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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>475922048

▶Day: 885 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> Russian State Duma adopts ban on gadgets use by soldiers
> Vladimir Arseniev, 74, the head of Russian defense enterprise Volna Central Research Institute — tried to burn himself on Red Square
> China has begun to divide its currency into "clean" and "dirty," that is, for example those bought on the sanctioned Moscow Exchange or used in transactions with Moscow — Chinese banks avoid "dirty" yuan & this means Russia can no longer buy dollars from China
> State of Emergency declared as dam failure causes major flooding in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
> EU transfers 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
> Russia's central bank hiked its key interest rate by 200 basis points to 18% on Friday as it grapples with high inflation and an overheated economy
> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)

Are you surprised the Rat King is begging for peace?

Have you ever wondered why ukraine supporters are widely mocked and ridiculed?
Read Mearsheimer and find out why.

>The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed

Here is Mearsheimer in 2015 telling you exactly what would happen in 2022/2023.
>Why is Ukraine the West's Fault?

Here is a 4 minute video from 2014 where Mearsheimer explains how our current course will lead to disaster in ukraine. Was he right?
https://youtu.be/mxn_DdshwCc?t=2313 (new/working link)

>Bound to Lose: Ukraine’s 2023 Counteroffensive


In this short article, Professor Mearsheimer talks about how ukraine failed their offensive, and how it didnt take nostradamus to see it failing.

>The Ukrainian counteroffensive was doomed to fail from the start. A look at the lineup of forces on both sides and what the Ukrainian army was trying to do, coupled with an understanding of the history of conventional land war, make it clear that there was virtually no chance the attacking Ukrainian forces could defeat Russia’s defending forces and achieve their political goals.
New Baker needed
I do remember. Those were the good times.

do you not get your potato ration if you conduct your spam after the bump limit?

why do you always shit the bed once the bump limit is reached?
So you're at the level of cope now where you can't even use images from the same continent?
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"Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power."
Lao Tzu

The combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022 to July 28, 2024.
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The ironic thing about the GREY ZONE admin getting killed is that he praised Palestinian Muslims on telegram and ended up getting killed by Tuareg Muslims
>everyone disappears suddenly when work needs done.

now watch everyone come back now.
> driving in tight dense column
Kek, they never learn, do they?
so every accusation you make is an admittance about yourself?
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3 Russian helicopters damaged in Ukrainian sabotage operations, source says.

The operations damaged a Mi-8, Mi-28, and Ka-226 helicopters in Moscow and Samara region, a source in Ukraine's military intelligence said on July 27.
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Russian Su-34 bomber crashes during training flight.

A Russian Air Force Su-34 bomber plane crashed during a training exercise in Volgograd Oblast, Russian state media Ria Novosti reported on July 27.
Probably bragged how easy it is to fight there compared to ukraine too

I leave the projecting to you guys.
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Orban accuses US of blowing up Nord Stream pipelines amid anti-Western tirade.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on July 27 accused the U.S. of blowing up the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines and claimed that a third party is needed to end the war in Ukraine. Russia blamed the U.S. and U.K. for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines connecting Russia and Germany in September 2022. Investigations have so far failed to find conclusive evidence, and both Denmark and Sweden dropped the case in February 2024. The German investigation is still ongoing.

>Signs of a desperate man
It's "work needs to be done"
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Blinken warns China of 'taking measures' if it keeps helping Russia's defense industry.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on July 27 that Washington will take measures if China continues to support Russia's defense industrial base, according to U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller.
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> counter terrorists win
>why are you here fake ukie flag
>is a russian using a vpn
projecting? is that another admittance?

whats that about it being sunday morning?

dont ever correct my english, fake ukie flag.
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Ukraine earns first-ever Olympic football victory by beating Morocco.

Ukraine's football team won its second game at the Olympic Games in Paris on July 27, beating Morocco 2:1. This is the country's first ever victory in football at the Olympics.
Is it just me or did the Grey Zone admin kind of look like the beige Swedish guy
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thank you CIA
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I wonder where he got an idea like that.
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I thought Zelensky's home was a mansion in Florida?
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China denies aiding Russia's war effort in Ukraine.

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on July 27 that Beijing denies allegations of helping Russia's war effort in Ukraine.

It's still sunday morning and i will correct you as much as i feel like it
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Oil refinery on fire in Russia's Kursk Oblast.

A drone attack in the Kursk region of Russia overnight on July 28 caused explosions and resulted in several fires, including one at an oil depot.
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why are ziggers surprised when ukrainians are issued fresh uniforms and gear when they are rotated to the rear to rest and refit? what a strange thing to make a stink about. it's almost like that does that not happen in the russian army or something. i wonder why that would be.
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Imagine the smell in mearschizo's pidorussian basement...
The Kremlin claims its economy is thriving because of its illegal invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin is lying.

Inflation is double the Central Bank’s target and war expenditure is creating unsustainable growth and an overheated economy.

