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Previous: >>476015933

▶Day: 885 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Trump's Peace plan in a nutshell: TZD, - Republican Pincus
>Oil base in Kursk oblast droned
>TZD incident in Mali, involving Wagner
>Romania refused to shoot down russian drones, referring to the impossibility of "shooting over the territory of Ukraine."
>One killed and 13 wounded (including 7 kids) as a result of a russian strike in Sumy oblast
>a Russian Su-34 military plane crashed in the Volgograd region, supposedly the reason was a technical malfunction
>GUR hit three Russian Mi-28 and Ka-226 helicopters on the territory of the Russian Federation — RBC-Ukraine; also GUR drones hit three more Tu-22M3 strategic bombers at the Olenya airfield, — UP
>Explosion of the gas extraction system in Russia's Novy Urengoi
>"Where is the Black Sea Fleet? There is no ego! This is the fact of the victory of the enemy. This is a fact of defeat." - State Duma deputy from "United Russia" Evgeny Fedorov
>In Russia, drones attacked the Ryazan region: the target was the Diaghilev military airfield
> Vladimir Arseniev, 74, the head of Russian defense enterprise Volna Central Research Institute — tried to burn himself on Red Square
> China has begun to divide its currency into "clean" and "dirty," that is, for example those bought on the sanctioned Moscow Exchange or used in transactions with Moscow — Chinese banks avoid "dirty" yuan & this means Russia can no longer buy dollars from China
>dam failure causes major flooding in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
> EU transfers 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
> Russia's central bank hiked its key interest rate to 18%


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipmentexplorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmedlosses)

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You know things are going bad when a war general has no actual frontline updates on it
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What do you think all these dead russniggers are commie shitskin? LMAO
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stay mad, shitskin
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Remember when I asked you to post hand? I 'member KEKAROOO
I rape Ukrainian children. You won’t do shit about it (you don’t care)
>Some casualties means they lost
Define "lost".
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Looks like that zigger kicked his own ass
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>you're not white unless you support race-mixing
What kind of kikery spell do they have you under?
Israel is full of russians btw.
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So remember when putin said he sent the russnigger forces to kharkiv to create a sanitary zone to save belgorod from being bombed? Ya well, belgorod got bombed today and the russniggers are still stuck in Vovchansk, literally a walk away from the border, that kinda lost LMAO
Sir Ski says Russia has twice as much armor as they had in 2022.
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Still no hand commie shitskin? LMAO
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Then go on and tell us about that bus stop Russia conquered or whatever it is you guys are currently celebrating as your huge success.
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Hey, where's the jeet shitskin spamming dupes in the same bread because he thought he could compete against my gore folder KEKAROOO. Think about paying for some actual shills, the shitskins are too used to scamming pensioners to win your faggy information war lmao.
but there aren't any frontline updates in /chug/ either zister
Were your parents aware of how mentally challenged you are?
zigger leg buffer zone status?
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Aww, look at the poor, widdle jeet shitskin that got his vpn taken away for being bad at his job. Now now jeet shitskin, I'm sure there's a shit cake tucked away somewhere in your hut for you to gnaw at lmao.
Screams every self hating 3rd worlder. You going to make more cope posts now trying to prove you aren't? Or better yet post your hand again to try to prove to everyone on 4chan that you aren't brown you insecure fuck LOL
cry more subhuman zigger
>Israel is full of "Russian" Jews who fled Soviet oppression and antisemitism.
Calling them "Russians" is like calling a nigger who used to live in France "French".

