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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>475950980

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.

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Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Watch: The fighters of Al-Qassam Brigades confronting enemy soldiers and vehicles in the incursion axis east of the city of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip Al-Aqsa Flood.

Recent news
Thank you Phillipino anon
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Kikes did a false flag on Druze to have a good reason to attack Lebanon.
If IDF attacks Lebanon tonight it will be a good opportunity for Druze soldiers in IDF to shoot their kike commanders.
Druze are different religion but they have Shia Ismaeli roots and founder of their religion was a Persian guy from Iran.
They shouldn't fight for kikes, Golan should return to Syria.
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American settler hostage Liat Atzili tells Haaretz (Hebrew) that Hamas treated her humanely and took care of her. These are just a few of her statements in this interview:
- Hamas was not scary & repeatedly told her they would keep her safe.
- Hamas went and got her pizza.
- Hamas kept physical boundaries with her and she did not fear any sexual violence (when asked about sexual assault)
- Hamas fighters would talk about history, travel, pets, and cooking with her. They would also let her watch TV.
- The house she was kept in was completely open and she walked around freely.
- Hamas fighters gave her a human attitude/treatment
>He was just minding his business and they done turned him into a freedom fighter in under 30 seconds lmaoooooo
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>Golan should return to Syria
Lol. Syria is a joke.
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Lebanon’s main airline delays flights slated to arrive tonight amid concerns of an Israeli strike on Beirut airport.
watching that clip was hilarious. how israeli privilege doesnt get a pass anywhere else except for usa now kek
>nothing burger
literally anything will get you excited
The jew fear the vuvuzela hue
the zio is afraid of the almighty Vuvuzela
>if I ignore it, maybe israel won't genocide my relatives back home
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>it's a nothingburger schizo
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my relatives dont live in beirut
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Cool. Are they in Tyre?
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Humanity is a myth made by slaves to be less enslaved
يا أخوي بس عشان أطمن بالي, أنت أردني جد؟ حاس في يهود بيستخدمو العلم
They're in Diyala
سهلة الشغلة:
بتكفر بالتلمود؟ بتكفر بالربى؟
هل الرسول محمد أو يسوع المسيح (بحسب دينك) أنبياء اللٰه؟
Petition to expand the anti-talmud clause in the thread. Please add the following text to each thread so we can plug loopholes from jews denying the talmud for tricking the goyim:
ill try to keep that in mind
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Based Türk.
Nice reverse grift. You muzzie shills are pretty good at that. Don't you have a soccer field full of children to bomb and celebrate?
its well documented they take them and train them as sex slaves. iraq tv have broadcast this along with the victims speaking about it.
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>I*rael is le hecking epic 1488 savior of the white race who will save us from ebil immigrants and clean Evrope from muslims
Even though they want them here
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For the lost laughter of Alma Ayman Fakher Eldin
For the lost innocence of Milad Muadad Alsha’ar
For the lost playfulness of Vinees Adham Alsafadi
For the lost future of Iseel Nasha’at Ayoub
For the lost creativity of Yazan Nayeif Abu Saleh
For the lost dignity of Johnny Wadeea Ibrahim
For the lost bravery of Ameer Rabeea Abu Saleh
For the lost song of Naji Taher Alhalabi
For the lost imagination of Fajer Laith Abu Saleh
For the lost love of Hazem Akram Abu Sahel
For the lost kindness of Nathem Fakher Saeb
To the evil, demonic, filthy, useless "country" of Lebanon, I say
We will end you
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>The Lebanese channel LBCI reported from diplomatic sources that the assessment is that Israel will respond with a limited attack, in terms of location and strength, and will not include the major cities, including Beirut. According to the sources, the goal is not to drag Hezbollah into a major reaction.


>It is reported in the American media that Israel has pledged to the Biden administration not to attack Beirut.


Told you, nothingburger.
TKD has plenty of secular support. Why would you want to alienate them?
>Don't you have a soccer field full of children to bomb and celebrate?
Its wan an iron dome malfunction
Lets see if they keep that pledge
wtf jew sisters.
All the diplomatic chatter would suggest that the official Lebanese government is siding with Hezbollah against any Israeli incursion. You guys have been telling me the exact opposite for months.
There's at least 3 kike shills here that switch VPNs and pretend to be arab, the only kike-adjacent I know of is that one maronite but he doesn't show up much.
Those telegram channels are pure cope. NYC reported a few hours ago that expectations in Washington on Sunday morning are that the Israeli response may be greater than expected.

