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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Drowned gimmigrants and unmolested borders will come to you but only if you say "Thank you based Poseidon"
Anyway to artificially make the Mediterranian a nightmare for navigation? For science of course
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You'll find you only have to do this once, at most twice, before word gets out and it stops.

These shit skins are not stupid, they are ten times smarter than the smartest monkey you can find.
only jews hold these secrets
The hard part is also dabbing on the Jewish man operating the throttle. Him not getting the life preserver for his role in the shipment, is most important of all.
So weak to water that the first time they take a bath, they drown.
>The hard part is also dabbing on the Jewish man operating the throttle.
did you think there is actually a little jewish many ferrying them across on a boat??? ahahaha
I pee into the ocean when I am out for a walk. It's not much, but I'm doing my part. I'd like to think it played a part in what happened in the OP. God bless.
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There quite literally is though
You japanese have had that down to a science since day 1. You chatterbox a lat/long to a destroyer and the ship comes in to make sure we're in compliance with the standards, sink the ship and keep distance until all drown. Fending off the fisherman coming with a 50cal warning shots across the bow.

Japanese don't fuck around, they will sink your Jewish ship with all hands and more importantly they'll do it every single time and when the Jewish motherfuckers air it out to dry on their international media, the Japanese will run counter-agitprop and give those smallhats a run for their money on other fronts.

Deep respect for the Japanese Navy.
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>you really think a little Jewish smallhat manny operating the 4 stroke Evinrude's throttle as it cuts through the waves?
Yes and he looks like this when he's doing it and earns 15 million dollars per trip, which he deposits into his own account to deal even harsher blows against your anti-semitic republics.
You’re talking to an English teacher not a Japanese person.
The ngo ships are in international waters and they are terrorist ships.
Thank you, based Poseidon.
Maybe 10, 15, or 20 years ago, the Jews sent whole ships packed tight with migrants, tens of thousands of souls on board, one Jew at the helm.

Japanese Navy kept telling them to turn around, turn around, turn around, turn away or we will fire upon you.
The Jew at the throttle was all like: "Fake News you shit eating Tokyo-Goyim I got ten thousand Shit Skins to flood into Japan or else it's my neck on the chopping block."

The Japanese Navy did their jobs, and sunk the ship with all hands after designating it a Jewish violent Terrorism against Japan.

Now today, you can go anywhere in Japan. Not a single fucking Shit Skin to be found, even if you try to find one. Not a single one.

Japan doesn't play smallhat game, you run long knife through their chest, then tell the governmet to cover my six and make it their fault.

done and done. This entire story happened on at least 3 separate occasions. same result each time.
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>Now today, you can go anywhere in Japan. Not a single fucking Shit Skin to be found, even if you try to find one. Not a single one.
Brother, I wish this were true
Not my problem.
Japanese Navy: Sink it, all hand, fire upon any human-floaters, until they stop floating. Don't let rescue boats come in. Kill them all.

Jews no longer send ships with 50 thousand shit skins on them to Japan anymore.
Fucking Sicilians. Time to firebom their entire coastline.
Thank you based poseidon. Also thanks to Zeus.
Almost comical.
Species traits:
>Strength: Viciously predatory
>Weakness: Water
kikes claimed this for a decade but they don't reproduce, they all become drug addicts and live miserable lives, not even low class people associate with them because they are under extreme poverty, isolated in neighborhoods with other non natives like gypsies
only sandnogs are breeding and it's because they bring their wives
I've never seen a mutt like the ones you see in America, and I've traveled a few countries

Thank you Neptune/Poseidon for doing the job that European navies are too pussy to do.
That's an assembly of all of them. I know because I've been. All of them bright yellow skin natives to 45 thousand year old Japan.
Your videos are Jewish agitprop selling a false narrative.

You could spend your whole life travelling Japan and not see your image. Japan mercilessly sunk most if not all of the Jewish ships packed tight with shit skins.

When they all die, nobody even cares to lol, because they're next to animals.
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(just kidding, i luv you boberkurwas next door)
>cant even properly build boats in 2024 but we should allow them into our society by the millions
my thought
>supposedly engineers and astronauts
>cant handle a small boat

>cant swim
>decide to float across the mediterranean on a dingy

>all military aged men
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Alex Soros is the #1 traitor terrorist importing millions of criminal scum and villainy into the USA. Wouldn't it be nice if Alex Soros was treated like the terrorist traitor he is so that his assets can be seized to pay for fixing this mess he created. I know destroying the Soros Foundation and confiscating it's assets will barely make a dent in solving the invasion. It's going to cost billions to deport all of these people and at least 120k of them are CCP spies who will help destroy us from within during WW3. Wait and see. Alex Soros the traitor needs to be dealt with since he is setting up a killshot on the USA. We need to use the military against the Soros menace.
Only 25? Bummer.

Calma calma always related
Thank you based Poseidon. 25 niggers down, 1 billion to go.
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Thank you Mr Poseidon
True but according to the article 5000 have been lost to sea just this year. Not nearly enough but a good start
Thank you based Poseidon
Poseidon is nice but I would prefer if the military would deploy some kind of multi-million dollar missile system towards the purpose of finishing the Soros Foundation with military finality. Once the enemy is reduced to ash by guided missiles we will have a much easier time solving our border problems. Without funding and leadership they will simply stop.

