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You say it as a joke but it is the reality.
ISIS has a cool name and actually was winning for a while so it's way cooler
Considering both were the creation and puppets of jews, though, the bar is low.
You are going to attract the Redditors
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It's gay ISIS with a trillion dollar budget.
Pretty much the same thing exept gayer and gets more funding
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I dunno, I think this is pretty gay
Both ISIS and Ukraine are controlled by jews so ofc they act the same way. I only pity the normal Ukrainians.
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They are niggers and I hope they fuck off from Slovakia
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and now you know (((who))) supports them
also for now on instead of "isis" use "daesh", they hate that name fyi
literal normies are against nafo-trannies lmao

2 weeks ago i saw finnish nafo-add, and when i posted that ukrainians in ukraine don't like nafo-group they deleted my comment LMAO HOW FUCKING PATHETIC IS THAT?
Your fault for letting them in.
You really think they will return to their shithole ?
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cool, what do twitterfags have do do with your asshurt tho?
lmao you are the asshurt here, stupid tranny
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what the fuck are you talking about, retard?
lmao try harder, noone likes you KWAB
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what the fuck are you talking about, retard?
We had no choice
KWAB imagine my shock, noone is taking you seriously nafo-tranny
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what the fuck are you talking about, tranny?
>"n-n-no y-y-y-you"
lmao is this the best cia and nafo can do? XD
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what the fuck is that, tranny?
man you are pathetic XD tell us why should anyone take you seriously?
Fake country, stupid flag, not my problem.
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what the fuck are you talking about, tranny?
>runaway terrorist jew creation
Good question.
Idk why would anyone take a nafoid who saves trannies on his pc serious.
Then again nafo sisters are a hellspawn of different fetishes.
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I see the Mali incident completely buck broke poor ziglets.
There will be more. Never should have started this war.
>we will fight for afrikangz
Not amused hohol , please don't cry on 4chan when we (your anti-air defence) bomb yet another hospital.
cannot answer my question? imagine my shock XD btw your "working" is useless, you are not "grinding my gears", just the opposite :D i know how pathetic you people are therefore i don't have to worry about you KWAB
and even normies are turning against them :D
Both were created by the jews
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Don't care. Still I support Total Zigger Death
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>invade country
>country defends itself
>wtf this is terrorism
what country was invaded when Ukraine is a fake creation?

russia is successfully genociding the invaders in the conflict, there is no such thing as ukraine
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>imagine my shock XD btw your "working" is useless
what the fuck are you talking about, tranny?
>we arm and train isis from your money
kill yourself you fucking nigger
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>Ukraine is a fake creation
not according to Putin
again why should anyone take you seriously? you have this one last chance to change my mind about you people :D oh you can't? well i wasn't going to change my mind even if you were not braindead tranny xDD
>i'm being loser
Feel free to watch the Tucker Putin interview again

and again
and again

To find out what the Russian Command thinned of “”””Ukraine””” and it’s future as part of the Russian Empire (Federation)
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>XD :D
what the fuck are you talking about, tranny?
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>the tucker interview
the one where tucker walked away afterwards and said how fucking inane it was and everyone laughed at for a month?
yeah yeah we all know you are tranny :D we also know you are literally nothing, you don't even have original thoughts :D i'm enjoying watching your seething, so please continue :D
because tucker is lowIQ lmao imagine taking lowIQ's words for it XD man you are pathetic
I wish they were. we cannot really find out because Russians keep killing themselves in battle
exactly, the one where an interviewer got a history lesson about “”””Ukraine”””
the history lesson which has nothing to do with the reasoning for invading Ukraine?
the interview where retards like yourself were pissed because he didn't actually use any of your bullshit like NATO expansion so now you're forced to use this dumb talking point?
>switches proxy halfway trough the thread.
Remember when Ukraine was burning people alive in cages? Oh wait....
Remember ehen Ukrainians were raping women left and right and selling them as Sex slaves? Oh wait...
Remembe when Ukrainians were killing civilians en masse and causing mass Panik? Oh wait...

Funny that all of these apply to Isis some of them applies to Russia and none to Ukrainr :]
Wtf :DDur mentally ill xDDXD
Ur making me XDDcringe pls kys:) DDD
why the fuck would I be proxying/VPNing on my own flag, retard?
how's it feel to need to use GoodbyeDPI, faggot?
“Ukraine” is a fake construct, Russia cannot invade its own lands

It can however do a police operation of a special kind
and yet, there's no less than three treaties Russia signed that say otherwise
how's that for a history lesson, retard
>no i wuz not
Please nigga. Why you lie ?
>how's it feel to need to use GoodbyeDPI, faggot?
I don't that's the thing faggoid. Idk save more trannies on your pc, cuz hearing faggot from you is laughable.
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>thread created by slovak about hohols
>hohol internet task force arrived immediately to spam it's battle imagefolder about Russia
Every time.
They weren’t strong enough to re conquer lost lands