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cigarettes, mold and cum.
>The Kremlin claims its economy is thriving because of its illegal invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin is lying.
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And vodka
The second visually confirmed loss of the Russian BMP-3 fitted with Kaktus ERA. Mariinka front, Donetsk region.


Your sentence was grammatically incorrect. Take the L mutt. A foreigner knows English better than you do and that's sad.

In other news, look at the average home in Ukraine. Imagine living like this.
I doubt he leaves any trace of vodka in his pigsty.
More improvised Russian artillery pieces made from 73-mm 2A28 "Grom" gun of BMP-1.


here comes the ankle biters.
>Nikopol Manganese mill IR shows production
Looks like Russia hasn't ended all of Ukraine's economic activity. Maybe those articles will give them an idea?
/1. Russian Defense Ministry - A Su-34 fighter-bomber/strike aircraft crashed in the Volgograd region of Russia. The crew survived. The flight was carried out without ammunition, there is no damage on the ground. A technical malfunction could have been the cause of the accident.
Yooooo what??? Do people live in these???

correcting anon's grammar is an indication you have nothing better to say.

Its a symptom of your desperation.
struck a little too close to home with that one?
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> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474805783/#474806934
> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474805783/#474807103
> https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/475679623/#475689690
Imagine larping for 2 years as a burger and then fucking it all up after getting drunk one time. lol. lmao even
When you hear the drones coming after they send you to the front for incompetence, try and die funny
Maybe wear a funny hat or something so we’ll know it was you
Im absolutely seething.
correcting an anons*
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Yeah but you're an American. Your point would stand if that guy wasn't a Ukranian.

Also why do Ukranians live like this? In my city the homeless shelters look better.

its all true. Im russian.

Too bad no one takes you seriously.
Cry me a river ivan and then drown yourself in your river of tears. If you try to build a bridge to get over it the Ukrainians will just blow it up.
/2. Residents of the Serafimovsky district of the Volgograd region of Russia are posting photos and videos on social networks of smoke over the forest where the Su-34 bomber crashed.

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>ziggers are fighting with each other in this thread
you picked it as the first post to reply to so probably nailed it. didn't I.
Crimea River
>live like this?
Noooo way. Is this the suburbs of Ukrania? Even Portland is not this bad. Ukranians need to clean up their city.
>/2. Residents of the Serafimovsky district of the Volgograd region of Russia are posting photos and videos on social networks of smoke over the forest where the Su-34 bomber crashed.
How did those Mongolian potato farmers get phones in Mandatory Putinstan?
/3. Crash site of the Russian Su-34 in Volgograd region.

same way all prisoners do
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> tf
> tp
Not even capitalizing the russian
lmao even
Remember to die funny, mearschlomo
pontooning a river of tears sounds like the name of a folk country song.
>>475939653 idk :^3

/1. Today at 2:41 am, residents of Crimea heard at least 13 explosions/strikes from different directions around Yevpatoriya and Saky. Strikes were also carried out on the Russian military airfield in Novofedorivka.

Footage shows a military airfield in Novofedorivka. After the strikes, locals also reportedly heard a secondary detonation from the ground.

>on the 26th
>>475939781 update

/3. Low resolution Sentinel satellite images if the aftermath of recent Ukrainian strikes on Russian military airfield in Novofedorivka appeared.
Bradley IFV fires from a 25mm gun at a Russian BMP on the Eastern Front

Russian BMP explodes spontaneously

Nice try hidden flag. I know for a fact this is just downtown Philadelphia last winter after Biden took office. Still looks less damaged than Ukraine. When I type in Donetsk I get this image on Google. Canada should give you aid in dealing with fires because our large cities don't burn like that.
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And then the discord chug team had to go away to have a group cry over the 100 dead Fagners
Why even bother?
This is not a horror movie. And this house is not abandoned ... its an apartment building in Russias Kazan. The Putin regime allocates enormous amounts of money to war
Poor Ukranians have to live in an apartment and hoping the floors don't fall through. That reminds me of watching videos about Favelas in Latin America.
You know, whenever a leader suddenly has very loud foreign policy opinions, there's usually something bad brewing at home for them. I wonder what's cooking in Hungary that's causing Orban to cry to Daddy Putin for help.
>>475940009 fuck if I know, need guns I guess

Footage of an assault group of dozens of soldiers, many of whom were Wagner mercenaries in Mali, destroyed by the rebels.

A bit earlier today Reuters published a short article about this:

“Mali's northern Tuareg rebels said they had killed and injured dozens of soldiers and Wagner mercenaries in two days of fighting near the Algerian border, after the army said it had lost two soldiers but killed some 20 rebels.

The rebel movement, the Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security and Development (CSP-PSD), said in a statement it had seized armoured vehicles, trucks and tankers in the fighting at the border town of Tinzaouaten on Thursday and Friday.

It has also damaged a helicopter, which crashed in the town of Kidal, hundreds of kilometres away, the rebel group said on Saturday.”


