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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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That's as real as the assassination attempt.
He forgot the part where they were going to gay bash him.
>place more signs
>set up vid cam
>catch guys and get them arrested for vandalism and threats

Aka its fake and gay
It's also fake and gay.
Yeah whatever, Jussie.

You're so brave. Give 'em hell.
I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
As a rural gun toting Liberal, I would post the largest Kamala Harris sign I could find and watch for whomever even set for on my property and then pepper them with bird shot from my Winchester. After that I would rush them with my 9mm pistol in my hand and CHANGE THEIR FUCKING PERSPECTIVE about progressive politics and the people who support it.
Fuck these repugnant assholes.
Liberals need to buy guns.
>2310 updoots
They invent hoaxes so they can believe they're oppressed and victims. Why do they bother doing this?
Did they put a noose around his sign?
Cry more, Zion Don shill. I denounce the Talmud and all its followers (Trump)
Fake and gay troon victim
Top Kek
and then everyone clapped
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that sign is fake as a tranny's puss
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that is the worst fucking penmanship I've ever seen, I hope whoever wrote that never has children
Sprinkled a little bleach on it too.
You wouldn't so shit, tranny bitch
They rushed their handwriting to try to disguise it lol, jfc these people
hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
>PS This is MAGA country
Why is OP such a flaming faggot ?
Cool fake letter, fake letter bro.
100% chance this faggot wrote it himself and thought he was being slick by either writing with his non-dominant hand or just "sloppy" (They'll never trace it to me!)
>not written in crayon
>no greases stain from excessive burger intake
>green paper, really?
Shits fake.
>no pray the gay away or shock therapy reference
0/10, there are better fake and gays out there
Trump supporters get signs stolen and vandalized
>post videos to social media of boobytrapped signs fucking up thieves and vandals for everyone to laugh at
Biden supporter (apparently doesn't know he's no longer running) get extremely wordy , hard to believe, death threats
>absolutely 0 corroborating evidence, pictures or videos let alone anything to indicate self sufficiency or a during spirits, comes off as thinly veiled plea for sympathy and attention
why must they always be so uneal and not heterosexual?
Watcha doing, rabbi?
Sending threats is not ok.
Send bombs instead.
they shoulda sent tweets, what year do they think it is? hand written letter? they really must think it is 1776 BABY WOOOO!
If you're wondering how everyone knows immediately, it's the intentional misspellings to make the extra dig at his imagined opponent.
>i rebuke you in the name of jesus
nu-/pol/ is so fucking gay
And then, when they note was read aloud to they / them neighbors, everyone clapped.
Offer for free housing in a campground. Its not ok to offer free housing to our fellow neighbors?
>"concerned citizen"
he's concerned
so tell me. was this note written after the pull-out suggestion, or before the pull-out suggestion?

because I've seen a lot of pixels in my life and no one dummies notes like this. generally, notes are written in paragraph form, not flowed around other elements.
>misspelling in the stereotypical fashion that libshits perceive of rightoids
Largest self-report
>Yours sincerely, Jussie Smolett
That gook is a faggot but you're an even bigger faggot.
Oh no, we cant let the pedocrats go to the camps. Someone start an underground rail road to smuggle them to the lefty utopia China. Time is of the essence, they have to depor... I mean escape sooner rather than later.
>t. Jussie Smollett
>block print buzzword salad
> any actual republican would write in cursive
100% false flag for reddit upvotes
Confirmed written by a sub 80 IQ left winger
Unnecessary response from an ignorant cunt who has no fucking idea to whom they're speaking.
Enjoy your anonymity, turd. You have the luxury of casting ridicule because you'll never do something as serious as actually threatening me or crossing into my personal property.
If you did and I decided you weren't welcome here you'd never know that either.
You'd just be a corpse and they'd carry your carcass away while I made a sandwich.
I wrote this while clinching a pen between my ass cheeks
>Hale Hortler!
You don’t live rural.
You own zero guns.
No one calls their shotgun “my Winchester.”
You’re not rushing anything, except your dick into another man’s shitpipe.
You’re the repugnant asshole.
Liberals should be executed.
this guy got exposed on reddit, he wrote the note...notice he says "cause" instead of because and he did the same thing all throughout his reddit post history
Fake and gay. If it was real I would support it.
do you think he meant "a concerd citizen" as "a concerned citizen" or do you think they live in a place called concord?
oh no, a threatening letter from a 10 year old larper
Yids are triggered. Jesus Christ is God and Lord of all creation.
You know most of these are written by the so called victim, right? Old kike trick.
Please be true.
That's fucking hilarious.
I'm a dairy farmer you retard.
Fuck you.
What year is you winchester shotgun?
I've got a winchester lever action 410 and I love it.
You’re not milking anything but dicks. You won’t do shit, pussy. Liberals should shoot themselves, save me the trouble. You “people” are a cancer.
its true, he even deleted his account
the guy who called him out got downvoted into oblivion but it somewhere in here
Model 12.
It was made in 1912.
Pump action.

