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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous >>475995986

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death).

>Al-Qassam Brigades traps a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.
> Haaretz, it was revealed that the so-called "Atlantis" project turned out to be a miserable and useless failure
>Al-Mayadeen sources: Four explosions heard inside the American wing of the "Ain al-Assad" base. Initial reports indicate a double attack via drone and four missiles.
>Washington gives Netanyahu ‘full backing’ to expand war on Lebanon








>Guide to Israel-Palestine conflict
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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American settler hostage Liat Atzili tells Haaretz (Hebrew) that Hamas treated her humanely and took care of her. These are just a few of her statements in this interview:
- Hamas was not scary & repeatedly told her they would keep her safe.
- Hamas went and got her pizza.
- Hamas kept physical boundaries with her and she did not fear any sexual violence (when asked about sexual assault)
- Hamas fighters would talk about history, travel, pets, and cooking with her. They would also let her watch TV.
- The house she was kept in was completely open and she walked around freely.
- Hamas fighters gave her a human attitude/treatment

Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:
>Watch: The fighters of Al-Qassam Brigades confronting enemy soldiers and vehicles in the incursion axis east of the city of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip Al-Aqsa Flood.
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***NEW*** 7/16/2024
https://youtu.be/MwG-L7qv0ZY [Embed]

>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Yemeni armed forces:

We reveal the new USV ‘Toofan Al-Mudammer’, which entered service officially for the first time and targeted the ship TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR.
New 6/30/24


Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades:

Trapping a zionist force in a three-stage complex ambush near the separation wall adjacent to the village of Al-Mutila near the city of Jenin in the West Bank.



Footage of targeting “Ramat David” Airbase
New 7/23/2024


Al-Quds Brigades:

Footage shows scenes of its mujahideen attacking the Zionist enemy forces with mortar shells and missiles on the supply line in the “Netzarim” axis.
New 7/25/2024

>New Islamic Resistance Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq:

Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting a building used by Israeli enemy army soldiers in the Metulla settlement in northern occupied Palestine.
New 7/22/2024

>New Al-Sharqiya Battalion
A group calling itself "Soldiers of God - Al-Sharqiya Battalion" publishes scenes of the detonation of an explosive device in an occupation army vehicle in #Jenin
New 2/21/24

▶Daily After Action Reports
https://pastebin.com/GWbMvPeg 6/30/24
https://pastebin.com/V7KgCa8W 6/30/24

▶Hamas Memorandum:
"This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood."
https://files.catbox.moe/zlt9ld.pdf New 1/21/24

>War Crimes Of IDF Updated
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>News / Clips

Moment of sniping a settler this afternoon south of Nablus. West Bank.
New 7/2/24

These are the survivors of IEDs
New 7/1/24

Al-Qassam Brigades:

Our preparation continues.
New 6/30/24

Al-Mujahideen Brigades:

Footage of the rockets we launched at the Zionist army command headquarters in “Re’im” colony, in the Gaza envelope.
New 6/29/24

Settlers forcefully occupied and stole a house belonging to the Palestinian Al-Khalidi family with Israeli army protection in the Old City of Jerusalem. While the family still inside !!
New 6/27/24

Yemeni Armed Forces:

“We reveal the hypersonic ballistic missile (Hatim 2) for the first time, along with footage of its launch targeting the Israeli ship (MSC SARAH V) in the Arabian Sea.”
New 6/26/24

A massive fire has broken out in Al-Issawiya, east of #AlQuds.

The fire spread near an occupation army camp and area surrounding the Hebrew University in east occupied #AlQuds, according to local sources.
New 6/25/24

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"
>REMINDER: Israel starts wars that displace Arabs, then helps them and Africans immigrate into Europe
>REMINDER: Israel has admitted to possessing nuclear weapons, thereby renouncing its policy of "strategic ambiguity
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Foreign soldiers attempting to murder US citizens on US soil
>>468522229 (Dead)# (Dead)# (Dead)# (Dead)#
Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24
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>>475867768 (You) (Cross-thread)#
>>475867851 (You) (Cross-thread)#

Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.











Keep the Druze out of this you fucking psychos.
Let us study Greek philosophy and the secrets of the universe in peace.
Don’t bomb our villages in Lebanon and Israel and Syria.
What the fuck is wrong with you retards? We’ve been in the same tiny spots for a thousand years. You have the entire Middle East to blow up and we just want a few tiny mountains.
We’ll keep reincarnating until we kick your asses I swear
nigga you guys fucked up that part of the world
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If we weren't important, they wouldn't waste shekels, manpower, and resources into shilling. If things were hopeless like they claim, there would be no reason for shilling.
Anytime a jewish shill tries to claim otherwise, remember that they unironically write entire reports about us. They see us as the trailblazers of the internet, from which all the important content on social media is then copied.
So did the jews cuck out and won't do anything to Hezbollah?
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Maybe you've heard of this document, fren? Do you know the history of britain and the creation is shitrael? If it weren't for UK, none of this would have ever happened. Let alone all those years of Palestine being taken as a colony by the crown
so the sandnigger narrative is that jooz did it? really? just like every other time? man you guys try to run away from the consequences of your own actions all the time like a bitch
Just another coordinated and choreographed "response" that has been communicated to Hezbollah well in advance. Both sides will rattle their sabers for a few weeks, they'll both claim victory, and then we're right back to the status quo. Of course, I could be wrong and this could be the precursor to an all-out war, but I doubt it.
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They're going to do something very minor, to save face. Then, they're going to allow Hezbollah to mini attack them back to save face. Then the little saga will be over
> Not unlike when Iran attacked israel just to save face, and not to be a real attack. But, big enough that it cost billions to defend against, and kept them on high alert, to let them know to fucking knock it off already. Since shitrael kept trying to bait Iran into attacking them, by attacking all of their shit in small increments.
> That then allowed israel to then attack Iran back also, in another nothingburger attack. As it was mutually agreed upon by both sides, simply to save face since the kikes were butthurt about the attack from Iran
Lord Rothschild and the famiily as a whole are crypto durzis, the real reason for Israel's creation is to allow the druze (using ancient rhyming linguinstics "jews") to create a state in the Middle East and any criticisms will be deflected upon the jews and not the mendacious and conniving druze
This is exactly what you niggers were saying before Israel invaded gaza.
You fags keep going in circles and never learn anything. Stop posting and just slurp up the next iranian propaganda drop, retards.
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israel can't afford to return to the status quo while it's a very comfortable level of escalation for Hezbollah and the other proxies' war of attrition.
The Olympics tranny is a kike
It's because nobody thought that Israel would be stupid enough to get stuck into a Gaza invasion.
It was and still is an incredible stupid idea with nothing to gain from and only to lose.
I can understand Hezbollah's pov but isn't Bibi committed to the invasion of Lebanon? if he doesn't go big in Lebanon, wouldn't he look like a bitch? not saying an invasion, but perhaps the flattening of Beirut Airport, which would escalate into a full-scale war
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It's so sad that the west no longer believes israeli propaganda. They had a good run though, for 75 years before it ended. Now, only shitraeli kikes actually believe pissraeli propaganda
you're barely yazidi tier no one gives a shit about you and your sufferings will be running joke like how isis sold them yazidi girls in good ol slave markets
lots of airplanes of beirut rn
>This is exactly what you niggers were saying before Israel invaded gaza.
israel hasnt invaded gaza tho, it has tried for 10 months unsuccessfully. but hasnt really invaded. just bombed.
>oh boy you probably cant fist bump your asshole
>ohhh yes i can
whole hand in jewish asshole
>Let us study Greek philosophy