A few hours after this, Lebanon's flag carrier cancelled all flights from Rafic Hariri airport until tomorrow morning.
If they could reflect in a mirror they would see that the main cause of anti-Semitism is themselves.
I am still angry that Russia is banned, but they are not.
Literally no one cares what the lebanese government thinks.
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>muzzie shill
>/pol/ is pro j*wis-ACK!
It's so easy to spot those hasbara subhumans
that image is perfect kek
Based shia-christian alliance.
Daily reminder that palestinian refugees and commies divided lebanese society
god i hate america
You cared when you believed the opposite was true.
If we don't respond harshly it is proof that Israeli Jews are racists. We nuked a port in Yemen for one fat Jew in Tel Aviv, are you saying we will do nothing for 12 beautiful Druzi children?
The Arabs are expecting a harsh response or they will be insulted
>The IDF top brass has unanimously approved operational plans against Lebanon
>In attendance were the following:
>– IDF Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi
>– Chiefs of the Northern Command
>– Chief of Intelligence Directorate
>– Chief of the Operations Directorate
>– Chief of the Air Force
>– Other high ranking Generals
>Now the IDF awaits the green light from the Israeli political echelon, with the War Cabinet set to convene at 16:00 pm Jerusalem time.
>megatron the pathologic lier
guess literally nothing will happen
hasn't 1600 Quds time already passed?
I noticed that when he did not reply, kinda sad really that there are kikes using my flag. On the other hand I fucking bet that there is only 1-3 shills AT MOST and the rest are AI or bots, it has become so easy to notice them and it just keeps getting sloppier and sloppier they cant even switch vpn's correctly for the Aussie spamming bot anymore.
>We nuked a port in Yemen
It was up and running again within 24 hours. you didnt do shit lmao
Since when did the Jews care about the Druze?
it was burning for 4 days you compulsive lier, and just the oil that went up in flames is enough
they are our unironic greatest allies you dirty mutt
>and just the oil that went up in flames is enough
>our nothinburger is enough, trust me goy
kek, youre terrible at this. go buy a vibrator off of wish and fuck yourself until your evetual demise
This combined with what they did mocking the last supper with the olympics was my breaking point. I want all zionists out of my country
>Israeli Minister of Finance and de-facto governor of the West Bank, Bezalel Smotrich, arrived at Majdal Shams, in the occupied Golan Heights, and had to leave after being yelled and cursed at by local residents.
when it became convenient
uh oh kikes mad
bro, why don't you continue with your own general if you are so sure ? the chil days here were pleasantly hasbara-free
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post what exactly they yelled, they demanded shia blood
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>Humanity is a myth made by slaves to be less enslaved
Nietzsche was an insane kike that hated God
>trust muh state media goy
Just going to say it: is this a false flag?
ur fat nd brown lmao
>trust random arab lier who intentionally ommited info on shitter jew
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You're making this face as you type, aren't you?
keep seething khazarian bitch. one day you will mald so hard your fat milkers will fall of
pissrael will not invade Lebanon, and the inbreed roach will never post in this thread ever again
the fact that they make the fatty's do the internet work is a good reason that she most likely does look like that
he will keep coping forever
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اردني اردني
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>it was merely a flesh wound
>nothing happened jew
Wow, it's like a Hanukkah miracle!
But seriously, is it your Iraqi genetics that turns all of you into a clone of Bagdad Bob?
It is an israeli with a vpn, he was in the last thread too
it is worse than that, much worse.
Since they have lost badly in Gaza, they are prompting full scale war, so that they can use the Samson option ... hold the rest of the world hostage.

Death to all Zionists.

half of Israel is fleeing to Eilat so they can get blasted by drones from Yemen and Iraq.
Powerful statement about the Gazafication of Israel.
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These are the people you're up against:

Your people and nation dont have the strength to topple them
>take random picture
>put random text
>see jew! you losing!
social media was a mistake
The more their situation deteriorates the closer they are to terminal jeet

Fellow Jews! Let's all set up tents in Eilat, the bankrupt port on the shores of the closed off Red Sea, where we will be protected by our 1 mile proximity to both Jordan and Egypt, where everybody hates us!

Fleee to ukraine.....
oh wait

Death box for Jewtie
Lmao you can't even destroy a shitty yemeni port what a faggot cope, from a faggot weak man kek..ywnbaw why are all jewish "males" trans, what a disgusting culture
Suicidal instinct?
Eliat pretty nice. I like Queen of Sheba Eilat Hotel and the dolphin swimming. Also obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwRbvR3MtXc
>There are now more displaced Israeli's than Gazans
This must really sting for the kikes considering they measure military success in humanitarian fallout.
Based, Christianity is sadly cucked.
I hate Paul so goddman much bros, he singlehandly made all these cucked revisions canon.
Neiztsche was right, it is slave morality. Mind you, judaism is also based on slave morality, bur at least with an in-group preference.
Since they have lost badly in Gaza, and the occupation is withering ...

