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Previous: >>475892404
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

▶17k celebration banners!
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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid - https://archive.today/FZ2aD
>It is not just the armaments sector in Russia, almost all sectors are growing - https://archive.today/45ISn
>Czech Republic says shells for Ukraine plan will fall short without more money - https://archive.today/r9lRs
>Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine - https://archive.today/Zt5GN
>Zelensky accuses Viktor Orban of betraying Europe - https://archive.today/pnKLk
>BBC: 40 minute interview Zelensky - https://archive.today/PsUYK
>Russia's ILLEGAL lawsuits over their stolen assets - https://archive.today/aTbck
>The Ukraine's parliament is totally dysfunctional - https://archive.today/mBXSi
>Western companies are now paying for sanctions - https://archive.today/rD9Kx
>EU Shell-Production Capacity, Supplies To Ukraine Fall Far Short Of Promises - https://archive.today/dCw4V


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>FABs in Volchansk
>Saving private kot
>Battles for suburbs of Toretsk
>Destruction of French Caesar SPG
>FAB drops from Su-34
>New Russian ultra cheap Molniya "Lightning" drone
>Group West assaulting hohol trench
>Belousov at training ground of Leningrad Military District
>Iskander-M destroys ammo depot in Kramatorsk
>Russian drone destroys Baba Yaga drone
>Russians roll out the latest night vision device
>Geran-2 drone strike on oil depot in Smela, Cherkasy
>Msta-B arty works on Krasnogorovka
>Hohol Hummer hits a mine
>Arrivals on Mnogoetazhki in Volchansk
>Hohol tried to install a repeater
>Aftermath of FABbing of Borovaya Kharkov
>TCC tries to kidnap a kid
>Policeman saves a civilian from meat-catchers
>AT mine guy is back
>Russian soldiers make Ukrainian soldiers to surrender by dropping leaflets from 220mm Uragan MLRS cluster munition
>Destroyed T-64, Maxx Pro and captured hohols
>Iskander-M strike on foreign instructors in Kharkov (new vid)

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Fagner group status?
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i cant stop baking booba breads bros
enjoy and remember to be antisemitic every day!!
Thanks for the quick response shill, filtered as always :)
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Teljes hohol halál.
Yeah live cam is up but Paris the city of lights looks dead.
Bro why are you pissing your pants? Why so scared? It's just a simple pair of questions:
>1: Will Ukraine win and retake Crimea?
>2: Does NATO want Ukraine to win?
Different MRAP
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>Anyone anti ZOG is a Communist
I thought the left were the ones always accusing people of being literally Hitler?
Keep us updated. Goylmpics ended?
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Without prigozhin nor utkin around it's more than clear that fagnerites will be massacred and kicked out of Africa by the niggers and the french
the dude died fighting the satanic zog. may he rest in peace
Nigger are you really replying to some butthurt shill from the last thread? Fuck's wrong with you boy?
>stop laughing at this these dead fagnerites and answer my pointless tankie faggot questions!!!
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I AM literally Hitler to some champagne socialist like Vaush.
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They are going to blame the usual suspects for the West, either Russia or Iran.
Is there a way to filter meme flags on the default 4chan filter without installing scripts add-ons etc.?
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unknowyiin tichnologyiis
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>giving yous to shills
just close your eyes nigga
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they really don't know that this communism bullshit is an outdated "insult."
it's almost as if boomers gave them tips on how to shill.
Russia hasn't had communism in decades and these degenerates think that saying that it does makes it true.
it's true Russia had Marxism-Leninism, but they NEVER had feminism, LGBTQIA+ shit, and DEI
Nice cross. Another victim of ukrandian anti-european barbarism i guess.

Why do these retards think that showing dead russians with christian crosses clearly visible will somehow make them win? Satanic trash nation desu
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>Pointless tankie questions
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they're literally the basis of your entire foreign policy for the past couple of years. They're the reason why you tanked your own economy and destroyed the wunderwaffen status of your prized weaponry.