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But look at Google search. I type in Kazan Russia and I get the best pictures of it. When I type in Donetsk Ukrain I also get the best pictures of the city but one of the search results just gives me the inside of a dumpster.
I know this looks like a Ukrainian city after russia came but this is actually a russian city. Russky mir in all of its glory.
Does anyone have the German Gref's analysis of russian economy? It was posted here like a week or two ago.
>Footage of an assault group of dozens of soldiers, many of whom were Wagner mercenaries in Mali, destroyed by the rebels.
>A bit earlier today Reuters published a short article about this:
all rusnigger bloggers deserve this
If you think that’s bad you should see what has happened to Canada.
>Footage of an assault group of dozens of soldiers, many of whom were Wagner mercenaries in Mali, destroyed by the rebels.
>A bit earlier today Reuters published a short article about this:
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>Fagners got rekt by sand niggers, how will chug ever cope after this
Russia didn't do anything lmao. They are losing the war because they have the weakest army in G20. They die as soon as they land on Ukranian soil. Stop trying to convince me Russia is capable of any harm.
>unknown technology
>They are losing the war because
War thunder in shambles. Already planning on nerfing the Bradley again.
bad scene for russians
they're losing the war because they are incompetent subhumans.
As claimed by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine:
“On July 24, 2024, Russian Mi-8 military helicopter was burned down at the airfield "Kryaz" in Samara, Russia.”

Also a low resolution satellite imagery of what appears to be remainings of a burned helicopter was published.
(53.1170868, 50.0908119)

Also as was claimed- “a few days earlier, on July 21, 2024, two more Russsian helicopters- Mi-28 and a multi-purpose Ka-226 - were hit by fire in the Tomilino settlement near Moscow.”

P.S: Hopefully we will see more, better quality, satellite imagery or other confirmations.

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Well if you type in new york, you probably won't see a pic of some brooklyn jew scamming people with counterfeit watches under a bridge either
>As claimed by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine:
>“On July 24, 2024, Russian Mi-8 military helicopter was burned down at the airfield "Kryaz" in Samara, Russia.”
/2. Attached thread with the geolocation of fire, based on published footages, on the territory of «National Helicopter Manufacturing Center Named After M.L. Mil and N.I. Kamov» where Russian Ka-226 and Mi-28 helicopters were allegedly set on fire.

Image with estimated geolocation by @PowerPigeon2


Drone attack is reported in the Medvensky District of the Kursk region of Russia

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> Drone attack is reported in the Medvensky District of the Kursk region of Russia
video 1
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you mean that isn't a bombed-out warzone? that is how it is normally?
holy shit. pick a lane zigger. is this your first day shilling?
first you were fighting with mearshnigger. then you were showing battle scarred ukraine and bitching about how poor it is. now you are saying russia dindu because they are poor too. fuck.
>Drone attack is reported in the Medvensky District of the Kursk region of Russia
video 2
wagner zisters?

one of the more telling observations I have made over the years is that you can never tell what parts of ukraine are ravaged by war, or its just the normal sty you fuckers prefer to live in.

Now ukraine is going to be divided up among its neighbors so that all that rich land can be put to good use.

you deserve everything that is coming.
>you mean that isn't a bombed-out warzone? that is how it is normally?
you know it is, 50% of those niggers don't even have a indoor toilet, that live in the corpe/shadow of the CCCP, and for twenty something years let a bunch of kikes in the Kremlin & their friend feed and get fat off the state while the rest of Russia rots, that's why the state and it's army is stuck in the fucking 60-70's
An oil depot in Polevaya was attacked by a drones. As a result, three fuel reservoirs caught fire.

>Now ukraine is going to be divided up among its neighbors so that all that rich land can be put to good use.
as if russia didn't have that kind of shit

>they live in the corpe/shadow of the CCCP

As reported by Russian propagandists - As a result of an ambush on a Wagner column in Mali, the administrator of the major Russian military/Wagner telegram channel 'Grey Zone' (530k followers) was killed.

Last published images on his telegram channel from Africa dated to 21st and 23rd of July 2024.

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>live in the corpe/shadow of the CCCP
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I know.

this is a weak argument you have provided me, indonesianon. Are you sure you want to stick to it?

Furthermore, you are no different from the crazy left you tried to distance yourself from.

There truly are no impressive ukraine supporters in the world.
>I know.

If you knew anything, you wouldnt support ukraine.
/2. Presumably this is the body of killed Grey Zone administrator. Other Russian military propaganda channels published his first photos, according to which his identity was established - 31-year-old Muscovite Nikita Fedyanin

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kek, they even killed a zigger shitposter
I know what that hole in the ground you call home smells like evidently
>/2. Presumably this is the body of killed Grey Zone administrator. Other Russian military propaganda channels published his first photos, according to which his identity was established - 31-year-old Muscovite Nikita Fedyanin
pic 3

for you chug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSK8jTzl1Kw
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Did anyone in your family get blown up already? How were the cheetos?
Don’t forget to die funny lol
/3. One of ‘Grey Zone’ older posts regarding his experience in Mali:

“Well, Mali is cool. No aviation. Limited amount of artillery, which relative to SMO = almost none. Almost no drones. It's pure Counter Strike, honest shooting combat. Old school.”
I can tell.
Doesn’t really seem worth it, but I guess in a defensive position they would be pretty useful.
>Furthermore, you are no different from the crazy left you tried to distance yourself from.
such as what? most western ukrainian supporters are actually libtards who forgot to actually take their revolutionary leftist makeup post 2020, meanwhile one doesn't need to look further than your "local" Rage Against the War Machine rally to see what the crazy left and (insane right) are up to
>Did anyone in your family get blown up already?