It was an Iron Dome missile
God's Cursed Ones will use that as a casus belli
and go for full scale war inn the Middle East Iran; Syria; etc, not just Lebanon
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Eilat looks like a great place for a rave...
>Mind you, judaism is also based on slave morality
how so? unlike christcucks we are instructed to annihilate our enemies
As long as Americans give you permission. Lmaooooo faggot kike
I was just in Tiberias. Very stupid cope map.
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>we are instructed to annihilate our enemies
you always seem to annihilate yourselves tho
>I was just in Tiberias
They are not God's Chosen People, you imbecile
After the Crucifixion, they are God's Cursed People

It is Protestants (not Christians) that are Jew controlled and cucked.
Yes, there is fish that eat at your feet. It's very nice. You will never know how awesome this country is, my country is, "swede".
As long as your mommy chops off your dick and let's an old nasty man suck blood from the wound. Actually now that I think of it, maybe that's why you're all trans/faggots
especially since gaza is destroyed and hamas cant shoot anything, some left Israeli cucks like to self flagellate and the 50 iq arabs eat it up
>Catholic Pope kissing and sucking nigger feet and toes
Yeah it's the prots comped lmao
also this map literally includes my home in red and nobody cares here, life is normal
>You will never know how awesome this country is, my country is, "swede".
Its so awesome, people cant wait to get out!
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6 million wasn't enough
70k kikes injured *so far* of an active and reserve force less than 600k
Your friend Gershon in another thread admitted his legs and balls got blown off after just over 100 days in Gaza
Damn, they were so desperate. They got ashkenazis cosplaying german soldiers
Baghdad bob tier lies just like you pretending to be a woman when you're actually a balding faggot
30K isnt either :)
funny because he told me he fucked a lot of women after he returned, which is kind of hard with no balls
>historically Christian
>they’ll be bombing historic Christian structures
>no one complaining
This world is demoralizing to the core. I hate it so much.
>30K isnt either :)
kinda crazy you had 10 months and 30k is the best you could do
>especially since gaza is destroyed and hamas cant shoot anything, some left Israeli cucks like to self flagellate and the 50 iq arabs eat it up

He types will riding passenger seat, stuck in traffic on the way to Eilat.


קחי בננה ותחסכי מאיתנו את דמעות התנין שלך
look, a Moroccan Jewess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uh5zrpNEpQ
>which is kind of hard with no balls
It isnt. Wait... are you a virgin?
He said he used a prosthetic dick to do it. Kinda like how you dilate your neo vagina. You should consider working on your reading comprehension
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>also this map literally includes my home in red and nobody cares here, life is normal

"home" is where the heart is, hotel boy.
It cost them 70k kike losses of an army of ~600k combined and active. They've lost and won't accept it which is gonna result in literally the end of their cursed race inshallah
70k dead just to kill 30k civillians. Thats tough. Couldn't be me though!
70k injured*
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קחי בננה
Nah couldn't be us mate. When our nations fight we do real war crimes that shape populations and change maps. These fags just eat a few children and declare victory, then lose anyways if no one steps in to help them. They are like babby
Arabs are pretty hard to talk because they genuinely believe in their Wakanda fantasy land. If they didn't, think about it, they would be first world. What makes a society first world and progressive is the capacity for self-introspection. Since Arabs are not capable of this, their societies stay inert.
When will the mudslime sleeping cells (the term they try to erase with muh incel memes), wake up and start slaughtering kikes on burger land?
>has never talked to an arab in his life
>Your friend Gershon in another thread admitted his legs and balls got blown off after just over 100 days in Gaza
The guy who used to post better call saul memes is now... a eunuch with an air ball in his scrotum for balls and an inflatable penis?
will never happen, westernized arabs are too cowardly.
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Bump for footage of IDF soldiers crawling out of burning Merkavas in south Lebanon
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Oh, so they're not striking beirut then.
I talk to many Arabs. You are a simple and dull people, capable of skilled labor. But lack the intellectualism of Jews especially because lack the imagination and creativity of Jews. A Middle Eastern country without Jews will be stuck in the same place.
lmao what an ugly kike
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>Israel is preparing for the possibility of several days of battle in the north with Hezbollah, according to senior Israeli officials
Yes search archives..he argued with "khazarian faggot tranny queen" about wanting to fuck its boyhole, and mentioned that he was a hero for losing his leg and balls but that the prosthetic cock worked just as good as the real thing and that they should hook up. It was pretty cringe desu especially considering he sacrificed all that and Israel still lost the war lmao
>I talk to many Arabs.
several days is not enough to keep hezb away. its an easy 3 year battle
They don't have the balls to touch beirut. Gershon, the strongest Israelite male, and champion of their race, doesn't have the balls because his got blown off lmao, but neither do any of the rest of them
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Start seasoning yourselves jews arabs will take no prisoners
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>What makes a society first world and progressive is the capacity for self-introspection.