You're squirming good. You literally can't even muster up the courage to say that Russia will lose. That's how buckbroken you are.
>mutt's law
I think I can narrow down his location
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>Why do these retards think that showing dead russians with christian crosses clearly visible will somehow ma ACK
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>Why do these retards think that showing dead russians with christian crosses clearly visible will somehow make them win?
when you're this petty, every photo of a corpse is a win
20 mercs died, this will surely put a stop to Wagner ops in niggerland, since they only have like 50K men or something along those lines
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should have stayed home
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Big gains in the rear, I hear. That Kostantinivka cauldron sure is fattening up.
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ZOGolems are like that, anon. Anyone who disagrees with them is literally Stalin.
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>reddit spacing and fake laughing
didn't read, kill yourself
Winning status lil guy? Will NATO triumph over weak Ruzzia?
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>when you're this petty, every photo of a corpse is a win
>20 mercs died, this will surely put a stop to Wagner ops in niggerland, since they only have like 50K men or something along those lines
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Guys an entire platoon of Russian mercenaries died in an ambush to Jihadis supported by western intelligence in bumfuck nowhere it's literally over for us
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honestly that cross is what makes this pic. Same as that one from the first months of the war in ukranda. Its motivating. Yeah its sad that they died but they died for us. Maybe im just too much of a christcuck but every one of these pics just motivates me.

>wants to stay at home instead of taming afrikandia
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ffs, quit giving yous to shills.
Imagine spending your days and nights seething on here constantly. Sounds like hell.
Deflecting won't save you lil guy, especially since even you know that Ukraine and NATO will lose.
nuke the olympics!
No! I haven't laughed this well in weeks.
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>supported by western intelligence
not the heckin' western intelligence comrade, they're always up to no good! we never needed those fagnerites anyway! 2 more weeks!
UKranda is over, give him a (you) so their mass surveillance will remember you
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It is over, without prigozhin the fagners will continue to be led by the same MOD that Lost half the blacksea fleet to a country without navy
Shills still thinking that killing some fat e-celeb retard is a win is hilarious
>incoherent leftpol troon screeching with capslock enabled
settle down zister, you don't want to spike your blood sugar
Give it to me straight

How is Julian holding up?
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They literally celebrating death of a white man
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Was to see this hunigger lately some weeks ago, hes ok

Where the fuck is that nigger who makes bootleg chargers i want to shittalk him.
fuck france. clown nation
>They actually bother to compare US army to Russia
Lel imagine if we got bogged down in Canada in a 2 week special military operation, lost our entire professional army, and then had to break out M48s and jeeps to keep moving an inch a day 2 years later. They would never shut up, but for Russia the war is going well.
Come on nigger, get real.
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>we didn't need 3 days SMO reporters anyway
Probably doing double shots of monster writing about 5 articles at once about how it's bad but could turn out good for ukraine if they just do what jihadi "got a dick? give 'em a boomstick" julian says.
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>every one of these pics just motivates me
that's a natural reaction when you're not a low-T buckbroken mantits wearing sója latte slurping niggeraggot
at least as far as slavs are concerned, can't speak for everyone
Why does /chug/ shill for ZOG?
how about some decent posts, dude?
There is not a single man as white as him left in the west.
That's why zogbots are screetching with glee.
Rest in peace king
I love when the shills supporting jews and globohomo try to pretend to be the le real nazis.
It's always a good laugh.
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>Total blackout across Paris and several neighbouring districts in a cyber attack
>Just a day after widespread arson attacks on the rail networks.






