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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It's first time that the racist anti-Indian mural guy has recorded while painting this. He needs to be stopped! We can't let this racism go on.

looks like timmy's sister got fucked by chadpreet again
We can’t let Indians keep breathing
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first we got Cyber Niggers and now we have Cyber Jeets?? fucking based
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Give that painter Nobel Peace Price!
Absolutely right! that's why he's making such racist murals.
>hinfus fucking anyone other than coes and gang-raping their cousins
c'mon now jeets
don't worry bhai, we are conquering them already
We need to migrate to Canada in droves to replace that nation once and for all.
Muttoids do not get to push this onto jeets
American company, American capital, American responsibility
quick to take credit, incapable of accepting blame
Small double double, harpreet. Make sure to wash your hands first before.
I enjoy these elaborate hate crimes. Very well done.
You are actually blaming us for the crowdstrike failure
Why are chuds so gullible?
Is this all whiteboys can do? Your country is getting flooded by villagers who couldn't adapt to urban life in India let alone the west, they're taking your jobs, theyre making life unaffordable and ruining canada
And all you can do is spray pain 4chan memes on walls?
KEK. Whiteboys are so pathetic.
i can smell this thread
This guy is a fucking legend and these belong in a museum. Where are these artworks?
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Based artist for exposing the jeet plague.
Just how many stinky jeetsars are there on pol?
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Is that the best you can do, rajesh? Can't meme him back? Because you have no actual talent, which is the point of the artwork.
Imagine being so obnoxious that you turn Canucks into racists.
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>Can't meme him back?
Kek. The whiteboys idea of masculinity.
>no actual talent
You think this is talent?
Not even joking. Kill yourself
you did not try to argue against my point, a wise call
I neither blame nor give credit to the tools I chose, so why do you, and why selectively? no need to answer
they hindu nuffin
>those eyes
He's literally indian or iranian haha
now do intel and their 8 million oxidized cpu's
the leaf who does this art will be featured on the $100 bill in the near future. this is the epitome of racism and i approve. jeet memes are ready for the mainstream, well done
Greetings from Canada I hate Indians so much it’s unreal.
Codex Pajeet 2
>Codex Pajeet 2
Codex Pajeet 2
>Codex Pajeet 2
Codex Pajeet 2
>Codex Pajeet 2
Codex Pajeet 2
>Codex Pajeet 2
Codex Pajeet 2
>Codex Pajeet 2
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Too many... far too many. Just about every single memeflag is a pajeet, and if you see a Canadian, British, Irish, Australian, New Zealand, Japanese, or Croatian flag posting something extremely retarded, there's a good chance that's a pajeet as well. I'd reckon that the majority of the awful posts and coal posted on /pol/ can be attributed to pajeets. Whiny threads about how women are mean and won't have sex with OP are almost guaranteed to be the work of currycels.

I've also seen poojeets posting with Swedish, American, Romanian and Polish flags. These street shitting vermin are fucking everywhere, even in the places you'd least expect them.
I've seen you code praful
Watch this video, it's literally an indian doing it. Bizarre psy op
Look at his phenotype, his face's color. He's a whitey just like you.
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You're retarded, but that's to be expected.
Cope, seethe and dilate, cuck. Isn't it time for your daily quota of a donating your bussy to a muslim with sexual emergency in need?
Nice try bub, olive complexion, black hair and eyes, giga shnozz, that's a false flag my man.
You've probably seen about 3 white people in your entire life. There's not a single Northwest-European with shit coloured skin and black eyes.
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Please keep your homoerotic fantasies about Pakistanis raping your anus to yourself.
Those senpaku eyes, I've never met a western person who looks that bugged out.
Awesome. We need to raise awareness everywhere.