I read that the druze practice hindu stuff mixed with other weirdness, doesnt sound greek to me
theres hostile soldiers there with tanks and guns, its the literal textbook definition of an invasion fren, now, i wouldn't say it was a "successful" invasion tho...
philosophy my ass you're as godless as alawites thats why most of you speak venezuelan instead of arabic
let them occupy DEEZ nuts
>speak venezuelan

the power of vuvuzela
druzes and syrians are more than 5 millions in venzuela and other south american nations
only us and the chinks made it there par inquisitors and natives kek
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Where are the real numbers of IDF casualties sin the Gaza operation started? Newspapers talk about something like 330 dead, no word on wounded. Surely that number is too low.

Pic related, wounded IDF soldier.
argentina, brazil chile and other sudacas had presidents with arab origins
lol the jihadi shiite vs sunni spambot thinks noone is going to notice
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(((They))) lose practically every battle, Then if they don't, they then hand the land right back to the Palestinians shortly afterwards.
Literally all this war has been good for, is destroying israeli tanks, wasting all their munitions, disabling well over 70,000 (as of june), tanking the shitraeli economy by 20%, decreasing foreign investment by 90%, causing 1/4 of pissraeli's to want to leave, well over 500k had already left within the first few months of war. New citizen interest had dropped by at least half, 46,000 businesses destroyed months ago and rising, kikes no longer feel safe in shitrael, kike marriages are getting destroyed, suicide rates have skyrocketed for both IDF and kike civilians, the world especially in the west no longer believes shitraeli propaganda or jews, kikes are no longer seen as the perpetual victims but rather as the psychopathically evil genocidal war criminals that they are, and so on
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balls equals nada
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Why bother making these posts, let the kikes and sand niggers kill each other. The less inferior races there are, the better for the world.
Unless you are a lefty faggot who supports sand niggers or some pedo cuckold kikes supporter.
bitch got them dick sucking lips
Funny how her harness emphasizes her tits
Whites are going to get pulled into fighting for Israel
All I can see is the exact same disgusting lip filler that the all israelie women get for some reason.
muh both sides bad
par alawite clerks there is no need for you to study the religion or make any act of worship or even proclaim the faith

even iran were saying they're not muslims until 20 years ago for politics

alawites themselves dont say they're muslims
its called fillers. its not her real lips.
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We all knew the 300 number was fake, since most of us have picrels of the dead that numbered more than that. Especially when adding in subsequent attacks when 28 or 42 would get killed in 24-48hrs, after those other photos had been released confirming that they died.
Let alone that the killed to injured ratio is so retarded, if we know that 70k had been disabled by over a month ago (which doesn't even include the injured that still kept their arms or legs, or little sanity that they had left). They simply claim that the kikes died from something else, like a papercut or catching a cold
i smell poo
your's poo, shit eater
well she can fill her mouth with this here dick if you catch my drift
i do catch it kek
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Let them try. Half of zoomers don't believe that the holohoax wasn't a lie. Let alone the groid zoomers which is going to be way higher, since only 55% of nogs of all ages believe that the holocaust wasn't a lie.

When the topic of risking their lives or safety to protect israel came up in the very beginning of the war. The DEI mutt troops revolted, which is a large part as to why the west never truly sent troops to the fight for shitrael.
> (they sent a couple ships just to intercept drones and missiles, to claim to shitrael that they were defending them. But, the west never got into offense, as that would also draw in Iran, Russia, and likely China)

Sucks to be shitrael right now, as their 4D chess keeps on getting fucked up, as yahoo is playing with checkers pieces
you are a clown, ive met alawites from syria and they believe most of what 12er's do
only difference is they have some form of a trinity and they pray way differently than other sects
you are just causing division like the rat you are

Thanks, yeah the numbers don't make sense, specially considering something like 370 IDF + police officers died only on Oct 7. I can't imagine Hamas not being able to kill as many soldiers after months of fighting in Gaza.
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Show your geoflag. We both know that you don't have a VPN, since it would cost too much versus what you get paid monthly for shilling in pooland.
AKA, Only $16/month in paychecks for shilling.