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shills are:
- gay
- niggers
- troons
- jews
- women
Deflecting won't save your alliance from yet another loss lil guy. Even you don't deny what's coming.
>1: Will Ukraine win and retake Crimea?
>2: Does NATO want Ukraine to win?
ok ok. there is no hope. got it
He's a spic, stupid retard should have left the country with his wife instead of trying to be a journo in a corrupt country that assassinates them like it's going out of style.
its the russians chinese iranians palestinians belarusians serbians venezuelans syrians lebanese!!! we need to invade those countries now goy!!!!!
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ukrandians should be slavs what the fuck is up with them? Im 25% hun maybe thats why but these fucking disgusting scum just dont match with me.
Dude I was just talking with my friend about something like this. Me him and a few other people are going to Reinfare in Huntersville next week and you have to be in some kind of character to get on the grounds so we're going to get high as fuck and eat some shrooms and go in there, I'm planning on doing some kind of devil costume or maybe a knight or something but I think this is going to be fucking hilarious to go in there and try to larp as whatever while we're high as fuck.
There's a lot of hot girls that go to these things too so maybe I'll pick one up or something if I can stop laughing kek
Look at these girls though
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Was it really cyber attacks or is it cope about their failing infrastructure not being able to handle the massive influx of tourists?
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>losing platoons and helicopters to a bunch of nigger tribesmen
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Crazy how all the shills replied to this immediately when I mentioned how western intelligence. It's so transparent too since the jihadis were getting curbstomped and had no weapons until France got ejected from Mali lol
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>ukrandians should be slavs
well, there sure is quite a few slavs running around there, but what you're dealing with is theswrthy mystery meat produced by all the invaders running a train on the fucking place over the past 1000 years, plus they are working for a 75% kike government...
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>fagner getting raped by Touareg
>raised interest rates
>loss of several helicopters in the last days was confirmed
>they lost a Su34
>an airfield in Tatarstan was droned, apparently a Tu-160m was hit there (the long-ass way the drone had to travel through Russian territory makes this extra embarassing, see picrel)
>yet another zigger suicidevideo , the forth one this week
>frozen Russian assets now officially being used by the EU to fund aid for Ukraine
It was another merc group.
guys (including shills), why is france like that?
imagine me posting pictures of Macron lying in bed with sweaty niggers for the next 10 minutes for no reason whatsoever
Didn’t you get bogged down in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan with you literally losing 2 of those decisively and arguably losing Iraq to Iran?

Russia is obviously taking this land to keep and it will never be returned because all the Ukrainians that would be upset about it are either dead, crippled, soon to be or in exile in the EU seething on the internet while their entire family that remains is gradually killed. The US decays as it’s population is replaced by niggers and Mexicans with their own governments support so the US isn’t long for this world just like Ukraine.
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Read "Camp of Saints"
it was obviously some supply logistics convoy, they had simple trucks and maybe one MRAP, also transporting a journo so they knew the road must be safe, glowniggers are behind this for sure
Not to mention they just happened to have several cameras ready for this ambush to paste all over the internet and right after it happened
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>glowniggers are behind this for sure
Imagine getting cucked by France like that if that's true
well still... mocking christians is where i draw the line. These fucks are nothing like us. Look at these fucking trash, laughin at a guy who has the cross on his neck. Nonono.
Every once in a while i start to feel bad for them them then this happens. They bragging about clusterbombing civies, (even thou airdefense is responsible for that) or like now, in africa. Fucking russians are trying to help and these fucking shitlords are braging about helping fuckin isis. WHY? Madness.

I just dont get it
>open /chug/
>gains AGAIN
>UN jew mindbroken
>French leftoids blaming leh Russian hackers
Good day Z bros!
Pretty good day
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>Ukraine celebrating a literal Islamic terrorist attack thousands of miles away while its soldiers are being surrounded and settlements continuously fall or be besieged.
So then we can expect Ukraine to stop retreating soon?
Ukraine is WINNING in Mali! Ukrainian BROTHAS will reclaim their African homeland!
what does she even mean?
Don't ask questions.
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they died doing what they loved- protecting some nigger warlord's interests
thank you based Putin!
I just cant wrap my mind around it, I am glad I was born in a neutral country, even with the drug war, I prefer to live here

Been like this since morning, man you should have seen it, 50 posts, all CAPS, massive copypastas and (You)s, it was crazy
Ukongolese are indeed the Niggers of Europe
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Ohh nyet they retreated from another road(((
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fun facts the Danish/Danske words for sausage and ghost rhyme the word for Sausage is "pølse" which rhymes with the word for Ghost "Spøgelse"

the Danish/Danske word for spøgelse comes from the work spøge to spook and roughly means something like to cause spookening