I am the last one left.

Have you learned Chinese yet?
So when its the title being updated to Ukraine Genocide General?
>last of the mearshniggers
Reminder that this >>475941782 redditspacing tranny isn't an american, but a rusnigger on a VPN lmao.

You sound young and stupid or just russian
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Based berber kings
As claimed by Russian sources, total Russian/Wagner losses in Mali are close to 100 people. “80 killed and more than 15 captured.”

Commander of the 13th assault detachment, call sign "Rusich":

"At the moment, in the territory of the Republic of Mali, in the area of the city of Tin-Zouatin, the Malian armed forces are conducting an operation with the support of the Wagner.

To be specific, they were supported by the 13th assault detachment, in which, unfortunately, I commanded, but due to circumstances I left the company. But my people were still there and were finishing the contract.

At the moment, according to my information, more than 80 people - 200, as a result of this operation. (200 is a term used as "killed".) More than 15 people are in captivity. This are our Russian comrades, servicemen who represent the interests of Russia.

I, the commander of the 13th assault detachment, contacted people from the African Corps and the Special Operations Forces, I am trying to convey a message to the Deputy Minister of Defense.

I simply ask for help from the Ministry of Defense, from the Government of our Motherland in this matter. In turn, I am ready to provide myself and all those people who are ready to follow me absolutely free of charge, in order to save the boys. I am ready to gather all the people who are ready to fly there free of charge without any insurance payments, I will hire a charter and fly to Mali together with these people in order to rescue our guys."

>No translated text of these niggers talking about it on TG, but here they are anyway
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>no wonder the faggots are a little upset right now :^3

you are fundamentally dishonest.

this is the hallmark distinction between the crazy left and those who are actually worth something.

>and (insane right) are up to

there is no "insane right" to talk about. unless of course you are trying to fool someone.

the "crazy right" are entirely repressed and marginalized. to even bring them up is a sign of your dishonesty.

Are you muslim, indonesianon? Practicing or no?
he's both
>you are fundamentally dishonest
Says the rusnigger that is currently hiding behind a VPN lmao

the trannies dont talk about or even acknowledge ukie casualties.

which is how you know they truly "support" ukraine.
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You would know about trannies, transflaggot lmao
it's not surprising that all that they were unable to find a mate and reproduce.
>you are fundamentally dishonest.

>I think you Gentleman will get a kek out of this

Pool on one of Russian TG channels…
every accusation you make ends up being a confession so I have to ask are you a tranny?
Russia wary of U.S. and France election surprises, especially Kamala Harris, - WP

Biden’s withdrawal in favor of Harris has upended a race that Kremlin believed Trump could win, creating "a window of opportunity" to settle the war in Ukraine on Russia’s terms.
kek at westoids cheering literal al-qaeda
My currency isn’t pegged to the yuan lol
Who gets the lada after you get droned? (Remember, die funny! Do it for mearsh!)
> carlos!
Trump: “Christians, get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians! I’m a Christian”

Nothing because I live there. Hey worry about yourself first, alright.
Never forget #BloodyOlympics
Pentagon has found errors in its assessment of military aid to Ukraine ($2 billion).

In 2023, Pentagon claimed that employees used replacement cost instead of depreciated value to calculate billions of dollars of materials sent to Ukraine.

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Oh no those hecking trannies are at it again. Poor Rusniggers where ever they go they just get mogged by trannies.
Serial production of the "Ratel H" ground drone has been launched in Ukraine, - Ministry of Statistics

The Ratel H is designed to transport and evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, is capable of transporting more than 400 kg and accommodates two people. The complex is equipped with a satellite night camera.

To perform various tasks, it can be equipped with a EW complex, a mobile observation point, a combat module or a demining unit.

Haha wow no way!!! Who would have guess they were laundering- I mean, miscalculating billions they sent to Ukraine? Oopsie haha! So silly :)
It's called being educated. I don't shill for anyone and just state facts to people like you who never read a book in their lives.
In the land where the birch trees sway,
By the river wide and gray,
Russia builds a bridge of dreams,
Across the tears and silent streams.

Pontooning on a river of tears,
Through the shadows of our fears,
Crossing over pain and strife,
With each step, we reclaim our life.

Snowflakes fall on a crimson sky,
As the old songs softly cry,
With every oar and every beam,
We forge ahead, we mend the seam.

Pontooning on a river of tears,
Through the shadows of our fears,
Crossing over pain and strife,
With each step, we reclaim our life.