Let alone that we all filter out memefags and geoflags known for shills, such as poo land and shitrael
I have to water my plants for a little bit before it gets completely dark. I didn't get a chance today because of my sleep schedule, and bumping & baking. Some like my massive kava plant is wilted really badly right now. Please bump it as needed till I get back
will do
i hate chores
a quick reminder 13 israeli children died and israel didn't go to war for them against a militia
what does kwab mean?
>terrorists runs for their lives into tunnels every time israel moves in an area
>can't retake philadelphi or netzarim
yeah for ham-ass
>into tunnels

no one is stopping you from chasing them into the tunnels
someone was raped in summerslam 92 pls dont jokes about it
tanks cant fit into tunnels silly
kevin nash meme
That's what they've been doing since december dumb fuck, hamas discards their weapons and run out to pretend to be civilians and then booby trap the entrances, then dig up a cache and go back to jihad.
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Bakers please add this absolute KINO by Hezbolla to your list of kinos.
again, no one is stopping you from going into the tunnels and chasing the evil hamas fighters
Thank you serbanon
This video was made during muharram, the month Hussain (AS) died.
>still cant have more than a handful dead hamas footage
all of nuIDF has cameras and you already blur it out whats stopping you doing so and releasing it retard
a huge general alraedy admitted that you're lying and barely encounter militants.. hamas raped you and went down
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I just found some flour in my basement. It isnt expired. I should make some confectioneries.
soldiers can, IDF are just cowards and unwilling to sacrifice themselves for their own fake state, if the IDF loved pissrael so much they would be jumping in a pit of swords to make a bridge to reach Sinwar.
Cowards all of them.
and IDF special forces get kidnapped lol
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Thanks fren

It's not chores when it's my garden. I'm not some kid that lives in my parents basement
When are they gonna start the new Lebanon kino?
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Even if it's expired by a year or two, as long as there's no bugs, it's usually still good. As long as it was stored properly, and not in heat or moisture. Especially if sealed in a container, and not the normal paper bag that it comes in

2 more weeks
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They are fren. Kikes are gathering from all the world, to go to their ancestral homelands promised by god.
The IDF kikes are doing the same thing, doing everything that they can do, to fight for what's important to them
> They're all fleeing to their ancestral Homeland of Brooklyn NYC. Safe and protected, and not at risk of getting resistanced.
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You should probably be going to sleep I assume. Since it's late and you need to get up for work tomorrow. Thanks for your service today, with bumping, baking, bumping, and getting engagement in the thread
> 3:23am in sweden
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Anyone still awake, or am I here to bump for a couple hours till people reawaken?
no work tomorrow. im just half asleep.
I'm here waiting for Lebanon to kick off
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Still, go to sleep. I'm awake so I bump till I pass out, which is usually 11:30pm-1:30am, and sometimes like last night and others this past week, till 3:30am-5:30am sometimes. I don't have to be awake until 8am tomorrow, since I got to work tomorrow at 9:30am
> it's 9:45pm now here, NYC time zone
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I can't believe they wrote an entire report on us, they also mentioned /chug/ but they forgot about Syria general.
It's 2 more weeks.

At most, you'll have little nothing attacks, just something to safe face with shitraeli kikes, to show that they're doing something about it. Despite it being a tin foil dome missile that misfired, which we'll find out later on. Hezbollah already denied responsibility, and they always claim responsibility for anything that they do. Afterwards, Hezbollah will then do a little nothing attack right back, to safe face with the resistance. It's all been agreed to already with a meeting I had read somewhere.
Just like how Iran attacked to save face after shitrael kept bullying them and attempting to bait them into war. Iran didn't bite, but simply send a message of "knock it off already". Then, israel, iran, and negotiators spoke, and agreed to allow pissrael to attack them back in a nothing attack, just to save face

It's all choreographed, for the morale of each people. Only israel wants all out war, the rest just want it to all stop already. Israel wants it, to bait the west into fighting for them. But if israel is the aggressor, or the attack against them isn't big enough, it's not going to justify an actual war with Iran.
The Rabbinical councils are on to us!
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Yep, they're unironically obsessed with us. That's why they send so many shill teams against us. To spy, gather intel, slide the threads when big things happen, push narratives, demoralize, and so on. They then gather that intel and analyze it, and then write reports on us. It's why the kike shills always bring up random details about us, since they keep notes of everything. Knowing details about each and every fren, as well as knowing our writing patterns.

JWC jewish world congress pdf report on /chip/
> https://wjc-org-website.s3.amazonaws.com/horizon/assets/Jb32GlTy/wjc-slamstudio_a-flood-of-hate_v4.pdf
Another jew shill org's report
> https://hcommons.org/deposits/download/hc:61208/CONTENT/isca-report-holocaust-distortions-on-social-media-after-10.7.pdf/
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Ooooo /chip/ about to be SQUIRMING
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Thanks for the bump. Feel free to provide as many free bumps as you like. You're shilling to just me right now, so fire away. We're all excited about shitrael invading lebanon, as it won't end well for the kikes if they go to actual war with Hezbollah. It's a huge military, which is predicted to double to 200,000 with all the groups who have volunteered to join if a war begins. It's unifying muslims, for both sunni and shia working together for this.

Hezbollah has simply been in "vacation mode", which means testing weapons to see which is most effective in different scenarios, and the best ways to use them. Along with training the men on how to use each thing most effectively. Let alone watching how shitrael responds to everything, and what their weaknesses are and even to the point of where they can fly drones without getting attacked. They still have almost 1,000,000 munitions (missiles, rockets, RPG's, etc), and have only used up 5% of them so far. They haven't begun war mode yet.

Shitrael keeps losing to Hamas, who is weak and small, with primitive weapons. Hezbollah is one of the strongest militaries in the entire mideast, likely 2nd only to Iran. Even the IDF
kikes are afraid of a war with them, and know it will simply end in death for kikes.
What the retarded shit you are talking about.
Take your shitty culture and family out of western countries. Go back to your goat fuck country, if you hate so much pajeet, join your Paki brothers team up with chinks to fight agains them, take few cow shit eaters with you and then die.
I am tired of walking the streets and seeing "multiculturalism everywhere", people protesting about shit that happens in their countries in our country. Fuck globalization, keks, sand niggers, niggers, pajeets, chinks some latinos and k-pop.
>Newspapers talk about something like 330 dead
That's from the IOF and they're not trustworthy. They're notorious for having a culture of lying.
lmao who's squirming? pic related is from literally two minutes ago
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it's THAT in-depth????? they think they're gonna capture someone on here, is that why there's the israeli namefags and goreposters? like 4chan isn't exactly relevant anymore so I don't understand why we live this rent free in their heads.
Is 53 going to return?
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That's just an excerpt from the reports. They're longer. Worth the read. Lots of good info in it. The reports actually say how relevant we are, that the content is all gathered and posted here first. Then, then from here the best content and the memes then get reposted onto social media. We're still the trailblazers of the interwebz, and always have been. Think back to rick rolling, i haz cheezeburger, and even the media thinking that the OK symbol is a hate symbol because it was a chan campaign to troll the media and ADL.