Ø is pronounced like the first sound in earth or the middle sounds in birth hurt say the word earth and make note of the sound at the beginning of the word

like the german letter ö
He definitely won't reply to that lmao.
lets be honest, there is no reason why ruschinkia cant get 100% control of africa....
cuckia. cucka.
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>vatniggerians coping they got destroyed by niggers
State of things lol
wagner did get his ass fucking raped but it doesnt even matter cause well..
why do you call it the "comfy" happening ukraine general as opposed to just ukraine general
>Greyzone is dead
Tg is looking more and more like a graveyard
Sad day
>avoids the actual frontline entirely

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>wagner did get his ass fucking raped but it doesnt even matter cause well..
you have posted this old ass image multiple times retard, I dont even know if the shills know their goals are lol
>Ø is pronounced like the first sound in earth or the middle sounds in birth hurt say the word earth and make note of the sound at the beginning of the word
Because it's comfy. You should see the other thread
because of the split back in i think it was march or february of 2022

which happened due to indian call center WEF hires and plebbitors spamming their niggertry every thread or some such
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why not?
if you dont mind, do you guys have big cities or its all rural over there? Do you have family houses in mountains? Is it nice?
>fucking mexico
we dont even have a sea..... fuck i wish i was you
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gay eurasian tranny thread
How does a convoy in Mali getting ambushed help Ukraine avoid the coming encirclements?
Its called comfy because its just a discussion with comfy shitposting, also gore is very shunned upon
Meanwhile /uhg/ is just nonstop screaming and circlejerk about who has the best gore (normally russian gore)
A thread about ukraine gore was made but it was quickly shot down
Its also a mercenary company that is exiled from Russia due to the failed coup(I'm still unsure that was even real). It literally means nothing at all to the Russo-Ukrainian war.

Amazing how they won't comment on losing 700 guys after the Prohres debacle allowing Russia to push past the first line of defence at Toretsk.
because its way comfier without having to talk to boomer mutts, butthurt belters, and jeets
>He says this after the french literal niggerfaggot worship they presented as an apperture for the olympics
Come the fuck on
>open filtered post
>its gorespam
such is life in 1984chan...
Are we demoralized bros? Does it work? Hundresd of BILLIONS of dollarinos spent here to DEMORALIZE US, did they suceeed? Oh its 2 clicks to fliter lmao
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It's nice, we do have big cities, just like any other country we have rural areas and city areas, it also depends which state you live in
Some states have barely a city, others are entirely urbanized
>larping about the split when you just couldn't handle the airport/hostomel incidents
nigger you can just sort by oldest in the archive and see that this is the case, you don't need to make up some capeshit lore
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faggot. get a real flag, you clown
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>nafo so desperate that they are jerking it to african shit
shhhhhh that is very antisemitic of you
Who's more demoralized, us that are just tired of spam in general, or these faggots seething all day and night in their goon caves?
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how long until Mali govt asks the French to come back?
>western money and intel goes towards turning African colony into a shithole that drives migrants to Europe again
Why do you hate Europe so much
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do you think drone executions are "comfy"?
you know like earth birth girth hearth further or like in german öst
or the word burns in english
It won’t, but the ukrainian draft dodgers living in Europe are so desperate for a win of any kind that they now try to live vicariously through islamists in hopes they will hurt Russians. It’s extremely petty and sad, but not unexpected for such a mentally broken people like them.