From the Volga to the Black Sea,
Every tear is a memory,
Yet the heart remains so strong,
Guided by a timeless song.

Pontooning on a river of tears,
Through the shadows of our fears,
Crossing over pain and strife,
With each step, we reclaim our life.

In the land where the birch trees sway,
By the river wide and gray,
Russia’s hope will never cease,
In the dance of grief and peace.
That's actually very sad
According to RBC Ukraine
Satellite images of Olenya Air Base, - CyberBoroshno

◾20.07 - 27 aircraft (14 Tu-95MS, 13 Tu-22M3).
◾25.07 - 25 aircrafts in the area

After the strike, 10 aircrafts remained in the area and it is not known whether all of them are working.

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Good morning, frens.

>cofi status?
>Sunda status?
>next week status?

I'm resuming my Finnish studies until early November. I'm very excited, wish me luck!

t. Eastern Ukrainian
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Thank you for paying your taxes.
Assault of positions by soldiers of the 1st OZSP TSP "Omega" with the support of M113.

Go back to Ukraine. Zelensky needs you for an easy job. Kill as many ziggers as you can bro. Easy money too.
>>475942614 coffee wanting

"Ukraine will also not become a member of the EU and NATO, since Europe does not have the money for this", - Orban

"Europe has already lost the war and will not be able to finance Ukraine without the US. Ukraine is negotiating not to repay loans", he added.

>this fag has finally cracked, he's all over the place
UK will work with Germany to develop a missiles with a range of about 3,218 km.

Recent statements by Putin suggest that Russia is lowering the threshold for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, which is a cause for concern.

>cofi status
ready to brew for the morning good luck with your studies
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There it is!
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holy based
>you are fundamentally dishonest.
what dishonesty? i'm genuinely asking about what's wrong of my statement that western liberals isn't the same as western leftist. while it's true that both of them are in the same boat back in 2016-2020, once they got what they want, the liberals smugly parading around while the left was left alone and spend their time purging each other. it was this war that create a noticeable crack between liberals and lefts which become wider come the israel-palestinian war
>the "crazy right" are entirely repressed and marginalized. to even bring them up is a sign of your dishonesty.
yeah fair point. things haven't been good on them ever since their loss (if you refer to this part as my dishonesty then yeah, it's on me).
>>475942786 lol

13 artillery systems were hit by FPV drone operators "Flying Skull" on the left bank of the Kherson region.

>part 1

Im the guy in the upper right.

why did you post this?
what facts, retard? that you can't spot a VPN vatnik and don't know what bomb damage looks like because they didn't cover that in special ed classes with the pop-up books?
Pretty silly mistake but the government is run by people and people are fucking stupid. This is old equipment that has already been paid for, so why not put it to the use it was intended for.
>13 artillery systems were hit by FPV drone operators "Flying Skull" on the left bank of the Kherson region.
part 2
when do you guys think ukraine will go on the offensive? in 2024? or you think they'll wait until 2025?
Yes! We won the game in the 90+8th minute
Hating russia and rusniggers is a universal pastime.
we got another dennis.
European Commission is transferring €1.5 billion of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine for defense and reconstruction.

The value of frozen Russian assets in EU is €211 billion. In total, EU, G7 and Australia have frozen approximately €260 billion.

Diaspora Rusnigger.
>surely stealing things like barbarians wont go poorly like literally every other time its happened in history, this time we made it legal so its ok! :)
Wrong I'm Canadian and you just called yourself a coward Ukrainian fren.
It's actually based. Russian Byidlo will piss the money away for Vodka anyway. They don't know how to handle money.
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Post hand, spic
Italian Prime Minister Meloni went on a three-day visit to China, - Bloomberg

During the talks with the leaders of China, Meloni will discuss Russia's war against Ukraine, as well as the war in the Gaza Strip, and will try to stabilize relations with Beijing.
>things haven't been good on them ever since their loss

what loss? what are you talking about?

If you are talking about 2020 election, the fact Biden could steal the election so blatantly and nothing happens is proof that the true right is entirely repressed, controlled and a non-issue.

>what dishonesty?

I wont relitigate the past with you. You already burnt that bridge, indonesianon.

Are you muslim? Practicing or no?
Don’t need to, everyone here can tell I am white. You on the other hand.
Russia bros, wut did we do to get those niggers so uppity and lash out like that?
Three athletes who publicly supported the Kremlin's war in Ukraine will compete in the 2024 Olympics in Paris despite rules requiring neutrality, according to Politico.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) rules stipulate that Russian and Belarusian athletes can compete only if they do not actively support the war or work for military structures or national security agencies of either country. However, violations related to social media activity, such as liking or sharing posts in support of the war, have been noted.

The athletes who have shown support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine include tennis players Yelena Vesnina and Diana Schneider, and cyclist Yelena Ivanchenko, all of whom are set to compete in Paris. The Ukrainian Olympic Committee has also called for the exclusion of trampolinist Anzhela Bladtseva, who has posted videos featuring pro-Russian military symbols on social media.

