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The fuck around : https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/jul/23/central-african-republic-women-girls-rape-sexual-violence-conflict-food-security-wagner-russian-mercenaries-un

Looks like the find out part arrived for Russia's new Africa Expeditionary Corps
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POWs too.
Damn looks like isis will be eating good tonight
Gold lusting negroes and arabs. How russian.
Well it was obvious how bad they were at simply finding gold
Something tells me he is about to have a very bad future. These are the kinda people you actually want to off yourself from.
at least he can't claim to be a poor fool tricked by the russians to kill for their cause, like they do in Ukraine.
Yeah too dumb to kill himself
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Some things never change.
Actually Tuaregs are generally quite civilized. They treat prisoners better than Russians do generally, because ransom is a thing. Wagner/Mali took some high ranking tribe chiefs prisoner a year ago, so it makes sense to try and swap them.
Wouldn't it be funny if America sent Delta to rescue the Russians though?
>‘They turn our farms into rape centres’: Russian mercenaries accused of abuse in Central African Republic

Anyone remember when the Libyan rebels claimed that Qaddafi was giving his soldiers Viagra to rape women and ordering helicopters and planes to strafe civilians in droves, so the UN and NATO bombed him back to the stone age under the guise of a "humanitarian mission," only to "discover" later that the rebels had been lying the entire time, that Qaddafi had not been murdering or raping civilians on a large scale?

And in doing so, a stable-enough dictator was deposed, plunging one of the most prosperous countries in Africa into Civil War, from which it has still not recovered, directly leading to the death of four Americans the next year (that were running an "embassy" exclusively for the purpose of running Libyan arms to Syria so "moderate" rebels [many of whom would later join up with ISIS or other Islamic extremist organizations] could fight to destabilize Assad's government in Syria)?
nice flag
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Uh oh... well, THEY didn't miss.

Anyway- merci Wagner!
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Extra note:
>tu22m3 status in olenya airfield, 1800Km from the front?
budanovsisters, our husbando just can't stop winning
>su34 status?
incompetent vatnigger pilots yes?
>mi28 status?
incompetent vatnigger pilots yes?
eternal flight zissies, burn in hell L-mao

NATO is b-a-s-e-d indeed
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Yes. It's just rehashed Natohomo abtrocity propaganda. Same thing in Yugoslavia. Pregnant Rape Camps.

Wagner was literally invited by the CAR Goverment as security, they are lawfully there fighting against Pisslamists.
God, I abhor westohomo so much , it's all lies and trannies, trannies and lies.
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>God, I abhor gulaghomo shills so much , it's all lies and trannies, trannies and lies.


>Ex-KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko was killed for calling Putin a pedophile

>Russian forces committed horrific war crimes in Ukraine, such as rape and torture, and sometimes even made the families of victims watch, UN investigators find

>A 1-year-old boy died after being raped by 2 Russian soldiers

>Russian Police Fired After Rape, Killing Of Tajik Girl

>Russians Raped 11-Year-Old Boy, Forced Mom to Watch

>Russian soldier arrested after vile video of baby being raped emerges

>Russian snipers abuse child, gang-rape mum

>Russian soldiers line up and shoot Ukrainian kids as girls shave heads to avoid rape

>Russian troops gang-raped woman before sexually assaulting her four-year-old daughter, horror UN report reveals

>Russia’s Shadow Army Accused of Raping Their Own Allied Troops
I don't remember things that didn't happen, sorry. And fuck Gaddaffi, the people of Lockerbie and Pan Am 103 were avenged. That nigger spent his entire life sending weapons to terrorists and training them and trying to destabilize western countries, we don't owe him shit.
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Dey ate da poo poo all over da place like ice cream.
Kafirs are pathetic. You will never beat Islam.
What part of what I said do you think didn't happen? The only part that's even in question is the Syria connection (The programs to arm and train Syrian "moderates" are well known).

>And fuck Gaddaffi, the people of Lockerbie and Pan Am 103 were avenged.
Yeah we're definitely in a better place with four Americans, including an ambassador, dead, and a country on the Mediterranean completely de-stabilized and full of Islamic extremists. Retard.
which is why rusniggers got ACK'd inshallah
greetings from the caliphate of germanistan
death to kaffir moskals
>a country on the Mediterranean completely de-stabilized and full of Islamic extremists. Retard.
Would have happened anyway at some point or other. Dictatorships are inherently unstable long term, they always collapse and normally do so bloodily.