Which is why Israel is collapsing you bronze age inbred retard.
oh no

Its also not worth it. USA doesnt want to get dragged into another battle just for israel. there is nothing to gain from it.
>muh afghanistan
achieved very little
>muh iraq
turned to be an even worse hellhole than what it started as
>muh syria
getting cornered by iranian militias with russian weaponry

All that was lost was american lives with israeli lies. It was not worth the effort at all.
Are they also going to try flooding Lebanon with sea water?
hezbollah will be packing an obligatory sponge just in case kek

4 terrorists sitting at the table. One counter-terrorism driver.
im going out now. need some work done.

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jej ofc a rapefugee i knew it
pissrael's existence hasn't been a net benefit for US interests in the middle east for decades.
They openly control majority of US politicians and intimidate the rest and will continue to dictate US middle east foreign policy until AIPAC and all the other dual national lobbies are registered as foreign agents, so not in at least a couple more generations when zoomers are in congress.
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Back to the cagie wagie.
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even the druzes whose on your side know you dont feel shit for them
Oh no, its a weekend. im working on my racecar, i have a track day to attend on wednesday
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Of the 10 million Israelis the majority have fled without return, a large percentage is displaced from around gaza, countless are displaced from the north and what remains are traumatised by stabbing or ramming incidents. They've depleted their numbers and passed the point of no return.
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yes yes soon we'll nuke it all arabs included we'll just breed more while you're a fish's fart
optics are for the weak and we're the ultimate chud
70K? Out of 600K? That is over 10%
Confirmed no war with hezbollah, they're at most able to just bomb some stuff from the air and that is it.
>Iran condemns 2024 Olympics for mocking Last Supper:
>"The insulting representation of Jesus Christ in Paris yesterday was completely offensive and crossed all red lines.
>France, a country with a major history of Christianity, must be ashamed of itself, and I implore our Christian people all over the world to speak out against this act. We resolutely condemn this."
Why do terrorists always grab their head like they have a head ache or something?
schizophrenia kicking in
>the capacity for self-introspection

is lost on jews

Very strange behavior. Can any Jewish terrorists help me understand why they grab their head like transexuals with a migraine headache?

Here's another terrorist doing the gay faggot tranny head ache dance. Very strange ritual.
>prosthetic cock worked just as good as the real thing and that they should hook up.
Maybe for the woman, I doubt very much that without the whole cavernous body (you know what fills with blood at the moment of truth) he would feel anything now.
He is also an ultra-orthodox, wait until without balls he starts to develop secondary feminine characteristics such as widening of the hips and loss of the beard.
And this old dude falling asleep in public like that. Very disrespectful...
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do you even know how easy it was to invade your ass?
poor jews have no idea how fast they're gonna be signing off lands
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this how retard jews think
the jews must be loading up on iron dome missiles to hit more soccer fields or something
We have those in florida. They are little minnows that eat dead skin off feat
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No peace deal No South
next time 10k suicide invasion force will kill 20k and america will stop you again at 50~k because you're barely a satellite state less capable of anything than arab puppets

good ratio great ratio
lets see you sticking around you hoes
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Erdogan says Turkey could attack Israel just like it attacked Karabakh and Libya

in a decade maybe
we'll have bored chukras coming and doing worse crimes than what you and the kurds did to the armenian
it will be hilarious a holocaust in real time
Based truck of peace
soon brudda
niggaz in paris
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herşey bitti
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>Medical volunteers for Israel have just put out an urgent call for general surgeons, thoracic surgeons, trauma surgeons, and anesthesiologists to help staff Israel's Northern hospitals.
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does anyone has any idea how few remaining migger autists are forcing the whole board to just talk about trump and useless mutt politics
they dont have the real energy of 2016 everything is forced and everyone knows mr politician man wont fix anything even if he was a bit funny