I didn't know Winchester made a lever action shotgun but apparently a 9410 is what you're talking about.
Seethe, cunt.
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He should have set out security cameras.
Adrian. shut the fuck up. you're a disgusting 50 year old troon and you will never be a woman.
What's having your bass tacked?
umm this is based
1 Post by this ID
It's fake you moron. They deliberately wrote like shit to cover their own writing and make migatards look, well, retarded
Based. Buy a 5.56 but use .300Blackout instead. It chambers perfectly fine and will penetrate chud armor.
False and faggoty.
This reeks of some juicy smollet or bubba wallace shit.
>pedo demoncrats
LOL based
he wrote this letter himself. it's a fraud.
I love when internet faggots face real hatred and realize jannies don't exist IRL
There was an even more recent hoax by some poo political figure but jewgle has scrubbed it
Now this is the liberal shit I can get behind
>and other imaginative tall-tales
>Thing that totally happened
I will shoot you in the fucking face
Mine looks that bad. But his P's looking like question marks annoys me
>you better have your bass packed
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What it should of said
Yeah this is totally real and straight.
The front door is open.........
they totally didn't write that themselves
Stop making shit up, then. Pussy.
I've had 6 million of these completely
real threats left in my mailbox
I could hear the retard southern drawl he wrote it in.
The Day of the Rope is coming, libtards.
I've met 3 people with named Bruce in my life. All had the name from birth .
All were fudge packers.
Tl;Dr we 100% live in a simuation
Fake, it's a short leftist meme. A true threat would just be FUKC U
Why are people like this? When I was a kid people just had their signs out and didn’t bother each other. Why can’t I wear a trump shirt without getting harassed? It’s just an election.
Swift and to the point. Concise.
Very nice, elegant.

Now lets see the redditors writing samples
People really do think that voting matters. That’s why they get mad.
>9mm pistol in my hand
Watch out for Mx. Tough Human Being here
50/50 chance of this being real
We don't call them demoncrats, it's demonrats and we're not going to put anyone in camps and force them to convert. That reads someone who watched handmaid's tale too much. Also there's no reason to get violent if Trump WINS that's retarded. Leftists can't even false flag correctly.
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Kek I don't know what's worse

The person who wrote this and posted it thinking people would buy it

Or the fact there's people dumb enough out there that are 100% definitely buying it, and are angry about it

Oh and the redneck boomers who read it and go "hell yuh bRoThEr crankn hawgssss hellll yeah take that libb err uhlzz"
DJ Hitek will fuck you in the ass...fuck you in the ass...fuck you in the ass
>apreciating: 0
Omg you are still shilling this link wtf fuck off
>"TO the ?odofile at This address.
Thaks for putting at Joe biden signs cause now we know Where qll you ?edofile demoncmts I.VE. When TRUMP is put back in office we are coming for So you bether Have your bass Tacked cause TRUMP will sive you 9 chance to convert or you will 90 TO the camps! If you Replace These signs we will come and take more than Just the signs next Time


>get on the TRump train or we will Run you ovc'

>A conce'd citizon
While I am sure stuff like this happens on both sides, this one I do not believe.
>Republicans shill for Jews.
>Democrats carry out Jewish agenda.
Something is not right here.
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>Fake and bundle of sticks pilled
>it's a wall of text
we know who wrote it
A woman wrote this

Do women send death threats? Some do most don’t

83% probability it’s a fake written by the victim who tried to change her writting but failed to make it look masculine
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checked beyond belief
>I have the power of god and anime on my side!!’
Shlop shlop shlop shlop shlop
terrible handwriting
Checked and correct.
Written by the person who posted it.
I too thought it was a ? at first kek. Not to mention the green paper. I hope The Riddler has an alibi.
Couldn't screencap the guy that called him out?
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>Whachya doing neighbor?
milking cocks does not make you a dairy farmer
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And then everybody clapped.
This guy knows.
What ya doin rabbi?
You're the sort that would run over a Trump supporter putting up a Trump sign in his front yard with an ATV. Later you would confess to your crime and literally kill yourself.
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>This is not okay, full stop.
It is ok because it never happened. Your bullshit, needs to stop fully.
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>That's as real as the assassination attempt.
Looks more like an insurrection to me.
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Speak for yourself.
>a jew
>rebuking anyone
>in Jesus name
not how it works, moishe.
>a concord citizen
reminder: this thread is organic because bots can't read images (especially not this chicken scratch)
The method has already been well-established. Posting screenshots of what we're actually communicating while putting buzzwords in the actual post is a hilarious way to single out all the actual bots.
Was this written by a nigger??
Compare the handwriting from each letter
It might be the same guy
pentaquad master race
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Jessie Smollet: I am forgotten
You’re right, should have just killed them.
I saw this on Reddit. The guy had claimed that this was his sixth such message from different Trump supports in two years. His other posts were all about some guy coming up to him in a store to talk shit (nonpolitical, like cutting in line or something) and he totally kicked the guy's ass and then was able to be clear of charges because the other guy started it.