Now they are and the “treaties” where everyone pretended cuckraine is a legit country like Israel, are now being used as toilet paper
and yet, no one recognizes the annexations
too bad, faggot, so sad
We are ISIS because Putin is a jew.
americans be like
Russia needs to strike data centers and /pol/ would immediately become much cleaner and better.
Ukries don't need internet anyway
That will definitely stop Russia annexing big fucking pieces of land, some cuckboy summits where they don’t do da wreckonizing shiiiiet
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>6 gorillion burned hohols in cages.
>6 gorillion hohol raped women sold as sex slaves.
>6 gorillion killed civilians shaking in panik.
What else will we see comming from ukraine ?
Obligatory proofs btw.
Niggers have an unfortunate history of being enslaved by kikies.
Before and now they are a genetic weapon of kikies against humanity (not just whites, everyone)
it certainly won't stop them from throwing away hundreds of thousands of russians for 100 km of land, no
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ISIS has the support of the US State Department.
The Ukraine doesn't have that anymore.
HOW DARE YOU? Have you not heard about atrocities done by russians in Bucha, how they raped innocent infant with a spoon right in front of his parents. Brave ukrainians told me so! They cannot lie.
You forgot the kids, brat.
>6 gorillion kids were killed by ruZZian missiles

Apparently AIM-120 is Made in Russia
>hearing faggot from you
nigger, your "masculine army" raped a fat old american and shot him despite the fact that he was mentally ill like you
you are faggots, mentally ill faggots, on the same level as trannies
Isn't ukies shelled themselves and then posted photoshopped sat-images
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>we will fight for afrikangz
You just quoted Zakharova, lol
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>from your money
>Vatnik instantly rages
Why you switched the router, 4jaGa9PL-Taras-kun?
>chink doesn't know what shelling damage looks like
is it because your eyes are constantly squinting?
Ye, hohol, about that

How it feels to get scammed by West again? You have only one choice now: Surrender. Call Volga
No, because I'm keep fucking your country economy

And yet it's you who saves trannies on his hard drive to own ruzzia online.
Also please don't talk about faggots with this flag. Again it's laughable. Your mental gymnastics are unbeatable.

And you came into thread sperging about hohols helping niggers to kill ruzzians.

>no hroofs
it's over.
nah, I think it's because you have chinky eyes and can never see out of them
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Hohols shat in your pants btw, пpoвepяй
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>The Ukraine is winning *shuffles deck*
>in Africa
He, нy ты, кoнeчнo coвceм тyгoдyм, хoхoл
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It's good that you keep the ability to even when your country is falling apart.
>1 post by this ID
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Mykolas seething in the thread under different flags is pretty kek
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A чo, внeзaпнo?
Знaй, хoхoл, чтo вepoятнocть тoгo, чтo тeбя yбьeт ФПB, чтo я oтпpaвил в Poccию мaлa, нo нe paвнo нyлю.
nah, it's 6 am here
sorry to disappoint your schizophrenia, mednigger
I expect Russians to be mentally ill, so I really don't bother to reply to their delusions
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new high def seething
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Learned chinese yet? Holy shit this is just pathetic
But please, by all means continue with your пoнты
Notice how he instantly started gore spamming the thread.
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Correct, im posting dead russian invaders KEKAROOO
Yeah he’s having a meltdown. But you’re also an equal slavfaggot
Пoнты пoнтaми, нo вac вce мeньшe.
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>high def
Oh, noice, i only had this one which is a little worse quality
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It's to prove what OP was wrong, how you do not understand?
don't overmelt him.
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>Zelensky is one of Soros's sons
Post more I love to see Mykola have a complete meltodown ITT. He’s about to cry. It’s entertaining
as if you don't have literal execution videos of POWs, right, but I'm sure you conveniently forgot the castration and beheading, right snownigger?
Ukies are universally hated everywhere, wait till he will realize that. Then he will end up like a tranny

You will never be a nation. Just like trannies will never be a woman.
You are equal to each other
Why are hohol supporters, not even hohols, so insufferable and spastic? They all act like hysterical trannies in every thread its fucking insane. I was pretty neutral on this war until I saw how these faggots gorespam and their gay ass NAFO avatars. Next time one of these freaks delivers my uber eats they arent getting a tip
>shitskinned jeet acts like he isn't the one delivering uber jeets, but with e-coli
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Hey Ivan, member how your official fucking federal TV made made every single russian m*le a cuck to your chinese overlords? So i wasnt joking about learning chinese, you better get to it instead of posting on mongolian throat singing forums, otherwise how the hell will you be able to understand if the chinese client wants to fuck your suster in the ass or in the pussy
Sorry, hohol, I'm already fucking my Chinese wife.

Why so butthurt, piggie?
>Remember when Ukraine was burning people alive
They literally did in Odessa
>Ukrainians selling them as sex slaves
Ukraine's main export are their women and children for pedophiles.
>Ukrainians were killing civilians en masse and causing mass Panik?
They did that in 2013 onwards before muh Russia.
So basically some slavnigger iteration of ISIS. Russia is absolutely justified in removing that tumor once they started threatening places like Crimea.
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What now
Because cuckrainian far left is pushing the narrative at the moment. Most of far rights are dead in trenches while all far left does is flood EU with immingrants and post angrily on twitter. They seized means of communication just like during the times of Soviet revolution. And all of the sudden you see all these trannies supporting Ukraine because for them it’s a part of a global marxist project ideology. Even tho just as mudslims ukrainians would rope those trannies.
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