anytime I feel bad about my life I look at a Ukraine war thread and don't feel so bad Anymore
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Is he ok?
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I can make British cuisine that looks just like that!!
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>n-no you're the turdie
Except I'm not scared to post my White hand, something you shitskin memeflaggots simply cannot do KEKAROOO
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Best part is they volunteered for this lmao.
Like clockwork, you'd think your owners would give you a new script . I guess even they know what a waste of space you are LOL
Aww his little butfuck buddy has to cope for him now too LOL
you post the same shit since a while post a new one with something else than your wall outlet gorecope
how's your mental illness?
still didn kill your whole family?
Of course you aren't leafnigger, everyone knows already.
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That's right shitskin memeflaggot, you can't post your hand lmao.
bruh as soon as the war kicked off, they all suddenly found their kike ancestry, and applied for kike citizenship.
sounds like plebbit would be more your speed
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>won't explain why he actively support race-mixing
What do you personally believe, anon? Do you have any principles?
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>i-it'll be different this time
KEKAROOO. I'll make a fresh one RIGHT NOW if you get this jeet shitskin to post his shit filled hand

Yeah, Jews are like that. Just like they'll all flee the US when it collapses. The existence of Israel gives Jews a place to flee when shit hits the fan.
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lmao dismembered russniggers

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction

In the fields, the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord, yeah!

Your example is accurate but goes against your own argument lmao
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Great song, I should make a collage with all the dead russniggers I've accumulated with that as the backdrop.
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So long shitskin lmao.
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lmao dismembered russniggers.
If you get triggered by gore then yes, you need to go back

That's some badass gear, I wonder what unit he was on.
>”P-post your hand!” cried gorenigger while he ignored the fact he’s using the same old photos since it was revealed he was some retarded halfbreed nigger from jewkraine
Yikes, sis.
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>s-same old photo
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why are zigger milbloggers so prone to ACKing?
You are brown, this is known
>since it was revealed he was some retarded halfbreed nigger
May I see it
Nice nigger digits you have there, son.
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I see you've migrated from your Kharkiv falling cope to this. Grim bahkmut shitskin LMAO, now call over your jeet shitskin co-worker, I was having a lot of fun buckbreaking him.
If Russia supporters hate gore so much, why do they support the invasion that’s causing all the gore?
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A fine question anon, a fine question indeed.
I see you’re still upset about being reminded that you’re a nigger.
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>i-if I keep saying it, it'll become true, just like when I tell myself I'll be a real woman!
>terminal electionfag doesn't know about plebbit.
colour me fucking shocked.
>russians are dying for African freedom
She wasn't lying.
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by african freedom you mean free loot for africans, then yes, they are dying in mass for african freedom
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russniggers spammed 4 dead SOCOM operators for years, now it's my turn to show 'em their 40+ dead russniggers KEKAROOO
>russniggers spammed 4 dead SOCOM operators for years
thanks for reminding me, /pol/ had zero issues showing those Americans getting btfo and reposted that gore constantly. suddenly when it was russian gore everyone freaked out and has so since. curious.
>conduct tranny olympics and mali TZD
I don't know what the frogniggers endgame is
Some reports suggest it was more like 100 killed not 40
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>Guys why is Nazi Germany's economy rising? We hit them with all possible sanctions when they invaded Poland
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I saw that, but wanna keep it conservative just in case it got overblown. Considering they also mogged 2 MI-24's, it's definitely bigger than the content that's been currently released, which I'm happy to wait for fresh stuff to keep it in the zeitgeist LMAO
Dont be naive, less interdependence due to smaller pops, less tech, and looting.
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Real fucking rude of you to forget who Russia's only allies are.
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I heard it was 6 MILLION bro
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Interesting how that group of ztroons shilling all last thread suddenly disappeared at the same exact time
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goreleaf got a fucking manicure so he could show his whole hand.

his cuticles ares freshly trimmed. You can see the frayed skin around his nails from constant biting.

What in the fuck is this cope lmao. Peep the dates you nigger kekarooo
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He’s quite the zesty nigger.
you work at a nail salon chinaboy?
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I don't even trim my nails or work on 'em at all, but funny to watch pajeet shitskins look at a basic fucking hand and literally gasp in wonderment LMAO
If that's what you think a manicured hand looks like, your hand must be disgusting

unlike ukraine supporters, I have experience with women. In particular, I have had my fair share of filipinas.