They wouldn't waste shekels, time, manpower, resources, etc., if we weren't important. Just /pol/ alone before the war, kike shill NGO's used to spend $50,000/day shilling on /pol/. It's gone up since then, due to the massive demand and increase in anti-israel and anti-kike content that's been posted on here, and IRL.
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I think he unironically got v&, he used to update the rentry so I'm thinking they got good info that way. I hope I'm wrong, but I think 53 was compromised.

Pray for our boy.

If shitrael ever invades Lebanon, I think he will return. Otherwise, It could be months. He needed time off for his personal life
This goes so hard
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It's worth it to read the 2 reports. Just be safe when downloading them, in case they track it. Don't click directly from chan, and preferably use a VPN. Clear your cookies first, that way they can't see which site is referring you to them. Smartest to use a computer and not a cellphone, tablet, watch, etc. As those have device ID's and advertising ID's built into the OS and so on. Those are simply tracking devices essentially.
bampu for /chip/
honestly we should just mirror them on catbox and make sure we print to PDF prior to uploading to remove anything
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>be me
>be jews
>not comfy
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Converting the full pages to jpeg is probably the smartest. That way we can share them here on /pol/, just as I posted a handful of excerpts and pages on here in that format. Depending on the file size and compression, we could likely fit each report into 1-3 files each
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Good evening comfy fren. TKD
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I'll see about doing it tomorrow if I have time after work. It's safer to share, alternatively we could archive them via archive.is and I think that should remove tracking stuff. Do you have the direct links to them?
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The reports are longer than just chan, as they focus on other groups also. So, the only pages that we care about are the pages about chan.
> It's not a bad idea to personally also read other parts, since it gets you inside their mindset and how they work. But, if we convert the pages to jpg, it's best to only do pages regarding chan,

World Jewish Congress report on hate
> https://wjc-org-website.s3.amazonaws.com/horizon/assets/Jb32GlTy/wjc-slamstudio_a-flood-of-hate_v4.pdf

Another jewish shill NGO
> https://hcommons.org/deposits/download/hc:61208/CONTENT/isca-report-holocaust-distortions-on-social-media-after-10.7.pdf/

Example JPG's from the JWC report.
Thanks, fren. I'll see about doing this tomorrow.
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Thanks burgerfren. I fried my laptop, modem, backup cell, and lots of other fun stuff plugged in during a lightning strike about a week ago. So I'm simply stuck on my phone to do chan right now, otherwise I'd help out with converting em.
> Make sure to always buy a good surge protector for your electronics. Retardedly, I only had one hooked to my main TV and sound system, but nothing else. So I'll be shopping for a bunch, when I'm replacing the handful of electronics that I lost.
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fucking wild.
>not showing the cute OC banners
Go on /g/ and get yourself a cheap Thinkpad. They make good wrong think machines. You can have a completely untraceable laptop for under 50 USD
Redpill me on jews
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I appreciate the advice. I'll check out /g/ when I'm more awake. probably tomorrow. Really tired right now, so grasping info would be a lot harder. I use a deal site to find cheap items here in the states, so I had initially just planned to wait till a great deal popped up.
> It unfortunately also became the #1 deal site I think, which is a problem since now some of the "deals" the staff posts shitty deals in exchange for money. Rather than users posting, and then getting upvoted till it becomes frontpage or popular.
I'm wary of thinkpads though, since IBM went to shit once it got bought over by bugmanland. Family members and friends have had too many problems with them, after IBM got bought over. Even the casing is pretty cheap, and it's not that durable usually, let alone all the other little problems.

I'll check out /g/ once I'm awake though, to get me on the right path. Thanks fren
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>Redpill me on jews
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>Redpill me on jews
Gimme an example
Thanks. It’s all makes sense now
The story starts with the Elohim invasion of Earth after the Younger Dryas Event
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>Redpill me on jews

Too much to type and post. So, the best place is the archives
Time to end Lebanon.
No. ;-)
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We all really hope that shitrael invades lebanon. It will be extra comfy times, with much TKD
53 Would then come back, as he was excited for it to happen. He even made that a stipulation, when he was speaking about leaving. That unless shitrael invaded Lebanon, that he was going to take time off from /chip/. He was always pissed when Iran refused to escalate, so that there would be a full blown war between shitrael and Iran. He wanted to see a Hezbollah vs pissrael war.
See picrel attached & picrel in >>476036095
Whats the word pedos call themselves politically now?
Like their support orgs?
I want to make fake twitter accounts with them and Israeli flags and retween popular Israeli accounts and promote man boy love.
You can get a Thinkpad pre Intel ME (without the glowfag backdoor) which you can also coreboot or libreboot. Technically you can remove ME even on newer ones (up until t440p). But yeah you can get a vital dedicated chip posting machine
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ahh, now I understand what you meant about going to /g/ bout it. That'll help with the research, now that I understand what you meant, better.
/tpg/ is what you want, I honestly think 53 may have been picked up by glows. I think every American baker should take extreme precautions. It's illegal in most states to oppose them.
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He wasn't picked up by anyone. He had been complaining about it for a long time. It was fucking with his sleep schedule, he was doing it 7 days a week non-stop, as long as he was awake. He was neglecting his personal life, and all his free time, every minute went to chip. He baked, he bumped, he posted news, he did everything. In the beginning there were teams of 53, and lots of non-53 bakers. Then it eventually became just burger 53.

I eventually got him to start taking time off, and let him know that we frens would bump, or emergency bake when needed, and so on. So, he started taking a day off then 2 days off, and so on. Eventually only baking 1-2 threads a day. He was burning out, and needed time to himself. As it is a lot of work, and you can't do anything else, usually. He was also complaining about there not being a war with Lebanon, as he wanted KINO and TKD. He eventually said in the final weeks or month, that if the war didn't happen, that he was going to quit /chip/. And... he stayed for a while, and then he quit /chip/

If and when the war begins, I think that we'll see him again at that point.
> And anti-israel is not illegal in every state. Some states it is, but only when committing another crime at the same time. More as a way to make it harsher, like how they do with hate crimes to make the physical attack penalty harsher.
> They don't go after you just for being anti-israel
slightly unrelated, but maduro won...kikes are big mad over this
I hope he wasn't, I don't remember there ever being a group though. I think it was always the same dude. I really hope he's fine but living in the US and doing this kind of thing could get you disappeared if you mess up. Just be careful when speaking about your personal lives, frens.
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How much cooking is required to cook the jews. It was done before so it can ve dine again. Their failure god hashit abandoned them.
You have to take a break from this every now and then. I was going pretty hard on /chip/ in the early days before we had a system going on but had to back away for a while at some point. It's hard on the soul.
>failed in Bolivia
>failed in Venezuela
Time to kick the Burgers out of the region
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Cooking oil*
Walla Hebrew