Ukraine will die and those islamists will be killed off along with their families as I doubt the Russians or the government of Mali would be opposed to such harsh actions.
Ah yes, the incident that wiped out the entire VDV(please don't pay attention to the VDV coming back time and time again).
un flaggot is by far the gayest shill ever. it's official
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>Are we demoralized bros?
I'm kind of drunk honestly
>because its way comfier without having to talk to boomer mutts, butthurt belters, and jeets
They come here to seethe regardless though, now they're gloating about the killing a mod from a tg channel in fucking Africa, i didn't follow the dude so idk about his channel. Sucks i guess, it doesn't affect the Ukraine war in any way because said incident happened to Wagner but they shill it like they took Robotyne (again)
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Can you just get in your car and go to the sea? We have one river... its hell i want to have a sea.
bro, say "uh" in english
and yet, /chug/ could not handle the videos, thus the split
anyone can go verify this in the archive, go ahead, prove me wrong
are you telling me that ukrainians and ukraine supporters are lying satanic niggers? how can this be...
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The guy suddenly 10 yeas yonger.
It's all just Zrada in Ukraine so they are scraping the barrel for whatever peremoga they can get outside Ukraine
how could this happen? they had no trannies or women in fagner, they were supposed to win!
that just sounds like aa/å
and not oe/ö/ø
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Ooooh ooooh aaaah aaaaah oooooooh oooooooh aaaaaah ooooooooh oooooh
they're pretty disgusting, russian drone footage usually shows them attacking 4 men squads
Meanwhile ukranian footage is usually them throwing incendiary nades to mortally wounded soldiers, its pretty fucked up
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evil kikes are escalatoring it again
why is Putin sending White men to die for some niggers?
why is he importing migrants to Belarus and pushing them into EU?
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>shill has to reply to itself
here's a picture of 10 dead guys. the VDV has been completely decimated. it's ogre.
Show us these videos, please. Oh, and screenshots from the archive confirming your story.
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I remember how VDV was completely wiped out there, then they got completely wiped again out around Bakhmutt, i blame necromancy.
>so much nothing happening that anons are arguing about language pronunciation
>meanwhile the shills are seething like never before
well hello, are you learning magyar yet?

szep jonapot niggereim
If Canada gets help from Russia, China, Iran and Best Korea, the not only America will get bogged down, it will collapse and cease to exist.
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>ziggers got rekt en masse by niggers
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Mutts zogbots pretty muc opened the trend in Africa.
The chick that won't fuck you
I still might fuck her
>le ziggers are friggin DEAD
i dont care lol
Name another succesful VEH DEH VEH operation after it got eliminated in the airport
Why would they want the French who just hid in their base and let Islamists operate with impunity? France didn’t engage so the situation would never improve. Russia is killing them which inevitably leads to losses and casualties of their own. You act like they didn’t assist Syria in wiping out Islamists, but you think Africa will be any different?
nigger I'm not spending my saturday night trying to convince some shitskinned subhuman of anything
anyone can go verify this themselves if they want, sort by oldest in the archive, it's up to you to prove me wrong
good job making up some bullshit capeshit origin though, dumb shitskinned sandnigger in norway lmao
>rushills avoid discussing fagner getting blacked
>waiting for new metodichka
well...how to explain..ehem
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4 americans vs 40 fagners in a single day
Anne frank or a dude?
the best part is when cnn went to the airport and found them all quite alive and just there
necromancy op?
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They defended the southern and northern flank of Bakhmutt, you know the city Azov and Sirsky wanted to recover so badly after the counteroffenssiyiv
>Mutts zogbots pretty muc opened the trend in Africa

but fagner went for the highschore
mutts lost 4 soldiers, there's heaps of ziggers in vids tho
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OK, I ran it through text to speech, that just sounds like faggy i
and definitely not the sound at the beginning of the word "earth"

are you learning magyar yet?
nah, but I can kind of guess what you wrote there
>mutt's law from a pole
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the fuck are you even talking about?
>No proof
>Bro trust me
>nigger I'm not spending my saturday night trying to convince
These posts show otherwise:
what trucks are those?
>Fella can't even wring out a fake "Slava Ukraini will win"
Depression creeping up like a weed status?
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You dont get it. Mutt zogbots opened the trend back in the 90s.
Everytimes they foot step in africa they got rekt and leave for the next decade before trying again.
post hand and passport
which sound
I mean... they REALLY believe their delusions
If all the shit they posted these last 2 years were actually true, Russia would already lost the war... to bad for them that their shit doesn't reflect reality
dude who told you i post women with dicks? rumous...dont believe them.
yeah it's her. imagine the smell bro. not shaved vagina
>A wagner convoy got ambushed
>This somehow affects the war in Ukraine
I really don't know what to tell you, the most chug lost was a tg mod that some anons followed, it sucks, but we don't feel particularly
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They know what's coming. The high from the 60 billion dollars has worn off. Back in those days I could harvest these dumbass replies by the score.
First one i dont know, second one is a malian army VP11 MRAP (made in china).
*rumours amk
>Airborne division defending itself from a country that was given nothing for the counteroffensive
Mexican intellectuals everyone
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>topping statues to dead soviet Ukrainians
> zis is how ve vill win ze war
>let's all conveniently forget Mogadishu
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I miss the great shills we had, CEM and the Estonian trash can.
So you just aren’t going to acknowledge the VDV continuing to exist and take territory of the ukraine despite previously claiming them to be destroyed on multiple occasions?
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Poles are the goodest of golems' golems, what's fucking new?
went from having a fucking Pope and lowest abortion rate in Europe to coddling their own butchers and importing quarter million shitskins at their master's beckon in 20 years