Least deranged leftist.
didn't read your faggotry OP

however I wanted to comment on how faggots like you have managed to keep anachronistic phrases like "full stop" alive long after the demise of telegraph usage. It's likely the case that you don't know what I mean, and that's okay. Maybe you're like a bird, with bird thoughts, and that's just the best you can do.
wow there gomez shut it down
Trump is the original brat
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Gay niggerfaggot rabbi false flag redditor btfo by pents of truth
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You can tell the leftist wrote it to himself because it's 4 paragraphs long.
Don't care, still voting Biden.
a true insurrection
I think it's quite okay.
This is fake and, full stop.
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You gottem mad there fren, keep it up.
Probably fake.

Anyone who spends any time on social media can see that most hate currently is from left wing people.

>muh threat to democracy
>don't miss next time!

The left is in shambles. Those people have been brainwashed
Is that the Juicy Smoolet nigger again?
kek, nice one leaf

Also a great time to remember how Kamala was involved w\ that, wasn't she?
I like how he crumpled it just incase it didn't look authentic enough lmao

I heard some faggot on tiktok claim that he knew someone who got attacked by "maga" people and they were chanting Trump.... these people are deranged.
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Gotta love it when the universe vindicates you.
lmfao at everyone on the right saying it's fake because "there aren't any retards on our side."
retards are everywhere.
>words words words
>lmfao at everyone on the right saying it's fake because "there aren't any retards on our side." retards are everywhere.
Who's saying that leaf? We're saying it's fake and gay because it's self evidently fake and gay.
>Le dumb Trumper can't even spell pedophile!!!
That's terrible, however I'm still ridin with Biden
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I can't tell if larp but sometimes my mind wanders to a future where the left and right are allowed to fully attack each other uninhibited. I am able to see it briefly in dreams. It is absolute hell on earth; murder, robbery, arson, rape and torture experienced daily. People one upping each other in the war crimes they commit to make good on the last atrocity and the vast majority do not get reported and manifest only as screams in the middle of the night. If I was a political outlier in my community I would not broadcast it, probably best to not have telegraph political leanings regardless. But good luck with your gay power fantasy responding to a hey rabbi what are you doing levels of hoax, when has an actual Trump supporter ever mentioned"camps"? It sounds like someone who doesn't know what fascism is trying project his fears onto an imaginary adversary. In no way could the actualization of political violence be an unending cycle beyond comprehension that leaves you at best rocking back and forth in a fugue state and at worst tortured to death by local police turned volunteer einsatzgruppen that did not take kindly to you peppering their friend with birdshot. So its probably best you over react in a way that could get you arrested or killed.
Good morning sir
redditor made the card
Lmfao ok tough guy shut the fuck up you wont do shit
I'll take "Notes that I Wrote Myself" for $500 Alex.
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Fake and gay
I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? She ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Oakland Kam’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.

When I got back to my city afterwards, which is in a very young, trendy, blue state. I could FEEL the excitement on the streets. I saw LGBTQIA+ folks cartwheeling and dancing in a dazzling multicolor/cultural display. I saw young women CEOs looking defiantly up into the high rise buildings with coy smirks on their face. I popped into my favorite local bar and saw they were doing a special beverage called Kan O' Kamala which was essentially whiskey and ginger beer in a can. Everyone in the bar was enjoying it.

Look, folks, the deal is that Kamala is the best choice to lead this country. Trump will lead us to an antipasto christo fracism terror world. I am glad we have a African Woman (maybe lgbtqia+ she hasn't said yet??) stepping into the white house for the first time in November. 'Blue, no matter who' has become 'Blue, I'm voting for a Woman, how bout you'. Anyway.
1. it happened
2. OP is still fake
watcha doin
Yes, all sides have retards but this reads directly like the fanfiction of someone terrified of project 2025, real Republicans aren't larping as nazi's. "Were going to kill you pal so you better pack your bags and get on the trump train before we send you to yallshwitz, also the thanks for putting an identifying sign on your yard but also we've removed this helpful sign so you better not try it again.
>3 supposed death threats
>from a concerned citizen
>green flashcard
Lol "Gay bashing" I remember that one.
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I bet it right it it self
Post milkers.
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>should I report this to police?
>no, Reddit will be sufficient
And that’s how you know it’s a hoax.
....oh brother.
It's weird because they call themselves pedes so you'd think they know how to spell that word.
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100% Jew wrote it himself.
hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

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