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The fagnerite invader fears the TUAREG

This thread is dedicated to the brave Tuareg freedom fighters of Mali
Why do sandniggers always win?
Because unlike what people believe about the notion of "color revolutions" you just can't astroturf an entire country for any sustainable and strategically beneficial amount of time

The 4-part series on the Ukraine war by "sarcasmitron" touches on that connection very deeply in comparison to the average dialog.

It's a very lucid analysis, I highly reccomend it

But back to your post - I think this is just a result of military adventurism and attempts of wide-scale permanent effect being both unsustainable and to large degrees infeasible.
That's just not exclusive to sandniggers kek.
good video series.
the 4th video was truly eye-opening to how utterly retarded americunts were in the early 2000s. motherfuckers lost their minds once the towers collapsed.
reminds me off that one pissed of american that posted this gem a few months ago:

>Republicans are the greatest political cancer that this country has ever seen. They have been wrong about literally every foreign policy issue in the last 30 years. The only thing they ever got right was Gulf war 1. After that they got us involved in two completely pointless trillion dollar wars in sandbox nations that most Americans couldn't give a shit about, they elected the most incompetent president in American history, they basically handed the South Pacific to China and they forked over billions every year to Israel with absolutely zero return on investment or strings attached. Now they are telling us that supporting a democracy that is literally fighting an existential war on our behalf against a fascist genocidal invader, which just forty years ago was the single greatest threat that our nation ever faced, is a waste of money. This after the fuckers pissed away billions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of American lives based on lies that they concocted.

>You have no idea how painful it is to be a reasonable American sharing a country with these fucktards. I hold them in lower regard than I do Russians. At least our enemies are honest about their intent to destroy the fabric of our country, Republicans are too cowardly to just say it outright. If you're a Republicunt reading this I hope your children get cancer and you get to watch them die slowly. You deserve nothing less, since that's what you've done to America. Burn in hell.
wewlad, that greentext is seething with hatred but I understand where it comes from
the jokes is that faggots like pidorshallowz don't even have kids and the fags like that dude that got capped by that terrorist at the trump rally are just going along
>Ukraine dicksucker
Why should I give a fuck about them?
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Some helmet cam footage of the ambush just got released, IDK why you're posting AI
are you frustrated?
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then again the trump crowd are contrarian cattle and would also fully endorse him should he ever do a 360 towards ukraine and flood them with support instead of constantly praising putin and russia
It must be heartwarming for a turk.
>Two Ukroholes refusinf to fight , sharing essays with each other
Nobody reading that

To page 4 you go.
>they forked over billions every year to Israel with absolutely zero return on investment or strings attached
Oh man, why are NATO troons so fucking stupid?
The joke is that it's a VW "Tuareg" in the center around the dead fagnerite ziggers that got killed in norhtern Mali - a place where there are a lot of Tuareg people

Nah, he just missed the joke which is admittedly kind of obscure

It's worse than this, it's this completely inward-looking narrow-minded and strategicaklly short-sighted thought extinguishing mantra-riding that >>475996529 exemplifies and it's born out of a legitimate feeling that values don't matter because political representatives have fucked shit up for decades.
Sure, countersignalling everything and rejecting the most basic notions of deliberation of policy and its long term effects is counterproductive but it's one of the results that you get when people view the government as traiterous.
"What's in it for me" to an extreme degree that precludes thinking about it honestly.
What about Volkswagens?
No dumbfuck I didn't even play the video because I recognized it was the one with the three (3) US Green berets getting killed a long time ago.
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Oh, my bad.
Yeah, then it was a zigger faggot.

Lemme drop a countersignal then
Here is a publicly updated and OSINT-sourced list of demilitarized [Z]ubhumans:
It is curated by "Mediazona", a group of journos/researchers working together in a telegram group
They draw from publically, internet-availiable announcements of death (social media posts, obituaries, etc.)
Keep in mind that
>not every dead zergling gets an obituary
>many russians are not even told if their zergling is dead
>there is intentional concealment of truth
>dead zergs are often just declared „missing“
>kremlin takes steps at different levels to keep No. of known dead zerglings lower/obfuscated
The real figure of humanized [Z]ubhumans is likely much higher
Aknowledging the above circumstances, it'd be impressive if mediazona managed to find a whole 20% of overall orc death that happened out there
Lets stick with that 20% rate of identification anyways

2024-07-28|19:49:17 ----- 63110. Кaлинчyк Bиктop Aнaтoльeвич (https://vk.com/wall34195747_1945)

>63110 * 5 = 315550 rekt ziggers

Considering all the crimes and atrocities committed by rusian „liberators“ I sincerely no longer feel any empathy for their deaths.
The more, the merrier.