After many months of mockery for hiding his had, he went and got his nail done. Goreleaf visited a hair and nail salon for a manicure so he could better fling shit on the internet.

its only in uhg where you can find such profound faggotry.
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The turdie shitskins literally expose themselves when they cope like this lmao.

that is a manicured hand of a nail biter. The poor filipina goreleaf traumatized did her best with a fucking disaster situation.
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We got new capeshit backstory boys KEKAROOO
When are you gonna post your hand, nigger?

How do you do it goreleaf? You are always more gay than the day before.

A fucking manicure....really dude? Leave those women alone. Never pull this bullshit ever again.
>From Oppenheimer movie night with mom to spa day for 2
No need to be ashamed gorenigger as long as you thanked her. Usually you’re just an ungrateful brat.
>constantly spamming gore for years
>russia still winning
hmmmm, its almost as if the tens of thousands of hours you've spent in these threads have had literally zero impact on the outcome of the war
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Look anons, I went to the manicure place since my last post and MANICURED MY CUTICLES AGAIN KEKAROOO
>gore for years
>russia winning
>Already self-conscious about getting called out
>goreleaf upsets them so much they have to dispatch an entire dedicated squad to deal with him every time
Funniest shit in this whole general.
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>hahaha your fingernails don't look disgusting!
Damn this nigga is completely desperate to cope about literally anything.

I bet you just called up and cancelled your hair and nail appointment.

I cant imagine the total shame involved in being a ukraine supporter.
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My fingersnails is the new front russnigger commies have opened. I already buckbroke it though, so it went about as good as their Grand Summer copefensive LMAO
кoгдa бyдeшьoпyбликoвaть cвoю pyкy, mearshnigger?
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use your skills in everyday life
Is that from the recent wagner massacre in Africa?
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That's the admin of the Grey Zone telegram
Wow he looks more like a subhuman pigman than I originally thought
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we jihad now, bros?
Yep. Afaik that is the admin from that zigger telegram channel who got killed there.
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Yes we know Putin is a pedophile
One less faggot
Fuck Germany, fuck the US and fuck Nato
Too soon man. Some things shouldn't be made fun of.
The final victory will be celebrated in Berlin
Fuck Doucheland and fuck you
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Lol fuck you too commie nigger. Which of the several bad news for Russia we had this weekendend made you mad?
Go burn a synagogue down and vote for the AfD you dumbass
>being this obsessed with manicures
lmao you're homosexual
ukraine is literally losing
the sign of a buckbroken turdie
>vote for the AfD
Those retards suck Putins cock you idiot, so go vote them yourself.
Wait a minute, I just realized you can't vote because you're a nigger with no citizenship lol.
>burn down a synagoge
Oh vey. Are you one of those rare nigger jews?
>commie flag
>advocating for a right wing party

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Rusty, slovak volunteer fighting since d1 died on the front

ukraine is not losing.

they have already lost.

the only question that remains is how much more land they will have to give up.
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two more weeks lol
>Those retards suck Putins cock you idiot, so go vote them yourself.

this shows the inherent dishonesty of lesbians.

The AfD seek an end to wasted aid sent to ukraine. They also seek a normalization of relations with Russia.

In your desperation, you frame this as a blatant support for Russia itself.
The best part of it is ukraine is still losing kek
Censored one is much better, you can see his face blown off. Someone post it, I forgot to fucking save it REEE
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Hey cuckheimer, give us more manicure cope you faggot vpnigger lmao
nvm, I had the uncensored version here
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You should let your fellow zizters know, they seem to be trooning out at an alarming rate KEKAROOO
>two more weeks lol

no, ukraine is not that lucky.

they have, at a minimum, 6 more months of slaughter left to endure.

In this context, thats an eternity.
Looks like Maduro might’ve lost the election kek, Putin losing allies everywhere
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Will you noose yourself when 6months rolls around and nothing changes?

its a real shame getting manicures doesnt help with reading comprehension.