shitposting about it is different than constructing an infographic + linking to multiple posts for some shitskinned kebabnorsk who will just say "nuh-uh" and continue being brown
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well.. they did reach the first line.. technically
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I thought you guys burned her in an oven?
18 americans killed by a mob of subhumans on the street vs 40 killed in the middle of nowhere
On reconsideration, it might be Pvt. Ramirez again. Thank xer for his cervix!
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how many dead ziggers in total, do you recon? a company worth?
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The only new shill left from when the 60 billion dollars was given is the UN memeflaggot. That nigger first appeared then with his buddies but his sisters are all gone. I wonder if he will disappear soon like the rest
is it aa/å sounding like the letter i
which makes no sense because aa/å is pronounced like uh in uhm or ooh

whereas if it is ø it is weird

or do you mean from the selection of words that i presented
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remember that
>wiped out
is the exact same wording they use ANYTIME they talk about the VDV, almost as if it never happened and they have a script to stick to
this is how people who look like poop act
>urkoniggers bragging about a literal terrorism
May our fellow chirstians rest in peace. I will light a candle for them in my serbian made orthodox church. RIP bozos.
I'm not asking for an infographic, all I'm asking is for these videos that btfo chug apparently. I'll even waive the comment requirement. Hopefully that's not too much for you or your narrative.
see, /chug/ is absolutely so buckbroken about these incidents that I don't even need to say VDV, they just continue their butthurt from it
remember: to any observers you can sort by oldest and see the split for yourselves
your tranny thread was created because you couldn't handle the bants
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>>urkoniggers bragging about a litera ACK
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>from a country that was given nothing for the counteroffensive
You have to be retarded, Ukraine received more money in 2022 alone than the US destinated to Afghanistan during 20 years, Ukraine at the end of 2022 had the second biggest army in Europe just behind Russia itself, they got the spare soviet fighters from the entire warsaw pact, and now you come with
>heh, they didn't have shit chud
You HAVE to be retarded.
>inb4 Nafo wanted Ukraine to lose chud
didn't seem like it
why you cry about muh golem, your russian compatriots are getting shredded to pieces on two continents now
your tears nourish me
Do you think he'll whisper "take that, Putin" as he slits his wrists?
did you know she was in the literally last train to the kz? bad luck.
Wow, didn't know some convict mercs with shovels were as good as SFOD and Army Rangers. Good to know!
>real country
>real white people
>merrymutt cant even
you are a nigger arent ya? You will never NEVER be white.

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Ukraine received jackshit for the counteroffensive, that faggot Sullivan gave puccians time to blow the dam, and prepare defenses everywhere
>I don't even need to say VDV
>you just couldn't handle the airport/hostomel incidents
Try not to play so much into your own stereotypes, mutt.
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I always kek with that video
Why didnt she just moonwalk away- wait are you gonna go to jail for joking about this?
how does ø sound like i ?
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>i've made those numbers up
We know.
We also know that elite mutt zogbots are not better than wagner mercenaries at the end of the day when it come to Africa.
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hohols lost 1910 in the last 24hrs.
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Just like he did with his dick
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>why you cry about muh golem
because you're right next to me you anti-freeze injected meat peddling nigger
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>Ukraine received jackshit for the counteroffensive
>tranny thread
reminder that the dead tranny shill who killed himself used to bake r/ugh and would 200pbtid every thread
desu several times more ziggers die each day in Ukraine
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But the Gay Zone admin supported RDK kikes and had one of them as a moderator
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Fagnerites were actually the best vatniks had to offer, but now they are being led by incompetent yes sir men since prigozhin was killed by Shoigu
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>, that faggot Sullivan gave puccians time to blow the dam
Forget it, now i know you're retarded, blame on me for expecting otherwise from a memeflag
>superiours westerns tacticoools pls understanrds siiiirs
You just mentioned the VDV here in which they were claimed to have been destroyed at an airport, but have continued to conquer Ukrainian territory so where are you even going with this?
lmao your country is also in HATO and EU the fuck is Poland changing to your situation, you retarded faggot? go back to rashka
How is Putin any better? He is a wannabe antichrist who in reality is nothing more than an inbred, mongoloid midget.
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>400 losses (wia/kia/pow)
>45.000 personnels before the war expanded since
Of course we don't need to follow you in your delusion and cope.
>the convicts with shovels were the best of the best
Lmao love the narrative switches in record time. I know the olympics is going on but I don't think they have a category for shilling
you bozos even have islands? off topic but do you?
Could you please explain the sounds again?
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go back to Pakistan you fucking faggot
you can't even keep up appearances for 30 seconds
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posts like this are why american boomers need to die
who talks like this and believes this?
>as opposed to my nigger president, a senile grandpa and our future jeet one who happens to be a femoid too!
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>mutt hours
>lose company worth of elite soldiers
>lose two helicopters
>lose a propagandist
>to a band of goatfuckers