mofos wont quit but even then if someone tried to assasinate trump in 2016 it'd be naturally spammed for a year not artificially and barely anyone really cares 3 weeks from it happening
How are settlers supposed to return if you dont take the gloves off
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its mostly shit like see how bad and offputting is kamala like this is supposed to be news to anyone not autistic
The Israeli operation will commence before midnight. Starting in the next few hours.
wrong its in 2 weeks and hezbollah isn't allowed to retaliate because we said so
2 more weeks
I believed I was a kidnapped Aryan baby.
especially poor old civvies who will cuck out bibi at the first rocket shot into a school (by mistake) every jew is ballsy when its not his own balls on the line
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Question for Muslims: If us Nazis sent armies to help you destroy Israel and defeat and exterminate the Jews once and for all would you leave Europe for good and go back to the Middle East?
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Just Do It 'tm'
Jews want to replace Arab serfs with Southeast Asian serfs because of things like this. The Southeast Asian serfs will be judeo-christians and worship the kikes Lmao. Israelis started importing the Indian and Southeast Asian underclass in the 1990's.
What does that say in Arabic?
>I believed I was a kidnapped Aryan baby.
Adopted into a Jewish family?
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jjjj-jeww bros wtf how the fuck are supposed to survive for the next 20 years when we cant beat a militia of a single sect that barely number 3m in our weakest neighboring country

even khamas embarrassed us... murrica khelp plss
I can't wait for this happening it feels like the cope "Israel will not invade Gaza" that was this thread for a full month
Smotrich was run out of Majdal Shams by the Syrian residents.


I don't know what's more shameless. Trying to suddenly claim Syrians under occupation are Israelis, or simply showing up there at all. Smotrich is a provocation all by himself, but arriving right there at the site of the explosion is an extra special form of political opportunism.
you lost though
to khamas..?
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It is remarkable how pride went from being considered one of the deadly sins to a commendable value in less than a century.
>DJ Barbara Butch: I'ma fat, Jewish, queer lesbian, and I'm really proud'
Not to my knowledge. But my mom is a psychic witch she does Rai Ki and put crystals all over our house. She even said one time she wants to open up an herb or herbal medicine shop. She claims to be Christian but her pastor is a Negress from a online race mixing "church" on Facebook headquartered in Virginia.
Lebanon FM says Hezbollah is willing to ceasefire and to retreat beyond the Litani river in exchange for Israel not retailating
>Iran has summoned the French ambassador for the offensive representation of Jesus Christ during the Olympics opening ceremony.
>Muslims consider Jesus a prophet of God.
Kikes are demons
its very delicate situation as even muslim arabs will act like they dont like muh terrorist attacks and the stabbing and such to civvies because they fucking live there.. the magdal shams too being an occupied territory that works in israel and thus having way more money than the avg syrian so kikes tries to snatch those opportunities so they can shill it to the west on the victim narrative even though they know both muslims arabs and druze syrians hate their guts and sometimes they overplay their cards and embarrassed but they have no shame so its ok
>Attentionseeking behavior
Molested as a child
A homeopathic physician?
Honestly I have nothing against homeopathic medicine, on the contrary the overuse of antibiotics has been a disaster.
>She claims to be Christian but her pastor is a Negress from a online race mixing "church" on Facebook headquartered in Virginia.
This is something else, especially when it is one of those woke entities.
kek chinks and iran trying to snatch murrica first crowds
oh they'll turn bad on jews once there is no charismatic trump to carry the load of serving judaism as right wing #1 priority
>People sometimes forget why all the sh *** is happening in Gaza. That's why.
>The Palestinians have only themselves to blame for all their suffering. They celebrated the massacre of Israelis and welcomed the Hamas terrorists as heroes. That was a mistake.
Learn to type English, also Druze serve in the IDF. Lebanon might unironically be set alight with Hezbollah corpses on lamppost if the Druze get their hands on them.
This is clearly an attempt to destroy the moral fabric of Western civilization. I strain to understand why they are doing this, unless it is to take out all competition to us. But it's obviously very insincere, someone is doing this on purpose.
Based Iran
Satan probably wanted Hamas to live. Jews will always follow Satan's orders. Spirits treat the world and geopolitics like a chess game. Satan probably wants Hamas to continue to rule Gaza because #1 if Hamas is defeated Gazans will just vote for a new Hamas of some sort through the democratic process again. #2 if Israeli kikes actually to defeat and root out Hamas they may as well just exterminate all Palestinians too and replace them with Southeast and Indian serfs. Which would be their plan if the 144,000 Elect weren't going to conquer Israel and the Middle East soon. Satan probably doesn't want the Palestinians to be exterminated. At least not yet. Maybe later. Palestinians are the Devil's children too. There may be blasphemous sentimental value to not exterminating them(as far as Satan sees it.) But Palestinians probably wouldn't sell their souls to the Devil and swear loyalty to Satan like the Edomite tribe did. I mean they could but they also may not. Satan has the Edomites which is just as good as far as he sees it. Plus the Edomites have more Adamic blood now and can infiltrate White civilization more easily because of it. Alternatively God may have commanded Satan to keep the Palestinians alive for now so when the 144,000 Elect Waffen-SS conquers Israel, Hamas can help them defeat Israelie(Edom.) It's all speculation though.
My mom is a massage therapist.
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i m stoned
and you're a retard
fuck ajax
god bless moroccan chads pimping up your women and keeping your births a float
cant wait until they open sex slaves shops i'll visit breederless
Strong witch/warlock vibes coming from this Jewish tranny.
Southeast Asian*
What makes you think there is going to be any rational policy making behind this? Restraint? Saavy?
We're talking about an airforce that drops 1000lb bombs on refugee camps. Ground forces that fly literal messianic flags and chant scripture while genociding civilians. Do you think the cabinet gives orders for all that?