The issues with you are endless.
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But you kept spamming that Trump would save you, the election is 4months away cuckheimer. Being a russnigger must be tough work lmao
>bbbb....bbb...buttt youre a zigger troon!!!! KEKAROO
lmao ukraine is still losing
Will you when they collapse within 6 months?
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I remember russniggers saying that when they lost Kherson KEKAROOO
Literally the first thing I think about whenever I see these pics.
Look at all that kit I could snag. He doesn't need it anymore.
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>Will you when they collapse within 6 months?
lmao, you niggers have been saying that for 3 years. Here's to another 3 years of total russnigger death.
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>sob sob weep wail and cry
The only thing a zigger can do when they face the reality of half a million dead and 20% interest rate lmao. Do you need more visual aids?
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Funniest bit of the kit is that he's still rocking that fucking 70's era tourniquet that doesn't work lmao.
bro I don't care what you have to say, ukraine is objectively losing. stop coping so hard, it's embarrassing.
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The Holocaust never happened!
Everyone on /uhg/ knows this and we all hate niggers with a passion. Yes the west is pozzed, but we are still white civilization and we will genocide and remove all the subhuman niggers out of our countries. Meanwhile, Russia is not trad at all. They are Christ cuck larping worse the the US right now and its painful. The energy the the Ukraine gives us will change the nature of the west in your lifetime. You think pride parades are going to exist when Ukraine is a major leader in NATO? Niggers will hang! Heil Hitler. Fuck Russia!
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guess Russia already lost, lmao
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Uh, commie shitskin? LMAO. How's that 18% interest rate, 23% mortgage rate going, so you can own a tiny commieblock shanty where you shit and eat in the same place KEKAROOO
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>defaulted on foreign currency because the west decided to block any transactions in it
is a whole fucking lot different than
>we can't pay back anything please save us default
kek, you are a true retard.
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Remember commie faggot, for every dollar of your mortgage, the banks get 9 KEKAROOO
ukraine is objectively losing, kek. COPE harder shill. Your pussy ass ran away to canada while your shithole falls apart. congrats. I don't care.
Russia is the reason we have gay marriage and nigger worshiping in the US. MLK was a fucking communist asset lead by the KGB for example. If Russia didn't exist and Patton had his way. We wouldn't be watching nigger ball with MJ and Lebron. We would be watching the white race conquer the stars. Russia subverted the US. First the democrats in the 60s, now the Republicans. But things will change. Nigger lovers are having fun supporting Russia, but we will have a neo hitler rule NATO and kick every mudskinned nigger out of Europe and the US. White Pride world wide. NATO will defeat Russia and then conquer Africa for full on nigger extinction. The Holocaust never happened.
>starts swinging around rating that judges likelihood to default as a loss
>Russia actually defaults
good job, shitskin
>URRR mortgage is russian
kek you're so delusional it's insanity at this point.
May we see Russia's credit rating
>Why yes I don't understand the difference
kek, you're a literal genius.