The General Staff, Air Force and Navy have begun preparations for a large-scale attack on strategic targets in Lebanon
T minus 336 hours and counting.
Based Chaduro
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When Palestine is freed, I'm getting myself a christian bussy harem.
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>but they forgot about Syria general.
I guess we were flying under their radar in /sg/, plus there wasn't as much focus on the Chosen People in that conflict, especially considering all of the assistance the kikes were giving ISIS. For instance the time Israel bombed ISIS and apologized.
Remember anons, the harder they have to shill - the worse they're off.
Keep your head high and expose (((their))) lies.
anyone got a debunk on the videos in this website? https://www.thisishamas.com/
So far the official claim is they're planning "something big against hezbollah and iranian forces that won't ignite the region".
Initially they wanted to hit Beirut airport, hezb quickly clarified that such infrastructure is a serious red line.
Now they switched to "hezbollah strongholds", so the Iraqi resistance said this would be their red line.
I believe they'll keep stepping down the ladder while trying to act jewboy tough, lol.
The whole fact it is taking so long just shows how afraid they are of hezbollah.
This also explains why hezbollah didn't protest much, everyone knows this was a tinfoil dome interceptor, yet I believe hezbollah rolled with it just to show how week the yids have become.
israel knows that they will lose if they escalate. maybe adult diaper stocks are running low as well?
Why do Druze in Lebanon traditionally support the socialist party (PSP)?
total both sides genocide
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holy shit we made it to the world jewish congress!
2 weeks
I thought the airport was gonna get bombed yesterday, what happened jewsisters?
you AINT gonna do SHIT cuckboy
Quiet, future sex slave
Forget about it, the site's registration expires on Oct 17th, these yids are stingy and probably won't renew early.
Any anon want to try and grab it? It is registered with (((wix))) though we might be able to grab it at auction.
Imagine how funny it would be if we put the real deal, not (((their))) propaganda there.
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An Israeli sniper was hit by a Palestinian sniper in the Gaza Strip:

>I believed I was safe and well-protected, that nothing could harm me. I went and sat on a chair, with a table in front of me, smoking my cigarette with a companion, and was scanning the opposite area with a sniper.
>Suddenly, a bullet from a Palestinian sniper hit me, pushing me three meters back into the wall of the building I was sheltering in. My shoulder shattered, and my head and back were struck. I screamed in pain, wishing for death until I lost consciousness.
>I woke up days later, paralyzed from the neck down. Am I dismembered? I couldn't move my body, connected to a catheter, tubes to drain fluids and blood, a ventilator, and filled with stitches in my abdomen and chest.
>There was a large hole next to my heart! The bullet had shattered my ribcage, destroyed my spleen and lungs, and came very close to my heart. I learned that my heart had stopped and was revived. A combat medic with us saved my life.
good morning frens
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Bet he's gonna be in pain for the rest of his life. Every breath a reminder of what he lost and hopefully, a reminder of the pain and suffering he caused on behalf of a murderous regime.
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Hezbollah 28-07-2024 summary of operations
>1. Targeting the position of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the settlement of Al-Manara with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, causing it to burn and injuring those inside, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes.
>2. Targeting the position and deployment points of the "israeli" enemy forces in the settlement of "Shtula" and its surroundings with appropriate weapons, accurately hitting the targets, in response to the enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes.
webm related

Today's operations
>The settlement of "Manara" in northeastern occupied Palestine was targeted with an anti-tank missile, according to zionist media.
>Jaafar Al-Husseini, spokesman for Kataeb Hezbollah of the Popular Mobilization Forces of Iraq:
>If the zionist entity dares to raise the level of operations against any member of the Axis, the new rules of engagement will not be in its favor, nor in the favor of its sponsor, America of evil.
>Resistance fighters opened fire on the entrance of the settlement of "Havat Gilad" west of Nablus and withdrew safely, according to zionist sources.

>Armed clashes broke out between resistance fighters and traitorous PA forces in Al-Yamoun, west of Jenin, after the PA refused to allow a photo of the martyr Islam Khamaysa to be displayed.

> During the occupation's ongoing invasion of Dheisheh Camp, Bethlehem, the occupation forces have raided several homes and abducted at least ten Palestinians from the camp.

>The IOF withdrew from Jericho after arresting two young men.
In the hospital for a possible stroke

Death to Israel
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yesterday's tank kino
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hope it's not serious
pls recover soon
Get well soon fren
UNESCO declared the ancient city of Jericho as a World Heritage site in the “state of Palestine” last September.
Called Ariha by the Palestinians, Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world at around 11,000 years old.
The original people of Jericho were Natufians ( their descendants are in Yemen and Saudi )
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Hisham’s Palace Mosaics, Jericho, ancient Canaan, modern-day West Bank - Palestine :

>Khirbet al-Mafjar, commonly known as Hisham’s Palace, is the most important Islamic-period monument in the Jericho area. It was built as a hunting lodge and winter resort in the 8th century during the Umayyad dynasty. The place is named after Caliph Hisham bin Abdul Malek (724–743 AD), who was mistakenly thought to have ordered the construction of the edifice. After experts examined site more thoroughly, however, it was attributed to Hisham’s successor and nephew Al-Walid bin Yazid (743–744 AD). The palace was destroyed shortly after its construction by an earthquake that hit area in 747 AD.
>The complex consisted of an imposing two-story royal building, a prominent mosque, an ornate bath complex, and an agricultural estate.

>The most famous artistic aspect of Khirbet al-Mafjar are high-quality floor mosaics in the free-standing bath complex that feature a wide variety of colors and figural motifs. They are considered to be one of the Middle East’s largest carpet mosaics and consist of 38 individual designs that cover 827 square meters of the audience. The most famous part of the floor mosaic is commonly known as “Tree of Life,” it is located in a special reception room, and depicts a lion attacking a gazelle.