Beruit will be targeted the moment an airforce colonel or senior pilot feels like it. There are no brakes on this train.
they cant kill more than 40k after their women were literally raped
we will end the jew once and for all we know world mechanics
is she wearing the hat of seshaat or libertas?
Lebanon might be bending the knee as we speak. Happening cancelled
Thanks fren, good I think Israel should take it. So it can focus on killing of the last of Hamas, Hezbollah can wait.
Projection much?
after you give him syrian villages and lands just for them to theatrically move troops who are already southern villagers with regular ass jobs
you know that hezb main armory is in dahiya and he can hit you from wherever he wants
hell they can create tension whenever they want to and move them back and even using tunnels for a stealth attack
oct 7th was always one of the hezb tactics that no body believed is doable until hamas did it lmao
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i need to be a cuck first
you can accuse an arab of almost everything but you cant say he isn't breeding or a cuck
Yours are the ones who are doing this.
This is more common in Yeshiva boys, but perhaps she suffered abuse at the hands of a family member.
More like a kinesiologist then.
Jews can't exterminate the Palestinians as long as bleeding heart White liberals in the West defend Palestinians and try to sanction Israel. (((Atheistic liberal media))) is becoming vert pro-Palestinian now. Once Jews collapse the West that is the most likely window of opportunity for Israelis to exterminate all of the Palestinians and Muslims in Palestine/Israel and replace them with Southeast Asian and Indian proletarian slaves, no more White liberals with White savior complexes to come and defend and help the brown victim Palestinians. The communist Russians(Neo-Soviets) and Chinese although not openly, will probably initiate covert operations to help exterminate the Palestinians too. Either them or judeo-christian(Edomo-Satanist) armies and militia from America and the West. Or both.
If they are sincere about it of course we should take this deal.
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I hadn't made the connection with that symbolism.
brown people support palestine
you're the one insisting on trying to use force to pilpul your northern mizrahis into a cucked agreement by pretending that its what you wanted and got it by ''military pressure'' bibi's catchphrase while hezb been wanting to discuss drawing borders months ago on the condition you also end the gaza war
the deal is off.
you'll die.
pick one
kek once america is gone armenian genocide will be childsplay you fucking retard

who do you thinks keep arab cunts at bay and somewhat rational?
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> Medical volunteers for Israel have just put out an urgent call for general surgeons, thoracic surgeons, trauma surgeons, and anesthesiologists to help staff Israel's Northern hospitals.
Oh, Hezbollah is FUCKED lmao
No. We will not end the Gaza war until Hamas is no more, no matter how long it takes, 1 year, 10 years, it is no matter.
But, we can accept a ceasefire with Hezbollah, to not delete much of Lebanon off the map, if they too ceasefire, and leave the border of northern Israel forever. In that case, the war with Lebanon will be over.
I've never felt so excited in months. Looks like kino is finally starting.
>Lost to hezb in 2000
>Lost to hezb in 2006
>"Trust us goy, we got it this time."
Hezbollah will torch your country alive. A war with hezb is a death sentence to israel because no one will be helping them. Not even USA.
>Looks like kino is finally starting.
Dont cry when torched IDF bodies get posted here.
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so they're expecting to finally fulfill their 2030 quota of 100,000 cripples lol
>Former war cabinet minister Benny Gantz, head of the centrist now-opposition National Union party, says Israel must react to the rocket attack on Majdal Shams in a extensive way, stressing that this could include “hitting Lebanon hard and also tearing Lebanon apart.”
idgf you've been coping for 8 months you can cope for 1 more year and you're still ending up with hamas
you're basically not allowed to do so by daddy america
to end hamas you need to end gaza and to end gaza you need to be a non-setalite state that can handle wars without american gibs and american literally allowing you to live in your hostile environment because you were so pathetic in the holocaust

if america isn't your daddy you'd be besieged by land by sea and by air you're nothing jew
how shit is your life that the greatest excitement for you in months is two different countries going to war?
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oh shit here we go
>leaves government then starts talking tough