no matter how much you run your mouth, no matter how many manicures you get, ukraine will always lose.
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Uh oh, looks like the commie nigger is coping. Remember faggot, even the chinks turned their banks on russniggers KEKAROOO
may we see your poor credit rating rabbi?
ok chang, cool story. again I don't care about your little fantasy.
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Uh oh, the commie shitskins started kike crying the second he got mogged KEKAROOO
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> sitting in own thread is shilling
> raiding others to spread propaganda is not
Pidoras kremlinbots are pidoras kremlinbots. What's new?
If I was a chink, you'd be trying to suck me off nigger lmao, remember, they're russniggerland's eternal brothers KEKAROOO
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God hates ziggers
A lighting struck dead 3 pidorashkas in the Patriot park
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These Russians don't get it. The west is rising up. We have lost our patience for niggers, Indians, spics and faggots. Russia is the root of it all, and uncle H was right to try to stop them. The Holocaust never happened. NATO and the US empire will defeat these communist once and for all.
ok chang, keep it up!
ukraine is objectively losing
KEKAROOOOOOOOOoOoOooOoOOO harder it will bring Oleg back
>poor credit
Are you one of those ziggers that were just told jews bad but doesn't even know anything about them?
>Pidoras kremlinbots are pidoras kremlinbots.
wow cool story I have no idea what your gibberish means... nice, amazing, brave and powerful!
ok rabbi, don't care.
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>mom im not pidor tell them mom
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>less ground than they had in March of 2022
>still thinks they're winning
kek, okay dude! cool story... what is that picture doing saved on your computer? do you enjoy that kinda thing?
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Ukraine will win! Heil Hitler!
>he can't count past 2
tell me what did ukraine lose in 2014?
my god you can't be this incompetent.
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Uh shitskin, you just said russia is winning, so when's the capture of Kyiv, we're all waiting KEKAROOO
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They did not send their best for mearschizo replacement.
lmao ukraine is literally falling apart, get your head out of your ass.
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So now it's not that russniggers can actually win on the battlefield, but that Ukraine will collapse. Damn shitskin commie, you're backpedaling faster than a nigger right now lmao
kekarooooo what happened to all your people? now THAT is what you call winning volume 29!
nigger can you read a fucking map? holy shit
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Not a slav, but you're definitely a shitskin. Ready to post your hand yet, or still making excuses? LMAo
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Wow, that map has less ground taken than russniggers had in 2022, what happened? LMAO
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>a-ackshually it was just a technical default
good job losing, shitskin
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Its literally fucking over for the nigger loving communist. The west has won and is awakened.
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Speaking of this map shitskin, see all that green? What happened there? I'm curious KEKAROOO
lmao ukraine is losing fellas, there's not way around it.
>no ammo
>no men
>no economy (besides whores)
>no gains in two years
>no future
>no f16s
but at least they have online defenders like you!
>he can't see red
kek, holy fucking cope you're losing it
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Hey commie shitskin, I'm reading that map and I'm trying to figure out what the green sections mean, can you tell me?
Thanks for confirming
Oh I see the red, that's the land russniggers captured, now what's the green stuff mean?
You don't know shit traitor. The white race will win, and the nigger cleansing of the US and NATO will commence.
>durrr hurr durr COMMIE SHITSKIN
kek, you can't even get that part right.
What has Ukraine captured this year?
I'll wait.
>The white race will win
>chooses jews and slavs as his white man
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Hey shitskin, what's the problem? What's the green stuff mean on your map? Why can't you tell me? KEKAROOO
He can't answer a simple question... I'll say it again in something you can hopefully grasp
Tell me where on the map Ukraine has "recaptured" in 2024? How's ukraine's population doing? How's the elections going in ukraine? how's canada doing around immigration? How many pajeets moved to your town/city/whatever the last two years?
Maybe you should fix yourself before you attempt to fix ukraine?
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Uh oh commie shitskin, why can't you answer a simple question. You asked me if I could read a map, I'm having trouble with what the green means, can you tell me what it means? KEKAROOOOO, is your handler looming over you with a broom, is that the problem? Post the troon you guys love to let us know you're in danger LMAO
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>durr rhurrrr hduruuruuuu commie shitskin kekaroo like dis map can u read
nigger you literally are ignoring all the territory ukraine loses DAILY. You're fucking delusional.
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>I'll wait.
I have asked /uhg/ over 100 times picrelated and I’m still waiting
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You keep saying you're not a dirty commie russnigger, but you can't answer a simple question, what does the green mean in your map again? Just tell me what it means map expert! KEKAROOOOOO
kys you deranged weirdo nigger stop ruining our words
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Uh oh, did the commie shitskin call his trooncord for a bit of backup to get him out of the lurch he created himself? Not a good look shitskins, not a good look at all KEKAROOO. Also the fucking larping shitskin thinks KEK comes from fucking 4 chan LMAO
>t.Classic enjoyer
coco does your mom know you're on your phone past bed time again?
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Or what, commienigger? Gonna cry? KEKAROOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Hey dominigger we got another one of your trooncord friends larping as oldfags again, how feel? Should I ask him about a few /pol/ touchstone events to see how bad it is? KEKAROOO
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>durr hurr durrr commie russnigger kakarooooskyiv. ukraini like uhhh durrr winninz and wuz kangz n shiettttt in 2022. I noe u a commie shitskin pajeet rushin FSB like shitskin n shieetttt
ok bro, ukraine hasn't done anything in nearly 2 years. They're losing. Crimea has been lost for 10 years, "temporary" is no longer temporary after 2 years.
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So what's the green in the map you posted mean commie shitskin, you're not a shill are you, it's a simple question LMAO
You are the faggot who supports Russia. Everyone on /uhg/ are old school 4chan users. We all agknowge that the Holocaust never happened.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie mir zustimmen, dass der Holocaust nie stattgefunden hat. Dass es keine Vernichtungslager gab. Scheiß auf Juden. Heil Hiter!
>You are the faggot who supports Russia.
not even close to being true dumbass. /uhg/ is all newfags and it shows. The holocaust never happened.
What now?
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Since you don't support russniggerland and you're not a shill, tell us what the green in the map YOU posted means LMAO
How's Aviidivka doing? How's Bakhmut doing? Since you really seem to care so much why aren't you in ukraine defending the "free" and "democrat" ukranians? You sound butthurt posting here all day.
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So what's the green in the map you posted mean? LMAO, see how easy it is to buckbreak you larping niggers? All I have to do is ask you the same question over and over again that your handlers wont let you answer and everyone can see you crumble KEKAROOOO
The (((team))) you chose to support in this jewish bullshit claims they fought so hard, OH SO HARD to recapture territory once held by russia... congrats? Ukraine is still in shambles lol? tell me how many ukranians can use municipal power 24/7 today.
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read between the lines dumbass. I'm smarter then you. Just give up.