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Thank you based Poseidon!
Should send some somalian boat pirates after these ships.
Niggers can’t swim. Negative buoyancy. Sink like rocks.
The disease has spread to Japan.
Thanks you based Poseidon!!
Thank you, Poseidon.
Alex Soros makes his movements known often enough. I feel like it wouldn't be any harder than one of those jihadi terrorists in the middle east. They should make an example of Soros and use one of those missiles that deploys blades instead of having an explosive warhead. So it doesn't blow him up so much as it aims for his torso and cuts him into 50 bloody pieces. This is how the US military deals with terrorist enemies who cause it problems. Well Alex Soros is causing us a lot of problems so I don't see why they can't just turn that assclown into meat in a totalled limo. Take the kids gloves off and use weapons of war against the leadership of these foundations who dare to assault our sacred borders. A merciless display, a vulgar display of power is what's necessary to show these progressive leftists that all progress (towards the destruction of the USA) stops here.
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based photographer just took photos and waited niggers to drown
drone boat niggers imported by jews
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Thank you based Poseidon

I'm gonna steal that. Like a filthy nigger.
Thank You Based Poseidon
for every one of those there is probably more that make it
Should have gone to France
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Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you based Poseidon
We love our orcas, don't we folks?
Unsung hero.
Keep doing what you can.
>Ship name is Dignity
>Transporting niggers
Wrong destination
Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you based Poseidon
Somebody just shoot him.
This is a perfect example of somebody with a name and an address who is actively destroying Western nations and trying to genocide the White race.

Kill him.
That's it, some random people need to be punished and made examples of for scaring niggers and jeets off.
This anti-white genocider is often out at sea alone on a boat...
>>Ship name is Dignity
>>Transporting niggers
This is why it flipped. A slight win for the dignity of humanity.
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Thank you based Poseidon.
To think, in the future, those migrants could have been coming down the Seine to win Spain some metal medals.
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Thank you, based Poseidon!
Thank you Poseidon
How long until orcas get listed as a hate symbol?
You mean France kek
Any day now
Thank you based Poseidon.
Thank you based Poseidon
What’s the most antiseptic blue board
Could have been 8pol, that place still makes kikes kvetch just by having existed.
Oh no, so many doctors and engineers who would've shared their bottomless knowledge of african medical and aerospace technologies!
have hungry pirhanhas ready to go
I get banned for saying “Kike” on fucking /biz/
That's President Poseidon to you mister
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euros should thank their lucky stars for the mediterranean. you'd be probably be somewhere closer to 50% european without it.
Thank you, based Poseidon.
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Εὐχαριστῶ, ὦ Ποσειδῶν, ὁ ἐπιτήδειος!
Thats bad.
If only it was a 99% occurrence...
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And to some extent the English channel, though it's only 20 miles across at its narrowest point.
Are there any more screenshots like this of other activists being vocal about actively banishing whites? Generally they just pretend to be tolerant to mixing.
> there’s a Jew who’s a cofounder of a company that colobarated with a company that smuggled in immigrants

The fact that you couldn’t find any Jews who are actually involved in this means that you retarded
Why has nobody ever given this dude a "polite social visit?"
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anon.. do you think we're stupid?
Poseidon is King
Thank you based Poseidon
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You mean like this?
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>Thank you based Poseidon
Thank you based Poseidon
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This is just slightly off with regard to normie takes on minorities. A full normie would say that white population decrease is not bad, an anti white within the normie/slightly neurotic domain (this screenshot) would say that white population decreasing is good, with no manifest intentions to eliminate white race (even if she wants that). But the Alex Steier screenshot was a guy saying that his humanitarian activity revolves around eliminating whites, is one of the most deranged things I've read, to the extent that leftist normies would only swallow that by denial and deep inside they would know that it's wrong. Are there any more known cases like this? I want to know to what extent are meditarrean sea NGOs like this, although it's difficult to find people being vocal about such perfidous plans.
it is one* Mediterranean* I'm autistic, sorry
Mark my words, in at maximum a decade, two, three, the Mediterranean will be a dead sea. Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and Greek ships will be patroling 24/7, sinking any ship that has not had been granted the authority to reach European shores.

It is the inevitable progression to this entire mess. We are ridiculed by Africans and Middle Easterners because of our lenient policies. Unless we teach them there are consequences, they will continue to arrive boat by boat.

Naval blockade of migrant ships. Closed borders to non-qualified immigration. Prevention of organized invasion through nuclear armament. That is the only way for Europe to survive the next century without being more than 50+% non-white.

The first politician to even dare suggest these things will be as villified as Hitler and crucified by social media. The second, third, fourth, and more will not be. It just has to start somewhere.
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I can't think of any as openly ethnicidal as that guy within the specific Med/boat context.

Subhumans 10x smarter than monkeys?
Are you sure you got that the right way round?
Whats the address?
Yeah, piracy.
The response will take forever. There isn't like a "ok here are pirates, now do this" checklist.
Men and women have to risk their lives to deal with the threat an they don't want to. Look at Somalia. Instead of blowing them out of the water and killing them safely with ship guns, they make you stay away from their coastline otherwise YOU'RE in legal trouble (only when you go to port and only when they catch you).

So just fucking kill them. Navy won't do shit.
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Why is it all men? In terms of refugees we should only really be taking in families or women and children. It's literally only young men. Which is cancer on so many levels. Go through legal channels to get in or GTFO. I CANT STAND ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
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You know why
>blue board
what a pussy
a good idea really
Anons, can we get a group fund going for one of these? What's stopping someone from commissioning their own flagless pirate ship and sinking every one of these stinky migrant bombs trying to cross the med?
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forgot picrel
25 is a good start.
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Only 25?
How do we get few dozen zeros added on to that?
Thank you based Poseidon
Can he conjure up typhoons and hurricanes to disrupt the jeets being flown in?

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