>The different color stones were brought in from around the region - black from Nabi Musa, south of Jericho, red from Jerusalem, white from Hebron, pink from Bethlehem and the list goes on...
Good morning chads
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Sending my meme power to you through this lucky pepe. You'll be alright.
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a poo
>retards itt suggesting hamas is winning
The world will instead be acidly bitter that Israel successfully eliminated Hamas and that their hand wringing came to nothing.

Even Hezbollah is trying to back track after realizing they made a terrible mistake. They should aim for emptier fields next time!

Israel is winning, deal with it
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Oh no, anyway
The fact is people care less and less. The outspoken few are just that, a few college kids who need something to vent their misguided worldview.

When Israel is done in Gaza things will return to normal. Reminder there are no sanctions, no ICC warrants and no ICJ judgment no matter how much you cope.
meanwhile in reality
What's the matter? I thought you didn't believe Israeli journals?
Meanwhile we now all know why the UN was so desperate to stop Israel from entering, while they couldn’t give a shit about stopping wars in Africa with hundreds of thousands of people killed. It has totally exposed their close collaboration with Hamas
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some people insist it was the feast of dionysus instead of the last supper but the jewess-whale said it's the last supper
>muh UN is khamas
israel would not exist without the un. don't be so ungrateful.
Before muslim nations infiltrated, sure. Now? The UN has become a joke. Even in 1948 Israel had to defend itself against its arab neighbours invading it trying to kill every last jew.
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>in 1948 Israel had to defend itself against its arab neighbours invading it trying to kill every last jew
we both know that's not true. the declaration of war came in response to the nakba. plan dalet was already in full swing. irgun troops had already thrown a baby in the oven in deir yassin
Looks like IDF is preparing for war with Hezbollah. That's why the airstrike didn't happen last night because IDF is reinforcing the front before going all out against Hezbollah.
but israel isn't using the tunnels.
americans are cucks.
Jews are tunelling in their cities, stealing and raping their children and still go "full sapport saar"
Haaretz areticle admitting to a warcrime by blowing up a water reservoir in Gaza.

Liar, they're still not sure how to strike without going up the escalation ladder, they'll get fucked either way though.
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Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Brigade (Silat Al-Harithiya Groups):
>Jenin Brigade - Silat Al-Harithiya Groups carried out a shooting operation targeting the "Shaked" settlement. We achieved direct hits on several targets within the settlement.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades:
>We shot down a zionist Skylark plane while it was carrying out intelligence missions in the skies of the northern Gaza Strip.

>Scenes of the operation to strike enemy soldiers and gatherings positioned on and advancing towards the northeastern axes of Khan Younis with heavy 120-caliber mortar shells as part of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle.
has a vid i can't catbox

Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades:
Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades:
>Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades and Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades bombed the enemy's command and control site in the "Netzarim" axis with heavy-caliber mortar shells.
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>Sirens ring in “Kiryat Shmona,” “Beit Hillel,” and numerous settlements across northeast occupied Palestine due to fears of resistance drone infiltration.
The famous annoying kike who interrupted the interview of the Brazilian chad turned out to be a Tunisian The guy got doxxed and Tunisians already spammed his whatsapp with pro Palestine chants
did he return to tunisia after oct 7?
I don't know but probably yes because he is a chief of local jews community he even showed up in the national television
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Israeli teen whose motorcycle struck Sunny Isles cop gets no jail time, headed to Israel
>The drawn-out saga of an Israeli consular’s son charged with driving his motorcycle into a police officer neared conclusion Wednesday, when a judge was informed the 19-year-old completed terms of a plea deal with the state and was leaving for Israel later that evening.
>Late last month, after writing a letter to injured Sunny Isles Beach Police Officer Ruben Zamora that was filled with apologies and lessons learned, Avraham Gil told the court that after his “significant wake-up call,” he’d decided to actively serve in Israel’s military.
>The state then agreed to an unusually lean punishment — no prison time if Gil attended traffic school, completed 100 hours of community service, agreed not to drive and donated $500 to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

tldr: he sent a sorry letter to the cop, paid up, goes back to Israel to join IDF
Our gov fear the jews fren
>Ruben Zamora
Sounds like a jewish cop, meh.
the cop could be spic or flip too
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Panic in Rafic Hariri airport after several countries called their citizens to leave Lebanon.
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>In the hospital for a possible stroke
>got so upset over his cousins dying in Gaza and getting roasted on /chip/
Anyway hope you die in pain and agony just like the gazans
Why are people such retards who save everything to the last second? We've been at 2 more weeks for months now.
>Sarrs I wish many badness upon you.
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>Confrontations broke out between zionist military police and IOF soldiers at the "Sde Teman" concentration camp in the occupied Naqab.
>A Palestinian prisoner was abused to the point of hospitalization, and the police investigated the incident, arresting about 10 soldiers.
>It is unclear why soldiers were arrested in this instance, given the well-documented abuse that occurs at the torture camp since October 7th.
someone catbox pls
That’s what’s known as a labor dispute, those fucking scabs in the IDF know that abusing prisoners is MP work.
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shitskin cope thread
Everytime a Balestinain terrorist is tortured and killed an angel starts singing
>Nigraeli Jeet army calling other people shitskins again.
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Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
>Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
>Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
>Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
>Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
>Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
>Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
>Hezbollah has started moving precision-guided missiles
Are you kikes actually stupid enough to believe this propaganda? Some of these missiles have a 1000+km range.
They don't need to move shit.
Moving as in moving them away from launching positions you dumb twat

Your happening cope was proven wrong now give it a rest roach
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It all depends how efficiently you do it. If you drain the blood from each first, you could then use a fire with a grease pan below, and use that fat that drips off each one, as a fuel source to cook the body. I assume that you should have more than needed, and will have fat left over for the next body, if your cooking chamber is well insulated to not lose much heat. If there comes a point that this is not sufficient, as you'll always lose heat via the steam released from the moisture. You then have a couple options

You could dry the bodies first with calcium chloride to remove the moisture, before burning the bodies. You could then dry out the calcium chloride to reuse it, by placing this on top of the ovens & using the heat to dry it out. Or, could use pipes in the CaCl2 drying chambers, which run the steam/heat vent through the pipes. The heat from these will always be at least 212 degrees, if not hotter. So, it will easily keep drying out the CaCl2 which surrounds these pipes