Dziękuję, że zgodziłeś się ze mną, że Holokaust nigdy nie miał miejsca. Żeby nie było obozów zagłady. Jebać Żydów. Hej Hiterze!
>2 frontline cities in 2 years
just a few more decades for the rest, zister
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Thanks russnigger, that's right, Ukraine took back that land, which is orders of magnitude larger than any copeposting you're capable of, thanks for posting and enjoy Vovchansk KEKAROOO
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Should we remind them of the 2014 lines anon? I think we should, see that arrow, that's the border of what russniggers had pre-Feb 2022...see the rest of the red West of it? That's what they've managed to accomplish....while we head into year 4 of the 3 day SMO KEKAROOO
>wars have to be won in 5 minutes, you can't just win slowly OKAY?
kek, tell me you're stupid without telling me you're stupid. You should read a history book.
kek you are absolutely delusional.
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Now remember this cope when your russnigger buddies like cuckheimer keep yammering about how it'll all crumble in 2 weeks lmao.
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Are you saying that the map I posted is incorrect? Please point out the areas in which it is wrong, I'll wait.
I don't even know who you are babbling on about, nor do I care.
You however live here and will have nothing to show when one side finally gives in.
Keep wasting your life here anon.
This whole thing is so jewish its painful lol
>um it's okay if military operations span a few years and cost your entire military stockpiles to capture day 1 objectives 2 years later OKAY??
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>Ukraine has lost
>we just need to wait two more weeks
>I meant 6 more months!
And then repeat. Shitskinned commie niggers, you are miserable, brown and stinky.
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I accept your concession commie nigger.
>here's what you said in my (((opinion)))
I literally said none of that kek. you have a problem.
>they don't have any weapons!!!!!!
hmmm interesting, I've been hearing this for 2 years now.
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>I don't even know who you are babbling on about, nor do I care.
Most believable mopping victim there is
I just wanna remind anons, this is what russniggers consider control over an area lmao
>durrr hurr durr commie nigger kekarooooo I win! :-D
lmao take your meds bro
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Nice copefensive you had there, commie rusniggers. Keep it up.
damn this looks recent but I haven't seen kino of Russian armored columns getting this fucked in urban areas in years
Yes well if you paid any attention you'd notice their armor quality and quantity goes down while casualties just keep going up.
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Commie faggot, keep seething, fagruzzia has lost this war and its own future.
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>it will work this time
Commie ruzzniggers, keep doing this.
No, no, Russia having twice as many golf carts to run into artillery fire with means Russia is winning or something. T-54 is a good tank, one tank is one tank, WW2 artillery still shoots.
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are you proud that they are now using unmodernized T-54s? do you not see that as a problem?
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I swear we could be another 5 years into this war and Russians can be resorted to moon shoes but ziggers would still act smug online
… I want to see the 4th guards Heelys division charge the ukie gun line now.
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Never underestimate commie delusions. You'd think seeing their nigger soldiers on fucking chink escooters would be a wakeup call, but like I said, never underestimate.
Battle Heely's lmao.
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These faggots behind vpn with usa flag are paid kremlinbots. They will shill anything for 15 roubles per post.
>Is decadent western tool of capitalism, wheel but in heel of shoe. We use to crush western puppets! The wheel is in the heel!
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Related, US flag zigger forgets his VPN