I hope we will get some comfy ebheading vids out of this soon
>He is a wannabe antichrist
You are ruled by a dementia patient, nigger. And soon to be ruled by a jeet woman.
It doesn't matter if Russia is communism, or whatever. Russia is #1 in the world in child trafficking, pedophilia, and HIV. Putin himself is a pedophile. I don't know how any retard can simp for this inbred mongoloid/neanderthal hybrid.
there was also a spearhead very close to hostomel that was trying to "link up" with them, you niggers seethed about the video of civilian volunteers posting dead russians hanging out of their armor
I remember it well, nigger, the split happened around this time and you couldn't handle the dead russians
go ahead though, make some infographic for your tranny capeshit story when in reality you just couldn't handle the losses that started piling up
interest rate rise from 16% to 18% because the russian economy is going so well! cope and seethe holols
>go back to Pakistan
how fucking bad are you at recognizing flags?
dont forget to taunt ultimate homosexual gathering about krasnogorivka
i dont know about this one zisters
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It's terrible... I need to fix my sleep schedule so I won't have to be around for it
post the one in captivity of them crying!
Some 110 Leopard 2s, all of Poland's T72 stocks, 30 M1 Abrams, 12 Challengers, all of Denmark's SPG, some 200 Bradleys, 100 Leopard 1s. That's just nothing.
Okay shills, are they convicts and wasters with shovels or ELITE 10 FOOT TALL SUPERSOLDIERS or whatever? Call of duty has rotten these faggots brains
Yeah, and you are always trying to cross the border illegally. Figure that one out. If it is so bad, then why do you want to be here? Is this sour grapes for being deported?
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I keep telling My comrades here, they they better pray and hope democrats win, or Trump will humiliate vatniggers like he did in his first term
>it was real in my mind
>lose its country
did crime-qt ask about me, bro?
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Total Mutt Death
>off topic but do you?
I honestly don't know, which means that even if we do, they're irrelevant for the average mexican, perhaps some weird tourist destination, but that's it
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snibby :)
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
fuck you, fuck your country and fuck you all of you i hate muttistan so fucking much its unreal
I'm VERY good at smelling out fucking gypsies
you wouldn't even open your fucking mouth if you actually were a Pole after what I wrote, not brush it off like a level 100 kike
the letter aa/å is pronounced like the exclamation "oh, so that happened"

whereas ø is like the german letter ö
and sounds kinda like the sound you would hear in the words burn or churn
he is just celebrating his african brothas
poles are the niggers of europe as described by niggers themselves!
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>vid rel
thats a war crime! lmao
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I only have that one. Where they are tortured by getting given healthy food.
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that's not what happened
Take a bath. You stink.
russian subhumans push most of their propaganda through vpns so they larp everyone else is using vpns aswell
they know already whole civilized world thinks they are subhuman
there were multiple videos in and around hostomel, but you're so asshurt even now that you're saying the claim is that the entire VDV was wiped out
go read the RUSI report for specifics dumb nigger, I'm only speaking to why the thread split, and why the thread split is that trannies couldn't handle the bants, i.e. the dead russians, in and around the hostomel saga, they had to be "comfy"
pedo nigger calling others pedo. president is pedo...the jew elite pedos had an own island to fuck kids etc etc
Oh yes, you didn't answer me yesterday WHY would the democrats have any short of problem hitting russia with everything, do they like Russians? are they putin agents? tell me memeflaggot.
Oh, shame. Turns out posting those videos WAS indeed too much for you. I'm sorry.
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Anybody translate my gif please