This CaCl2 can then be reused to dry more bodies, and repeat. This will allow the bodies to burn with just the fuel of the body itself, such as the fat & the fat in each cell of the body. The bodies will burn nicely with this method

Another method would be to boil the bodies after removing the blood. and then straining out any solid waste, drying it, and then burning it afterwards. The eventual sludge from the liquid broth of the this boiling method, can eventually be dried using the heat from the burning bodies. As the fat will be skimmed off & used as a heat source when burned. This rest when dried will be flammable, once enough heat is applied to them from the burning fat

There are many methods, as long as you do it efficiently and recapture all heat to be reused in different steps. You can even use the heat coming off, via many heat pipes, not unlike radiant heat in floors or sidewalks in that type of manner with many thin pipes- in an enclosed room to dry the bodies
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Do they auction the expired domains, or do they just go back into the lot of unused domains, which would then allow you to just register it for $1.99?
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>World Jewish Congress drawing more attention to themselves
They are willing their own genocide.
History of their people in a nutshell.
Imagine being constantly wrong
Well that's literally what she does.
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Why are jews always so obsessed with having sex with goyim, specifically Arabs?
I guess when jewbois are only 5.6" on average & Lebanese to the north are 6.6" on average. Plus by the admissions of a jewboi on RT, jewbois are weak, effeminate and emasculated- VS the manly, macho, stong/muscular Arab men. The kikettes are therefore incapable of controlling their lusting jewess loins, which thirst for that ginormous BAC.

I guess it makes sense why they unironically had to make laws against female IDF from guarding Arab prisoners, as no jewess is capable of controlling those intense urges to gobble up all that BAC with their jewess loins repeatedly. Even when separated by a gate, >>476012233
a jewess will do anything to be intimate with the Arab prisoners through the bars. As nothing is strong enough to pry a jewess from her sexual urges for BAC

No wonder most jews now marry goyim, with most new jewish children being born, only having 1 jewish parent. Golda Meir and a million other elite kikes describe this as a 2nd holocaust, or worse than another holocaust as their subhuman animal beast kike genes are being diluted with superior human goyim genes. Let alone that 1/3 of israel is "bisexual" and almost the other 2/3 simply admitting that they're gay without pretending to also be attracted to the opposite sex. So, those won't even pass on their jew genes, as they won't pass on their genetics to a new generation
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>>They are willing to cause their own genocide.
>History of their people in a nutshell.

Indeed. As the #1 cause of antisemitism is jewish behavior. They literally alert others, as to why they shouldn't be allowed to continued, and must be eliminated at all costs
Generally in such cases what happens (if not renewed) you can snatch it - though the price is really anyone's guess. As for auctiins: these generally happen just before expiry, anywhere from a few days to a month+. Depending on the registrar.
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> "(((we're))) winning"

Nobody but jews and israeli's believe israeli propaganda. Even countless current and former israeli leaders and military officials keep saying that israel is losing to Hezbollah, and has no chance of winning. That if israel can't even beat Hamas, then it has no hope with the much larger, stronger, and more advanced weapons/training of Hezbollah
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> Shitraeli consular's son intentionally rammed his motorcycle into a cop.
> Got a slap on the wrist directly from Florida USA courts, but is required to enter the IDF and fight

So... what you're saying is that he got a death sentence then? He has the possibility of a lesser sentence, if he simply becomes a suicidality depressed and mentally disabled PTSD chicken nugget, prior to being killed by the resistance. IF, and only if he loses all his limbs and is incapable of killing himself from the psychological torture within his psychotically deranged prison within his broken jew mind.
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Ah, so it's just safer to pay the extra shekels, to guarantee snatching it up during the auction period.
Hopefully one or more of us remember to look for it and purchase it. While having the real videos to upload the moment that the purchase goes through. For a near seamless transition from their files to ours, for maximum impact and seethe
Maybe soap can be generated and sold. It's revenue will compensate for the fuel required in the manufacturing process.
The movie conspiracy delves into many such details.
I still can't get over picrel, what happened must've been traumatizing but 50 suicides? Are pissraelies just killing whoever witnessed the hannibal killings?
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If I date / marry / start a family, with an Israeli Jew, or non-israeli Jew, will I be cured of my antisemitism.

Serious question, serious answers please. My name isn't abdullah, ahmed, mohammed, etc, etc... Just an average euro white guy, fully foreskinned, impacted by the news perhaps a little too much, just tired. I am tired of the hate.
Have the people of Palestine considered surrendering to Israel?
I read that the prisoner got sexually abused until he can't move not sure how but Palestinians should do similar to one of prisoners as a repone imo. Torture their prisoners even though it's haram but so they stop doing it.
What happens after that? Life get worse under kikes so no difference.
no you won't.
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But do you really think that you could convince people to rub dead jews all over their bodies though? The whole point of soap is become clean. While rubbing jews all over your body seems to be one of the least clean things that you could possibly do. It's at the level of rubbing nogs or poo soap all over your body. It seems like a hard product to sell?
> Fight club was another movie that would good delving into the manufacturing of soap via human fat
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Jews are notorious for mental illness. Insanity, schizophrenia, and otherwise. Jes have a 400%-600% increased chance of mental illness VS goyim. It's just part of jewish genetics
Hi y'all! ishya boy back wit mo content! How y'all been doin'!
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Simple, sell it to other jews or sell it to poos (no so sure if a market exists there though).
"Mentally disabled" or physically disabled?
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I can't wait to be Pharaoh of Egypt.
Lol I figured as much pigs and kikes deserve each other.
That thing is a disgusting fat Jewish man you faggot.
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I have to start working now. We have 2 call outs today, on top of the short staffing due to the incompetent DEI hire getting fired, and 2 other employees that unfairly got caught up in the mess. So, I likely won't be on much today while at work. Especially since monday's are always super super busy regardless.