Rule #1 for ukraine supporting trannies is to always be gayer than the day before.

Its the only thing you fuckers dont fail at.
Mearshy, why do you like seeing so many Russians die? Does it come from a place of self hatred? Is that why you pretend to be American?
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Yes, he is a paid kremlin shill. He receives 15 roubles every time you answer to his post.
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SitRep - 27/07/24 - A bad day for Russian aviation

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Today, a lot of information emerged about Ukrainian attacks on Russian aviation and airfields. A bad day for Russia, to say the least.
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Russian losses per 28/07/24 reported by the Ukrainian General Staff.

+1180 men
+13 tanks
+21 APVs
+51 artillery systems
+1 AD system
+30 UAVs
+2 cruise missiles
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When you answer to shill's post you help fagruzzia to kill ukrainians.
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The Ukrainian Air Force reported on the downing of a single Kh-59 cruise missile and 7 out of 8 Shahed drones overnight.
do you know who tim snyder is married to? TOP KEK
Last night, drones attacked the Kursk region, igniting an oil depot. Two fires were reported: one in the Medvensky district and another in Kursk. Previously, in February, drones had also attacked this oil depot, causing two fuel tanks to catch fire.

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Some kike right? Now tell us, who did putin marry his daughters off to? I'll be asking you until you answer it commie nigger lmao
>Last night, drones attacked the Kursk region, igniting an oil depot. Two fires were reported: one in the Medvensky district and another in Kursk. Previously, in February, drones had also attacked this oil depot, causing two fuel tanks to catch fire.
video 1

I get paid quadruple every time a lesbian tries to fling shit at me, but doesnt address me directly.

The fact you are all petty women has gotten me rich.
Among the killed Russian Wagner PMC forces in Mali was the creator of the Russian Telegram channel Grey Zone, who had participated in the war against Ukraine. The last message on this channel dates back to the 23th of July.
More familiar faces bit the dust in Mali. Wagner commander Anton Elizarov, who led assaults on Bakhmut and Soledar in Ukraine, has been killed, according to Russian sources.
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Putina is a kike, his wife and his daughters are kikes too.
Ukrainian forces coordinated an attack on an advancing Russian column of armored vehicles, resulting in the destruction of tanks and BMPs. The Russian advance was halted.

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does who hes married to make what hes saying untrue rusnigger?
The 79th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces continues to repel Russian mechanized attacks in the Kurakhove direction. Soldiers noted that a tank leading the assault hit a mine near the burnt-out hull of a tank from previous assaults. One of the BMPs, loaded with ammunition, was neutralized by an FPV drone. The remaining two BMPs fled the battlefield.

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Ruzznigger, you are filtrated, I am not going to read your useless posts.
You must simply die, because no one loves you, piece of shit.
In just one week, Russia has used around 700 guided bombs and over 100 Shahed drones against Ukraine. Ukrainian people suffer daily from this terror and deserve fair and reliable protection. Adequate long-range and high-quality air defense systems can ensure this. Every decision by partners to strengthen Ukraine's defense saves lives, Zelenskyi said in a statement.

you have read my post 4 times by now.

you will always read what I have to say because you cant help yourself.
The 110th mechanized brigade with new footage, striking Russian armored vehicles.