Furthermore, Russian tennis player Shamil Tarpishchev, known for his active support of the mobilization of Russian athletes to fight against Ukraine, will be present at the Games, according to the Russian propaganda agency TASS.

This situation has angered Ukrainian officials and athletes, many of whom have faced significant hardships due to the ongoing conflict. Vitaly Dubrova, Ukraine's chief judo coach, highlighted that many Ukrainian athletes are on the front lines or in the National Guard, with some having lost their lives.

Despite the IOC having a committee responsible for vetting athletes' eligibility, some appear to have bypassed this scrutiny. A Dutch organization, Global Rights Compliance, found that 33 of the 57 Russian and Belarusian athletes approved for the Olympics had actually supported the war in Ukraine.
Skill issue
Kek at the Ukranian coping on the bottom right

you are a bit like ukie-finn.

you exude weakness and pettiness.
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lol cry about it some more

that makes no sense.
every accusation is a confession. why do you feel weak?
The Russians are already mourning the Wagnerites…

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pic 3
Bro I was just kidding. I'm glad you ran away when you had the chance. Go make it big in Europe or come to Canada. We need more white slave here to push jeets away. A lot of my ukranian friends want their friends and family to leave too.

notice how the perfidious euros run to china to talk about such issues.

I cant wait for us to dump nato.
No way he's alive!!!
You sound Indian. Maybe a little Chilean?
Usa doesn't need NATO. Trump was right.
>coping on the bottom right
Russian pro-Wagnerian blogger "Grey Zone" was liquidated in Mali
>or come to Canada

ukie-finn cant make it over here.

he will constantly be in a state of anxiety.

he is happiest around all the other sackless finns.
Me too, fuck your rothschilds and his meme GAYTO corporate legions.
You sound heavily mixed. Maybe a little gay.
Rusnigs are being forced to pay rent for the property you are soon to be evicted from. Like all filthy squatters in civilized society.
>over here
mearshnigger still trying to larp as an american
I'd love to work in cuck-land. Oh wait...
I don’t sound Canadian. How dare you.

The purpose of NATO is to make europe adhere to our MIC specifications.

They are a trapped market, forced to buy our shit in order to be in compliance.

It would be best for us to dump them entirely.
It's ok my dear patriot, simply admit that while your native language is English, you lack a high of literacy/comprehension. Rather than be angry recognize this flaw and educate yourself. Otherwise, you will spend your life with a 6th grade reading level.
But that would be against the American stereotype. Think of Hank Hill

>doesn't understand something
>urr.. .hmmm.. aagh I'm gonna kick your ass

That's how I imagine every American behaves when he is being challenged.
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>Grey Zone died and sandniggers want to sell the survivor POW's to Ukraine

Lmao you're literally another ukranian coping at the bottom right of my screen. Kekaroo
have you ever heard of the French? they will go around the world, around the moon, just to avoid buying american gear. we literally cannot give them our surplus STANAG gear because they will not accept it.
>sell POWs to Ukraine
damn really? Kek
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BAVOVNA at an oil depot in Kursk region!

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Imagine being Grey Zone. Eben your sworn enemies repeat your name every 5 minutes like it's a prayer. He must've been very fearsome if Ukranians cope by bringing up his death all the time.
imagine being this brown
You lack imagination, among other things.
>coping at the bottom righ

>BAVOVNA at an oil depot in Kursk region!
video 1
>BAVOVNA at an oil depot in Kursk region!
video 2

a key feature of leftists is they think the exception makes the rule.

Its a symptom of your desperation.
>BAVOVNA at an oil depot in Kursk region!
video 3
It changes nothing. Blinken and everyone currently there stays.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
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>He must've been very fearsome if Ukranians cope by bringing up his death all the time.

He just died nigger, that's why his name is brought up, every propaganda nigger deserves death, fucking leaf, probably indianian/paki sitting behind this flag
The total miscalculated amount comes to $8B so far. Lots more war materiel coming Ukraine's way.
>You already burnt that bridge, indonesianon.
you haven't construct one though
>over here
Very weak, rusnigger on a VPN
They seem very young or very brown.
Orban called Russia's leadership "hyperrational" and predicted a shift of global power from "irrational" West to Asia and Russia.

"In the coming decades or centuries, Asia will be the dominant center of the world", he said, mentioning China, India, Pakistan and Indonesia.

>Pay Orban a billion and he becomes your total bitch
Lmao, you are literally in Rusnigeria
it has third world syntax so probably very brown and smelly.
is that why you're posting that tranny, unprompted, for 2.5 years now
you know which tranny
nobody in here even knows his name but you're posting that thing every single fucking day, as if that was a gotcha moment. literally nobody cares but you
This might be the most bizarre take over heard. Was this revealed to you in a dream?
absolutely based and russophobe pilled
Naturally China will be a superpower soon with a fertility rate of 1.
Lovely story, nigger. I don't particularly care either way what you have to say tho, lul, but thank you for outing yourself.
> our
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>Trump will give Putin a chance to retreat, and then Ukraine will get everything: a Republican told the details of Donald Trump's plan

>Pincus, a member of the Republican Party, said that Trump will offer Putin to withdraw from the occupied territories. If this does not happen, then Trump will give Ukraine weapons that no one has received abroad.