Explain further please.
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>russia gets rekt
>what about demographics tho
very sad cope
but going back on topic, I am watching the vids, and can't stop thinking about those few fagnerites remaining alive- is this is how they imagined the "multipolar world" would look like?
No... the American spirit...
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>Erm... why do you call the thread "comfy" when it's-
again, you are so butthurt that it's instinctual to you to flail about the VDV with this loss for why you trannies split the thread
like clockwork
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Thats alright, heres one of them with two black eyes.
the sign is a subtle joke
Surprised that they even know what a VPN is. Their cyber ops are just a bunch of High Orbit Ion Cannon users. Script kiddies. The same faggots who actually believe that using DDoS tools is hacking.
well at least you have a sea....

its not personal but your country is shit.
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Yeah, kinda sad another slavic country is getting fucked and replaced, but hey, polack asked for it.
>I'm VERY good at smelling out fucking gypsies
>you wouldn't even open your fucking mouth if you actually were a Pole
LMAO at your delusions
or maybe that's retardation, who can tell
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>trannies couldn't handle the bants, i.e. the dead russians
that's all you've been posting for 2 years and thread is still up you dumb motherfucker
trannies would already hole up in some private discord server
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Russian won at Gostomel, you subhuman mutt. The faggot CNN reporter even went there to interview the glorious Ukrainian counter attackers only to find Russians.
>but going back on topic
Speaking of, do this help the ukraine win though?
the original general back when the war started getting these NATO military intel shill niggers so we made our own pro-russia thread
>tranny thread
>while your thread have unironic trannies, one of them ACKed himself
Projecting, I see
you are gypsy sar
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No idea want me to relay a message to her?
>well at least you have a sea....
We have TWO, kinda, the gulf of Mexico and the pacific.
She's going to exterminate the I.N.C.E.L. threat one forced envelopment at a time
holy shit, UN fag is a confirmed kike, he thinks, he behaves like one
>20 tanks?? REALLY? 10 tanks? what am I supposed to do with one tank?
hohol supporters are:
- jews who suck toddler penis
- niggers
- gay troons
- women
yeah what was danemami, shitskin
>Speaking of, do this help the ukraine win though?
but also I dont care about Ukraine, I just enjoy seeing russians getting maimed and killed
we have 1 river... its kinda nice there are fishes sometimes, if somene puts them in.
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you are same fucking dravidian scum as the br*tish motherfucker who stinks up this place
you never learn
you know what makes you visible
and I will gladly keep it that way
its their business to know
they've been spreading lies since catherine the great
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>yeah what was danemami, shitskin
What IS pedokraut?
she should investigate my dick
>American calling others shitskin
Thanks. The black eyes must be the lack of corn cyrup.
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whatever helps you cope with yuor compatriots getting massively rekt by goatfuckers
withdraws a re a mother fucker bro, kek
I call r/uhgtroons this
i'm sure she is missing me
i am uncertain of where i could go from here
I have no idea who that is, doesn't even look like the same poster filenames, I know that you couldn't handle the jerking off to a tranny though, of which there have been multiple in your tranny thread
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Cope about this
Yeah, most of them being shills like you
The absolute state of NATO supporters
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cope about this
went back years in my folders just for you for this one
imagine jerking off to a tranny
and having more than a dozen threads dedicated to a tranny
and having OP images, dedicated to the tranny tits you jerked off to
yeah whatever you say, shitskinned subhuman
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Reminder that supporting ukraine means you hold the same opinions as reddit and twitter trannies and the jews controlling western governments who mass-import shitskins into White countries
Enjoy your tranny olympics, peak western culture
Reverse counteroffensivv

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