The elite are working hard to allow them to invade everywhere.
>that poll and those stats
Too perfect. It implies the indians on pol are perfectly representative of every indian alive.
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>Canadian, British, Irish, Australian, New Zealand, Japanese, or Croatian
>Swedish, American, Romanian and Polish
Agreed, I've seen unambiguously pajeet posts on all of those except Japan and Sweden. All Nordic countries have regular spammers in my time zone, but I never caught one being sapoo red-handed like the others.
I'm going to start calling jeets the Brown Plague,
Probably some brown eyed anglo. I know lots of whites with brown eyes. Jeets have tar shit black eyes.
Hes just upet about jeets anon, you would senpakumaxx too
Where have you seen his hair and nose?
>stop being creepy around women
>stop scamming
>stop shitting in the street
>start bathing

that's all you need to do. The funniest thing about the jeet hate is that nobody really wanted to hate you, in fact most people wanted to like you but the reality is that you are disgusting and anyone who has actual interactions with you will begin to hate you. Take a shower and use soap, just do that. It's really easy.
>100 million poo jews swarm to Canada
>hooray we won?
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I mean, they're like 1/7 of the whole human population, not counting the diaspora spread around the world. Every poster in this thread could be indian for all we know. Imagine when they'll redeem the whole internet.
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Are you telling me that you haven't encountered the infamous Jap-jeet yet? Let me introduce you to him. His trademark is that he will constantly repeat the word "incel" over and over again like some malfunctioning robot. Pic related.

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Is this dude the tech guy from YouTube?
No soul behind those eyes. He has been cursed by our Gods.
Kek, barely above a bot in terms of leveraging context in the responses.
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For pajeets, the definition of "winning" is turning a formerly pristine first world country into what you see in this webm. Pajeets are akin to some sort of insectoid super-organism from science fiction like the Xenomorphs, Tyranids or the Zerg. It's like a brown locust swarm that pollutes and desecrates everything that it comes into contact with. They are without reason, intelligence, or forethought. Their sole purpose is to shit out more pajeets and corrupt their surroundings with their stench and dysgenic spawn; quality is of no importance to these creatures, only quantity.

The pajeet super-organism only exists to defecate, pollute, post cringe, spread disease, gang-rape, and reproduce uncontrollably until the carrying capacity of their environment is exceeded. At that point, the dumb street-shitters either wither away from mass-starvation like they used to do in the pre-colonial era, or they begin flooding into other countries.
thank you for delivering my dominos pizza. Tip: $0.00.
But then it would simply become pooland 2.0 and all you smelly cunts would flock somewhere else, like a plague of shit-covered locusts.
I would have spelled virus as birus or wirus but otherwise 10/10
Yes it does mean worshipped.
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What makes you think they aren't bots?
Now let's see these whiteoid cucks make some about jews. They won't because they make them piss their pants.
Does anyone have a collection of all the murals)
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Jews aren't destroying Canada right now, its poojeets
Theoretically we could trace our open borders back to a Jew at some point but right now, its poo in loos like yourself that are the problem
That's the best part of jeet bashing you know there are tons seething at any post you make
She stood in ‘chadjeets’ droppings.
He's using a korean vpn now btw
Is there a breakdown somewhere on how the jeets actually fucked up crowdstrike?
raped is more likely
Has any ethnic group become so hated so fast?
we always were, pretty sure the other races could sense it and try not to anger us to much. a jeet has no such ability, it's hubris and filthyness is unlocking the Canadians capability for genocide though
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I'd say gypsies, but I suppose they don't really count since gypsies are just another type of pajeet.
Was it really a Jeet that caused it?
no saaaaaar it was completely consensual I’m an oppressed minority saaaaar don’t violate my human rrights I deserve to stay here
no...him and sukdeep have restraining orders and cannot be near schools.
Unironically yeah. I think this year will show us if the Canadian populace is based or is just a bunch of cucks
Reddit-Tier reply.
you were born of incest
only humans get human rights you Chinese curry shit
Trumpjeet will bring them all here next
The whole world will become poostained, hopefully the chinks nuke them at some point after we are gone.
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You'll will never be a chad

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