>What part of what I said do you think didn't happen?
The part where you claimed it turned out to be lies.
I like how they showed no badges, or any indication of what company or brigade those men belonged too, just vague men lying on the ground, but i guess i can't expect anything from Jewmerican politicians and their israeli backers, go clap for an hour at king jew in congress
Massive cope. Russia is now losing wars to africans.
Salsa on the videos?
based. this is what i want to see. webms of dead or captured russian commies.
tranny kraut show flag
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Russia lost
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quick. write about trannies kikes and faggots to derail.
what am i paying you for, lazy bastards?
Many such cases!
There is something about a side that believes trannies are women that majes them physically unable to speak the truth.
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eglin glownigger moment, present a fallacy and counter with a capeshit fallacy. i call it the federal fellatio, because the only thing coming out of your mouth when you do this is rancid nigger semen. kys.
>but i bet the NAVY SEALS c-ACK
pic related
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Thanks for the ammo, Serbro!
You do not want to get captured in that country alive. They will get raped, tourchered, and likely decapitated.
/pol/ memes Russians anhero'ing in Uraine. But you dont want to find yourself tied to a car tire and set on fire.
America lost, what 4 guys? Russia just lost 40.
>The part where you claimed it turned out to be lies.

>UK Foreign Affairs Select Committee Testimony that there is no evidence that Gaddafi orchestrated or was going to carry out a massacre or mass rapes

>Human Rights Watch state that the threat of genocide and deliberate killing of civilians was grossly overstated, towns liberated by government forces suffered no massacres

>Amnesty International fails to find evidence of human rights violations that UN/NATO used to justify UNSCR 1973

Eat shit
4 that you know of, the rest die in constant "helicopter accidents" nigger you can't even google american dead corpses because of how sanitized amerishit losses are. it's pathetic actually.
insecure country filled with insecure people. no wonder capeshit took off so hard to the point it's all we're getting from you faggots
Still need evidence for lockerbie desu. Seems like he just paid up andvowned up to it to get sanctions off.
Lol, hoes mad

I aint touching that shit, Ivan.
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Libya was so unstable under Gaddafi! Of course as a dictatorship it would be unstable!
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Not my problem. Russians are the retards of the white race.
.is is Iceland you fucking mongoloid
They are former Wagner trash.
Yes, that's how it works. Dictatorships collapse unless propped up by someone else.
>ukraine is fighting against its own fiction
Do they teach you about the ghost of queef too? Dumb fuck
What is it with germans being mentally retarded? You have the most immense cuck complex of any nation in the world
>they always collapse and normally do so bloodily
>Dictatorships collapse unless propped up by someone else
uh-huh, guess who's next?
>these dead niggers are Russians
Trust me bro!
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Guess again you fucking nigger.
Why rape black girls when you can rape Slavic boys?
Something doesn't add up in that story.
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Russia again.
>Russians are shit an war

More news at 12.
Its was always the weakest "superpower". Always.
There were always losing wars and the only one they won is because they lost 25 million poeople and were sucking US dick to get supplies
Delta has had run-ins with Wagner before in Syria. It wasn't to save them. There were very few survivors on the Russian side.
Wagner thought they were attacking Syrian regulars. What they found was a US spec ops JTF supporting the Syrians. Delta, Recon, PJ/PR, and SEALS, and a Marine artillery platoon were all waiting. Also they had a couple of Apaches and an AC-130 handy. So while spec op infantry were sniping officers, the apaches were spinning the Russians around their own armored column, the AC-130 got into orbit behind them and turned them into red mist and smoke.
Wagner suffered 200 casualties in the first 2 seconds. Most of their column never knew they were under attack. Just alive one second, and vaporized the next. The ones that were lucky enough to run were chased down by F-111 Raptors.
Wagner is not a serious paramilitary.
Post arm niggerbro
Your seethe is highly appreciated btw
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>nafotroonies shill for Nigger Pisslamists
truly beyond sumbhuman
Btw Wagner was legally invited by the CAR Goverment, your lies are so blatant.
>Wagner suffered 200 casualties in the first 2 seconds
>F-111 Raptors
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Germans are a Islamic race

Kill every single russmutt on the planet
Special Africa Military Operation, huge success!
it was a gesture of goodwill
American servicemen are such a blight on any communities they build bases around that international incidents have been caused due to the staggering amounts of rape and crime zogdogs commit. US soldiers are hated in places like Japan and Germany and Korea because they're well known abusive rapist thieves.