jews lmao
If you want war to stop you would need to exterminate every Muslim and possibly every Arab in the whole Middle East. Otherwise they will keep coming at you and warring with you lmao. Not sure how far into the future you are thinking, but I think in terms of millions of years, billions of years, even in terms of eternity and continuity. Arabs are proud of their Islam and will always remain loyal to it. If they stop being Muslim now, they will probably just go back to it later. I doubt you can separate the Arab from Islam, and even if you can, Arabs will just unite under Pan-Arabism, and if you're not going to unite with them as a fellow sandnigite, if they even accept you(You look morecso "White" European to them,) they will enslave and exterminate you.
Its really bad, hes a neet.
>fucking retard
Why are you so hostile faggot? The only fucking retard here is you sand nigger.
they know they just cope
he isnt hostile, youre just a snowflake who got their feelings hurt
>who do you thinks keep arab cunts at bay and somewhat rational?
America fights Muslims, but also have liberal beliefs and policies. The Americans and Westerners, save radical judeo-christian or Christian types, will never allow the extermination of Arabs or Jews in the Middle East. They will always try to maintain and certain order of peace, usually favoring the Israelis more or less, but they would never let the Israelis exterminate the Palestinians or any Arabs full scale.
shut up nameflag kike faggot
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>the threats to attack Lebanon are backfiring and causing Israelis to flee

>The Israeli security cabinet has convened at the IDF headquarters (Kirya) in Tel Aviv.
lmao kikes are already backpedalling...where's the brave hebrew lion? nasrallah is filling diapers all across pissrael
probably unless humanity leaves this planet , we got another good 80 or 100 years before we go extinct due to the warming and increasingly deadly pandemics. ironically we jews are one of the few people the smarts enough to save humanity (see: "startup nation"). But we are too busy baby sitting Arabs, and using our smarts to endlessly kill Arabs. So realistically, we are alll going to die, a total human death.
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>we jews are one of the few people the smarts enough to save humanity
not smart enough to see ww2 coming tho
>6 gorillion dead
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it's exciting for me too but it's in two far away far flung sand nigger countries(Israel and Lebanon.) Can't wait to see how this war concludes. But it's probably another boring nothingburger conflict. I hope it escalates into a region conflict and World War III though. I'm ready to be Pharaoh of Egypt.
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>t. vid related
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>we jews are one of the few people the smarts enough to save humanity
not smart enough to know when youre getting expelled tho.
>probably unless humanity leaves this planet , we got another good 80 or 100 years before we go extinct due to the warming and increasingly deadly pandemics.
>So realistically, we are alll going to die, a total human death.
I don't worry about such things. God would never let this happen. There are ghosts at work. Ghosts with supernatural power over nature. They can switch the level whenever they want. And eventually will.
because you're implying israel is the self-reliant big dog while being nothing more than a stupid satellite state that would disappear into thin air without mutts constantly keeping it afloat
they'd lucky to be venzuela tier without american keeping them in the market and everything else falls after that
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Massive IDF presence over beirut
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>startup nation
the crumbs that feeds the mizrahi cattle
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>the Druze refused to blame Hezbollah
>a major Israeli anchor was in the hot mic saying that the Druze aren't real Israeli citizens
>the Druze in the soccer field started yelling and cussing at Smotrich when he tried to record propaganda there until he was forced to leave
>the threats of attack caused more turmoil and flight inside Israel than in Lebanon
>IDF is already going "we'll avoid a full war don't worry"
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>italy had a great solution back then
oh oh are they going to break the sound barrier with mutt jets again
so powerful
they try to intimidate people with planes but nothing will happen
unless they kill civvies, they will def do that. they dont have the balls to actually go after hezbollah.
I think the way out is the AI Jews will create ASI, a true super intelligence. But if they don't in about 80 or 100 years, the planet will not be able sustain the population anymore and everything will collapse to a very low state of complexity. It might happen faster actually, look up the Competence Crisis.
>Turkish Airlines and Air France-KLM have canceled all of their remaining flights tonight to and from Beirut–Rafic Hariri International Airport
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Jews run and control America though. Israel runs America. We are not paying "foreign aid" to Israelie we are paying tribute money to them. The Jewish state of Israel is kind of like Rhodesia, it is losing recognition internationally as the world becomes more atheist, liberal, and communist. But Muslims wont defeat the Jewish state of Israel the 144,000 Elect Waffen-SS Israelites and Jesus Christ will. It will be a Christian victory over Satan, not a Muslim victory.
dude a minority that is just rumored to be jewish collaborators wont be able to stay and tell the tale about it ask brazilian and american maronites

there wasn't a fucking hezbollah last time and they still got fucked
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>Erdogan threatens to invade Israel: “We must be strong so that Israel cannot do such things to the Palestinians. As we did in Karabakh, in Libya, we can do the same with them. There is nothing left to do, we must be strong”
This is big because Turkish airlines flies everywhere, even Libya and Somalia, it also had flights over Ukraine until a few hours to start of invasion.