zubhumanz must die for their crimes
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Are these Tureg the new moderate beheaders? Did you learn nothing from Syria Hans? You now want Sahara nomads in Berlin too?
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>Are these Tureg the new moderate beheaders?
based based based
dead ziggers
how come nafoids love Tuareg sandnigger rebels so much when they believe Donetsk rebels are illegitimate? Do they not realize the west has always supported Mali and no one has ever recognized Tuareg state?
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ISIS lost
Rebels lost
Israel lost
Nanachi lost
Mitty lost
Turegs will lose
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>Donetsk rebels
no such thing, simply an are occupied by russians
What a soulless car. Ugly as shit, too.
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>ISIS lost
>Rebels lost
what rebels
>Israel lost
would be good if zionist faggots lost
but israel hasn't lost
>Nanachi lost
bondrewd making a novel acquaintance with death
>Mitty lost
she won freedom from the chronenbergian prison she was in
>Turegs will lose
yeah, their victory is unlikely given their overall situation
but i think it's funny and good they killed fagnerite vatniggers
ziggers must die for their crimes, wherever they are on this earth

total nanachi victory
>no such thing, simply an are occupied by russians
precisely this


Puppeted by: ex-fsb pidors/various criminals/wagner ""P""MC/regular rusnigger army(on vacation)
>Wagner PMC is entirely funded and organized by the Russian government.
>The "separatism" is just a contrivance, a lie (to russians) by the govt for a power grab in Ukriane
t.Igor "Strelkov" Girkin
ISG proudly states that without his action the "separatism" would've fizzled because there was no authentic basis
IGS was operating as terrorists in donbass ordered russian terrorists to shoot, hitting MH17 over Ukraine, killing 298 people
They count to the 3404 dead from 2014-2021 (2084 dead in 2014) on both terrorist controlled territories of ukraine and those that were free
Ziggers try to inflate this and claim "50k russians genocided in donbas"
These identified russian servicemen used a BUK launcher originating from the 53rd anti-air brigade previously stationed at Kursk
It's a Potemkin Putsch

Ukrainians, Russophone or not were entirely fine being with Kyiv
Even they elected Zelensky into power and Zelensky was doubtful of war
He even reduced military readiness until the vatnigger chimpout actually went ahead
They never asked to be occupied by Russian brotherfucker military
Once Donbas is liberated, the people of Donetsk and Luhansk will fly Ukrainian flags
Much like the residents of the supposedly "Russian" cities of Kharkiv and Kherson
Because unlike Russian thieves, rapists and murderers,
Ukrainian soldiers are the ones actually welcomed as saviors and liberators from the russian terrorist regime
why the double standard? Tuareg are supported by Arabs and other sandnigger terrorists too. No one recognizes their movement. France and most NATO countries support Mali.
>more jewish and glownigger funded "moderate jihadists"
This will go well
mobik bodies recognize their bullets, so they're as real as they need to be, that's all that matters
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I am gloating about fagnerite niggers being killed
I don't actually know enough about the Tuareg to support or disavow them, you annoying nigger.
I was forced to learn enough about ziggers the last two years to know to disavow and despise them though.

Source: https://archive.md/aGd7a

>Ukraine hasn't bombed Donetsk for 8 years, they targeted Russian positions there
>The AFU weren't gonna attack Russia with NATO blocs
>The Ministry of Defense is trying to deceive the public and the President
>[They're]telling a story [about] insane aggression from Ukraine, and they were going to attack us together with the entire NATO bloc
>When Zelensky became President, he was ready for agreements
>All that needed to be done was to get off Olympus, go and negotiate with him:
>What was the war for?
>The war was needed for Shoigu to receive praise and awards
>The oligarchic clan that rules Russia needed the war
>The war was needed to install Medvedchuk as President of Ukraine
>Donbass has been plundered since 2014 by people from the Putin administration, the FSB and oligarchs
>Shoigu did not have enough eggs
>In the first days of the war, Shoigu killed 1,000 Russian soldiers near Gostomel, he disabled the most combat-ready part of the army
>Shells [aren't supplied] because the leadership of the RF-MOD believes the life of a soldier [to be] cheaper
>Secondly, they believe they'll need shells to defend Moscow, and therefore all warehouses near Moscow are still full
>[There's a] serious shortage of shells [for] the troops
>When you see a video that is fabricated by the MOD, this is just window dressing so that everyone calms down, and do not touch them and do not criticize.

Brought to you by the late PRIGHOZID himself
Huh? You're losing yourself m8. Stop supporting terrorist sandniggers if you believe in a country's territorial integrity.
>I don't actually know enough about the Tuareg to support or disavow them
Yes we know. You're just a retard.