Soldiers are scumbags. This has been true for all of history. Trying to larp like LE RUSSIAN SOLDIERS ARE LE FIRST RAPISTS IN UNIFORM EVAH is massive retardation. Even the so called well disciplined Roman legionnaires who lived under threat of decimation would regularly run out of control if the generals didn't give them chances to let their rapist nature unload.

It's a part of reality. Soldiers are pieces of shit and most deserve to be shot and should be regularly by their officers. That's just fact. Trying to pretend like "this country's or that country's" soldiers are any worse than any others is just mental gymnastics cope.
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>They will get raped, tourchered, and likely decapitated.
so just like in puccia?
Saving this thread
The knife boi, was yellow the second day of his capture. Kek.
3rd day he was brown
4th day blue.

He got treated real nice and beautyful.
I-au dat-o la pateu de l-au facut galbin :D.

Verpiss dich aus meinem Land du Bürgergeldhure
you're confusing mockery with seethe airforce tranny, i won't lose sleep over any of this.
keep your capeshit to a regional level, i'm not buying this hoo-ah grandstanding faggotry.
its amazing they got out of that. you look stupid posting about it like a loss
>raping the civs of their own allies
uh wtf
yeah everyone in that video is dead by now
are you retarded?
masturbation machine tier
there is no such thing as santized fucking gypsy. every american solider that dies during a mission is recorded.
Pretty sure that's the tongo tongo ambush, in which all those Army Green Berets (not SEALS) got killed.
this link. kek
Islam is the only thing that can possibly uncuck that pathetic remnant from the 3rd Reich
>most deserve to be shot
I mean they literally sign up for it, u need unhinged troglodytes to have a good army
Wow, this is abhorrent bros. When kamala is in office she needs to draft us and get us over there to help the kangs and finally end this conflict with the demonic russians
rare flag
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another insecure faggot
go count stars on the wall langleynigger, i don't care about your homoerotic fantasies that leave no man behind (unraped).
someone come count how many dead mutts with burnt SCAR's that is, my eyesight has gone bad from staring at dead glowies.
not seeing any weapons
they got caught flat footed on open ground with a dozen AKs looks like
they got got
Damn nigger, you mad.
sorry queen but thread is staying up. more crying = more american corpses.
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>i'm m-m-mocking you, i'm not m-m-m-mad!
peak hurtposting
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needs more line breaks, lmao
why do ziggers always take such huge casualties like this.

even jewusa never had 40 guys ambushed and taken out in their decades of fighting towelheads,
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indeed, never happened
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I miss the early 2000s.
Things at least felt real back then.
That’s one guy
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indeed. less retarded times as well and not as blatantly idiotic.
>usa glowniggers strong
>ebil russia weak
>trust me, goy
absolute st8 of propaganda
>doesn't know what an archive is
holy shit you faggots are so stupid lulz
West is so weak, Ukraine hasn’t collapsed
It collapsed when it was couped in 2014
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It's the only thing that can save western society altogether, a bunch of feminine men that bow down to women and kikes will never prosper
holy based, this is the shit you cannot find with a google search lmao

Yandex ftw.
you have no idea how fucking rare this video is btw. this caused such an embarrasment for the mutts that they outright called all videos with sound "fake". this is the OG video.