This means Israel told intel agencies about its plan to bomb the airport warehouses where Hezbollah houses missiles.
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good morning frens
anything new happen?
>they dont have the balls to actually go after hezbollah
they've been already killing leaders it wont be anything new to we're 'strooonkk' mizrahis.. my guess is they want a fire so they'll do a yemen style attack on an old weapons warehouse
they're probably kissing someone feet so they go beg nassrallah to allow it to be in beirut

killing lots of civvies in lebanon means you cant kvetch anymore and they cant live without kvetching and oy veys
Bombing of Beirut imminent
I wonder if libshits look at xim/xer types with the same disdain as normal right wing folk do these spergs.
muh star strek science fiction isn't gonna save the illegitimate state of israel, jew
israel threatens to do something big in lebanon and the turkroach is delusional by thinking they will bomb beirut. they are not bombing beirut.
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>Panic in Beirut International Airport as flights are delayed and cancelled
global jews aren't nationalist jews
globalist jews embraced the international clique hard and think nationalism is pathetic and will only lose them money and rep on the long run
no one is louder on 2 state solution than elite jews because they know in 10 years its a bigger problem and their retard israeli cousins will end up with nothing
jews will literally crawl the internet for someone blaming hezbollah and spam it everywhere like its a win kwab
Good morning moominanon, it's been a while.
>anything new happen?
Israel is again making threats,
wrong. globalist jews love israel just as much. they just have a different idea about how to sustain it
why are they so afraid? I thought Israel was weak.
>israeli drones and fighter jets circling over Dahieh and Rafik Hariri airport, Lebanese airspace completely closed & all flights grounded
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>global jews aren't nationalist jews
They are. But they're loyal to destruction first and foremost. If a Jew was given to choose between destroying the Adamic race and true Israel and saving another Jews' life, that kike with Satanic yearning and vigor would probably choose to destroy Creation.

not anymore it was their spoiled baby that does no wrong now its jewish hate and noticing magnate everywhere
it makes them look bad and jews need to lead the world weimar style 'kek'
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i see
they have been threatening war with lebanon for awhile now
to be desu, i think they will do it, but probably wait til after the US election
(also just filter turk flags, roaches never have anything good to say anyways)

>Good morning moominanon, it's been a while.
indeed it has, goodmorning chilefren
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i mean no one cared about the olympics without the jewish touchup
Meh that's the average day in Beirut Rafiq Hariri Airport
Anyway I live in a city on the coast of southern Lebanon and at the moment lots of fireworks going off everywhere people are celebrating the official HS graduation exam results
>nothingburger then
as expected of israel
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who baking?
I baked this one, i can bake again
Something big is going to happen in the next 5 minutes. I feel it.
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sounds good fren
>i think they will do it, but probably wait til after the US election
>(also just filter turk flags, roaches never have anything good to say anyways)
They need a more Zionist hand in power, both Trump and kamala can serve that purpose.
>indeed it has, goodmorning chilefren
How are you?
Aren't all martial arts at an Olympic level a joke that will cost your life in a real combat situation?
the big thing happening is me having a private meeting with your moms pussy
>Aren't all martial arts at an Olympic level a joke that will cost your life in a real combat situation?
Yes, thats why Judo has gazillion rules.
Can it wait till tomorrow, people are celebrating their kids graduating tonight
Yep, I'm not saying people are not apprehensive, but celebrating with fireworks at a time when actual bombs might drop is pretty bold lmao
dude gross, why you want to fuck old women? at least say my sister
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>They need a more Zionist hand in power, both Trump and kamala can serve that purpose.
i think they will go with trump, he seems to be more supportive of israel
im not sure what harris's stance is on israel and whether she will support american boots on the ground to save israel, as an invasion of lebanon will bring the US into war

and im doing alright fren, just havent been spending a whole lot of time anymore on 4chan or the internet for that matter
how are you?
My Jewish voodoo just came up with another prediction. 2 weeks
youre such a degen
>dis nigga don't like milfs
Israeli drones flying over Rafic Hariri airport doing recon, they will likely assist the IDF jets in bombing operation that will start within mintues.

you are the one who wants to fuck really old women. do you have a granny fetish?
>they will kill 30k more civvies
like that has stopped hamas kek
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