That was always my question as well. As early on in the war, israeli insiders said that the number was 30,000 mentally disabled, which was higher than the number of physically disabled per their estimates.
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>shitskin cope
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Tick tock mudshits. Y'all gonna get lit up LMAO
and yet sites like times of israel still claim it was a lebanese rocket.
Druzes themselves say it was a iron cope rocket
ill bake
Youre a fat slob who doesnt know how to take care of himself, thats why you cant get european women.
Hindu shitskin. I would kill him if I worked for him
>It is unclear why soldiers were arrested in this instance
Trying to save any legitimacy they have
So we agree that a Hezbollah rocket hit the kids playing futbol? The White House and mainstream Arabic mefia said as much. Which would make Hezbollah complete liars.
>So we agree that a Hezbollah rocket hit the kids playing futbol?
no lmao
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retard shill.
We also saw vids from the druzes themselves lmao
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>"War criminal! Child killer!"
>"Netanyahu, son of a dog!"
>"Netanyahu leave! These are free Arab lands!"

>After Netanyahu faced confrontation during his insincere visit to occupied Majdal Shams, he was expelled after just 15 minutes by the residents.
more vids here
>oh those? theyre not insulting me. trust me goy.
looks to be both, i dont care im not a whiny christcuck, the niggers everywhere are far more offensive
This thread is going really slow, not like yesterday. And it's really boring.
When will the West Bank have their own October 7th moment?
>An Iraqi government source revealed to Al-Akhbar that Iraqi president Al-Sudani requested that Iran put pressure on the Iraqi resistance factions to avoid targeting American forces in the country.
>This comes in light of an apparent return to operations, with five operations in two weeks targeting the American Ain Al-Assad base and Conoco oil field base in Iraq and Syria after a several month pause in operations. While the Iraqi resistance has not claimed these operations, they have not denied them either. The pause was taken to allow room to negotiate US withdrawal from Iraq.
>The source added that a resistance faction told the government that they will not give Sudani's government a new chance to negotiate American withdrawal from Iraq, as the deadline to sort out a definitive plan for this has long passed.
>Sudani's pressure is mainly on Kataeb Hezbollah and the Nujaba Movement, aiming not to "drag Iraq into the escalation witnessed in the region," compounded by American pressure to protect US Interests in the country.
>Two leaders in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, who promised an increase in operations, affirmed that the factions will reject any new truce with the Americans and stated that "the decision to escalate and target American based is purely an Iraqi decision with no relation or intervention from Iran."
>They added that the resistance operates with a hit-and-run strategy when targeting enemy bases, without claiming responsibility to maintain ambiguity about the faction executing the operation.
they gave their government ~5 months to remove burgers.

they're already going out ramming, stabbing people, shooting at settlements. >>476060227
Still can't beat Oct 7 ...
Yeah, ive met a few from the iraqi resistance over time. They're chill people just really dont want US military bases in the country. The 2003 invasion seems to be what unites them.
shits taking too long.
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>A car was targeted in the town of Kunine, south of Lebanon
who dat who dat
No don't cook us. Shrink me using demonic quranic magicika and let your girlfriend swallow me, so I can be digested alive in her sexy tummy.
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>Israeli settlers storm the walls of Sde Teman torture facility in the Negev to defend the Israeli soldiers who tortured and sexually assaulted a Palestinian prisoner, leading to his hospitalization.
>They broke through to protest any investigation.
This is perfectly permissible in Islam. Allah created niggers too after all. You are just a no good racist. Islam forbids racism.
Its a porn spam bot
Jesus Christ this thread is so SLOW!
no news, the kikes were kvetching about happening in beirut and nothing happened
The Middle East was Adamic.

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Israelis having a pro-gang rape riot
all settlers need to be buried underneath the west bank
There are firefighting planes over/around Kafr Kanna/Qana of Galilee.
Nothing I could find about it though, I did only find about a big fire in kiryat shmoona.
Seeing shitskins makes me feel phsyically ill.
How exactly kikes are going to win a war against Lebanon and Hezbollah, when they didn't end the Gasa massacre yet?
Should be interdasting.
Ego driven war that netenyahu wants to stand on top of and "seem" like the savior of israel. Its a clusterfuck.
The 144,000 Elect are coming.
I don't get it. I mean, there's nothing worse that fighting on two fronts, correct? And I assume Hamas is still fighting.
wtf did he think it would happen after the Smotrich visit?
>And I assume Hamas is still fighting.
Yep, they are.
I dont know what hes thinking but the faster israel gets wiped off the map the better. There will finally be peace in the middle east.
I'm a financial terrorist. I commit acts of financial terrorism.
It's probably just going to be like the Edom-Lebanon war of 2006. A boring as shit sand nigger nothing burger. I hope it escalates to WWIII though.
>I commit acts of financial terrorism.
Me too, i never tip (dont tell anybody)
>I hope it escalates to WWIII though.
It wont escalate to ww3 because eu and usa are really getting tired of israels shit. ukraine and taiwan on the other hand.... now thats something that can escalate ww3.
Nah, Russia has them cornered.
They're advancing at a rapid pace after the shitkrainian army was fully ground down.
Sad. Are you a Muslim or atheist? Don't you want Armageddon to happen?
i'm a westernized muslim. not very religious, just grew up as a muslim.
Really? you think ukraine is fucked?
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this image is perfect lmao
Yeah, oinkraine is really done for.
The west will still try to posture some more to save face and keep laundring money through keef, but it is really over.
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2 cars and 2 motobikes bombed in south lebanon today.

kek. aren't you that hapooner retard that said israel was going to bomb beirut?
Ruperto Concha
God I hope Russia takes Ukraine this month. I'm not pro-Russia but when Russia invades Poland and Germany that's when the fun really starts!
>but it is really over.
Damn, thats really sad desu that ukrainians are dying over such a useless war
An Israeli lynch mob just took over a prison housing Palestinian terrorists and is probably going to start executing them. Nobody is talking about this?
>same shit that has been happening sine 1991
why is this always news to you people?
The Israeli government has lost control over Israelis ^_^
Fun fact :Sde Teiman translates to Yemen field. We mog them even from here

>is dark
>doesn't tip
Truly a shock to us all

This happened hours ago and the leftist squads already withdrew them
Lying Arab snake, get the fuck out of my country
>Lying Arab snake, get the fuck out of my country
hoes mad
The sad part is that kike is a Tunisian kike he support another country rather than his country Those kikes are fucking traitors
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They are all traitors. even to themselves. its genetic.
im gonna bake now
>Muslims Stab six European children to death and expect me to have any fucking sympathy for them

All muzzies deserve to be killed.

if it was a jew or christian the religion or ethnicity wouldn't be mentioned

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