sure thing my guy
Because that would make him a martyr because of his immense popularity in Ukraine and because Ukraine isn't a topheavy totalitarian shithole like Russia there wouldn't be a leadership. crisis.
Yes, the US has a proven ability to annihilate desert shitholes, Iraq had 1.3 million soldiers and they still got blasted, worst part is that Ukraine is a flat open country perfect for Russia's tank heavy doctrine and yet they're still stuck on tiny settlements and down to pulling t-55's out of storage and using stripped btr guns as improvised artillery pieces.
Zelinski cancelled elections because his party got destroyed in thier last election. He closed and looted churches so family members cant even have cerimonies for loved ones lost in combat.

You are one piece of shit shill
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>his immense popularity in Ukraine
>Krasnohorivka (Ukrainian: Кpacнoгopiвкa, IPA: [krɐsnoˈɦɔr(ʲ)iu̯kɐ]; Russian: Кpacнoгopoвкa, romanized: Krasnogorovka) is a city in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, west of the much larger city of Donetsk. Based on 2001 census, it has a population of 16,714.

>On 30 March 2024, two people were killed by Russian shelling.[13] By 8 April 2024, Russian forces had entered the southeastern part of the city.

What a meh
>No response exept seething
Ziggers are very low IQ and emotional people
straight off your full of shit, the Ukranian constitution forbid elections during marshal law, and Russia invading is a very good reason to keep people from wandering around at night
Feel free to prove me wrong Mohammad
Oh lol. You are even worse in armchair frontline analytics than me.
Look at that picture please >>475900593 . See this huge green blob? On the global map it's actually 3 times bigger, I've captured only part of it.
11800 km^2 of green. One of Ukrainian counteroffensives.

So tell me, did Russia
>no longer replace losses with mobilisation AND has burnt through all their reserves. At this point, they simply don't have enough men to hold the front-line, and are forced to fall back and shorten the front. Subsequent lines of defense are usually weaker, and losses while retreating are usually catastrophic--since nobody drills falling back.
>The next line of defense will hold less time before being forced to fall back, and so on until it's just rapid movement on the map.
Because that was retaken during a week or two back in 2022. Complete collapse of the front, full retreat of Russians, piles and piles of dropped weapons and hundreds of forgotten vehicles (including tanks).
And yet, I'm not saying anything about "burnt through all their reserves", "no longer replace losses with mobilisation" and so on. Why?

You are partially true about "the war is not about the maps". But your inability to actually read the map and explain what are you seeing is not helping you to make the point.

Ask God, I do not have imaginary friends since I was 5.

No, it's not why I called you russian bot. The problem is that you are parroting russian narratives. You can keep your money, it's your choice. You can even be pro-Russian, I can deal with that.
But when you replace you brain with Russian propaganda... It's really obvious and it offends me as intelligent being
>I feel for the Ukrainian people, I really do. For the most part its not your fault, you deserve decent lives and self determination and all of that shit.

That's the same mistake Russians did. Humoring a bunch of butthurt Austriaboos and allowing them to fester and expand until they got what they have today.
Ukraine has no constitution, shit for brains. Zelinski illegally fired all the constitutional court judges (mid term) that didnt belong to his party so now the court rubber stamps his decrees.

One party states r best state. Just ask best Korea.
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did you type all of this while dialating?
tranny faggot
Yes I'm sure the propaganda from a non english speaking country with a smaller economy than California is much more powerful than the entire western world. The Ghost of Kyiv is definitely real and Ukraine will drive Russia out and start striking into Russian territory any day now. Zelensky is definitely the most popular politician ever and a true man of his country who will go down with you if you face total defeat and definitely not run off to somewhere like France to sip wine with other wealthy elites.
it is just like in lord of the rings, by famous tolkien

now, the free and morally superior world shall send elvish and human and dwarfish warriors to save the mittle europa from ze/the eastern hordes of mordor
The whole paragraph he finished with, stupid dishonest pidor. It starts from the false assumption that Ukraine somehow has to do everything Russia demands as if it weren't an independent country. As if Russia somehow had a legitimate right to interfere and veto anything it doesn't like. The whole claim about "inviting Russia's enemies to its doorstep" is stupidity and falsehood in multiple different ways. Anyone going with that line has to be brainwashed to just uncritically accept the false premises. So a shill or a moron.
if mexico took my arizona neighborhood which is the same size as that... """city""" then i wouldn't call it a mega happening. in fact i'd call it a punishment for mexico.
r u stupid?
Ukraine was killing Russians for 8 years before Russia had enough.
You also forgot about millions of Russians and any of them can use USA VPN...

Look, you first post was like 100% parroting of Russian propaganda. I dont know why was you parroting instead of using you brain and I do not care.
This post is better in a way. It's kind of "empty", I can tell nothing in return. It's just pure sarcasm without substance.
seriously, cunt, was it a coincidence the first thing globohomo did was destroy the canal to Crimea? 300,000 acres of farmland destroyed.
The canal was like 300km long , started in 1960 and completed in 1975. It was an engineering marvel and one if the few soviet sources of pride.
But farms change climates n shit
right faggot?
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Go outside and fight the russians, goy
So the ghost of kiev was real?
really faggot?
No, of course. One of some UA propaganda lies
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but you said it was 100% lies
am confused faggot
were you lying then or now?
Too retarded to read what I'm writing? Where did I said that?
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