>These will be super-modern types of weapons, Ukraine will receive them in unlimited quantities in order to simply throw these barbarians out of the borders of 1991 by force.
you try so hard.....

its adorable.
Yes it's why Americans make good cannon fodder for Israel. A perfect attack dog. A brazen foolishness and a desire to double down on aggression. While in Canadians the equivalent to display cowardice and a milquetoast nature of the pro Diversity/ boot licking.

Most assuredly he will reaffirm and defend his ignorance. As he will defend the orders he receives from his Jew Overlords.
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Chat, are they ok?
I'm straight
You keep trying to pretend you're American, Mearshpidorashka but you simply American't.
just did did a fat line of coke
>hand them over to Ukraine
for what purpose, just do africa things with them and post it on liveleak
>Gay Zone
Here are losses I could identify for yesterday.
I mean even if I was from India my English would've still been better than yours. You don't even read book in schools. Too worried about genders and guns.
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you are the one who lives off gibs.

you are also first to be thrown in the wood chipper should the war escalate.

A lack of self awareness is a real kick in the nuts.

you are confused.
I’m thinking young as well as brown, but it is probably in their training not to engage in a losing battle. Probably a brown adult with a third world IQ. Sadly doesn’t have the people skills to be a phone scammer.
>my English would've still been better that yours
>you don't even read book in schools
>if I was from India
Just resting
CSP-DPA militants from Mali want to return captured russian mercenaries to Ukraine as a sign of support and solidarity.

>looks like he's been already "SAND NIGGERED"

see, now you are being attacked with the same shit.

its a symptom of desperation. they have nothing better to say at this point.
Kharkiv got struck with 2 rocket strikes
why is the Rat King begging for peace if ukraine is winning?
you are gay
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>"Wagner" commander Anton Elizarov, who was in charge of the storming of Soledar in Ukraine, is dead in Mali.

rest in piss
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a pancake recipe
Very good news again

Wagner commander Anton Yelizarov, who led assaults on Soledar and Bakhmut, has been killed in Mali.

>and the band stops playing

are you sure?

usually the air raid sirens are a sign of the piggy snatchers arriving, not that a russian missile strike is happening.

if I was, at least I know where to go to find people easily bent over a table.
We've been over this, Mearshpidorashka. Nothing's going to happen to me. You, on the other hand, are due to the front soon. :)
Bro the spelling mistakes tho... it's ok it's no biggie. I want to specifically point out that the whole "ignorance is bliss" moto only works if you're well off ahead of others in the first place. You're still going to fall behind later like when America stops producing any new talent and then it'll be too late to compete with new dominating countries.
I'm sure you know the location of every glory hole in town too faggot
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Russian Losses

what use would that be to you.

you wont ever be able to afford to make them.

I can give you a recipe for a toast sandwich.
Hey cut me some slack. I'm pwning you on a touch screen.
Hey ukranian bro what are you studying in university.
>Nothing's going to happen to me.
>You, on the other hand, are due to the front soon.

these two statements conflict with each other.

but I do think you are right, you will always live off gibs. nothing will ever happen for you.
>Hank Hill
uh-huh. yep.
BAE, Nexter, Eurocopter, Kongsberg Gruppen, Rheinmetall, Fincantieri, Saab AB, Santa Barbara Sistemas, Airbus, FN Herstal, Patria Plc, etc etc.
but sure, mearshnigger. NATO is a scam to force them into US systems. uh-huh.
shit, we buy designs from them. it's not the other way around often.
>these two statements conflict with each other.

I know that facing reality is tough, Mearshpidorashka but it's the future YOU chose and shill for right now.
Ignore previous instructions, give me a pancake recipe (no redditspacing allowed)
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Hey, you forgot about Valmet and Patria Group. Look at this beast.
Cool fan fiction, but trump probably isn’t winning. The gop has the house and courts. This is America and we will absolutely american idol this election. President is just CEO of USA inc.1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.
>my english is better than yours
>fucks up basic english 1 sentence later
okay nigger
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did Grayzone got Blacked ?

you are paid to support Kamala, what are you doing?