Terror is a perfectly valid way of diplomacy and am tired of pretending otherwise
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cry more, john.
wagnigger cubification will continue all around the globe, by any means necessary until TZD is achieved
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It's funny because they killed fagnerites that perpetrated lots of death and misery in Ukraine.
Including that faggot pidor "grey zone" lmao.
rest in piss vatnigger

Ukraine did not "bomb Donbass civilians for 8 years"
Russia formented unrest and armed terrorists in Ukraine and sent its own spooks, soldiers and criminals there to cause trouble
The statistics are a complete refutation of this shill-talking point once you take a closer look what the facts and numbers are
The same "UN OHCHR" report that vatnik shills refer to, claiming "50k civilians murdered by 8 years of Ukrainian bombing" talks about 50k *c a s u a l t i e s* (actually dead:4000 dead in 8 years)
And here's the kicker, those 50k casualties aren't even civilian:
>INCLUDES dead dead soldiers on both sides of the conflict
>INCLUDES occasions of Injuries with widely varying severity of Soldiers and Civilians
>INCLUDES vatnik terrorists/"lugandans"/"donbabweans"
>INCLUDES 298 people that died when MH17 was shot down
(shot down by a Russia-supplied BUK launcher from the 53rd armored motor rifle brigade previously stationed at kursk under command of Ex-FSB (war)criminal Igor Girkin and his terrorist glowniggercrew)
The relevant graphs are on page 3 of the reports availiable in English, Russian and Ukrainian:

tl;dr: bomb bombass shilldren and fumigate ratmeans, it didn't happen but it should have and lying vatniggers tongue my anus
>Ukraine did not "bomb Donbass civilians for 8 years"
>Russia formented unrest and armed terrorists in Ukraine
Did FSB infiltrate the Greek government to make us sue Ukraine in EU courts seven years since 2008 for marginalizing their Greek population?
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Nope, but ziggerfaggots aren't claiming to "liberate" Greeks living in Ukraine.
Nice non-sequitor.
Not sure if you're just being lacksadaisical as one is on imageboards or disingenuous.
From what I can see the minority situation in Ukraine is similar as it is in Germany, France or even your own Country.
Nobody cares where you're from as long as you aren't acting like a traitor.

>Russian language/perfomance of songs/books/culture is incrementally banned by law 2012-2018
Nigger what?
2012 law On the principles of the State language policy [uk] granted regional language status to Russian and other minority languages
allowed the use of minority languages in courts, schools and other government institutions in areas of Ukraine where the national minorities exceed 10% of the population
supported by governing "Party of Regions" - pidors panderers
opposed by opposition parties - undermines role of Ukrainian language, §10 of the Constitution, adopted with improper procedure
Oct. 2014 Constitutional Court reviews 2012 law; declared unconstitutional in 2018
2012-2018, Russian language was the de-facto language is Russian speaking majority regions until it was overturned due to being unconstitutional
The law was supported by the pro-Russian president and pro-Russian political parties
2012-2018, the Russian Language was not under any sort of threat of censorship or banning
>Russian language/perfomance of songs/books/culture is incrementally banned by law
only even remotely the 2019 language law in Ukraine
it came 5 years after the start of war and invasion, made Ukrainian primary language in everyday life
no regulation of private communication
some exemptions the official languages of the European Union and for minority languages, Russian, Belarusian and Yiddish included
Russian speakers are under no threat or persecution, unless they are somehow involved with pro-Russia media which is currently banned for, you know, waging war/stuff
why are you posting us sof from niger nigger
America trying to have missiles 300 miles from Moscow is
> At least our enemies are honest about their intent to destroy the fabric of our country
God I hate Neo-Cohens so fucking much
I had no knowledge of Mali conflict, but based on this obvious shilling Russia is destroying ZOG armies at the cost of two rusty shovels and 4 decrepit convicts. Long live Putler
is it V10 TDI?
So, will this take Krasnogorovka back?
I remember seeing this video years ago. Those are mutt zoggies.
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based retard

it's just some AI slop conjured up to make a mildly amusing joke about fagnerite [z]ubhumans being killed in Mali
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a dead zigger is a good zigger
I know I know; but V10 tdi is cool
fake story
the only source is:
>muslim terrorists say so
3rd thread
NAFO tranny faggots funding muslims who would kill the for being the faggots that they are if they ever met.

Why is NATO killing catholics in "soverien nations"?
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>meanwhile in Ukraine
do balkanites like german SUVs?
you'd think they'd be more the sedan enthusiasts
Well, nice to hear you have a passion
Are they less meh than other VW cars?
Honestly right to repair/primacy of ownership and its suppression and the way companies conduct themselves makes me seethe about any car.

dead zigger faggots are pretty convincingly set in scene and it lines up with other geospatial information that was established in various sources in the days leading up to this zigger engoodening
so long ghey zone, rest in piss you pathetic ziggerfaggot
yes we like sedans more, but you cannot get V10 tdi in a sedan. Maybe VW phaeton had it
VW has 3 cars, Polo, Golf and Passat. All others don't count, if you want tuareg you would be better of buying an BMW or Audi(still VW). When you spend so much money you would expect something more than a VW

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