Funny, as it took me like 5 seconds to find it, lol.
Gypsies are stupid
They all died you coping zogbot, chased down by niggers, one by one
lets invite them as refugees, that will show it to putin
>State department budget for the new white helmet psyop.
Lol get fucked.
Gooning rn
Recorded as what though, kek.
>recently in ukraine
Luckily he died on US soil to unknown causes!
No one cares about your gay fucking CIA war.
Guy looks oddly like a Western Ukrainian.
I'm calling this bullshit until OP presents us with a slav.
Russians are literally sacrificing their lives for gay rights in Mali and Palestine. The least these folx could do is show some basic human respect.
>memeflags and gypsies in full shill mode
Love to see it kek
Did he think he was playing soccer nd the ref was going to give the bad guys a timeout?
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This is the future of every Russian
How fresh is this? There are so many suicides videos showing lately that i lost count.
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>” Mullen said. “I do not like it. Need to help. We must, we must send more aid. We have already sent a lot, but we need to keep sending money because it is a good help in your fight.”
Good goy.
did that unknife the throats?
Thats wagner anon, you can look up their telegram and tehy post about their operations in mali every day
لو تعلم كم هي سيئة الأمور حقاً.
Lots of fake accounts on telegram for propaganda purposes.
It's bullshit until we see Russians in a video with like 900 supposed Russian corpses.
They’re so stupid
Are you going to ignore oficial reports from russian ministry of defense about sending aid to mali
But they're beating Ukrainians at least.
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wow! the great zigger army is beating the poorest country in europe!!!
well they took 20% of the poorest country in europe
after almost 3 years
after losing 500k men
after losing 3k tanks
damn Ivan, what a victory!
but when do you take Kiev?
>rape, cloims guawdian from bwitain.
>blimey limeeeeeey mooooy moooyt ish daaa royp.
funny thing how physically repulsive frame the world.

no, bucktooths cunts, in war one does not want to touch the enemy.
not everyone is like you.
13 posts by this gaelic-germanic master builder
Too many retarded Australians.
>War losing expert here
The flag shoes that you know about losing wars indeed
no mutt.
That's called being turkish though. None are really German
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>after losing 500k men
>after losing 3k tanks
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Some more footage that I found, spotted someone from central Asia amongst the bodie
how does something like this happen on such a large scale? How did they take such high losses in such a concentrated area of desert.. Ambush led by bracketed mortars? Does Isis or whoever the OpFor in Mali have those capabilities? Are Wagner fighting blind..without knowledge of OpFor/drones/terrain? If you're getting fucked up this bad by sand african americans you're doing something wrong.. and those poor cunts who got taken alive... Why is the culture of combat so different between here and Ukraine why are Russian combat suicides almost common even in Ukraine yet these guys became POW to a much worse in savagery enemy ...everything about these videos is WTF
Don't fuck with people who only fear a skydaddy.
Is there video of this guy dead? I only see the one pic going around
He had a blue watch
I dont see a blue watch in either vid, im just wondering where the still of him dead is from
Obvious help from any Western intelligence is obvious.
ISIS knew where and when they would be, prepared for an ambush.
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>fresh suicide videos
are you talking about this hohol killing himself?
>general of FAMA(Forces Armées Maliennes) was in charge and Wagners were just helping
>FAMA is basically unfixable and fucking useless
>Most of the corpses in the video are FAMA soldiers
>at the moment it is confirmed: 5 - dead wagners and at least 2 prisoners
here you go, just regular nigger+frog incompetency
The Telegram channel administrated by Nikita's buddy wrote that yes, he died.
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how about this one
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Vibe check
Is it normal to scream like that when getting shot? I thought these guys went through rigorous training so they wouldn't show fear or pain?
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>Looks like the find out part arrived for Russia's new Africa Expeditionary Corps
Life has a way of going in circles nato kike
Wait, so who's commanding the Wagner after Prigozhin's death?
These ISIS style videos often have screaming soundbytes added for dramatic effect. Like the POV cam footage of that one special forces guy that got ambushed and killed.
Wagner expeditionaries all are part of Russian army now. All 3 wagner leaders were killed in the same plane and russia just dropped in replacements and has them doing the same thing
how did that war end? rape?
I don’t entertain conspiracy theories.
Gaddafi was a genocidal dictator and he got what he deserved.

Assad will have to answer for his war crimes as well.
yeah but still multiple vehicles and 50+ dead to niggers with AKs and PKMs how the fuck does that happen.. there's even a photo of a downed helo floating around.. how incompetant is the Russian military
of all the people its a bulgar nigger lmao posting that
>yeah but still multiple vehicles and 50+ dead to niggers with AKs and PKMs how the fuck does that happen.. there's even a photo of a downed helo floating around.. how incompetant is the Russian military
Oh, and you must have come to us from Call of Duty. This is war. Shit happens.
only in Russia would losses like this be acceptable. Two more weeks to Kiev im going to PONNNNNNTOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
beautiful. I love nothing on this earth more than zigger death. nothing.
expect more massacres like that against wagnerites

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