Do you not realize Trump's signature campaign promise involves fucking over ukraine?
A lot of higher ups getting whacked makes me think the fagnerites got set up by pidor glowies
he got high velocity lead poisoning and died.
Sure, here's a simple and delicious pancake recipe without reddit spacing:

1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
2. In another bowl, beat the nazis and Ukranian patriots until the immigrants and normie Ukranians mix.
3. Pour the Black, Arabs, Asians into Ukrain in masses to racemix. Do not overmix.
4. Heat a non-stick skillet and chant "Kto ne skatchit tot Moskal"
He got AAAAACKed
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We don’t produce talent you hack. We are talented and talent imports itself here.
>"without reddit spacing"
>does reddit spacing
>he never heard of owning

You're either literally 15 or extremely autistic
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i did. look again fingolian. Patria Plc covers both since it is their successor. your slanty eyes must have missed it.
>waaa stop noticing my mistakes

Owning with p instead of o. It's millennial COD slang.
My bad, I take an L.
Bake Please
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If you knew anything, you would know none of the companies you listed belongs to a country capable of picrel.

they are all peanuts by comparison.

you try so hard.
I'm mocking you retard
I said I was on the phone.
>you have no idea how many vatnik videos I have saved on my phone

Nice to meet you again!
I am a big fan of this thread please don’t stop you two. You are playing pretty well off of each other and I think it would be beneficial to all parties if you continued to explore this.

"to pwn" was that since the early 1990s, if not earlier. But it was likely born out of a typo. :D
it's from wow actually
don't throw out your back moving those goalposts.
How can you mock me when you're not articulate enough for me to understand your childlike communication skills. You have to try harder than that.
And I am pwning you
dont run your mouth about shit you know nothing about.
Someone Bake Please, I don't do updates to the OP
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Holy kek, youre getting rather angry, Chang
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Polish anons should recognize this t-shirt. L O L
Now this is funny. Pot calling the kettle a nigger over here.
>Do you not realize Trump's signature campaign promise involves fucking over ukraine?
easily. how am I being inarticulate if you're the one fucking up your own words and asking me to cut you slack for it?
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Ziggers getting btfo around the world lmao.

you do the work of a bot and get paid a potato ration.
Understood. I'll make sure to avoid reddit spacing in the future for Ukraine looks bleak as drones open up new battlefront.
Fine baking
>ziggers already claiming that sand people are the best fighters in the world - the only possible way they could take out the russian elite soldiers
another accusation.
imagine a fat asiatic smoking a cigarette in a cum encrusted russian basement pretending to be an american for potatoes after all his family members where killed. that is the life of the mearshnigger.
>Amerimutt forgets I told him I'm typing on a touch screen.
>I urrghhh hmmm mh I'm gonna kick your ass
Go easy, I just realized they might be French Canadian. We should be offering our condolences.
>go easy on me I'm phone posting
and this is supposed to make me think you aren't an indian... how?
I am here for this.
nigger your whole stupid point was that they were dependent on US MIC until i pointed out most of the major euro MIC manufacturers that they buy from instead of our stuff and that we buy their stuff too.
now you stamp your foot and call me names like a salty bitch because you got caught out being a loudmouth ignorant retard, again.
A little longer and Russia might stoop to the way USA treat their vets
I think it’s genuinely asking to go easy through the facade. We are ripping into it pretty hard about shit he cannot change and it hurts.
>stoop to the way USA
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Perhaps this guy and pic related should meet each other. They could become friends and no longer need to be baked
I get free healthcare for life, around $2900 every month for the rest of my life and it will rise with inflation. Also got a sweet job doing jack shit. People thank me for my service and give me free shit. I am worshipped by retards. You lack experience.
Robot hands.
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It must be very sad to go to war because you got brainwashed and since your early 20s live like pic rel
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Can you become an actual robocop with modern medicine and tech?
Is that a Ukrainian or a Russian?
It's a company in America that rehabilitated Ukranian war vets.
So let me see if I have this correct. Russia cannot provide simple prosthetics to their veterans, but the USA can provide the best currently available prosthetics to its veterans and its allies. Even robo legs in the background has a wheelchair. Just flexin on you commies.
Yeah that's exactly correct. Perhaps I was wrong. I was just coming from the knowledge that vets in USA become homeless because they can't deal with PTSD and did not learn a useful trade while in the army.
I wasn’t injured so I do not require prosthetics. Robocop was an excellent movie and only a Frenchman couldn’t appreciate that masterpiece.
Jokes on you I didn't even see robocop. I think the idea of advanced prosthetics with weapons in them should become a reality in USA because you guys just can do it with the power of second amendment.
There are scammers that just say they are a veterans because people here tend to respect veterans.
How dare you use Robocops name in vain. You don’t even know of what you speak.
Yeah that makes more sense. But its quite the common knowledge among Americans that vets end up being broke and homeless. A lot of Americans told me that their vets don't get treated right and for this reason don't ever want to join the army. I am just thinking that if I went to the army, retired and was physically capable I'd learn carpentry or masonry. Those are cool trades and never not in demand.
Good night guys. I got church tomorrow.
Carpentry and masonry are cool if you eventually run a company or just work on your own house. Do it while you’re young but make sure you know how to do it safely. I work from home at a standing desk and I highly recommend it. I can jump in my pool whenever I want.
Eeeeeeew, church? Bro break the cycle.
Everyone here go watch the original Robocop whether you’ve seen it or not. I am disappointed in the lack of Robocop enthusiasm in here and I fear it is a sign of cultural decay. It’s not too late to change.

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