In addition to the Kh-59 and Shahed drones, three Orlan-10 and one Supercam reconaissance drones were shot down, mainly in the south of Ukraine.
Putin is attending the Main Naval Parade.

The Black Sea Fleet is not present

Putin stated that Russia will consider itself free from the moratorium on deploying intermediate and shorter-range missiles if American missiles are placed in Germany. He added that Russia will continue equipping its fleet with hypersonic missiles. He highlighted that important Russian targets would be within a 10-minute flight time from these American missiles deployed in Germany.
Soldiers from the Separate Detachment "Wings of OMEGA" destroyed a Russian 2A65 "Msta-B" howitzer.

Putin emphasized that Russia is a maritime power.

Can I have a laugh.

Is he referring to the Broke Sea Fleet.
Has anyone seen Admiral Sokolov?
The General Staff confirmed a strike on the "Polova" oil depot in the Kursk region. Additionally, there are reports of strong explosions near an electrical substation in the Kursk region.
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Yes, keep doing this, pathetic kremlinbot. It surely will help fagruzzia to win.
nope :^3
Funny how russniggers memoryholed his death lmao
so the treaty that they broke years ago they aren't going to follow anymore.
The situation on the border with Belarus remains unchanged and under control. There are no indications of sufficient military forces on the other side of the border to launch an invasion into Ukraine. However, this direction remains a threat, and Ukraine continues to strengthen its defenses along the border and nearby areas to repel any actions if the situation changes, said Andriy Demchenko, the spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service.
they will do that with Fagner too
>>476045920 He's knows that we know that, but but like a cope blanket he's tell's his nation of serf's a lie plus nook cope

On July 26, as a result of an attack by Ukraine on the "Saky" airfield, a Su-30SM was destroyed, and another Su-30SM was likely damaged by debris, CyberBoroshno found out.

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>On July 26, as a result of an attack by Ukraine on the "Saky" airfield, a Su-30SM was destroyed, and another Su-30SM was likely damaged by debris, CyberBoroshno found out.
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A battle took place between an M2A2 Bradley fighting vehicle and a Russian BMP in the Pokrovske direction.

You're that awooo jew. Kys, shitskin.
The Washington Post reports that F-16 fighter jets will arrive in Ukraine within a few weeks to bolster air defense. These jets will focus on intercepting missiles, drones, and enemy aircraft rather than striking Russian ground forces or military targets.


Shouldn't you be in a bunker, rabbi? Turkey and Iran are about to rape you.
Yesterday, on July 27, Ukrainian Defense Forces launched an ATACMS missile strike on a Russian training ground in occupied Luhansk Oblast, according to Russian sources. There are reports of 19 dead and 71 wounded.
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>hopping vpns after getting buckbroken
In his evening address regarding the UAV strike on the Olenya airfield, Zelenskyi highlighted and thanked the 9th Department of the Main Intelligence Directorate for their precision at a distance of nearly 1800 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, emphasizing the significance of their long-range capabilities.
This jew faggot is about to get it
Rusich unit reported that about 80 (!!!) of Wagner's employees were killed during the ambush in Mali. He directly appealed to Defense Minister Belousov for help in his telegram message. The situation is truly extraordinary.

"I hate you, f****ng Tatars! We'll kick you out of here, thanks to my Vladimir Putin!" - a woman in occupied Crimea gets badly triggered when sees a native Crimean Tatar flag on a vehicle of a Crimean Tatar child dentist.






The Mali incident is not the first time the Wagner mercenary group has been destroyed abroad. In the 2018 Battle of Khasham, dozens if not hundreds of Wagner militants were killed near the town of Khasham in the Deir ez-Zor Governorate of Syria.

It occurred when US coalition forces clashed with Syrian pro-government militia and Russian Wagner contractors near Khasham. The pro-government forces, supported by tanks, attacked a Syrian Democratic Forces outpost where US soldiers were stationed. Despite a heavy assault, no American troops were harmed, while the US-led counterattack, involving airstrikes and artillery, inflicted significant casualties on the attackers.

Wagner veterans remember this event to this day.

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